The Brussels Post, 1902-2-20, Page 4Zig 3vasstl$ Vost, zatutsvitr, .P.Z.13, 20, 1902. Explanation., OSAMU COUNI6ES EaCTOBY, To tbe Bator of Tien Yon Theta Sear—We would like 10 anntentme in the °alumna 01 your valuable paper that We have deoided to go book to the returning of the Whey in the on an we had beam doing in the post; and just in Ghia oouneotion would gay that it is de- ploatlele the ill.feeling and jealOneY that exist between the managere, ealeetnen, dne., of the aeveral chew fsetorise In We distriot. A sad state of affairs, that although we may be able to haunt of not having roost enougb in our faotoriee, of having to put in additional reueiving vats, rto., that we ehould have to resort to any thing eo email as to take the milk from Within a stonele throw of oar neighbor's faotory, Why Bepanee men who Maim to have taken almost as mule value from the whey tank as from the milk delivered, and in some oases infinitely more, eepeo• ially if paid for according to quality of at least some of it, when told that if they did it WAS not their own they were taking, freely admitted it, bat declared they would have ae much another year if the whey. wae returned. Now, Mr. Editor, if this is the say to build up the industry and factory I am sorry I had not known sooner as 1 certainly think this has reached the limit of calm endurance and if driven to it oan work at it with vengeance and a result that may startle some of those already engaged therein. It may be news to the parties to which more direct reference is made here—who will not need any guessing at who le meant—that before we oame to this deoieion we had the confidence of all our onetomers exoept probably half a dozen. After making the change—and it was made by those who had oonfidenoe in the previous arrangement and in myeelf, I have no reason to doubt—they still have the confidence required and have promie. ed sufficient milk to "rim the fautory" without asking anyone to alter their calculations to send to no. It may also he newe to said parties that I have been offered a large percentage of the milk on the route in question for at least three yeara past, if I would take it out, and that on account of alio extremely rough usage at their bands there is more encouragement than ever to my doiog so. Now, sir, acids from ventilating this personal grievance I have a point in view, that ia to show that the idea of feeding the whey and returning the cans thor• oughly oleansed from the factory ae well as every other step that oan be taken ehould be taken to improve the quality et our product. It has been charged that we do not make the (Meese right or they would be right indefinitely as to time. This &large we need scarcely Flay any- thing about as anyone who knows any- thing of the workings of bacteria, or germ life, knows that it is praotioally impossible to keep those germs from multiplying very rapidly and the longer the abeese is kept in our oaring roome the faster they multiply. Ours are generally held long enough—for the en- dorsing of this statement aek any buyer who attende the Listowel board. It has also been oharged that we are not par. bloater enough in tbe seleotion of milk at the weigh•stand. Sufficient to say that we do not need to be very partioular when we have the milk before as to satis- fy the most ardent advocate of culliog the milk, espeoially if it should happen to be owoed by himself. Now, to be brief, as we do not wish to take op too mach at your valuable space, 1 may just add for the encouragement of those who have given as this tangible expression of their good•will and confidence, despite the rumors to which they were forced to listen, which for a mass of 'misrepresent- ation of