The Brussels Post, 1902-10-23, Page 8Ta11T FI IItc(i AD is r0iiT
IT .l
IT 1
PRICE 24% C re. eon Berms
Trains leave Brneeele Station, North
and South, oat lollowa :
Goma8onTn Goma Goamn,.
Mall 708 infixed MOO a,m
stied 1000 s.mMail ....•1:17 p.m
laxpreae 8x00 p.m I Express-- 8;17 p.m
Ted Rao Items.
A ohiel'e amang ye talk ' notes,
An' faith he'll preny i:.
1NDIAN Summer.
THE POST gives the news.
18r888ET your grain at Brussels.
Team are often late these days.
Taxa a look at the addreee label.
AtoTION sales are nnmeraue and prima
THE thunder and lightning is indicative
of colder weather, so the weather wise
TER King'a Birthday will not be ob.
served as a holiday as the 24th of May
will be kept instead.
Woon is a aoaroe article in town but
octal will be here ebortly and will help
people out of their difficulty and fetch
down the prioe of wood.
A eon wae born to Jno. and Mrs. Bal-
lantyne, Church street, on Wednesday of
last week but we are sorry to state the
babe died early Saturday morning.
Tao result of the Judge's Voters' List
Court in Brussels was that the Liberals
added 6 names and struck off 16. W. M.
Sinclair attended both Brneeele and
Ethel Courts.
Tan management of the Baae Ball
Club requests all pereone having suite and
Brookings belonging to the Olnb to band
them in to Downing Bros. store, at 000e.
Dr. R. P. Feild, manager.
L. O. L.—A special meeting of Bras -
/tele Orange Lodge, No.774, will be held
tbe Lodge room on Thursday evening
of next week, at 8 o'olook, wben Organ•
iter Doff is expected to be present. A
large attendanoe of the members asked
OAao or Tze eon,—In behalf of myself
and family I beg leave to record my sin-
cere thanks to the Grand Lodge of the
A. 0. U. W., and the looal Lodge at Brae.
eels for the prompt payment of the $2000
Beneficiary held by my late husband.
Wishing the Order great success. Yours
Thankfully. Mane. A. HUNTER, Braeeels.
2.07d.—The Chicago Horseman of Oct.
15, in speaking of Kavalli says :"He
is one of the finest looking stallions that
has appeared on the turf for 1902, In
hie rape at Lexington, Bentnaky, on Oot.
8, he took a record of 2.07. That makes
him the ohampion fonr•year-old stallion
for 1902," The above borne le a fall
brother to the stallion Kaplan, owned by
Scott & Warwiok, of Brussels.
ENTcRTAINEanT.—Mondey evening a
gond audience assembled in the Town
Hall to take in the program of moving
picture, illustrated enge, phohograph
selections, &o. In additiou to these Mine
Jean MoLanohlin and H. L. Jackson
gave /leveret instrumental duetts ; Jae.
Jooee sang twa Bolos ; and MacVin-
cent, a bumoro0d vocalist, 000tribated
several abaracter songs. W. E. Kerr
was the uhairman. The proceeds amount-
ed to about $44 00, which was abated in
by the R. C. congregation of Brneeele.
G. T. R. SnIronNTs.—The following are
the shipments made at the. G. T. R. dar-
ing the peat week ;-5 ears of salt ; 1 oar
of eggs and 100 tuba of butter by R Thom•
eon ; 1 ear hogs by W. F. Vanatone ; Alf.
Beaker, oar hay, oar barley, oar wheat, 2
oars of oats ; R. Graham, oar of barley
and 2 oars of oats ; P. Hogg, oar flax seed ;
J. Montgomery, oar &trap iron ; A. 0.
Damen, oar cattle, oar lambs and oar
hogs ; J. Grainger, oar cattle ; W. H.
McCracken, car potatoee. The Salt
Works •reoeived 3 Care coal.
MATRIMONIAL.—By notice elsewhere it
will be observed that Miee Clara A.
Meadows, daughter of Mre. Jno. Meadows,
John °treat, Brunets, wae united is
marriage to Vincent Bt. John, of Tellu-
ride, Oolorado. The ceremony wan per.
formed on Oat. 8th by the English
chord] clergyman. Mr. 81. John is the
President of the Telluride Miners' Union.
The old friends of the bride in thin looal-
ity will be a unit in extending congratna
labione to her and her husband and
wishing them many years of prosperity
and happiness.
