The Brussels Post, 1902-6-26, Page 5tiny 26, ,1:0Q2 1,1 Bit.N7I8 POST'. BUSINESS 4ARYgvIF TURN ♦✓ enables employment leaving mrjoys work of ere 'United and NOTI'l/NG SQMETH/N(a t1 CO11030 p NTRf1 -, ..�- young College,. the In bueluese dye school in business Btatee, your friends. Or (jn + UI� men at good Tale reputation education. are in colleges This �'Y, TURN.,$ Traittlttg, Ill J ryI� GJL i-. rl =� Y + U Q�� and women wages immediately fe khe et doing The strong demand In Canaria is the eobool Write for catalogue, y, lLL1UTT, l/P,, UPI filo• ��^ssetkflr ,. Gl •••-.)„ -�i• ._ Ont, rWJ ll)s to mere on aolioot that the beet uraduatee' as teach- and the for you „cinema,. govrilOPy the dejcnner wee served ill it large mar9ece on 1110 iawn, lkir, and. ;vire, or Buffalo, lett ou the evening d ruin for Buffalo, Alban?, New York and p 3PQee.:tJI 41,1•IrI etrlrll ItIX. pAd While retPrnied teem SI IpletOn Balt block, Freak, Elie fourteen year•ald eon of Adorn lroater, fell trrrp the ,atlway bridge to the atony liver hank ba• awth, a0 u ,., L rr"''''''''''' ---. _ p- �''..J"' Jl'�, '' ' F I�F _ny-•h' , CASH �a� p� �y �:+ i ..... - ... � w7 / W,rp Z"++,r '�' -yamT- �-,• I t LJ � [ L..lice ;1 ONI]Y 7'U LOAN AT G PER a,T.a. eau , V.B. BOt?T1' Ilrueeele, MFS, Slatlklnuw will lenld., In Toronto, tit, tPPPtmly 116 totupon bis toot fat the atltYo o OP9 andpileaitltd o tt0 "`�^"' ... - �+ M IL7,' A ... 14. TvtoQR�CICNN^ leaner of Lfarriage X♦lopu9oa. ot• at Grocery,Turnberrystreet,Brussels, 1.iFtk,riwvif a .� . ”" - d, lt. ll''''i du bud a rib tra0lpred while asetetin IP replovp, the, g _... y ,,.ltj ..1Ht3'+i Cbnreh to ate=new• sit6, ' The A 0. U. W. in thin district iowc completed nrraagemehta for nu axopr0ion to Southampton on Friday, Jgl 4th, y Y H. Abram, tormorl of the Stertors hetet here, and late of the Opietor Hoaee, Woodotoolt, hae taken a hotel in Remit carr0f] Otrte 1 A oPit of interedt to townspeople game rtfor trial et °Odic* Waif week, being n i that of DOitall�}'. >;,fq'agalnot ttte.M Vera tti Maopfaoturere Intgrance tlo. It ie the only uui ettled claim arising out of the feet fire at the factory, and rrpreoen1O nearly $10,000, which the Zneuran0a Oompany deolinee to pay on a teolpi, nelIE •y' t� 0 L �y QrJQ LraS, of WQQi•,J'' f Wanted at py�'� pjw �] pyo 1 Brussels Woolen Mill Whore the meteor Market Prise will be laid in i Cpe11 or Trade,, -. l _,i * •.' lour i ion �`.. „ „� N. BARRETT r Tonsorial Artist, 81top-Naxl door Cont of the Standard ; auk, Ladles' ane onildruu'e foie totting a epode,' by. M, MDRRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. 1 � �'. (J� Is neyrr autis6eil, We kae ayerlaelin 1 tit jt tr in to make r p g y y g this score better, We're.never lagging fn our. efforts to gather the right kind of geode rind making vnloas hotter. Dollars neyer bad such a ur- p chatting power as they have now -at this store -and baeineea wee never e0 `s much to oq liking.- Our InOreaeing sales is inspiration for renewed effort on our part to enlarge the sphere of this stores aeefulnese, $elowffwe quote a few prtmae which you will find intorestin reading Ladies' Black Uuderekirta, made 'ot mercerized ee1nua with frills and ifnnnaee, in all ajzee and lengbha, regular prion 01 36, at ; White Shirt V>'aii te, in all the nacv designs; trimmed with matte, embro,dery and lace at 500, 75o, $1, 01,50 and t2, , , Fine Grenadine Drees Goods at 60c, 75o and $1. . . Ladies' L'Iele thread Black Hose, ee' Fae orf dye, with natural wool foot; at 20m and 200, Lwdies' Faet Black Bose, in plain antl ria• bed, great valve at 15e, 2 pairs for 26o. . . Men's