fact, amounting to, in et least a few oases absolute falsehoods, deliberate, malicious and persistently reported by pretended friend and proolaimed for and giving us no reliance to clear our position, beaoe we seek your columns, and may say that ao long as these parties are not both of the above to themselves instead of to ne we are satisfied, Reported for no other reason that we oan imagine than the reeting of oar custom to their own advantage, some of which may be challenged to an extent that may oost the intruder on British rights and fair play a nice little euro that might deprive them of all such gain. We stand for Justice to everyone and will stand or fall thereby, no matter what threats may be employed to obaoge our views. In oonolusion would say to our patrons that tie long ae we prove faithful to thio trust and aonlidence in 00, and only in a comparatively email degree understood till now, ao long we expeot your patronage but the minute we betray this and do not give you the bargain you make whether in hulling your milk or anything else, that minute we do not blame you if yen forsake no altogether. And cow, Mr. Editor, that we may be emboldened to come batik again we out this somewhat monotonous though Ijhope not altogether unprofitable epistle abort by thanking yon in anticipation for your valuable space and your readers for eon. °lading it with me, I am, Sir, Yount truly, N. B. Mc Le130nLIX. We append an extract from a letter written to Mr. MoLanchlin by Prof. Raddiok, who as an authority, stands unrivalled :—The practice of returning the whey in cams has been shown'time and again, to be vary detrimental to tbe quality of the milk. Any taiete whittle arise at any particular farm are in Ibis way propagated from day to day and spread to eery farm like an infeotioue disease. The facilities for thoroughly cleaning the milk oans are better at the factory than they are on the farms, be came at the former plat's) you bave the advantage of being able to nise steam for sterilizing. • Another important strike of natural gag is reported at Hepworth. Alex. Bain, o Hamilton bartender wen fined $50 for selling cigarettes to juven. ilea. During the past year 317 persons ware killed on Canadian railwava. Of this member 16 were passengers and 11.8 em. ployees. John Francis, 0 farmer of Sandwich Etta, shot Fred Hardie, his hired man in a quarrel. Hardie is in the Windsor IlopPital) badly Wounded. 151,41411/.111111.1.1011.11.1141ANMOMANANIMY65511...144.18,10511A. on, R. B. DobolPe will makes are. Dobell sole ,exeontrix, after providing for the family devisee liberal ennui tie varioue °Militia] and 10 bis Werke and employees of every glass. Better Railway Eaoilities• To the Baiter eg T100 Pm Dna Siu,--The Mord Of Trade of the village of Oheeley 119E3 for onto time had under consideration a plan to .organize those who are agitating Or an improVe• meat in the railway system of the oouoty of Braes, and they have finally resolved to convene a meeting of representatives from every municipality in the county of Bruer, in the Town Nall, Palnearettm, on the 25th day of February at 10 o'olook io the morning. From every part of the minty oomplaints have come in regard to the railway servioe and agitation more or less disjointed has been going on ip hope of some relief, It appears to be a very general opinion that the agitation most orystalize into Home definite Willem or plan, Thom who are dissatisfied with the present railway eervioo in this mint roust be able to state definitely what they wast and to discuss the proper method of getting it. The Board of Trade requeete your municipality to appoint a represen. tative to attend the meeting at Poltnere. ton on the date mentioned. Will you kindly ad viee me what action your ooun• oil takes on this letter and the name of your representative if you appoint one. Lure tru,y, 0. J. Mien% Morris Council Meeting. The Outinoil met according to adjourn - meta, in the Commit Room, on Feb. 10. Members all present except Mr. Oode. Minutes of Mat meeting read and paused. Moved by Shaw, seconded by Taylor, that By•law No. 8 as now read be paseed.