The Brussels Post, 1902-3-6, Page 8�t s Co ob ate t` rc
Spring's Sarsaparilla—
The great blood purifier and strength
Nyal's Dyspepsia Tablets--
valuable and sedentifi8 remedy for
dyspepsia, indigestion and troubles
due to imperfect digestion of the
Nyal's Iron Tonic Bitters--
A. valuable remedy for anemia.
Nyal's Worm Syrups -s
A cafe and reliable vermifuge.
Nyal'e. Laxative Fig Syrup.
Nyal's ] las' em—
For tired, lender feet,
Nyal's Celery and Iran Pills,
Nyal's Machu anal Juniper I id-
ney Pills,
Nyal'a Tasteless Preparation of
Cod Liver Oil,
F. B. Hursley & Co.
aODTHEUN aET$NBIOn W. a. & 5.
Trains leave Bruasele Station, North
and South, as follows;
Express 7118 man I Yell - ..9:10 p.m
Mixed.,....„9:Aa I Bantam ,„... 8,17 p.m
I,aca1 gars Mains.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Goon Friday on the 28th ins
WATCH out for Millinery Openings.
Baaoon Board Friday evening of next
A.sie business has been done in "dabs”
in the past weeks.
TALK of a third) Millinery etore being
opened in Brussels.
Tan ladies' muff advertised in last
week's POST wae lett at our office on Sat•
Tan past Winter has beaten all records
in the sale ot fare, men's far coats par.
Ocularly have had a big run.
Lay monthly Horee Fair for this sea•
son will be held in Braeeels on Thereby.,
April 8rd. This should be an old time
BowLING.—A meeting of all intereeted
o r Brnseele Bowling Club willn w n C n lee held i
R. Leatherdale's store nest Monday even-
ing at 8 o'olook.
GREAT demand for houses to rent and
diffionity in arranging supply. The few
vacant would likely be speedily tenanted
if a little fixing ap were done.
NEST Summer's foe enppiy for Brun.
eels ahem factory was stored this week.
W. W. Harriet is determined to leave
nothing undone to turn out No. 1 cheese.
A Goon job was done in road improving
by plowing down the snow banks where
the pitch holes were fast Saturday. Had
a few Ridings been arranged for passing
would itwo d have been o. k.
Owns to the appearance of diphtheria
in a pupil of the Junior Department of
the Public school the ,aholare in this and
Miee•Downey'e room were dismissed on
Monday and the school thoroughly Mein-
Tau McCaughey brick bloats was not
eold Saturday afternoon as the reserve
bid wae not remelted. Mr. Smart, Man-
ager of the Trader's Bank, Grand Valley,
who is interested in the property, wae in
Brussels, attending the sale.
D. D. G. M. CLAaa, of Walkerton, paid
an offioial visit to St. John's Lodge, A.
F. & A. M., Brnseele, on Tuesday even-
ing of this week. On the evening of St.
Patrick's day an At Biome will be on the
program in the Masonic Lodge room to
the members and representatives of their
GEORGE BROWN, of Gerrie, who has pur-
chased the Central Hotel in town, will
put up a brink stable to replace the one
destroyed by fire. He will have the
horse shed run along the North brink wall
so as to reduce the coat of eonstrnotion of
the latter. Mr.Brown is an excellent
bricklayer so will see that everything is
done right.
83sn Bunco Rzonsexo.—To be Captain,
Lieut. J. R. Vance, viae W. H. Gundry
seconded • to be Lienteoatte, 2nd Lieut.
enante U. J. Johns, vice J. R. Varooe
promoted ; H. C. Dunlop, vice W. H.
Gundry, promoted ; to be Sod Lienten.
ante enperoamerary, 2nd Lieut. J. 0. S.
'Parcae, vine T. C. Johns, promoted ;
supernumerary 2nd Lieutenant, L. K.
Jordon, viae H. 0. Dunlop, promoted.
Im ie proposed to put ap a email build-
ing et the foot of Elizabeth street for the
purpose of storing octal and hose for fire
engine near the platform on the river
bank. Room will likely be made for the
street grading machine in the same build.
ing se it has been stored inetablee and
shunted about as the space it o0oupied
was required. The eproposal should be
carried out as soon as weather will ;per•
Than LIvog.—An able bodied John
Thomas oat got up on the roof of Wilton
& Turnbull's store in some way and
desiring to gat down Thursday morning
it jumped to the cement eidewalk, a die•
tanoe of something like 80 feat. Stopping
eo suddenly on the graoolithio rather
knocked the puff ont of pueey bat the
feline wee bamanly carried into the store
of above mentioned firm and placed by
the dove where it Boon showed that it
wae worth several dead ante.
