The Brussels Post, 1902-3-6, Page 1Vol, 80, No, o4 8RUSSSLS, ONT.A.UO, THURSDAY, MARCH 0, 1902 VV. I-1 R, Prop, New Advertisements. Lopal-Mrs, Blair, Local -W. J, Mo0raoken. Made to lent-edowning Bros, L o -t a al 1?orb esni Knitting ting Mille. To the farmers-ikioletty & Co, Sprang geode -D, M. MQBeeth, Property foe sale -Wm. Rands. Iron gents for boyo -D. 0. Rose, Nearsightedneee-Mrs. Fletcher. Wagon for Dale-Johp Molipnon. Nyal's Remedies -F, B, Hureley & Co. xs$7?'x.C: Walete a.' Some of our residents hears been ape - ing ice for next Sommer, Robert Holland has aunoanoed an auction Bale of farm stook, implements, &o., for Wedneeday, 19th feat. Some of our youth and beauty were Perticippaute in the At Home held in Brunetti laet,Friday night. The rain was very wet of the hems trip. Walton A. O. 17. W. was ably `repre- gented at the Grand Lodge in Toronto by Chas. Ritchie, There aro upwards of one hundred Membese belonging' to Wai- ter; Lodge and they own their own lodge room. John Wesley Walton, fram Grenfell, near Berrie, is visiting at his uncle's, Wm. Pollard, and other relatives and friende. He was born on the farm now owned by John Mowbray, and was a little child when hie parents moved away, over 20 years ago, Mr. Walton's visit may be extended ae he has made up bis mind to stay for some time. • 0 Fleet el. H, F. MoAllieter made a shipment of flour to Seaforth on Wedneeday•of this week. We noticed some Brussels manafeetur. ed flour in Ethel but suppose turn about- is fair play. A new furnace' is being placed in the reeidenoeof David Milne this. week by Wilton & Turnbull, of Brunelle. Robt. Close still bee the agency far the Page wire fence and will attend to all ordere entrusted to bine. Miee R. Speooe was sworn in as Poet. mistress of Ethel office last Monday and is pow legally qualified to attend to all psetoffice business. We wieh her a pleas. ant 000apaooy. We regret to state that Rev. George Baker, of Tborndale, son in-law, to Wm. and Mre. Hall, of this village, is laid up with an attack of typhoid fever but we hope he will aeon be restored to bis our - ternary good health. Laat Monday's Connoil meeting brought gullets, number to Ethel. Applications will be received up to next meeting for the office of Township Olerk. The salary is fixed at 9175.00. There are several after it and all non-residents of this ail. age se far ae your oorreepondent has heard, The society oolamts of the Detroit papers announce the marriage in that pity' of Mies, Isabel 0. Kellner and B. F. Garrison, on the 2003. ult. Mr. and Mre. Garrison will be at home to their friends at 760 Ease Fort St. Miee Kellner's home was tamely in Grey. Her old friende .extend congratulations. Senor, RBEDRT.-The following is the report for Ethel Public -School for the month of February : Sen. Dep. -5th, Examined in Alg., Com, and Arith.- Total 400.-D. Davies 800, G. Eokmier 200, G Imlay 200. Sr. 4th. -Examined in Comp., Phys. and Arith.-Total 450.-- W. Coates 287, E. Haoeald 259, M. Ms. Allister 245, G. Gill 227, E..MaAllieter 189, G. Dunbar 176, L. Simpson 159, B. Magee 151, L. Fogel 128, R Kerr 116, S. Danbar 118, E. Herr 107, E. Mason 73,. E. Caber 71, 0. Baynard 65. Sr. 3,d. - Examined in Comp„ Gag, and Arith. Total 800-W. MoAllieter 228, G. Wan. ner 185,E Davidson 179, G. Dunbar 178, W. Badgley 144, R. Dilworth 126, L. 'Mo• Leod 97, 0. Lindeay 81, A. McDonald 71. Jr. 8rd,-E'''xamined in Oom., .Geog. 'and. Arith, Total 300=L. Obembere 107, 1. Hogarth 187, M. Imlay 180, W. Brown 176, E. Freeman, 164, H. Wilbee 104, H. Coates 146, L Eokmier 144, T. MoAllis. 'ter 125, N. Bimpeon 123, 123, M. MDAI- Ium 88, :Geo: Doosou, Principal. Jon. Dep. Examined in Arlth., Spell„ Com. and Rae Read. and Writ,, total 550, - Sen. II -Earl Eokmier 480, Melvin Blom - Mon 881, Ida Sharp 868, Webster Pier. eon 888, Katie McLeod 274, Maggie Cam- eron 270, Dave Wenner 1.80,' Edith Me - Kee 169, Oharlio Cameron 120, 'Perna Plead 64. Jun, I1, -Florence Insley 487, Grace MgAllieter 416, Pearl Bremner 858, Nellie McAllister 1353, James McOellnm 880, Male Dunbar 285, Lizeie Cooper 237, .Winnie Barr 144, Annie Cooper 1.18, Beatrice Bateman, Examined In Arith„ Spell., Draw„ Read. and Writ„ total 400, Part IL -Rosa Fraser 268, Vita McLeod 280, Russel Love 28, Charlie Heneeld 223, lioy Eokmier 221, Earle Eokmier 214, George Badgla9196,Carnet Davideon 187, Joe Pearson 168, Alvin Moitee 76, Part I, Sep, -Russel Wilbee,.Alee Flet. ober, Joe Cooper, Iroise lieetb.' Part I, Jun, --Elvin Thompson, Roy Gill, Allen MoAllister, - Wilfrid Eokmier, Robbie Thoinpeon, Ethel Gordiner, Victor Pear. eon. Mise E. J. Howe, Teacher. a 