The Brussels Post, 1902-6-12, Page 8,.ICING POWDER Our Baking Powder is made from Cream cf Tartar, a product of the grape and the most healthful of all fruit acids, For purity and strength it is not surpas, sea by any Baking+d'owdor on the market, Price %5o. per pound. Sold 1so in hull(. 1? FLAVORING EXTRACTS Our Flavoring Extracts aro pure and healthful. Our Extract of Vanilla is especially flue. Try ours and be convinced. Drug and IJur1eys ole Store Book GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EX900080N W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows Gonna Solna GOING NORTH. • Fixeren ...... 7:18 a,m I Mail 3:10 p.00 Mixed......... 9:46 a.in Express 8:17 p,m Waxal Seim rtms, A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Tan store front of T. Fletober has received a new dress of paint. A BA00 of gipeiee were oamped on the bank of the Maitland last week. Tun large stable on the tot of 0. MoKey, Turnberry street, North, ie being taken down. ANornoa interesting letter from Mr. Ronald, from Denver, Col., oame to hand too late for tbie lean of Tuts Pose. THE Entrauoe Examinations will be held at the various examination aentree of East Huron on Jane 25, 27 and 28. SEAMBTH rapes are billed for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, $1,800 in purses. Some of the beet race borne in Canada will 139 there. N. ORR9e, who bas been operating a photo gallery in town for the past few weeks, Lae removed from Bruesols and will open up elsewhere. Berta Horon Farmers' Exoureion will run to Guelph to the Model Farm on Thoreday of next week, 19th inet. It 10 a delightful plane to go for an outing. Tickets good for two daye. DIRECTORS meeting on Saturday atter. noon of this week in connection with East Huron and Grey Branch Agl. Sooietiee to arrange Fall show prize list, &o. Meeting at 2 o'clock io Council ohamber. BOwLINo.-A meeting of the Bowling Club will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday evening, 16th inet., at 8 o'olook, to draw rinks tor the coming tournaments, also to make the draw for the MoNatlgbton Medal. J. A. MCNAnowTON, Pres. OWING to the dampness and cold Satur- day afternoon last the Mission Band of Melville oharoh met in the school room to hear MISS Campbell, the returned Missionary, tell of her work in the Children's Home in India. Her address was maob enjoyed though she told eome very sad etoriea of the late famine in India. 37 of the "Little Stare" Band were present besides a goodly number of parents and friende. A short program was given and retreebmente served. A vote of tbenke was tendered Mise Camp• bell by Ada and Georgia Rose for her very excellent addrese. Ogre. -The following is taken from the Sarnia Obeerver : The funeral of the late Mrs. J. S. Crawford, of Saginaw, Mich., took place on Sunday, June let, from the home of her mother, Mre. M. A. Hitob• nook, Point Edward, to Lake View Ceme• tory. The casket was literally covered with flowers and the funeral was the largest ever witnessed in Point Edward. Death was caused by the bursting of a blood vessel. Mr. Crawford ie deeply sympathised with in his madden bereave• meat. J. B. is a eon of our townsman, Samuel Crawford, who attended the funeral, returning home Saturday after. noon last. Lam trouts. Com the long grave on the streets. BRneesos has a dandy wool market. Coarmx Court ie in 8880100 this weak. COUNTY rate will be the same as lest year. