The Brussels Post, 1902-10-23, Page 4,l3#0
(� M )30s. liS VOSt,
TII IRSDAY OCT, 20,1900.
The following is the list of tbo Onaoea$`+
at the Moria _ranch
competitor's e r B
f I
Show, bald at Blyth on 'Tueeda and
Wedesday Oot. 7 and B. y
13onens-Heavy Draught—Brood mare,
having raised foal in 1902, foal by her
rade, J Watt sr, 3 Bbortreed ; mare foal,
G Dale, 3 Qhiabolm; horse foe', 3 Short -
reed, D Oharobill ; two year old gelding,
J Laidlaw, 3 Bbortreed : two year old
filly 3 Dale, J Reid ; onoyear old gelding,
3 Ohiebolm; one year old filly, J B Smith ;
teem, mares•or geldings, J Foreyth,
AORrourama'L—Brood .mare, baving
raised foal in 1902, foal by her side, J
Ohieholm, J Laidlaw ; horse foal, G Dale;
2 year old gelding, J Watt er, A W Sloan I
1 year old gelding, J Evans ; team, mares
or geldings,10 Butt & Sons, J. Dale,
GENERAL. Penrose—Brood mere, 3
Campbell ; Horse foal, J Campbell ; 2 year
old gelding, JFellsi&2.2 year old filly,
O Taylor, 1 & 2 ; 1 year old filly, R'Uor•
ley, J Campbell ;• team, mares or geldings,
W MoQuilian, J Forsyth.
CARaraen—Team Mores or geldings, J
0 Currey, 11 Leatherdale,
BoAnernne—Brood mars, having raised
foal in 1902, foal by her aide, W Smith,
T Black; horse foal, T Sleek, W Smith
mare foal, T Blaok, W Smith ; 2 year old
gelding, 0 Taylor, W Robb 1 2 year old
filly, G T Robinson, J 8 Smith ; 1 year
old gelding J Shedden .A. Tyermau ;1 year
old filly, W Robbsiugle'driver in baggy,
A Backer, Dr W,hitely ; team, mares or
geldings, Fowler Bros, G •
Jenkins ; saddle
horse, H Davis, J 8 Bmith ; lady driver,
Mre G Bradford, W Walter ; farmer&
driving outfit, A Dunkin, W Walter.
CATTLE,— Thoroughbred Darhams —
Miloh cow, having raised calf in 1902,
or with oalf, R Corley, J Barr ; 2 year
old heifer, R Corley, 1 as 2 ; 1 year old
heifer, R Corley, J Barr ; heifer calf, P
Robineoa 1 & 2 ; aged bull, J Barr ; bull,
2 years and under, J 8 Smith, P Robert-
Grades—Milch oow, baying raised calf
in 1902, or with oalf, J Barr, R. G. Mo -
Gowan ; 2 year old heifer, T Bleck, J
Barr ; 1 year old heifer, J Barr, D Soolt
& Sone; heifer calf, T Blaok, J Barr ;
steer Dalt, D Boott & Sons, T Black ; 2
year steer, 7 Barr ;1 year steer,11 Corley,
D Scott & Sons ; fat oow or heifer, J Barr,
D Sootb & Sons ;• herd of oattle, to ooneiet
of two eteers and two females, D Scott &
Saner—Cotswold—Aged ram, Glenn
Bros, M Cummings ; ehearling ram, J
Barr, Glenn Bros ; Ram lamb, M Oum.
ming', Glenn Bros ; pair aged ewes hay.
log raised lambs in 1902, N Onmmings,
Glenn Bros ; ewe lambs, Glenn Bros, J
Barr ; shearling ewes, N Oummiogs,
Glenn Broe.
La000s >S9—Aged rani, Gleno Bros, N
Cummings ; shearling ram, J Barr, Glenn
Bros ; ram lamb, N Cummings, Glenn
Bros; ehearling ewes,N Onmmings Gleno
Bros ; aged ewes, having raised lambs in
1902, Glenn Bros, J Barr ; ewe lambs, N
Gumming, Glenn Bros.