7o'Ia,n! roolr. Maple sugar peaking ie under goneider- atiou by some of our farmers, A number from chis locality attended the funeral of the late.Mrs. Smalldon on Wednesday afternoon. " Next: Tuesday evening a meeting ,will be held in the Hall here for the purpose of organizing a Beet ring, All interested are asked to attend. William Pack. .ofteoerboro', apd James Elliott, of Turnberry, were visitors at Tboe. Devideon'e during the past week. Mr: Elliott is•a wain to the boat. Miee: Eliza McQaarrie, daughter of D. McQuarrie, of this village, left on Tnee. day for Towner, North Dakota, where elle purposes making her plane of resi- dence for a time. She will engage in dress and mantle making. Her many friends wish her snooeme. Jamestown. Spring work ie being dismissed. Wedneeday evening of Cale week the Bennett -Wright wedding took plane at the latter's home. Who's next on the list? Lest Sabbath evening Robert Shaw conducted the service in Victoria Hall and next Sunday Mr. Oantelon, of Blne- vale, will take the work. . We are sorry to elate that the health of Mre. Jae. Simeon, and Mre. Andrew Sim- eon ie not what their many friends would desire it to be but we hope improvement ie at hand. William Hamilton, god oon„ brought home a housekeeper of his own, from Auburn locality ; the wedding took place on Wedneeday. We wish them many happy and prosperous years. Wednesday evening of next week apnb. lio debate will be held in the- Hall on City ve. Country life. The debaters will be ladies, Miee Eleie Strachan and Miee Eliza Pea000k upholding city life, and Mise Maggie Taylor and Mre. Jas. that rural felicity.. A musical and literary program will also be rendered. The admission fee is only 5 Dente. - Last Sabbath afternoon intheS. S. here, the General Assembly Diplomas for memorizing Soripture were presented to the following: Seniors, Ellen Scott, Ellie Mulligan, Mre. John Outt, Ada Mulligan, Stella Wright, Maggie Mnlli• gan, Roeina Wheeler, Maggie Stell. Thee. Strachan gave a suitable addrese, The school ie in a very flooriebiog con- dition. - Blue vale. Wm. Smith is ill at present. Wm. Pearson, of Wingham, visited Clayton Daifon Monday. Percy Paterson and Geo. Aitoheeon were in Molesworth on Monday. Geo. McDonald and Miss Mary King visited at Dr. Toole's on Satorday. - - Mies Fanny Thomson, of Brueeels, was visiting Mies Aggie Herbert this week. Mrs. John Robertson, of Wroxeter, visited friende in Bluevale on Monday. - Miee Beimton, of Tara, was visiting her eoasin, Mrs. J. Fawcett, Leat week. Mrs. Wm. Meaner is near Wingliam thin week waiting on her father who ie very ill. The Bluevale Methodist choir were en. tertained at Albert Hughes' on Friday ,evening, W. J. Duff has the oontreat of drawing the cream to the Bluevale Butter factory Ship Beason. - - ' - Misses Jessie and Winnie Porten, of Wingham, spent laet Thursday evening at R. N. Duff's, ' ' it perby of young people ;from Forest; ville ,were the guests of Miee Alice Daff on Thursday evening. Robert Blmmie, formerly of Bluevale, bail lately been appointed Ohief Engineer of the Waterworks Department at a good salary. Hie old friende here will be pleased to bear of hie advancement. - Do• weang Bros Ma .oto L st I The wearing - kind Of Shoes. Save money in the long run, are therefore econoluieeele We don't sell Cheap Shoes, but air mot e% eneive one11 l:lire 011 in the end. For Children's Weas no better Shoescan be bad thael al l "IrQnclads" at $14:10 per pair''fpor the little ones to romp, ru�l about and play y ni-to.their lleart'a' content. • Agents far the Slater Shoes, , s Dowx,11 Bros. Mies Be9eie Wright, of Jameetowp, hoe returned to her"eituation as drewe maker et Mre: Bailey's, Mien A.1100 DOA' left en Saturday t0 tette a situation se eehool tsapber neer Elenore, Brace Coapty. Milton and Mrs, Watson, of Sonehine, 0s00d Aare; Wsteon'e parentis, Thos, and Dere, Sbewert,en Monday.`, Fordwlete. John 760Roe•apont a few days in Terme. to last week, Mies Nellie Castell is Spendingg a few weeks in Toronto, and Niue 3, Cock has been visiting fp Listowel. Revival eervicse hove been in progress G. past w two weeks with encouraging 800080s. Mr, Ward, of Belwood, has moved into the store vacated by J. 0. Nicholls where Ile will start a butcher shop in a few days. Mr. Odd and family of Listowel have moved into the place vacated by E. Riehm where he will Derry on the harness basi. Hasa, Albert Opinke, of Brandon, was united in marriage on Feb, 26th, to Miss Sarah Goggin, of this plane, Rev, Mr. Gunn, of Clinton, officiated. Arrangements are completed' for the erection of a pew Foresters'• Hall. The .building will be of briok, modern in design, and oostipg about 61,600. a% rex. Fall wheat appears to have wintered well. A - few more weddings areon the pro- gram before Spring opens op. Mrs. Patterson sr. ie not math improv- ed iu health we regret to state. Tuesday of thie week Michael Mullin and family removed to Seaforth. - Kiss Beale Miller has retarued home after a three week's visit with =friends in Clifford. The dredge will resume work on the Hall drain in the course of a week or so if weather keeps favorable. Frank Woods, 16th eon., has been ill with pneumonia but we hope he will soon be restored to good health. The third line still leads. Hrs. D. Taylor. treated some of her friende to a dish of excellent maple syrup made in February. John Bray, of Wroxeter, wee a visitor at hie brother's, 16th con., on Wednesday. He reports little improvements in - hie wife's health we are carry to hear. Mre..Lymburner and family, who have been -enjoying a visit with relativee and friende here, left for their borne at Cowper, North Dakota, on Tuesday of tbie week. Jno. Onnningbam, 8th oon., has leased a house on Frederick street, Brueeele, and will move his family there after his mute tion sale of term stock, &o., on Friday of of this week. Jno. Patterson, wife and family, who were visiting here for the past few months, left for their home at 0arrievale, N. W. T., on Tneeday of thie week. We wish them a safe journey Westward. - An animated disoneeion over cheese business nearly broke up an auction Bale on the 12th eon. lest Friday afternoon. Auctioneer Scott had to ask the debaters to oeaee or else get oat on the road. Mre. E. G. McDonald, wife of Principal McDonald, of Harriston, and her child- ren are just recovering from an epidemic) of oroap. Mrs. MoDonald'e old friends io Grey hope the family will soon he fully restored. Scuoou REPORT, -The following is the report of S. el. No. 1, Grey, for the month of February :-6th Olese-Elton Bezel! 66, Beatrice Armstrong 60, Lizzie Dick eon 55. 45b Class -Frank Davidson 94, Edith Blake 91, Jennie Rands 64, Beeeie Davidson 61, William Switzer 60, Willie Stevenson 56, Norman Pollard 54, George Dark 50. 8rd Claes-Milton -Randa 88, Alfred Glassier 72, Mabel Haggard 87, Siduey Armstrong 66, Hazel Bozell 65, Lonie. Blake 63, Lizzie Grant 61, Fred. Lawson 47, John Stevepeon 44. 2nd Class --Jones Dickson76, John Diekeon 74, Baxter Stevenson 72, Fred. Aloobk 72 Pt. 2od Claes-Fanny Al000k 80, John McGailiem 88, Rufus .Gregg 65, Leslie Switzer 62, -Maggie Stevenson 60. MuseNre HMG, Teacher. er. PRODS BLoatiaotsTEnv.-A. R. McDonald, 8rd -oon. received a.letter from H. MoLeod, who is soldiering in South Africa and has spent nearly a year there. He went from. the Northwest although, hie home is Wroxeter,' Ont., and for a year or more he made his dwelling place with Mr. Mo. Donald. After expressing hie thanks for newspapers and lettere received he goes on to say ."We' are operating in the country North of the Modder and West of Bloemfontein. There are still" plenty of Boers here and we have captured' quite a number lately. Christmas day, the troops had ebbe!. 80 prieooereto guard on the track. Our Ohrietmae dinner was not very sumptaoue ae mine ooheisted of half a bard tack and a drink of coffee. When we go on trek we carry nothing but a few bisenite and a little coffee and sugar in one saddle wallete. If we sleep, which is not often,•we have our blanket to keep ae warm. When Lget bank to Canada I will be able to live very economically as I an do my own cooking end live on nab. ing with nothing, to eat it with. The newepapere report the Boers abort of food but don't believe it ae they have food to burn and we !'burg" plenty of it." Mr. McLeod's letter . was posted et Bloemfon. tau Jan. 23, Hie old friends armed here hope .he will steer • clear of Boer bullets and Afrioah fevers end return safely at the endof hiethree year term to the laud of the Maple. Onto. -Last Sunday. evening at 6 o'olook . the eummone,that all mat answer 'sooner or later came to Mre. John Smalldon, oon. 10. end her spirit went to Gad who gave it. She had been 'enbjeotto weak spells oeoaeionally from a heart affection but this ono though brief proved fatal. Mre. Smalldou'a birthplace wee Norfolk, England, and elle came to Canada when 10 or 12 yearn of ape and resided in 2onra townehip, Oxford Co: She was married Iwiee her first husband being Wdliam Smith by whom she had two' daughters. 