The Brussels Post, 1902-6-19, Page 1ru Vol. O, No, 49 ERUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1902 W. H. KERR, Prop, "N'ew Advertisements. For aale—John Leckie, _Mortgage sale.--Pbilip Holt. emnant sale—Grover & Cc, Sow etrayad--•!lobs. Bremner. Teacher Wanted—, -James Skirls, Piano for?eale—R. L,atherdale., A record.breaker—B1wap & Co. Ladies' fine shoes—,l. 0. Rieharde• Attraete attentiou--MoEinnon & Co, Auction sale-Jonee, Gibson & Reid. itRistrict .etas. ODru.nbroi,la. Several Oranbrookitee were at Goderiah this week as witnesses in the eloNabb vs. Zilliaa guit at the Assizes. Tuesday of this week T. T. MORee was at Lietowel playing football with Braeeele against Lietowel. It was a league matoh. Torn looks efterMe part of the field In good style. David Ballantyne, formerly of this place, ie pow a resident of Boyne, Mich., moving there from Ionia, He ie a first, elan mechanic. ills paints are mei. dente of,Oranbrook, Last Sabbath morning Robert Festoon, of Ethel locality, supplied the pulpit of Knox ohuroh in the absence of the pester who wag attending the Assembly at Toronto. Mr, Pearson is a candidate for the Methodist ministry, and ie a very likely young man. Hie eervioee here were higbly appreciated. i.eadb tar ae. Noble Forbes ie recovering from an attack of pneumonia. Duncan MoPhereon had a nasty Stroh put in hie foot while chopping wood a few days since. Thos. Davidson has had a serviceable. Sommer kitchen placed beeide hie new brick residence. Dan. Regle leas Bold kis farm to a man from Brodhageu. We have not learned what Dan. inteade to do. Henry Dennie had the misfortune. to. have his leg Beverly ornebed while help. ing to move a building a few days ago. Mies J, 0. Rae returned home a few days ago from llfioltip000ten and the natio" where elle bee been with friends for oevere) menthe, Miss Minnie Pandas is home from Terento where elm has been with friends for three mouths. Her oouelp, Acre. (Dr.) Neil; accompanied her. Nearly everyone you speak to ie go. ing to Guelph op Thursday. Thele ex oureione are increasing iu popularity among the farming oommnniby, aameasto vv Int Measles have been bothering a number of families in this looality, grille a number took in the excursion to the Model Farm at Guelph on Thursday of this week. The Sabbath school here will hold a pfa•nie in Alex.. Bryan's grove on Domin• ion Day. A fine time i0 emoted on. Last Sabbath evening Robb. Shaw of6oiated in 'Victoria Hall and next Sunday Rabt. MoKay will preach at 7,80 p. m. - A Foot ball team bas been organized here and the playground is on the Meat. land park. Look out for °hallongee ye high steppers in other town. Jameetowo Sabbath eohool was cordially invited to attend the pie Dia to oonneotion with Smith's eabool pio-nio to be held on Saturday afternoon of thio week in John Smith's grove. Saturday evening of this week a meet ing will be beld in the Hall to make arrangements' for the anniversary eine- Motion of the opening of Viatoria Hall. Committees will be drafted and a good program prepared. A choir is among the possibilities In oonneotion with Victoria Hall eervioee. There is a good organ in the Hall and an abundaoee of mugical talent in the neighborhood. The organization would lend valuable aid to the gatherings and prove of real benefit to those panellist- ing. Hope the Trustees will take hold of thie matter. There is an average attendaooe of about 80 pupils at the Union Sabbath school here, under the tuition ot7 faithful teaob• ere. Superintendent Jas. Strachan de. serves great credit for the manner he has managed the work and we wish him and the other workers even greater noose Coronation -4- Day + Celebrati BRUSSELS TRURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1902 A ROYAL CELEBRATION OF SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS 10.30 a. m. FootballMatch GREY VS. MORRIS Which promises to he very interesting. 