OortooLENCE.—To Mre. McKinnon and
family,—We, the offioers, and members
of Court Maitland, No, 699, Brneaele, beg
to convey to you our sincere sympathy,
in the gore bereavement you have Buffer.
ed by the death of your loving husband
end lather. We to mourn with you the
Ioee of an esteemed and beloved brother,
who bad endeared bimeelf to ns all by
bis kind and loving disposition. We pray
that the Great Ph9 siciate may e0othe
and heal your wounded epirite and grant
you grana to sustain yen in your loneli•
nese. May you and we all, when we
have done with life, have a happy re-
00ion with our dear brother 'in the
heavenly apart above. Signed on behalf
Of Court, 1. 0, Diemen, C. R.,
San the new wedding etationery at Tim
A, 0, II. W. Friday evening .,of this
TEE At Home in the Town Hall last
Friday night attracted quite a oompany.
Fon oap lost between 16th mon. of Grey
and Brussels. Finder will oblige the
owner by leaving it at Tate Posy Publish.
ing House.
Tan Dairy and Table Salt department
of Brussels Salt Worke is now running at
night as well ae day. About 20 handl'
are now employed at the block.
GIRL,, if you want work write to the
Forbee Knitting Mills, of Heepeler, Ont.
They are advertising for girls, or families
with boyo and girls from thirteen years
old ap. Nine work, good wages, your pay
every week, them,
etc. Write
g plains A ooinx
wedding took law at the
Methodist Parsonage in this plane, on
Wednesday, when Jobo A. Morgan and
Miss Catharine 1. Henderson, both of
Goderiob, were made husband and wife.
Rev. Ino. Holmes tied the matrimonial
AROMA ease of diphtheria hes made
its appearance, this time in the family of
S. H. Jackson, the patient being the
eldest daughter, 0.ive. We are pleased
to say It is a light type and we hope the
quarantine will anon be removed and the
family health goiokly restored.
Fotnowrno are the freight shipments
from the Grand Trunk yards, Braeeele ;
—Oar door by W.F. Stewart & Bon ; 4
oars of ealt ; oar potatoes by W. H.
oars cattle byGeo. Bet •
c raaken ; 2e
2 oars cattle by A, 0. Dames ; and a car
peas by B. Graham to Portland,
IN 30 days more,
We venture to say,
The eky will be bright
And the sun will get gay ;
The grass will peep ont
As mooh as it dare,
And burnt oarpet rags
Will enliven the air.
CARD os TIA/Ms.—I take this opportun-
ity ot expressing my gratitude to the
members of Court Maitiaod, No. 690,
tueee in attend.
Is their rem t
Grasse for
ing to my late baebaed'e benefioiary, also
for the beautiful wreath preeented which
was a kind token to deceased from the
Court. I also thank the High Court for
their prompt a
tion in
n amount in
one thousand dollars a
aback for
full of my claim whieh was received only
eleven days after my hoeband'e death.
ISABELLA MOKnnion, Grey.
body of Mre. Brenuan, nee Mise Minnie
Thneil,arrived here on Thureday evening
of last week and was taken to the reei•
donee of her mother, Mrs. Thnell, Alex
ander etreet, Funeral service was herd
Friday afternoon, Rev. G. J. Aber won•
duoting it. The interment was made in
Brussels cemetery, the following being
the pall bearers ;—Jae. Kernagbao, Joe.
Smith, Tboe. Miller, L. Hill, W. Bernard
and W. J. MoOraoken. Among relatives
attending the funeral were Mre. Govier
and Mre. Skelton, of Blyth ; lire. 001.
olough, of Kiobarr ; Mre. Jim, Molnboah,
of Grey. Masers. Hill and Weymouth,
of Londeeboro', were also here.
FONEoaars sea MAROu,—A Vulcan storm
period is ceutral nn the first day of
March, lasting up to about the 4th.