87 year)) ago site wee unitedin marriage to Mr, Smalldon and be, 2 sone awl 8 danghtere (survive to hold in loving' re• membeanoe the lova and Pere of a true Wife and kind mother. Wednesday otter - noon her romaine wereborne to their last earthly reeving Ogee in Brueeele cemetery followed by many old friende, Who thne ebowed their reepeot for an old and esteemed ronident. Deceased wee a sister to Henry Woods, 16th of Grey. Rev. D. B. McRae cooduoted the funeral eerviee. Aneweg relativee end friende who attended the funeral wore ;•-Mrs, Jae. Danford, Clinton ; Mrs. Harry Matheson, of Toledo ;Robt, Allen Lem, Dot, of Cranbrook; Mre, Robt, Coning, of ms, and 15fre. . maon, CraElnbroo;k, all daughtersGooS; Henrylldandof Wm. Smalldon, of Grey, gone I Wm. Woods, of New Hamburg, a brother ; Jae, and Mrs. Hincbley, Kinburn ; Mre. Thee, Belt, Turnberry ; R. Smith, and wife, of Trowbridge; Jae. Danford, A'. Lamont, G. Smalldon, W. Woods and W, Smith, Hemmer, -A, very pretty wadding took place on Wedneeday evening at 7 o'olook, at the home of B, and Mre.Laing, when their youngest daughter, Miee Melteea, was united in marriage to Wm. J, Hoy in the presenoe of the near rola. tivee of the bride and groom. The,oere. mony was performed by Rev. H. E. Carry, of Ethel. The bride was beanti. fully attired in pearl grayoaehmeee, trim- med with silver silk and weeunattend. ed. After oongratalations were over the oompany-sat down to a well filled table to which all did ample justice. The evening was spent in music and soofal chat after which the company separated wishing Mr. Hoy and bride many happy, prosperous years. The happy 005916 left on Thursday morning for a visit with friends in Oollingwood, Thornbury and other pointe. The bride'e travelling snit was dark blue satin cloth with blue bat to match. After their trip they will settle on the farm recently leased tram J. Clark, 6th Don. Tun Poser adds ite oongratula- tione. J iorreel. Morrie township Counoil on Monday, 17th inst.- Thos. Wilkinson and bride have return. ed to their home in - Escanaba, Mich., where they start housekeeping on their own amount. We are sot'ry to state that James Agar, of BoiseevaIn, Manitoba, formerly a reei• dent of this township, ie ill with small- pox. His old friende hope he will soon be fully restored to good health. The farm house on the farm of Hairy Duncan, 4th line, bas been moved from its old position to a mnoh more desirable site near the road. When all ie complet- ed.we expeot a honeekeeper will be in- stalled. Wednesday of this week Jas. Speir, who ie winning a foremost place for keeping good stook, delivered a young thorn' bred ball, 9 months old, to Samna Snell, of Morriebank, at a good ' figure. It pays to handle the right kind. - During the peat week Robt. Niohol, 6th line, has disposed of two improved York. shire huge. The purchasers were Jno. Little, of Tookeremith, and Jno. A. Camp- bell, near Alvineton, Lambton Co. Mr. Nichol baa a good name for Yorkshires. Smear, REPORT. - Following is the standing of the pupils of S. B. No. 8 for the month of February. No. ofpepiie on the roll 45, average attendance 205th Class -Bertha Sharp 80, Ernest Wheeler 79, Bessie Watson 40. Sr. 4th -John MoOraoken. 82, Robt. Hollington 80, Willie Olerk 64, James Michie 53, Alex, Speir 52, Gusty Wheeler 45, Lennie Wheeler 40. Jr. 4th -David Knight 40, Ann Douglas 35. Sr. 8rd-Nail Wheeler 64, Cheater Wilkinson 64, Jae. MoOraok- en 46, Willie Little: 40. jr. Bed -Andy Platt 52, Jesse Wheeler 47, Willie Dong. las 45, Chas. Connote 48, Mead Wilkinson 40, Elva Stephenson 85, Robt. Dougtae 82, Ethel Wateon 30. 8r. 2nd -Alex. Cameron 47, Clifford Shurrje 41, Robert Mollie 39, Willie Speir 35, Alvin Gibson. 24, Earl Bernard 21. Jr. 2nd -Alex. Oonnon 40, Agnes Knight 80, Stanley ' Watson 25. Pt. 2nd -Maggie Cannon 40,. Ella Clark 85, Richard Al000k 25, George Al000k 24. Pt. let-Gertie Stephenson •85, Willie Connon 25. M. Been, Teacher. Sonar, REPORT. -The following ehowe the correct etandiog of the pupils, ae aeoertained by weekly examinations in S. S. No. 5. Names are in order of merit -5th Class -Ruby Clegg, Maliel Prater, Teaaie Halliday. Sr. 4th Olase-Robert Wheeler, Jeanie Cole, Albert Cole, Oran Rani, Edna Watson, Harry Campbell, George Cole, Harvey Watson. Jr. 4th - Martha Armstrong, Joe Clegg, John Eaeom. 