The Brussels Post, 1902-10-16, Page 1h
Vol. 81.
No. 14
W. ,H, KERR, ]Prop,
New Advertisements.
Card—Mee Griffin,
Underwear—D, 0. Ram
Odw for sate—John °ober.
Swell •top. ooate—D, 0. Rote,
Underwear—Moliinnon & Oct,
Tauber wanted—W. Cameron,
Voter& List Court—Wm. Olark,
We perfect eight—Mrs, Flet°her,
IFAstrict e ,
Rev. R. Pont, of lir see 1 '
u le, all o d time
Methodist minister, preaobed at Bethel
Chnrab lash Sabbath morniug. He is
past 75 years of age hat is remarkably
It is hoped the farmers will take advan.
tage of the high price of wood to menu-
ft otere all the wooden femme along the
made into stove wood and Bell it to reel.
dents of Seatortb and put iu wire fenoee
along reticle and save taxes in future on
enovy drifts.
The Collector's roll is now in the Dare.
of the Collector and the retepayera may
expeot a friendly can from him an a few
days, es he ie expected to have all taxes
collected before Deo. 15th. The fetal
taxee are only $18,989 44 as follows
For County purposes, $2,814 02 ; Town -
We've Got
Tour Eye
for just a minute. We'll',
be brief. Be sure and
see our range of
UNDERWEAR for Fall 1
and Winter.
$6.00 PER SUIT.
xxr os f
`7\ We Per_eet
~\ t sight
'Perfect eight la a ques-
tion. of perfect adtuatu
merit, a mechanical
process sehicls we ac-
coWe ar sh portaith losses.
We are aYperls in per.
feeling sight,
Mrs. '., r1etcher
sci ..ific and
8i1• .i .o Oloticle,n,
ship expenditure, 26,634..60; Drains end
Watereoursee, 8600,59Statute tabor,
857,60; Public navels, 88,968 82 ; Roman
Catholto Saboole, 8464 31. The Soboola
receive booklets $680,00 interest an Mani-
oipal lands, The Township bee built two
steel bridges and clement abutments for
four bridgee and one steel bridge and
abutments to build yet,
A, R, Smith, the bustling Ready Cloth-
ing man, was at Toronto this week o0
the look oat ter Fall and Winterbargaino
at a big este. The grace don't grow
ander Ma feet.
glen o Eo wet.
Vietoria Halt looks quite gay in its new
dress of paint, &o. A good job was done.
Don't forget the Bible Sooiety meeting
next Sabbath evening in the Hail here.
Thos. Btraohan will be chairman and
addressee wilt be given by Rev. R. Paul
and A, M. McKay, of Brueeele, Collect
lion in behalf of .Sooiety will be taken.
Mre. Hanna, mother of Mee.D. Sproat
has been seriously ill.
Mre. Wilkineon, who has been ill with
a paralytio stroke, ie able to take abort
drives and is gaining considerably.
Wm, and Mre. Wray returned home on
Monday of last week, after an ebeenoe of
some weaker visiting friends iu Michigan
and other parte..
Jno. Soandrett reoeived the sad Weill.
geuoe en Monday of last week of the death
of bis brother in London and left that
afternoon to be present at the foneral,;ao
oom ani d
p e by Mre. Soandrett. Thos, and
Mre. Soandrettalso attended.
The anniversary services of the Pres.
byterian church will be held on Sabbath
uext Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Seatorth, will
occupy the pulpit morning and evening.
On Monday evening there will be a tea.
meeting, and addresses will be given by
Revs. Metiers. Whaley, of St. Helens
Larkin, of Seatortb, and the resident
clergy. The choir is preparing first.
alone music. Mee Crooke, of Brussels,
will also bo present.
W a -exacta ter.
G. Pantie spent Buoday with Wingham
Miss Annie Muir, lit Blytb, ie visiting
at her home here.
Jas. McEwen, of Teeewater, called en.
friends here last weak.
Robert Rae, of Listowel, visited rale
tives here on Sunday.
0. Kocheler, e ofA .Y visited 4 and
Mrs, Moffitb on Sunday.
Mies Forsythe, of Paris, is the guest of
hareunt, Mre. W. Diokson.
Mre. 0. Stewart, of Arthur, is spending
a few days with her mother Mrs. E. San-
Tho usual Thanksgiving eervioe will be
held in the Presbyterian nhuroh Thurs.
day morning.
Harry Calder, returned from Dundee
en Saturday where he has been employed
in a grocery store for tont menthe.
J. Torreon, of Listowel, organizer of
the 0.' 0. F., spent three days in the
village, with the result that twelve new
members were initiated in that society.