1.30.p. m. Lacrosse Match KINCARDINE VS. SEAFORTH Both are in good shape and will put up a strong game. B. SEB.RLL HARRISTON VS, BRUSSELS Immediately after the Lacrosse Match these teams will engage in 'what is sure to be an exciting contest as both teams are playing fast ball. ....In the Evening... Another Football Match will be played between the Seaforth legiate Team and Brussels Seniors. Following this will be • a Promenade Concert on. the Park, closing with a Grand `t la Dis - ofFireworks... Display 33RD T� � SEGEN Of Seaforth, will be in attendance all day and in the evening. They play fine music and will be well worth hearing. f►' Special bates on Grand.. Trunk Admission to Park► only IQc, J. T. Roos, Pres. G. F. Blair, Trees, Jas, Irwin, Seo'y. for the time to come, The prayer meet. ing on Friday eveninge is also epleodidly attended, lOtlt0i. A oar of -loge was shipped from here last Tuesday Andrew Sharp has gond on a trip to Manitoba where he will spend a few months with relatives and friends. The ooming Methodistpreaeber will be Rev.' 0. P. Wille, B. A„ B. D., who bas been stationed at Lyons, in the St, Thomas District, Loeb week D. W. Dunbar was away, to Goderiah attending the June {Sapiens of the Peace as a Grand Juror. He was ohoeeq ae Foreman. This locality is greatly pleased in' the improved train soaommodation nom - anneal this week. It will give people a donnas to get away and bank the same day now. Last Tneeday afternoon Juetue Lake left for Toronto where he will have an operation performed by a epeoialiet for his eyesight. Hie many friends bope permanent aid may be afforded. A Lawn Social will be held on the lawn of the' Methodist ohnrob bn thie place on Thursday evening of next week under the auepioee of the Epworth League and Sabbath sabool. An interesting time promised. Pm—gm—The Ethel Presbyterian Sob - bath School will hold its annual pie nil in R. Dilworth'e grove, East of the vil, lage, on Dominiion Day. A geed pro- gram will be rendered commencing at 8 o'clock. Supper will be served at 4 p.m. Next Sabbath Rev. H. E. Curry and Rev. Mr. Brietol, of Trowbridge, will exohange pulpits. The following Beb• bath will conclude Rev. Mr. Carry's pastorate.. He goes to Monkton for his next obarge so we will have an opporbnni. ty of seeing him frequently. Welton. A number of Waltonlane attended the 08088 in Beatorth. Mies Meed James, of Detroit, visited friends in Walton last week.. Mies Fanny Rogers, of Brussels, spent a few days at R. H. Fergaeon'e this week. Brunets Coronation Celebration will attract a good many from this locality next Thursday. Mies Minnie MoDonald left Tuesday for Patterson, N. J., where she will take acomae ct g trainin in naming. L. MoDonald tashipping !amber to Wingham furniture faotoriee and will have 110 or 16 oars. It is being loaded at Brussels. Leat Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. Hol- mes, of Bruaaela, preached in the Metbo. diet ohuroh here. Rev. Mr. MacNab, M. A., of Duff's ohuroh Walton, aseieted at Melville church Communion eervioes last Saturday afternoon. Despite a deoided coolness in the. n moa her , alar e crowd altand ed the Dan' ohuroh Garden Party ,on Monday evening, and chef Ladies Aid. Society is to be congratulated on adding another brilliant success to their long list of good eooialevenings. After the luncheon, per- fect as usual, was disposed of, the guests promenaded to the music of the ' BBrd Regiment Seaforth,which was exceptionally finof e on tbie ooaeion. The tent was well patronized, and the waiter, cheerfully and impartially served ice oream to the brave, hot lemonade to the cautions, and oranges and bananas to those who evaded the gaeation of temper ature and oompromieed on fruit. A male quartette, consisting of Meseta. MoNab, Morrison, MoAllieter and