SHaoreaIanDOWNs — Aged ram, R B
Laidlaw ; shearling ram, A Dunkin, 1 &
2. Mr. lttokin took first and second in
each olase.
Any other Breed—Demes Tabb took let
and 2nd in all but aged ram ; fat sheep,
ewe or wether, Glean Broe, J Barr.
Pros—Yorkshires—Aged boar, J Alton,
E Haggitt ; brood sow, littered in 1902, J
Alton, E Haggitt ; boar, littered in 1902,
3 Alton, E Haggitt ; sow, littered in 1902,
J Alton, E Haggitt,
TAttwonrne—W B MoOutobeontook let
and. 2nd prime right through, except for
young sow, the let and 2od being awarded
to James Alton.
Improved Berkshires—P Gibbooe took
let and 2nd in aged boar and brood sow,
and let for young boar and sow ; pen of
pigs, J Alton' P Gibbooe; epeoial by R
Ferris and W Emigh, for beet five singers,
Jae Potter.
GRAINS—Red fall wheat, M Brethonr, J
Cummings ; white fall wheat, M Brethonr,
J T Wise ; red spring wheat, J T Wise,
M Brethonr ; white fife spring wheat, M
Brethonr ; six rowed barley, M Brethonr,
D Brethour ; white oats, D Brethonr, J
K Wise ; black oats, M Brethonr, D
Bretbour ;'mall pens, J K Wise M Breth-
our ; large peas, M Brethoar, 3 T Wiee ;
timothy seed D Brethonr,191 Brethonr ;
red plover, M Brethonr, D• Brethoar.
Rams—Early potatoes, E Haggitt Jo&
2 ; late potatoes, Mise Carder, P Willows ;
collection of potatoee, E Haggitt, P Wil.
lows 1 field carrots, E Haggitt, J Alton ;
garden red carrots, B Barr, P Willows ;
swede turnips, W Moon, 3 Allaneon ; any
other variety, J Potter, W H MoOraoken ;
collection of garden produce and beets, J
Allaueon, W H McCracken ; cigar beets,
W H MoOraaken, J Allaneon ; mangold
wartzels long, W H MaOrsaken, E Hag-
gitt ; globe mangold', W H MoOraoken ;
pnmpkin, E Haggitt, JAllaneon ;'quash,
W H McOraokeo, E Haggitt ; red °clone,
Mrs Howrie, 1 & 2 ; yellow onions, Mise
Carder, Mrs Hele ; silver pickling onions,
3 Allaneon, W H McCracken ; potato
onions, J Allaneon; white field beano, M
Brethoar, JK Wise ;field oorn, JT:Wise,
J Cumming ; table Dore, J Allaneon, D
Brethonr ; Citrons, 8 Morton ; cabbage
named, J Allaneon, A W Sloan ; red
pickling cabbage and oelery, 3 Cumming,
J Allanson ; anonmbere, 3 Allaneon, J H
DAME AND Pnovxstoxs,—Tub butter,
Jno Armour, Jae Alton ; orook butter,
J Armour ; butter in rolls and batter in
prints, R B McGowan, J Armour ;
dairy cheese, Mies H Wise, Mise Syming-
ton ; home made bread, A Elliot, R. B.
McGowan ; plain tea biscuits, A Elliott,
John Barr ; maple ayrnp, A Elliott, A
W Sloan • oolleatmn panned or preserved
, trait, H Vise, W H MoOraoken ; grape
wine, J T Wise, H Wiee; tomato batenp,
Wiee, H M ken • mixed ick.
' B e W o0ra c
lee,, Mies Symington, H Wpick.
• pickles
1, 'any other, R B McGowan, W H Mo.