From Saturday the let to about Tuesday
the 4th, general and heavy storms of
rain, Bleat, snow and wind will be most
natural, All general etorme at this time,
and throughont the month, will be egnin-
ootial in oheracter ; the first stages will
be warm with rain, lightning and thun-
der espeoially along the Beath end East
sides of storm areae. To the West and
Northwest the rain will rapidly tarn to
eleet and snow, followed by a high
barometer which will force oold waves
and extreme wintry conditions for the
eeaeoe Eastward and Southward over
almost the entire ooantry. All through
the Mercury period, whit% ends about
the 10th, cloudy, threatening weather
will prevail, but renewed storm conditions
will be marked from about the 8th to the
10th inclusive. As we approach .new
moon on the 9th it will grow maob
warmer, falling barometer will appear in
Western parte, and very decided storms
will gniokly follow, travelling Eastward
and toughing moat notions of the country
from about the 8th to the 10th. An en.
eegetie, ehortlived high barometer may
possibly rush in before the oncoming of
the Vnloan storm period central on the
1811., but the obanoea are goodfor won.
Mimed and general storm over the 10th
and into the storm period extending from
the 1111. to the 16th. A reactionary
storm period will centre 00 and about the
19th and 20th, at wbioh time change to
warmer, falling barometer and wide areas
of more rain and snow will ' pave East-
ward a0rn98 the country, All of these
storm perturbations until after full moon
in March will wind up with deoided
changes to oolder, and blizzardoae egnalle
of sleet and snow in all the Northwest.
part of the country. The storm period
wbioh will make one of. their ,incl and
woret;olaebee,•is central on the 24th
covering the 21ot to 86111, The colli
weather that le sure to follow . the storm
period will obenge to meals warmer as
the month goes out, the barometer will
again fall, and more reaotionary rain and
snow will Visit many, eeotioes in their
maroh Eaetward across Op elates,
TA.1 01196011:4H
Tag Port gives the Rewe,
DAVM yea paid seer tubaorip!)ou to'TM;
PIOT yep,
A MU from .neat Ilfopday will be Ijt,
Petrigk'a Day,
TmgPuaao' Convention will he held in
finite */ eebeel buliding on Tbureday god
8'ridey, May 22 sad 28. A good program
will be presented. A nloeioaland literary
entertainment will be: given in the Town
Bali on T1areday evening by the "gad
wielders', that will be well worlh;hearing.
Dose.—I3dward 0, IBlogay, a liootype
operator en the staff of the. Daily Bier,
Toronto, died suddenly February 22nd„
at hie apartment at 87 Baldwin, street.
xbe fgneeal took piece from the residence
Of his eieter, Dare. T. P. Obttriteti, to
kroepeot Cemetery. Mr, Minitel wae a
widower, 40 yeare of age. He hes been
in pogr health for several yearn, and a
year ago took a trip to London to con.
salt apeoialiste, bat received little benellt,
During the peat few weeks he bee been
unable to work, though able to acme down
town until week)before last,lie was well
liked by his oompacione and his fellow
membeee of the Typographioel Colon.
Demand wee a•law to Walter'
Smith, of Brussels',
n in
CauaaRT.•—Wed saday evening the
Caledonian Concert Co, appeared in the
Town Hall, under the outdoes of Brne.
Bele Bowling Club, and proaeoted an ex
eellent program. The Waist coueieted of
Miss Ella Welker, a mezzo eoprano, well
worth hearing ; A. D, Storrook, baritone,
who. sang with is gusto that carried bie
andienae with him ; 0: Wallace's onmbere
on the violin and piano, were exoeileubly
rendered and establiebed his right to first
place; fatper.Major Fraserin piling and
Highland dances was loudly applauded
lied it will he no easy matter to oat.claee
his performance. A number of eno,r88
were responded to and an enjoyable and
Well rendered progam wae oonoladed with
"Auld Lang Spits" and the National
Anthem, The Bowling Club will not
have any diflieulty to oaring for their
STALLION Soxo. Thisweek.ThomasMo.
Laughlin, of Brunets, the well known es.
porter end dealer in good horses, disposed
of the excellent impurted horse "Fraeoee.
00" to Frank Kaye, of Morrie towoehip.
aim reed byblr.MoLsoh.
The borne wa oa
lin and is 6 years ofd, with plenty of bone
console and bair and is the type of animal
meal sought after and oaneegnently
highly veined. There is little doubt but
Mr. Keys will do well with his new par-
obese as the animal is well and favorably
known. "Francesco" weighs over a ton
and is in fine shape this Spring. The
horse will have his route through this
0001100 of ooantry as usual as air. Keys,
who gave ap farming, will continue to re-
side in this locality. Mr. MaLauohlio
still owns the imported horse "Bursar"
bat will set him to if a onstomer comes
along. "Bursar" is en A 1 horse also.
