The Brussels Post, 1902-3-6, Page 2I MDR IY OLD DD'MLA.ND
231710I AN» E'Iflo TEQI'I.E,
Oeeuxrences in the Dand, That
!reigns Supreme in the Qo?u•
mereial World,
,fi, new public park is proposed oil
Pm bank of the 'Thames at Rieh-
There le xnuch diatoms among the
filming population of Dunkin 0eld,'
The Welsh . Calvinistic Methodists
are raising a Thanksgiving fund of
The slniuitaneoes eclleation on a
recent Sunday 'for the Methodist
Twentieth Century Pond realized
abeut £05,000.
to two instances in Landon r'Oceat-
ly fires resulted !'rout the foolish
practice of seeking with a naked 11ght.
for an escape of gas.
Six hundred pounds a ,year is to be
raved by It slight alteration in the
prhiting of the agendas of the Lon-
dote Se110o1 Board.
.r xperibleute in the terowing of at -
gar beet roots on the Liverpool eor-
portttion eewage . farms at Walton
show most satisfactory results.
A^ young whale, measuring fifteen
feet and weighing about one ton, has
been captured In the river Ouse, at
Ii,i+edneis, near Goole.
Tho Alilhvall clocks, London, are to
be lighted by electricity. It is esti-
mated that half a million units per
annum will be required.
The War Gillce has called for re.
turns showing the number of ex -sol.
diets employed in the police forces
throughout the country.
The fluke of Portland gave a din-
ner to all the old people in the par-
ish of Cockney, in honor of his birth-
day. Aboutsat down.
t 100
There is some talk of the Scarbor-
ough cabmen going on strike, as a
protest against the corporation li-
censing the motor omnibuses.
Thomas Kingston, who died at
Cambridge at the age of 06, and has
left £100,000 to the evangelical
party in the Church of England, de-
veloped miserly characteristics as a
Tho IIonte Secretary notifies that
be has added three new explosives,
viz., olydite, haylite No. 1, and vic-
tori ta, to the list of "permitted ex-
plosives" under the Coal Mines Re-
gulation Act,
Samuel Littlewood, formerly secre-
tary of the St. Thomas' Lodge of
the Sheffield Equalized Independent
Druids' Friendly Society at Whitting-
ton, was last week imprisoned for
Vicicerstown, the new town which
Vickers, Sons and Maxim, have
brought into existence on Walney Is-
land will probably rank as the most
remarkable product of 1901 from an
industrial point of view.
It is understood at Court that this
season's drawing -rooms will be ex-
ceedingly exclusive, and it is a mat-
ter of utter impossibility for the
Ming and Queen to receive half of
even the properly qualified appli-
It is understood, states the Liver-
pool Mercury, that one of the Welsh
representatives at the corning corona-
tion will be the Archdruid of Wales,
the venerable "Hwfa Mon," who is
now approaching his 80th year.
Mr. Edward Ti. Evans, a gentle-
man from Worcester, who suffered
from gout, went to Exmouth for his
health, Whilst lighting a cigar tate
cotton wool which enveloped his
hands caught fire, inflicting such se-
vere burns that he died.
The Manchester War Fund Commit-'
tee last week distributed £199, and
received only £25. Of the total in-
come of £76,552 no more than £4,-
"428 remains. The committee decid-
rd to ask par]iameart to allow them
to pension the widows and orphans
of soldiers killed on duty by accident
or drowned.
After two years' operations, involv-
ing an expenditure of some £6,000,
the Trinity House authorities have
sufficiently dispersed the wreck of
the I3amburg-American liner Patric
off Deal, to justify the removal of
the lightship.
The Prince and Princess of Wales
have given their consent to the ap-
pearance of their most, recent por-
traits as a frontispiece to the pam-
phlet which the London corporation
is publishing as a souvenir of the
visit of their Royal Highnesses to
the Guild Hall.