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week. BAHL BARBrn is now driver of Jas. Ballantyne'e bread van. Rath the advertisements in THE Poem. It may save you many a dollar. THE race traok is the rendezvous of owners of fast horses on fine day's. Vrelm Guelph on the excursion next Thursday. Retnrn tare from Brueeele is only $1. KEEP the 12•h of Poly celebration in Brussels in view. Iotereeting program will be presented. BRUSSELS station keeps up its record in the ehipmenta of live stook. Hoge have dropped in prigs. Tao Poem circulation contiones to grow. Advertisers should make a note of Ghia if they desire to reach the people. FounmODivieion Court was not bald last week. There wee only 008 09se on the dooket 90 Judge Doyle did not come. SE0HRAL Braseelite8 will attend the Aoeizee at Goderioh next week in con• neotion with the suit of McNabb vs. Z i lliax, WHATEVER yon mise be sure and take in the Coronation Celebration in Brussels on Thoreday, 26th. You will get big volae for your money. NET G. T. R. time table comes in next Sunday and the two additional trains on the W. G. & B. will likely make their appearance on Monday. Btu I bah I white ebeep have you any wool? If yon say Yes? then Brueeele market is the spot to take it. There buyers are waiting for you. ConsxDEHAULE space its devoted this week to church matters and Go. Connoil minutes but we believe these reports will be found interesting to many of our readers, lie To DATE eleotrlo belle are being pet in Central Hotel by J. Jaakeon,of Lis• towel. If yon require one in your reeid• ecce or store cal! and Bee him at the Central Hotel. Rev. G. J. ARES is offering hie horse, buggy, nutter, cart and barneee for sale as will be seen by advertiement in another column of THE Pose. Mr, Abey will not require a horse in Preston. A CONTRACT of gravelling on gravel road North and Sonth of Brussels, to the amount of $300, will be let by public auction at the Queen's Hotel, on Toeeday, June 17th, 1902, at 4 o'clook;l. m.• Dn. J. A. MCNANG$ION bas donated a handsome silver medal and clasp to the Brussels Bowling club for competition in singles, the winner of thio medal will go to Clinton to compete for the Jackson silver oup. REmr. ,.-Thnredey evening of this week Mise Jean MoLaaohlio and pupils will give a recital in the Town Hall, Brunets, assisted by some of the vooaliete of town. A varied program will be presented end will no doubt be well worth hearing. LIizowne RACED. -The Listowel Trot• ting meeting classes among the beat in Coterie. Bevan races ere given of $300 and $400 purses each on Jane 25 and 26 and all the fast horses in the country will be there. The traok equipment is unexcelled and the management le etriot. ly firet•claes. Single fare on alt railwaye. G. T. R. NOTES.-Baeker & Vanetone Chipped 4 oars hay ; 4 Dare Balt by Brae. sell Balt Works; oar of boueebold goods to London by S. Beattie ; oar abeese by Braeeele Cheers Factory; car cattle and oar hogs by Geo. Beet ; oar wheat by R. Graham ; oar butter by Robb. Thomson, Inward 2 oars coal for Brussels Salt Works. 29 tickets were sold for the Owen Bound excareion on Wednesday. The return train did not arrive at Brus- sels till 6 a. m., Thoreday morning owing to a breakdown between Atwood and Henfryn. CELEBRATION IN BRUSSELS. -For the perfecting of the program for Ibe Corona. tion Celebration in Brothels on Thoreday, 26th inst., the Committees are busily engaged. The well known 33rd Regt. Band, of Seaforth has been scoured for the day. A local football match is being arranged between Grey and Morrie town• ohipa for the forenoon ; a hustling Base Bell contest is on deok between the lively Harrieton nine and Brnooele ; Kincardine a and L aknow will battle for Laaroee e honors and a rousing Football metoh will be oe the tapie for the evening, followed by Fireworke display well worth seeing, Other attractive features will On be added. Admission to the Park is placed atthe email gam of 10 09019 ao that no one need absent themeelvea. Keep the date clear and take in the day's sports, Watch out for the billeaod programa. The anneal $1 egoorelon by water front Glpderieh to Detroit will be On the new etwuuer "Greyhound" en Wedaeeday June 18th returping Theraday evening *heat 0 80, Aow1,1Ne Taop$g,-W. Jaokeon, of Olin - 100., bee donated a httndeome eilvot o0p to be played for able season .ae follow! ; The Bowling olube of Clinton, Goderioh, Seefortb, Mitchell, Stratford, J ietowel, Braeeele, Wiegham and Kincardine, will each bold te competition io einglee, and the nine victoral representing the nine Globe mentioned will meet eome day to be appointed during the first week 10 Angnet and play off for the Jaokn0n Trophy Cup, The c0inpetitian emouget the membere of this club and the anal oompetition to be under the direction of the President of the Clinton club, who will ebortly issue rales governing the oonteet, Banat & Co. have sold 62 buggiee and 6' waggons this season --already, and are now offering epenlal bargaine for one month se they intend to make tgie season a record breaker in the number of sales, remember the date, Jell! 1231) ie the limit for bargains, yoo need not be afraid to drive 80 or 40 mile8 to the their stook, you will be sere to buy. It will be to your advantage to see the High Grade buggiee at close prices. Robs. Thomson has parobased one o! the pnemnatio steel wheel, ball bearing, bike boggier. This is the Brd they have said in Brussels and they are all giving first alae! eatietaotion, These rigs 00.0 be bought from Ewan & Co. at close prices at the np•to date Carriage factory. L'IERSONAL PAR MIRAPBS. Ed. Mole, of Auburn, spent Sunday in B russets. S. and Mrs. Beattie moved to London Tuesday, B. B. Scottie, of Listowel, was in town Tuesday. A. Cooeley and Glynn were in Seaforth last Friday. Mies Tana Sample was visiting in Grey part of last week. - B. Gerry made a business trip to Ripley on Monday. Soo. F. MoCree returned to Toronto on Monday of that week. Herbert Williamson is on the eiok list tbie week with meaalee.. Mrs. Jno. Thomson 18 vieiting friends at Galt and other places. Mre. Murray, of Seaforth, was vieiting Mrs. A. Oonelay feat week. Mise May Deadman is home from the Woodstock Business College. Mines Smith and Hemphill, of Wrox. eter, were in town last week, Mies Souoh, of Morrie, spent Booday with her sister Mrs. Geo. Lowry. Harold Oreighton, of Boston, is home on e. holiday for a couple of weeke. Mrs. Ohae. Climie and children, of Listowel are vieiting Mrs. R. K. Rosa. Mre. Philip Accent and Harry arrived home on Saturday last from Miohigao. Mrs. MoLean, Princess St., is home from a visit with friende in Tnokeremith. R. H. and Mre. Green, of Trowbridge, were visiting Mre, Harris over Sunday. G. A. Powell, a former Bruoselite leaves next Monday for England on a hneineee trip. Mi9aee Forbes, of Wingham, were vieiting Thos. and Mre, Maxwell this week, Mre. John Leokie and Mre. (Dr.) Hot. mea were vieiting in O_ wen Sound this week. N. B. Gerry, wife and daughter, of Blyth, were io town on a short visit last week. Chas. Watt, wife and daughter, of Flint, Mich., are vieiting at Jno. Mo- Orae's. Mise Helen Bowers, who hoe spent some months in Brussels, has returned to Clinton. Mre. P. Boost spent a day or eo with her aunt Mre. J. Cline in Owen Sound this week. D. M, Ferguson, of Stratford, starts on hie European purchasing trip on Friday of this week. R. Little, of Toronto, ie here looking atter the thinning of the anger baste in this locality. R. Roche, of Listowel, was home on Thursday of last week and book in the foot ball match. Duncan, John and Colin McArthur lett on Tueeday of this week for a trip to the Old Country, H. Branston, blacksmith at the Cober factory, has moved hie family to Brussels from Walkerton. Mre. Jae. MoLnncblin, of Wingltam, was vieiting relatives ani friende in town during the