The Brussels Post, 1902-7-31, Page 4.CSt9
THURSDAY, JUDY 131, 1902.
To the Editor of TUB Paw,
mug Rere—In compliance with your
request that I should write you an ao•
count of my experieaaee and obeervatlone
in the ''Greed Nor' Weet," I will herein
attempt to deeorlbe, but inadequately
and inoampletely I fear, what to my. way
of thinking are the main features in a
de9oription of this gonntry, Ito peoplta,
their induotriatand imolai standing and
North Dakota, named after an original.
resident tribe of Indiana, the Daootabe,
is divided, geographically, into two parte,
the valley of the Red river, lying on the
East, and extending 40 mitee West from
the Red river; and the hills extending
285 miles West from the valley to the
Montana line. Although not having
visited the valley, I have learned that it
ie monotonously level throughout its
whole extent and is composed of so won-
derfully fertile a soil, that it ie so widely
known for ire production of No. 1 hard
wheat that it bae reoeived the name
"Bread Basket of the World." However
worthy it ie of this annotation I know not
bat it is certain that it is the pioneer
dietriot of North Dakota. It ie from
there that the Western part was ooloniz•
ed ; it is there that the institutions of
learning,'Uuiveraities, Agriooltoral Col.
loge, Normal Sohools, eto., are located ;
and it is there the "West" looks to as
"home," for it is from thence the "West"
Rets tbe money, brain and brawn that
make the wheels ofP rogram'sPin onward,
Now to the West—rte hills its dales its
natural glories,let me direct
your atten-
tion. While he early Summer's sun
sheds its glories round wooing to budding
sweetness and perfumed bloom the in•
numerable flowers, let as breast the keen,
dry, healthy air up the nearest hill and
gaze on Nature, oentnriee old, and as yet
but alightly ohanged by man ; and there
see through the hazy, shimmering light
of old king Sol, hills beyond hills to the
horizon'e wall, all covered by the riob
green garb of Nature. On closer obser-
vation see the grave thickly intermingled
with a profusion of wild flowers. Here
roan bloom till the grass le pink with
their blown petals ; here the airy Hare-
bell raises ite elastin head ; here the wild
munflower and Creeping vines vie with
their neighbor in garnishing the robe of
Nature ; and while we are almost wrapt
in contemplating these beauties our
thoughts are transported by the sight of
a bonnie Sootoh thistle, raising iia serene
undaunted head and giving proof that it,
like the people, whose emblem it is, can
adapt itself to any soil or clime and still
maintain ite identity dietinot. We also see
that the virgin prairie ie beiogoultivated.
You Dan see 20 to 40 acre fields of flax,
mending dense and 2 feet long, just
Jus otitip into bloom, also small fields of
epeite add outs. Oa r.'am;lp every 160
acres you will Mee a shack 8110 or there-
abouts, this ie the bachelor home of the
hardy young men wbo have followed
Horace Greeley's advice, and have gone
Weat to grow op with the country ; and
by indications the advioe is well worth
retaining, for here is a splendid oppor-
tunity to make a comfortable home from
this vigin Boil. On still closer observa-
tion, -we see that the land has a surface
Boil of rich slay and sand loam, plenti•
fully fattened by vegetable mould, and
oaloareoae and eibeaeoue mineral sub
games, and it has underneath a alay
subsoil. Altogether we see 8 country
pleating to the eye and one that in a Pew
yeare will certainly be pieaeiug to the
Now let as mix with the people, which
are of many different nationalities, Irieb,
Scotch, Canadians,Rneeian, Swede, Ioe-
landic, Norwegian and American. Of
these the Canadians, ae you will nearly
always see in the Northwest, are in the
asoeodent. It ie to them that the coun-
try owes its religioue and educational
advantages ; but to all 1 believe the first
and ferment aim is to grasp the elusive
dollar. All the people intermingle with
one another freely and seem to be a
whole, assimilated Amerioao people, free
from reoial or creedal prejadicee. All
are hardy, intelligent and industrious';
striving to make a home and a compet-
ency ; the oompetenoy "by hook or crook,"
Nearly all are loudly explosive in giving
vent to their presumed enthneiaatie
patriotism ; so loud tbat one is lead to
suspect its sincerity and as in nearly every
other land their minds are deeply im•
bned with a salsa of their own importance
as a Nation.