'Sr. 8rd- Olayton Prootor, Irene Clegg, Fred. Swiodieharet, Edith Praetor, Fred. Laeom, Mabel Johneton, Willie Wateoo, Grace Ferguson, Annie Johnson, Edgar Gallagher, Minnie Campbell. Sr. 2nd --Charles Little; Charles Wheeler, Noble Wheeler, Lawrence Armstrong, Lucinda Parker, Ira Little. Jr. 2nd Lizzie Ferguson, Minnie Easom, Rennie Wightmau, Murray Jobnaon, James Van- aamp, Leslie, Wightman. Pt. 2nd - Hester Johnson, Norman Wheeler, Irwin Ferguson, Henry Armstrong, Charles Oonitice. W. PeesttoRE, Teacher. W. 8. Hodgine, ofDerlin, a well-known life insurance man, was found dead about nine' o'clock Friday evening. : The late Mr. Hodgine woe' well known in Strat ford, having been principal of the public eobools about twenty years ago. ,After leaving there he accepted a positionwith the Ontario Mutual :Life Insurance Co., and enbeegaently with the Imperial Of late he was endeavoring to organize an insaratoe company in Berlin. The de- emed was a man of about sixty years of age. Be took hie life with a revolver, -, James Nagle, one of the most respect- ed reeidente of Blenehard township, mane ed away et the residence of his brother, John Nagle, townline, Blanehard and Nieaoari, oh Tuesday Feb. 25, at the egg of 75 years. Mr. Nagle had been a mom• ber of the South Perth Board of Ranee oommiaeionerefoe eight yeare,hut through failing health, was obliged to reside to resign some menthe ago. The deoeaaed formerly resided in Leborne township but moved to Blenekard about fifteen years ago, where he bought a fine farm. He was one of the aleab prominent Lis. erale is the district and had the esteem of the oarmmunity le a high degree, He wee the very embodiment et kindness and opeubeartedueee, and hie death will be teinenied by a wide 0irolo of friends. Mr, Nagle was a bachelor and one of Blanehard township's meet proeperone farmers. Jobe and Charles Negle are brothere of the deoeened, - UTTER FROM MR. RONALD.. To the Editor of Tae. Pear DEO STH, -We bays been here tully two weeks end find the high altitude, 6000 feet, is surrounded with gold, dusty wide prevailing at this season, that, there is no pleasure nor health to remain. We go to-mprrow to Loe Angeles, South- ern California; where we know it is balmy and mild. Please change the. address for future Poems. Population here is about 10,000, including the old town adjoining, mostly of Spaniards and Mexiasts, forlorn, miee abia looking creatures, diffioult to know how they live. They come into She town with wood of a peer gaality, with four donkeys abreast, and bed porde for tugs and general bar nese ; load enough for one ordinary pony, which sells for one dollar, after teaming it 5 or 10 miles. The little donkeys are quite treatable and gentle, and only worth three to four dollare eaoh. Were it not for the costly freight I would be tempted to import to Brussels a few for the boyo. The sun shines brightly here most of the time and i$ quite warm, 60 to 700 some- times on sunny side at noon, on the other side oold enough for overeoat and fires needed. The hills and plains around look like arid sandy deserts. A bunch grass grows that furniohee nutriment, of a half starved kind, to the poor cattle and' sheep. These erratic winds prevailing in Winter season give everything a• desolate appear anoe. Lots of Eastern people oome bore for their health ; half of the toren oon sista of "rooms to rent" and all well filled. It ie claimed the high altitude ie death to microbes and wonderful aures are spoken of for far•gone consumptives, actually brought here on a litter and in a year quite well, but February and March, on account of the cold send winde, are the most disagreeable months in this district Many times a day we see long trains of fruit going Eastward in refrigerator, ventilated cars. This is a divisional railway centre, with many railway men, and together with the "roomer" popula tion, stores, hotels, restaurants and ever to the front saloons make up this city. We got a Chicago daily for 20o. a weak. day after issue, to keep ns posted in the world's news. Its Sunday issue ie an immense affair, 60 to 80 pages, with large illustrations. It has a correspondent m Rome and Naples, sending long daily letters showing, the latter oity to be far woree in mnnioipal corruption than the worst days of New York Tammany ;' and aotually dangerous to be on bhe streets after dark, and their best hotels cheating,. preying and robbing their guests like a lot of Turkish brigands. 2000 years ago their temples were peademoninms of wickedness, getting worse instead of better. Western civilization here for - 'Meshes' ns perfect safety mud as secure and comfortable ae we could find in all Canada. There are good, attractive churches, end pleasant, intelligent cone- munity, Yours, &o., Jto. D. RONALD. Lae Vegas, New Mexico, Feb. 24,'02 P. S. -Pleased to learn Messrs. Cober have now got fully installed, and trnet lots of orders will soon flow in. No doubt success is theirs ae it ie to ell hon- est, earnest endeavorere. Better Railway Service. Resolutions were passed by. the Mani- aipal Councils of Grey Township end Brussels last Monday urging on the G. T. R. the necessity of improved facile itiee for travel on the W. G..