Jo:). Taotteoti Paeeas Awar.—Cu Mon.
day about 1.80 o'clock p. m„ the spirit of
John Thomson took its flight. He had
r for some time but
been in failing he lth r t
ba a
on the morning of his decease was about
as well as usual for him. Heart failure
and dropsy were the oaaaee of hie death.
Mr. Thomson wee born in the township
of Dumfries, Waterloo Co., and wae
united in marriage to Mise Isabel Rich
archon, bie now bereft partner, some 42
years ago. The family lived on the 18th
won. of Grey townehip for a time and
spent a few years in Clinton before tak•
lag ap reaideooe in Seaforth, where they
continued to make their home until 2,1
yeare ago when Mr. and Mre. Thomeoo
came to Brunets. For some yeare de-
ceased followed P
the implement and
i agency badness an was
lights ng rod g oy e d
widely known. He was a quiet, unas-
suming man, yet had a way of making
friends and those who knew him beet
esteemm highly, ed him the most bi hl , The
Presbyterian church was his ohoioe and
his political leanings were with the
Liberal party. Mr. Thomeoo wae the
last of five brothers, one Joseph having
pre-deoeased him 5weeks ago at Bay
City, Mioh. The two surviving Meters
are Mre. Jane Walker, of Brussels, end
Dire. Henderson, of lime, who has at-
tained 82 yeare and has been dangerously
ill recently. The obildren of Mr. and
Mre. Thomson are Joseph, of Montreal ;
Alex,, ot Guelph,; Thomas, of Listowel;
and Robert, of Brussels. Mre. John
Scott, a daughter, paid Nature's debt in
February and the youngest daughter,
Maggie, died two years ago.. The funeral
took plane on Wednesday forenoon. Rev.
John Holmes conducted an appropriate
service at the home in the absence of
Rev, Soho Roes, B, A„ throughillnese,.
atter which the remains were conveyed
to Maitland Bank cemetery, near Sea.
forth, to the family plot. Mrs. Thomson
and family will be deeply eympathiesd
with in their bereavement, Among those
who were in attendance at the funeral
from a distance were :—Alex. Thomson,
wife and eon, of Guelph ; Tboe. Thom -
eon, wife and son, of Listowel ; Mre. Jno,
Welsh, of Waterloo I Miea Dora Richard-
son, Galt ; Mre. T. E. Bays, Seaforth ;
Biro Brown and John Scott, of Roxboro'.
TIM LAND .0F TIM HaAxmaa: The De
troit Evening News of February 19th,
Saye :—"Joho MoVioar—eoldier, printer,
trades union worker, editor, politician
and, B. 0, W.. commissioner—site in his
Third street home—now bereft by death
of its mietreee-preparing to go abroad
and to spend a few months in the land
of hie ancestors the highlande of Scotland.
The olan MoVioar was a smell one but it
made op in fighting gnalties by grit what
it looked in numbers, if Johu
MoVicar himself to a true des-
oendant. Olan MoVioar trained with
the MoDonalds of Glengarry, and
certainly they were stout moo who never
quailed. John MaVioar'e father wore the
Glengarry bonnet when he oame to Can
ada in 1862, from Campbelltowo, in
Arayleehire. Angns MoVioar was his
name—a true Booteman and a religions
man. He died when John wae gist yeare
old. After a period of widowhood, John's
Mother became the wife of Demean Igo -
Vicar, ourionely enough a oative•bern
Scotsman and also from Argyleobire, but
only distantly, if at all related to Angus
MoVloer. This Dungan MoVioar brought
the breath of battle over with him. When
the war broke ont between the North and
South states, Damian left Canada, reload
tato regiments in New York, and wae
lieutenant-oolonel of the Sixth New York
oevalry when he was shot dead is a
desperate oberge at Ohanoellorsville.
Mtn MoVioar hag dreamed of Scotland
for many years, and would have visited
brgyleahire long ere this had not the late
hies. MoVioar been a oonflrmed invalid.