Eastbourne has a teetotal mayor,
and a. recent civic banquet the fol-
lowing was the wine list:—Orange
champagne, ginger champagne, kola
champagne, dry ginger ale, home
brewed ginger beer, natural lemon-
ade, Kop's ale, soda water, seltzer
water, Rosbach water, Apollinaris
The visit just paid by Sir William
Butler to Sir Redvers Duller at Orod-
ltnn has afforded full opportunity for
an exchange of views between two
old friends and campaigners. They
have shared many an adventure, segs
the Daily Chronicle, from the time
when, thirty years ago they went to-
gether, under Wolseley, to the Red
River, nod did not get very fat upon
That dust is a cause or consump-
tion is clearly shown in the statis-
'" tics of the patients , treated at the
sixty institutions of the. German Era
plre for the cure of tuberculosis. In
1,095 cases, or more than one-half
of the 2,161 persons under consider-
ation, the origin of the disease was
alleged to be due to the continuous
inhalation of duet involvedby their
employment, as follows: Tour Min-
dred , and thirty-one cases from the
effect of dust without more exact 'de-
signation; 182 cases from the effect
of metal dust; 129 cases from the of,-
feet of stono,'coal orglass dust, 116
cases from the elect k` wood dust,
1.11 cases from the effect of wool
duet and 126 cases from, the effect of
nitrous hinds of dust. ' Tlieee facts
suggest to hygienists and inventors
the necessity of devising dust con-
sumers and duet preventers for fac-
tories, workehops, etc. This is a
feet that legisla,tws should bear in
"rape,, what is iG conflagration 7"
"A great lire, my boy," 'And what
none would you glue to .a entail
fire, then 7" "A email fire ? 1 can-
not think lust now of any special
ward. Xou might call 11 an lecip-
dent Are; or a ere of Tittle lnQ-
lnelit.""Well, papa, I have just
noticed that your coat Was burning
at the bock, and I was wondering
whether it was a eon0agration 0r an
incipient pre 1".
A Sufferer From. the After Effects
of Typhoid Tells of His De- .
glorable Condition• -Appear
ed to be in a Rapid De -
Thoafter effects of, some troubles,
such as fevers, le. grippe, Eke, are
frequently more serious in their re-
sults than the original illness, and
the patient is left an almost ,physi-
cal wreck, In such cases as these
what is needed is a tonic medicine,
to enrich the blood, strengthen the
nerves, and put the system right.
Mr. L. Barnhardt, a prosperous
young farmer living near Weiland,
Ont., offers proof of the truth of
these statements, Mr. Barnhardt
says :—"Soma years ago while liv-
itig in the United States, I was at-
tacked by typhoid fever, the after
effects of which proved more disas-
trous to my constitution than the
fever itself, and for months I was an
almost total wreck. I had no appe-
tite, was haggard and emaciated,
and apparently bloodless. I had
violent and distressing
and my whole appearance was sug-
gestive of a rapid decline. T tried
no less than three doctors, but they
failed to benefit me. At this junc-
ture a friend of mine mentioned my
case to another physieian, and he
euggested that I should ta.lce a
course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I
took this advice and found it most
satisfactory, Almost from the out-
set the pills helped me, and I con-
tinued their use until I had taken
about a dozen boxes, when I felt'
myself fully restored to my former
health, and my weight increased to
165 pounds. I have enjoyed the Lest
of health ever since, and I will al-
ways give Dr. Williette n I: Tills
the praise they so richly deserve."
These pills are a certain cure for
the after effects of fever, la grippe
and pneumonia. They make new,
rich, red blood and strengthen the
nerves from first dose to last ; and
in this way they cure such troubles
as anaemia, neuralgia, rheumatism,
heart weakness, kidney and liver ail-
ments, partial paralysis, St. Vitus'
dance, etc. They also cure the
functional ailments that motto the
lives of so many women a source of
constant ntise^y, and bring the glow
of health to pale and sallow cheeks.
Other alleged tonic pills are mere
imitations of this great medicine,
and the buyer should see that the
full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pnle People," is on every box.
Sold by all dealers in medicine or
sent postpaid at 50c. a box, or six
boxes for $2.50, by addressing the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
An Englishman Has Made the
Most Unique Set of !Models
in the World..
Mr. G. M. Sibbald, of Leeds, Eng-
land, has made what is undoubtedly
the most unique set of working mo-
dels in the world. These wonaorful
miniatares, which aro fashioned in
silver and gold, are made to work,
and have been produced after years
of patient labor, says London Tit-
That the models have attracted
more than ordinary attention may
be gauged from the fact that not
many mouths ago the owner exhibit-
ed them before the King and a dis-
tinguished party at Sandringham.
The late Queen Victoria was also
much interested in the models. They
were exhibited, at her special desire,
at Windsor Castle.
There are twenty-six distinct sets,
many of these sets containing a
dozen or more separate pieces. As
already stated, they are wrought in
either' gold or silver and, wonderful
as it may seem, are all made by
hand, without casting or aid of a
glass. There is a miniature loco-
motive containing 220 pieces. Al-
though it is so small you can place
it in the paha of your band and
close it without the leaet inconven-
ience, it is an exact model in every
particular of a fully equipped en-
There are also a Liliputian lawn-
mower and two horizontal engines,
There are no fewer than 884 pieces
in the former, The collection also
comprises a
made from two three -penny nieces.