Fem.—Whiter apples and Jail tippled,
A W Sloan, jos Potter ; baldwin, A
ie Tyremap, A W Sloan;King of tompkine,
R CF ItloGowan, G Fothergill & Son
Northern spy, A'll Jaoobe, A 'iv Sloan ;
Rhode Island preenioge, Mra Howrie, A
W Sloan ; Ribaton pippin, J Potter,
Fothergill & San ; Golden roma, J
Potter, Fothergill & Bon ; Itoxboro run.
i.' sett, A Tyreman, A W Sloan ; Seek no
,. furthers A W Sloan, Fothergill & Son ;
; Sweat,' A W Sloan ; Wagner and Ben.
devie, A W Sloan, A H Jacobs ; Van-
' defvere, A W Sloan ; Tatman sweet, A
W Sloan ; Maiden blush, Fothergill &
Son, J Alton ; .snow, Mrs llawrie, Jas
Potter ; Ontario, R (3 Ma0owan, G
Fothergill ; Pewaukee, A W Sloan, .A 11
Jacobs ; Wealthy, la b'athargglli, Wm
Jaoltnon ; 04444 rod, 114 Bretbour, 1i
G MoGowau ; dolferte, A W Bloau, R 0
Muciowan; Alexaoder,3no Sherritt, A
W Sloan ; Twentyounoe pippins, A W
Sloan ; any other variety, A H Jaoobe,
Wm Jaoobe ; ooneotion of winter apples,
0 Fothergill, A W Sloan ; Fa1j oral;
a les, Mra 0 Campbell, M Bretbour ;
FF p
lee A W I n R G
ei o! as
oolleotion a B
a 8p , ,
MpGowan ; Winter pare, 12 Raggitt, 'F
Metoall; Fall pore, Q Fothergill, Mise
Carder ; plume, any variety, oolleotico
of plums, A W Bloss, F Metoalf 1 tome.
toee, Jaa Allaneon, F Metcalf ; oolleotlon
of grapes, A H Jacobs ; beet bnnoh
grapes, Jno'Dunholm,. A 19 Jambe ;
peaches, F Meloalf, RB, Laidlaw,
Po0Lmas,•.^ Brom turkeys, G W
Irwin, Jno Barr; turkey', any other, and
large geese, Wm Carter ; Bonen duoke,
G W Irwin, ,F7 Haggitt ; dooke, any
other, G'W Irwin, let sb 2nd ; leghorne,
Wm Garter, Mre Howrie ; Hoodlum,
Wm Carter ; Brahms, and blaok Spam.
fab, 0 W Irwin, let & '2nd ; Minoraae,
Mra Howrie, let and 2nd ; Hamburg',
Wm Carter, let & 2nd ; Langehane, Mre
Howrle, G W Irwin ; Wyandottee, Wm
Carter let & 2od ; Andalaefane, Mre
Howrie; biaok' breaeted red Game, 4
Heggitt; buff ()whine and partridge
Ooobine, G W Irwin, let & 2nd ; Ban.
tams, G W Irwin, eat & 2nd ; Polande,
Wm Carter, G W Irwin ; Red Caps, E
Hagkitt, eat & 2nd ; Plymouth 'Rooke,
Mrs Howrie, G W Irwin ; oolleotion of
pigeons, Ezra Bell, let & 2nd ; oolleotlon
of fowl, Wm Carter, G W Irwin ; Guinea'
fowl, Jim Barr, E Kaggite.
Iaummoners.—Bingle covered buggy, D
Ewan, A McNally ; cutter, D Emu ;
wooden pump, P Willows ; tanning mill,
D MoUorvie.
MANUFAOivREa.—Home made all wool
flannel, Mies H Nott, Mise H Wise;
union flannel, J K Wiee, P. Nott ; home
made blaokete, wool, Mire1 Wise; union
blankets, H Wiee, Mre. Hele; Horse
blankets, homespun, D Brethonr; cover
let, homespun, H Wise, .1 IC Wiee ; rag
mat, Mrs Bela, P Nott ; yarn mat, Miee
Symington, H Wise; rag oerpet, H Wise,
J T Wise ; stocking yarn, homespun, •1
Wiee Mre til Campbell ; coarse boots and
gent's fine boots, Jno Sherritt.