Ritchie, aooam. pooled by Miss Annie Ferguson, rendered several pisses whiob were highly npprea-- ieted, and formed a very epeeist feature of the evenings entertainment. The pro- a'eada amounted, to $106 which is a very good figure with a very little waste, Sluevale. We are glad to Gee au improvement in the train eerviae. - Thos. and Mre. Coultas visited relatives at Molesworth on Tneeday. R'ibt. and Mre. MoPherson visited relative at Monkton tbie week. Mre. Frank Patereou, of'Wiogbam, visited relatives here Ibis week. George MoDonald bad mel employed on Monday moving his driving shed. Fred. Johnston returned last week from Brantford where he has been going to eohool. - The Misses Fleetest', of Rooton, attend- ed the wedding of their brother last Wedneaday. Mre. John Conary and two ohildren, of Wingham, vieited her sister, Mies Hood, on Tneeday. Mai. William Stewart visited bei daughter, Mre. Morten Mestere, at Corbetton last week. Rev. Mr. MaKelvie, of. Wroxeter, preached in the Methodist ohnrob here, last Sabbath evening. Mre. William Diament and little daughter, Moreno-, visited at Thomas Coulter' last Thardac,, W. W. and Mrs. Borgne and two ohildren, of Mitabell, visited the former's aunt, Mre. Daniel Lewis, last week, Mre, (Rev.) West and little daughter, Rhone, returned on Monday after a month's visit with bet pante at Whitby. Jaak Stewart out a gash in hie foot in the sow mill on Monday. He was kiok- iog genie edgings out of hie way and. accidentally bit the;oaw. John Gardiner'9 oow was injured badly by a special train that went through Iaet Wedneaday morning and in eon. sequence it bad to be frilled. , Joseph h Pu h shipped a ear of hogss 10 Palrnereton on Monday and Doff & Stewart received a ear load of British Colombia ehinglee the eame day. Whitfield Jermyn, of the Bluevale road, who has been ill for genie time, died on Monday and the tonere! wee held from the Methodist church on Wedneaday afternoon. (vire, John Gardiner was quite ill last week and in 000eegaonae Mrs. Fred. Ma- Oraoken, of Braeeele, Mre. Christopher, of Wingbam, Mre, John Maabonald, of Godoriob, and also William Gardiner, of Gader'oh, were dolled borne. She le mnob better now we ate glad to say. About forty gneete were assembled at the residence of Magneto Spence, Morrie, last Wednesday evening to witnee9 the marriage of Mrs. Spence's niece, Miee. Mary Yorktou to Samuel Plastow, of 'Hooton, near Galt, Rev. W. J. West, the bride's peetor, performed the ceremony. The groom's present to Has bride was a beautiful gold watch and chain, Mr, and Mre. Plastow left for their future home oerrying with them many wiehoe for their totem happiness. Mrs. Loftus Stark and eon; of Seaforth, are the gents of Mra. Marsden Smith. Wiliiam Smith and wile, of Toronto, are on.a visit to their eon and daughter, 16th eon, Among the exeureioniebe who went to Owen Sound Wedneaday of last week, was William King, 9th eon. Alfred Cook, Ord con., bas gone to Lon- don where be will make his borne for a time. He hoe a eiater living in the any. Mrs, Alexander and son, of Bervie, were visiting R, E, and Mrs. Goatee last week returning .home Saturday. The ladies are cousins. Mre. Robs. Work and three ohildren, and Mrs, Jae. MaLanohlin, all of Lang- don, North Dakota, arrived here on Thureday for a holiday visit to relatives and triende in tbie locality. A special meeting of the ratepayers of B. S. No. 6 will be held on Wedneaday evening, 26th inst., at the eohool hones at 6 p. m., for the purpose of eleoting- a trustee as en005000r to Juo. B. Smith who recently removed to Guelph. ADDRESS AND P000RNTAT10N.—Monday evening last the members of Roe's oharah choir assembled at the reeidenoe of Francis] Miller, Brd con., and preeented Mica Aggie, now Mrs. Tack, with a floe npholetered footstool as a recognition of per efficient eervioee as ohoir leader in Roe's church. The following is a copy of the address aa - Mies Aggie Millar.