Wool Socks, ribbed tope, worth 15a, 2 pair for 25o. Men's Heavy Books, ribbed tops, 100, 2air Cotton drosses waists, in ohemke and stripes, regular White MC elrione, for dresses a and ail fast colors, P g yard wide, 20 patterns to choose from, regular 12}0 for ilio, . . Delineators for sale at the Drees Goode ql counter. , . Butteriok'e Fashion Sheets free for the asking. • q ; C ATia ",n top. Mies Epby Livingston tea returned to town from New Ynrk, where elle hue a been attending p lad college, and bee pawed with honoro' The $owing Tournament annonnged to be held by let ie beteg gorau Bowling O:qb on Jaly let being vigort,ae a noel. ed forward, Between two and three tun. Lee class ov'e. There were 130 tiohete Bold at the Look. now Stenon 111nooday morning for Guelph, Rev, Wm. Lowe, of Wtn ham mondaot• Rg:- ed the eervioe in Bt. Peters Oburoh Sun day and leached a sermon to the Macon P' +m Order, Jno, Joynt, of LAoknow, and Mr, Foe. We also have in stock a fine line of Blankets, Sheetings, Yarn S, 'Tweed SE Etc, All Pure Wool Goole, , MISS JEAN M AUCBLIN, -TI:AGREE OF- PIANO - AND - ORGAN. �fvrT�s9z asTr, 0 71[t } nett 11p t ^ov lU$f•' ' ROBERT G U N N t N G N A M t tNeaaeMA FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, deed invitations have been Wetted. Rev. A. P, Moore has announced bis r oeltwntwhioh beonIas t beeor f held Christ Pe three Years. The resignation is to take effect in August, end is owing to the de•manufactured oieion of the rev. gentleman . to take a course in medicineatone of the leading Universities of the United States, Court Listowel 1. 0. F., and Court Royal Oak, U. O. F., united in the animal I'o eetet•e' eervioe, held in the Baptist. `laSOD strict at Ibe will represent tOorette�reta a wbloh will meet ah Winnipeg in Beptem• heir. The corner alone of the new Methodist church at Hackett s will be laid by John Joynt on Tuesday July let, at 5 o'olmok in the afternoon atter which a tea meet• ing will be held. A anion Ooronation eeryiee woe held in the Methodist church on the 26th of June Coronation Day. An inteteeting Custom Carding done at any lima Your own wool wade into rolls at short you notice. 'Don't sail your wool or bore 1t until oe oall at the Y BriieeeIe Woolen Mill and get prioee. Lookridge giros. 1EIc nelnll, • The aseeeement of Heneall is 6226 850. our Odd•L'eilowe intend shortly to put some new upholstered lurnjtpre• Rev. J. S. Henderson was in Toronto Iasi week, visiting the General Aesembly of the Presbyterian Churoh• As James Horton WWI driving home front Beafortb, another rigpcontaining two occupants wee driven rapidly be hind him. Thinking theywiehedtopeee, he turned out, when hie horse took frightan outwith en b�, rye ae to to one aide. eawas thrown hie leg. Despite the injury be heldonto the linea and prevended hie horse from getting away. The occupants of the other rig took him back to Beafortb, where his in. jury was attended 10. -Wellington Mutual Fire lPsnranes CO,in r wsmtarronnn 1840 aoenr n the nolo u0000r taken h else andfore mourn yst m ae call00 the ruata,Pt Agent note system of the Company. GEORGE ROGERB,Bruosele, obnroh on Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. J. Saunders, pastor of the Baptist choral, preaobedtheeermon,Rndaepeoial choir of male ',close, all being Forestate, had and appropriate program was given. Coltec non in aid of theObildrena Hoepital, Tor. onto. Brussels Greenhouse, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M. "Aondemio graduate ofLondon Conserve- e Mom sect the tory of Motto,al o Musicians of Ontario, fa prepared to receive number et pupils for instruction on the piano. the Principal'ssForm in thetConse vatole of or Meeks, Brussels, Ontario. . _ ,oliarge of the musical part of the service. �ianlo41 r�.