The Brussels Post, 1902-4-17, Page 4Tax .0 ti
ght Narotis got
THURSDAY, •41R. 17, 1902.
At a convention of the North Perth
Reform Aeeoeiation, held at Groeoh's
Hall, Milverton, Tbnreday of last week,
M. P.P.was un n'm•
John Brown, ex, a 1
onsly ohoaeobysetau ing vote tquembed
North Perth for the Local Legielatnre,
and from all quarters Dame asenranoee
that nothing would 'beleft undone to re-
elect hirer for another term, President
James Dickson presided. The oonven-
tion was one of the most largely ethended
apd enthueiaetio in the history of the con.
etitnenoy. Nearly every mnnioipallty
was represented by Ito loll oomplement of
delegates, which in itself was a tangible
evidenoe ot the eeteem in wbieh Mr.
Brown is held by the eli mbers. Mr.
Brown accepted the nomination in a
graoeful epeeob, thanking the Liberals
of the riding for their support in the pest
and the confidence whioh they had re•
affirmed in him. With their support he had
no doubt he would be returned by an large
a:majority as before. He bad oleo mud -
dance that the intelligence of the people
01 Ontario would return the Ross Govern.
ment to power. other addressee were
made by M. McLaughlin, of Stretford,
James Donaldson, Reeve of Elma ; John
0. Hay, Listowel ; J. P. Mabee, K. 0.,
Stratford ; David Grieve; Mornington,
and G. G. MoPherson, K. 0. Stratford.
The following resolutions were nnani•
monelypaeeed :—Moved by James Don-
aldson, eeoonded by J. C. Hay : "'that
thin oonvention of North Perth Liberate
warmly approves the policy and notions
of the Government of Hon, Geo. W. Rose
in this Province, in developing its rescue.
see, in providing an absolutely honest
and eaonomioal administration of its
affairs, and in inaugurating laws whioh
have been for the people's moral and mat-
erial advancement. In the general oleo.
tion now pending we pledge ourselves to
give the Rose Government our moat en-
thusiastic) enpport, and by returning
John Brown to the Legislature hope to
give them material aid in parrying out
their laudable work of developing new
Ontario and adding to the num of human
happineee in all parte of the Province."
Moved by J. P. Mabee, K. 0. eeoonded
by D. B, Grieve : "That this aoovention
of Liberals of North Perth desire to ex-
press their aontinued confidence in the
Liberal Government of Sir Wilfrid Leer-
ier and bis able colleagues, and note that
the oountry was never so prosperous and
well governed, and tenet that existing
eonditione may long continue. We desire
at the eame time to congratulate Sir
Wilfrid and the country upon the recent
obangee in the Cabinet. The ability of
the Hon. James Sutherland will be felt
throughout the ooantry in the responsible
office of Minister of Marine and Fisher.
ice. The Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick, with
hie wide legal experience and high Amid -
fog at the Bar, will bring much strength
to the Cabinet, and is an able successor to
hie dietingaished predecessor in the high
office of Minister of Juetioe of this pro.
greeeive oonotry."
The Grand Trunk management mean
to have their system about as perfect as
it Dao be made, and that, too, at the
earliest possible date. F. H. McGuigan,
the manager, atuoanoee that the com-
pany expect forthwith to aommenoe ac-
tively tbe work of double tracking be•
tween Durand and Battle Creek. They
wilt at the eame time reduce the grades
on this section, which ie about 77 miles in
extent. They will also begin at pule to
lay the doable track between Stillwell and
Valparaeio, 24 miles ; Jordan and Niagara
Falls, 18 miles, and Port Hope and Whit-
by, 35 mtleo. The completion of these
two gape in Canada will finish the double
tracking of the line all the way from
Montreal to Niagara Falls through Tor-
onto and Hamilton. When tbe work
now contemplated tbie season West of
the river is oompleted, it will leave only
70 of the 335 miles between Niagara Falls
and Chicago to be done next year. The
redaotion of the grade between Port Hope
and Port Union will enable the manage-
ment to inoreaee the train loads from 35
to 45 per Dent,
Angus Fraser, of Toronto, the well.