Must be Sold
This Week
As I am moving to Toronto I offer
for sale my household furniture, aoneiet.
log of Large Cook Stove with Reservoir,
Heating Stove, Moser Drum, Bedroom
Suites, Odd Bede, Bureaus, Extension
Table, Parlor Tables, Coaob, Two Cup-
boards, Dining Room and Kitchen Obairs
and Rockers, Woven Wire Springer Mat.
tresses and other hoaeehold goods. Most
of the furniture bas been bought within
the last three years and: is in good order.
Will sell cheap rather than move. '
Second house from South
in Norton Terraoe.
Swell Top Coats.
Just take a look at ou rs—you can't help but notice,
how different they are from the kind most stores show.
They have that smart, natty, "built for you alone" ap-
pearance. We thin our, garments to be the perfection of
-tailoring and we assume all risks. Nothing pleases us
more than to have a customer examine fabric,
the lining and the workmanship. Such buyers appreciate
our Clothing.
Great Varian' in Top Coats this Season
Some short, some medium, blanks and mixtures. We have all the
right styles. We sell a good Top Coat for $5,00, and run along the
line up to 12,50 for silk lined TopCoat elegance. Lots of splen-
� g P
did st. les iu between, at $6.60, $7,50 and $10.00, Clome in and
take a look just to see what's what,
D C. Ra S
,Leading Clothier.
Rev, Dr, Moffat, of .Toronto, . will ad -
bons a muting ot tin Upper 0amade
Traub Sooiety in the Preebyterian , base.
went Friday evoging,
Quite a number treat Wroxeter end
looalityatteudod the Epworth Leaguo
Convention at Wingham .loot Friday.
Rev, A, L McKelvey had a eubjeot in
the Juulor League department.
Mrs. Thornton, sr. of Morrie, le very
ill this week.
Mre. Fawcett, ar, of Owen Sound ie
visiting her eon,
Mrs, Oatenof Luaknow, epent several
days in the village.
Edgar and John (Mutton atlas left on Wed•
needay for Philadelphia,
Joseph Lamb is slowly reoovering
from the effect of his fall.
Rev. O. 0. Keine preached in the
Methodist obaroh Sunday morning.
The Anniversary eervioee ot the Metho.
diet ahnrob, Bluevale, are to be held on
the 16th sod 17th of November.
The Ladies of the Methodist cheetah
met at the pareooage, Oot. 2nd, and merle
arrangements tor the anniversary melees
to be held the 911 and 10th of November.
Our PublicBehoot holidays on Thera -
15 oonte pays for Tux Pose for the
balance of 1902,
The drudge is pushing along with its
work and will soon be through.
Thanksgiving service in the Presbyter-
ian church
here at 10.30 a. m, on Thurs-
Tho new house to replace the one re-
oently destroyed -by fire on Peter MaDon•
aid's farm, East of here ie up. It will
not be veneered with brick until next
Dar. McKay of Knoz College, preaobed
in the Presbyterian Mineola here last
Sabbath. Rev. Mr. MORae was oondaot.
ing the oommanion service at Melville
Mineola Brussels.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. David
Rogere, Chairman of the Wingham Dis•
triot, will preaoh.a Missionary sermon in
the Methodist obaroh fn tllie place. He's
a good preacher.
A meeting of Oranbrook beef ring
association will be bald in Long's Hall on
Saturday evening at 7 o'alook for the
purpose of winding np the current year's
business and arranging for next year.
Parties wanting a share for next Summer
please attend. A. 11IODoNAtn, Betty.
Following is the-reporifor the month
of September for S. S. No. 7, Grey. V
Olaes.—Athol I t
0 oQ tsrrfe. Sr. IV.—
Maggie Porter, Minnie Menary. Jr. IV.
—Attie Forrest, Emma Reuther, equal,
Annie Alderson, Willie Smalldon. Sr.
III. .Amelia Molnnie, Myrtle Sperling,
Vina Alderson, Hartley Menzies, Roy
Cunningham, Annie Gordon: Jr.
Myrtle McDonald, McDonald, Ida Sharpe. Mrae OAL.
Dell, Teacher. Jr; Dept. Oranbrook, P. 8.
Se, II.—E. Hunter, H. McDonald, S. Al-
derson, 0. Schnook, M. Malabo!, V.
Sperling, R. Alderson, M. Fox, L. Baker,
Jr. II.—A. Dark, L. Lamont, D. Parris.
