The Brussels Post, 1902-3-13, Page 5t4.R. 13, 19Q2
F 1 pout, F, B, SCOTT, Brussels,
(]�T H. McOItAOI{EN---
r T r Inner of Marriage Lioeaaoo, OP
Roo at Or000ry, Turuberry Street, Brussels,
Lv • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
North of the Standard flank, Ladies and
Children's hair (tutting a apeolalty,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
3E1R1:7-68£.2...fa, 01V•T,
Wellington Mutual.
Fire Insurance Co.
Ineurone° taken on the cash and premium
note system atourront rate,. 13efore insur-
ing elsewhere call on the uudereigned Agent
of the Company,
I.. 0. M..
Aoademic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of guide, oleo Member of the Aseooiated
Muslolane of Ontario, is prepared to receive
ontheplaoed m Qualified to prepails re pupils for
the Principal's Form in the Goneervatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co, Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Publics,
eer. sveseinsurance
tloan. Cole -
tions made. Office in Grabam's;Blook,Brue-
• EEE. W111 sell for bettor prices, to
better men in lase time and lees charges
than any other Auctinneer In East Huron or
he won't obarge anything. Dates and orlon
onn always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
e, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of dOmeetloated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Partivular attention paid to
tended to. 010oerinary ]andInfirmary—Four. Calle promptly
North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., Brussels.
Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, deo. Omoe—S tewart's Block
1 door Nnrth of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
• Solicitor, dm. Office over Stand-
Money to Loan at for
owestt rated, Brneaele.
11. D., C. IU.,
olleg,AfemherCoege of Physcinan
Surgeons, Ont. Lieeut3ate of the "loyal Col-
lege of Pbyetaians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. C-3-Telephoue No.14,
Reeilenee—Mill street, Brussels.
DR. R. P. FE/LD,
Graduate of Ithe Royal College of Dental
Surgeons°, Ontario and Eiret•olaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
next to Brower', Photograph Gallery,
is rnev ing forward. Winter term begins
Jen .0, 100g. Our rates are reasonable—our
Courses of Study thorough and praotleal.
SendInc our Journal to see what we teach.
Students may enter at any time. Two
Courses of Study—Oommerotal and Short-
President Secretary,
Owen Mound. Listowel.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Saab of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice.
Eetimatee Furnished for all
kinde of Buildinge. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
Spring Term Opens April 1,
2 t rti' 'o
Enter. now and be rea47 to accept a
geed Position In the Fall. Tide popular
school w1413 its splendid staff of teaehoro,
thorough eoureeeot study, nod reputation
for strictly high grade work, le 1110 one for
you to . o a 00 rl foe a
. attend. This 0 1 6 ag 1 P P far
higher level than the average bnelnose Dol,
lege, Writo•forTJ. Ere
IT, J. ELLIOTT, 1'rLtuhntl.
list± 1 43635.
$oaooL BliPanT: The following i( the
report of 8, S. No, 4, Grey, for the month
cif February thej namesbeing ih order of
merit' -5th Class—P. Fraser, J. Prater,
R. MaDoDa d, J. Cott,ale L.
McAllister, Sen, 4tR. MoDo-3. Lynn, E,
Bryan,, M. Johneton, L, McAllister, D,
McDonald, L. King, T. Mullin, 8. Mo-
Quarrie- Jr. 4—T. MoDonald, H, Jecklin,
R. McDonald, A, Jaokliu, J. Frain. 3rd
Claes—A, McKelvey, H. McDonald, T.
Frain, G. Fraser, M. Lake, W. Mullin, G.
Hamilton. Sen. 2nd—M. Johnston, 8.
Johnston, J. MoDonald, E. MoAl tater,
0. Hayden, A. McDonald, R. Carr. Jr,
2nd—N. McDonald, A Makelvey, J. Hay-
den, J. McAllister, M. Hayden, 0. Lake,
T. Smith, 8. Mullin, G. Cott, M. Carr,
M. Smith. Pt. Seo. 1—E. Bing. let
Claes—G. King, M, McDonald, E. Mullin,
0. McDonald, L. Frain.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following it the
report of Cranbrook school for the month
of February : Claes V.—Mina McRae,
Won. Cameron, R. Porter, A. Cunning-
ham. Sr. IV, (a)—W. Long, R. MoDon-
uld, A. MoQnarrie, W. Forrest, Sr. IV,
(b)—E. Hunter, F,00aie Seel, A. Love, N.