From the same quantity of silver It
toast rack, cruet, jug, stand, and
tray have been evolved. Mention
may also bemade of the three -pen-
ny .piece in which a hole has been
bored sideways right through it.
As an instance of what can he
made from one three -penny piece
there is a complete coffee -service and
tray, all fashioned out of the smal-
lest coin of the realm, while out of
three such coins a tea service and
tray has been made.. On one occa-
sion Mr. Sibbald lost one 01 his
spoons, and although he searabed for
One ounce of;Sunilght Soak] as worth moro^than 'lit,]EDVVES
TWO ounces of impure soap. EXPII:PITSF
4lek for the Qotaaou gar, It goer grocer naudet 50prl7, write 10
PYrat Bito4=1031 LIMITED, Tomato, Rending hiseoame and without
and a triall sample of Sunlight (leap wUl be sent :: free of snot.
it With et Powerful electric light fail-
ed to flied it, Next day he discovered
the missing • artielo under his finger
nail, where it had remained all
Tho collection is exceedingly com-
plete, 'almost every article in daily
mai being included in it. There rife a
gold and a silver bicycle 1$ in. high.
Each. contains '102 pieces !!'here
are also a gold and a silver tricycle,
each machine boasting of 843 pieces,
There is an umbrella frame in 48
pieces, Tho two carriages wrought
in gold deserve a passing reference.
The largest, which weighs 17 grains,
is made of 'eighty-flve pieces. It
could easily be drawn by a fly. There
are gtme and pistols so small that
you could place a score of then in
Your waistcoat -pocket and not no-
tice their weight, the smallest arti-
cle, probably, being a lock and key,
the weight o1 which is under three
quarters of a grain.
'When Mr. Sibbald exhibits his mo-
dels he appropriately refers to, the
display as .the "smallest show on
earth," Some of his items, which
boast of quite a number of pieces.
aro kept in such curious and minute.
receptacles as huts and cherry ston-
es. For instance. in one cherry
stone tbei'eare a tea -service, and
twenty-one spoons, and in another a
horizontal en ine made of twenty-
six pieces. In an almond shell a six-
citantbered gold revolver is comfort-
ably ensconced, while the interior of
a plum stone affords sufficient n.c-
eosnmodation for a pair of breech-,
loading pistols.
But the most wonderful item, and
one which has evokedP
raise of
loot only thousands of astonished
spectators, but of the King and se-
veral members of the Royal Fancily
is a Barcelona nut,sontaining a
drawing -room suite of eight chairs,
rocking and arm chairs, sideboard
and three ornaments', piano and
stool with lady playing, couch with
lady sitting upon it, gentleman on a
chair reading a book, lady on chair
with tumbler in hand, waiter with
tray and three tumblers, table with
nine tumblers and •decanter, table
with tea -service and foot -stool, bed-
room suite, bed and pillow, dressing
table with two ornaments, lady.
dressing, washstand, jug and basin,
small table with tumbler and glass,
six trays, 'towel -rail, small table
lvith bottle, fourteen table -spoons,
fourteen teaspoons, knife and steel,
and gravy spoon. All these numer-
ous items go in one half of the nut]
The Toronto Mail and Empire
Sends a Reporter to Oshawa—
His Inquiries Result in Com-
plete Verification of Original
Very many startling stories of
wonderful cures by liodd's Kidney
Pills have been published in these
columns and in other newspapers all.
over the country from timeto time.
Every ease has been so well au-
thenticated as to leave little room
fOr doubt, and yet the statements
made and the cures reported, have
in many cases, been so nearly mirac-
ulous ae to be almost beyond belief.
Recently, The Mail end Empire of
Toronto, and other newspapers, pub-
lished a despatch from Oshawa, in
which it was said that a mechanic
in the Oshawa Malleable Iron Works,
had been cured of paralysis by Dodd's
Kidney Pills, and that, after he had
been absolutely helpless for four
months, and had been given up by
the physicians at the Hospital in
This was too niuclt for many peo-
ple to believe, and numerous demands
were made on the paper in question
for a verification or correction.