A. Fox. Part 12—J. Baker, O. Fisober,
V. Long, E. Lamont, H. Smalldon, W.
Baker, N. R.ymann, G. Smalldon. Sr.
1.—G. Schnook, A. Raeder, 0, Fischer,
J. Menzies. Jr. I P. Gabe, B. Alder-
son, E. Smalldon, L. Dark, L. McDonald,
L. Sperling, L. Perrier M. Sperling, F.
Fiedler., Matta oeT CALDER, Teaoher.
Jno. Prager has gone to Stratford.
Charlie° Davies ie home for a time.
Matters George and Vernon Ross, of
Brussels, were visiting at S. Amee'.
R. Laingis working t '
k aJ.Obereh
0 Daae
Brueeele, which has been moved and is
being enlarged and improved.
Some talk of an exchange of bowie
property between the Methodist Parson.
age and the Ino. Caber residence, tbat
will probably eventuate.
Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. D., will preach at
Willow Grove Cbarafl Opening osrvioes,
on the Monkton oironit, next Sabbath.
Rev. H. 11 Curry is expected to take the
work here.
HARVEST Holm—Last Sabbath Rev. A.
G. Harris, of Luoknow, preaobed the
annual Harvest Home sermons in the
Methodist Church in Ibis plane, to inter-
ested congregations. 'His morning theme
was very appropriate to the occasion and
in the evening it was "The Sower.' Ex•
(tenant muaio wee rendered by the ohoir,
Miss Laura Spenoe, organist. The church
was neatly decorated and looked first
Masa. Oolleatione were good and the
aerviOee were greatly enjoyed. Monday's
weather did not prove very attraotive for
the Tea meeting that evening yet the
obnrob was filled and an Al time wag
enjoyed by everybody, The program was
as follows '—Doxology and Prayer ;
thorns by choir 1 instrumental made by
H. L. Jaokeon and Mise MoLauahiin,
Brussels ; solo, Leslie Kerr, Brunets ;
reeit'ation, Mise Ida Cole • solo, Mies
Spence ; inetenmental, Mr. Jackson and
Miss MOLanohliu ; addreee, Rev. T. W.
Comes ; solo, Mrs, Keiser, Wingham ;
recitation, Mian 'Ida Oole; solo, 'Mien
Graham, Wingham; inetramentel, Misses
Miller and Metiers.. Frain and Brown
short apeeoboo by S. Obambere, 3. H
Balzer and L. Frain ; solo, Mre, Keiser ;
instrumental seleotion, H, L. Jaokeon
and Miss MoLauohlin ; solo, Mies Graham;
speech, R, MoKay; solo, Leslie Kerr
anthem by the choir ; Benediction, W.
H. Kerr wag the chairman. The proceeds
of the tea meeting, with Sabbath's melee.
hone amounted to $62.00. Votes of
thanke were passed to all who etiolated in
the program, the ladiee, &o, This was
the contending entertainment in the trio
of appointments on Ethel °Irooit, all of
which' were anoceesful and the pastor,
Rev. O. P. Wells, and the people aro ver.
tainly to be congratulated en their atm.
$vtt'RreE AND PREaENT,tTIoN,—Wednee
day evening, Ont, 8th, the people of Roe'e
appointment surprised the Itev. C. P.
Wells and his good lady by aosemblieg to
the ,,umber of about 40,, and presenting
tbem Witb an addreee, over 50 baohele of
oats and two pair ot lave onrtaine for the
rior windows. Smite time wits spent
in games and smile' obat. • An lZOelienb
program was
L. Frain
occupying the abater of which h the oom
pany ht
at their hookah), Spread
epartook of refreshments. The
peeler and hie wife say the people of
Rot's appointment are among the kindest
friends they have had, The following is
a Dopy of the address presented :—
To Ree. and arra, t7, 2', 1Reifa.
We, the congregation of Roe's Church,
have gathered together in yoor home to
express in a tangible way oar feelinge of
oonfidenoe and eideem toward you co oar
minister and adviser. We know and feel
that your pastorate amongst as has just`
nioely begun, still we have not failed to
recognize tbe feat that yoor one supreme.
Medea baa ever been to servo your Lord
end Minter, Jesus °brlet, and to so direct
others that they might share Hie love
with you. We eaoh feel that the Lord
ban blessed pe with plenty and to spare.
We would ask Mr. Weller on behalf of
the gentlemen, to aoaept ot 60 baehels of
oats, and Mrs. Welle, in behalf of the
Whit, to accept these two pair of 000-
taine, tendering to you the best Mabee of
this company and treating we may all
meet in oar Father's Home above where
goodbyes are never epokeo and farewell°
are ankown.. AMR RAYNARD, AND
Ethel, Oat. 8th, 1902.