past week. Mre. Chas. E. Stone, of Langdon, North Dakota, is visiting her father, Juo, Mo• Orae, and other relatives. Dr. G. L. Ball, of Tordnto, and J. J. Ball, of Winghem, were palling on old friends in town last week. F. J. and Mrs. Sobeak arrived in town last Friday from Toronto and will visit with John and Mre. Wynn. Barristers Sinolair and Blair and Min McNabb and W. Kreuter were visitors in the Co. town last Friday. Mies Laura Leatherdale is bothered with nervous trouble we are sorry to here, but hope she will soon be better. Mies Bessie Livingetoue and her friend Mies Ada Miller, of Detroit, are vieiting the Misses Livingstone this week. D. Rose, Mrs, A. M. McKay and eon Rose, were speeding a couple of days in Chesty this week with Thos. and Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Weeks (nee Mise Nellie Price) a one time resident of town, ie now living in Britieb Columbia. She was married in the West last April. Mrs. Joseph Burton, of town, was Bent from Goderioh to London Aeylum for treatment for her mental ailment. We hope it will prove affioaoione, Mrs. Stirling, of White Lake, 011., ie vieiting her slater, Mee. Robt. MaNaegb• ton. Her grand•daoghter, Mies Tiny MoLaohlan, aeoompanied her, W. F., Mre, and Ibe Miens Walton'', of Wingham, spent Sunday in town, Mies Julia Bartliff returned with them and spent a day or so in Wingbam. Jetties Monate received word from hie brother Robert of his safe arrival in Liverpool on Monday morning May 19th. He bad a very pleasant voyage across the 00ean, William Miller, of the G. T. R. Election who hae been ill for some menthe ie im• vin in health and is able to get about ro p g a ilttle. We hope he will soon be coeval• !cont. Mile Kate Killoran, of Seaforth, a former teacher in Brothels Publlc Sobool, waein town Thoreday of last week. Her brother, John Killoran, watt referee of the foot ball match between Brussels and Wingham, Jo►lo Hales and ramify have taken ftp there abode on I,'rineeso St. P. Watson and wife epent lest week 0iaielng at Aima, Huron Road, and in 11fo0 lllop, Mee Maud T'ergnoon, of Walton, spent, a few day! Teat woelt with Mite Maggie MaLanoh li n. A. O9ueley, W. Clerk and Barrett were off Monday for the day en a netting outing, Mies Lnoy Colvin hoe' been (lithe ill thie week with hemorrhage of the lung!, We Lapp the will be better Noon. Mrs, W. B. McLean, of Seaforth, was nursing her sister, Mre, Jae, Beattie, who hes been ill for two weeks or mere. We hope elle will Boon be better, , Mioeoe Mildred Soott and Bea McCrack. en, W. l3. MoOraoken, Bierman Smith, Jno, Donaldson, H. 13art1ill, It, Beattie, W. Grilith, W. Crioh and F. Mame took in tbe excursion bo Owsn Bonus on • Wed. nudity. We are sorry to hear that Mre. (Rev,) Cobbledick, formerly of Brnesete, to in a private hospital In Toronto with nervone prostration and rheumatism. Her many old friende here hope for bar epecdy reotoratioo to vigorous health, Reginald Fletcher arrived home from Chicago on Monday and will aeeiet hie father in the management of his Menem. He took a course in optics before leaving Chicago so will be qualified to lend a band to bis mother in this dap trtment, E. Raymond Field and Miss Ida Mae Frain, daughter of David T. Frain, of Detroit, were married in that city on Wednesday Jane 4th. Mre. Field's many friends around Brussels wilt Wish the happy couple a joyoue and pro0perone wedded lite. A Palmate HEALTH BOSOM -The Grand Trunk Railway System have t o Summer and be lar tS included is t large Winter resorts which they are beioging before the public, the Sanaitariam at St. Catharines, Out., a retreat for rest and recuperation. A mineral spring from which the water flows and which is used for bathing and maeeage pnrpoeee at this eetabiiahment, was