Lams' Wong.—Laos handkerchiefs,
M Symington, Mrs C Campbell i button.
holes, Mise Hele, Mra MOKenzie ; patch.
fag and gent's mitts, Mra McKenzie, Mre
Hele ; pillow shame, Miee Symington,
Mina Nott ; patoh quilt 4n cotton, Mise
Symington, Miee H Wiee ; petoh quilt in
cloth, Mies Symington, Mies Nott ; crazy
Bilk work, Mise Nott, Mrs Bela ; aroobet
quilt, Mre Howrie, Miss Symiugtou ;
knitted quilt, Mies Symingtou, Mise
Nott ; home made woollen soaks or atook
ings, Mrs Bele, Mise Nott ; araenene
work, Mre 0 Campbell, Mre fele ; em•
broidery ou bolting cloth, Miee Nutt, W.
H, MoOraaken ; embroidery on Bilk or
ratio, Miee Symington, J •Shobbrook
keneingtou embroidery, Mrs 0 Campbell,
Mre. Howrie ; roman. embroidery, Mre
Hale, Mrs Howrie ; parlor careen, Miee
Nott, Mre 0 Campbell ; Rota cushion,
Mies Symington, Myrtle Livingstone ;
fancy panel, Mra Campbell, Miee Syming•
ton; plane or table eoarf, Mrs Hele,
Miee Symington ; drawn work, Mre Ma.
Kenzie, Mre. Howrie ; honiton or point
lace, Mise Symington, Myrtle Living.
aton ; novelty in fanoy work, Mre Bela,
Mise Nott ; oroohet work in Bilk and in
cotton, Mre Bele, Mrs Campbell ; hand-
made bedroom clippers, H Wise, Airs
Howrie ; fanoy'tcilet net, Mre Howrie,
Mies Nott ; footstool, H Wiee, Mien
Nott ; appique work, Mise Nott, D
Bretbour ; fanoy pin cushion, Miee Sy-
mington, Miss Nott ; fancy handker.
chief aaea, Miee Symington. Miee Carder ;
mould work, Mrs. Campbell, Miee Sy-
mington ; knitted lace is cotton, Mrs
Bele, Miee Nutt ; knitted or oroahet
fanoy wool shawl, H Wise, Mre Howrie ;
crochet table mate, Miss Carder, Mre.
Howrie ; set of Doylies, Mre Campbell,
Odra Howrie ; batteubarg lace, Myrtle
Livingston, ars Hele ; fanoy glove ease,
Mre. Campbell, let and 2nd ; tatting,
Mre Bele, Mre Campbell ; fanoy netting
and darning, Mre Campbell, Mre How.
tie ; geotleman!s collar and cuff ogee,
D Zrethonr, Miee Symington ; fancy
afghan, Mrs Hele, Mre Campbell ; table
centre piece, Mrs Hele, Mrs. Howrie ;
embroidered table oover, Mre Bele, H
Wiee ; tray cloth, Miee Symington, Mre
Howrie ; tea cosy, Mra Campbell, Miee
Nott ; piotnre throw, Miee Nott. Mies
Symington ; lamp screen, Mise Syming-
ton, Mine Carder ; laundry bag, Mre
Campbell, M Brethonr ; chopping bag,
Mre Hale, Mra Howrie • etching, Mies
Nott, Mre Hele ; knotted bed spread, H
Wiee ; mantle drape, Miee Symington,
Mre Hele ; collection of ladies' work,
Miee Carder, Miee Nott.
handkerobiefe,.darning on•eooke or etook.
ings,eroobet work in cotton and aroobet
work in wool, Mre Howrie ; pencil draw.
ing, A H Jaoobe; P Harrington ; beet
dreeaed doll, Sophia Barr ; plain or orna-
mental work, Aire Howrie.
FINE Aare,—Baron county aoenery,
Mre Hele, Mre Howrie ; painting on
bolting oloth, Mies Carder, Bare Bele ;
beet Dupe and sowers, Mra Bela, Miee
Carder ; dollotion of oil paintinge, Mre
Campbell, Miee Carder ; oolleariou of
water Dolor paintinge, Mise Carder, Mre.
