The Brussels Post, 1902-3-6, Page 5{. t JdAI1,, 902 SUSINESR CAROL. MOREY TO LOAN ATG YDP cent. F,R SCUM', Brupaple, �[ H MOORA01,(EN- Y� a Ieener of Marriage Zioenaol, O. lips pt l,}r000ry,Turnberry street, Brussels. p N. BARRETT-• !44 • Tonsorial Artist, Rbap-1'toltt, 8001 Noltb of the Standard Ilank, pudica and Marini% hair clotting a speelalty, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WAL'TON, :9NT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, 4RAOHI4R OF- • PIANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM1 r$enuAIIon, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Fire Ltanranee Co., R8TADLIen0D 1840 , Insurance taken on the eaeh and premium note systematcurrent rates. Beforeinonr. ing eleewhoro cellon the undersigned Agent of the Oompany. GEORGE ROGERS,.Bruooele. MISS SARAH"LOUiSE MOORE, L.. O. M., Academia graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Bomber of the Associated Musicians of Ontario; is prepared to receive a limited number ofpupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Prinoipapa Form in the Ooneervatory of Undo. Brueeele, Ontario, A LEX. HUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; .Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent'; Anotion- ear. rondo invested and to loan. Donee - Dons made. Oflioo in Graham'etBlook, Bras- eela. AUCTIONEERS. e •B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - 1 • BEE, will sell for better prices, to better men in lass time and lees charges b a vont charge anything. in sand orders can alwaye'be arranged at this oMae or by personal application, VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK - . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die•" eases of domesticated animals inacompet- ,a ant manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry Oa11s promptly at- tended to. OMoe and Iuflrmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Breese's., LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINOLAIR— W • bioixteyloNotaryPulc, &Offe-BtwnBok 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank. - Solicitor for Village of Brussels, Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS.' DR. C. AMBROSE TOOLE. RESIDENCE AND OFFICE- MILL. ST , EAST, BRUSSELS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., C. M., 101010y University, Fellow Trinity Madinat College, Member College of Physicians. and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Phyeioiana and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. 13'Te1opboue No,14, Residence—Mill area, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. - R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of lthe Royal' College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario - and Firot•elase Honor Graduate of Toronto. University. Omoe next to Brewer's Photograph. Gallery, BRUSSELS. le moving forward, Winter terra begins Te44.8,1002. Our rates are reasonable --our Courses of Study thorough and practical. Send for our Journal to see what we teach. Students may enter at any time. Two , Courses of Study—Oommerolal- and Short- hand. O. A. FLEMING.. A. L. MoINTYBE, President, - eorotar xeOwen , 6 y, O{veu Sound. Listowel. SHINGLES British Columbia lied Cedar Shingles AIM.— •-. North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT: THE Brussels Planing JVIills Mao Doors and Saab of all Pat *erne on band or made to order at Short Notice. Eotimatoo Furniehed for all kinds' of Buildings, Workman• ehip and Material Guaranteed. P• AIVIENT; ATTEND THE BEST) IT 'PAYS DENTRAlviri LL A 0011001 Pell known frons IMP end of Oen, ads to, the other for,itpsuperior work, Thin College gives the right kind of education and p1a000 many o its e1ndents 10 geed. positions. NOW 10 the time to enter. Fre. are for gammas sad you will get it. Write for our beautiptl catalogue. W. J, ELLIOTT, I'rinolltpl, 84106 POST tat dividend amounts t:h 170(1 20 00 that it will be 00011 8818t 100 coutpahY wits Head 0100110010 in di bl•, Alf, Moore bee a cow that he le proud In o' 1900ohotyera of, x