Soarim,—An interesting and enjoyable
time was spent by a large oompaoy of
young people, with a good sprinkling of
older folk, at the Epworth League Social,
held on the evening of 'Thanksgiving Day
to the eohool room of the Methodist
Obureh. H. L. Jackson occupied the
obair, and the program, a very good one;
was as follows,•—Opening hymn ; prayer 1
Chairman's addreee ; essay on Thanks.
giviug, Mies Josie Baobanan; polo, Mise
Vinie Edwards;report of DIetriob Con.
vention, W. H. Salter ; violin and organ
duet, H. L. and Mre, Jackson ; quartette,
Messrs. Sharp, Cardiff, Smith and Jam.
i08on ;. refreehmente ; reacting, Mies Min•
me MoNaughton • solo, Mr. Avieon ; 6201.
tation, Miee Retell Maunders ; violin and
ran doe! 11. L. and Mrs. Jae eon
�og , k
eloping hymn. The aolleatlou taken
totalled over $8 00 Whiah will bo devoted
to League purposes.
Ton evening train on Wednesday did
not arrive until after 10 o'olook.
TEE Foot Ball boyo have fitted up a
el us, room in the Graham block. They
have electric light, &a.
S. B1eaTToE hue leased Bt. John's rata
tory for a year and will move bis family
there. It in a very comfortable home
but Rector Webb doee_notrequire it lhie
IT i8 stated that the Misses Halliday
have :purchased the tine brink residence,
Albert street, owned by their brother,
John Halliday, of London, formerly of
DoN'T forget the pale of a oar load of
milah cows at the Central Hotel on Sat.
ardayaftereoon at 2 o'clock. M. G. Clear
is the proprietor and F. 8. Scott the
J. L. LLOYD,. who had . a big sidewalk
oontraot. in Braeeels a few years ago, bite
been awarded a big oement contract in
Walkerton for next Spring. He does
good work.
AvoxIon Bale 0f house and lot, Albert
street, on Saturday afternoon of next
week, at 2 o'olook. Sale will take plane
at the Central Hotel, the hammer being
wielded by F. 0. Scott.
Ronan OLIVER, writing from Higb
Bluff, Man., says that wheat is turning
out an high as 49 baehele to the more and
oats 95 baehele. Mr. Oliver will be re•
turning to this looality shortly.
Gins 01,103.—The annual rifle matches
in oonneotion with Braeeels Gun Club
will commence next Monday at 8 a. m.
and will be continued from day to day
until the different oompetitione are.
BEE the sheet music on Bale at TEE
PonT Bookstore, pabliehed by the Can-
adian Music Distributing Station, Tor-
onto. Aoy sheet for the small Sam of
10 cents a dopy. Catalogues of the latest
and beet mueio.
Tse comfortable reeidenoe of W. A.
Orioh, Mill street, Brussels, has been
sold to John Coates, 13th eon. Grey, for
the sum ot $650. Mr. Orioh retains
poaeenaion until next Spring, as Mr.
Coates, who has sold hie farm, will not
be leaving till then.
FARtaEne' INeTITDTE.—A meeting of the
Directors of the East Huron Farmers'
Institute will be bald in the Oonoil
Obomber Braeeels, 00Tnesday 28th inst.,
at, 1.30 p. m. The business is to make
arrangements for the forthcoming meet-
ing meetings of the Institute. Geo. Hood
ie the Secretary.
‚Inc Harrieton Tribune of last week
says :—Arrangements have been made to
resume operations at the Harrieton Pork
Packing House, but they are delayed for
want of coal. If that neoeeeary can be
procured, the machinery will be hum-
ming next week. Telegrams from the
source of supply say that no coal can be
eold for immediate delivery end that
prioee have advanced another $2 00 per
tan and are likely to go even higher.
The Packing Company bave engaged
E. J. Dreamer, of Stunffville, as manager,
who is a thoroughly praotioal man, and
Harry Bible, of Palmerston, ae parer.
Mr. Strachan will again have oharge of
the lard.
Soma BERM—This week Mr. Lucas, of
Bt. Thomas looality, in here lifting 20
beets from each sugar beet plot In this
vicinity and shipping them to Guelph to
the Experimental College to be tested and
reporter( upon. An effort ie .also being
made to purohaee one or more oar loads
of beets to be shipped to Beriinfaotory to
be mannfaotnred into eager, thereby giv
lag the best possible teat in bulk for this
section. Four or live have already ex.
pressed their willingness to Ball and a oar
will likely be loaded at Braeeels on Tnee•
day or Wednesday of next week. 34.00 e,
ton is paid at the factory for the beets,
thesellerhaving t0 pay the freight whioh
would be about 75a or thereabouts per
ton. We will be glad to see a oar or two
shipped as it may mean a good deal to
the farmers of Grey and Morrie ifit eau
be olearly demonstrated that the very
beat eager beet can be grown here. A
goodly number of those who have pglti•
voted an experimental plot here the year
{ntend ming the beets Inc feeding pur-
poeee ae they poneese many advantages
over the ordinary mangold or turnip.