— DEAR FamND,—We, the members of Roe's ohnrob choir, having learned of your expeoted removal from car aom- munity deaire to sincerely tbank you for the valuable assistance you have rendered daring the past 5 pore. We will mica you very mach and aa a small memento of our love we ask your acceptance of this upholstered Footstool hoping that in your new home it will often remind yeaof bappy days with Roe'% oburoh ohoir. Our united desire is that after a long lite ot faithful service in the earthly temple we may all join the heavenly ohoir to sing the Master's praises "where aongre- gatioos ne'er break ap." Signed in behalf of the ohoir, by, L. FRAIN, JNo. BavANe. Grey, June 16, 1902. Mies Miller made a brief bat suitable reply and• $ mast enjoyable evening was spent. — WEDDING $ECGs.n presence of he I 1 130 gaeste, at 7 o'clock on Wedneaday evening, at the residence of Frannie Miller, 3rd eon„ Rev. H. E. Curry, of Ethel, spoke the magic -words that made Albert C. Tuck, of Clifford, and Mies Aggie Amendie Miller, husband and wife. The bride was given away by her father and was .attended by Mise Mabel Tnok, the ladies looking tbeir beet in elegant costumes of white and pink, the bride also having a veil. Little Mise Lorena Frain, dressed in white, made a oharm• tag flower girl. Angus Brown performed the duties of groomeman. The ceremony was performed ander an evergreen arch. Following congratulations came the work of euppering the large company bat atter all were well satisfied there was an abundance over, The wedding gifts amply testified the popularity of the contracting parties. A most enjoyable program was presented with Will. E. Bryant+ in the obair, consisting as fol. lows ;•—Instrumental seleotiona by Messrs. Brewer and Jerome ; Mise Clara Mo Qaarrie, and Meesre. Frain and Brown vooal music by Bosh ,obarob ohoir, of which the bride was ,leader, .bid. Code, aliases Miller and Bryan, Joshes Atta wood and Mr. Took ; reoltetions by Mies Nora Maunders and Miss Stade Pearson ; and speeches by L. Frain, Robb. Pearson,. Will. MaQuarrie and E. Manndere. A very happy time wag spent by all and certain plane arranged, it is said, that - will conduce to the future, happinees of other young people. H. R. Brewer took a photo. group of the company. Mr. Teak and bride will make their home at Clifford where they will be followed by many good wisbea by their large circle of frieude. Morrxti. Townebip Commit next;Monday. A few more weddings on the tapls. Next Tbdreday will be s public' holiday and the schools will be closed. Dr, Oaldbiok,. of Saginaw, Mich., arriv- ed home Friday Mat for a visit. The work of aooetruction on Walter Yaill'e new reeidenoe has commenced. Jas. Annett, wife and ohildron, of London, were visitors ab W. 0. Wilson's 5th line, during kite past week. Mr. Faust, of Zariob, was here on Wednesday attending the wedding of Rev. 0. Finkbiner and Mies Lizzie Moon. dere. The latter was milliner in bis father'estore for several seasons. By the action of the Stationing Com. mittoe of the Toronto Conference Rev. Robb. Maunders, formerly of this town• ship, will be 'flattened rad Bobaaygeon for the next year. We wish him 8000555. Wm. end Mra. Jackson, of Lindsay are holidaying with Jamas Duncan and family, 1 4th line Mr. and Mrs. Dttuoan aaoompanied theirneetS to Guelph Model Farm on Tbureday of Ibis week.P Last Sabbath Joe. Kerr, of Wingham, preached at Belgrave Methodist chetah lot Rev, A. H. Brown, He also took the eerviae at Bambino in the afternoon. The pastor was enjoying a holiday after Conference. Onr correspondent was in error in elating that Robt. Currie and Albert Crooks, 4th line, were building hog pens. The buildingo Will bo utilized as drlving houeee, John Davis, of the same line, has also pat up a drive abed and shingled