1 I.o r o-zw.
Council met last Monday.
Several term Wee are cm the program.
Mre. James Sharp, 5th line, is visiting
relatives at St.Tbomaa.
Rev. Jno. Holmes is holding revival
services in the Jackson ahnrob, 8th line,
Mille Mattha Currie, acoompenied by
her Defoe, Carrie Bayne, tett for Hamii.
ton on Wednesday morning.
Rev. J. E. Hunter returned co Victoria
University last Friday. He was on the
Trowbridge oirena last. Sunday.
A young son of Jas. Speir, 6th line,
took the end off 0118 of bis fingers the
other'day bat is getting along quite nice
ly now.
The Judge's Court for tbe revision of
the Voters List in Morris Township will
be held on Tuesday, 28111 fust., at the
Towosbip Hall, at 10 a. m.
Mies Tills Oleouan, nurse, wart away
for two week on a holiday tinting to
Detroit where she formerly lived for soma
time. She arrived bank on Tuesday.
Joseph Olegg, who has handled many a
hundred cars of cattle, bas 18 good heavy
well bred short -keep tattle for sale on his
farm, Ooh line, Morrie, and the terms will
be made to snit the purohaeer.
Evan elisti- meetings e
0 s arbeingheld in
K g
Sanehine Methodist church. Revue.
Lake and Leitch, of Toronto, are aseiet•
tog the pastor, Rev, Mr. Brown. Good
meebinge are being enjoyed and the oon
gregatione are growing.
Chris. Miobie is borne for the Thanks-
giving boliday from Hespeler where he
holds a laorative position in the large
woolen factory. He reports things boom•
ing and hie work is evidently agreeing
with him as he weighs more than he ever
Robert Sonoh, 8rd line, is back from an
extended trip to Toronto, Whitby,
Oshawa, Bowmanville and other Beat-
en' pointe with relatives and friends. It
is 40 yeare since Mr, Staab moved from
that section to Morrie, He ootioed many
ohanges and knew comparatively few of
the people.
Last Sunday forenoon two young men
in a baggy picked up a bleak waterproof
cape belonging to a man's °oat near
Olegg's bridge, 4th line. The loser
would be =oh obliged if they would
leaveit at Tem Pose Publishing House or
at Mr, Watson s this side of the bridge
near wbere it Wile found.
Jae, and Robert Tbuell having disposed
of their terms on the 7th line have deeid-
od to bold an aaation Bale of farm stook,
implements, &o., they intend retiring in
tbe meantime from farming. The sale
will be on Thnreday afternoon of next
week and as they have a lot of stook, &o.,
it will oommenee at 12 o'clock noon.
James Thnell'has leased a house on Will.
Th ell's farm on the same line
a , where e b
will live for the present.
A letter from Henry Mooney, of Way.
barn, N. W. T., formerly a well known
resident of Morrie, says be threshed over
10,000 busbele of grain from the stook in
6 days this year. He had 8,3000 bushels
of wheat of whish he gold 7,800 baehele
at 84 ole. per. bushel, giving him a very
tidy sum. They bad over 2000 bushels
of oats also. Their farm ie called Spring.
beak. We are glad to bear of Mr.
Mooney'° eneoeee and hope it may long
J. T. Cartier formerly teacher in the
Anderson teamed, 8rd line, has given up
kis school at Dorking and has gone to
Schomberg where be teaahee three Maas.
se, Junior and Senior 8rd and the Bo
tranoo elem. Mr. Curtis' many old
Mende will be glad to hoar of hie moving
up the ladder and hope he will gain tbe
top rung.
ANNIVeoeARY,—RSV, 0. 0. Koine, of
of Wbiteohuroh, preaobed Anof•
versary sermons at the Ebenezer abarob,
Blosvale circuit, -on Sunday afternoon
and evening, The oangregatione were
Nage and appreciative, On Monday
evening a very ouooeesinl Served Home
slipper weal served by the ladies of the
oburob after which an excellent program
of addressee, venal and instrumental
music, and reoftatioee, was given. The
speakers of the evening were the Revs'.
West, of Blnevnie, Keine, of White.
obaroh, and Brown, of Belgrave. Pro.
needs over $40.
Om0,—About 8 o'olook last Monday
morning the spirit of Jas. Laughland took
its flight. He passed away while sitting
in his chair from heart failure, Deoeas.
ed wee a brother of Mre. Wm, Shedden
and bad been reeking his home with
themfor sOme time past. Mrs. Lanob
land died 2 years ago. They bave no
Ramify. fair. Lenohiend wee born,In
Scotland and spent a good many yearof
his manhood in Mfabigan. Be was kind.
ly diepositioned and loved the dayt of
said long Syne. He wa0 in his filet year.