known Canadian piper and sword dancer,
and A. D. Strnrrook, baritone soloist,
both members of the Caledonia Company,
now touring through the oountry, figured
in a Police Court action at Belleville
Tbnreday afternoon, April 10th, that cane.
ed a great deal of interest. They were
charged with assaulting James Johnston,
a bellboy of the Hotel Quints. Late at
night some one entered the room of Mies
Ela walker, a member of the oompaoy,
but left when she ordered him oat.
From the deeoription given by Mies
Walker, Fraser and Stnrrook suspected
Johnston. A complaint wee made to the
management of the hotel, but the two
men decided to settle the matter in their
own way. About 12 o'clock the next
night, after the oonoert, they rang the bell,
and Johnston answered the summons,
When he entered the room he found the
furniture piled on the bed. The door
was looked by one of the men, and they
atonoe proceeded to punish Johnston.
Before he snoeeded in making bie eooape
he was badly cut and bruised about the
face, and suffered severely. Fraser and
Starrook were throated in Warkwork,
where they went with their oompany.
Before the Magistrate they admitted the
assault, but pleaded as justification their
belief that Jobneton was the one who en-
tered Miea Walker's room. Johnston
mote that he was not the man' and there
was no evidence whatever to enpport the
suspicion, The two men were ordered to
pay $20 compensation to the injured young
man, were fined $20, and ordered to pay
$22 coats, making $62.
The Cape Parliament has been further
prorogued until Aognet 1.
Salomon, the Stnartburn, Man., wife
mnrderee, has been found guilty.
dohnMoBride, of Ottawa, committed
anioide by swallowing a glans of am.
The admiralty hue ordered the erniser
Thermo to searoh for the missing Allaa
Liner Maronian,
The Allan inner Parisian with the
Canadian laoroese team on board has a8•
rived at Liverpool,
Maurine Forget, wbo lived North of St.
Jovite, Qoe, stared a lot of dynamite in
hie Dollar, 'When it ezploded be was
killed and hie wife and obildreu all ser;
lonely injured,
Lady Minto bee offered a gold medal
for the graduate of the Ontario Normal
Sobool ofDomestia Soloing) at Hamilton
who shall pose the examinotiou for
teachers with the higieeet qualifications,
Afarewell supper was tendered F. 0.
to manager of the Bank f
G. Minty, la g o
Qomrsroe here, at the 0ommeroialhotel,
on Tuesday evening of last week.
Mies Oerrie Hoffman, daughter of Mrs.
J. 0. Hoffman, formerly of Seaforbh, bee
gone 10 Philadelphia, where the hoe en•
tared a hospital to take a eOnree in pare.
Hire. Coulter, primary teacher in the
Publio school, is ill at the home of her
eon, A, Coulter, of Ingereoll, and was
unable to reaame her duties after the
Among the Canadians killed in the
engagement mi Marsh Blot, at Kleinhart'a
river, South Africa, was Private W. T.
Peters, of London. He is a native of
Seafortb, and lived here for a number of
years. He is a nephew of John Oldfield,
of Tuokeremitb,
Richard Hammitt was appoioted en•
gineer at the wateworite, as eao0eseor to
the late Robert Roberts, at a salary of
$B00 a year, free house, light and fuel.
The tender of George Murray, of $8,200
for the oonstraotion of the eewerage, waa
accepted, provided he will use the larger
tile from MaGiunis' corner to the recre-
ation grenade, for $510 additional, and
furnish eeourity setisfaotory to the town
for the completion of the work, the work
to be oompleted by the 15th of October
The remains of the late Frank De
Oantilloo, formerly of Dahlia, was
brought here on the 8rd inat„ from hie
home in Toronto, for interment in the
family plot at Iriohtowo. Deceased was
a young man with a bright future before
him. He was just in the prime of life,
being only 28 years of age, He has many
friends who will deeply regret bis early
demise. Mre. Terence O'Neil, of Mon•
treat, formerly of Brussels, is spending a
few days here visiting relatives and re-
newing old acquaintances, having =tom.
pauied the remains of her brother, the
late Frank De Cantillon, for interment.
