The Brussels Post, 1902-4-24, Page 5APRIL 24, 1902
Dent. 1',8. 50001, SSrusaalo, •
• Issuer of Marriage 7aioeneoa.' 01.
fico et Grocery,'1'nrnberry, street, Bruseelo.
ri N. BARRRTT-•-..
• Tosalato'tiet — ixA door
Standard Dank. loathes' andhlrnd hairrbpg a specialty,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
.-TEACI&alt. OP—
Wellington Mutual
Fire ln$urftnce Co.,
nD 1 40
'rAnL H a
les re
Iesuranee talion on the cash and premium
inlseeelee Before
nota rat current
on thundergnd A et
of tine Company.
GEOBGFI 1000E108, Brussels.
Academie graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Music, also Member of the Associated
Mueiolana of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for lnatruotion
on the plane. Qualified to prepare pnpilolor
the Principal's Form. in the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
11 Clerk of the Fourth Division Conti,
Co. Huron; Oon'royancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan. and Ineuraaee Agent; Auction-
eer, Funds invested and to.loau. Collec-
tions made, Mee 1 rahom'elBlook,Brus-
1 • E$a, will Bell for better prices, to
better men, in leas tinea and lees charges
than any other Anotioneer 10 East Enron or
he won't charge anything. . Dates sad orders.
can always he arranged at this eines or: by
personal application..
V • Honer Graduate of the Ontahlo Vet-
erinary College. it prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals in a comnot-
eatmanner. _ Particular attention paid to
Veterinary manner._ Calls promptl at-
tended to. Offioe andlnermary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnbetry ot., Smoak?.
V Y • Barrister, Solicitor, lOanveyanoer,
Notary Public, Eco. Cffloe—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Notel,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, Eno. Ofiloe over Btaid-
and Bank. Soileltor for Te of Brneeels.
Money to Loan at lowest ratea.
AI. U., cu.,
Trinity Uuivereity, Fellow Trinity Medical
00ll0e0, Member college of Pbysiolans and
Surgeon s, Ont. Licantutte of tbe RoyalCol-
lege of Pbyeioians and Licentiate- of Mid-
wlfery,Edinourgh, 1..-Tolepb0ue No.14,.
Residence—Mill street, 'humus.
DR:. R. P. FEiLb,.
Graduate of 1he Royal College of .Dental
Burgoonoof Ontario and, Firab•olnos Monet
Graduate. on Toronto Doivereity. Omoo
pext to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,,
lsmoving forward. Spring term begins Mon-
day, April 7. Our rates are reasonable—our
OOurnes of Study thorough hurl praettcal.
Send for our Jonreal to Roe. what we toaeb.
Students' may enter at any time. Two
Courses of Study—Ceremonial and Short,
hand. •
President geeretary,
Owen Sound;- Listowel.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Deere and Sash of all Pat
terne on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Bet/mates Furnished for all
kinds of Bnfldiuga. Workman.
"hip and Material Guaranteed.
A. Celine of Trebling fn Tile
Strat'oa1 r' O/1,t.:
enables young men and W000011 to Rewire
eraploymout at good wages immediately en
leaving College. This 1s the school that
enjoys the repntattee of 1Qiag the has t
workis business edooatlon, The graduates
of the soheol are in drone demand an teach.
OM in basiuoas colleges In Oanada and tido
linitod States, Tide le the solute' '1 or you
and your Wends. Write for eatalogne,
W. 3, ELLIOTT, Principal•
flistri d
W Goveolook has withdrawn hie offer
respecting the operating of the carding-
p g g
Wni Bethune has left to reeamehie
dntiee as purser on the 0. P. R. steamer.
Mrs, Coulter bee sufficiently recovered
from her .recent illness to be able to
resume her dntioe in tbe public eobool.
B. B Gunn is moving to tile store on
the corner of Main and Goderioh streets,
recently occupied by Learoyd &Company.
In the point armee, under the direction
of the Ontario Curling Aeoomation W.
Ameut, of this town, stood sixth in the
lairs. Allan- 0,. 101or aan hae leased Mies
Hngill'a' residence, on john etreet. Mies
Hagill intends spending a year or eo with
friends in Oregon.
The Shamrook football team of Winn'.
peg are making arrangements for an
Eastern tour this semen and will play a
mason at Seaforth.