Sperling, M. ?denary, Effie Fox, Maggie
Porter. Jr. IV—Fred Hunter, W. Small-
doo, A. Alderson, Geo, Menzies, M. Fax,
AIIie Forrest, Ella Love, Emma Huether,
0. McDonald. Sr. III—M. Sparling,
Clara Stein, Amelia McInnis, V. Alder-
son, A. Gordon, H. Menzies, Roy Con -
Bingham, M. McDonald. MISS CALDEn,
Teacher. Jr. Dept,—Sr. II—E. Hunter,
T. Sma,fdon, M. McDonald, H. Manors.
ald. Jr. II -8. Alderson, L. Baker, E.
Love, V. Sperling, M. McNichol, M. Fox,
J. Fiedler, R. Alderson, Sr. Part II—L.
Lamont, D. Perris, A. Fox, A. Dark.
Jr. Part II—M. Love, G. Bmalldon, J.
Baker, C. Fischer. Sr- Part I—H.
Smalldon, V. Long, E. Lamont, W.
Baker, C. Fisoher, N. Raymond, Jr.
Part 1—L Love, M. Sporting, 8. Small.
don, L. Sperling.
131 s• th.
Miens Dobie, of Eaet Wawaooeb, have
started a dressmaking shop in Auburn.
J. B. Tiernay went to Brampton last
week to attend the funeral of au nnole.
Harry Holmes, of the Wingham ageing
of the Bank of Hamilton, was acting as
agent of the Blyth agency during the
absence of 0. L. Laing.
C. A. and Mrs. Howe, who spent the
pant month visiting with friends in
Eastern Ontario, have returned to their
home here.
R. B. and Mre. Taylor, who were the
guests of friends in Blyth stud vioinity
for the past two months, returned to
their home in Portage la Prairie on Tues•
day morning.
A special meeting of Blyth School
Board was held in Iudoatry hall on Moo -
day evening of last week. Eight applioa•
tione were read for the position of prin•
oipal of Blyth public school. Oa motion
of Trustees Potter and Wettleufer the
epplioation of J. J. Bailey, of Erin, was
accepted. He is engaged for the balance
of 1902, oommenoiog at Easter, and will
be paid a salary at the rube of $500 per
A. Oottle'e blank spaniel succumbed to
a dose of poison.
Thoe. Handford shipped a carload of
horses to Winnipeg.
Will. Moore, who hae been attending
the Military eohool at London, has re
turned home.
OfiMra. Richard Davie wad bitten on the
band by a dog and as a aoneegneaoe she
has since Buffered considerable pain from
the wonnd inflicted.
About twenty members of the Royal
Tempters recognized in a very happy
manner the worth of one of their mem•
bete, John Cudmore, who is about to leave
for the West shortly. An address of a
flattering character was read and was
accompanied by a splendid Bible.
Wm. Pugsley, met with a very painful
accident on Tuesday night of Iaet week,
He was proceeding down town and while
near John Dignan', workshop on Main
street, slipped on the hard pavement and
falling sustained euoh injuries to his hip
that he was unable to proceed farther.
A. E. Fake received a telegram on
Wednesday of last week, announcing the
death of Fred. J. Littlejohn,, who died in
Chicago, III., the same day. Hie death
was a very sadden and unerpeoted one.
Se was a victim of Bright's disease but
wee in his usual health up to within a
few hours before hie death when he wee
stricken down and without rallying Inc•
oumbed to the ravages of the dieeaee°
The deceased formerly resided here and
was a young mac of good habits and
indnetrions. Hie remains were brought
here in oherge of hie half brother, James
Stephens, of the same oily, and the fun•
eral took plane to fleeter cemetery.
Ou 'Tuesday evening of last week, the
commodious and beautiful home of Jos.
eph Cobblediok, Main street, was the
Beene of a pleaeant and reopeotable gash•
ering, the 000aeion being au oyster cup•
per given by the host to hie late employees
and their wives, together with a number
of intimate friends. Mr. Cobblediok,
who has oonddoted the flouring millet here
for a number of years, reoently Bold the
same and wishing to show in some man•
ner an expression of good feeling towards
in workmen took tide means of doing eo.
