The Brussels Post, 1902-10-30, Page 5OCT. ,30, 1002
1'0 13R% SR'KLS 2QST
£V.L pont, F,H, 0OOTT, Rrueeoto,
�11, MaORAOKEN,--•
a IMMO): of Marriage Lioonoos, OG
o at Grocery, Tm•nbovey otroot, Brussels,
Issuer MarriageLicenses,
ss r o f S, Its s,
3=2,770S9T,S. CZT'x'.
Omoo over B:urslev's Drug Store,
Fob, 0111, MN, 80.1m Bru0sela.
Wellington Mutual,
Fire insurance Co.,
' Ineuranoe taken ou the oath and premium'
note system at current rates, 13efore iaeur-.
ing elsewhere call on the undersigned Agent
. of the Company.,
L. -0. M,,
Academie graduate of London Coneerve-
b Associated
of 00 of Ontario,
Member sit e
to receive
itoneuO rot in
Mae o a prepared instruction
a limited pumburate to
00 I
on the ncipa, s Formed 11 prepare pupils for
the Principal's form in the Conservatory of
• Brussels, Ontario.
• ann, will sell for better prices, to
better men; in lose time a.nd• 1085 charges
/than any other Auctioneer in Eaet''Hurou or
Jean alwacharge
s beg arranged at Dates
°Moe and or by
personal application.
d • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Collage, to prepared to treat all die -
eases of domesticated animals In a compet-
entmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry, Calls promptly at.
Noxth of to.
Tarnberry et., Brussels.doors
• Barrister, Solicitor, I0000000neer,
Notary Pgblie, &o. Ocoee -Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for tbo Standard Bank.
• solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates,
31. D., O. lir„
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member Collage of Physicians and
Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Thy/del/ins and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. 1a -Telephone No.14.
Residence -Mill street, Brussels. -
Graduate of lthe Royal college of Mittel
Burgeons of Ontario and Firrt•ciass Honor
Graduate of Tobonto University.. Oiilee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
Thoro'-bred Short Horn,. registered
ppedigree. Terme 76o, !with privilege of re-
turning if necessary, GED. ROBB
18- - Brussels South.
Fall Term in.the
Begins Sept. I, 1902
Students may enter at any time. Torme
reasonable, Two a000000 -commercial and
Shorthand. Send for Journal,
0. A. F LEMING, " A. L. McINTY1t.E,
President, Secretary,
Bititi l► Colluiubia,
lied Cedar • Shingles
'Pine and 'Cedar.
Brussels Planing dills
Alco Doors and Saeh of all Pat
terns en band or made to order
at:Short Notioe.
Estimates Farniehed for all
kinds of Bandinge. Workman -
Ship and ,Material Guaranteed,
Attend the Bost -It Pays
Reoontgraduatoehave a000ptedgood
at and leoounaae0e5aappoer
1anwut edooffvwd0orlsgopopp0ilour
geeduatoo of lust loam a salary of 0500
par annum, This le the kind .oi avid-
, Onee you are looking for as to the beet
0011001 to attend. Catalogue fres. En•
for this month•If possible, -
W,J. I'1LLtO'PT, Priosip al, 3
Misixird geb3s..
Gorrio. ;
• Wm. Stinson received two carloads of
etooksrs from Parkdale,
J, Bricker, the popular teacher of
Gough'e eobool, hoe been re engaged at
an advaooed salary.
Mee. T, R, Gilpin, of Orillfa, ,pent the
holidays at the home of her parents, Ed,
and Dire. James.
The apple Drop in this section is being
gathered. Winter apples are turning out
better hen was expected, and they are
excellent in quality.
We are eorry to report that JohnVittie,
brother of T. Vittie, of our town, is at
proeent in a hospital in Chicago suffering
from a armor in hie face,' and also that
all hopee of recovery are now past.'
Rolia,eight year old eon of T. Nash,
formerly proprietor of the Vidette; had
the misfortune to have the little linger of
his left hand ao badly crashed • between
the clogsg of a tannic mill that it was
necessary to have it amputated.