Uampbell ; figure painting in oil, Mra
Hele, Miss Carder ; figure painting in
water calor, Miee Carder, Mre Ede ;
animals painted in oil, Mra Campbell,
Myrtle Livingston ; animal' in water
Dolor, Mre. Campbel, Mre Bele ; land•
'cape in oil, Myrtle Livingetou, Mre
Campbell ; landeaaFe in water oolor,
Mre Bele, Mies Carder ; crayon drawing
and pencil drawing, Mre Hale, Mies Oar.
der ; paetelle, any eobjeot, Mfe Campbell,
Mre Bele ; aolleotion of pen and ink
eketohes, Mre Hole, Mise Carder ; china
painting, Mies Carder, Mre Hale ; hand
painting on Silk„satin or plush, Rise By-
itin n
d order
e`er o
min ton Mie Cg
; paibting
glees in oil, Miee Symington, Mre Camp
bell ; aolleotion •of photographs, B. J.
PLANTS AND FLOwnne.-0011eotiOn of
foliage, W. J. Fenwick, Mies B Carder ;
geraniums }in bloom, Sophia Barr ;
fuohiae in bloom, Mies B Carder, 13 Her-
rington ; hanging basket, Kin B Carder ;
display of plants in bower, Mime B Oar•
CDT FLOWERS—Table bouquet, W J
Fenwick, F Metoalf : hand bouquet, Jae
Evens, F Metcalf ; oolleotion of dahlias,
J Cnmminge, J E Combe; aolleotion of
pansies, 8 Motton, P Herrington.”
Sobool ehildren'e competition— Writ.
ing by obild ander 10, Lottie Jaokeon ;.
writing by child under 18, d H Jackson,
Maggie 011ott ; writing by 01114 under
17, Mary 171 1011, Mary Ferguson.
ar'pp;No 0900e.
The hares ranee proved quite a drawing
send and Mulled as follows ;
ayng Th00 On PAWS,
Jobe Bterrn, W. Pokenhern, i9lora 1 1 1
John Nertian, Dr, Whitely, Godo,
Whiting, 6. AlNarray, Gnderiob.,,, 8 s 0
2 P
3 TROT 09 PADa.
nr to Outdo
Billy 'l. m, un A 41n
worth, Lgmondviile. ,, , 1 3 1 1
Ada Fergneon, T. 111 Qarbet,
Taeewater, „ „ 2 1 3 2
Nellie 8., T, M Davie Mit
obeli ,.., , 8 2 9 8
John Johnston, Bluevale ; 3. 10. Plum
Ener, Blyth, 2nd,
Heavy Horsee,—W, B. Cruiokehank,
Light Horeee,—R. Molndoo, Wingherm
Cattle,—Gorge 3obneton, L'' ndeaboro ;
Thomas MOMihan, Hallett.
Sheep,—George Penhale, Stephen.
Pige,—Henry Saloom, Goderioh town
ebip ; J. 0, Took, Braeeele,
Poultry,— Colin Ca F
bell o
Impiemente,—J. 'Amhara,
Fault,—T. H. Race, Mitchell.
Ladies' Work,—Mise Mea!►ne, Oerlow ;
Miss Harrison, Be'grave,
Fine Arte,—Dr. Fowler, Winahan ;
Miee Graham, Clinton.
Dairy Produce,—D. Munro, Aobarp ;
Mre. Janne Barr, Blyth ; Mre. W„ potter,
East Wewanoah.
Speeding,—George E. Henderson, Sea.
forth, starter ; P. Scott, Brasee's, E. Lie.
ingeton, Blyth.
Following is a list of new books added
to the already first class oolleotion on the
shelves of Brussels Pablio Library :—
Up from Slavery Washington
Henry Drummond
Strollere, The .....