P. T. Halle, who had been ill for two
weeks from an attack of typhoid fever,
died Thnreday morning of last week.
George Fox, the well know Oanadian
violinist, has been engaged by the Ioeti•
tate for a concert in the Opera Hoarse on
Thursday, the 24t11 lost. Mrs, Kennedy,
of Toronto, has elm ooneented to son•
tribute several songs to the program.
The steamer King Edward left New
York eoroote fir Lake Huron. This is
the boat that will be placed on the Borland
Goderioh route, and it ie probable she
will be making her regular tripe by the let
of May. The Icing Edward is said to be
canal size and have a speed of over 17
miles an hour.
It is known that the plan for the new
building at the G. T. R. depot is iu the
hands of the builders, bat as yet it has
not reached this sod of the line. The
reason given for not forwarding it to tbie
town, is, that the builders need it to pre.
pare the woodwork, nearly all of which
Will be ready to be planed in position
when it reaches Goderieb. The new
building will be about the width of East
street and its neutral door will face the
central door of the minty building.
Business at the depot will be 000duoted
in the old shanty until the new station is
completed, but it will need the removal
of about 8 feet of the north end of the
present office to make room for the South
foundation of tba new structure.
Meetings to forward the interests of the
Huron, Bruce and Middlesex Eleotrio R.
R. were held et Darlow and Dangaunon.
That at Carlow was held Friday, and
thongh three of the Oolborne residents
were not in fall eympathy with the
project on amount of the tracks not
covering the whole township, the meeting
was praotipally unanimous in favor of
building and helping the road by the
township taking a liberal bunch of stook
in the enterprise. The meeting at Dan•
gannon on Saturday evening was a joint
one of the townships of Aebfield and W.
Wawaooeh, and as was to be expeeted
there was a large attendance. The tone
of the meeting waa exceedingly favorable
to the propoeitioo, and the addressee on
the line were well received.
There are now 104 phone sabsoribern
on the list at Clinton.
George Hinahley left Thursday for the
Nurthweat in the interests of the Mao.
Pherson & Hovey Co. He expecte to be
away at least four or five months.
The Curling Club closed the season
with an oyster sapper on Monday night
when the presentation ot the trophies
woo during the season were made.
J. and Mrs, Shaw, recently of Blyth
and the parents of Dr. Shaw, of town,
have moved here and taken up their abode
in the Potte cottage on Mary street.
Private J. G. Gunn, who was severely
wounded at Hart's River disaster in
South Afrioa is a eon of Dr. John Gunn,
of Ailsa Craig and nephew of Dr. Gann,
of town.
Jae. Danford bought R, MaLeod's
property on King etreet ooneisting of a
house and two•fltthe of an aore of land.
He to having a stable built on the place
and will remove to it about May lat.
PBEoexxeim 801' HonoN.—Thin Presby.
tery met in Clinton on the 8th ioet., the
Rev. Mr. Shaw in the their. A motion
was pearledcongratulating Rev. A.
Stewart on hie having the degree of D.
D. conferred on him by Knox College.
The report on Sunday schools was read
by the Rev. J. Hamilton. This report
showed a small decrease in the attendance
and in memorizing of Soripture and the
Oateohism. 5. eynopeis of the report on
church life and work waa submitted by
the Rev. T. Davideon and ordered to be
printed and distributed among the son.
negations of the Presbytery. Rev. 0,
Fletober and A. Daman were appointed
members of the Synod'e busineae corn.
mibtee, A resolution urging all ooagrega•
tions to support the Prohibition Bill was
unanimously passed. The financial re•
port was read by Rev. F. Larkin. This
report showed an increased 400 members
over the year 1000, and an increase of
$700 towards the mission funds of the
shush, A, resolution wan passed express.
ing regret at the death of the late Dr.