Ota) RESIDENT Gons.—Jno. Den.
bow, an old and well known resident
passed away to hie long home on Tnea•
day at noon ab the royal old age of over
94 years. He had been in failing bealth
for some years during 18 of whioh he wae
deprived of hie eyesight. Mr. Denbow
wae born in Sobberton,Devonabire,Eog-
land, and was married to Mien Sarah
Grace Davie, wbo earvivea him, at Jer-
sey in 1845. They oame to Canada 10
yearn later and lived ea Oobourg for a
year, in eoderiah township foe 16 years
and then tp Morrie township where 6
yeare ware spent when the family moved
intoBrasaele. In the Old Land Mr,
Denbow wae eastone.blacter aid in this
country he followed ,facmiog. The ear;
viving ohildren are Jno. ,f.., of Delean,
Man. i Wm. and Robb., Mre. D. Jamie-
son, Mre. S. flatter and Mre,R. William-
son, of Brunch/. The ileaeaeed members
of the family are Mrs, S, ClItotlon, Mrs.
D. Laiugi Mre. D. Darman, Tatra, Jno.
Dark, and Sarah; The boatel of Mr.
Denbow tool! plasm Thureday afternoon
and the /rayon was oonduoted by Rev.
91. W. Ooeeae, Deceased was a member
of the Methodist plumb for roomy years
and wan 0f a kind iiiepoeltip» _nod a good
living man,
plowoint et of t
Pisani p s kept in ata.
kyilllams'& Son'e
liveryetebleaa Brueedla,
a �Nt ce desk 01' a satW'haa s
infront 11 it
platted the t nt semi P n' a d Pitting
gotn M the b uaop'e Rotel,
WHY g188 away ygar fowl alive 7 See
what' we are paying. Dried apples 30 ;.
botter180, A $20,000 00 etogk,
Geo, El, $INR,.Wingbam,
Boa;Ar,—A, eoolal will be held by the
$eights and Ladiee of the Maaoabee8 in
their Hall on Monday next 27th inst. A
]tunical and Literary iprogram will be
provided and a fowl Popper served. 411.
Knighte and Ladies ore invited to attend,
the ladfee to come provided with baskets,
BY LAW sena Rn Svuootxaort,—The ad
Monied meeting in relation to proposed
Man to Loolirjdge Bros. wee held on
Wednesday evening in tbg Town Hell
and wan well attended, J. Leokie pre..
Muted the report of the Committee in
which they recommended the loan of
$5,000, to be paid back in annual Inaba'.
menta, for 10 years without interest on
oondition that Meeere. Lookridge par.
ohaee the faotory, place new machinery
in it,employ l8hanil give
B add then
firet mortgage to the town with iusuranoe
p01107 and also a eatiefaotory bond for
$2,500, the latter to be cancelled when
that amount is repaid to the tows• To
this Mr, Loekridge agrees and will bear.
the expense of submitting a By-law to
property owners in the near future. A
large number of ratepayers made abort
speeches on the eubjeat and threebed out
the various phases of the question and:
afterwards voted favorable to the Dom.
mittie'e report. We believe it is intended
to add a knitting department to the
factory ae well, two young men of ex•
perienoe already having offered to take
bold of it. Brussels will be greatly
benefitted if the proposal oan be eatiefaot•
orialy worked out and no property owner
should refuse to vote for the By law until
he knows the nonditiobe and benefits
likely to accrue to the town,
SUDDEN Dooeiec.—A very sad ett`Vpriee
wae reoeived here when the news came
that William Hewitt, formerly of Brae
sale, and father to 100.11ewitt, of town,
bad passed away suddenly at his home in
Hamilton on Tneaday morning of last
week. He wan tip and out on. Monday
andfeeliog a little tiredhe wae persuaded
to take his breakfast in bed. At 7 30
Mrs. Hewitt went to the bedroom and
sae ehooked to find her husband had
quietlypaeeed away. Heart failure was
she oenee. Deceased was 68 years of age
and wae a erraightforward; induotriooa
man who wan reepeoted by all who knew'
him. He is survived by his wife, three
eons, (William, of Detroit, 100„ of Bra+:
gels, and Harry, of Buffalo) and three
daughters, (Mieeea Ellen, Hannah and
Rebeooa) Funeral took plane on Son.
day at 4 o'olook. Mr. Hewitt, of town,
attended.. The many old friends of the
family will deeply sympathize with thorn
in their Bodden bereavement,
Kelly, of Listowel, has sold hie handsome
mare, "Jessie MoLanohlio," to Brenner
Broil., of London, 31,000, We understand,
being the price paid for her. This is a
pretty good atm to pay fora horse, but
bee unique record at the Toronto and
Western Exhibitions, wbere she swept
everything in her •Maas, warrants the high
price. Mr. Kelly received the silver
medal awarded by the Toronto Industrial.