My Japanese. Wife Holland
Many Waters Shookleton
Millionare Love Story Boothby
Geber ....Benton
Rudder Grange F. Stockton
Lady Paramount Harland
Temporal Power Correll
Kate Bonnet Stockton
Pasteboard Crown Morrie
Vultures, The Merriman
Lady or the Tiger Stockton
Specked Bird Wilson
Lady Walderhuah Burnett
When Century was Young Blake
The Conqueror Atherton
Homeric Society Keller
Heart of Ancient Wood .........Roberta
Dorothy Vernon Major
Story of Nineteenth Century ...Brooks
Battle Ground Glasgow
Bleunerhasett - Pidgin
Treasure of LameBenty
Marquis of Lorna
Heralds of Emppi•e
Lord of Lowedale
Vizier of Two -Horned Alexander
Courage of Conviction . Sullivan
Leopord's Spots Dixon
Tom Moore Sayre
Charaoter Building Washington
Hearts .Courageous Rives
Virginian, The Wisler
Riddle of Life Johnston
Prince of Goodfellow' Barr
Black Diamond Men ..Gibbons
Wooing of Osyth Blear
Where the Sugar Maple Grows Tesky
Stephen Holton .. Pidgen
Barite the Caritst Marohmont.
Kindred of the Wild Roberta
Mississippi Bubble Hough
Cry of the Two Thirds Clark
Making of a Country Home. .Mowbray
Tristram Shandy, Vol. 1 Sterne
Vol. 2
Down the Line McHugh
Its up to You
Malomaniaoa• ,,
uaNa, 8,, 06 009
Pslfoelnau Flynn„,., :, , ,,0lowex No, 4, 77 illi
Wall Street Storie' ,. .. Leflar.' Na, 0,,,,,..4‘4,11, 110 72
Olyinpien Nights ,.: .,..Bangs
Adveuturee et TQM Sawyer ,Twa!n
Captain Blowett , „ Adoler
Reneom's 1'blly, , Davie
Mrs, Wiggs of Ilia Cabbage Patcli,.1legan
Oer Porno in theft Haunts Cjhte
BroukBook „lglller Tatalvotwepnlled„,,,,,,,,4980
419 622
Total vot°°es polled for Ilislop , , —.2417
Total votes polled for Mooney ., ...1919
Bird Life„ , .. , . °liapmen
' id l l,,,u a n
toknow vi „l+
Bow k ioi t Na
e l x
Neighbors of old, Wood and Sle
�,. ,Grinnal
A Year in a Yawl ,,. ,Doubleday
TheThrall of Lief the Lucky
Advooturee in Tibet; ,,.Carey
Boy's Book of Exploration Jenne
Oruiee of Cachalot Bullon
Sales Sharp Shooters Avery
The people of this locality ellonld not
be slow in taking advantage of the oppor,
tunitiee offered them in the way of good
reading and almost without Dost, Become
a member now that the long eveniuge aro
et band. Beading ream is open every
evening, Sunday excepted, until 10 o'olook.
The following are the returne in con•
neotion with the East Baron Provincial
election, held on Marcia let, 1898;
imaseo Le
Hislop. Mooney;—
No. 1 ,. 37 32
No. 2 ., 61 40
No. 8 ,.,, 49 39
147 111
No. 1. '78 52
No, 2.,.,.,:.., . 69 28
No. 8 107 41
No. 4 79 ' 38
No.6 • 68 '71
No.6 78 55
No. 7 80 40
l VO will 1
rim above yr to 1 � the "'Merlon
l a O err. t in
the Dust 1ljdittb • no 1l;non m• tl o vote
d f 1
taken on the Prohibition tousti, a on
Deo, 4th, the law demoudiag that et least
50% of 1898 rote be pollen favorable to
the 0a0ee to parry, Ae total veto. wee
4,580, as sot Out ill the rpturne, it will
regpine 2,608 yea votoe to sustain the AO
in December. Sob dividing it into muni,
oipalitiea Brussels will have to poll at
least 129 votes for Prohibition ; Grey,
480 ; Morrie, 866 ; Hullett, 202 ; Moatl.
1^p, 282 ; Wroxeter, 52 ; Turpberry, 247;
Howiole, 471, The voters' list for 1909
will be the one used and any parson
qualified to vote in a Provincial election
will have a right to mark a ballot. If.
temperance sentiment is not strong enough
to reach the figurdt quoted people are not
half as'anxioue about it as they thought.