The Methodist congregation has leased
the reoidenoe on Goderioh street, at:
present ocoupied by S. Mullett, and will
use it as a parsonage..
George Murray, deolioiug'to carryout
hie contract for the drainage works was
received, and the ooniraot of F. Guttridge,
Whig the next lowest, was 'tempted.
The town olerk was iootruoted to
correspond with the Toronto Huron Old
Boys' Association, inviting the association
to eon its nextexoureiou to Seafortb, and
to extend to the aseoolation a hearty
invitation to visit Seaforth. They wi11
be here, on Saturday, July 6th.
• Vi'' iog'itn.rn -
A new Government poetomoe building
is being aeked for here.
Air. Pierce, clerk at D. M. Gordon's,
is i11 with.appendioitie.
Beattie Bros. have purohaeed Smith &
Pethiek's coal businese and shade at the
G. T. R. and purpose keeping a full
supply of the beet grades of ooal on band.
lir. McGregor, who kept a reetauraut,
baa removed his household goods. He
hae secured a situation ou a new Line of
railway being oonetruoted in New Ontario
Chapman's Glove faotnry is a very
busy place these days. Up to April let
iearty double the orders were booked
when compared with the same time last
year. ()there for three thousand four
houdred dozen of gloves are now on hand.
The old house on the lot Eaet of the
Methodist parsonage was Bold by tender
to John Shrigley, for $45, and is to be re.
moved at once. W. H. Green purchased
tbe woodshed and another small shed for
$00. A new kitchen will be ereoted to
the parsonage, forthwith.
F. G. Sperling has disposed of bio fine
property on the corner of Patrick and
Fraueee streets to Oooduotor Quirk. The
reetdonoe is commodious and con tenieot,
and the two tote are in prime condition,
with fruit trees and due garden. Th
most desirable propertybas oha"ged
hands at a reasouable figure, $2,500.
The briok house on Shuler eta est, owned
by Mrs. Peltou, aud uccupied by II Tio
doll, has been Bold to Tuua. 1V,lew,, u
prosperous farmer living. ne. r Whitt.
church. The price paid for the house
and laud, including oue of the lots at the
fronting ou Fraises etreet, tette $2,000.
Mr. Wilaou inteude moves into town in
the Autumn.
Mr, aud Mrs. Youiit reoeived sad news
of the sudden death oltheir end imlaw,
7.'. F. Thompeoo, of Sagiuuw. In 0001.
pany with his family, he went to Florida
to look after 110sineee interests there.
On their way home, they °topped at Troy,
Ohio, to visit a daughter, aud leaving his
family there, Mr. Thompson went ou to
Saginaw. He was taken ill on Sunday
and on Monday passed away.
Thomas Case, of the London Road, left
for the Dauphin district, Manitoba.
Langley & Oo. will lay the oement walk
here this Beason at 0} cents per square
About six hundred volumes, all very
exoelleht works in 'Homall Public Lib.
Bev. Mr. Long, who has bomb quite ill
again for the pant few weeks is recovering
Mra. (Rev) Knowles and airs. (Dr,)
Rivrre, Crediton, ware g1eete at the lieu.
Bal Methodist Parsonage.
J. E. MCDonell dieposed of hie line
team of Shetlaudponies, to W. Jaakeon,
merchant tailor, of Clinton. - -
Miss Amy Murdock hae resigned btr
position as organist, of the Methodist
Ohuroh after bolding it for four years.
Geo. Joynt and J, A. Nloi)onell are
arranging foe a trip to the Old .Country
about the miiddle of May, for 1 b purpose
of wltaoseiug the ooronatioe.
The following is the roemlt of the oleo•
tion of oilmen held by the Epworth
League of tJhriebian Endeavor two weeks
ago :-Pres., Mise Ilihol Mardook 1 fat.
Vice Pres., Fred. Manna ;2nd Viee•Prea.,
Mies Stepbens`on ; 9rd Vioe•Preo., B. Col.
Well; 4th Vtoe.Pres., Mise Annie Wren;
Soo., Mise Kate Chapman ; Oor.,Seo.
Oliver Geiger ; reporter, Mervin Brown ;
Treas.,;Mies Tesete Shepherd ; organist,
Mies Janda Beak. The League enters
upon its work for another year with a
very ef;ioisnt staff aud A strong working
HyttsNeAL.—Wednesday of Met week
a happy marriage took place at the St.