In turn the employees, taking advantage
of the occasion, preoented Mr. Cobble.
diok with a beautiful gold band ring,
bearing the Masonic and Oddfellowa'
emblems, of which ordere he is a member,
together with an nddroee, The addreos
wan read by the editor of the Advocate,
while the presen40,10a was made by
G orgy Thomas, 101 r, C"hblodiok was
wholly taken by en prise aid with emo-
tion almost um:ontr,Vah'', et:opted the
gift, iu a few well ah ice reuharlte, With
gretefal eppreoietfou. The tea and pros.
entatioo 000r, all enjoyed a moat pleasant
Wm. Douglas, of Molesworth, ie en.
gaged with P. Patrick at Ibe present
"'BOK and John McFarlane, of Palmer-
eton, have oommencod work fur W, R.
BeLldem enu,
e1 Jaoklin will leave shortly for
Mauitoba, going with Bennett Brea.
from G grit).
R mann of Or nbroo end Mr.
Mr. a k
Wade, of Fordwich, were along making
the aen:semente,
Elmer Charles has gone home for a few
weeke' holidays before starting 'work in
Molesworth cheese factory.
Mrs. Wm. Bennett returned to Gorrie
on Monday of Iasi week after (pending
two weeks at Thoe, Bennett's.
Exteneive oement bele have been die•
covered on the fame of J. Elliot, R.
Spence and P. Crerar between here and
David Thompeon, 2nd eon„ Grey, hae
sold his farm to Joseph McDonald, he
having disposed of his farm to Thoe.
Cunningham and Thos. McDonald,
W. T. McKee visited friende in K!n.
The marriage of Robert Mo Intoeh to
Mice Libbio Jacques, of Howick, took
plaoe on the 12th inet,
L ,lie Wilson, eon of Joe. Wilson, tin.
amith, of this plane, was spending a few
days under the parental roof.
The oontraot for oheeee boxes was a.
warded to Geo. Walkey jr, of Fordwioh,
at the meeting of the directors,
Donald Menzies, who has been spend-
ing the Winter at the home here, returned
to Bright to resume his labors in the
obeese and butter factory.
Geroge Spenoeepenta week in Toronto,
attending on Brnoe MoKee, of Manitoba,
during au operation on bio knee, canned by
a fall from a horse some time ago.
SAD DEATH.—Wednesday evening of
last week Jno. Gidden, who hae been a
re-ident in this locality for the past 12
years, and who has been bothered in hie
mind since Christmas, left the house stat-
ing that he would be in shortly. Not
returning the alarm was given and a
eearohing party set out to try and find
him as it was feared be would do himself
barm. The eearoh was not rewa,ded on.
til Thursday about 10 a. in. when the
body was found by Meeere. Lynn and
McKee in the bush lying on the ground,
by the foot of a tree, with a rope around
hie neck, by which be had hanged himeelf.
Mr, Giddon was about 55 years of age, in
fairly o .mfortable oiroumataooee, owning
50 aoree of land and leaves a wife and 0
emall children to mourn hie cad end.
The funeral took plane to the Molesworth
cemetery on Saturday. Deceased and
his wife came from Trowbridge vicinity
to this section. No nation 10 assigned for
Mr. Giddon'e Insanity as it came upon
him suddenly. The widow and her fam•
ily have the eympatby of the community
in their bereavement.
There is some talk of organizing a Jun•
ion Lodge of Royal Templare in town.
The township of Elma intend to appeal
from the deoiaion of the referee in the
matter of the Stewart drain, in whish the
town of Listowel ie co-respondent with
the townships of Wallace, Maryborough
end Grey.
Plans are prepared for a grain elevator
at Atwood for Hay Bros. of Listowel ;
oapaoity 25,000 bushels', The cub etruat.
are will be built of cement concrete ; for
the eoper-structure about 51,500 feet of
rough limber will be required.