�t P1aiiYhi 'rlie.I.ia,cI _ - • Oiiutom • The groaude in front erwieeley church are being levelled and otherwise fixed up. The druggists of town have decided to close every evening, Solnrday excepted at 7 o'clock during the Summer menthe. Will. Kemp left for. Grand Rapids, Mioh., where be has taken a oituation in one of the big furnitureIaotories located in thatofty. Mr. Mahon, of the Clarendon Hotel, the misfortune toiojure hie right•arm last week bybeingthrown out of a rig g while driving in London. Two new inmates were received into the House of Refuge during the past week. The iomatea are fairly end the Mre. (Dr ) Kellam, of Niagara Falls, is - Nia at present ',taking Jae. and Mrs. Beattie, and o,her friends,-k.and. Flowers. There were 73 tfakete sold for the De- • troit excursion on Wedneeday morning, as against 22 last year, You will land at Brussels Greenhouse A. W. Stobie received efrom the Do. any quantity of Tomato, Celery, Oau;i• minion Government the other day, a medal fiowerand Cabbage Plante: for long service in the colonial forces. Fine collection of Flowering Plante. -F. W. Twaddle, rooms g A choice lot of Geraniums and fitted ap over A, Youngs grocery store, Annuals for bedding.. and•will move bin office there before the end of the month. Cut Flowers supplied. Bright and Seaforth lacrosse teams Flc•rtil Designs made to order, played a eohednle game on the recreation grounds, Friday evening. The borne Miss Kelly. team won by 11 to 2. Fordvvich. Rev. S. 51.Marehall,B.D.,ofClifford, occupied the u' it in the Methodist P P P church bare an Sunday evening. Members of the Presbyterian church tr, re at work preparing grounds for their ehede whiob they intend to erect at once. Wesley and Mre. Johnston, who have been here for a month visiting relatives and friende, returned to their home at the Soo: Robert Hooey has returned home from New Ontario where be had been epending the peat few weeks. He is well Wearied with that country sod intends going there again next Spring. Alex. Orr, of the Albion, is now the possessor of one of the finest oontry Hotel boeeee in this part of Ontario and had it at the station for the first time on Tueeday evening of last week. - ALEg. BUNTER- 1� clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Lean and Insurance Agout; Auction- sen Fundefnveeted and to'ioan. Colles- tions made. Office in Grabam'e•B10ok,Brus• sole.had r'a , . � NIIII�IIIM NUM a I1' P , 10. fi it lifilli t: �'`• ; III ., yIIIIIIIIIt is never so willing to AUCTIONEERS. perform al rig �t its labors as when the Paint used t S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• zap, will eon for better prices, to better men in less tame and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won'teharge anything. Dates and orders can always he arranged at thla mows or 6p personal application. 1eion w.^ iglllu, r / �•ttti� yields easily in application. The all well, number keeps up to its average of 70.' Mrs. Arthur Unntelen partook of canned, salmon and shortly afterwards became y veryi11. The doctor was summoned whoycO1Oi1w Pronounced the ' symptoms those of poiaouing and administering an antidote soon had the enfferer oat of danger. A few nights since four boyo maltreated a ought it to B tie'" o Greene. es tin Theya j P to her tail, pelt her with atones and other wise -maltreat her. Mr. Greene was not anxious to prosecute the boyt, but thought some example should