one aide of hie barn, Ao James Ireland, Ord line, was going to Brunetti on Wednesday, hie horse be• came frightened at G. A. Doadman'e motet cyole and upset the rig in the ditch doing oopeiderable damage to say nothing about the risk of life. Mrs. Jno. Mooney and her sister, Mrs. Croxall, were in Wingbam for a few days days visiting Mre, H. Ball and Mrs. W. F, Vanetone. They vieitied at Walker. ton and Durham last week. They also expto h. Jaeect. Sharbep,in 5thGoderialine, left ' samples at' Fall wheat, rye and flax at Tea POST on Tharaday showing great development. - Tbe former was 5 feet and 1 inob long sad the rye was 6 feet and 2 ioobee. The Flax, 41 days sown, measured 86 ioobee. Tha school pie -nil held in bbe grove of William- Taylor, 9th line, on Wednesday afternoon, wee a good one. A moat en- joyable time wee spent by Olathe pro oeedinge winding cm with a toot ball match between a school team and the juniors from Brussels tanning in 210 2. The Morris players were :—Goal, W. Farquharson ; Bioko,M. Jackson and McCall ; } Beaks, R. Jackson, M. Taylor and McLaughlin ; Forwards, P. MoOal1, A. McLeod, L. Fear, A. Farquharson and Z. Jackson. Brussels players were ;— Goal, Irwin ; Baoke, Brown and Zi1CIa1 ; a Beaks Zimmer, Zilliax and MoKsnz;, ; Forwarde, Roche, Good, S. Boost, B. Soott and Forrest. ' Blameruomat.—At the aomfortable resi- dence of Biro. T. Maunders, South of Bruaaela, a very pleasing and happy matrimonial engagement was entered into Wednesday _evening, at 6 15 o'olook, when Rev. Juo. Holmes, Methodist min- ister, tied the nuptial bow between Rev. Ohas. Finkbiner, pastor of the Rvangeli cal Church, Bebringville, Perth Co., and Mise Lizzie, the and daughter ot,bbe loa- m. Ceremony was performed on the lawn under an evergreen arab from whiob a floral bel was suspended, The bride looked ottarmiog in a very becoming 005. tome of white organdie and carried a bra goat of roan. She was attended by Miss Davey, of Toronto, who was tastefully attired in blue organdie and carried pink roses. Earnest Maunders was the grooms- man. The Wedding March was played by Mee Nora Maunders, slater to the bride, in good style. Congratulations over the wedding party sat down to well laden tables where the best of the land was served. The wedding gifts were well ohoeee, valuable and useful and in addi- tion to thoseOBB fromthis locality came from Toronto, Galt, Listowel ca Mani- toba. Brussels; Methodist Sabbatb&obooi, in whiah the bride was a teacher, present- ed a nine silver and eryetal berry dish. The groom bestowed a gold watch on the bride, and a gold bracelet went to the bridesmaid. Rev. and Mrs. Finkbiner left Wedneaday evening for a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest before returning to their home in Sebringville. They Garry with them the hearty good wlebee ot many for their ha loess and prosperity, Tao POST in the number. THE .SPANDARD BANK OF CANADA. DEPORT O8 THE DIRECTORS. The twenty seventh annual meeting of the ehareholdera of the Standard Bank of Canada was held at the head office, Tor- onto, on Wednesday of this week. The report is as] follows :—The directors beg to submit the statement of the Bank's baeinna for the year ending 31st May, 1902, whioh they consider satisfactory. The net earnings amount to 9176,796.23, whioh, together with balanoe of Profit and Lose Amount brought forward from last year 95,817.08, and the sum of $25,000 recovered from debte previously written off amounting in all to -$207 ,61331, have been appropriated as followe:— Dividends at bbe rate of 10 per esus $ 100,000 00 Best amount Added to Re atl oaa 100,000 00 Carried forward to Profit and Loos a000ant 7,613 31 Your Directors regret to report the death during the year of John Barrie and James Scott, the former having filled the position of V os President Sino° 1888, and the latter that of Director since 1895. W. R. Johnston, of W. R. Johnston & Co., Limited, and Wellington Francis, of Messrs. Francis & Wardrop, Barristers, Toronto, were elected Directors to fill the enemies on bbe Board. ' The Head Ofiioe and Agencies of the Bank were carefully inepeeted during the year, and the Direotore are pleased to ex- press their eatisfaotion with the manner in which the various officers of the Bank have performed tbeir datise. 