Four loaded box oars were derailed
Monday of last week on the 10 20 a.m,
mixed train in the yard here, caused by
a broken brake rod Doming in 0ootect
with the wheels. The auxiliary from
Palmerston was wired for. It came in
about noon and plaoed on the rails the
only remaining oar of the four which the
!coal trainmen had sot succeeded in right.
ing. The ties and roadbed were badly out
up in the accident.
M.roIt10NIAL,—On Wednesday, Feb.
26th, Wm Challenger was united in mar•
ridge to Mies Mand Bova at the home of
her parents, Jno. and Mrs. Boyd, of Pro-
ton. The bride was given• away by her
father iu the parlor at 4 o'clock p. m.
She wore a dress of cream Bilk trimmed
with chiffon, and carried a beautiful bon
Beet of Dream roan. Her little niece,
Mies Lillie Boyd, of Fleeherton, daintily
drained in white organdie, anted as maid
of -honor. The wedding marsh was play.
ed by Mies Karee, of Harrieton, while the
Et -v. Mr. Spading, of Conn. performed
the ceremony. The number and beauty
of the presents received wan an evidence
of the esteem in whiab'the young 000ple
are held. About eighty guests sat down
to pepper, the table being well supplied The New Model
with 'miming delicacies, The 1 appy
eocp'e left on the early tram '1.'hin,day
for MOpheil and other X10 ate, parrying . r
with them the wishes if their Jany i
friends fora happy and proeperoua wed. V V V�
dud life. UU IUI
Vpm, Blair havlAg rxobanged Parma
with 0 J. Fieher,of the Mb con„ of
Elma, will remove to his new farm in a
few days. Hie new farm containing 200
dares purobeeed at a coat of over $8,000
is one of the finest farme in the township
and will afford Mr. Blair a better oppor•
tunny of carrying put on a more extended
scale his progressive system of farming.
Mr, Blair and hie family will be much
missed in Atwood and St. Afloat -lie ohurcb
will Ioee in the removal of hie fumily,
efficient and faithful workers. The fats.
fly's many friends join in wishing them
every semen in their new home.
H B. White, of Oollingwood, has taken
a position on the Observer staff.
llev. Geo, Long hae been ill for some
time with aboeeees forming on his face.
G. D. Arnold, pnrohased L. Harold's
fine residents, on Main St. and will move
into it in May.
Our cement walks are standing the
Winter eplendidly only seven'elabe show••
ing signs of cracking.
Both our harneae makers have made
big shipments of hereon to Manitoba
during the poet month. -
The PublioLibrary Board hae recently
added 250 choice works to the library
which it would be difficult to exoel,
Frank Mareball has retired from the
butchering bushiest; for a time and Fred.
Manus hae taken hie plaoe in J. Shepherds
W. Ondmore and eons had a record
breaker in shipping hay daring the past
two months. Their shipments amount-
ing to 135 oars. °
Mr, Clausen and the Rev. George
Jewitt drove to Steffe to attond the
funeral of the late Wm. Oliver, harness
maker of that plaoe, which took place
on Sunday afternoon of laet week. Mr
Oliver Was an unole of MTs, Jewitt.
Luciano w.
Chester McLaren left for Toronto where
he hae seoared a situation in a drug store.
The Firemen decided at their meeting
to hold their annual celebration in Luck -
now on Saturday, May 24th,
The village Oonetable requests all the
ratepayers of the village to have the snow
removed from the eidewalke in front of
their premises as soon as possible.
Five very fine head of Shorthorns that
had been purohaeed at the Ontario Pro.
vinaial Sale at Guelph by breedere in thio
notion arrived by epeoial car at the Luok.
now station. The list included four bulls
and one heifer, the former being porches.
ed by Ieaao Andrew, 12th con., Ashfield l
Peter Torrance, Kinlose ; Ed. Anderson,
Dungannon ; Mr, Switzer, Cnlroee ; and
the heifer by James Ramage, St. Helene.
Alex. McGregor of the town line be•
tween Kinloss and Calroas was accident•
ally shot by his own eon on Tuesday after.
noon of last week. The old gentlemen
was splitting wood in the yard at the
time and seeing a bird alight 00 an apple
tree close by, he called the son to come
and shoot it. The boy brought ont the
gen and fired at the bird, whioh only
wounded it, and after reloading the gun
wee in the aot of raising the gun to his
shoulder when it accidentally went off,
the whole charge of shot entering hie
father's right aide and book. He only
lived about three hours after the aooideot.