In spite' of rbeUtnatio twinges and pains,
he will :Mon the deep to gaze upon the
soeueS en of too deaaribed to him by bis
#athero, Angus and Minden, I1 hi his in.
notion novo to nail shoat May 1,, and,
preparIltery GP leaving, he le Soiling meet
of hie rnruitnle. Satieiied, reeled and
restored to health by Wel p099026160.
jean in the land .Of the heather, Jobg
k[a'Vioao will probably return to P2trgit
sad eugego in heeigee9, Lt etrlpping the
tweet) that bas 60 long been hie home,
and preparing it for tenant, Dir. tele.
Vicar ie giving (twat' 19 Mende and
neighbors wheat 1,200 books, oonsolen.
,lowly putting hie name in all them,
The ohoieest, and those meet hallowed.
by aeeooiatione with the departed, will be
peaked and kept, bat the great balk of
the family library, the Sgoumnlatlgn of
yeare, 18 to bo placed where they will
givn pleasure and profit, ell Mende who
oil being asked to make seleotipne ef'
what they would like beet," Mr. MoVioer
is a omens to Dire, Duncan Livingstone
of Ghia locality.
Brussels Connell.
The reenter monthly meeting of Brus.
Bela Connell was held on Monday even.
ing. Reeve Rose in.tbe ohm and Oouo•
oillpre Henderson, Wilton ani) Gerry
Minutes of last meeting read and pass
The following women wore preeented
Alex. MaLanoltliu, salary $ 20 00
R. Henderson, plowing road 1 60
R. Denbow, ' 4 60
R. Porterfield, work on street 60
R. Deubow -" .,,. • 1 60
W,MoEsvan '" roads ,75
Geo, Lott
W, 81.l Herr, exp. to Palmerston2 00
Reeve Roes, " • " •'2 00
Goo, Barkley, work on etreet.. 75
Moved by R. Henderson, eeoeuded by
S. Wilton that above n000unts be paid,—
Moved by R, Henderson, eeooncled by
S. Wilton that this Council petition the
G. 1'. R. to add extra train servioe on the
W. G. &B. eo that a train woaid run
West in morning and East in the even-
Moven by S. Wilton, seconded by N. F.
Gerry that Geo. Brown be granted per.
miesioo to put a shingle roof on new
stable and shed to be ereoted for the Can.
H e
I.— erried
tral of 0
itCouncilt James Cuthill addressed he
relative, to a reduction in his assessment
owing bb hie property being- 'somewhat
remote from fire protection, eleotrio' light,
&o. Assessment is now based at $40 per
acre. • The question wae disouesed and
laid over.
Commit then adjourned.
UIIUI{Oil t;Ifi111:ii.
Steps are being taken to oloee all the
large stores in Montreal on Sunday.
Winnipeg pity oouuoil.lase deoided to
enure legislation for Sunday oar prix.
R. *Wellington Bridgeman pastor of
Use Methodist ohurob at Souris, Man,
goes to Daw on 0 it y.
The International Sunday Sobool Con.
veutiou will be held in Denver this year,
beginning en Jane 27.
At the dedication of the new Preebyter-
ianobnroh in Fordwioh collections were
token amounting to $600.
Maitland Presbytery met on Tuesday.
Moderator, Rev. Joo, Rosa, of Brussels,
wee unable to attend owing to a bed oold.
Owing to Rev. Mr. Rose being need op
with a cold and hoareeneee the evening
service in Melville obaroh was cancelled
last Sabbath.
The next World's Sunday School Oon•
be held in the oilyof Jerus-
is to e d
van o
alem, in the Holy Land, the exeroises be-
ginning with
e-pinning-with a morning 9ervioe on Easter'
Booday in 1903.
The lecture announced for Monday
church, byRev Mr
Melvilleb 6
Anderson, of Wroxeter, was indefinitely
postponed on account of bad roads and
uncertain weather.
St. Andrew's (thumb, Ottawa, boldo the
reword in Canada for oontribotione to the -
Presbyterian Obnroh dentary fund. St.
Andrew's gave $26,437 although $25,000
was all Mast was promised.
-London Oonference Epworth League
Convention will be held next Tuesday
and Wednesday is Wellington street
Methodist ohurob, London. An interest.
ing program hasbeen prepared. •
Rev. J. Carlton MoOraokeu, who has
just been appointed rentor of Tborndale
by the Bishop of Huron, is one of most
successful of younger clergy in the
dimmers, Be has been incumbent to Ohes-
ley for seven or eight yeare past, and has.
a splendid reword. When he took charge
of the pariah, obaroh property wee worth
about $1,200. He will leave it with two
line new churches, one oat of debt and
the other nearly ao, worth fully 37.000.