be made, as they were old enough to know hatter. The mayor bas. assessed them 75 cents each for resent" dama'ee, and the et tied a 6 Y" g e n result of itew die lin• onabie tt. ime, seould the re en juries they would be responsible for its vliae • W oimaeor end Tlaoed lintontBr Bn ks visited of 21 ends. ' playedite g h Windsor won the The "Hurons" went to Galt on Battu, day and played the return •League match HIIRON Orn Boys -Preparations for with the seniors of that town but our P the rrmsption of the Huron Ord Boys on boys were not very deeply in it as the Jn'y 5th. are complete. Od an ival of tame team won b 5 to 0. the special train from Toronto a rooee-- Mr. Neelin, exoditor of the Beaforth P- P 80 l be formed and the guests escort - Bun, sued the G. T. Ry. Co. at the Gode- ed to Victoria Park, where addresses of riots assizes for injury to hie leg, 0001610. welcome will be given. Ad'ournment ed while boarding a train at Mitchell last will then be made for luncheon, and in Winter. He entered enit to recover $600.' the afternoon the bands of the 48th High. 'The jury disagreed. lenders and the 33rd regiment will lead Tuomae Copp, third eon of William the way.to the recreation roande, where Copp, of Seatorth, departed thio life on g Sunday afternoon,' 15th Met , Mr. Copp a splendid Thieafternoon's inelydeort a bolacrosse had been ill for over ayear, name a via-LIAMS ,tim of oonenm`ptioo, and was a severe match, 8t. Marys ve. Seaforth, a football sufferer. Be wan 51 years of. age, He match, Sweafortb vs. Brussels, and tear- druggist by P war between 'leveret teams from the ear - was a dg let rofresiw and atter roundingtownship. There will also be York,iog hie 000ree bare went to New a relay oe for school boye open .to all where be held for some time a good' ublio schools in the county. Four boys position. While in that eity be•contract. from any school may sorer. In the even. n• ed the die -base whish restated inbiedeath. ing a concert will be meveu at the recta. An amnion for unstated damages against ation erounds by the combined bands of the Gruel Trunk Rade ay Company was tba 48th Highlauilere and the 93rd. initiated at Oegoode Hall Saturday! by 1��lllill�AAttII���tttt /�➢ rf1110 U vq . f41 I ll�� work becomes a labor of love if you / G ..,..•, use our reliable Beady -mixed ' Paints. We'll supply you with an j. a� y� Stands an -The BEST PAINTS fails to give •Notary 1.It dS and saves satisfaction. Complete Varnishes, article that y� �- Alone on its Merits S o e the youCMoney, Mone , Time and Patience and never Y Ti The SHEBe and never stock. of Paints, Oils, &.c. & T urnbull • VETERINARY. . D. • WARWICK— Ilonor emanate of the Ontario 'Vet- TL- is preparedd lto treata all cite - acne of College, entmnnner. Patti -tutor attention pale to Veterinary Dentletry.� cos. promptly at. tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tomball, et., Brussels. _ A.tvt'0011. A celebration will be held in Atwood on D minion Day. • Rev. A. Heneereon, M. A., of Magnets.' wan, was in- town. renewing old friend- chi e. - '. bie Sap handfrom ahroken bottlatson e requiring nsh 0 four q g stitches to close the wound.