discovered years ago, and has been the means of attracting hundreds of the beat olaee of people from the South to enjoy the benefits derived from bathing in it. Considerably denser than Bea water, the effects are very mark. ed, and when heated and skillfully applied oere9 rheumatism, gout, scrofula, nears. Igia, liver trouble, akin dinettes and oases of nervous prostration. Many of the three are simply wonderful. The waters of this spring are referred to in Snuck). media, Brittanioa, Appleton'! American Enoyalopredia, Hare's System of Thera- peutics, oto. It is only daring the laet few years that a commodious Sanitarium has been established at thie point, com- biniogrest.oare and family hotel. Oopiee of a neat little booklet giving further particulars may be had by applying to Jae. D. MoDonald, Dietriot Passenger Ageot, Toronto. BRUSSELS HAD A SNAP. -A fine evening, a tremendous armed, park in good ahepe, a tie to be broken end two big contingents ready and willing to hurrah themselves hoarse over their favorites were loading features of the Wingham vs, Brnseele League Football match Thursday even. ing of •laet week. Game was called shortly after 6 30 o'olook on Victoria Park, Brussels, with referee Killoran in nom. mend. It was a hotly confuted game although one aided and the man between the flags for the home team, R. Pearson although very willing had oompartively little to do in defending hie oitidal. The visitors tongbt hard to keep bank the en• veloping tide bat it was of no avail and when time was called Brueeele was victor by 5 to 0. The individual and oombi• nation play of the home team wee neat and opportune and the visitors were un- able to resist tbe onward march. Line up was as follows :- WINGHAN BRUeSOLe F Rush Goal R Pearson J Mitchell ...,..1. Backe { I Gerry 1 n Sample J Florae ,........ 1 G Ferguson 9 Backe { W A 'Tripp ( A Meat&tighten ....,.... F it W Good Forward! T McItae W Roohe W Cameron H Donna H Hamilton W Burgess F Harrison R Aitron6 The gate reoetute were $76. By winning tbie match Brothels goo into feet corn- parry in the next eerier euoh ea Stratford, Galt &a. ao that to retain present laurels it, will require 00010 bustling. Not in the leant inferior to Thursday's play, C!1hlt(III (/HIMES. W. H. Kerr attended London Confer. once, at Sarnia, for a few days during the, pact week. C. E. and 0. S. Convention for Huron Conuty meets at Blyth on Wednesday. end Thursday of next week. Oa Sauday, June 161b, there will be Divine service in the Catholic ohuroh, Brueeele, at 11 o'olook a. m. I n The recent Methodist Conference, had last week at Sarnia, attached Oranbrook appointment to Brueeele. Preaching will be held emit) Sabbath afternoon. President Hem and Ilia new etaff of oftioere are now doing bnoineos in oonneo. tion with the Brnseele Epworth League. They are figuring on a beep term. Sabbath morning last Rev. R. Paul took as his theme in the Methodist oharoh one Soil's desire for God." In the evening"Redemption" was the topic. Rev. Jno. Holmes will be home from Conference and will campy his own pal. pit next Sabbath. His new appointment by the Stationing Committee i0 Blyth. Next Sunday evening the members of Brussels Tent, K. 0. T. M. and theRiver- aide Hive, L. O. T. ed., will attend St. John'! March at 7 p. m. Rev. Geo. J. ,.bey will preach the anneal sermon. A Preparatory service will be held in Melville oharoh, Saturday afternoon next at 2.80. Rev Mr. McNabb, of Walton, will preach. On Monday at 10.30 a. m. a Thanksgiving 'service will be held Bev. B. 8. G. Anderson of Wroxeter will preach. Rev. Jno. Roes B. A. preached from the text "The Kingdom of Heaven suffer. eth Violence" Mathew 1.1. and 12 end the evening subject was "Sin!s ruinous work" Ezekiel 18 and 30 (1) It deceives