Association as the sweepstakes prize for
the beet eiugle roadster, whioh was ear -
Med off by "Jessie MoLanohlin." Thin
mare wae bred from Scott & Warwick's
"Costumer" and was sold by Thos. Mc.
Laaohliu, of Brnoeele,,to Mr. Kelly for
5200. The London Free Prase says of
"Jessie MaLanohlia" under the heading
of "A Superb Animal" :--Ot all the
animals exhibited in the horse department
at the Western Fair this year, that mag-
nificent standard bred mare, "Jessie Mo.
Lanohlin" wan undoubtedly the grandest',
beast of them all. Both here and at
Toronto boraemen want fairly wild over
her, and that ale carried of all the honors
at both Faire was only what wae expected
by all who had eeen and admired her.
Her record at the two exbibitione in
something of which her owner, J. A.
Kelly, of Lietowel, might well be proud,
At Toronto she was awarded first prize
in the roadster Masa, and that too, in
competition with twenty five of the beet
animals in the country. At the same
Fair, with twenty two competitors, she
oleo carried off first in the standard bred
alms and eweepsteaea and medal for the
beet roadster mare on the ground.
Equally gratifying was ber enooeee at
the Western. Here she took first in her
Masa and eweepetakee for the best road
ter mare, any age on the ground.
Provincial Sabbath School Ooavention
mat in St. Thomas thin week.
Rev. R. Pant will preach at Victoria
Hall, Jamestown, next Sabbath evening.
See notes on Sabbath Sohool leseon for
next Sunday on page 6. "Joshua and
Caleb" ie the topic.
"Treating a graoione invitation lightly"
will be the topic at the Epworth League
next Sabbatb evening.
Rev. Fr. Narthgraven, of Seaforth,
condnoted the aervioen in the R. 0.
Antall here last Sabbath.
Leet Sabbath Mr. MoKay, of Knox
College, 0000pied Melville church pulpit
mud gave good discourses'.
Rev. Mr. Webb reports a good time at
St. Andrew's Brotherhood Convention
held last week at Brantford.
Thanksgiving Day W. H. .):Carr took
Bev. R. S. G. Anderson's Thaukegiving
service in Wroxeter Presbyterian ohnrob,
at 11. o'clock, owing .to the letter's Ill
Do the evening of Thankegiving Day
Mr. McKay, a Knox Collage student,
preeobed in Melville obnroh from Psalm
8816th verse, "Why leap ye, high bille?
thia be the hill which God deeiretb to
dwell in, yea the Lord will dwell iu it
forever" It wae an unusual text but
the speaker brought out of it aumeroue
praotieal lemons.
Rev. David Rogers, of Fordwiab, Chair.
man of the Wingham Dletriot was in the
Brussels Methodist oburob pulpit last Bab.
bath it being the annual Miesiopary Anui-
yersety. The morning text was Phil. 6
12. p.,41 was apprehended i e wised hold
upon that be midi 8 ,go out and seize bold
of men for his Lord. ' Be was anxious
to realize the °bleat of.hle ooaverelod in
relation to others t0 tarn men from dark.
naps to light. If Chriebianm }raving heard
we must Buy 1'Otog1ne" to others, Hero be
the Mieeioneryidea. It tap oast 'go to
Mission fields we oan go in the person of
self•denying and u,:u,ageoue missionaries
! who are holding up a standard because of
I the Truth. The !lethal subeeription and
1 o, i .
Ver .ten behalf M
0011801084 v e Gal In I f es
lane and Maimed an increase 081 .former
years, In the evening 108188d of a ear'
M x d eta w t o
Mon a i slap r %d r ae v n b
Rev. Mr.sBogere, It wae unique, well
directed and fali•of pithy poittere, alai.
ing the value of Miaelone, the great
results and eueoene already ettaiaed and
the sheeting proepeotefor the future. A
quartette entitled "oar Refuge" Woo sung
by Mimes Belle Smith and 'Ethel Santa,
and Memo], 4viaou and Karr. The
President, 11'4r, Ham, wae in Charge of
the Epworth League service following,
Min Jean Bitable Malted in Toronto
pert of last week,
G. F. Blair was in Toronto Ott Satin,
R. W. M81601athesbuon, 0fe,
aknQwas hi
tdayown 00
on Thanksgiving DLayo,
Mre, Thomson, Turnberry Street, ie
visiting relatives/ at Harrieton:
Miss Sedie Battery spent Thanksgiving
day with her sister at Listowel.
ulia tli a _holidaying in
i B ff
Miee J ar woe
Wingham during the pant week.