The tunerai tools plade on Wednesday
afternoon to Broseels °emotery. Rev.
Mr; Hastier of Belgrave, nondnoted tqo
Omit.—d, letter from Robb. Gibson, of
Indian Head, N, W, T„ formerly, of
Morrie, ooutaing the sed news of the de.
cease of their daughter, It is with regret
that we eek you to please mention in your
peper the gad end uoexpeoted death of
Maggie A., youngest daughter of Robert
and Mary Gibson, now of Ipdian Head.
She was stole one week and I don't know
that ever a more patient child lived.
She seemed to be 00 oeubented.' Througb
all she Buffered she made no complaint,
and her last momente'.here were perfect
peace. Magnin pasead, away quietly witb
out a etruggle. While living ahs was a
friend of every one who anew her and
for the short time that she bad lived here
she made roomy friends and is greatly
missed by old and ' young. Tbe doctor
said she died of epaemotta oreap.
C5'..1- .V
Township Conned met last Monday.
The oeutra05 has not been let yet for
the aew roof on "Union" (thumb, 12th
Another ditching project on the 120
oon., East, was up at the last Conseil
Voters' list Court for Grey township
on Friday afternoon, at Ethel, at 10
o'olook a, m.
Ono. Molradden, 12th eon., has fixed
upon Thnrday, Nov. 131b, as the date of
an emotion sale of farm stook, &e.
The iron enper•sbraoture for the new
bridge on the 14th eon. le expected to be
placed tbie week. It stands on eement
Mr. MeKay took the service at Bethel
last Sabbath evening instead of Mr. Mc-
Leod. Both are students at Knox College
Saturday afternoon of Ibis week is the
date of Wm. MoFadzean's auction sale,
Lot 3, eon. 9. Tho list appears in another
column of Tan Poen.
There will likely be a good rally of Pro.
hibitioniste from' Grey township at the
Oooveution to be held at Brueeele Town
Hall on Tuesday afternoon of next week.
Others will attend the evening mase
meeting in the game place.
Harvey, eldest son of Wm. eaoFadzean,
9th aon„ was taken to Stratford a abort
time ago whore a rnedioal operation was
suoceesfufly performed in the removal of
en internal growth in oonneotion with
Me nose. He is pioking up since his
return and will soon be o. k, we hope.
The people of Roe'e oongregetion paid
a visit to the Parsonage at Ethel Wed
needay evening of last week and presented
Rev. Mr. Wells with 50 bushels of oats
and Mrs. Wells with 2 pair of lame win-
dow was It os. cattal
i w a kinds thought.
MI act and the donors will lose nothing
by it.
The Stratford preea says of a eon of
Wm. Bateman, of tbia township. J.
Bateman, night oar oheoker at the G. T.
R. has been promoted to be baggage
master at Toronto Junction, whither be
will go as Boon as hie 000000eor is ap
pointed. Many friends will congratulate
him on hie promotion.
This week John H. Roe, of the "Soo,"
wan a visitor at Riebard Roe's. It is 5
years since he was home and he ie all
enthusiasm over his town where he owns
a large betohering business. He is a
nephew of Riobard Roe and has been op
North for 10 years. Mr. Roe says Adam
Roe, formerly of Grey, is doing well,
which will not be sorrowful news to his
FARM BALES.—The 100 aore farm, lot 3,
eon. 5, belonging to James Smith, Gslt,
has been sold to Wm. Stevenson, 5th line,
Morrie, for the sum of $2,700. George
Sbiele jr. has .also diepoeed of hie 100
sore farm, lot 31, con. 17, to James
Ooloiongh, of the 181b eon., for 31,200.
Mr. Sbiele health has been very poor of
late hence the reason for Belling. This
is one of the farms that will be greatly
benefitted by the drainage eoheme of
Grey township. Other farms are also on
the eve of changing hands of which men-
tion will be made later.
MR. EDITOR --Man people nee the
aomtortable ebede, pampa &a., at the
various hotels who do not patronize ,the
dining room or bar nor yet pay for tbeir
oonvenienoea. The hotel men have gone
to big expense in fitting np sheds and I
would think it nothing bat right it every
person using them would present•a bag of
potatoes or a bag -of oats to the proprietor.
It woald not amount to ranch to the in.
dividnal bat would mean considerable to
the hotel proprietor and would be nothing
but square. A Feaersn.