The boy is almost heartbroken with grief,
and the family have the sympathy of all
in their sorrow.
Wing hcam.
The oontate, "A Dream of Fairyland,"
will be given on Friday evening, March
141h, iu the Town Hall, by the ohildren
of the Presbyterian Sunday School.
A, W. Webster has removed his tailor-
ing establishment upstairs in the Shaw
Block, over the Dominion Bank. The
shop he vacated is being changed into
additional bedrooms for the Qaeeu'e
West Huron prohibitioniete are sum.
mooed to meet in the Town Hall, Wing.
ham, on Monday, 17th inst., to organize
for the approaching minted, John
Nicholls, of Montreal, Organizer for the
Dominion Alliance, will be present. Con-
vention opens at 2 p. m., and a masa
meeting will be held in the evening at 7
p. m._
Wednesday night the store occupied by
Meir & Co. was entered by some person
or persona and goods to the value of $60
or $70 taken. The thief seems to have
gained an entrance by toning the outside
cellar door aside sufficiently to enable him
to lift the arose bar that held it fast on
the inside. This being removed, and the
depredator in the cellar, entrance to the
store above was an easy matter.
HYMENEAL.—A pretty and interesting
matrimonial event was witnessed by over
four hundred of the residents of town, in
the new Methodist numb, on Wednesday,
5th int., when Mise Laurette Lenin,
aeoond daughter of F. G. and Mrs. Spar.
Downing Bros.
Agents for the
Made to Last I
The wearing kind of Shoes
save money in the long run, are
therefore economical. We don't
sell Cheap Shoes, but our most
expensive ones are cheap in the
end. For Children's Wear no
better shoes can be had than our
t'Ironclads" at $1.00 per pair for
the little ones to romp, run
about and play in to their heart's
Slater Shoes.
Downing Bros.
The Beat and moot 0oonomio Seeder
on the market. Will sow all kind,
of small seeds. It eaves one half in
lime and labor; Dove better in windy
weather ; will sow four acres per
hour. Any pereou wanting one of
these Seeders Dan be supplied by
oallikg on
Price, $t.Q0 eaoh.
System Iteilovatoi'
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer.
algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con•
eamption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitae' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop, and Mannfaoturer.
Sold by Jae, rex, Orngglat, Brumes
All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on
hand from $10 up.
Britian Columbia, home out Shingles
and Lath kept on hand.
A good farm on 13th con. of Grey for
t 'All partiee indebted to me are
requested to call and Bettie up before
March let or 10% will be added after
that date from Jan. let till paid.
A quantity of green cedar poste for
eale on Lot 7, Con, 4, Grey.
License District
East Riding of Huron,
To the Tavern -Keepers and Others
whom it may Coftceo'n.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Application for Licenses
for the Sale of Liquors in the
for the License Year 1902-1000, which Dom•
menoea on the 1st day of bray next, will be
received by the undereigned from the pres-
ent date up to
Tuesday, April 1, 1902,
inclusive. Applicants must furnish the
names of two good and sufficient auretiee ae
bondsmen at the time of making applica-
tion. Any applieaot for a new licence must
furnish a certificate elgned by a majority of
the electors entitled to vote at elections for
the Logielative Assembly in the Polling
Bub -division in which the premises sought
to be liaeneed aro situated, and the said
majority must include at least one-third of
the said eleetore, who are at the tune of
applloaticn reeideuta within the said Poll-
ing Sub -Division.
JNO, It. 00100510,
James town, March 10,1002.
ling, became the happy bride bf William
Rolston Sperling, M. A., M. D., of Lusk
State of Wyoming. At high noon the
prooeedinga began by the rendering of a
solo—"O l Promise Me," by Miee W. Alba
Chisholm. This was followed by the
Swedish Wedding March, played by Mrs.