In regard to the industrial development
bot little Dan be maid, ae the people are
prinoipally farmers and ranchero. All
the laude along the railroad are now as
copied by farmers and the ranchers are
moving further back. The country has
no manufacturing interests as there is no
fuel, althoagb enough lignite coal for
stove use ie found in the larger hills. All
manufacturing ie done by the larger
combine' of the central States. Prides
for manufactured articles are very high
and are made excessively great through
reason of high freight rates, bat in return
what the farmer sells a immands a high
prise. Flax turning ant 20 to 25 bushels
per Dare Bella at 81.50 to 81.75 per bushel
and as this ie the staple Drop it is readily
seen that the farmer can afford to pay
good prices, eopeoially when it is taken
into consideration that this land was free
Government land. Towne are very plen-
tiful but email in size, consisting only of
baeiaese plaoee. Altogether the, country
had a great future ahead. Now in regard
to the aoolal oondition and development
I might aay that the people are progres-
sive. As soon ae possible aohoole are
erected and competent teaohere planed in
charge and oharohee are built. Foreig-
ners learn to speak English as no other
language ie tolerated, and all tendencies
point to the making of healthy -minded
American citizen. Some things require
correction. The Amerioan people flaunt
their "freedom," and 88 it matter of fast
they are in south eespootetoo free. There
is Bome caseeliberty without law. Pro-
hibition law', and laws in reference to
Sabbath observance are openly and flag -
randy violated without punishment in
the West, and this certainly degenerates
the general sooial'standing,
Naw, ih oonolaeion, allow me to thank
you dear readers, for your kind perusal
of tbie tiresome a lade but before oloeing
let me 880009 that ""ttrara'e PO plaeo lige
bomo," and that North Dakota's treeless
prairie, though beautiful, ie not to be
oampared with Ootariu'u fruit and graio-
laden bide mad dales ; that the land of
the starry banner, "Illd Glory,"!, where
children sing "God and Horne and. Native
Land" and people sing and shoat, My
Country tie of Theo, sweet land of Lib
arty," ie not the land nor the Govern.
merit for me, Give rite my old Canadian
home where 1 Pan slug with the fervent,
heartfelt patriotism, with my fellow (,lana.
diane, "God Save our Bing," and "Heaven
bless the Maple Loaf Forever,"
Mine ELLEN Drrwonyu.
Voltaire, N, Dak., July 15, 1902.
On the Bowling 'Tournament.
8o,na Mime ago, whin th' Prieidint iv'
th' Bowiln' Club indeavored to pereuad°
me to become a mimber iv that august
body, I tould him I wed takeit into moy.
0ari000 ooneitberation, Be tould me I
bad all Ib' goatifioatione mildewy to
make me a good bowler. He paid I had
lots av toime at moy dishpans), I had a
keen eye, au' wae .a good judge iv,
wltiehky. Bat I tould him I wad t'ink
it over. I don't bike to rush into many.
t'ing bloindfolded widoutfacet ooneitber•
in' th' pros aa' th' eons—iepioially th'
cone. SoI 't'ougbt I wad koind iv
monkey round an see what Mary Ellen
had to May about it. "Mary Ellen," I
says, "I've a notion to jine 1h' bowlers
this eayeon," I says. "Some iv their
bier min has lift," I nye, "an' they
want 'tome good reloiable ould beads to
take their plane. I t'Ink I wad add eon-
eitberable dignity to th' olub in it's
prieint depleted: =edition." "'Dinnie
Grogan," ('aye Mary Ellen, eye'1l do noth•
in iv the Bort. It wuddn t be a wake till
ye'd be paradin' th' ebtrate wid a pens,
ramp hat an' a pair iv ehtoue maeoa'e
pante, an' a big leather hilt round yer
aotartio emote. Sure th' kids 'd be
ellin' at ye,'git onto that crazy enid
Grogan wid g
th' rcklayer's pante on.'