Samos Memorial 0hurob, London, whin
Mise Lizzie Oroyedale formerly of Eng-
land, but who has reeidled with her 000188,
Janiee and Geo. Petty, of We plane, for
the pact Dix yearnwas united in marriage
with Rev. W. J. Doherty, Rentor of 86.
It' JA .0.11U0Sjilo. POST
Paul's Ohnroh, Ear ,alt +t.ul Grime Oberon
Stella. The b,rid1 ,vas attended by her
ocualo,Mi0e,131olathe Petty, and the groove
by tie brother, llev,Oottpn Owen per:
formed the ooremohy, The hppryeotiple
intend commencing h000tlteopleg in the
eseide008 recently purchased from G. 0).
Arnee see.
MonQw e11Their Res" l any r. andpMrs. Dds 10 oherty
great bltppipesa,
W. J, Little wee on the Greed Airy et
Walkerton laet week.
The Main street has been 'greatly im•
proved eines the mad wart removed,
Peter Corrigan perobased Il, Maodv'e
fine reeidenoe on ()Orem street, in thio
The Firemen have decided to oelebrale
the "Queen's Birthday" in' Looknow on
Monday" May 2611*.'
There has been added to the Leeknow
Pnblio Library $6 volumng of eboioe lit-
erature, composed of stirring tales of his-
tory ped robtanoe.
J. 0. Lynne, who ie engaged in . eheap
raeohing an Assinaboia, near lyledielne
Rot,, is spending a few weeks with his
parents in Luoknow.'
John T. McKenzie, of tido 2nd non. of.
Kinioee,epid to a Montreal horse buyer,
one of his fide teame ofibeavy draught
horses fur the magnificent sum of $$60
John M, Fieober, one of 0arriek'e moat
Progressive far era and it of
Bruce County Commit, sold his fat cattle
this year at 0 o a pound. This ie the sac
and time in 20 years that hs got so high
a price.
The cow owners of the town would gave
themselves trouble and their neighbors
suapyan0e If they would realize that the
by-law against the animals retuning at
large is to be strictly inforoed, wf'hoct
fear or favor.
The Iaorosse-boys are rapidly getting
themeelvee into shape aud are practicing.
every svenitig, apd by the time the sea.
eon opens in earnest they will be fit to
cope with the beet clan in the country.
They have seoured the Agricultural Park
for the seaoon.
A -it wOOil.
Geo. Carrie has eeonred a lucrative
situation in Bothwell, Ont.
Rev. Dr. and Dire. pfoLeod oontem-
piete taking several monthe'vaoation this
Saoimer among Mrs. McLeod's people
in Prince Edward Island.
J. A. Johnson, who has been assisting
hie father for the past Winter
at the watobm0.king, has accepted a good
situation at hie trade in Fior00oe near
The Winnipeg Free Press contains the
following notice of a former Atwoodite ;
Walter Rialiardeon, late might foremen
of the 0. P. R. coach yard in thio city,
and family, lett on tbie morning's looal
for Brandon, where be goes to take the
pooitionof oar obarge hand, aloe 0. E.
Harris, who be :reeigoing. Prior to tie
departure, a large number of the coach
yard staff met in the yard alai 'presented
Mr. Riohardeon with a handsome gold
locket and obain, ea a Blight token of
their oppreoiation of the very cordial rel.
abione existing between the staff end
their departing foreman. An appropri-
ateaddreee was read by W. J. Adams on
behalf of the staff. Mr. Rioliardoon,
who was completely .takou by surprise
replied feelingly and thanked one and all
for 111010 kind , xpreesioo of good wilt and
regard, W, 1',pken, ger eral oar fireman,
And John load, aoaolk yard foremast, who
were present, also spade eeeeohea express,
hiµ thane approval of Mr, Riebatdeon'e
Page eervioea and wishing bine every Duo,
eoeA in hie new epileoe of toiler.