— Carried. On motion of Shaw and Tay bor the following accounts were ordered to be paid t—fdaniolpal World, blank assesament rolls, 98.35 ; munioipality of Gray, settlemeot of boundary a000nnt tip to date, 923 81 ; T. 8. Brandon, expenses to Goderiob with (loyalty rate, $5.00 ; T 8. Brandon, Treasurer's salary, $100. On motion of Taylor and Jackson the Conn. ail then adjourned to meet again on March 17th. W. CLARK, Olerk. Grey Council Meeting. The 2nd meeting of the Grey Council met in the Township Hall, Ethel, ou 8'013. 10th, 1902. Full Council prima. Minutes of last meetmg read ad paused. %lambert of Council having taken oath of office ae members of the Court of Bevis. ion on the Greig Municipal Drain By. law the following motion was passed :— theved by Fraser, seconded by Turnbull, that there being no appeals that the assess- ment se net out by the By•lity be confirm- ed and that the By-law be read the ee000d time.—Oarried. By 19.w No. 177, read and time. Bylaw No. 180 read lttt, 2nd and 3rd time and finally passed. Petition from Robt. S. Hoy and otbere for a Muni- cipal Drain known as the Lamont Drain read. Moved by Livingston, seconded by Turnbull, that the petition be approv. ed as there is a majority of the of the ratepayers interested on the same and that the Roeve be authrized to sign the game on behalf of the Township and that a 13y -law be passod appointing John Roger, Engineer, to examine and report on tan:Ie.—Carried. By-law No. 181, read lot, 2.1d and 3rd timo and finally passed appointing John Roger, Engineer, re Lamont Municipal Drain. The following tenders re printing read :—W. H. Kerr $60, Jas. Irwin $55. Moved by ',Mag. stone, seconded by Fraser, that the ten• der of W. H. Kerr be acoepted.—Carried. Moved by McDonald, seconded by Living- stone, that the Reeve and Olerk prepare a resolution of oondolence to be sans to the wife and family of the late Clerk Wm. Spenoe.—Carried. Moved by Turnbull, seconded by McDonald, that the Clerk Bend the account of the tile for oulvert on gravel road between Gray and Morris opposite 7th eon, expended in 1900 and net paid for at settlement, being $12.47, and ask that they remit one half to the Treasurer.—Carried. Moved by Mo Donald, seoonded by Fraeer, that the Clerk order a Novy Generator from Park Davies & Co., for use of Township for disinfeating purposee and that it be kept at the office of the Medical Health Officer. —Oarried. Moved by Turnbull, seeoni. ed by McDonald, that the Olerk prepare a By-law to be passed next meeting to do away with dog tax in this Township:— Carried. The following &woman were passed and orders tented on Treasurer for the same :—Geo. Oliver, Govt. Drain No. 2, 9400 ; August Gahm Govt. Drain No. 2, 9250 ; Jae. Ferguson, gravel, 96 ; lownehip Tarnberry, road work nn boundary, $8,73 ; A. M. McKay, roads and bridges, Mitohell'e bridge, 96.65 ; ilioletworth Mechanical Institute, grant, 95 ; Walton Meohanioe' Institute, grant, 95 ; P. 1. Bishop, galas], $40 ; Jacob Ka/Altar, 'Wary, 940 ; Gobr It Fogal, Hall Drain, $50; Wm. Work, salary as Auditor, 910. Adjourned to meet at Township Hall on 1st Monday in March. F: S. Sam; Clerk. %Vintaam. 