3,11 which is respectfully submitted, W. F. Cowan, President. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. Balance of Profit and Lose 8000001 brought forward from 31st May, 1901 9 5,817 08 Profits for year ending 31st May, 1902, after deducting expeneee,interest scorned on deposits, and makiogpro. vision for bad and doubtful debts 176,796 23 Old debts previonely written off reoovered 25,000 00 $ 207,613 31 Dividend No. 52, paid Ind Deo„ 1901 $ 50,000 00 Dividend No. 53, payable and June, 1902 .. 50,000 00 Transferred to Reserve rand 100,000 00 Balance carried forward.,.. 7,613 81 207,613 91 LtaninlmlEs, Notes in oironlabion $ 891,958 00 Deposite bearing interest, (including interest acorn• ed to Masa.. 97,658,367.48 Deposits not bearing inter. set 91,787,169.29 9,445,636 72 Due to agents 10 Great Britain 835,452 14 Liabilities to the pnblio911,112,940 80 Oepital paid up- 1,000,000 00 R885180 fund .,.....,.,850,000 00 Rebate of interest on Mlle discounted 40,000 00 Dividend No. 52, paid and Deo., 1901. 2 60 Dividend No, 50, payable 2nd Jane, 1902 50,000 00 Balance of Profit and Lose amount 7,613 31 $13,120,562 67 mum. Specie $ 201,068 82 Dominion notee, legal ten dere 697,286 00 'Notes and °begueo of other banks Deposit with , Dominion Government for security of note circulation 10,000 00 Dae from other banka— in Canada 198,398 00 in United States 78,432 18 Dominion Government and other tiret•oiaee bonds2,960,186 95 Loans en call on. Govern- ment, Muniaipal and other first class bonds967,868 65 270,649 99 95,348,890 09 Billedigooaated and advan- ess entrant 7,645,646 90 Eoteo and bills overdue (am Urinated loss provided for) 12,172 34 Bank premises 100,000 00 Other assets not included under the foregoing13,853 64 913,120,562 67 GEO. P. Rena Toronto, 31st May, 1902. Gen. -Man. Bruaaela School Board, The regular monthly meeting of the Public dohool Board was held in the Board roam on Friday evening. All members present. The minutes of last regalar meeting were read and passed. The following amounts were read Jos. Marr, cathing wood $ 75 Thos. Davidson, 89 aorde wood (al 91.70, 161 30 Joe. Barton, labor 3 00 Jas. Irwin, printing 1 60 Moved by J. G. Bkene, seconded by R. Leatherdale that above amounts he paid. Carried, Moved by D. C. Rose, seconded by J. G. Bkene that the Board borrow the cam of $600 from the Standard Bank for three menthe, to pay °arrant expenses. Carried. Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by D. 0. Rose that the abode trees in bbe front of sobool grounds be trimmed off high so that the lawn will be lees shaded. Carried. Moved by J. G. Bkene, seconded by D. 0. Rose that all the fees of the pupils be collected quarterly, in advance, instead of monthly, Carried. Board then adjoarued. C.IItJRC1f CfllMIS. Rev. G. J. Abey and John Cardiff were at London tido week attending the annual 0855(000 of the Synod. A Coronation eerviae will be held (n Bt. John's church on Thursday of next week at 11 o'olook, Rev. Mr. Abey will officiate. The Oo. Christian Endeavor and flab. bath School Convention for this County, announced to be held at Blybb this week, bas been postponed until September. The Methodist Sabbath School presen- ted Mies Lizzie Maunders with a Silver and oryetal berry dieb ae a wedding gift on Wednesday afternoon. She wee con- noted with the eohool for years as pupil and teaaber. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Hol- mes took as his text aExamine Youreel- vee," II Cor. 13 5 and is the evening bbe theme was "Patting off and pnttiag on." In the afternoon be preached at Walton for Rev. A. W. Dever. 0. 0. F. SERVICE.—On Sabbath morn- ing, 29th inst., the members of Court Princess Alexandria C. 0. F., No. 24, Brunets, will attend service at Melville ohnrob at 11 o'clock when Rev. Ino. Ross, B. A., will prowl' the anniversary ser- mon, Brethren are asked bo meet at the Lodge room at 10.80 a. m. Rev, G. H. Oobblediek, B. D., formerly of Brussels, will be stationed at Chatham for the next pastoral term ; Rev. George Jewitt goes from Heneall to Wardeville ; Rev. W.'S. Rigsby from Kincardine to Parkhill ; Rev. E. A. Fear from Attwood to Amheretbnrg, sneaseding Rev. W. E. Herr who will move to Blenheim. A Coronation Servide will be held on Wedneeday evening of next week in the school room of the Mathodiet Cburob, commencing at 7.45 o'clock, when abort addressee will be given by T. Farrow, B. Gerry and Rev. Paul on the following topics :—"The blesainge of the past :" "Our duty in the years to come." "A better Kingdom than Great Britain." The choir will contribute some musical eeleatione and W. H. Kerr will preside. MAoronoR Ssnvloc.—A000rding to annonnoement the member% of Brneselo Maoaabeo Order both lady and gentlemen, to the number of about 100 attended St. Sohn'% Church last Sunday evening, marching from the K. 0. T. M. Hall, mareballed by Past Commander Jobn Wright. The incumbent Rev. G. J. Abey 000upied the pulpit and preaohed an in• tweeting, (fleet and praotioal address on "The Good Samaritan" whioh wasmnoh appreciated by the large congregation. James Jones sang the beautiful solo "Vesper Prayer" with good effect. Interesting serving in C ilea w Wece held in con. motion with the Communion 10 Melville church. Saturday afternoon Rev. A. Mo. Nab,111..A., of Walton, wee the preacher taking as his text John 15.14 "Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command yon." Sabbath morning the praetor offi- abated and spoke from Acte 18 89 "The Jnetifloatlon of the Believer" dealing with it as follows 1—(1)Ite Nature I Mite Ina. plications ; Mite Obtainment. 51,John 1633 wee the evening text. 328 partook of the eaorament, 11 new names being added to the membership roll. Rev. .R. S. G. Anderson,' al. A., of Wroxeter, oo0upied the pulpit on Monday mottling hie theme being "What is man batter than a sheep." The subject wee aoueid eyed under the following divisiano ;—(1) The materialotie estimate of man's value ; (2)The Oommeroial eebimeto ; Malta tree or Christian estimate, People We Talk About. A. Sample woe on the aiok list this week. D. M. and Mre. Slott were in Goderioh last week. - Jno, Arrant was at Goderiah thie week GS n juror. Miee Jean MoLauoblin wits in Seaforth Friday afternoon. Miss Hazel Johnston, of Wingbam, is visiting in Broaeels. Mrs. David Hoist, Albert areal, has been on the oink list, Mies Taylor, of London, is visiting her friend, Mre. Jas. Jones. Mies Mary Forbes was renewing old frienships in Owen Sound. !!lies Prondfaot, of Galt, spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. J. 3. Wilton. J. Toltou and bride, of Henealt, were callers on lriende in town last week. Wm. Gilpin, of St.'Mary'a was a caller on his cousin, J. J. Gilpin, on Wednes- d Councillor and Mae. Henderson are away on the exoproion to Detroit this week. Miss Mary Howe has gone on a holiday visit with friends at Heapeler, Brantford and Paris. Min Bernice /Memmon, of Ethel, was visiting Mee Maggie MoLanolalin during the past week. Mies Helen Rosa, of Oheeley, is visiting her grandparents, D. and Mae. Ross, for a week or two. • Mrs. Habkirk and cbildren, of Dun- gannon, are holidaying with Mrs. and the MimeoHabkirk. Mre. (Dr.) Kaoobtel, of Winnipeg, and Mise Lizzie Moore, of town, were viaitoro at Teeswater last