He•fouod the mission of Grace Ohurob,
8alifvan, closed, and today it is one of
the most flourishing minions in the
deanery. Dir. MoCrackea waa one of the
parmenge00 on the Sooteman, whiob wae
wreaked in the Gulf of •St. Lawrence two
yeare ago. Under biro Thorn dale should
oertaioly flourish. He was preeented
with an address'
a handsome Morris chair
and a Copia set, oomprielog a pair of
oandleettoks and a mental olook by the
Cheeley people. Mre. MoOraaken also re-
ceived a handsome rocker. The reverend
gentleman is a nephew of Mre. T.Farrow
of Brunets,
MleexONAnx,—Last Sabbath Missionary
sermons were preached in the Methodieb
ohnroh by the pastor. Morning theme
wae "Ezekiel'e Vision" and the evening
text was the Master's Commission, "Go
ye into all the world and prase% the
gospel, &o," Before the evening sermon
commenced statietioal information was
given from the annual report by H Ham,
from whiob the following interesting par
tionlars were gleaned:—There are 680
missions under the direotion of the
church, 421 • are .Home missions ; 02
Indian ; 6 French ; 6 Chinese and 6 Jap
mesa in B, O.; 29 in Japan and 2 io
Went Ohiga ; there are 496 missionaries,
74 aseistante, 46 teeobers, and two in-
terpreters and a total tnemberehip of
45,882. The total raooipte last year were.
$270,812 and expenditure $282,103, show-
ing a shortage of $1879. 340,697 is grant-
ed by Dominion Government to aid in the.
mamtenanoe of Indian schools and in•
etitates. - The 'work has made great
strides in Japan but owing 10 disturb.
anon in China mleeionary labors have
been largely annulled. Among the In.
theca reel progreee to ebown and the
Frenob mission work is anything but a
failure, A number of the Demeatio
Minions have decided to become self sup.
porting, The Epworth Leagued have Goa.
iribobed 321,182 and the Sabbath eohoolo
328,484, the tidy Som of $44,606 by the
young people of the eborob le most Gem.
mendable and an increase of over 38000
,.. •76
iki;R. G. 11302
A9114Xt_J4yl.V.13 234,/y,F.It 07 . 1„I4X✓1D4C
• u.tgl'1:`.4g,,ZePZW0B• x50701.
RES!.. AL *PAID 'CTP - (Qge.Miilten Delimit • 01,000,000
$760,0 _
Agenoios in off prinofpal points ifs Ogtarfp, Quebec, ArafiitoLa, United 84ale, tt Afbpland;
A Qenorsl Banking Busiaees Traneaoted,, Farmers' Moto Dieoounted,
Drafte leaned and Colleotione made on all points.
fntereet allowed on deposits of 31,00 and upwards and oamponnded hall yearly.
SinemaL ATTENTIon erv$N To Ten 44LL$aT1oa go FAnoaone. BALE NOTES.
Every 1aoility afforded Ouetot:dere living at a distance.
payable at any benk twined IInder $10 ,,, 80. 820 to $80,.,.120
113:07 OVrdors ab the 1ollowiag rates :— $10 to 320.., .100, al a 489 , , ,14o
as compered with 91861000 year. Brneaele
congregation did net injure itself very
anion 1Y leen
year by
its miceio
PAC lla
which only readied 384. $34 ot this was
donated by the Epworth League and $7
by the Sabbath School. Last Sunday'e
eubaoiptioos totalledOO $65 and will no
doubt be augmented when ire. Gilpin
and Mies Moore have immolated their
Pomade, The League and S S. oontribn.
tions are nob included in above sum,
Business Locals.
Moyne and Timothy Seed at Ma-
Gnu, wanted, at once. Apply to Mrs,
0- F' Blair, Bruasele. -
Fon obeep millinery go to the Minn
Habkirk, Everythiug away down.
W. F. STawanr & Boa have received a
oar of No. 1 bard Manitoba wheat for
their Spring trade.
WANTED.—Oboioe Roll. Butter 18 cents.