Brussels School Beard,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pnblio School Board was held in the
Board room, last Friday evening. All
members present,
Tbe manatee of the last regular meet-
ing were read and passed.
The following amounts were read and
on motion of J. G. Skene, eeoonded by
Jas. Turnbull, were ordered to be paid :—
W. Wilker, resisting biaokboards
and formula, 320 00
Jae, Fox, supplies, 16 28
Moved by D, 0. Rose, eeoonded by R.
Leatherdale that J. H. Oameron'e eatery
b'iooreased by 3100 per anal um beginning
July 1st 1902. Cartied.
Moved by. Jae. Turnbull, wended by
A„ Coseley that Mien S0ott'e salary be
iuoreesed by 850 00 per annum beginning
Jan. let 1905, Carried.
Board then adjourned.
Joseph Mercier, brother of the late
Premier of Quebec, died at Montreal.
Hon. Edward Blake was a speaker
at the meeting ot the Toronto branch of
the 'Gutted Irish .League.
The seventh annual oonventioo of the
Stratford District Epworth League will
be held at the Methodtet church, St,
Marys, on Oot, 16 and 17. The °Moore
ot the district are :—Pres„ Geo. Sawyer,
MItohell ; vice -perm., Mee Hutchison,
ListoWal ; Mies Forman, Stratford ; Miss
Bain, Pinkerton ; Mise Ennis, Stratford ;
Miee Selvedge, St. Marys ; eco., Rev. A.
H. Going, Stratford ;treat„ Mies It, Wre-
lord, Stretford,
The following le the report of the Sep
bomber E;aminations of Brussele Public
DOOMS 1 & 2,
Foliar lll,— Ar,, A.19 , Lap.
and Hist, ; 110a1400
13 MaKelvie,...814 M Skene 156
M Smith 291 4 Walker 146
R Zimmer ., ,.281 G Riohardeon „183
W Eckmier..,,584 RMarred ..,.,.128
K Telfer 262 F Ham ........ 79
F' Armstrong 253 H Gooding ....
L Ross 242 E Funebon
T Switzer 241 13 McNair
L Nicholls ....240 B
B Howe 214 R Brown
F Buobanan,...172
FoBtf II.—D' xarnined in Ar„ Alg., Bata.,
Phys. ; total 400 :
E Moxinnon „828 A McMillan....166
M Thompson ..291 S Scott 157
L Mo4rthur....298 111 Pugh 146
E Wilton 272 13 Beattie 153
V Danford ....251 A Smith 138
H Ainley 264 F Abbey 137
0 MoOraoken ..202 M MoArter 81
J Buena ......220 L Richardson 56
3 MoGavin ...,207 R Maxenzie51
L Dickson 198 D Innen 45
G Eokmier ....183 D AfoDonald ,88
B Henderson ..183 W Elliott
0 Pugh 183 3 Work
G Ross 180 M McRae
B Hingotoa ....159
Fonla I,—Examined in Ar., Alg., Gram.
and Euc. ; total 400 :
F Davidson ....870 R Ainley 269
A MoQaarrie ..852 E Dennis 269
R Deadman....333 J Armstrong 267
J McCracken ,.380 3 Moonoy230
0 Ham 820 M Ross 229
R Buena 814 F Thompson ..223
A Richardson 309 L Turnbull ....222
E Stott 308 W Fargoharson
L Danford 281 E Currie
Miss E. 0. SCOTT,
J, H, OAnlzzON, Principal.
1000111 3. -
ENTae Bas.—Examined in Arith„ Gram.,
Lit. and Hist. ; total 400 :
E Oober 300 L Edwards ....235
E Cameron 277 H Rieberde ....188
N Forbes 244 R Sinolair 138
3n. IV.—Examined in ArilIi., Gram„
Hist. and Lit. ; total 400 :
M Buneton ....282 N Harbobtle156
H Brothers ....275 J Wilton 149
E Adams 272 L Sinolair 144
G Rosa 232'lb
O Wx rte 137
T Zimmer ....204 H A.very 126
E Colvin 190 M MaNiohol....119
J Bloomfield ,172 GEwan 51
J Doll .189 W Roche 51
Sn. III.—Examined is Arith., Gram.,
Lit. and Hist. ; total 400 :
8 Deadman..,.318 L MoArber 221
DT Brothers —.817 Ar Jackson 218
M Miller 814 JCunningham..214
0 Bell 301 Al Jackson ....213
F Stratton 292 P Baeker 197
G Armstrong ..292 8 Lindsay 188
0 Holmes 279 B Dark 185
F 27 W Hendereon188
A Thomson, ...277 J Moore177
E. Harbottle....276 E Ament 173
W Tnrnbull....275 V Mcxenzie167
V Wilbet; 257 0 Scott 128
J &meet 225 N Brown 59
W Strechan....225 OGerry 46
Mats KATE WILSON, Teacher.