the Samnl t of t Ked sixteen ponnds,of bettor por week, but daring throe days of the big otorm o0e made a still better reoord, the butter from tbat trio 0f days' milk weighing ten peuude, x41uel0t00''w. Lncknow will oelebrate the 2410 of MuY. The Zion olluroh will be re opened for service 11080$uoday. Booth Braoe k'ernier& Institute held a mooting in the town hail, Luoknow, on Tuesday. The A. 0. U. W. Lodge will hold a 000101 in their lodge room on Monday 1' ' 4. tt evening, Marob 1010. ti1"txt tins, Rev, A, G. Barrio, Roe, 1 . J, paten and 11, D. Cameron attended the Domin • ion Alliance convention in Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday of lea wpak, During lIe peat week some four or five dogs have been poisoned in the village, and a valuable bound belonging to Morebouse II/Rebell, died from the game mum. D. Donovan, of Rinlose, clipped on the icy sidewalk and in falling hie, head strnok %goblet the large plate g'aes win• doss, in R. D. Cameron.'e dry goods store, The glees was badly broken bot Mr. Don. oven wan not seriously hart, Atwood, The R. T. of T. lodge here has a mem borohip now of about 40, Soott Peebles and Wife have gone on a yisit to friends at Saginaw, Mioh, The Rax mill closed down Tuoeday of lad week, having completed the season's operations, Robb. Riobmond attended the convert - tion of the R.'0. of T, at Guelph` as dele- gate from the Atwood (Mandl. Arthur Taylor, formerly of Atwood,. has sectored the cheese factory et Tiverton for the ensuing season and hen engaged the necessary hands for its operation, HvisettoAL.-On Wednesday of last week Rev. Mr. Fear united in marriage Mise Oaroline B. Rowland, of Elma, daughter of the late John Rowland, to Albert J. Quipp, a proaperoue and muob esteemed young farmer of Elmo. The young maple will reside on the Rowland homestead farm, 1410 con., Elm*, which Mr. Quipp recently purchased. The bride ie among Elme's most popular young ladies. 131 v tl►.' Large quantities of foe have been Mar. ad away for Sommer nee. Wm, MoMillan bee accepted a'poeitio11 in Ibo store of D. M. MaBeeth, Mies Mattie Watson ie attending the niilliuery openioge in London. Dr. J. L. Soots, of Beavers Dam, Wlo., - was the sweet of his brother, T. W. Scott. J. G. Emigh, the owner of tbe Com- meroial Hotel, will rebuild the collapsed shed. W. Moser, who has been. clerking in Mitchell for the poet month, has re• turned home. A. E. Bradwin attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Preen Aesoo!a• Non at Ottawa. Adam Wettlaufer ie busy loading britk to be shipped to Ilinoardfue for J. B. Watson's new furniture factory. Don, and Mrs. Kelly,who have been. highly esteemed and reepeoted residents of Morrie Tor many years, have retired from farming and moved to Blyth where they have rented M. Oade's bones on Morrie street. Mr. and Mre. Kelly were hard and industrious workers while 011 the farm and it is their intention to spend the rest of their days on earth in rest and leisure. Their son, Daniel will work the farm in Morrie. eroderiohh. Postmaster Galt was in Windsor last week attending the funeral of a relative. Ioe ogtting is through, and never was a better or larger orop harvested in Gode. Hob. W. L. Horton bee been appointed agent of tbe 'Hartford Fire •'nen ranee -Company, in eunoeseion to Ole father, The Goderiob Engine Works is in-' oreaeing its staff,: orders still .being re- ceived for Spring and early Summer de livery. Captain A. M. Sbeppord, has been notified of his appointment se command- er of the steamer Saturn, of the Gilchrist line. Raids and. Sbarmrn hada contracted to do the plasteringland brick work at the, Sommer hotel, and started' on the flret, named work last week. B. 0. Munninge was appointed assist. ant assessor at $1.75 per day, the under- standing being that the work would be completed in about 80 days. Miee Wiggins, of Toronto, organizer end lecturer for the Provincial W. 0. T. U., will visit Goderiob and address a masa meeting on Marob 9 h, and will oonduot a week's campaign, klieg Ruth resigned ao a teaoher in the