week. W. Clark left town last week going to London from which oily be will proceed . to British Columbia it ie said. Rev. R. Paul was laid up for a short time last week with a pain in his aide bat is able to get about again as] usual. Dr. Buchanan and son, of New York, are visiting Mre. Robert Herr and family. The Dr. is a brother to Mra. Kerr. T. and Mre. Fletcher were visiting relativee at Luoknow daring the past week. The former remained for an ex- tended visit. Mies Dnlmage and J. Millson, of Gorrie, and Geo. Town and wife, of Wroxeter, were visitors with Geo, and Mre. Brown on Wednesday. L. Ma0rea, formerly of Brussels, now of Stratford, was palled here owing to the serious illness of Mre. Robs. McNaugh- ton, Me mother. It ie reported that Jno. Stretton, of Brussels, and- Mies Millie Hirone, of , we e b th Bre united in marriage on Thurs. Barth, day of last week. Stella, the little daagbter of Edward and Mrs. 8peraia, was ill with pneumonia but ie able to be out once more we are pleased to notice. Jae. Harkness and bride and Mr. Ilia Donald and Mies Moreton, of Culross township, spent at time at T. abort Friendships, Br meals. W. W. Burgess, wife and children, of Mitchell, were renewing old friendships in Brnssele and Bluevale for a few days, returning home on Tneeday. Mrs. McKenzie, Mise Reidetta and Master Archie. of Blyth, are visiting with Geo. Crooks and family, Queen street. Mrs. McKenzie is a daughter. Mre. Frank Clark and children, of Toronto, are the guests of Thomas Bone, and family, Tarnberry street. Mre. Clark is Mr. Bone's daughter. Mrs. Leatherdale and daughters are away on a driving tour for a week visit- ing relatives at Gerrie, Harriaton and Listowel while making the circuit. Principal Cameron will be presiding examiner in Blyth next week at the En. trance exam. and Mies Jean Ritchie will assist Inspector Robb Sm Braseele. R. and Mre. Willidoisoo and Miss Lyle attended the wedding of A. C. Tuck, of Clifford, and Miss Aggie Miller, of Grey, on Wednesday evening at the bride's father's. Bliss Kate Smith bag gone to Toronto where she will visit for a while. She will also seek to advance bar musical proliai- eney as a pianist. We wish per encce.a. Jno. Beattie, Frank Roche, W. Tripp and Carl Orme were in Seaforth last Friday baking in the football match between Galt and Seaforth. The score was 3 2 in favor of Galt. Mies James, of Detroit, has been :l.0 guest st week. of the She lefts Thursday r the forLooses- boyo' where she expects to visit for a few days before returning to Detroit. Barrie and S. Hamilton, of Chatham and Seaforth, respectively and Miss Hamilton, of Wroxeter, were in town on Tuesday. The first mentioned is holidaying and will aims for a time. Barrister R. 141. Diokeon, of Langdon, North Dakota, is spending a short holiday with old friends in tbie locality. Mr, Diokson is aesooieted with his brother W. B., formerly of Braeeele, The latter is State Attorney, Wm. Hewitt and wife, of Hamilton, are renewing old friendships in Brunie and locality. Mr. HIewilb'e health has nob been good for the past few years but ie (mproving.bhie Spring and we hops he will soon be as well au ever. Jno. Hewitt tonsorial artist, is a eon of Mr. and lute. Hewitt. The Brandon, (Man.,) Independent, of Juneb 5t speaks sake as] follows of a Termer Brneeelite, and a nephew of Mre, J. R. Smith, Mrs. Dr. Bio$elvey and Mre. Bar- bara Straoban, of this town .—J. E. Smith, eon of J. E, Smith, left on Bator. day morning tot the Coronation, He le a member of the 0. M. R„ and attended' the military oollege at Winnipeg last. Winter, and is an expert, fearless rider. He travelled from Winnipeg in own - pony with twenty -tour of the N. W. M. P. but will join Capt. Remsay'b company of the coronation contingent at Levin, sailing by the Parisian, June 7th. Lord Minto and his staff sail by the same demos,