• - The village. patbmaetere did -a wise ting in oroextena ing the Atwood stem of gran • David 'flair aeeietant o erator here, P left -Thursday of lastweek to assume a similar position in Kincardine. - Mr. Looae, of tke 1011) non., Elma, hae returned from a vett to, California. He visited Wm. and Mrs. Dann, of Dolton, formerly of Atwood. Fruit picking was at ire boot when he left the South, The Atwood Football Aeaooiat elected the following officers for the en. suing year 1 -President, J. A: Mitchell ; Vice President, C. M. Stewart ; and Vice. President, G. Anderson ; Bee'y, D. G. Anderson ; Treas., 0. H. McFarlane ; Captain, Ed. Peebles ; Mannger,J'ohueton Stewart. Thoe. Fox, head olerk in O. H. Holmee store, and ane of Atwood's progressive young men, wan - united in marriage on the 1.111. inat., at 0 p. m., at the home of the , daughtfather, Thedford, Out , Mrs. ova. Lala, denghter aC Wm. and Mre. Cava• nagh. The myetio knot wan tied -by Rev. Mr. Pring, to•merly of Atwood. LEGAL AND CONYEYANCINO. W M. SINCLAIR-- Public, dm, O81oe St 'Conveyancer, Block.. 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the 8tondardBank. • oonteet,.tbe play was keenly fought, Jook- eon making some remarkable allots, and winning forbis rink by 4 points. The amore : Clinton, Windeor� Bryd`one, Leggatt, Wlltee, Bilis, Fair, Cod Y' Jackson, al' 17 Arnold, ek 19 Mc0orvie, Greenhill, Irwin, Whyte, 8arland, E. Hoare, Forester, eh 9 A. Wigle, ek....26 Majority for Windsor, 12 shote. • Barrister J. H. Denton, who leaned a writ on behalf of F. F. Gandy and Mre. Gorr i.e. Maude Gundy, of Toronto. The plaintiffs There is a movement to sectors a chair were paseengere on an accommodation factory here to employ 50 or 60 hands. train that stopped at Soaforth and then. The afternoon train going East has gave a sudden jerk while the passengers changed time and is now due here at were alighting at the station. They were 4.18. standing in the oat aisle when the shook Rev. E. A. Hall was in Bernie last Dema and were precipitated violentlytoweek laying the corner stone of tna new P P Y g English Ray, relievingein hat agent, qhs floor. Born were injured in minor i nature. lined dr harts were p a minor T. t agent,.e taking Mr. nature, while ➢Ire, Gvody's opine was Founds' plane at the 0. P. R. station dun badlyaffected. The extent of her injuries in the latter'a absence at the Corona. ] g is not yet known even though they era tion. thought to be permanent. A lawn social will be held on Viotoria Park, Gerrie, on Coronation Day under G • F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, solicitor, eco. OIDee over Stand - and Sauk. Solicitor for Village of Rrnseele. Money'to Loan at lowest rates. • 11fEDICA! CARDS. - t• •'t••.'•'I• E•J••t..l"E.J• •-T1-J•'c.J•'a.J•''..i"c_.r••�,-s°'t..+"4.,a'tr"c.,,✓•' 5 CROQUET SE'l"S, EXPRESS WACON8,Burgeons T838r &C.,- ��� Post Bookstore �ch,oiGa� aaR �glacza DR. O. AMBROSE TOOL.E, RESIDENCE AND OI`F10E- BILL 5T, EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON.- M. T., €. M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity" Medical of Physicians eRo al and Ont. Licentiate of the Royal 001- Surgeons, On her Licentiate lege of Physicians and Licentiate of MId- wrlery,Edinburgh. I3'Telepbone No:14, Reeidnnce-1Yti11etcoet,Brueeole. aQ R 0en G _ 'q'v Qstore the anepioee of St. Stephen'sChuroh. The Lucknow Brass Band has been a ed. O U S. E PAINTS 1 Oar new walks are feet progressing, and are now down to W. M. Gallagher'e to the Montreal Hoagie with dross. +� - �s� 'e - inns and the walks and platform in front about the painting of your hoose of the Albion Hotel property. TFWhen yon consider thing d{ (• q^the moat important thfag to think of ie, what fe the beet Not only the membere of theDENTISTRY quality of paint obtainable? The beet paint to etand obnroh 'bt the whole village will be ' the weather and look [reek for the longest time? There 'P, " r tlb vispacerie only one ser to this, naugolY, that a paint fade '9ABed • to know that the Rev. R. J. a B.B. Genuine