No. 1, Mink or Fox skins $8.50. Our
slaughter sale of Drees Goods during Jan.
nary and February is worthcoming miles
to gee f
G. E. Buie n Ilam
W r
, g
Charles Ingersoll, a member of tbe
well known Ingersoll' family, who were
the founders of the town . which bears
their Dame, as well ae of the town of St,
Marge, died ab his home at Flint, Mich„
on Tneeday, February 25th, aged 88
yeare. Mr. Ingersoll along with hie
brother, the late Justus Ingersoll, former.
ly owned all the site of St. Marys, West
of the Thames river, and was a resident
there for nearly half a century. Some
fifteen years ago he moved to Flint, Mich,,
where several members of his family re.
In Vanoonver, $. 0., on Jan,
25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dalby Kendall,
a eon,
Pamela,—In Elmo., on Feb. 2502, to Mr,
and Mr. Chas. Petrie, a daughter.
YouNG.—In Hiram, on Feb 25rd, to Mr.
and Mre. Wm. John Young, a eon.
EoT-Larne.—Io Grey, on March 5, at
tbe resident's of the bride's percale,
by Rev. H. E. Corry, of Ethel, Mr.
W. J. Hoy to Mies Melina. youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mre. B. Laing,
all of Grey.
R — ns so — the M t d' t
MO SAN HEN n N. At a 110 le
Parsonage, Brussels, on March 5, by
Ray. Joo. Holmes, Mr. John A. Mor-
gan to Miss Catharine 3. Henderson,
of Goderioh.
Rowx.wo. In Elmo, on Monday, Feb 24,
1902, Mary Ann Sanders, beloved
wife of Geo. Bowlanii, aged 47 yeare,
3 months end 12 days.
BtiALLDON.—Io Grey, on Marob 2, Susan
Woods, beloved wife of Jno. Bmali.
don, aged 66 years and 11 menthe.
!Scorn—lo Elma, on Tuesday, Feb. 25,
1802, Wm. B. Scott, aged 79 yeare
and -2days.
TaoueoN.—In Bruasele,, on Marob 2, John
Tbomeon, aged 66 years
Furnas, MARGE 7, 1802.—Farm stook,
impimente, &a., Lot 4, Oon. 8, Grey.
Sale, unreserved a proprietor bas sold
bis farm, at 1 o'clock. Joo. Cunningham,
Prop. ; F. 8 Scott, Ano.
Tmooltx, Mutat 18.—Farm, farm. stook,
implameote, &o., at Lot 14, Oon. 4, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'aloak. John
Smith, prop. ; F. S. Scott, aao,
Wnm ioenex, Mama 19.—Farm stook,
implements, &o ,'North boundary Mo
Killop. Sale, without reserve, at 1 p, m.
Robert Holland, prop. ; F. 8. 800tt, eno•
TBuBaDay, MAINZ' 27.—Farm stook,
implements, &o., at Si Lot 24, Con. 6,
Morrie. Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock.
8 1. MoNab, proprietress ; Ii'. 8. Scott,.
33s2V' SC -=7.11S I*¢.4 11,C3ZVMS,
Pall Wheat ...,
Batter, tubs and rolls ..
Eggs per dozen ........
Flour per owt. .
Potataee(per bne.) ,..,,,
Apples (per bbl.)'......
Hay per ton
Sheep skins, each
Lamb eking earth
Salt per bbl., retail
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Hogs, Live
70 70
60 60
70 72
87 88
10. 17
15 16
4 00 5 00
80 80
2 00 3 00
8 00 9 00
25 26
25 80
6 6fi
6 5
e 'I5 5 75
13 18
Ccnnw000 wanted.' Oober Oareiage
Factory, Brussels,
Final-oLAOe Seal Peva for ante.. JAS.
DEIRRJI5, Deb 17, 000.10, Groy, or Oran -
brook P, 0. 83.4
Goon'workingboreee for Bale, North a
Lot 10, Oon, 8, Morris, or Brueacle P. O.
81-0 0, I8, R1101Ate,
ONE hundred aortic' of timber land for
Rale,' Might exchange for other property if
imitable. Apply to JOHN BANSDLD,
02.4 Ethel,
Pelt SALE OR To BENT.—Two coin lortable
dwelling hutteea,. oleo throb good building.
lots For further partioulara apply to
t 92.4 3O 10 HANSro1D, MOW,
Horn Nulla for sate, from 0 to 20 menthe
old. Cleo cows in unit to imported"Red
Duke" and a tow heifers.