A muuh larger vote than the requisite
number ma be Roily polled with ener-
getic work.
Or a One and oue.Ifnit Mt11ry
Frame Dwelling
County or Huron.
There will be offered by Public Auction pn
BATUBDAY, NOVEMBER• 10, 1002, at Two
a;look in the afternoon,oflir it the Central
Hotel in the Village of Brussels, by certain of a power of colo oontatuod in a ot'rthiu
Mortgage whloh will be , produced at time of
sale, the following property : Lot 480 on Al-
bert street in the said Village of brussels,
'r826 - The following improvements are on the
premises—afiret•olaee good 19 story frame
dwelling house and frame burn all in good
state of repair.
Terms :-16 per pent. of the purchase
money to be paid down on day. of Bale and
balanoe within 80 days.: For further partic-
ulars apply to F. 8. SCOTT,
Agent for Mortgagee.
No. 1 66 51
No.2 74 48
No. 8 48 51
No.4 57 50
No.5 06 66
No.6 64 76
869 842
No.l .63 60
No.2 86 88
No.3 88 26
No.4 80 34
261. 143
No. 1 37 18
No.2 29 44
No. 3 67 18
No.4 42 24
No. 5 51 26
No. 0 89 41
No. 7... ... 63 20
No.8 46 22
861 212
No. 1 ... 73 .30
No. 1 51 66
No.2 85 52
No. 3 72 61
No. 4 53 54
261 208
No 1 47 99
No. 2 74 69
Tay eon tie man or lady in osch eo0n-
ty to manage business for an old eetabliab-
ed house of solid financial etandine. A
straight, bona ride weekly cash salary of
518.00 paid by °book each Wednesday with
all expellees direct from headquarters.
'Money advanced for expenses. Manager,
940 Caxton B,dg., Chicago.
Top Coats
Just take a look at ours—you can't help but notice
how different they are from the kind most stores show.
They have that smart, natty, "built for you alone” ap-
pearance. We claim our garments to be the perfection of
tailoring and we assume all risks. Nothing pleases us
morethan to have a customer examine closely the fabric,
the lining and the workmanship. Such buyers appreciate
our Clothing.
Great Variety in Top Coats this Season
Some short, some medium, blacks and mixtures. We have all the
right styles. We sell a good Top Coat for $5.00, and run along the
line up to $12.50 for silk lined, Top Coat elegance Lots of splen-
did styles in between, at $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00. Come in and
take a look just to see what's what.
D. , C. R U S S, Leading Clothier.
111�It ,�,t''
I �j'__I
spoiled a Good Baking
yon have many a time by using en
inferior grade of flour. Your bread will
always be light, white and sweet when
naing the Venue. It le always of sup-
erior quality, with no variation, and hi
oarefally made from the beet grown
Manitoba wheat. Try this eatiefeolory
brand for your bread, oaken and piee,
and you will never use any other.
!A.ra.—$8000.00 will bey the McCau-
ghey Stook in the Village of Brussels. nese
two fine stores must be sold to °lose our the
Mocaeghey Estate, Intending purobaeere
should investigate at once. Apply to F.-8.
soar! or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Ont,
land, eligibly looated on. Turnb erry
street, Brnasela, for Bale, Will - be Bold en..
bloc or house and lots separately, to suit
pnrehaeer. Good dairy business in comma -
tion, .Poeeeneterms,ion Via., oouidapply be givento Nam! bfc
pprine, •
LAUOBLIN, Brussels.
^Danero1OD offers.for sale Lot 0, Oen, 0,
Grey containing 100 acres, 76 , aeras
of which are cleared and in a: good-
'tato of cultivation. Buildings and
fences good and an abo n dant supply of
water. 'terms liberal. For further partio;
Wars as to price and Was apply to TRUE -
MAN SMITH, on the premises, or Bruanste
P.O. - 12-tt
Lot 26, Con,' 16, Gray, containing1029
acres; 56 acres cleared, bale noebueh here
to a frame house, 18926 feet, with kitchen
16018 feet; barn 87966 toot; stable 24940
feet ; orchard, well, kc. Farm la well fenced
andonly'29 miles from school, Blore, poet-'
office and church. Possession to put in
crop gest Fall. For iurEheir particulars ea
to pilot',
terms, &c., apply to GEORGE
BPaBl,ING.Proprietor, Oraebrook P.O.