Lead, Pure Lfneeed Oft; Garbett, Methodist :'minister, wife and with Bearsdenwell - family. will remold here another year. TRAD I ` MARiE and •jest enough. Dryer, mast be the heat, as thiliE B. Very 'few infnietere aro invited -for the meal` has for so man,/ years been proved superior to. all othere. Such a paint is Anobor Liquid Hoaee Paint, -and it ha the only liquid paint made. in Canaa with dove year reaped speaks eaiet among the the Brandr'am'e B. B. Genuine 'White 'Lead. - - towards their pastor. It ie a mistake for you to use aoyt1)105 bat the veep beak paint in pafntfng your • i' 11hr. BIYth FallFair tai be vela mil October 7th and 8th. N. H: Yonne'e aeeeerment on the salt property was reduced from 6900 to P p Y"' $750. Rev. George McQuillan and T. V. Scott attended the iluron'Slpod in Lon, don last week,peep's J. A. Jaokeon was in Stratford on Monday of last week, acting as referee at 'the football matoh between Brentford and Stratford. Wm. Habkirk hes moved hie family from reet.Dungannon to Blyth and they are occupying Mre. John Putlaod'e house on Queen afresh. A garden party nnder the anepioee. of /he Ladies' Aid eomiety of the Blyth Pres. byterian church will be held on the ohuroh lawn on Friday evening, July 481,. On Monday evening of last weelt the Blyh bachelors and benediots aain tried$143,over wnmpatens aE. baetbnll, and egelin theFrieode tuneof 2 did the trouncing sot to the1�f+t'g tune of 21 to 7.���Vl Poetmaeter MOKinnon and Mrs. Milneparty were in Hentilton last weekattending the wedding of John McKinon and Mies Dot Sintzel, We. McKinnon was not able to attend owing to continued illness. Joso Wcnnooq.—A correspondent tern , Humtlton ea a of the marriage of a furter well known young mai of tide town i -A very pretty wedding was eol- emnized in Hamilton on Wedneeday, June 1881), when J,;hu 5, Mackinnon of the firm of 8. F. Mackinnon St Co„ Tor• onto, was 1naOried to Mies Clara Nolen Stoical, oldest dangbter of John Sintzel, 63''Victoria avenue North. Rev. C. J. James performed the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents in the promisee of a large gathering of goners, relatives and friends. The bride was in orepe de P Chane, with veil and orangebloesome, and she wattled a large bouquet of white rosea. She was attended by her Meter. Miss Stella'Siutzel and her cousin Mien Millie Hartman both of who wore ver beooming gowns of pink Swiss muslin, and carried pink roue. H. M. Netherald, of Georgetown, was the groomeman. TheDavid's' drawing•room and hall were daintily decorated with palma and daisime and the maga was beautifully rendered by Mien Featherston, of IIamiltoa. The bride. groom's gift Co the bride was a pearl and ring, to the l tinge, an bo gave turquoise and pearl rings, and to theopening ushers Very pretty pins. Atter the • DR. R. P. , FE/LD. DENTIST ` Graduate of ;the Royal College of Dental antennaenf.OnteriO. and ,Firet•eltea Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, ' BRUSSELS. home. The coot of putting on the paint is usually about the Name an the cost of the Uoderie t►• paint heel!. A'cheap paint takes more time to make a reasonably good job with than a good paint, and dose not last as long, nor look so well. In foot the cheap point . W. 0. Brough has been appointed is the moat expensive paint in the end. Make no mistake. Uee Anchor Liquid engineer in charge of the harbor works at Hoose Paint. It ie a Pure White Lead, Zino and Lioeeed Oil Paint, and is as good Depot Harbor and will remove to that as can be made with our choice of the very best materials, Uee it and get the most Plume shortly. satiefaotory results obtainable with paint. Sold by- A. J. Dickson was eaooesaful in the third year exeminatione in medloine at �p� �y� MoGill University, and J. 0. Martin in �,. �a � 'tf+•]r�� �ee>!fG CO., Brussels. the second year. In connection with enumeration week e...".." 