R. MoA'piea, of Toronto, ate' lila
Thanksgiving dinner in Brussels,
Allan Lamont and family, of Oran -
brook, have moved into Brussels.
W. F. and Mrs. Stewart °pent Thanks.
givlog Day with Woodetook (Mende.
Mies Ida Williams was home from
Stratford for Thanksgiving holidays.
Matt. and Nelson Williameon are home
from Toronto for a well earned holiday.
Joe. Thomson, of Montreal, hue been
visiting hie.mother and brothers ,ioErns:
Misses Roche & Hayaroft were visitors
nt Seafortb for a day during the'paet
Harry. Ainlav was visiting his eieter,
Mea. Hugh MnIntoeb, Ma$il:op, for a
few days.
T. McAdam, of Owen Sound, epent
' hanks i in da in town, at Jas.
J? gv r; y w ,
Beattie e.
J. Pntland er. was visiting in town on
Wednesday. He makes bis home in
Bluevale now.
Mr. and Mrs. Horne and baby, of Lie.
towel, spent Thankegivieg Day with H.
and Mre. Ham.
Mre. John Taman and ohildren, of
Manchester, were visiting at John Oar•
ter'° over Sunday.
Dr. McNaughton wart on the Mak list
part of last week but is around again we
are pleased to state.
J. B., Min Omens and Master Ooeene,
of Loudon, were callers on relatives in
!hie locality laet week.
Mre. Ohara Tin
Toronto, was
m, of
visiting her Meter, Mre. George Edwards;
Mamma street, daring the peat week.
G. A. Deadman arrived home from an
extended trip in Manitoba and the North•
weer on Monday evening of -!hie week.
H. E. Maddock, of Toronto, formerly
of Bruesele, wae in town for a few days
daring the past week visiting relatives.
.Mre. R. Parker, of Owen Sound, epent
Thaukegiviug Day holidaying with her
parents, John and, Mrs. Garter, Mill at.
Mrs. Jas. Irwin, Artie and Miee Nellie
removed from Brussels to Toronto this
week where they purpose' making their
W. and Mre. Jewitt spent Thanksgiv-
ing Day with their eon and hie family,
Rev. George Jewitt, at Wardeville,
Middlesex County.
Mise Lida Orooke sang at the Harvest
Home Festival in the Belgrave Presby•
terian ohnrob !oat M,ondayevening. Miee
Jennie Habkirk was the amaompaniet..
Minn Mary MoNaugbtou, who bas been
a very °beery invalid for a good many
years, haa been bothered with a stiffness
iu her neck of late but we hope it will
soon leave her.
Kra. Bell and Mre. Stacey and little
daughter, of Carlingford, spent Thanks.
givingholidays at Fletoher Sperling'°,
The visitors are mother and Mater to
Mrs. Sperling.
John Hill was visiting relatives at
Oliutop Ise& week. He has been bothered
with a felon on the drat finger of hie left
hand but the trouble is abating now we
are glad to atate.
Samuel Oantelon is bare from Petrolea
attending tbe funeral 01 his grandfather,
the late John Denbow. Mr. Oantelon ie
well pleaead with Parolee and looks as if
it agreed well with him.
Alex. Stewart, who wae so seriously
injured by a tali from
an apple tree
occasioned by a limb breaking, is getting
atowg as well ae could be expected but
will be laid tip for none time yet.
William Miller arrived home last week
from a visit of over two months eoneider-
ably improved in healbh.yet still enable
to go to work. While away be. visited: at.
Port Huron, Detroit, Flint, Durand,
Traverse City, Crown Point, Chicago,
Hebron and other places, calling on re-
latives in the persona of Mre, Abbott,
the youngest daugbter of George Ganders,•
formerly of Brussels, with whom the old
gentleman resides; Mrs. Alf. Wildman,
George Sanders jr., Fred. Sanders, airs.
J. H. Lookbartaland 'Afro, Catlin, n11
daughters or sons of George Sondem.
The gentlemen are almost all engaged in
railroading in one department or other
and are all doing well. Mr. Miller nye
the corn crop is about half what it Hanel
ly Is. Peaches did splendidly. The
potatoes are bothered with a louse, and
bean orop very poor. He attended the
0o. Fair at Crown Point but says Bros
eels Fair can easily kuook it out. At
Traverse city a good,time wae spent with
relatives in a cramping out expedibiou
in which a jolly company joined.
. W311,•1.
Dr, Irving spent Thanksgiving in Tor-
Mre. ICargt}a returned to Listowel thin
The Walton scales ere being repaired
this week:
Mre. R. M. Cummings spent Thanker
giving in Stratford.