One correspondent signing himself
"Medicus" in a letter to the Mail
and Empire openly disputed the pos-
sibility of 'melt a cure,
To get at the real facts a reporter
was sent to Oshawa, and the result
was a complete, and very satisfac-
tory confirmation of the original des-
patch. To put the matter absolute-
ly beyond question the following
sworn statement was secured: ,
In tate fall of 1897 I was taken i11
with what most of the doctors called
paralysis, and others nervous pros-
tration. It commenced with a stiff-
ness and soreness in the, calves of my
legs and gradually increased till 1
could not move either of my awns or
logs, buying lost all power in them.
I could not have raised may arms to
my head to save my life. For over
four months I could not stand or
walk alone a single step. 1 doctored
with all the local doctors, and then
with a Bowmanville doctor. Each
one gave mo some different medicine,
but the more I took the worse I
At last the Dotvmanvilie doctor.
told me that nothing could be done
for me Unless I wont to the hospital
in Toronto where they might perhaps
have some later treatment for par-
alysis which would int my case. I
went there toward the end of Janu-
Page Woven 'Wire Fence.
is the only reliable fence for holdieg stook owing
00 the centintte's coil or spiral spring.No.7
Page" wirewlliwithetondastraino s,Oponads;
ordinary No. 7 wird will only stand a strain
011,700 pounds Common Wire when coiled or bent
wlll`strsighten out With the firsb Strain and remain
so. Page fences ere noW very cheap, and yeti know
they have always been rho. best. Page maces are.
"a" watt by all Canadian raliWayn.
6 far . I'h • e s Wise Fen. e. 0, t mite' Welkeryl8e, det. 4
ary, 18115, and relnainiel under treat-
ment in that institution for a little
ever four Weeks. Ali Was in Vain, I
got worse. Twelve (lonters told me
I could not recover, and that noth-
ing could be done for me, so as I
was getting worse every day, and
there was' no Trope of their being
able to help me in the least, I was
removed' to my house here.. I was
like a baby, unable to move,
At this extremity someone advised
me to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
my wife bought a box.We had not
the slightest idea that they would
help me, but like a drowning Haan I
grasped at ' every straw, After I had
used the first box, the numbness bo-
gam to leave' my finger tips, and 2
felt a little better and kept on using
the pills; By two months' time I
could walk a little, and alertly af-
torty'ar•ds was 'ableto go short dis-
tances without' assistance,
The first time I wont down town,
one of the doctors who had given ne
up saw mo across the street, and not
being able to believe his eyes, went
to my brother Robert' and asked: "Is
that your brother Jne?" Robert
told him that it, was I, and he said
in astonishment: "Well, I never ex-
pected to see !aim around again,"
I used, altogether, twelve boxes of
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and' by the first
of May I was able to start to work
again in the shop !here, • and I have
never been sick or off work a day
since and that is over three and a
half years ago.
I am glad of the opportunity to
make this statement, for I' am sure
I owe any life, health and strength
to work to that great remedy, Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Province of Ontario, BROWN of the
County of Ontario, Town of Osh-
awa, in the
County of On-
tario, Pro-
vince of On -
To Wit: - tario,
Do Solemnly Declare. That the
above statement, s'gned by mo, is
absolutely true, and I make this sol-
emn declaration, believing it to bo
true, and knowing that it is of the
same force and effect as if made un-
der oath and by victus of the Can-
anada Evidence Act, 1893.
Declared before me at the Town
of Oshawa, in the County 01
Ontario, this 15th day of
January, A. D.; 1902. �•�
a Notary Public,
This, therefore, is the true story in
detail of this roost remarkable case,
No room is left for doubt or dispute
and the original Oshawa despatch is
confirmed in all its particulars.
If this is possible—and no one can
now doubt it—then one can easily
understand how any of the many
wonderful cures reported have been
accomplished by the same means,
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
The City of Metz is the only large
town in Europe which not only has
no debt, but has a surplus in hand
___.. ___.
of some $200,000.
EPPS "44t
Britain's total trade with Africa
last year was over 52 millions, an
increase of two millions on theyear
t nard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria'
French people use only one-third as
much sugar, per head, as they do in
the United Kingdom.
The Publisher of tho.Dest Farmer's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to us states:
I would say that I do not know of
a Medial= that has stood the test of
time like M]NARD'S LINIMENT, If
has been an unfailing railway in ou.
household ever since I ran remember,
and has outlived dozens of would be
cePapotitors and invitations.
Communication has just been es-
tablished by wireless telegraphy with
the meteorological station on the
Lngspitze, fn. Germany, which, lying
at 0,870 foot above the son, is the
highest in the world.