Central School, and to mark her re. tirement tbe pupils of her class waited on her and presented a handsome opine tray, oream jug and anger bowl, and a toe add nOounoillore Marney and Knox have beau nerved with legal notices, at the Inatome of Dr. Holmes, of proceedings to unseat and disqualify them, on the ground Wit they violated the statute in voting for a bylaw to borrow fonds beyond the limit allowed for the town last year, (71itntou. Walter Irwin left for Toronto where he has Bemired a position in big grocery etore. Rev. J. Greene was in Toronto attend ing a meeting of the Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance Mr. Prime who has been olerking in Harland Bros. hardware afore, has ao• oopted a similar position in Luoknow, Will. Shipley is intending to take up a medical course, likely in a college on the other aide. At -present he ie studying with Dr. Gunn. Heretofore the telephone has been of service to local subeoribere for only two hours on Sunday, but in future it will be au all -day service. Mrs, Cottle, sister to Moe, W. Murphy, had the misfortune to fall and Einstein a fraolnre of her thigh bone.. Mrs. Cottle is 84 years of age. The many friends of Mrs. Neil Fox (nee Mie, Josie Fair, of Clinton) of Mor. den, Man., will regret to learn o! the death of her infant daughter. The Sloan Blook will be the name of the new brink biook which S. S. Cooper will build to replace tbe burnt Smith biook which he recently bought. The arohiteot of the Pnblio Works de- partment ie preparing plane for the new pobtofihoe here. The building will prob. ably be oonetrueted of pressed red briok, though thio bao not yet been decided up. on. The liquidator of the Oreely .Dairy Oompany has deolared a first and final dividend at the rate of 7 8/10 Dente on the dollar. The creditors number 410 and are eoetteeed over a wide graa. The to. L.f.trtowel W. O. Kidd lost a valuable collie dog by poisoning, J. R. Grant also had a pet dog poieonod. At the annual mooting of tbe Grand Lodge, A, 0.' U. W., held in Toronto, G. Strath, of this town, woe elected D. D, G. M. W. for Bipoe district. - Ledter Hacking, clerk in the Bank of Hamilton, and lion of J. A. Hooking, was taken down a few days ago with appendi- aitfs and has been very ill. The North Perth Orangemen have de. aided to aooept the invitation of the Heron brethren to oolebrate the coming: 1210 of July at Goderioh. The Northern League Hockey Chem. pionebip has been won by the Listowel team, who scored the highest number of goals in the finale with Harrietou. The nomination to fill the vacancy in tbe Council took plane on Feb, 2168 last. Chas. Anderson was the only person nominated, mud at the close of the boar ho woe deplored elected by Mr. Bright, town clerk. Fred. Sherwood, bead clerk andman. ager in Carson & McoKee's store, will go, to London upon the Moue of tbe burliness bare, to take charge of the gents' furnish ing to of the Rnniaus, parson & McKee Co. A. Yule's bakery was broken into Tues- day night of last week, by burglars, who fortunately did not get' ranch for their pains. Entrance was made by a door et the rear of the bake shop, the borgiere having had a key which fitted the look, end which they left in the door. I-IenREAL Geo, McEwenM. P., has bought the. Seaforth flex mill. Dr. MaDiarmid received 160.50 for vaooioating 202 people. Mr Smillie disposed of the Sturgeon farm, near Faneville, to Ed. Dignan at a price in tbe neighborhood of $4,000. R. Bullard is village oonetoble at a salary of 915 a year and W. Buchanan, eaoitary inopeotor, salary 92 per day. Mrs. (Rev.) Long wag presented with an aetraohan jooket and a parse of money by ltippeo Methodists and Mr. Long with a load of oats. Avery pretty house wedding took place Wednesday evening at the residence of D. Urquhart, 79 Oxford street, when his daughter, Mary J., was united in mar. nage to Dave Shirray, bf Hensel'. The many friends of Thomas Murray, B. A;, one of our old Henoall boys, will be pleased to learn that he bag been ap- pointed Head Master of the Owen Sound Ooi legiate