Roberteon, and appreciation of hie work.
A call from Manchester and Smith's
11111 to Rm. A. ]L Camp, of B. 0,, Was
sustained and provisional arraugernepte
(should he accept) Were made for hie in.
duction, ltev, T, Davideou was grouted
sbeenoe for three months to visit Seotlu,d
Qommiasiohers to the general assembly
were appointed as follows Mluietert,
Pr, Stewart, Meearo. ¥uegrttve, Beavers,
Larkin arid Shaw ; Bides, Masers% Ker,
nick, A. Dunoen, J. ]7. Tem, H, Reid and
McQuarrie. Rev, A, 8loLeen wee norm•
sated for moderator of the general.
assembly, Lettere front other Preabytor•
tee Were received, stating that opP1i ati
would be made to reoeive the Revile. j..11,
Madil and A. Math as minieterd of the
Presbyterian phuroh. The Presbytery
then adjourned to meet .in Clinton on
July 8th,
J. W. Hill and 0. J. Wallis, who went
West With 84 horses early in the Spring,
returned having been very eneneeefalin
their trip, They went as far ae Ox Bow,
and experienced ooneidereble dif6oulty at
firer, owing to the flooded aonditiou of the
laud. They eay that a great many
settlers are going in, and that land le
rapidly tieing in value.
The frame building occupying the new
poet office elle was erected in the year
1865, by MacDonald & Campbell, the
former being a brother of Dr, MacDonald,
Deputy Speaker of the House. It will
shortly disappear, however, to give place
to the new poet affixes to be ereoted on the
elte. The plane and epeolfioetions are
completed, and it is expected that tenders
will be called for in a few dove. The
Arohiteot of Publio Works Department,
wbo selected the eite, says that it is one
of -the vary beat for the purpose in the
Dom i n ion.
Perth County.
The Mitobell Spring Fair was held ou
The population of Mitchell is 2.000,
end the aseeeeed value of real and person-
al property $072,438.
John J. Hegarty baa been appointed a
license commissioner for South Perth, 1
viae Bernard Payton, resigned.
W. Hawkehaw, of London, formerly of
St. Marys, has been elected a member of
the Exeoutive of the Oanadian Laoroaee
The boy's department of the Y. M. 0.
A. Stratford have elected (Ames and
drafted committee. The members will
organize afootball olob,
A breach of promise of marriage oaee
betwern Samuel Doupe, of Laoan, and
Mies Taylor, of Kirkton, is down for
hearing in the near future.
Mr. Weeeo%t, who has been playing
hockey in the Keystone Hockey Club,
Pittsburg, during the past season, is
home on a visit at St, Marys.
A. 0. Crosby, of Stratford, agent for
the Imperial Life, who ie well known in
St. Marys, has bought out a general store
in Snnthempton and willremove there.
The Stratford lodges of the Oanadien
Order of Foresters will, in all probability
ran an exoareion to the High Court
meeting, whioh takes plane at Owen
Sound on June 10.
The resent assessment shows the total
amount of aseeeeable property in the vita
ane of Milvertoo to be $150,305 or a gain
01$5,280. The population is 700 or a de..
oreaee of three from last year.
The members of the Y. M. 0. A. Strat•
ford organized a laoroeee slob. The
following offiaere were elected : Hon.
president, D. Ferguson ; president, A.