the soul ; (2) It degrades the soul; (3) It darkens the soul ; (4) It destroys the soul. Rev. G. J. Abey will only have one congregation iu his charge at Preston. A meeting of the Wardeoe was held on Monday evening in Bt. John's church at which it was sorrowfully decided to allow tbe popular incumbent to go Eastward at tbe end of June. Mr. Abey will hold a Coronation service at 10 30 a. m., fn Bt. Johns church, on Jane 26th. The Globe's Hamilton correspondent lays r• -"Rev. Geo. F. Salton, pastor of the Centenary oharoh, formerly of Bona gets, will go to England to see the core. nation. Prior to his departure for the old country he will take about forty email the cit to Elsinore on the children from y alePx`ate.'orla:,Ialla'1::u't 7 3e7a.• HEAD OFFIQE. •a TORONTO CAPITAL PAID IIP (Oce Million Dynan) • REST 51,000,000 5750,000 Agenciea'ttt 3li principal points in Ontario, Qnebeo,MMnitoba, United Slater t Ettetand. A General BanDraft!king BpeiIaneeeguedand TranColieeaotedptione made, )fon all parmers' Notesointe, Dieoonpted. SAVINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interact allowed on deposite of 51,00 and npwarde and oompoanded hall yearly. 139801A3 ATTn ming oovalo TO THS OoxLeOTION Or FAnM611e' BALs Norse, Every funk afforded Coetomere living at a dietinae. payable at any bank ig:" eueci ••Ender ;1200...1..180°a', 10.,.. 8a, 520 to 880,.128 Money Orders at the following rates ; 810 to 520....100, 80 to 40....140 F. 8, GRAY, Acanthi, Aoten. Wateon aseeeeora eatery $70 ; A• Kelly building, culvert $2 00; John Mo3lilan work on road $2,00 ; W. Clark part salary $40,00 ; Jae. Scott repairing oolvert $1,00 ; R. Smith putting in culvert 58 00 ; J. B. MaLaoohlin plough broken on road $1.50; Wm. Cochrane cleaning out ditoh $6 00 ; $. Bone potting plank on culvert 25 ciente. Tho cannon then adjourned to meet again after court of Revieion on the 23rd Jane, W. CLARE, Clerk. Business Locals. Eons 'from beet pen of Barred Rooke, from now to June let. $100 for setting of 15. Ara. Sirens, Brnseele. A Lon of eeeond•hand organs for Bale cheap, or to rent. Some pf them almost new. R. LEATHEnrALe. Fast=PLows.-Farmere . desiring the beet plow ehoald call on me and order a Fleury. Jno. Lana, Agent, Broeeele. Yon oan get 16 fine photos. for 360., in tour different eittinge. This pride ie good for a abort time. Studio in Stratton Block. n 'entlemen - ad fee and T EP9ALI0: L To $ g `all cutlery oan be ground, sharpened and repaired by Sawfller McGregor, Mill street East, Brussels. Choice work at reasonable prime. Eons 14 dents. We boy for oaeh or trade, wool, eggs and butter. A $20,000 stook of dry goods, groceries, ready made clothing, carpets, boobs and oboes to select from. Gro. E. Krno, Wingham. Premier Roth. majority in West Mid. dleeex watt 604. J. W. Macro, Liberal M.P. P. elect for North Renfrew, ie. dead. The Brantford etaroh works were de. etroyed by fire. The loos ie $50,000. Conductor George Bentley, of Smitb'e Falls wee fo0nd dead on the 0. P. R. The Canadian Tubular Steamship 011 Transportation Company has been in• corporated in New Jersey to pnrohaee the patents of the Knapp roller boat. OEORN. OSBORNH.-In Grey on June 23rd to Mr. end Mre. Charles Osborne, a daughter. M.A.RRS£D, WATOHE0-W0000.-At Victoria Cottage, Brunetti, on June 11, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. John W. Watcher to Miser Mary 0. Wells, both of Wingham. GIBeoN.