Institute. Rev. J. S. Henderson went to Toronto to attend the Students' Volunteer Move- ment Convention of 2600 delegates from all parte of the continent which met loot weak in Toronto. He also attended tbe Prohibition Convention. After the ooanail meeting ex•Reeve Arnold woo invited in and Reeve. Miller, on behalf of the Conned), asked him to accept a very bandeome lilting easy ehair no a alight token of appreciation on the part of, hie late comrades, for services to Mend, flret pa polios trustee, then 100 WO yearsae Counolllpr, and more recent. h )lte eh.:I Iv as liaeve, all .of which l at i n agd Ailed with marked ability, Vt' UArt„to:ii sea. Wingbam rates will be held pa June 2480 and 261h, R, Merrifield la again 0onflned to hie bed with inflammatory rheumatism, Dr, A. J. Irwin attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Dentiet'o Rooiety in Toronto: A numb00 of Ino you0g men of tpwn Opens a- very pleaoant tame at James Molelvio a restaurant on Taeaday even;. ing of loot Week, the object of the gather- ing being a farewell egpper to A. J, Sebastian. During the evening the obelrman read an addreee and preeonted Mr. Robaotian with a gold locket, wbioh was beaatifally engraved. Mr, Robaotian left for Toronto on 'Wednesday. A couple of young men were driving into town and when going tbrougb a pitch hole the putter npeet, The bores. took fright and ran away and eomipg into town it ran into the window at Gannett'e implement shop, smashing it. Horse and drivers wore uninjured. There wore no eleotrio lights a week ago Inst Sunday night. The oburobee yore oompelled to obtain lamps where they could and managed to bold the aervioea. It was especially inoonvenient for the opening oervioes in the Methodist °Miroh, as there was a large orowd. Every one, even the 'preacher, was im• pressed with the oiroumetanoe. Dr, Carman began his prayer, "0 I Lord thou art light, and in, thee ie no.darkneee at, all." Inability to get water into the boiler was the cause of the trouble. Exoteo•. The new firm, Harvey Bros„ took: pos. Session of the grist mill on Saturday. Czar Rollins left for Effingham, III., where be will attend tbe Oollege of Photography. Wellington Johns,. who has been con. ducting a tailoring busineoe on the East aide of Main street for a number of years, bite decided to quit business in Exeter. The ole land maxim South of the poet• office have all been laid low and quite a cameo, is the result. The new bank will be oommenoed as eoou as the weath• er will permit. N. W. Creeob, who bas bean booker for the Verity Plow Go., Brantford, for some years, has resigned tbe position and baa accepted a more lucrative one with the Crucible Steel Go., of America, at Tor- o oto. Bert. Hodgeon, of Usborne, met with a very painful aooident. He woe engaged in cutting wood when the axe Blipped, Dotting a severe gash in the right foot, oeoeseitating several etitohee to close the wound. Little Grotto, daughter of A. E. Ben. nett, London, formerly of Exeter, oar• rowly escaped instant death in tbat city the other day. It appears elle woe on the street and her little pet dog (the one she took with bar from here) was stand- ing on the street oar track and noticing an approaohing oar else ran out to save the little dog, but the oar came quioker than the expected and she .had barely time to eeoape with her life, while the dog was instantly killed, Gorrie. R. MoGrath, has rented the old foundry property near the bridge for an imple• mint Shap. Rev. C. R. Conine, of Clinton, was the gnat of fleury Perkins et the poetodioe last week. Mr. Perkins' health is no batter. W. H. Litt, of Sebringville, bag put, phased John Donaghy •& Sou's stook of general dry goods, eto., at a rate on the dollar. Wm. Stinson, oattle and hog buyer, who purchased the late Jae. Perkins' residence from Mrs. Perking for about 91,400, moved into town 'last week. The Howiok Union Sunday School Convention was held on Wednesday of last week in the Presbyterian ohnrob, Wroxeter. A number from here attend. ed., - At the reeidenoe of tbe bride'e mother, Gorrie, by