Moir, ae the bridal party entered the
eburah. The groom took hie stand at the
altar and the bride escorted by her father
took her plaoe beside him, She was attir-
ed in a neat travelling nit of brown cloth,
and was attended by her neioe, little Oeoil
Homnth, who prettily discharged thedut•
iee of flower girl. The ceremony wee
then performed by Rev. R. Hobbs, and at
its close, Mr. Park, on behalf of the True.
tee Board of the church, presented a
beautifully bound family Bible, this be-
ing the first marriage in the new chants.
Mies Chisholm then rendered —"The
Voice that breathed o'er Eden." Both
solos were given in excellent style. As
Mendelesohn's Wedding March was play-
ed by Mrs, Meir, the party left.tbo ohnroh.
At the residence of the bride's parents, a
ohoioelneoheon was enjoyed, and the
happy couple left by afternoon train on
their wedding tour. Dr. Sparling takes
from our town an a000mpliebed young
lady to grace his Western borne, a grad•
nate and medallist of Ontario Ladies'
College. Numerous mementoes of esteem
were reoeived by the bride, forming in-
deed a very pretty array of the useful,
beautiful and wetly.
There ie eo little in in the lakes early
navigation is expeoted.
James Colville was killed in a mill at
Durham by the bursting of a plate in
the chopper.
The ferry steamer Welcome has resum•
ed tripe between St. Clair and Conrtright
Out. 81. Olaar River is free from toe as
far as Grande Point,
�. n.
I -J , 1� .1, . C.1., .
NEW SPRING t ,C9ODS—'" �'""'"
Our New Spring Goode are now Doming forward in large gJtuti.
Ilea, end by the end of this week we expect to have our stock completed in
all line when We will show great vaiuee in the following geode :
New Lau Curtains nt 18q, 25a, 30a, 600, 75o, 51 and $2, Now
Union Oerpete at 26o, 550, 40i and 600, New Wool Carpets, new
patterns, at 65o, 85o and 51. Hemp oarpete, in etripoe and floral
deoigne, 12io, 150 and 250. Japaueee Matting,, new patterno et 15o,
18o and 25o. A special liae of Tapestry Carpet, worth 64o for 60o.
New Gingham,, in blue and white oheolts, worth 7o for 6o. Beet
t nada
Shirtinge, fast otters, regular 140 for 12;40. qct o s and Mole.
,kine at 15e, 20o and 25a, New Mualine, in all the new colors and
pattorneinoluding fanny open etripoe and aoroile, at 12io, 15c and
20a. Bleck Muolips, in stripes and Monks, at 12Eo, 15o and 25o.
. . . NEW SILKS . , .
We imported our Silke direot this season and got them below
regular prioee.—Japanese Waeh Bilk in all aolore, regular 30o for 25o.
Fine Japanese Silks, wide width, in all the new colors, regular prioe
600 for 60o. Fine Blaok Taffotta Silks at sou, 75e and 95o. Black f+
Peau de Sole Billie, very epeoial, worth $1.25 for $1. Bilks for Widetn,
in fanny stripes, very epeoial M.505.
We etruck a great snap in Fano Printed Mualine for dresses, !;
valeta, eta„ but we had to buy a ease of 2000 yards to get them at the low
pride, They are full yard wide, faet colors, in Sunny stripes, scrolls and
floral deoigne, the regular prioea are 12ao and 15o, but they go on Bale this
week at 9},o and 9}o.
NEW Spring Goods in all lines now
daily coming forward. We an-
ticipate an extensive business and are
making preparations accordingly. Large
assortments, up-to-date styles, good values,
and No Fancy Prices. New Dress
Goods, new Prints, Zephyrs and Ging-
hams. Ready-made Clothing, Hats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes and Groceries.
March Standard Fashion Sheets and
Patterns to hand. W e keep the Standard
Patterns in stock. They are the best.
Writing Paper,
Writing Paps,
Envelopes, &c.
New Stock.
Wilton &
Tile Ri0i Spot!
Yon will bit the nail on the head
if you insist that ours is the
Best Establishment
hi town when you are in need of
anything in the Hardware line
from a Tack to a Crowbar.
We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross -cut $2,25
Saws, at each u
Sale Price to clear out stock.
Our Prices on All Goods are Right
We not only invite a continuance of our present patronage but an
acquaintance with new customers,
WILTON Sc .lr U.a..l.I.V B `A LL.