Mre, (Dr.) A,nietrong and phildren are
vioiting relatives in Howtok,
Wm. M. Smith's now bonne fe aomplet.
ed and he is moving in this week.
A number of Waltoniane tools in the
Oon08rt lo Tiros/mitt on Monday even
Miee Nand Fermium, who haa been on
the sick list for the poet week, is recover.
ing nicely.
We are [lorry to bear that Mre. W.
Ideal's blather died lest week, Her home
wae at .Cara.
Mre,. Adana 1bo11110o sr. wee visiting
bar daughter, Mre. W. Anderson, . fu
Gowanatown last week.
Next Sabbath Ileo. A, MacNab, M. A.,
will preaoh a sermon on "Prohibition,"
The reverend gentleman ie fully alive to
the importance of Ilia theme,
lOT e 28 tl}il
T1n Sto•ztaa 'C Balk of Ca a&al
CAPITAL (apthorlaad 17 Act of Patilowentl 402,000.000x0
•CAPITAL (fully_pul,t up) 3,000,000.00
1i788LitVE 813fiP ,,, .,. 800,000 00
TOTtt4 ABSE'1'S ,,, 2,077,004 Ca
41130, 7. item, 0oagral Manager
1t11,LJ Sia ELS l3li, (i'tl : hI IN C It Deposita received, Beane wide t4 reopen,
eibleParties onfavorable terms. Dr0ft8
and wooey orders Iowa. payable at Iwy point, at lowest rates, Collo°tiona
promptly attended 10, A General Banking 84810080 transacted livery facility
afforded OnetolnOre lilting at a Mt/tattoo. • •
Sfvtnas Bank Do tll'tnlent Aalounte of one doll tr and upwards
'"i n r■aoived and tatoroob at highest
surreal rate allowed 0 Ix date aaeount is opened, and added to thu principal May
Slot and November 80th,
Farmers' Sale Notes 0abled or rooeiyed for Bate kooplug and
IJ Oolleotion,
1Blxuk Note Forme Fire° en APpltcntton •
Hours 10 to 3, Saturdays 10 to 1.
One of the partloipante In the raoeut
fistula at the hotel paid a fine for bin
share of the frolic. It some of the others
were similarly treated jt would not be not
of plane. '"
Wednesday evening of next week Or.
ganizer Duff, of the Orange Order, is
announced to pay ao.omoial visit to the
brethren of Walton Lodge to consult on
matters ot importance to the members.
Last Sunday afternoon J. B. Coaene,
of London, who, with hie sister, wae
visiting at Joseph Ardell's, preached in
the Methodist obumnh. The new preach-
ed to summed Rev. Mr. Qareoallen ie
expected for next Sunday.
On Wednesday of last week, ak the
home of the bride's mother, Rev. A
MacNab, M. A., tied the matrimonial
bow between Wm. E. McLaren, of Hib•
bait, and Miee Eliza Simpson, The
happy couple took a wedding trip to Tor.'
onto, Brantford and other pointe before
settling dowo' housekeeping.. Many
good wishes: accompany them to Hibbert
where we hope they will enjoy many
happy, anooeoefnl years.
ALLAN.—In Wroxeter, ou Oot. 18th, 1902,
to Mr. and Mre. Jae, Allan, a eon.
BALLANTxtuf—Io Brussels, on Oot. 15,
to Mr. and Mra. Jun. Ballantyne, .a
Cuomo —In Morrie, on October 12th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Aloha::Ornuin, a
daughter. -
Douonba.—In Wroxeter, on Oot. 14th,
to Mr. and Mre. Jno. Douglas, e
ELLAaOTT.—In Elea; on October 16th, to
Mr. and Mre. John Ellaoott, a son.
HAwILTON.—In Elma,t on October 1201,
to Mr. and Mre. John. Hamilton, a
$Erna.—In Blenheim,. on 001. 19, to Rev,
W. E. and Mre. Kerr, a daoghter.
LooAN.—In Tnpperville, Ont„ on Oat. 13,
to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lagan, a
dough ter.
MOQALL,—In Morrie, on October 12th, to:
Mr. and Mrr. John McCall, a eon.
Mmes.—In Morrie, 00 October 11, to Mr.
and. Mrs. W. E. Mines, a son.
BUTTON—ALOOOx —Io Morris, on. Oct. 21,
by Rev. I. M., Webb, of Bruesele, Mr.
Alfred Button to Mies Elizabeth
Jane Alaook, both of Morrie.
O11NNINanAr—NIv1Ne.—At the residence
of the bride's tether, Mr. John F.
Nivine, Blyth, by Rev. John Holmea,
on October 8th, Mr. W. C. Cunning-
ham, of Morrie, to Mies Lizzie Nivine,
of Blyth.