&'B sothat passengers may have an opportunity of going West in the morning and East in the evening. Copies of these motions will be forwarded to the railway authorities. Leet Monday's Toronto Globe speaks as follows of the railway. service :- "The agitation for better railway ser - viae on the Grand. Trunk branch lines in Brune Penineula ie continued with an earnestness that the railroad' men cannot afford to disregard. A meeting was held at Palmerston last weak of delegates rep. resenting the Coutoile and Boards of Trade of the northern towns end town• sliipe, and complaints, specific and general, were sufficient to show that the service bas drifted into a wretched oondition. Iusumoiene and inferior ooaoh accommo- dation, late delivery of mails,lelow service, and other bad features were freely shown up. - It was asserted by severalof the speakers that the wholesale and retail trade of Wiarton, Sonthampton, ,Walker- ton, Port Elgin, and' Kincardine were seriously hampered by bad railway service, and that commerical travellere were pre. vented going north by Me lank of mom reodation. That the meeting was fair in its judgment was shown by its reooguition of the efforts of the Grand Trunk bo keep its lines open and the traine on time dur• ing the recent heavy snowstortus. - The Wiarton Loho gives a full account of 'a publio meeting held is that town to select delegates for the Palmerston meeting. From the tone of the epeeohes reported- there is evidently a very strong feeling in the town, and a determination to hmve ex- isting grievant:tee x.istinggrievanoee remedied. The leading speakers made a strong- plea for a new et talon and freight abode, as well as for a proper passenger service and a revision of freight and passenger rates. The Pel- meraton delegates appointed a ocmtnittee to wait on the railway officials and sec if a redress of the grievances Dan be seemed in that way, The committee is also in- structed to make, representatione to the Dominion Government in favor ofestab• liehmenb of a railway eommieeien, and to seek the oceoperative aseistanee of the Commercial Travellers' Aeeoolatiou, The Wiarton Canadian eve that in re- sponse to the representations of the Dom- mittee, the Grand Trunk officials will visit that town and make;an inveetigetion of the greende of complaint, with 14 view to devising remedial meaearee, It le reasonable to assume Ghat as soon as the real eetdition of the serviee,ie kuOwn ample reforme will be effected, From np standpoint eau fb be in the interest of the company to maintain the existing abate of elleire. But it should not he ueoeeeary for any community to ponduot it pretreat. ed agitation in order that obvious grieve &noes be removed. A railway oommiesron with power to decide as to life adequacy of the service apd .the fairnese of rates could eettle ell such disputes wifhout im. posing en merohante Bud' manofeeterere the apnea and work of peblip agitation and without advertising any district ae suffering from an ineflioient railway ger• • vino." The Globe is deserving of Menke from the towns and villages along the W. G. ez B. for the interest it has taken in their welfare. - IP will not lose by it either. Presbytery of Maitland.. The Preeb ter of Maitland met in W i m haon T eeda on Ma4th at 10 amg In the absence of the moderator, Rev. A. Miller was appointed moderator pro tem. A communication was read from Mr. Peak, of Napanee, intimating that it any wished to eeoure lists of books (tellable for 8, S. Libraries they Gould do so by applying to himself. The Statisti- cal Report was presented and referred to the Committee on Statistics,' the Com. mittee to examine it and report in May, Ferguson Millar was received an a stud- ent studying under the ogre of the Prete bytery. It was agreed to apply to the General Assembly for permission to re. wive Rev. 0. Rutherford, late of the Presbytery of Nassau, N. Y:, as a minis- ter of the Preebyterian Church in Can- ada. Congregations that had not re- ported re Church Property were asked to do so immediately. The Committee ap- pointed to bring a revised. Order of Busi- ness reported and the report was adopted. The Presbytery will meet four times in the year, instead of five -the Nov. and Jan. meetings being cancelled; the Pres. bytery to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of Deo. instead. Rev. S. M. Whaley and R. E. Little were appointed members of the Synod's Committee on Bills and Overtures. Dr. Murray was appointed Convener of the