-In Grey, on Jane 8, at the reeidenee of her daughter, fors. R. J, Hoover, Mre. Jae. Gibson, aged 69 years, 6 month and 24 days. IBM TTSS:1✓=+^� MAR SET$, Fall Wheat Barley ...... ....... Peas Oats t Buttes, tube at d rolls Beaoh, fora ten days' vacation. Wben Eggs per dozen he returns he will take hie Boye' Club Flour per owl. ..... for a longer opting to Ohaotangoa, N. Y." Potatoea (per lona) Rev. Mr. Edmunds, of Preston, preach• Apples (per bbl.) ed in St. John's church last Sunday. gay per ton The text at the morning service woe •2n5 Sheep eking, each Kings 5th chapter and 12th verse and in tbe evening he spoke from Psalm 48, 9th 10th and llth verees, "He maketh ware to cease unto the end of the earth oto." The discourses were in keeping with the the thanksgiving over the Proclamation of pesos between Great Britian and the Boers of South Africa, "God Save the King" wail song both morning and even. ing. Rev. Mr. Abey the incumbent Restated in the services, Morris Council Meeting. The oonnell met as a court of Revision on the armament. Roll membere all present and enbeoribed the oath required by statute. Appeals were disposed of as follows :-51, M. Cardiff rednoed $200 on S. pt. 25 con. 5. A. Roe reduced $100 on N. pt 4 coo. 1. J. & J. Miller entered owners S. ?a 12 con, 6. Thos. Miller entered tenaut B. j 22 eon. 6, Jas. Nes• hitt entered owner N. 714 bon. 8. M. Nichol enteredteoantN. 126 eon. 5. Joe Wightmao entered tenant W. pt 1 eon. 6. A. Taylor entered tenant 5.I"13 non. 6. Geo. Lawrence entered F. S., S. , 1 con. 5. Roased Fear entered F. S., 8. t No. } 21 con, 9. On motion of Code and Shaw the court of Bevieion then adjourned to meet again on .June 23rd at 10 o'clock a. m. Connell bueibeee was then proceeded with 'minutes of teat meeting read and passed. A petition was presented by W. A. Ashton and othere asking to bave sideline between Iota 26 and 26 con. 7, opened. On motion of Shaw and Taylor said petition wee laid over to be oon6id r• ed at next council meeting, Ou motion of Code and Jaokeon the Reeve was ioetrooted to have Forbes' bridge pat in a proper state of repair. On motion of Jackson and Shaw, Mr. Taylor wee inatraoted to have guard tenon at bridges on 4th and 631 lines put in a proper state of repair also to have neoeeeary fltling done at Sunshine bridge. On motion of Shaw and Gods the sum of $160 rattail was granted for expenditure on East and West B needarise and $a each on North and South Boundaries providingV idleg the adjoining mnnioipalities expend an equi- valent. On motion of Taylor;antf Jeolteon Mr. Sbaw was inatrnoted to interview the operator in regard to use of a team on road grader. A00000to were ordered to be paid aa follows a -Duff and,$townrt fioering J3odmin brfdgo 546,60 ; John Lamb shine earth Salt per bbl., retail..... Hides telmmed 6 Hides rough 5 Hoge, Live 6 60 6 50 Wool 11 12 74 48 70 42 13 11 4 00 36 2 00 6 00 26 25 1 00 12MO TH �URHAM BULL1 N S .con '.TF,R ofor sale, 8 in nil PI or ROBERTSON, Lot &, Con, 9, grey, urueeole P, 0, 96 FIOUBT;; AND 1 ACRES 09' land, eligibly located on Tnrnb airy etreet,Bruaeels. for sale. Will be sold en Woe or house and lots separately, to suit purchaser. GoOd dairy bualneos In eon nee. 9100, Poaseseion could be given any tune. For price. terms, die.. apply to NEIL Mo• LAUGHLIN, Bruonels. Notice of Transfer. AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the regulations in that behalf, that I, the under- signed, have applied for a transfer of the Hotel the saigranted transfer will beecompl! d and signed to by the Commissioners after the second publication of this notice, ae re- quited e- 8 Dated by law. June 234,10NRY 00. 94 Potato Byes Are Ripe Suva Year -Potatoes • with early Parse Green. When the tinge Some they eome with a reeb. Be reedy for them. They're °pita numer• ons eome piaaee already, Nothing like being ready before the bogs ere ready, Our Patio .Green stank is all ready. It'e the very beet Green we can get. We guarantee every pound of it to give entire eatiefaotioo or your money bank, 26c, per pound X DRUG STORE, Tenders for Hay. Tenders will be received by the under• signed,up to Wednesday, June 18, for the bay ou the Agricultural Park, Brueeele. All noxloue weeds to be cut by the nu¢oeeelul tenderer to satisfaction of SeeretarY. JAB, 8PEI0, • W. H. HERB, President, Secretary. ejLECKIE, �. a LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, VALUATOR, &e. Offloe over Burnley's Drug Store, Fel). 