38110/1 FAn11010' ,l'rnm i-NBIIRANQN CO,—
A tweeting of directors was held at Atwood
on April 8111, Applioatians for luseranoe
were,reoefved and accepted amounting 10
$7$,000, Thoe. E. Glbsou, diroolor, tauc
dared his resignation on account of hie
having left his late residence and pot
being able to attend to the dietriot for
whiob he wee elected, wbioh tide Bolted
ecoepted with sincere regret. Mr. Gibson
has been a d,reetee for the feet Marton
yeare and bas eerved the Oompane faith -
tally and Well, and boo been the means
of extending its Mirthless very much in
that district. Hio genial proteins* will be
very mach mieeed at the meetings of the
Hoard. 00 big roeommendation Ieaao
la. Langford was appointed in his plane.
Meeting adjourned till the 3rd June next.
The new life boat 1100 been paid in the
boat boose.
Immense gnautities of anthers have
been taken -up the Maitland this Spring,
Philip Holt and, W. L. Elliot were ap.
pointed delegates to the Synod from he.
George's Ohnroh.
Rltynae & Cornell have refurnlehed the
Oddfellowe' hall throughout with modern
quarter Out oak.
It ie said the old race track just out.
aide the town 1imite nae been pre-empted
by a new golf club.
The P. W. committee of the Connell
have engaged Gardener Wm, Watt to
look after the Square and Harbor Parke.
Videan & Co. have opened it new dour
and Beed business it the store on East
street so long 000upied by T. J. Videan.
Citizens are com,f jaining, some of them
very indignantly, because the cow by -taw
is not being enforced, a number of bovine
being at Targe.
John Storey aodaThomae Morrow are
about to start a new beadier ehop on
West street, in the Mend lately occupied
by PeroyAndrewa.
Manager Saunders, of the Goderioh
Organ Co , left last week op a business
trip -to England, on wbioh be will be
away about four weeke.
Mr. Baeiugwaite hike arrived from Tor.
onto to assume the Mates of band leader
for the coming season. He also fills a
position in the Doty Engine Worke.
Mayor Oameron was in Toronto for
couple of days last week, and when he
returned be brought home hie mother,
who has been receivinghoepital treatment
in the city for several menthe.
Fred. Davis, of Mitchell, . sort of the
owner of the Mitchell Advocate, has
purchased the stook and business of the
Hotel Bedford from Jonathan Miller.
Mr. Davie takes possession May lat.
Mr. and Mrs. Miner will retire lo their re•
built residence on East street.
The brink work at the front and the
ends of the building Dow known as the
Goderioh Summer Hotel give a substantial
appearance, and when the orest, which
will be three feet or over, is fixed along
the roof, it will give it a nioe appearance.
The frame work for the verandah floor
is placed on both the fronts, and a couple
of weeks should see this part of the build -
Downing Bros.
- e
Agents for the
.a.t the Popular
Shoe Store,
which issynonymous with Down-
ing's Shoe Store, no one can fail
to find the very latest ,Spring
novelties in footwear for both
sexes. Whether the acme of your
requirements is style, comfort or
durability, the climax is reached
here. It's an old story, mayhap,
but we beg to repeat it : The best
Shoe for the money is to be had
at Downing's.
Slater Shoe.
owning Bros.
a= d that
ie1 lVe Bl'i�sV
'iffMl ;
is never so willing to perform
its labors as when the Paint used
yields easily in application. The
work becotnes a labor of love if you
use our reliable Ready -mixed
Paints. We'll supply you with an
article that
Stands on its Merits Alone
LIA.MS PAINTS saves you Money, Time and Patience and never
fails to give satisfaction.
Complete stock of Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, &c.
Mon & Turnbull
Qameron. D o$.
Haven, limited number of bg0he10 of, the.
oli t yof o1anbr 1lil whe is cud rel ins
LL coming Ewen, 1 wn 1 sli
fix Maria tee Cit i a 601 fol s e
aro prepaledto deliver in quant;ttee to Oa
flax grol113'
poedtlnay be got at the Cranbrook .Plex
see a 4e,00 per bushel, Order early and'
fecoraaeupply. For. flax grown front 000
will he paid it of good growth, harvested In.
proffer season and delivered at the flax mill
ae soon as lit for threshing.
We wall roma number of good sod flelde
for the purpose of growing flax.
CAMERON 131008„
Proprietors Cranbreelt Itlax.111*11,
ing in a forward state, The plasterers
have pot yet started work a0 they want
the lathbe i V
a to u porfeat condition fart 1e
"Tho Iron Dukes" is the appropriate
name of the pew Junior Buse Ball Club
organized infollowing officers gatbe to 1 ow ng oflia Hon
president, Joseph Kidd ; president, Time.