_EA estow<di
Ed. Stuart left for Oshawa,,where he
has eeoured a good [situation.
Thos. Mattenley bad the misfortune to
fall from an apple tree injuring his head
and chest.
Fred. Carthew, assistant teller ip the
Bank of Hamilton here, has been pro,
Meted to the head office of the bank at
Geo. Zillisx jr„ who'redently sold his.
hardware business iu town to 13. Gerry,
purposes going to Winnipeg shortly and
will represent an eastern firm as traveller.
The Piano factory Is running over -time
and from now on the full staff of em
ployeee will put in an extra two and half
hours every working day up toChriettriae.
The oontreot for the new addition to
the Furniture factory, whish will be a
three story, building, 76x60 feet, has been
let. Kritzer Kros. will do the atone and
brick work, and Bamford Bros. the
carpenter work. The building ie already
commenced and will be imbed along
until completed.
The Listowel Gas Co. bas raised the
price of gas for illuminating purposes,
whereat a number of consumers are kiok•
ing and talk of putting in ooal oil lamps.
The price hereafter will be $2 50 per
thousand feet, without discount,_ and
meter rent extra, an additional ten'
per cent. if not paid promptly.
Extensive improvements are about to
be merle id the store ocoupied•hy Gray,
Bernie & Co.- J. W. Scott, the owner of
the building, is having a mew steel and
plate glass front pat in. The doable
doors will be changed to a single oak door
with plate glass panel. This will give
larger window epees and improve the
lighting of the interior. Colored tram
soros will also be introduced. Gray,
Bernie ds Co. are putting in a complete
system of cash carriers.
Gro(ta rials.
Goderioh now hae a horse hospital: with
an attachment for dogs.
W. R Robertson has been appointed
to the vacancy on the Weet Huron
cense board paused by the death of the
late Samuel Sloane.
Hard coal may be obtained et $10.00
per ton and at present there is no scarcity.
Hard wood fa sold anywhere between 54
and 56, and one dealer sells it by weight
Out and eplit) at $4 00 per ton.
The West Huron•lioense board met and
transferred the following lieensea : Geo.
Buxton. to Alex. Robinson, Goderioh ;
Alex. Robinson to W. J. MOBrian, Auburn;
James Macdonald to Neil Macdonald,
Kintail •
P. Farr's mare "Celia B" bae won
,first prize at every Fall Fair that it was
exhibited at in the aonuty except Gode-
rioh, where it was given 2od, bat it took
flret,at Dengannoo,Lnoknow, Blylb, Sea -
forth, and at Bayfield it took let and the
sweepetakea. ,
County Crown Attorney Lewis, in hie
returns of oriminal oases in the ooanty
of Hnroo for the twelve menthe ending
Sept. 30th, 1902, report° twelve oases in
the County Judge's Criminal Court, re-
sulting in eight convictions and four
acquittals. There was no Sermons work.
This to a pretty good record for a large
and populous county like Huron.
Tuesday night of last week, shortly
before 12 90, the fire alarm Dulled atten-
tion to a blaze in the old drill shed on
Nelson street, occupied by Beck & Gold-
thorpe as an apple evaporating establish•
mem. The old frame structure was soon
enveloped in flames and was totally des
troyed, toueth• r with the eonbeute. The
St, Patrick's ward eohool, the adjoining
building, alsotook fire, and for some
reason not very evident the brigade was
unable to save it from almost oomplete
destruotioi,. The pepile enjoyed a holt
day Wedeeedsy. There ie 51,100
inearane0 eft the drill,shed stud contents
and 51,000 on the silhool building. Beck
& Goldthorpe's lose above the insurance
ie 51,500,
An adjourned meeting of the fall Fair
board was held in the Grand Jury, Tues.
day evening 21st.inst., with an attendance
'of 16 out of the 25 composing the joint
board. The business was receiving the
livancial statements, passing aaoounte
and arranging to wind up the year's bud -
nese. The total rooeipto from alt soarers
were .$1498,75, and the 'expenditaree,in.
eluding a note of 5200 dieoounted to clear
off the orrearoges of last year, and pay-
ing the prize list in fall, which this year
nggregatee something over 5900 -will foot
up Moat. 51804;30, leaving a defloit of
5365. Tbie, in addition to a note of 5700
the diraatore have been carrying for some
years, is not a eatisfaotory state of affairs.