8. Merryfield has been laid aside from work by an attack of rheumatism. At Toronto Conservatory of Masi° ex aminations, Inc the second year's course, Mies Estelle Griffin passed with honors in the vocal departmene. A. Sebastian hem disposed of leis bar- bering business to Eti MoLaughlin, of Brandon, who is now in possestion. We understand Alf. inteode going West, atter a couple of week's stay in Toronto. At the annual Wootton of officers for, Wingham Ooneervative Assooiation, the following were sleeted :—President, A.. Dolmas° ; Vice-Pree., Dr. Irwin ; Sao. - Trees., E. Moore ; Exeontive, teleserat Griffin, alltoball, Dr. Obishohn, leteMath and Armetrong. There have been several oases of patty thieving lately, and it would appear that the perpetrators are getting bolder. Some person broke into the mill, by re, moving a pane of glass, 12z18. The money till in the offioe wae taken out, but fortunately the nocturnal visitors found no cash to take horns with them. A. few weeks ago, Mr.Howeon's hen -roost was robbed, and our of his best hens digappeared. A meeting of the Directore of Turn. berry A.grioultural Society was held to appoint Committees for the year. They are :—Printing dorninittes, W. Robert. eon, J. Currie, J. Moffatt ; prize list, J. 15 Tyerman, G., Cruickshank, 1'. Few. T ler, a, Currie, and D. R, Anderson ; epooial attraotione, Q Beetehel, (0 Otuloindiank, 1 Ourrio, W. 0, Currie, P. Fowler, The President wag appointea to attend tbe Pairs Aesociation je Toronto. Feb. 19, 20. The date Of the Fall Fitly wae placed Thursday and Friday., Bep, timber 25, 26, EAST HURON TEACHERS, Following le a lied of teaehera in the Beet Huron Inepecterate together with their postoihoes TWP. Or 0115T, , B. No, 1 Annie King 215 Bans, Guest 3 E. Maar Eastman ted Fred, W• 13, Ward 5 Jessie Bee Brueeele Cranbroolt Brueeols Jamestown Trowbridge 6 Bessie McDonald ,, . 7 Lizzie Calder ...... „Oranbroolt 1600918 OaldecOrtinbrook r 8 Marjorie Gillespie Oranbrook 9 Annie Murray Monorieff 0 Helen McMillan Oranbrooly 1 George Dobson Ethel Janie Howe Ethel 12 Ilattie Downing Waltou . 4 Charles la. Lermard .„Molesworth U. 8 Annie Olimie Molessvorth TT, 4 Pearl I. Sproule A tsvood TIVF. OF nosvroic. 1 Hattie J. Burns Hun ti ngfielcl 2 Wilbert P. Ferguson Lakeleb 3 Effie Goott Lakelet 4 Chao. W. Mitoliell Gorrie 5 Artlair Dobson Fordwich 6 Herman S. Evans Fordwich 7 Robert Douglas Gorrie Lena Murton Gorrie 8 James G. Bricker Fordwich 8 Anna Creighton Fordwich 10 M. Arnold Stewart Gorrie 11 Isabel Simpson Fordwich 12 Bevin Grainger Newbridge 18 Maggie Stokes Glenannan 16 Agnee E, MoE wen Huntinglield 16 Howard F. Hartry Moloewortb 17 William Watters Fordwich Magdalena Grills Fordwich 18 Mary Aylesworth Gorrie U. 5 Jessie Cornish ..ffurtzville 17. 12 Wm. n. Downey.. ...... Belmore 1102, OF ITULLETT, 1 Fred. Fowler Betaorth 2 Thos. Muroh Olio ton 3 David Weir Constance 4 Wrestle L. MoLaughlin....Londesboro' 5 Addison J. Johne Clinton Harlook Blyth Londesboro' Londesboro' Auburn Londesboro' Auburn Winnie Thompson ..... ...Auburn 17. 12 Lottie Beatty Blyth C. 8 R. G. Reid ..... Summerhill U. 11 Mary E. Glazier Blyth 1181'. OF reEILLOP. 1 Theresa Lamb: ....... ......Sesforth 2 James T. Dodds ..... Seaforth 4 Isabel H. Waugh Seaforth 5 Mary Lamb Beeoh wood 6 MayLivens Winthrop 7 Christopher White Leadbury 8 -Violet Simpson Beachwood fer'Isabel MoNab Brussels 10 Harvey Buchanan Winthrop 12 Lizzie Kinney Winthrop 13 Isabella Aitchison Seaforth TiVe. OF MORRIS. 1. Lille, B. Isbister Blyth No. 1, Malcolm Blank Brussels No. 3, 6 Robert Weir 7 W. T. Dunlop 8 Susie Wiseman Clara Ohidley 9 Tena Sprung II. 10 Agnes Chidley H. 5 Alfred E. Wetheral o u b age.. • • .• -B12..sizve.os 111.0. 