Presbytery's H. M.Cons mittee 1 and Mr. Rose, Convener of the Augmentation Committee. Rev. R. Fairbairn, Dungannon, resigned the charge of 1lnugaunon and Port Albert. The resignation was accepted and Rev. S. M. Whaley appointed moderator of the vacancy, with instruotione to 'declare the pulpit vacant on Meech 23rd. The remit re Commission of Assembly was approved. It was agreed to disapprove of the revised Aids for Sooiel Worship. The report of the Presbytery's Sabbath Scheele was read and adopted with its recommendations. The reports on Young People's Societies and on Church Life and work were oleo read and adopted. Revs. 11iacLennan, Perrie, Whaley, Mil-. ler and Ross were appointed Commiseion- ere to the General Assembly, along with Elders Wm. Mandell and D. J. Mtrrohi- son. The next meeting of Presbytery was appointed to be held in Molesworth, on May 20th, at 10.30 a. m. R. S. G. Axnunsox, Wroxeter, Har, 5th, 1902. Pres. Clerk. Grey Council Meeting. Township Council met last Monday iu the Township Hall at Ethel. Present full Council. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by Turnbull, seconded by Livingston, That we, the Council of the Township of Grey, desire bo plans on record our appreciation of the long, efficient and faithful service render- ed to this Township by oar late Clerk, William Spence. Thee from his wide knowledge of Municipal affairs, gained in the school, of praotioai experience, he wee able to wisely guide successive Councils in the discharge of their onerous duties, of legislating in the best interests of this Township. That we, and our predeoes• sore in office, know as those who have not sat with him at the Council board cannot, the quality and value of those services which he rendered to this Town- ship in his office of Olerk. Accurate in hit clerical work, wise in Counsel, he was at the same time. kindly and affable to all. That his opinion on Municipal mat. ters, in Council and out of it, were the result of careful, intelligent and mature oonsideration and when onoe formed were firmly held, bat always with a generous regard for those of others who differed from him. That we feel that perhaps a too ooneoientious discharge of the duties of his office was in some measure tate oanee of hie untimely removal from our midst, when we fondly' hoped that not only we, but our successors in office would still have him for counsellor and guide. His absence from our Counoil board will be felt by each of us until the passing years have filled our pleas by newer men who knew him nob- That we realize that the Council and Town- ship have lost' a valued and efficient offi. ner and we a personal friend by death. That we desire as personal friends of the deceased to extend to his widow and family our einoere sympathy in the sor- row that, in, the Providence of God, has ooine upon them, well knowing that that sorrow ie Soo deep and porsnnal in its aharaoter foe our sympathy to do more than 'Memel' measure relieve. -Carried, Moved by Fraser seconded by McDonald, That in view of this Towuehip having given the sum of 635,000 to assist iu building the Sonthern extension of the W. G. & B. Railway, and that the ' said railway now carries all the produce and paseeuger Gravel of this Township, but from the present train tervioe it is of very little benefit either to us or to the company running 0, as 00 ons Dan go to any point West without staying over night, we would therefore ask the Mane ger of the G. T., who now oontrola end is running the same, that in their own and our interests they put anothertrain on the eaid branch running Weet in the snorting and East iu the evening. -Car. tied, By-law No. 177 read the 8rd time and finally pealed, known ae tbo Greig & Co., of Chicago, Mnnipiptsl Drain By•law, By.lnw No:'. 183,, aboliebiug Idle tee tee doge road lit, 2nd and 3r41 time and passed, By-lsW NO. 18a, appointing Peleunastersreed 1st, 2nd and Brio time and paeeed. Moved by T'nrnbell, seconded by MoDoneld, That the Auditors' Beporb as read be accepted, awl that 100 copies be printed for oirou• 'aloe and that the accounts of the Trees, urer nett Colinoters stand finaile' Witted' for 1901. -Carried. Petition from Geo; McDonald and others read, asking that eide lino 2, eon, 1, be opened. Moved by Turnbull, seconded by Livingston, That, the matter be referred to the Reeve and Councillor Fraser to examine and report ab Jima meeting. -Carried. Moved by Livingston, seconded by McDonald, That. applications for the potation of Claris be received by the Claris up to the first Mon. day in April, 1902, at a yearly salary' of 9175 00 (end for this