Rev. A. B. Dobson, on Wed. nesday, Feb. 19th, James Oonnon, of Cypress River, Man., was married to Mies Annie Rose, youngest daughter of the into Alex. Rose. The Vidette says :—The Medioine Company wbioh allowed here last week went into the "hole" and were foroed to make their departure in the night. They )fen's Walking Shoes. Good solid wear, and real comfort in our men's heavy street shoes. Built to wear and stand the walking which you will certainly feel like doing when you wear them. All the best makes, in all shapes) sizes and widths, are here. Easy to get a fit—easy shoes to wear, . and hard to wear out, If you buy from us you carry home money which you expected to spend, ' How c10 these prices strike you .;— • Men's Heavy Walking Shoos a 1.26 to 91.50 Men's Fine Dress Shoes 1.76 to 6,00 -We have all kinds of Shoes suitable for either sex at the Lowest Prioeo, Felt Goods and Heavy Winter Rubbero and Sox lees than coot to olear. —Agents for the Inviotne Shoo made by George A. Slater. —Repairs in Rubbers and Shoes done neat and promptly. Z. C. IitICHA.R1:1113. The New Model F1 ee U The Beat and most Economia Seeder on the market. Will sow all 11110(10 of small aeede, It twee one halt In time and labor ; Saws better in windy weather ; will sow four acne per hour. Any person wanting one of these Reederp can be„eoppltod by oalliug on SIMON GRANT, AGENT, BRUSSELS. 1 r8ce, 91,00 each. McLEOD'S System nenovator -•Aon MEWS— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC C A N N ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak end Impoveriebed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• pion of the Boort, Liver Complaint, Near. algia, Loes of Memory, Broaohitio, Con• eumption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae. Fox, Druggist,- Brussels ETHEL SAW MILLS All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on hand from $10 np. British Colombia, home ant tlbingleo and Lath kept on hand. A. good farm on 1880 con. of Grey for sale. )Ali parties indebted to me are requested to call and settle ap before March lot or 10% will be added after that date from Jen. let till paid. A quantity of green oedar poets for sale ou Lot 7, Oen. 4, Grey. S. S. COLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL. fakedthe caretaker of the ball and got their trunks away without paying the rent. The quarterly board of the Methodist ohuroh has invited Rev. Mr. Garbutt to remain another year. Mr. Garbutt ie completing hie fourth year here, and it mnet be encouraging for him to know that his services are being appreciated. 0.9eltilorth. The date of the Harold Jervis concert has been fixed for the Slot of Morph. Rev. I. B. Wallwin was in Toronto last week attending the Prohibition Oonven• tion. Walter G. Willie ie in Luoknow looking after R. Willie & Co's store there. Mr. Willis' intention is to olooe the business in Luoknow and move the stook to Bee- f ortb. A epeoial meeting of the Town Council was held to consider Mre. Bollard's claim for damages. It was deoided to offer tier $100 in full payment. This has been accepted, The Seaforth Sun did not make its appearance one week owing to the editor, W. J. Weetoott, being 000fttled to hie bed suffering from a severe attack of con- enmption of the bowels. A young son of J. 0. Rose had a nar• row esoape from eerioue injury. He was banging on a sleigh load of saw loge, and in some way, fell under the runners, and one of them passed over hie leg. Al. though badly bruised, fortunately no bones were broken. A. S. MoKay, of Wood stook, brother of the late Bev. Dr. G. L. McKay, the For. moss missionary, spent a few days in this vicinity, visiting his brother-in•law, George Molntoeb, of McHillop, and other friends. Mr. McKay was aocompanied by his nephew, G. W. McKay, the eldest eon of the missionary, who has re0eotly arrived in thie country from Formosa. He is 20 years of age, and ie a bright, intelligent young mac, He apelike Eng- lish quite fluently. He has come to Canada with the view of parenting his studies in Toronto. After a preparatory