Tilt ; vice-president, Gordon Haadereon;
Manager,P Percy Snell eaoretoreA.. Knee.
bay teasurr, Kenney MoLod
; cap.
Iain, Norman Pitzeimmone.
The etookholdore of the Curling aud
Skating immolation held their anneal
meeting on Monday evening of last week,
to consider the year's operations and elect
officers, The anemias show a balance of
$200 to the good, and the groaode and
building are in good aoodition. The
eleotiotr resulted as follows :--President
Dr, Holmoal; vloe.pres., 0. A. Number.;
secretary,. Wm. Campbell ; treaeurer, R.
S, Williame ; auditors, Meeera. Reynolds
and Larne ; managing committe, W. L.
Horton, O. a. Humber and Wm. Campbell.
Major Beok and J. T. Goldthorpe were
elected-direotore, vice Dudley Holmes, re-
moved, and D. 0, Straoban, decimated.
Friday, April 25th be the date of the
Oddfellows' concert in the town kali.
In connection with the Clinton Bowling
Olnb there is likely to be a ladies' olub
J. Raueford was eeleoted as lay delegate
to the Diocese of Huron and S. G.
Plummer as provisional delegate from St.
Paul's church.
J. McGuire, the eftioient and obliging
freight agent bare, has been appointed
station agent at Shakespeare aud left ou
The ay, transfer of the Clarendon hotel
took place from H. Oantelon, who has
been the landlord for a little over a year,
to Perkins & Mahou, London, who take
possession ou May let.
Rev. L B. Wallwiu, B. A,, of Seaforth,
preached educational eermooe in Wesley
ahuroh Sunday morning and evening.
Rev. W. G. Howson preached edooational
sermons in Seaforth.
The officers elected by the Tennis Club
are :—Hon. pree„ Rev. 0. R. Gnune ;
president, Capt. M. D. MoTaggart ; vioe,
Mies Kelly ; secretary, W. U. Latornel ;
aeeietent, Mies E. Doherty ; committee,
J. E. Hovey, N. B. Henry and B. E.
Munanyg. friends were down to the depot
to see Mies Taylor off to her home in
Blyth. The place ehe resigned ae teaoher
of the primary department has been
taken by Mies Kirkby. It is hoped that
Mies Taylor will soon regain her usual
health and 8tre0gtb.
What might have been a bad fire had it
not been notioed in time occurred at J.
Taylor's eboe store on Saturday, 12th
inst., shortly after lighting the fornaoe.
It wars not seen that anything was wrong
nail the fire bad burnt through the floor-
ing jnat above the furnace and it took
some time before it was put out.
10I t 11,,
Henry Taman Use opened a boob and
shoe repair shop on Qaeett street.'
Mies Allis Emigh left for Buffalo where
the will make a lengthy visit with friends.
Ssrkt. Arohie McQuarrie, eon of Hugh
M1Qaarrie, h,.s bete selected as one of
the coronation iontiugent,
W. and Dire. Emigh were et home to
e number of their friends Wednesday
cunning from eight to .2 o'clock p.
else 000asion being the 12th anniversary
of their marriage,
Dr0mmond Bros. bare deoided not to
run the flax mill any longer. The fire
discovered in the flax mill on the morn-
ing of the 4t13 inst., and the numerous
other fires that have taken plane in Blyth
during the past two yoare, is given as the
the reason for leaving Blyth.
J. M. Hamilton received a message an
Monday morning of last week, conveying
the sad intelligence of the death of his
mother at Steffe. The deceaaed lady had
been ill for sometime peat with heart
trouble. Mr. aud wire. Hamilton and
Mise Etelka left Monday afternoon for
Staffs to attend the funeral.
R. J. Martin, who has been Grand
Trunk %gout at Blyth for the past year
and a half, hae been been promoted to
the Barrieton station and left last week
to enter upon his new duties. Mr. Mar-
tin's cuooeseor at the Blyth elation is 0.
W, Vail, who has been night agent at
Palmerston for sometime past,
The Blyth branoh of the Lake Huron
Fruit Grower's Aoeoofotion was organized
with the following offioere t—Preeident,
George Fothergill ; vioe•Presfdent, A.