"No, Grogan," she mile, "ye niver wae
intinded fur a bowler. Av ye'il take may
advice, yell kepe off th' erase." So whin
I mit Mishter MoMoiahael -tb' Mat day I
says, "I've bin ooneitherin' over th'
mattber," I Bays, "an' I've come to Lb'
conclusion that it'd be betther fur me in
me prieint physical oondition to kepe aff
th' grass. I'm tbroubled wid palpitation
iv th' liver, are a tindinay to degineration
iv the' pleuro magiunie, an' me doother
advoieee me to avoid all ixooitemint.
There's an ilemint iv ixooitemint an'
danger in th' game," I says, "that's apt
to prod000e diehtraotion iv th' peri-
oardno. Me an' th' Xing," I says, "are
sot jiat what ye moigbt call in robusbt
health at prisiat, bat I wnddo't moind
takin' tb' job av rennin' yer retriehmint
oafay at th' toarnymint av yer hard up
far a man." -
Th' toarnymint wae it great suaoiee.
Shtrange to say th' witber kipt aff in
purty good shape, oonsitherin' th' way it'e
bin goin' on lately. I don't t'ink th'
mach this refriehminls amountedto year.
Nobody seemed to t'ink it worth their
whoiie to es me to tiettb' quality iv their
drinkable('. They don't thrate vishitore
wid that oordielity that ye'd imagine wad
be stoneiehbent wid gintlemin wbo oan
afford "to wear another suit iv clothes
whin they go away frozedome. Wan' iv
th' Suttee's shape gave me a cigar, but,I
waeu't Lakin' for cigars Pet then. Iii n't
!'ink it's mash iv a gameannyway.
I didn'tattind th' wooer* at noight.
Clang says it wae well attiaded. Tb'
band distinguished itself ae usual, an'
the singin' was furot.olaes, but be nye
what be injoyed most wae a tableau
ripresinted, th' Battle iv B.illiorankie.
He says th' different aharaotere war wall
repreeinted, an' showed careful attintion
to detail an' realistic effiot. But I niver
did care mash far thim t'ings, annyway.
I 0099000 bowfin' is all right fur thin
that loikee it, bat I niver wee fond iv
marbles. Howiver, I've bought a Pony.
ramy hat an' I'm goin' up to Tom
Riohardeon's to git a pair iv thim bowfin'
shoes. They'll come in bandy whin I'm
trimmin' me bnrdooke on me lawn.
The Western Fair.
Iu these days of marvelloae achieve•
menta men have almost ceased to be
enrprieed, no matter what grange novelty
may appear, and yet we have jag learned
of a eeneational feat of human skill and
daring that compels universal wonder
and admiration wherever it is seen. It
ie ogled the Cycle Dazzle, and wae orig.
inated by the world•famoue king of
hazardous exploits. The aot is perfor•
med'on the smallest raoing treek ever
constructed and one built at an angle of
74 degrees. In thio strange dtracture two
men and two women on bioyolee perform
feats so marvellous that they defy dee.
oription. One Dan warmly imagine the
terrific speed that moat be attained by
these daring riders on such a traok, to
Met at nsagbt completely the law of gravi•
talion. We are glad to know that the
people of Western Ontario are soon to
have the pleasure of seeing this nupar.
alleled sensation. The Directors of the
Western Fair Association have:forran•
ately been euoceteful in securing tbie
attraction for the thoneande wbo will
vieit London from September 12th to
20th, the date of the great exhibition.
Bat this is not all the program, for the
"Western" of 1902 goes far beyond any-
thing ever attempted in the game line. It
has always been tbe leader in these de•
partmente, but this year will eurpase
itself in the beauty, variety and thrilling
magnificence of its program. A glance'
at the Iiet suffices to prove that the
menagemeot have armed neither trouble
nor expense to give their Mende
the most nnique, instructive
and amusing entertainments ever offered
to the people of thio province.
Another sensational marvel who bas
thrilled tbouoande in the States will be
at the Exhibition in the pereon of Prof.
Hutchison, the Haman Bomb. Ile takes
a tremendous flight in hie immense bal.
loon and maker a parachute drop by
being projeoted from a bomb. suspended
at the lower portion of the floating gas
'toga Naynon and her wonderful flock
o! 63 trained tropfoal birds ebould win
onetinted admiration from loveto of
ornithological study. These birds are
mostly Cockatoos and Macawe,and grow
phenomenal intelligence. The trial' they
do are the result of long months patient
training and illustrate in a remarkable
way the result of ooneoientlons effort.