Per Over Sixty Years
Met Wisstow'9-a00Ttm a Srsur hoe beet used by
millions of mothers for their children while teething.
Iteoothoa the oldld, enitong rho gums, 0.11ayrp¢In euros
vied colla regulatoo tiro etemach and howole ear♦ to tle.
boot remedy for Dlarrbteh. '1 ooty'5 o some a bottle.
Mold . by dnaggiets throughout the world. Be euro and
05 for "Nina Wn:eLOw'6aooxnilio orient,"
Tho • howest automobile grass -
mower uses a five foot. scythe, and
will cut 22 acres of grass in nine
When washing greasy dishes or pots
Mid pans, Lever's Dry Sogp (a pow-
der), will remove the grease with the
greatett ease.
The Emperor William of Germany
owns 260 farms,
(Minard's Liniment Cures. Colds!: etc
W1111o, aged five, had been warned
not to eat 1<oinc0-pie ler sul)901', blit
insulted ori baying a Piceo, never'the-
10s0. The 110rt Mer'ning he related
to wgnderfttl dream, in Withal, )wars
had 011ased him., Snakes er'aw1od
down his back, a camel turned a
selliersault over his head, and a big
elephant rolled on him., "There 1"
oxelaimed bile mother, "I told you
if you ate mince -pie for skipper you
would have bad dreams', Well, I
don't caro," replied the youngster,
"It was better than a circus,` any"
how ; and X didn't have to pay to
get in."
Ceylon Tea Is the fittest
Tea the world produces,
ailed Is sola, only in lead
Black, Mixed af'id Green.
'alma tea drinkers try "Salads." Green tea.
The Jordan, during, its course,
falls 1,200 feet, and is unnavigable,
except for 'very short strotches.
illnard's Liniment Cures Distemper
Wedding cake is replaced in Hol-
land by sweets called "brindzuikers,"
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. XI
dru"gists refund the money It it fails to cure.
11L W. Grove's signature ie on each box, Ria
No less than 725 castles, more or
less ancient
upon the hills
overlooking the ;Rhine,
soon the finnan
and works oft' the Cold.
Laxative Brome.Qulnine Tablets euro a cold
In ono day. No Lure, No Fay. Prloo 20 cents.
Of the 6,700 S3ritons killed at their.
work during the year 1900, no less
than 8,899 wore seamen.
d►nard's !Moen Cures 001061 10 Cows,,
There are in the United Kingdom
for each' 100 people five horses, 28
cattle, 76 sheep, and 10 pigs.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy tbo sense of
,moll and completelydorange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces,
Such articles should never bo used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ton fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F,J. Chute & Co„ To.
ledo, 0., contains no memory, and Is taken in-
ternally, acting direotly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get theone
Inc. It is token internally and made in Toledo
Ohio,. by F. J. Cheney .l Co. Testimonials
halls DruggPlllprice leoper bottle.
Ffall'e Faintly YIDS are the beet.
Tbero is one wood much lighter
than cork. This is the marsh anoua
found in Brazil.
w P C 1117
Preserves the tooth. Sweetens Tho breath.
Strengthens Tho gums.
€?31.ESFAEii moa 1 f A.UTOSPRP1Y "
Bost compresead.air sprayer made, Sample
machine free.—eAV100 encs., Colt, Ont.
and Cleaning. This is s specialty with 00
Beed putimIIare by post and wo nye sero to satisfy, .
Address. Box 185, Montreal.
r `&rs
//wit/ .4
Rutter, Eggs, Poultry, Apples ocher Produce
Correspondence Solicited,
Korth A ';;orrkkan Life Assur-
ance Co .'+- pa .
112=118 Kin Street West,
For the Year Ended December 31st, 1901.
Joe, 80,1900. To net Ledger assets
Dec, 31, 1901, RECEIPTS.
To cash for premiums:,.... 5922,985.02
To Cash Income on Investments,,.. , , 176,461.56
Dec. 31, 1901. DISBURSEMENTS.
By Payment for Death Claims, Profits, etc ....$886,688.35
B all other r Payments....... ...... 291,906.70
Dec; .31,1901. • ASSETS. .