Buehfield ; vies preeident, H. Barker ;
sec., B. Ennio ; executive, Harry Ander-
sen, Fred. Daly, W. Chandler and Dave
The many friends of Alex. Kennedy
will be sorry to hear of his having met
with a painful accident Tbnreday morn•
inn of last week. Mr. Kennedy was
taking part in a barn raising on the farm
of J. Pfrimmar, Kaetnerville, and while
endeavoring to drive a nail into a Dross
beam, the nail flew up and pierced his
left eye, the nail remaining in the eye
until removed later.
shall Advocate : Last week we mention-
ed that the trouble between the Sporting
Association and the Citizens' League
was drawing towards a Battlement. A
flag of truce has since been hoieted, and
both partiee have stacked their arms. In
the meantime everything is being done
to bring about a fair and equitable settle-
ment. Mayor Campbell pledged hie word
that if the protest suit was withdrawn
(which hoe eines been done,) the town
would pay $500 for the additional four
aoree added to the park, not disturb the
track or fences in any way, and give the
Sporting Aeeooiation the free use of the
grounds three or four times a year for
horse races, witboat the privileges of
pool sellipg, Title ie naNefaotory, and of
an ad anrnod meeting of Commit 10 be
held on 21st lash., the arrangement will
be ratified, All le well that ends Weil,
The 8lllioe peat worho baro been bought
by Mr, Huebert, of Toronto, and will be
run this summer ou tt larger Boole than
b135efore,ereoted• New and, larger buildings will
At the Toronto bores Rhnw on Friday
P. If, Petrie t f South Ea,thop , won
first prize with "Lion Boy" in o sea 20,
Clydesdale e a lioas foaled cubet denD
or on Jan. 1, 1900,
At a rooent meeting of the Stratford
Board of Trade a resolution was unani.
mously adopted to the effoot that the
Board of Trade favors municipal owner.
ship of the system,
Messrs. J. A. Morrie and Runoiman, of
Stratford, have bought for $000 the Agri.
oultnral grounde of the North Perth
Agricultural Society. The society will
obtain grounds that are more central,
Werdeh Oampbell and County Conn.
oillore Neely and Jaokeon have aonrpied
the tender of the Gore ?Quieted Insurance
Company for $20,000 Middlesex 4 per
bent debentures. The debentures were
sold for $21,005,
Jaok Wood, who went from Winnipeg
to South Afrtoa with the second Cana.
diem oontingent, fe home in Blanebard
from Stratford hospital. He was wound.
ed in the arm and is et present Buffering,
Irom inflammatory rheumatism,
Mr. Foster, of Cleveland, Ohio, who
preeented a plan for en eleotrio railway
to the Stratford City Council last Sum-"
mer, whioh plan they rejected, is in the
Clank Oity again. He Saye the oapital•
ins be represents will makeanother offer.
The employees of the St. Thomas
Times gathered ie the bnsinese office and
made a pre"entation to Mr. Hedy, former-
ly of St. Marys, wbo retired from its
management. He was presented with a
handeome silver mounted uffioe olook,
letter knife and a neatly worded address.
David Swanson received the ead news
that hie eon, Robert, bad been maiden.
telly killed while working at Logan's saw
mill a plana about forty miles from Fer•
pie, B. 0. The aooident 000urred on
Marob 25. Deceased was 52 years of age.
The remains were buried at Fertile. He
was a oontraotor and builder, but being
an expert and handy mac be often put
machinery into milli,.
Hubert Wright, of Guelph, daring the
past weak bought a teem of horses from
Mr. Burnett, of Downie, another from
John Morden, of Nieaonri, and a third
team from Mr. Bogner, of the eame
hownehip. These ooet him over $1000
and are to be used iu working the 500
aoree whioh he has agreed to grow sugar
beet on for the Berlin fnotory. Mr.
Wright is a brother• of Prof.
Shuttleworth, the manager of the factory.
Stratford Oity Council has formally
accepted Andrew Carnegie's offer for a
Publio Library to the poeeible extent of
$15,000. The site selected for the new
library building is the small cottage
property belonging to St. Andrew's
thumb and lying between the church and
the Central eobnol, on Ea Andrew'e
street, immediately facing the Southern
side of the Court House and other county
property. The city will be required to
oontribote yearly for maintenance $1,200,
the remainder of the $1,500 required by
the terms of the Carnegie grant being
obtained from other sources, sash ae
provincial grant, revenaee from fines, eta.