L A00 I Lot21,, Con. B, OR SALE,
100 acres, 90 sores cleared, balance in bush.
Good frame house ; bank barn 61x64 Poet;
good fenoae• orchard ;"2 walla; garden of
small finite, &a•t • _ 3 of a mile from school ;
12 miles from eburoh ; 6 miles from Brus-
sels. Six acres of wheat in and some Fall.
plowing done. Possession could be given on
Marsh let. For further particulars, as to
price, terme,dro., apply on the premises to
the proprietor, JAS. FEVANS,
11.4 Brussels P. 0.
Lot 11, Con. 8, Grey, oontainlng„•001
emu. 80 aures cleared Good frame house,
cedar log barn, orehard,'de. Farm Is well
watered. spring creek on rear end ; atnven-
lensto school and church; 69 -mies from
the thriving village of Brudeele. Possession
would ha given next. Morph with privilege
of Fall plowing, Jaa. - For .further partiou-
tareas to price, tering, 30., apply on the
promisee to RICH. 80E, Proprietor, or
Bruoeele P. 0. 52.8m.
99 itllit
{. ula
_ ii!!neri
A. fine stook of Ready-to-wear Hats at very
reasonable prices,
Ordered work trimmed in short notice and sat-
isfaction assured.
Wothank the ladies for their patronage in con-
nection with the Fall Opening and solicit a continu-
ance of their favors.
Mi he Bir Iia croft
ses RfOC y ,
'yeoman e
-.'OCAS, for all egos
aid all sizes
of Feet
Rubb erIs LargeorSmall
Many Styles in Fine tar Coarse Shoes. A large assortment
to choose from which are of good quality and cheap.
OUii stook of Standard Patterns will be sure to meet your requirements,
no natter what garment you intend to make—visit our Pattern
Department. The November Patterns have just been received, showing
Blot Beam Coetumee, Coate and Skirts in special prominence.. We oleo
reoomwend the "Designer" at 10o a dopy or 91 00 per year. It le moat
praotioal in its advice about garments.
As well as supplying you with a pattern to your -taste we can also
please you in all the new materials for Waists, Costumes,
Skirts and Coatli,
- The Newest Goods and the Lowest Prices.
;.i BRE
Wben you ooneider about the painting of your home
the most important thing to think of is, what is the beet
quality of paint obtainable ? The beet paint to stand
the weather and look fresh for the Intim at time? There
is only one mower ro this, namely, that e naint made
with iirandram'e B. B. Geuuiue•Leed, Pore Linseed Oil,
TRAD E .MARK end just enough Dryer, must be the beet, as thie B. B.
Lead hae for so mann years been proved superior to all others. Such a paint ie
Anchor Liquid Hoose Paint, and it is the only liquid paint made in Canada with
Brandram'e B. B. Genuine. White Lead.
It is a mistake for you to use anything but the very beat paint in painting your
home. The poet of petting on the paint is ;anally about the same ae the coat of the
paint itself.. A cheap paint takes more time to make a reasonably goodjob with
than a goad paint, and does not last aa long, nor look so well. In fact the cheap paint
is the moat expeneive paint in the end. Make no mistake. Use Anchor Liquid
Hoose Paint. It is a Pure White Lead, Zino, and Linseed Oil Paint, and is as good
as Dan bo made with our choice of the very beet materials. Use it and get the most
eatisfaotory results obtainable with paint. Bold by—
;�. s M' j ,Y CO., Brussels.
WE are having n splendid season in our large sale of Buggies, rand are in a position to sxp-
• ply the wants of the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or
Retail. -
Special attention given to the manufacture of farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or
half truck with 2i. or 8 inch tires.
Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
Repairing and Repainting prouiptly attended to.
Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the corning Winter. •
John Cobor 8Z Sons' Curiae° 'actory.