ROOD1 4.
JR. III CLAea.—Examined in Arith.,
Spell., Mem. and Lit. ; total 450 :
J Leokie . ....414 F Mainprize,,...298
C ....413 immonsA n 8
S 5 met 29
E Good 406 G Barrett 292
W Wilton 886 S Walker 289
H Moore 877 A Bartliff 286
K Clerk 374 E Colvin 274
E Wilton 360 E Currie 272
W Soott 344 J Lott 256
F Scott 348 J Wilton 232
T Friendship ,.932 P Ament 230
P 380 J Wilbea 216
M SpeiBir 8 r
t 80 T Oobe 218
A Bishran op 824 E Ewan 206
E Speiran 324 T Armstrong ..200
0 Denbow 328
Se, II OnAoa.—Examined in Arith.,
Spell., Geo. and Mem, ; total 400 :
W Bell .....,,.317 M Jones 259
W Adams 291 K kismet 258
V Walker 289 E Wiliam 237
O Amens 286 A Roes 220
F Stott 285 0 McMilian....204
B Leckie 272 E Oober 174
13 Currie 270
Js. II in Arith.,
Spell., Geo. and Mem. ; total 408 :
IBarkley 821 ZLindsay ....240
F Gerry 810 W McKay 228
OJackson 808 J Henderson ..224
A Robb 284 W Ainley 218
G Ewan 257 D Omens56
S Agar 246 3 Cooper 44
4 Roobe .,....246
Maass 111.T00.10DOwene, Teacher.
100010 5.
JR. II OLAse.—Examined in Draw.,
Diot., Arith„ Read. and Writ, ; total 800 :
E Deadman. ,..298 W Long 241
J Armetrong ..201 F Friendship „288
E MnPadzean..288 W Long 225
E Gilpin 269 M Walker 203
V Ainley 268 L Davey 195
E Plum 267 H Campbell....192
S Spierau 263 R Heist 178
4 Thomson. , "2254 254 E Ransom 78
E Somers 250 W Miller 18
S Fox 249
CLASS IV.—Total 800 :
B Harria 289 M Bargees ....237
S Gerry x,.265 H Mooney ....282
0 Lec
H Good
kie 260 0 Wilbee ......222
280 J McNichol ,,,.227
WW HSpuram ling .,246
.261 S Burgess 206
A _
OLAss III.—Total 800 :
H Armstrong ..286 W Kerr 258
0 Conniey 291 F Robb 245
13 Warwick ....274 M Thompson 280
K Wilton 27B W MaLaoblan..211
4 Oodper, 268 4 Davey 209
I Streehan ....261 H Amens 198
0 Kerr 260 DI I5dwards .. ,.194
Orates II,•—,pxcallent--13 Lowry, lr
Clark. Good -3 Jaokeon, R Fax, H Bur.
gees, 11 Lowry, N Barkley. 3afr--0
Shaw, :G Jambeeon.
CLASS I.-Exeellenb-0 °reeks, N Fox,
A More, V Roger I3 Simmons, A Wilton;
Good•—G Barrett, S Brothers, Bishop,
0 Crone; '1' Snider, P Thnell, 0 Doll.
Fair -'-W Lott, R McKay, ti Lowry, V
McOreeken, Garde Davey, Gladye Davey.
Mess JEAN BITCIiin, Teaoliel',
Grey Council Meeting
The Oonncil 01st pursuant to order- in
the Township Hall, at 10 a. m., on Mon.
day, 001. 18th, The Reeve in the chair
end other members present. The min.