The number of exhibitors this year was
somewhat emallor than the average, but
bad the weather been otherwise than it
was -two of the most unpleasant days of
this Most iirlpleaeant Deacon -the gate
receipts would et leasthave kept the
Wahl oven, Weather, of poure0, 1e one
of the laoters beyond human control, but
iG moot be eatd that bile yeera are few
when the fl, N. W, hue had either two. or
lira des
three Ptifseat9ryWeather. A. re.
eolutioti adopted .last year empowered the
board to pee off 11500 of ito indebtedness
OM year, irreepeotive of the price list, but
they are upwllling to ovary out what
would, under the oiroumstatloee, be a auk
of from 80 to 40 per mint. After dleouee•
(pg the situation, the Preoidppt, Dr. Clark
and Mr. Marney, with the treasurer and
eemretary, were appointed a committee 10
ooueidor the situation and Any remedy
poeaible, and submit a report.
I Lelneeall,
Albert Whiteside bits purohasod 0,
Hawk'p residence on Oxford et, for the
nam of 5450,
Mise Addie Bell has passed the exam-
inations of the Toronto Cpnseryabory of
Mesio moat enooeeefuliy.
Rev. Mr, McKenzie, returned, mission
ary from Hopan, China, was the guest of
Rev. and Mrs, Henderson,
M•r. Cudmoro states that owing to the
excessive rains during bay harvest • =oh
of the hay throughout the country in unfit
for pressing.
A Bale of ponise brought from the
runotsas of the' West • was held at the
weigh armies yard when about 17 were
disposed of at prices ranging from 517 to
537. '
The New England crupper held in the
basement of the Methodiet ahurob on the
evening of Thanksgiving Day was quite a
suooeeo, There was a good attendance
and the pork and beans -and pumpkin
pies disappeared as if by magic.
The half yearly meeting of the deanery
ohapter, of Huron, : was held here on
Thursday, 16th inst. The oiergy present
were Revd's Rural Dean Hodgins, of Sea -
forth; Lowe, ham • Ed of in
W monde of
Blyth ; Jennings,
of Bayfieldfield •Ton
of Exeter • Doherty, of Hensel! •Webb
of Broesels ; Wright,- of Clinton,
Messrs.Welker, Hawkins, Soott, Fox and
Counter, obarob wardens. The meeting
opened at 11 o'olook a. m., with the Rural
Dean in the ohairand Rev. E 0. Jennings
RS Secretary. The Chapter continued in
session until after 4 o'clock, and a large
amount of bneinees affecting the church's.
work was discussed and disposed of. It
was resolved to hold meetinge at more
frequentidtervale in every pariah for the
development of missionary zeal and for
promotion of more active cbristiaa work.
The Rural Dean, Revd's Lowe and
Tenyeok and Meyers Scott and Foi were
appointed 00 au amassment committee.
The clergy were entertained to dinner at
the rectory and a most pleasant and
profitable time was afterwards spent.
The next meeting will be hold at Blyth.
• Fordwich.
Amos and Mrs. Bricker, of Rosedale,
Waterloo Co., were visiting at Jacob
Bricker's and with other friends.
The Springbank Batter Company ship.
ed from this station on Wednesday of last
week 5,000 pounds of butter to London,
A. D. Young returned home from New
Ontario on Monday of last week after
spending a few weeks there. He is well
pleased with that part of Canada.
Alex, T: Young, who accompanied the
remains of the late Richard Collins to
Fordwich, Telt for hie home in Morden,
Mao,, on Wednesday. Mr. Young tie an
old reeident of Howiok, bevies left this
township for Manitoba 25 years ago last
May, and hae never been here since that
time. •
The Foresters will open their new hall
on Thursday evening, Nov. 14th, by a
grand concert. The committee have
secured the followiog talent 1-,T. H.