The marvellone Monopedee, or ens
legged aorobate. Alarming, and Du Crow,
will present their high Mase berozgatal
bar Out, w_ hroli bee filled vaudeville.
bouees In all parte of tau continent,
The teats waioa gime then porforro, eaob
with a limb mieaing, have excited the
most enthutiastio praise and. wonder.
Among the other aorobatie specialities
will be those of the °seatce, three of the
olevereet artiste in the athletfo world i
and the fo,r Bird Drop„ female for the
aeteniehmente they have brought to open.
bound andieneeo, with their forward and
backward eomereaulte, cutaways, double's
and twietere ; and .then, there will be on
hand the four inimitable 0 item, wi th
their amusing eceontrioitiee and novel.
ties, They are unriv.11ed oomediane,
eingere and (tamale, 1n an act never
witnessed by the Osnedien public,
The great Gay and hie wife are the
most myeterious wonder workers and
megioiane appearing on any. platform
Gay Dan remove any pair of bandouffe
fastened upon him, elmoatinetantaneoue-
ly, in a mauler entirely inexplicable, bat
bis greatest turn le the wonderful trunk
mystery, a triok of magic 00 bewildering
that it stands io a ciaeo by itself.
Chrieeie Mori on Jones, Canada's
greatest lady Cornet Vtrbuoeo, williappear
every afternoon and evening in numbers
demanding the maximam of teohofoal:
skill. The Firework(' dieplay bee been
planned along linee eolaulabed to prodaoe
the greatest losury of color ever seen in
Western Ontario, and is a feature of the
ebaw nous anti afford to mise. Other
epeoial attractions' are being arranged
for end eaob etande pre eminent }u its
Mass but those accorded brief mention
will initiate intending visit ire into mime
seorete of the Fair's promised auoaess.
Every department of the Exhibition is
being strengthened and improved and in
eaob oats a dietinot advance over pre
viola years has been eared. Altogether
the Western. Fair of 1902 It oonfldently
expected to exoel its il:uetrioue prede-
cessors in the wealth of . -exhibits, tbe
exoelienoe of epeofal programmes and
consuming inter e t to from all
tort ca end iudee
a Motth province, ovia d to add
the"wouulatod glory heaped' up by
this Exbtbitioe'durlug past yeare.
hell IPIT Iif1 DONE
One of the reoent literary curiosities is
the new testament "done" tato "braid
Soots." Rev. William Wye Bmitb, who
rendered the book into Soots, bait this to
say in his introdnotion.
"Lot nae man think it is a vulgar
tongue—a mere gibberish to be done wi'
as Bane as ane is bye the sohnie•time. It
ie ancogent and honorable tongue, wi'
rates deep i' the yirtb, wilder than
maokle o' the English."
Some idea of the change° made in the
phraseology of the word eau be gained by
those who will take the trouble to own.
pare Matt. v., 1 16, with the following ;
And, nein' th' tbrang of folk, he geed
ap until a m)00tai0 ; and wben be was
entton-dooa, bio dieoiples gether't aboot.
And he opeu't his mooch, and
ioetrnotit them : andqno' he •
Happy the spirits %het ;lown and
'gonia ; for the kingdom of heeveo is
waitin' for them I
Happy the lowly and meek o' the
yirtb ; for the yirth nal be their ail
had den.
Happy they wham hunger and druuth
are a' for holiness ; for they sal be
Happy the pitiful ; for tbe sal win pigs
theireele 1
Happy the pure hartit ; for their Sen
gal dwell upon God 1
Happy the mekkere 0p 0' strife ; for
they sal be 0000tit for bairns o' God.