Utes of last meeting read and passed,
Moved by Fraser, seoonded by. Turnbull,
that the Clerk prepare a Bylaw appoint-
ing the 1st of November as the time for
hhe Collector's to begin to collect' the
taxes in the Township of Grey.—Carried,
Kreuter Drain Ay law, No, 192, was read
the third time and finally passed, Moved
by Turnbull, seconded by Livingston,
that the petition of James Henna' and
others, for aMnnioipaf Drain be accepted
and that the Clerk prepare a By law
appointing John Roger, 0. L. 5., of the
town of Mitchell to make a survey, pre-
pare plans, speoificatione and estimates
of said drain.—Oarried. On motion of
McDonald and Fraser, the following ace
oounte were ordered to be paid:
John MoEwan, gravel 3 17 84
Thos. Ennis, farm bridge, 18111
eon. drain, lot 16, con, 13 10 00
Robb. Bell nnderbrus hI 'n at side
road 2, con. 4 1 25
Robt. Hoy, culvert Hall drn. eon. 4 20 00
Wm, Riley, culvert Hall drain,
aide road 2 5 70
Wm. Riley, gravelling on Bdy. of
Grey and Morris 160 00
Geo, Eakmier, rag bolts 50
Abraham Bishop, culvert lot 14,
can. 4 1 60
A. R. McDonald, repairing oulvert
side road 1, von. 2 1 00
Duna. McNair, farm bridge, lot 21,
con. 14, (I4tb eon. dram 10 00
D. Ewan & Oo. bridge bolts 1 25
Donald Lamont, culvert at lot 10,
side road 2, oon. 7 4 00
John Dark, culvert lot 14, con. 10 3 00
John Maliinnon, oulvert side road
1 oon. 8 2 50
Thomas Welsh, culvert aide road
3, eon. 6 3 50
Hugh Lamont, tile drain lob 8,
con. 8 4 00
Jno. Savage, culvert lot .4loon 5
Robert McOntaheon, graveling
side road 4, con, 2 8 50
Walter' Pennington, sewer pipe
(advert lot 13 eon. 14, 3 loads
earth 1 load gravel 6 60
Walter Pennington, farm bridge
14th oon. drain lot W ' 4, con
13 10 00
James Houston, Oliver award
prain lot 11, eon. 16 9 25
John Goatee, plank and covering
oulvert at lot 10, con. 14 5 00
John Coates, farm bridge 14th eon
drain lot 12 oon. 16..,10 00
George xerr, gravel 8 16
John Mitohell,gravel 2 80
Robert Dookett, grading and gray
elliog aide road 4, oon. 8. 10 90
Robert Dockets, gravelling side
road 5oon.5 6 00
Anthony Raymaun, eeleotiug
jurors 4 00
Oharlee Fifer, repairing road at
aide road 8 con. 18 19 50
Enooh Olark, grading road at lot
17, con. 17 10 00
Richard Robinson, gravelling at
lot 80,oon. 14
8 40
John Rid, renaming stumps at
lot 30, can. 15 4 00
George Mann, covering culvert at
lot 25, con. 14 1 00
John ,x Baker, repairing culvert
at lot 85, oon. 91 00
Duncan Molnnes, repairing oul-
vert at lot 14, 0013.12 1 00
Reid & Curtain, work on 14th oon
drain 125
Andrew Hislop, bridge abutments
at lot 6, con. 14 700 00
Samoa Ferguson, gravel 39 10
William Bateman, gravel 11 60
William Oakley, gravel on boon
dory Grey and Morris ,.. 2 56
John Hanna, repairing road on
Elma boundary 50
Thos. Stevenson, gravel .11 08
L. A. Mason, repairing road at lot
27, eon, 7 8 00
Alexander Stewart, polling booth
No. 8 4 00
William Miller, °ulvert lot 84,
Grey's share 2 45
Samuel Dunn, gravel 1 40
Jamee Pearson, gravelling on side
4, oon. 8 ., 6 50
John Gimlet, gravelling on Elma
boundary, Grey's share 1 75
Robert Close, gravel 4 88
James Hamilton, gravel. 8 76
William MoKay, farm bridge, 14th
oon, drain 10 00
Lattohlan MoNeil, farm bridge,
14th eon. drain, lot 19,oon. 18., 10 00
Peter Nicholson, on °entreat Clark
drain 74 00
On motion of Livingston and Fraser
the oeunail adjourned to meet in the
township ball at the pall of the reeve.
Jo18 MolNToen, Olerk.
James Fleming, Imitator of Legal Of.
hoes for Ontaei0, died at Toronto.
Tbe Quebeo Oily Oonnoil has passed a
bylaw to tax life ineuranoe agente tram
ontaide pointe.
William H. O'Hara of Albion, Mich.,
fell off a train at St, Thomas and was
Lightning struck William Clarke'°
bongo in Hamilton and the Toroth
Ofty Hall tower
Mrs, Jane (Regimen, aged 72 yearn .r ..a
streak by a street nee in Toronto a i.i.
fatally injieed.
Temiekaming Railway will be laid w,th
80 pound rails of Oanedien make if they
oon be 910000ed.
Charles McLean, jun„ of Montreal,
wan asoidentally shot and killed while
hunting It North Bay.