20, 1902 To stook of MILLINEM.7, MILLINERY GOODS, 11TA.N- TLES, &c., belonging to the late ins. E. ROGERS, lams - eels, has been purchased hy the undersigned and will be Carried on in the same store, We do not intend continuing the Mantle Department so for the next 80 clays will give SPECIAL BARCTAINS in Mantles, Trimmed Hats, Babys' Hats and Caps, to clear out stock. Prices at and below cost, so don't miss this opportunity. A Call will be appreciated. MISSES ROCHE 8t HAYOROFT ,1312E.TSS1_,S. STRICTLY ONE PRICE ALWAYS THE LOWEST New Goods for Early Spring Selli g ! Thousands of Dollars worth of Staple Goods passed into stock during the last ten days, all to be sold at Closest Prices to induce Customers to buy early. FACTORY COTTONS, WHITE COTTONS, SHIRTIN&S, NEW PRINTS, TICKINGS, TOWELINGS, COTTONADES, TABLE LINENS, BLUE DINEENS, 'VICTORIA LAWNS, _CHECK MUSLINS. February is a Profitable Month for Buying Staple Dry Goods. J. Ferguson & Co. THE! cIEJ.AT ST019M; 10.0,..fr.P4f spRING Sever(Voratzenrtesolfietring nts,Cottons, Dress Goods in the very lat- est Weaves and Colors, also GOOD —PriMuslins, Shirtings and Cottonades. —Direct importations of Curtains, Laces, Embroideries and In- sertions, —500 pairs of New Boots and Shoes just received in all the latest Spring Styles for Men, Women and Children, February Bargains ! —Tremendous snaps in Men's and Boys' Olotbing, Tweeds, Under- wear, Boots, Shoes and Heavy Rubbers. —Ladies' Fur and Cloth Coats at less than Manufacturers' Prices. ISrWe need the room and if you require the goods•it will mean a saving of money to you. 0. M. McBEATH5 BLYTH. Slaughter Sale ! ItEtinnnalisenffinntrifign For the Not 30 Days We will offer special Bargains in order to make room for New Spring Goods. Great reductions in DRESS GOODS, FURS, UNDERWEAR, TWEEDS, COATINGS, FLANNELETTES, WRAPPERETTES, HOSIERY, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, CROCKERY, GLA.SSWARE, ETC. Call and see our snaps in Men's Rubbers, Leggings, Men's Heavy Shirts, Horse Blankets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, and Fancy Dishes. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. All Farm Produce taken at highest trade or cash price. W. H. HUMPHRIES & SON, I.77 ALTON. 4 Samuel B. Lamont Brueee s 5 Wilbert Passmore Belgrave , 6 Nellie Jamieson Brussels 7 Christy Halliday .. ...... .. Wingham 8 Agnes E. Smillie Bluevale Blyth Jamestown Walton Blyth 9 Margaret Bielby 0 Hubbard Miller 11 Annie Simpson .8 May Code TST, OF TUCEBESMITII. 1 Mattis Ellis Hensall 2 Thos..A. Forsyth .Kippen 3 Andrew Scott Seaforth 4 Jennie Grant Clinton 5 Robert J. Beattie ......Egmondville 6 Maud H. Hartry Seaforth 7 Maud Wilts° Egmondville 8 Walter H. Baker ..Seaforth Florence Cbryaler Egmondville 9 Thos. G. Shillinglaw Egmondville 10 Mary J. Morrison Ohiselhurst on March 4. TWP, OF 1002021000, N1111.009. Agnate, Finucane Beachwood Thomas McQuaid ..St. Columban CLINTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. John Houston W. E. Rand B. M, McLean J. W. Treleaven Miss Edith Parlee $13AFOIITII COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. G. F. Rogers G F. (lolling Mise 2. N. Kirkwood H. W.Brown. .......... Miss L. M, Soratoh The new electric railway at Berlin was formally opened. Mae. William Rose of London, Ont., dropped dead on the street. The annual meeting of South Huron Liberal Assooatinn will be held at Nensall 1 Elsie Allen Wroxeter 2 MaggieRoadhouse Wroxeter 3 Belle. J. Pearson Glenannan 4 Alex. bloEwen Bluevale Jean Black Bluevale 5 Mina Murata Wingham 6 Lizzie Wilson ..Wingbam 7 Lizzie Vanetoue Wingham 8 Nina J. Isbieter Wingham 9 Douglas Fraser Glen Farrow Nellie Beckett Wingham CLINTON- Wm. R. Lough Maggie O'Neil Janet Wilson Mary Robb Evelyn Turner Jeannette Oombe Annie C. Taylor SEAFOTITIT W. J. Moffatt Annie Watson Minnie MoRay JennieBallantyne Aria Beattie Mrs, M, Coulter 11 WINOSIAn. Clinton I I I I I I • Seaforth I A. H. Muegrove Ainghs.