Cameron, comic entertainer and elomn•
tiooiet, of Toronto ; Mies Chisholm,
soprano, of Wingbaw ; and E. Gartnng,
Superintendent of Organization, 0.0. F.,
It is our sad duty to reoord the Budden
death of Riohard Collins, which took
place in Morden, Manitoba, on Ootober
2nd, hie remains being brought home and
Laid in the Pordwioh cemetery, Deceased
watt raised and lived on nori, 0, Tiawiolt,
tiff 090010 22 yattre ago, when he wont to
Manitoba,' Tits health falling ePme yoare
ago he went to Vancouver and other
distant parte, lwc yaw ago he visited
his home in 8owink, it being always
pleasure for him to come home to meet
his Mende and aequaintanoee. Ho was
highly respected by all who knew him
end whom everyone ptlt contldenee in,
beinghouest and upright to alibis doings,
Ile wee a•Obristian and aria who loved
hie Lord and hlaster,and "Tbvagh he bo
dead yet be Reath." He was mush loved
and Medalled by hie own, who eougbt his
conned in all things. He was a member
of the Church of England, and the funeral
was aouipoted ley Rev, Mr, Hall resisted
by Rev, Mr. Softley. The eermop wee
preached from the 20 h chapter of Revel.
anon, 6th and 8th verses. The funeral
from hie brother Hugh's residence, on
Oct, 8th, was largely attended, showing
the reapeot in which he wss held. His
remains were laid by the side of hie
mother who had gone hence some seven
years ago, He leaves to mourn hie de•
mise three sietore and three brothers
Chriotopber and Hugh, of Howiok ; John,
of Manitoba ; NTiss 01 J. Collins, Mre.
John Dougtits and Mrs, S, Hyndman, all
of Howiok;
W l n `i, a n►.
The new dry kiln at the chair factory
has been noupleted,
G. T. R workmen have put in a new
boiler in the water tank engine house.
The martens are busy building the brick.
work for 'Win. Armour's sold storage
building on E'iward street,
A "eerie; of revival meetings are being
held in the Wineham Methodist church,.
under the direction of the pastor, Rev. R.
Dudley Holmes, barrister, bas moved
his family 'to to,vn from Goderioh avid
will 00043,W. P '� art of. A.t ebeter's reef-
dame for the Winter.
F. Hogg, who met with au accident at
A. young & Sons store some weeks ago,
was taken to the hospital at London on
Monday morning.. of last week. Mr.
Haggis many friends will hope that be
may return home in a few weeks folly
A new set of eleotrio fight. poles are
being put in position on Josephine street.
The new poles will be mush higher; than
the °nee now in.use.`.5 ton of new wire
has been ordered and the poles from the
power home and on the streets will be
wired with new wire, which will be much
heavier than that now in ase. The Elea.
trio Light Co. have had their engine and
boiler house fitted rip and new cement
doors have been laid. A new engine will
be put in position in a few week.
Mrs. Jabez Walker is rapidly recovering
from her reoenl serious iilneeee.
A courtfor the revision of the Blyth
voters' list was held in Industry hall o0
P. H- Murray, who was engineer at
the Blyth flour mills for the past nine
months, has purcbaeed the American
hotel in Brumfield.
W. A. MacKinnon, ohief of the fruit
inspectors for the Dominion, writes from
England that the shipments of Canadian
apples thio year have been of poor quality.
Samuel Crawford, who has been in the
employ of J.'T. Carter for the past four
yeare, left on Monday morning of last
week for Embro, where helms ;soured a
situation in a harness ebop.
A very pretty but quiet wedding took
place at the residence of John Nivius,
Westmoreland street, Blyth, on October
8tb, when the eldest daaghter,Lizzie, was
united in the holy bonds of matrimony
to W. Cunningham, a prosperous young
farmer of Morrie. The interesting Dere.
many was performed by Rev. John
Holmes, pastor of the Blyth Methodist
ohuroh, in the presence of only the im-
mediate friends of the contracting parties.
The bride was becomingly dressed in blue
ladies' °loth and satin. Mr. and Mrs.