Happy the ill-treatit acme for the sake
o' gado ; thay'es bite the kingdom of
God 1
Happy sal ye be when folk sal mhos.'
ye, and ill treat ye, and say a' things
again ye wraagonelie for my Bake I
Joy ye and be btythe I Yere meed is
great in heaven; for e'en sae did they
till the prophets afore ye 1
The emit o' the yirth are ye ; but gin
At .0 J, to
k f3't
the eeuit hoe tint Ile Tang hn'a it to be
aaotit 7 Ie it no glean useless? It is no
oleait ueeiees? to be ottietoa Mitt and
tranobl't tinder fol}i'e feet,
Xo are the world's lloht, d, teen
biggit on a hill top is eye seen,
Nor wed men Tient t oru.le, and pit it
month a cog, but set it 0p, and 11 gl'eu
lloltt to a' the hove(',
Sae Tat yere light Rang abrefd among
men ; that Melts' yere gado wanks Tiley
way gle Clod gicrfe,
Extraordinary unary Cure.
Debunks, Ont., Amg. 1802,
MacLeod Medicine 00,,
Goderl°h, Ont,
I am new getting to be an old man,
oboe on 60 years of age, I woe a sufferer
for nine yeare from what I could 001
deportee and did not Understand, and
sore enough the doctors I consulted failed,
not one of them made out my ailment,
I was that weak for three yeare that I
could not lift a pail of water off the
floor were I paid for it. During the loot
four yeare my akin turned bine, then
bleak. i was obliged to over my' hands
in the preeenoe of stranger° and hide my
face the beet way I could because of my
Wok skin. I could not get anything to
do me good, f agent, and wae williog to
epend wore, hundreds of dollars in treat-
ment and dootore':medioine, When Ieaw
that Alex. MoDoeald woe oored—1 did
not believe he could be cured—I thought
eure I could get some good anyway from
what cured him.' 1 got a bottle of your
System Renovator from him, it made
me gpfte Biek, but I continued taking il.
I got another and pareevered in it, even
it it did sicken me, and the result was
when I had taken four bailee I wae'
strong enoutli to moth. Then my bands
were in parts white and in parte bine.
I was eatietled thea it would care me. I
took 89.00 worth before I was olear and
wbite as before. I have some Dolor now,
my blood must have undergone' a great
chane to turn m skin ite in t
white that
g y
t' e m i 1
time. I quite well ever Mince I stop-
ped, r
ped, end eat well and work hard' every
day. I would have given thousand(' of
dollars for the remedy that would have
recovered my natural color egein. I give
the praise to your Renovator foamy care
anyway. JOHN WILSON.
MacLeod's Remediee, eetobliebed fh
1888, are the only medioinee in Canada
which have sold on their merits without
advertising. Address MacLeod Medicine
Co., Goderioh, Ont.
Sold by James Fox, Brussels.
Craned flu,u N e wile.
George Beaoh, a Toronto oommeroial
traveller, was drowned in Muskoka.
Walter Cowan, father of M. S. Cowan,
M. P., died soddenly at Leamington.
George William Cooke, of Halifax,
murdered hie wife by cutting her bead off
with a razor.
The statue of Robert Borne in the
Allen Gardena, Toronto, wee unveiled by
Mrs. David Walker.
Edward Dodmau. jun., of Tbamesville,
went to sleep ()tithe railway near. Both.
well and was killed airaim
Tweuty.flve Kilosohnrcb,
boys leave pledged themeelvea to abstain
from oigarebtee until 21 yeare of ape.
Mies Lily Staoey, a young girl employ-
ed in the Stormont Cotton Mill at Corn-
wall, wae oangbt in the machinery and
had her eoalp taken off.
Two colored men were buried in a
tunoelatNiagara Falls. Charles Eater
was fatally injured,. and Joseph. Cook had
hie skull fractured.
The Toronto City Connell passed ibe
vote of 825,000 to the fundfor the relief
of the families of firemen killed or die•
abled mobile on duty.
Seventy three townships in Ontario
have commuted and abolished -statute"
labor eyetem, with a view to securing
better roads by a more ekilfal supervision.
About half of these made the change
within the last year ae ehown by the
annual report, just ironed,' of the Com.
miesioner of Highways, A. W. Campbeil,
The report records a marked advenoe in
public Sentiment in favor of better roads
Spoiled a. Good Balking
you have many a time by using an
inferior grade of $our.Your bread will
always be light, white and sweet when
aging the Venue. It is always of sup-
erior quality, with no variation, and ie
carefully made from the beet grown
Manitoba wheat, " Try this satisfactory
brand for your bread, oakee and pies,
and you will never gee any other.