MCLAREN — BiaeesoN.—•In McKillop, on
Oot.16, by Rev. A. MoNab, M. A.,
Mr. Wm. E. McLaren, of Hibbert,
Perth Co., to Mise Eliza Simpson,, of
ST. JOHN—MEenowe.-Ab Telluride, Col.,
on Oot. 6, Mr. Vinceut Bt. John,
President of the Telluride Miners'
Union, to Miee Clarisa A., second
daughter of Mrs. John Meadows,
Brussels, Oot.
ANoun: Iu .alma, an October 15th, Robt.
Angus, aged 27 years! and 8 months.
BALLANTYE.—Io Brussels, on Oot. 18, the
infant eon of Jno. and Mre. Ballan-
tyne, aged
allan•tyne,aged 3 days.
Datinow.—Io Brussels, on October 21,
John Denbow, aged 94 years, 2
months and 21 days,
DRAaoN.—Io Chicago, Oot. 10, Robt,
Dea000, formerly of East Wawanosh,
aged 58 years.
Farms—lo-Wingbam, Oat. 13th, Philip
0. Fells, infaut eon of Mr. and Mrs.
F. Fe.1le, aged 4 months and 1 day.
GenHprT.-Is/ Gorcie, 00 ,Oat. 19, Eva,
eldest daughter of Rev. R. J. and
Mre. Garbutt, aged 11 years.
MINES.—In Grey, on Oat. 18, Mary, be-
loved wife of Wm. Mines, aged 56
years, 4 months and 8 days.
WILxrNsox.—In Belgrave, on Opt. 16,
Jams Dodds, beloved wife of Jae.
Wilkinson, aged 73 years, 10 mouths
and 16 deye.
a.vcmzozr s.8.vfu-
FnrpAv, OoT. 24 —Farm stock, imple-
mente,&o., at Ltd 7, Con. 16, G'ey. Bale
unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Wm. Turnbull,
prop. ; F. S. Scott, ano.
SATDRDAY, Ooa. 25.—Oar load of dairy
cows, at Central Hotel, Brunets, at 2 p.
no. M. J. Clear, prop. ; F. 8. Soott, ant.
inlet ...->;cx:.a rsa.1G.l=Ems,
Pall Wheat .. 66
B taloy .. . , 36
Dila,' 35
Oats .., , 24 2
Butter, t•,bn and toile .. 8
Eggs •'. r .inoolo 14
1.iu,:.fu 8W1. 4 00
1'„ a no:. or 1444.) t15
Apolad (par bag) ........ 4t1
Hay per lou ... 6 00
Sheep ek{ns,earh 25
Lamb skins aaob,.. 26
Salt per bbl,, retail,,.,, 1 00
Hides trhn'med
Hideo rongb
Boge, Live
Wool ,,,,r,r,s.,er•
5 00
6 00
5 6
6 '00• ti 25
11 12
2' RAM lambs foe Bale, Leioeetere,
ROB1111078014, Lot 8, Out. 11, Grey.
SIERVANT girl wanted at. encs, Apply
kfitt3. 0, F. IMAM, Brunetti. •
GENERAL store for sale.. For farther
parntloulur9 apply 18 3, H. THOMSON, Hen, aold
Two year old driving filly for, sale,.
Broken to double harness, THOS, 0100101,
Bruseolo.. lg.
HOUSE and lot for wale on Alexander
street, - Brusselp, For ,farther particulars
apply at Tint POT Publishing Houeo,
" Two Shropebire pure bred rem Jambe
and one alienating ram for Bale, ALEX.
STI'1WART, Lot 2, Con, 8, Grey, B'ueaols
P.O. - 10-0
\JI \rnta, shitable for ranali purposes.
Aptly to 0110. BEST, Bruesele.
'dwelling thereon; North-west 00r000
William and Albert stseota, Brneeele. - J. LNOHIE,
Lambe and Ram "Lambe, Leioeetere,
for sale Eligible forregietration, OLIVER
T•11RNI OLL, Lot ;30, Con. 15, Grey, Weil,
ton P. 0, 16-11
Cowl/for sale tocome 0
m in ot,ea aloe
a ifai'e •411 heiferincalf, and 8' yearling
heifers All Jersey grades,
Graham's Survey. ' Brussels P. 0,
Rams ' 1. -two-year-old and 2 Ram
Lambe. Pare bred Leioeetere• Good ones
at lowrices. Also Short Horn Bulls,owe
and Heifers at very ,moderato intimandespy terms. D. MILNE & 60N, Ethel.
E Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Miss Eva N. Boblya, of London.
Pupiie prepared' for Conservatory exams.
8 'H111 visit Brussels every Tuesday.