Cunningham left the next day for their
beautiful home on the 7th line of Morrie.
The bride received many valuable and
Stanfield's Unshrinkabie
$2.00 $2.50, $3.00 per Suit
See These Goods Before Buying.
Our Fall Millinery Opening has been one of the
most successful in our experience.
We have a .full stock of New Goods and our prices
are the Lowest for the Best quality of goods.
We wish to thank the Ladies -of Brussels and sur-
rounding country for their patronage and assure them
that all orders will receive our most careful attention.
Order Your Thanksgiving Hat Barly.
Ail kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
band from 510 up,
British Columbia, home out lthingiss
and Letts kept on hand.
A good farm on lath son. of Grey for
A quantity of green cedar posts for
Dale ou Lot 7, Gen. 4, Grey.
useful presents, whish teetifiee to the
eeteeln in which the young couple are
held, Their many friends will unite with
ue in wiehing them much bappineoe
throughout their married life.
Senior Cis.
The Methodist ohoir wfij furnish musio.
for an entertainment to be held in the
Kippen Methodiet obnrob, Nov. 10th,
S. A. Diatom], B. A„ Barrister, eto.,
left onThpreday afternoon for Red Deer,
N. W. T., where he will begin the pram.
Um of law.
Mrs, E. Latimer met with is severe
aooident Thanksgiving Day, She was
pinking apples and fell out of the tree
receiving a severe shaking up.
George Hudson has bought Mrs. Hone.
ton'd property in E;mondville, The prise
paid was 5550. This is a comfortable
house and an acre of property.
Sim fives
the following report •- meeting At a meem of
the Connell on Tuesday afternoon a mom. •
munioation was received from John Diok,
of Toronto, to the effect that he would
bay and operate the woollen mills here
if the town would grant him, a loan of
$10;600 for twenty years without interest,
the loan to be repaid in annual inetal-
menta. Mr. Dick also agreed to give his
pereonal bond for $5,000 for five years to
guarantee the complete oarrying oat of
the contract and be or hie company would
give a mortgage on the building and
machinery to secure the amount. Ho
also agrees to expend 512,000 additional
before receiving the loan and 10 employ
at least fifty Muds the year round. The
Connell deoided to draw np an agreement
embodying these provieioae and submit a
Bylaw to the property owners. Linder
the law as amended it is not oeoeeeary to
secure the consent of the legislature to
the loan, so that the matter can be push-
ed through in a few weeks. In the even.
ing a meeting -of the Board of Trade was
called to eoueider the proposition. The
matter was explained by Counoillor Best
and Mr. Dick addreseed the meeting set.
ting -out his experience in woollen manu-
facturing and his plana for oarryiug on
the bneinese in Seaforth, Mr. Dick said
he went into the industry in 1885 in Tor-
onto, his business there outgrowiog his
a000mmodations he went toi0obonrg. His
contract required the employment of 75
hands but he is really employing 200
betide and required more capacity. If be
starts here a department of the business,
viz., the woollen mannfaoturiog will be
done here under the Superintendence of
• W. K. VaoEgmond and under the buei•
nese management of hie firm. Mr. Diok
showed his sincerity by agreeing to de.
posit 5500 to be forfeited provided the
Bylaw oarried and he did not (tarry oat
his agreement. Short expreeoious of ap.
prove! were made by several present.
James Beattie suggested that Mr. Dick
extend his personal guarantee to ten
years instead of five, and to this he agreed,
It was agreed to request the Mayor to Gall
a public meeting for Wednesday night to
lay the proposition before the eleotore.
Mr. Diok consented to remain over and
attend the meeting. On Wednesday ev-
eoiog in spite of the severe rain there
were quite a number of people turned out
to hear the diuoaeeion of the proposed
loan to John Dials. After remarks by M.