Downing ros.
Beauty in a Shoe
is not hard to find these ditys,"
but it is difficult to find that rare
combination of beauty and style
comfort and durability, Never-.
tholes(' you can get it at DOWN-
ING'S, and it won't cost,you any
more for these Shoes than others
lacking these essentials. Our
Oxfords and Colonials are mar.
Agents for the Slater Shoe.
Downing Bros.
and aboive'that the movement for int.
provewe06bae obtained quite largo pro.
portrone in Ontario,
LOW ANO,1+`IBOI-Iwo:mason
YAECAT011, &o, •
moo over fhlreley'e Drag t3tepe,
Fen, Stir, 1501, 74.781 89000810, '
iJ Thoro'.bred Short Horn, registered
pedigree. Terme vac, lwitb privilege of ro.
tarofngif necee0arY, QI80, Itoe8
07• Brueeele Booth.
PNaeto1nD baa mevoral good Farms for'
pale and 10 rent,easy terms in lbwnebipe
of Morris and Grey, F 0. 8l)OTT,Bruosel
Oa1'O.—$7000.00 will buy the macaw.
ghey Bnuelocketoree in themist Vinbeagsoe ld of to Bruesole.close Tout botiroto
McCaughey Estate. Intending purchasers
should investigate at once. Apply to F. 8.
80071 or G, N. BLA110, Bruseelo,Ont.
laud, eligibly looated on Turnb airy
street, Brussels, for sale, Will be enid en.
bloc or house and tote separately, to suit
ppurohoeer. Good dairy business in 000888-
.lon,. Pompidou' could be given any time.
For__ppabse, terms,. ko., apply to NOM Mo.
LAOOHLIN, Brussels.
Lot 08
55t. Don. IGrey, bush here
aurae; m agree cleared,,1)feet,
balance bush Theen
1framehoner, 18x20 feet, with a 24x00
10018 tech; barn 87x. Pert;. stable fenced
andfeat ; orchard, et] from
m Farm ie well fanost-.
ondonly church.
hue hum school, more, post -
office and enure Possession h ser 1pa to tit in
ttorop next term. For, apply particulars as
B1priae, .Orme, ka„ apply to GEOI.
BPARLZNG, Proprietor, Orauhrook P.O.
L . Lot 11, Con. 8, Groy, oontaiuiug 095
cares. 80 aorta. cleared Good frame house,
cedar logbarn, orobard, ko. Farm is well
watered. spring creek on rear end ; oonven.
1entto school and church; ei miles from
the thriving village of 1ruetel0.. Possession
would be given next March with privilege
of Full plowing, dee. For lfurther partied.
laze as to price, terms, do.,apply on the
premises to RICH. 10019, Proprietor, or
brussels. P. 0. 55.5m
virtue of the last will and testament
at Phillip Graodine, sr, the property being
village lots 168k 187, ,West side of Samoa et.,
and Nos.160 & 160 fronting ou James et., all
in the village of Brueeele, in the County of
Huroncontaining in all one norm more or
lees, will be offered for sale at Brueeele by
public auotiou after the expiration of three
menthefrom date hereof. Further parboil
bare and date of sale will be advertised at a
later date. PHILLIP GRANDINE,Jr,,
Dated June 30th, 1952.
26,000. Lbs. of Wool
Wanted at
Brussels Woolen 11i11
Where the Highest Market
Price will be paid in
Cash ar Trade.
We also have in stook a fine line of
Blankets, Sheetings,
Yarns, Tweeds, Etc
All Pure Wpol Goode.
Custom Carding done at any time.
Your own wool made into rolls at short
notice. Don't sell your wool or have it
manufactured until you call at the
Brueeele Woolen Mill and get prices.
Lockridge Bros.
Wbon you ooneldetr about the painting of year Itquoe
the moot important thing to think of ie, what 10 the beet
gnnlity of paint obtainable? The beet paint to stand
the weather and look froph forthe iougem
et t10? There
is only one answer to this, namely, tut a paint made
with 8randrem'e 0,13, Genuine Lead, Pure L}peeed 011,
TRAD E MARK ,tnd just enough Dryer, must be the beei, ae thio B, B.