W. Sloan ; Sooretary T,eaeurer, Frank
Metoalf ; direotare, A. B. Carr, John
Brigham, A. H. Jacobs, David Laidlaw,
Henry Young, Joeepb Coombe and W. J.
Shortreed. The next meeting of the
Blyth branch will be 11011 at Blyth- on
Friday, April 25th,
The adjourned vestry meeting of Trinb.
ty Ohuroh, Blyth, was held on Monday
of last week. Freak Metcalf and J. W.
Bell were elected wardens, and T. W.
Scott was elected lay delegate to the
Synod. John MoGill and Jabez Walker
were eleobed 'sidemen. T. W. Scott and
John McGill were appointed a floater)
Committee to assist the wardens. Rev.
George McQuillan tenderest his re9igna-
tion 6e reotor, the name to take effect
within three months.
The 0. P. R. trackman and the nom•
pang are arbitrating their differences.
Patrick Lavery, of Eingeton, fell from
the mast of a veseelin the harbor aud
was killed.
Four Workmen were Milled by the
eollapee of, a bridge on wbioh they were
working at St. Francois du Lao, Que,
mnon 's ST R
T3J .+tom .
Our Drees Goods trade this Spring haat exceeded our moot Ballguipe
expeotations. We made preparations for a large trade, bot before the sea•'
eon was fairly opened we found several linea were sold op.. We again went
into the market end bought heavily in Dress Goode, fn several pew otylea
Mahal) 1at1 just appeared in the market, and today we chow a stools .of
Drees tootle eeooad ba none in the minty. Ladles like to buy their Arses
Goode where they have a large assortment of new styles to select trout and
they know from .experience they always and the beet aesortmsnt at this
store. Just a few prion hints 1
ramble All wool Freuob Serge, fold, in blank and oolora, makers up well for
mite and ekirte, gime satisfactory wear, at 200i a yard.
Storm Serge, all wool, 42 inches wide, in blank aud navy, hard worsted.
finish, very epooial 50o,
Blank Cheviot serge, 40iooliee wide, good weight, all wool, makes Mylieh
and serviceable spite and skirts, 75o.
All wool Broadcloth, 62 ioohee wide, Plum weave, bright finiela, special
value 75a and $1.
BIsk Satin I th 44 fno
hoe wide,
allpare wool and rich BaU1n f 1
two qualities,50 and 41.10.
Black Frontal' Veetians, brriget!Matb 00 inches wide, all pare wool, make
very stylish 000100100,
AiItvcol Ho m'apane in idleok and Oxford fuohes wide,
limen, per yard, 20e, $1 and $1.10.
i.0 -43 rx Y 0....001000010101
he Great Cash Store.
va 1 'k,cr •.
We are showing a magnificent range of Ready-made Clothing
which arrived this week direct from the manufacturer and can now
offer you a New and Nobby Suit at a remarkably low price. Also
a nice assortment of
If you need a WATERPROOF COAT we
have lots of them at prices that will save
you money.
special values in our Carpet department.
pays you to buy .
.C� �+�� It alwa s a sCarpet here, for
you can get choice and you have the advantage of prices.
New Goods arriving every few days for our
Millinery Department.
i thing
Boy's School
It is astounding how quick
the average boy will go through
his Knickers unless you buy him the famous "Lion" Brand make,
got up especially for the lively boy. Made with double knees and
double seats, seams taped and double sewn with linen thread, will
outwear 2 pairs of ordinary goods. Once a customer, always a cus-
tomer. You are safe in every way when you got this make, be-
cause the goods sold are all wool. You will find no shoddy or cot-
ton in goods bearing the "Lion" Brand.
Then again look at the make and finish of the goods, they
are not equalled.
We are the only people in town handling this famous make.
lack Cat
THE Dest Hosiery in the World
is none too good for the
average boy who seems to take
great delight iu wearing out. his
Clothing. No. 15 in the Black
01,010 CAT RRAND Oat Hosiery is the best goods in
Chicago.Rockford Hosiery Co. the market for this kind of a boy
ZZOONOSEA, WIS. —wears better aucl washes better
than any other make. Has triple knoes and triple heels. Is made
in such a manner that they cannot fail to give the utmost satisfac-
tion. Once a customer, always a customer.
See that you get No. 15 when next you purchase Hosiery. We
are the only agents in town for this famous .brand.
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Leading C�llothier�`& 7iFurnisher,