Lessons given at the Homo of W. H. Herr,
John street.
HR .,
DER&IONED wiehea to anuotn0e to
the'ladiee of Bru0eeie and vicinity that she
is prepared to make switches out of comb-
ings and out hair, :at her .home, Mill street
Meet, Brussels, MRS. H1NGSTON.
nn for the Junior Department of Cron -
brook Public School, autism ,to commence
otter Now YOare. Applications. with refer-
ences, will be received no to Nov. 8112, at 8
p m. Applicants to state eatery.
14.4 W. OAME10000,
Bea-Treas., Craobrook.
mmato, strayed from P. Ament'e, Brus-
sels, on or abnu0. Sept. 28. Sable in color
With white markings and answers to name
of "Sport." Any information leading to her
whereabouts will be thankfully received
and rewarded. -JAG. D. MCNAIR,
18-tf Cranbrook P. 0.
19,-20 & 21, in. Graham's Survey, t
mile South of the Village of Brussels, con -
Mining 12 acres more or lees. Thereon is a
email, comfortable -dwelling house, horse
stable, oow stable and Caving house, all
frame. All kinds of fruit and a good well
sod gawp. W1I1 be sold °heap 11 Bold soon.
Apply to EDWARD GARVIN, North end of
the Terrace, B russets, or at Tae Poem. 2
Tliiis Good
Borax weather, So is any
weather. Borax claims:
everything for itself. When
, you don't know what to use,
try Powdered Borax.
It will wash anything from laces
to MVO eyes': Good for nope
mouth and sore throat.
There is nothing more use-
ful for general household tine
than Borax. Ours is strict-
ly pure, 20o. per pound and at
- and lot and %ere of land, known es the
Driver property; Brussels, ie offered for sale,
Full particulars as to price, .terms. 40., may
belearnod on application to MR8.0. W.
POLLARD, Ethel. 18.2 .
1.1' ot,posito the (lobar Carriage Factory,
Brneeele., Io addition to a oomtortable
hens°. wltb Cellar, bard and sol! water. &o.. ,
there to also a good stable. 3 aore of /and.
For further particulars apply on .the prem-
ises to MRS,. 3010. 0IIRR14, Brussels, 11
v1oE.-The uuderelgned will kaon. for
aervioo on Lute le & 17, t:on.1b, Grey, 8
thorn' -bred Imported Yorkshire bog. Prize
winner at' Stratford and Mitchell Folre
Pedigree may be seen .on application.
Terme $1.00, with privilege of returning if
necessary. 41104107 71008880,
12-4 • - Proprietor.
mus gentleman or lady in each soon•
ty to 208110.110 bueineee for an old eeEablish-
ed house of solid financial standing. A
straight, -bona fide weekly oath salary of
018.00 paid by oheok each Wednesday with
nilexpenses dlreot from headquarters.
Money advanced for expenses. Manager,:
840 Caxton Bldg, Chicago.
Voters' List Court.
NOTICE le hereby given that a Court will
be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters'
ListAmt.1809, by his HOLM, the Judge of the
County Court of the County of Huron,at.
the Townenlp Hall, Morris, on Tuesday, Oct.
2eth,1902, at 10 o'olook a. m., to hear and
determine the tumoral complaints of errors
and omissions in the Potent' List of the
Mnnioipality of -Morrie for 79G2. 411 persons
having business at the Court are required
to attend at the said time and place:
Dated this 15th day of October, 1902,
Clerk of Municipality of Morris.
Slabs, Cedar PoNts and Lumbar
James Jones has received loetruotlone
from Mr. Chas, Qoereageaeer, to sell by
Public Auction, nt his mills in the Town-
ship of Grey, on Friday, Nov 8th, 1002, the
following; 70 cords of slabs; 2,000 cedar
poste, different lengths and outs 1 20,000 toe!
of hemlock and pine. Salo at 2 o'oloak.
Terms—All some of 810 and onder,oanh ;
over that amount 12 menthe' credit will be
giv u ou furnishing approved joint notes,
C. per omit, off for oaah o0 credit amounts.
Poeitivelynu rosary.) as the pproprletor Is
moving to Parry Sound this Pall.
Auctioneer. Proprletor.
Stanfield's Unshrinkable
$2,00, $2.50, $3.00 per Suit
See These Goods Before Buying.
0 1p, .
Our Fall Millinery Opening has been one of the
most successful in our experience.
We have pfull stock of New Goods and our prices
are the Lowebt for the Best quality of .goods.
We wish to thank the Ladies of Brussels and sur-
rounding country for their patronage and assure them
that all orders will receive our most careful attention.
Order Your Thanksgiving
Hat Early.
. .J. s LITTLE.