MrTCBELL SpRnto 6110W.—The Mitchell
Spring show held on Tueeday was not a
8000009 if judged from the point of entries.
Thoualit of the animals exhibited
however, was excellent. Following fe
the prize liet : Imported heavy olase
Clyde, 4 years and over, 4 entries—let
prize and sweepstake, Prince of John•
Brooks ell n
stone J. D oo s • 2 Gallant 2nd, G a dol m
W. M. Batson ; 8rd, Nortbeek, Thos.
Peirce; 4th, Caledonia, J. E. Brooke.
Imported heavy draught, 3 years, 1 entry
—Bay Chief, Oolgahonn and Skinner.
Do., two years and ander, 1 entry—
Great Britain, William Oolqubonn.
Oanadien Heavy Draught, 4 years and
over, 1 entry—Gladetone Wallace, Wm,
Dow. Coach and carriage, 1 eutry—let,
Orlaudo, Thos. Skinner. Standard bred
roadsters, 2 entries—let, Elk White, W m.
Bemires ; 2nd, Toeme, Wm. Forrester.
Hackneys, 2 entries—let, St. George,
Tboe. Skinner ; 2nd, Bir Wilfrid, Thee.
Skinner. Thoroughbred, 1 entry—Ty.
roue, Hodge & Skinner. Durham bulls,
three years and over, 1 entry—Blue Rib-
bon Heir, Wm. Roy and eweepebake,
Do., 2 years and ander, 4 entries—let,
Gen. White, Wm. Lawrence ; 2nd, Prince
of Wales, Thos. Worden ; 3rd, Renown,
Ohne. Qnerengeeser.
'0 ftl
113 that have stood the test.
They are made of pure rubber.
'Will fit any shoe.
'Will stand rough usage. a
We buy the best and sell at money -saving prices.
Men's, women's and children's—all kinds, all prices.
Those that are dry and those that are both dry and
0 0 0
When you wear a pair
of our rubbers you know
you have a good thing—
because they keep the feet
dry and they wear well.
We sell only brands
Some prices: --
Men's Fine Rulbere, flret quality, sizes 8 & 9 only, regular $1, reduced to....85o
Leaflet' Fine Rubbers from
28o to 850
Ohildren'e Rubbers at 80o
—Harness, Trunks and Satchels et lowest prides,
Repairs in Harness, Dollars, Boots and Shoes done promptly.
41.PRIL VT 1902
E --A
�' rt zf7 ,
B Y Orn! registered
ke, W"bred snort H g
ggvdlggrree, 'Terms 740, iwi 0}560813 of re;
6Nrning It neoeseary, GEC, 1le*fi
3e. Brittle* �onth,
rpRoBo' 131E DURHAM
]full foreorvioe Lot 57, Con. 16, Grey
rs-00,0 ltd tstepodloge of relenting 11
necessary g petllgiee may Co
Men pp application, WIU, BRAT,
80.9tu Proprietor,
will keep for oorvlce on
Lot worth hog, 12 Grey, the well known lees 1
frmRobe, ,lLingeDo floor a eobh;' purchased
from Rohh,: MODonaltl, Orn sou, Terms el 00
to be paid at time of genies with privilege
of returning if neoesenr Pedigree may be
0500 on application, J. 110 18013117',
4 Pxopriotor,
DEBOIONEn has several good Farnre f or
sale tad to reel, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, F B. SOOTT,Braseele
frame house 22x28 with stone 'made.
tion, kitchen and woodshed; hard and soft
water. Also front shop 74x50 feet; good
stable 20 x 22 and t nemof land. For terms
and price apply to JNO,IMLAY, Ethel. a8.2
laud, eligibly looatod on Tnrnberry
°treat, Brussels, for sale. Will be sold en
bloc or house and lots' separately, to suit
purchaser. Good dairy business in'eoouco-
tion. Possession could be given any time.