By Mortgages, etc,..,.,... ,.. .........$1;200,489,65
Debentures (market value G747,205.99),.. '787,848.54
" Stooks and Bonds (market value, 51,371,815,70) 1,322,168.92
" Beal Estate, including Company's building.. 416,936.41
" Loans on Policies, etc.,. 278,837.44
Loans on Stocks (nearly all on call)...... 215,170.00
Cash in Bank and on hand 22,868.65
" Premiums outstanding, etc. (less cost of collection);,.. 178,581,85
" Interest and Bents due and accrued,.. r,.,,. .... 47,881.92
54,420,7 73.38
Dec. 31, 1901. LIABILITIES.
To Guarantee funs! . 560,000.00
" Assurance altd Annuity Reserve Fund ,.. 8,808,229.00
" Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc..., 45,103.01
Net Surplus .$507,441.37
Audited and found correct. J. N. LAKE, Auditor.
The financial position of the Company is unexcelled its pre-
tentage of net surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other home
New insurance issued during 1901. .,$5,620,067.00
Exceeding the best previous year in the history of the
Company by over hall a million.
Insurance in force at end of 1901 .(net) '$27,077,794,00
.resume 7T x. 3nssn,sa.ESI7k9
L. W. SMITH, Esq., B,C., D.C.L. J. K. OSBORNE, Esq.,
D. McCRAE,Esq., Guelph.
W2101C. Sktc®aith.3iES89,
The report containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held on
January 29th last, showing marked proofs of the continued progress and
solid position of the Company will be sent to policyholders. Pamphlets
explanatory of the attractive investment plans of the Company, and a
copy of the Annual Report, showing its unexcelled financial position, •
will be furnished on application to the Head Office or any of the Oomr-
pany's agencies.
Enol rumento, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prices ever quoted. Fire catalogue.
SUoillustrations, mailed free, Wrb to vs far any.
thing In Monte or Musical Instrument+.
WHALEY RCYOE ,& 00., Limited,
Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, San
Ulcers and Running EROS
°Headliner ceiresiong stand.
ifig'sores. Try it.
Large Boxes 25m. Druggists,. or
alloadine Co., Toronto.
0011ii1ik0e1 Cine Steainsiilps
Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Llvat.
poolPortland to LlverpooL 71a Queens-
Laren and Vett sroove6n.. Superior accommodation
for all class.a of 11 a•oangers. Saloon. and Staterooms
Fro amldnb;pa Spoclal attention as been given to the
Second Saloon ted Third,Oleas accommodation. For
fated of passage and all partioulare, apply to any agent
of the Company, or
Blebards, bill!. & Co, D. Torrence$Ou..
99 Stats 8t., Boston. Montreal bud Portland
Saicoes Rape
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Tho Dr. McLaughlin Electric Belt is the
only never -failing cure for Rheumatism,
Lame Back, Nervousness, General Debility,
Loss of Power in Young, Middle-aged and
Old Men, Varicocele, Weak Back and Kid-
neys, Drains of Vitality, Wasted Energy,
Sleeplessness, Paius in Head, Back, Chest,
Shoulders and Limbs, Female Weakness,
Bearing Dowin Pains and all those ailments
from which women suffer. It cures after
all other remedies have failed.
I guarantee a cure if I say 1 can
I don't ask anyone to take
chances on my invention.
It doesn't cost you anything if 1
I don't ask any man to buy nay appli-
ance on a speculation. I know that it will
cure these troubles and I want my pay only
when the cure is complete. I don't ask you
to try ft one month, nor two months, batt
long enough to cure you, and whop I have
cured you you can pay me. If I fail in 03'
task it's my loss, not yours, All you lose
is your time, and if my Belt fails to cure
you youwill have the satisfaction of
knowing that the best, strongest and finest
electric body appliance in the world—one
with S0,Ooo cures to its credit -has
failed, and that there is 110 cure for you in
electr city. Remember, my terms are PAY WHEN CURED.
®Beware of concerns offeringa thin piece of felt
as substitute for my mullion electrodes,
Those cheap coverings are used only to disguise their bore metal blistering
electrodes, They have to be staked' in water, which quickly dries and
leaves thtnn' without current, My cushion electrodes are my exclusive in-
vontlon'and cannot be imitated.
If you have one of these old-style, blistering belts I will take it in trade
for one of mine. I do this not that the old belt is of any use, for it is not
but to establish the value of my goods with 'people who have been misled
by the •false claims of concerns selling "a cheap, Worthless article. If you
cannot call and test the current write for my beautiful Illestratecl Book,
Bent sealed FREE.
DR. M. 0 PaoLA014FMLiN,13O Yohgo Street, Toronto, Ont.
Ofllco Hours -9 nazi, to O pm, Wednesdays and Saturdays, to 8,80 ,na.