0314, 194 98•11m Brueeole. 75 50 71 48 14 12 5 00 35 8 00 6 60 26 30 70 671 6 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. June Millinery GOOD YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, eaitable for ranch purpoeee, Apply to GEO, BEST, Ilrussete, T.OST.-A. LEATHER CASE containing broom gametes, between Bluevale and Brussels. 81.00 reward for re• turning same to the QUEEN'S HOTEL, Brussels. 48-1 ICOR SALE. -THE UNDER - STONED offers 1110 horse, buggy, cutter, cart and barnena for sale as he is removing from Brueoein and bee no further need of them. BEV, G. J. ABET. .$20,000 to Loan. The above 9000 bee been placed with mo for Immo Mate investment on farm proper- ty at 6 per cent. If titles are natiefactory loans may be completed in 9 days, Liberal SAIBei&o1reilt', terms INCLRarrist,ues. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, &o. -Tho undersigned is Prepared to attend to the wants of the eco fin in home painting, paper banging, r• ating, Carriage painting, deo. Satisfaction 0080re,1 and reasonable grinee charged. Give mea call. T, SNIDER, .• •31111.. ttreet,,,'Bruseele,,. 11.1111101.16.-7- We have just_ received a nice line of Cool, Dainty, Light Summer Hats. Just the latest for the J!?id-summer Weather. Call and see us betore purchasing. To Contractors. Tenderswill be received by the under- signed for the eredtien of either stone or concrete abutmeete, 10 feet high, fora bridge at Lot 6, Con. 14, Grey, plane and opeel8oa Mtn O - tione n be 0000 at lerk'e ohne!. JOHN MCINTOSH, Olerk,Ethel. MIssEs HABKIRK The New .. . DRY GOODS STORE. NOTIOL--UNDER AND 13Y virtue of the feetv1J1 and teetamont of Phillip Gremlin°, or., the property being Mtn 60 & 107 Woet side of JaMOO et„ anlage to s 1 on Ja o t, all 06 fronting moo . and N09, 164 &.l g to the ,eonvillage n nil 10Bruall a the 01018ornity or Huron, ¢bo offered. 10 els one afire more or less will bo on atter t ana expiration iiruseots by oe m nllc eu0tian after theFoer of three months from date awItIhereof. Further and 31 s lore and date of male will be advertised at a later date, PHILLIP iRANBINL,Jr„ Executor, Dated Juno 1011[,1000, The inexperienced shopper can come and buy at this store with absolute safety. We don't juggle with prices. One price only and that price the • lowest consistent with fair and honest dealing. Remember our guarantee "Money refunded if goods are not as represented." Take special note of the following Special Bargains for Saturday and Monday shoppers: - Men's Shoos 80 pairs Men's Gaiters and Laced Sboee, regular prioee were 52.60, 58 00 and $3 50. Bargain Day. Price $1.50 Ladies' Wrappers 10 only Ladiee' Print Wrappers, assorted col. ore, regular price 61,00 and $1.26. Bargaid Day Prioe , 750. Ladios' Capps 7 Ladies' Cape,' in both plain and trimmed, reg. priaee were 52, $3 60 and $4 60. Special Saturdeiy to clear.... .... . .. ....* 75c, $1.26 $1,76 Men's Ties 60 only Men'e and Boys' Bow Ties that were 16o and 200. Bargain Day bird td oloar, that 50. Ladino' Suits ' Cashmore Rose 4 only Ladies' Homespun, Special line Ladies' Blaok Tailor•made Ooetamee, Osehmere Roth, eeam- in fawn and green, reg. lees, spliced heel and tee, prides $12.76 and $11.50, , worth triplet. 258 and Bargain dope pries only 30o, for per p0ir........ 6.25 I 200. See our Boys' Suits at IiALF PRICE See our Men's Suits at HALF PRICE Grover & Co. Garfield Block, Brussels,