For price, terms, &o., apply to NEIL. Mo.
LAUGHLIN, Brussels.
TATm.—$3000.00 will buy the MOOau•
ghey Bleak in the Village of Brussels. These
two floe stores must be sold to close out the
MOOaugbey Estate. Intending purchasers
should investigate at Onae. Apply to F. B.
SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR,: Brussels, Ont.
.a..l acre of land for sale, Graham's Sur-
vey, i mile South of Brunets. The house
contains 7 rooms ; good stable ; well; fruit
trees and small fruits. Poeoeeeion given at
once. Terms reasonable. If property is not
SOW 800n, will be rented. For price, term,,.
&o., apply bo W 10. RANDS, Brussels P, 0.
darn, being Lot 21, Con. 17, Grey, con.
taming 100 acres more or lees. There are
nares cleared, 10 or 15 acres partially clear-
ed and balance timbered with ash and elm,
principally, Frame stable 15x80 feet ou
premises, also a well. Poorhealth is the
reason for selling. For prise, ,Orme, &a„
apply to GEO. 8Hl1L8, Jn., Oranbroek P,
O., or F. B. SCOTT, Brussels. 89.4
License District
East Riding of Huron,
The East Huron License Commissioners
will meet at the
Tuesday, April 22nd
1902, AT 10 O'OLOOS A. M.
To take into consideration the applica•
tithe for Tavern Lioenees for 1002-03.'
The number of Hotel Licensee granted
last year in the Riding was 18.
The number of appliastione this year
le 18. The naw applicant is Mrs. George
McKim, Royal Hotel, Walton, for Beer
and Wine Liaenee.
JAt1ESToWN, April 211(1,1902.
All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 up.
British Columbia, home oat Shingles
and Lath kept ou hand.
A good farm on lath eon, of Grey for
r?3Al1 parties indebted to me are
requested to call and settle up before
Marsh let or 10% will be added after
that date from Jan. let till paid.
A quantity of green cedar poste for
sale on Lot 7, Con. 4, Grey.
System, Renovator
—eNU oxnER—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness:PRIOR.
tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaiot, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon-
enmption, Gall St, nee, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diemen, St. Vitne' Dante,
Female Irregularities and General De.
Prop, and Mannfaoturer.
Bold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, Brussels
Natural gas le now need for heating
and lighting in Heabadeld,England,
Yokohama reports forty vowels miee-
fog shoe the etorm of Thoreday last,
The Johannesburg Town Council has
passed an assessment bill to levy rates
on land only.
By the collapse of a stand during a big
football match et Glasgow 21 persona
were killed and 260 wounded.
HL+ introduction of Ladies' Whitewear into our store
Jit has proven most satisfactory and successful. fol. T
number of garments that have been sold inside of one
month has been a surprise to ourselves, and judging from
the favorable comments of our customers we believe ' that
we are offering extraordinary values.
In opening op ng this department o we knew that we had a
decided advantage 'because of the fact that we were able to
buydirectly from_ the Manufacturers, and in addition re-
ceived a liberal discount.
Our Customers, and not ourselves, are receiving and
appreciating' the benefits derived from buying in this way.
Our Regular Prices for these goods are Below
the Ordinary so that if you come a month from now
you will get as much for your money as you will to -day.
Not that our values to -day are any less but that they are
equally great throughout the year.
In every other department you will find our prices
May Fashion Sheets, Designers and Patterns in stock.
Fashion Sheets Free, Designers 10e, Patterns l0c to 25o.
Everything Cheap,.
No Fancy Prices,
The Great Cash Store.
� to®
Ill our
You will find the Newest and most Up-to-date Goods that are in
the market and it has become a standing fact that Prices are al-
ways Right at this Store.
If You
Lino1 Bums,
Oil Cloths or
Carpets .
It will pay you to
to look through our
Carpet Department
Something Very Special
in Boys' Clothing this week.
Young Ian, Provio 1011 N As
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