„ro Mary Robertson " i MaryCornyn 4 I Bernina H Reynolds' 0a.sie Farquharson s I I Hattie Reid Tisane' McLean Edith Matheson mintiszln 3. H. Cameron Brussels Maud Brook Maly Downey Jean Ritchie ..... Ethel Soott IILTTII. John Shaw Annie Hamilton Janet Kirkby Myth • • WEOTETEn. jobn-Hartley Wroxeter FficienceB. Punka SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Genieva Laohance Seaforth Kathleen Foy., ..... " nutzsmr. No. 2, Richard Blake Olinton BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD. ABSTRACT STATEMENT FOR 1901. RBORIPYS. Balance from 1001 $ 448 78 Non-resident fees 27 90 Equivalent to Government grant, 1000 146 00 Government grant,1001 161 00 Legislative Municipal grants 2 80 Local assessments 1500 00 Examination fees 28 00 Oontinuation class fund 100 00 Total $200648 PAYMENTS. Feld teachers 51600 01 Paid caretaker 180 00 Paid Secretary -Treasurer 80 00 Interest 26 00 Fuel 112 00 Repairs and supplies 101 98 Expenses of examinations 10 76 Insurance premiums 07 20 Miscellaneous 8 24 Balance to next account HO SD Total 11595 98 W. n. MoOnAcxney, Auditor,. Y. 8. Kenn, Dated Feb. 12th, 1002. , McLEOD'S ystem. renovator —AND OMNI — TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impnre, Weak and Impoveriehed Blood, Dyepepsia, Bleepleseneee, Palpite, tion at the Heart ,Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loae of Memory, Bronehitie, Con. suraptioa, Gan Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Dieeasee, St. VIM& Danoe, Female irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT, S.M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. I 001,1 by Jai, Fox, Lorstgatst, Bsassals (IVY 1 Week More OF OUR'—'00;1110- ebruary Stock -taking Sale! o'ziatiMMEIS An Honest Fact Goes much further than a false statement. It has always been our aim to follow an honest business policy. When you read a statement made by us in this or any other space, you can depend upon it being the truth, and being so if we say so. If you think that years of experience with goods that sell on their merits, counts for anything, then it will be money in your purses to see our Complete Line of Clothirm and. Furnishing's at a Discount of 25 per cent. A Few of Our Prices for Only One Week More : Men's blue and black all wool Beaver Overcoats, silk velvet col - Jar, extra fine lining, raised seams, box back or seam in centre, prop- erly tailored, $10 and $11, all yours at — Men's Oxford Grey Raglans and Raglanett Overcoats, loose fitting, cuffs on sleeves, the height of fashion, $12, $18 and $14, all 8 50 go at Men's extra fine Raglanetts, silk velvet collar, cuffs on sleeves, extra fine lining, fit and workmanship perfect, $15, $16 and $18, any 12.00 ofthese for..... ....... ........ ....... . . Men's blue and black Beaver Overcoats, velvet collar, good, strong lining, well constructed, M g nn $7.60 and $8, your choice CAM Boys' Oxford Grey Cheviot, blue and black Beaver Overcoats, Bins 28 to 84, regular prices $6, $6 . 9 75 and $7, now ..... • tit Men's 4 -buttoned donble-breast- ed all wool Tweed Suits, $7,60 and 175 $8.60, all one price now Men's extra fine Tweed Suits, three and four buttoned, double- breasted, $10, $11 and $12, all INN one price at • We have been more than pleased with our Sale since we started, many of our Customers buy- ing more than they intended to. Why 2 because every line in the store was going at such a sac- rifice. Don't miss this chance but come at once. EVERYTHING CASH DURING SALE. D. O. RoSS Leading Clothier and Furnisher. 0.410.N.a.OLWAM17011.01111.0•141ULOMMOIMaialianl../aniamilmmodr WANtimitaammaimmommoniasemsd•