Lead has for 00 11110v 7.8800 been proved superior to all others. Such 8 patnt:te
An0h0r Liquid Ifooeo Paint, and it le ibe only liquid paths made Iba flltaada witp
11 andram a B, B, Genuine ,Warta Leod, •
It le a mistake for yon to nee anything but the very beat paint in painting your
home. The coot of putting on the paint ie penally about the same as the oust of the
paint tteelf. A pheap paint takes more time to roeke a reasonably good job with
than a good paint, and dose not last as long, poo look cm well. In taut the cheap peint
is the moot elpeneive paint in the end. Makeno mistake. iJee Anchor Liquid
acme Paint, It le a Pare White Lead, Zino and Limed Oil Paipt, and i0 as good
ae oau be shade with our ohoioe of the very beet materiule. Use it and got the moat
satiefuotory results obtainable with paint. Sold by.— y/t��
A. rfiE . *' 491:1 i ".,® Brussels.
£a'c/ es' fine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
i comfort, very durable.
When you discard
them you want another " just like the last ones."
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying. •
Here are a
—Ladies' Dongola IIfd, laced or buttoned, latest style, heavy sole, only 9125:
—We•have all styles at lowest prices.
—On Bareain Conuter this week, 22 pairs Ladies' Blame, ell prices, from 92 00
to 83 00, going this week at 90o per pair only.
Agents for Ieviotus Shoes made by George A, Slater, for either men or women.
nariiess Depn,t'tmelit - Single Harness for next 90 days °beeper
than ever, Dusters, Fly -nets, Rubber
Ruga at low prise..
WE are having a splendid season in our large gale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup-
ply the wants bf, the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or
Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or
half track with 2i or 8 inch tires.
Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to.
Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter.
John, Cobol, & Sons' Carriaze Pactorgr
' -'
LONDON 12-20, 1902
A Medley of. SpectacularMerit
Prof. Butohieon, the Human Bomb, in a thrilling. Balloon Aeoen•
('ton and Parachute Drop. The marvelous Cycle Dazzle, The Wastes
in a sensation novelty, The great. Gay, the Hendeuff Ring. The
Olifano, Continental Eeoentrignes, Manning and Do Crow, famous
Mouopedea. Rosa Nayarit], with her troupe of Trained Tropical Birds,
The Barb Bros., Aorobatio Wonders. Ohrieeie M, Jones, Cornet Vir.
1u00o. Mognifioane Pyroteohniee and many other features.
Special train service over all lines. - ..
d than the times Grouude inetdioae
Exhibits further Shea l y
bean tifuI Buildings irreeistably inviting..
• 1
Prize Liete, Maps, Programmer' and information for the netting from
L:r.$:"OL. 00, 1r, 9MAI1TOIIOILP, J A. N81.L80,
l'i eal"lenl. Secretary.
£a'c/ es' fine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
i comfort, very durable.
When you discard
them you want another " just like the last ones."
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying. •
Here are a
—Ladies' Dongola IIfd, laced or buttoned, latest style, heavy sole, only 9125:
—We•have all styles at lowest prices.
—On Bareain Conuter this week, 22 pairs Ladies' Blame, ell prices, from 92 00
to 83 00, going this week at 90o per pair only.
Agents for Ieviotus Shoes made by George A, Slater, for either men or women.
nariiess Depn,t'tmelit - Single Harness for next 90 days °beeper
than ever, Dusters, Fly -nets, Rubber
Ruga at low prise..
WE are having a splendid season in our large gale of Buggies, and are in a position to sup-
ply the wants bf, the public with a First-class article. We will sell either Wholesale or
Special attention given to the manufacture of Farm Wagons, either common sized wheels or
half track with 2i or 8 inch tires.
Field Rollers and Wheelbarrows with steel or wooden wheels.
Repairing and Repainting promptly attended to.
Our attention will soon be turned to the Cutter Trade for the coming Winter.
John, Cobol, & Sons' Carriaze Pactorgr