year pro rate ae So. time occupied) said position of Clerk bo Dover all duties required of such officer by the Munioipal Aoh, the Manioipal Elea tion Act, the Ditohee and Watercourses Aot, and the Voters' list Aot unless the expetaes of Voters' List Court, then what is showed by the Judge of euoh Court, and for all other services Shat he may have bo perferm snob feta or ohargee as ' allowed by the. Statute or aftarwarde agreed to by the Council. -Carried. Moved by MoDonald, seconded by Fraser, That the following accounts be posed and orders head on the Treaeur• er for the (tame, -Carried. Park, Davies & 0o., miscellaneous, Novy Generator, 910.80 ; J. A. MolNanghton, charity at- tendance on Fox child, 920.00 ; Geo. Oliver, roads and bridges, grading on 170h son„ '976.00 ; Geo. Coate, roads and bridges, aide line 6, oon. 8, B2 60 ; S. S. No. 8, misoel. polling booth 1901, 93.00 ; Geo. Speiran, roads and bridges, gravel, 80 ; W, F McAllister, miscel., supplies for Hall, 73a. ; Guhr & Fogal, Hall MM. Drain, 13158.00. Connoil adjourned to meet the first Monday in April, 1902. F. 0. SCOTT, Clerk. Saline anit010 leeco5SAes. The annual meeting of the South Hurbn .. Reform Aaeooietion was held at Hassell on Tuesday, Notwithstanding the al. most impassablestate of the roads there was a graud attendance, and much en. thneiams was manifested. Nearly every municipality was represented. M. Y. MoLean was eleoted President ; J. G. Stanbnry, J. C. Kalbflsieoh and Wm. Lewis, Vice -Presidents. Rovsing ed. erases were delivered by She candidata,. Fred. Hese, D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; Thos. Fraser, Stanley ; S. Smillie, Han- eall 1 P. Lamont, Reeve of Hay, and - others. Resolutions endorsing the Roes Government and sympathizing with the family of the lata Mr. Bishop were paged. The meeting wee enthusiastic, and state. manta were confidently . made to the effeot that the riding will be redeemed. PERSONAL PALLAGi1AI'IIS. Dr. Feild wee in Listowel Tuesday. - S. T. Plum was in London for a few days this week. George Lowry and eon Leslie have been on the sick list. Mee. Payne, of Seaforth, ie visiting relatives in town. Miee M. Campbell, of Listowel, is the guest of Mre. J. Leokie. W. J, eloOraoken took a business trip to Lnoknow on Wedneeday. Miee Nora Holmes was visiting her grandparents in Wingham Ma week. Mise Fannie Thomson was visiting Mise Aggie Herbert, of Bluevale, this week. Mies Ella Ainlay hse returned to Walton. Miee Vera aocompanied her for a visit. Mnrdy McLennan, of London, made his regular call on the town druggists on Tueeday. Miss Ruby Plum and Mies Green were visiting at Blyth on Tueeday and Wednesday. Miss M, E. Cornish, of Pine River, was elaiting bar eonein, Mrs. A. Good, daring the past week. • • Wm. Leke bag been on the sick list . this week but we hope he will Boon be en smart se usual. . Leslie Kerr is home from .Stratford Business Oullege and has reamed work on Tun POST staff. Mies Olive Vanetone, of. Wingham, wee renewing old acquainbanoee in town for a few days this week. Mise Violet Cooper has been on the teak list this week with inflammabion in her eyes and bad gold. Councillor Donaldson was in Toronto attending a Harness Makere' Aseooia- lion meeting this weelr. - Rev. George Jewitt sod daughter, of Hensall, were visitors at William Jewitt'e, Mill street, on Wedneeday. - Geo. R. and Mrs. Hamilton, of London; and J. F. and Mrs. Stewart, of Toronto, are visitors with J. and Mrs. Leokie. J. D. and Mre. Rotate have gone to Loe Angelee, California, ee the New Mexico olimate wee not agreeing with Mra, Ronald'e health. - Geo. and Mre. Stacey and daughter, of Oarliogtord, wore visitors at Fletcher Sperling'&, Ohureh street, this weak. Mrs. Stacey and Mre. Sperling are adore. Alex, McNeil, bricklayer, has gone to Sault Ste. Maria, where he has seonred a good situation at hie trade. He left town on Tuesday morning. Mre. McNeil and family are still here. le. E. Broadfoot and bride, nee Miee Jean Walker, left Brnesela for their home in+Gladetone, Man., on Tuesday morning. They carry with them the hearty good wishes of a large oirole of relatives and Menai. Hr. Broadfoot's parents ware well known residents of this locality and are nee forgotten by any means by their old neighbors. Charles E. Rollie, of °hioage, an old 01. 'Mary's boy, and son.in.lew of William Coleman, Queen St., met with a ' heavy lose by flee. The large 'apartment block in whish the, Rollie family lived wee totally deetroyedby flee. They loot everything in the way of clothing and household goods. Me, Hallie ie pay. Mater for the big Sem of Nelson, Morris