1 9 0 2. L/STOWEL / %, / / / ,� ,// / r • Is menus (mrwaril Suring term begins Mon- day, April 7. Our rate e are reasonable -our courses 01 Rto.ly. thorough and practical Send for aur J"nr'nal to Leo what we Wadi. Students may enter et nay Em. Two Stureee el Studynter at ralal and Shot- A, FLNMXI4O, A. L' MoINTYitE, iieerocary, Owen �oaud. iolstoweL MIs in the Goderiob post ofaoe, the record shows the largest revenue in its history, $7,400 per annum. of the bnepital will bo pleased toellearn that over $71) woe cleareda atteO all expenses paid atthe progressive euchre an__Dreeheld three weeks ago in the skating rink. G. Catnerou, K. 0., M. P. P., will •lewd. �irie. ,j,g.President I �1 Your Hearts Desire ! T 1 �r �`..... %i '+ .- , f� '� \t;tt!rJJlit will be found in our new line I "''' of Summer Shoes. New w yf ,t -" c shapes. New styles. New pp `''',./.,...... /rte Ali ldea8, Grace, beauty and fig„ .. r11 a a..� "f w comfort combined as never y y �� t\ 1 i before. Our Oxford Ties 'u ''lr /' t' COPYRIGHT. ties. Agents for the Slater Shoe. g • We aro agenta and keepa full Resort• meto( the Standard Patterns. in stock, The Pwtterne forus July inalude the anti Barry" Sleeves., "Monte Carlo" Corte and "Ooffee" hulk. eta. Theca o ular popular etylos will be found intim Standard Pat- terns just received byno and now on sale. ,M. We are showing a large range of Daintyand Beauti- a fill Materials for Summer Waists and Dresses such as M U811 ns, Organdies, ies g Dimities Embroidered Linens, Mercerized Lawns, • Mercerized Sateens and Pel Clt$. be a member of the oommission for the Revision and consolidation of the Dominion Statutes. Tbe work of the last commie• be- Bion lasted from 1883 to 1886. Ill ie be- lieved this will ooma about two etre. PY Y The dredge is now employed between The July num the G. T. R. dook and the island, and it her of the Deeign• is intended we believe, to make le deep er which can also channel all round the island and make it be pnrobased from mnoh wider than it is at present. The makes a feature dook in front of Lee'e warehouse to now of outing Toilettes being renewed, some fifteen men being for Ladies and employed on the job. 8nmmer apparel Lieut. -Col. Peters, D. 0. 0,,of London, for Small boye. made the annual inepeotion of the Colleg• late Cadet Corps. The strength of the EVERYTHING corps is 40 rank and file, with Captainv OI(EAP. Kiely in oommand,and let Lieut. Jordan, 2nd Lieut. Lane, Sergeants Tighe, Hoe. No FANCY 100 Knox, and Rh nae, BuglerwhomCaptains. Grant au instructor, The proposal le made to extend St.. street through to the G.T.E. station, opening a road through the two vacant lots which lie between the present the At -- t_ i SHirinAL ' -r _• s -,;, _ lll'ltll,h a U111111Ii1i1, rr Red f f`ltjLP' Ohl II�,IUh OW -- :n North Shore . Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills - ileo Doors and Sash Of all Pat ter on hand op tondo to order =go ttyy 0 Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings, Workman- and Mtttartal Guaranteed. ehipruby p j\/j `jj1j� r j f C .L'a..r u • • • I,ar end of. the road and elation. present EPA street !tarnishes the only direct menus of tion to the stationdrom ope ingof S p avid of the t wo, d b theAAA■...p of SE: Dnvfd'e street would 1)m do STRACHAN. A small convenience. w Downing