• It,.MILNE, Ethel,
INe 2 and 1 year old, sired by Dexter
Revengo" and '"Coetumer," raepov4ively.
L 80t 9, Con 10
Braeeele P, O, Lot 9, Con 10, Grey,
os, fiprings. Plettorm,: Bee „ capable of
drawing from 14 to 10 hundred of m110, for
pale at a bargain, For ;further particulars
apply on Lot O 000.8, Gray. JOHN MORIN.
NON, Brussels P. 0. - -88.1
DID/01050D wiehoe to an0ouneo to
the ladies of Brussels and vicinity tont she
is prepared to make ewitobos out ofcomb-
ings and out bair, at he home, Itfill etreet
West, Braeeels. MRS. KINGSTON.
$15.00 to $18.00 a Week
salary fox an intelligent man or w0m012 111
eaob town.
anent position. SO c
per Dour for ewe time. M nntaetuxer
Hos 78 Philadelphia. 10
$20,000 to Loan.
The abpve sum has boon planed with me
for immediate investment on farm wvetter•
ty at 0 per oent. If .tales are saliafaotory
loons may bo completed in 9 days, Liberal
terms as to repayment. Apply at once to
W. M. SINOLAIR, B striates, &o , Bruit eats.
acre of Land for sale, Graham's Sur.
vey,t mica South of Bruasele.• The house
contains 7 rooms • good stable; well; fruit.
trees and small fruits. Poseoeeion given at
ones, Termaxeasonable. IS property isnot
sold soon, will be rented. For prise. forme,
&o., apply to W00, RANDS, Brussels P. 0.
Notice to Debtors. _
All pereone indebted to Mrs.Rogors, late
of tbo Village of Brussels, milliner, deceas-
ed,aro hereby notified thatherbook ac-
counts have an boon handed oyer 100 oolles'
b100 to G. 1t), Blair, of the Village of Brut.
Bela, Solicitor -or .bar estate, to whom all
payments must bo made at once in order to
cloao up the estate. A. PARFPBT,
There is a Cough Qure that
'will cure a Cough or you get your
money back. Nothing harmful,
in it, It, is pleasant to terke.
The children like it (but don't
cry for it.) We have sold it for
several Winters, last Winter
twice as much as any *previous
one, The price is 26o. per
bottle. at
Drug Store,.
Oieoe over Bvreleyy's Dong Store, "
Feb, 0th, 1002, 80.8m Brussels.
Grows Worse.
This 1§ the ander,
nod the pro ress off,:,
eareidirte nese ,e
tho fororanner of 1.
We correct all ere de.
ids .:C. Yrefr.Z+c:^
. r .r„t• . '.ir iasa
cwbd",•idybd'jlydkscl4,Nti+ x' stab cul e"h.ei+bd'beFk,el`'bd'•��'bef+bd�.rx
oo••��,,��qq�p ''rr��,�++rr���,,o-�qquaoo oo��pp��,rroo�?.�,,.����+"�?m� �fr�rr000apa,rr�o-�qw9r��rr�«��rrooq�,��r-+, h�rrr��•
xd�:-sxxxxxxxxxx : elele;rt>xlitXXXXXXX
Pratt's Poultry Food
Used and commended by the most successful Poultry Breeders
and Exhibitors in Canada and the United States. A trial package
will convince you of its merits.
Pratt's Animal Regulator
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, .Dairy Cows,. etc. Awarded
medal and diploma at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893. A trial
package will prove the value of this, the greatest of Animal
We are agents for the "Beaver" Brand of Portland Cement.
This brand of Cement has given entire satisfaction wherever used.
Circulars•3howing Cut, Cost and Construction of Cement Silos may
be had at our store. Orders for Cement solicited and prices guar-
If you wish the .Best Twine in the market give us your order
for "Plymouth."
The London Pence Machine
With this Machine you can build your own fence, save money
and be independent. See this machine work. Pride $9.00.
Myers' t'Sta on" Flexible � y bie Door Hanger;
Steel Boller Bearings. Unequalled on theg lobe.' Your barn
or shed door is incomplete without this hanger.
Nails i
is anal No, 9 Dolled Spring Wire
At special prices, Having purchased Nails and Wire at a
special price and at special freight rates we can assure you of close
Orders for "Beaver" Cement "Plymouth"
Twine, No. 9
Coiled Spring Wire and Wire Nails will receive our best
IcKAY & Co.