course in the University, be will complete the course at Knox College, when he hopes to return to hie native land and continue the work so long and so enceese- fally carried on by his illustrious father. The comparatively sudden death of Sidney Brownell, on Feb. 22nd, wee felt keenly by the whole oommnoity. Mr. Brownell wee a native of the Province. and had resided here for more than thirty years. For nearly 20 years of that time be worked with the Ogilvie Milling Go. Mr. Brownell was an honest and a re- markably industrious man. One wbo was modest and unassuming but kindly and courteous at all times. He was married to Miss Margaret Caeb, of Mo. Killop, wbo with three ohildren, William, of Detroit, Agnea and Harvey at home, survive him. The deceased was a brother of Joseph Brownell, for many years a respected resident, .end of Mrs, S, N. Jaoobs, of Higb street. He took ill very soddenly of inflammation of the hinge and within a week breetbed his loot. The big mill Was dint down to enable his former fellow•employeea to attest their oympathy by attending the funeral. In the death of Mr. Brownell, Seaforth loose a moat exemplary resident, F. H. MoGnigan has been appointed Manager of the Grand Trunk. Gordon Ranter, E. 0., of 'Victoria, an old Toronto boy, hap been appointed 011ief Justice of British Columbia. J. H. Hamilton, alias Henry St. Clair, a traveller for a Toronto patent medioine I house, died etwidenly at Loddon, McK • 9 GASHsroRE HERS FOE THIS WEEK. 1 itfpreh is always ooueidered a dull month for bueinese, bat 10 10 covet' dull in this store. We malts i4 It point tohavo some epeeist snapl. for tide season which helps to make trade brlplt here, while others are complaining. Below we mention a few lines which we secured 1pet week at red1100d prloosand we give Our cnetomere the benefit of Quickies haying. New Prints, in fast oolors, good width, worth 70, for 5o, New Prints, fast 01 ,lore, wide width, regular 12}o, for 100, New Linen Towels, 88 by 16 liming, fanny borders, iSo per pair. New Linen Rook Towels, 40 by 20 Inches,. fancy 0010,0 borders, hetnetitohed, good value at 40o for 26o per pair.. Ladies' Wrappers, made of fanoy wrap perette, with trimming 01) waie4, and frill on stirs, worth $1.66, for 91.26. Sateen Prints, in blank and colored gromhds, in fano), demi dealgoe, regular 160, for 120. Plain Pink Flannelette, full yard wide, fast oolors, soft fieleh, good value at 120 for 20. Amerioan Gray Cotton, 87 inclose wide, fine even thread, good weight, very special, worth Se, for 5o. Canadian Grey Cotton, regular 50400 no, Black D Br ade p... d Dress Gooda 40iaehee wide, euitabIsf0r skirts or d e see regular 200, fcrl'Lio. Serge Dress Goode in Golden Brown, 40 inohee wile, regular price 80a, for 190. Ladies' Cloth Jackets, a few we hove left over, which we will sell at one quarter of the regular price. This is a great snap, We will allow a special dieoonnt of 20 per Dent. on ell Astrachan Jackets now on band. ISTRA NEW Spring Goods in all lines now daily coming forward. We an- ticipate an extensive business and are making preparations accordingly. Large assortments, up-to-date styles, good values and No Fancy Prices. New Dress Goods, new Prints, Zephyrs and Ging- hams. Ready-made Clothing, IIats and Caps, Boots and Shoes and Groceries. March Standard Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand. We keep the Standard Patterns in stock. They are the best. A CALL SOLICITED. A. STRAC I POST BIJOKSTDRE i_ Writing Paper, Writing Paps, Z Envelopes, &a New Stoc k Wilton & Turnbull 1DWA E OF'ALL- KINDS w1rBTHMS •EXCEPTION. he R11 soot I You will hit the nail:on the head if you insist that ours is the Best Establishment in town when you, are in need of anything in the Hardware line from a Tack to a Crowbar. We have a quantity of good Lance Tooth Cross-cutLJ C� Saws, at each, 4t �1 Sale Price to clear out stock. Our Prices on All Goods are Right We notonly invite a continuance of our present patronage but an acquaintance with new customers. WE ARE CERTAIN TO PLEASE. WILTON & TURNBU IL.