Y. McLean, D. D. Wilson, B. B. Gunn,
Jae, Beattie, Jae. Munroe, J. M. Beet and
others, a resolution was permed endoreiog
the By law. We regard this as the moot
husioeee-like and advantageous prapooi.
tion yet made to the town for carrying
on this mill. Mr. Diok is a man whose
livanoial standing and business ability
are both excellent. His offer to give his
pereonal bondlor 10 years in addition to
a mortgage on the plant, ebowe his sin.
eerily, At any rate Mr. Dick seems a
likely man to make it po. Hie busineasis
already well established and all his plana
for operation here are made. If the by-
law oarries be will start at once on the
improvemente whish will make the mill
here as well as any in Canada.
DXc1 i11op.
Jackson Stitt is expeoted home from
the Northwest this week.
Henry Stimore had n bee hauling
pressed be.y to Dublin station.
Mies Godkin, who has been ill for a
length of time, is not improving.
A Borman has two hay presses' at work
and will handlea large quantity of hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Drager have been on a
visit to Detroit where two sone and a
daughter reside.
Quite a number have not got their
potatoes taken up yet. There aro quite
a few rotten ones.
The service last Sabbath morning at
Bethel obnrob was token by W, H, Kerr,
of Tni BnuMS=L= POST.
Noble Forbes has been bothered of late
with a somewhat disabled lag but we hope
be will soon be all right.
Conrad Bolted hos had hie barn en-
Inrged as well as many other improve-
ments made on his place lately.
Some fellows near Clark's Corners at
the North boundary of McKillop say they
ewe three boare one day recently.
Meagre. Bicknell and Barwick are buoy
cutting cordwood for the former and have
their shanty built in the midst of the
forest. -
Tbo Coroner's jury ab Parkhill found
that Thomas O'Ronrke'e death bad re
salted from natural acuses.
TNTn getltlemnll nY lady in oaeb e04n•
ty to menage business for an old establish-
ed house of solid Anaucial, standing. A
straight, bona Ado weeklycash salary of
.$18.00 paid by °hook each Wednesday with
all expensed direct from headquarters.
Money advauoed, for expenses, Manager,
1140 Claxton Bldg., Ohloatio,
Tble week we base received eeveral eases of. New Seasonable
Goode, Which were bought below regular priose for spot cash, They are
°paned 001 and ready for inepootion. Below we quote a few priose to give
you an idea of the values we are offering :-
A imolai line of Ladies' Waterproof Coate, in black and colors,
Dome have yokes and velvet colors, others have stitched °oiler and no yoke,
length 54, 55, 58 alai 60 inches, regular prima are 55,50 to 54, but you eau
take your Molise of the lob for 53, , - Another lot of thoeo heavy Wool
Fleeced Melee Shirts and Drawers, bought below regular prime and we
are gelling the 60e line for 45e. . • Ladies' Caperioes, in eleotrio seal,
high storm °oiler, satin lined, long front, 6 tails, good value at 56, our special
prime $4 50. . Ladies' Caperineo, in eleotrio seal mod Russian sable
combination, long front, high collar, 6 toils, great value at 58, , . Also
a large assortment of °eporinss, in different oombinatione, the very latest
Myles, at 57 50, 58, $9, $1D, $12 and 515. Ladies' Fur Ruffs, in all
the new shapes and different kinds of for, at 750, 51, $1.50, 52.25, 53, $4.60,
56, 58 and 510, , . Ladies' Astrnohan Jackets, in all eizee and lengths, mi
all guaranteed perfect, at 520, 525, $30, 535 and 540. . . Men's Fur lib)
Coate in great variety at low prices.
r x
GL 1�1 1 RRRmmmppp
x Our Fall and IS the most complete we have
dam' ever shown. We offer all the
Winter Stock latest Novelties in
O- M r,
• 0 ca
can =3 az
Our Ready-to-wear Hat Department is one of the leading
features of our business and contains every desirable
style in the greatest variety of Trimmings and at prices
that defy competition.
The Misses Habkirk
(a OI.
�\,f� !
Just arrived -One car load of PENNOLINE and SILVER
LIGHT AMERICAN OIL at 20c and 25c per gallon. Try our
Pennoline at 25c per gallon and you will buy it again.
Apples will be bought on and after
September 26th at theme
Apples may be shaken off the trees, Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be
M A L .seri R BROS.