The Brussels Post, 1901-11-28, Page 1H ru,
Vol. BO. No. 20
New Advertisements.
Dna—Rowe & Co,
Herbegeurn—aes, Fox,
New goods—. M. MoBeath.
When a obild—Mrs, Fletcher.
Wood for eale—J. 11, Stretton,
Seasonable goods—A, Straohan,
DOM& Taokets—MoKinnon & Oo.
Orme-out eaws--Wilton & Turnbull.
llistrut tkus,
A. C. Simpson ie home from Graven.
buret where he has been employed or
some time,
"Hie name shall be called Wonderful"
wan the text (Mogen by Robb. McKay, of
Ethel, at the service in ViatoeistaIl
here last Sabbath evening. It was e
good diseouree. Mies Maggie Taylor
rendered the beautiful solo, "The Better
Land," with good effect. John Maliie.
ter will take charge- of the eervitie next
Sabbath evening and the following San
day a meeting along Bible Society lines
will be held,
Public school holiday on Thursday.
A new fonodation frame work hat been,
pot in for the weigh males here.
Oar townsman, A.Raymenn, had 'a
rusty spike run through the big toe on his
lett foot Iaet Friday while working with
timber about tlie smiles. Be is able te
" get about, substituting ati overshoe for a
boot on hie injured foot, and we bops be
will suffer no serious oonsequenee from
the Readout.
Among relatives Who attended the
funeral of the late John Mantosh were
James Orerar, of Allegheny, Penney'.
vania ; Mr. and Mrs. McGeorge and 1'.
Peddle, of Stratford. The pall bearers
were the following six Eldora :—Jas. Mo -
Nair, W. Ritchie, Wm. Cameron, Robt.
Barr, Wm. Perris and L. McNeil.
Oar teachers and pupils holiday on
Thankegiving day.
Dd. Richard and sister, of Harriston,
spent Bandits, is the village.
Bev. Mr. Lake preached in the Metho•
dist °berth Iaet Sabbath morning.
John McDermott shipped a oar of oat -
tie from Ethel on Monday to Toronto.
A new hexane maker bee been engaged
by Geo. M. Mitchell, our bustling Ethel-
Prof. Grant was here and gave 8 zeno.
photoeoope entertainment n Eolimier's
-Veterinary Dentist G. A. Cook, wife
and deaghter'of Stayner, have been visit-
ing at Geo. Dobtion'e in Ethel.
It is hinted that Robt. Dilworth may
take a whirl at the next Municipal
Election for the Reeve's.ohair.
The revival serviees, which were quite
s000esetnl, have olosed. Rev. Mr. Cary,
negated by Rev. 51r. Lake, worked hard.
Mrs. Hugh McNeil le moving book to
Ethel, having disposed of their farm
stook, &o., on Wednesday afternoon of
• this week.
Arabic Lamont, John Bishop, and W.
and J. Cooper arrived beak from their Fall
• hunt last week and brought seven deer
with them.
During the peat week our well known
towneman, Elimpeon, bas been
on the Wok list with pneumonia. We
hope he will soon be as well as ever.
H. P. McAllister shipped a oar of flour
to London this week and delivered two
loads to Blyth and one to Seaforth.
• He also Bent a oar of live turkeys East.
Wednesday of last week Mrs. Gordner's
• mother passed that bourne from whence
no traveller returns. Tbe funeral took
place at Mitabell on Friday, Mr. and Mrs.
Gardner attending.
John Kellner arrived home from Color-
ado on Monday evening of this week.
He looks well and shows that that State
evidently aggress with him. He saw
postmaster Spence and wife and nye
that they are both much improved in
A reception party was held at the
home of Isaac Gill on Friday evening of
last Week in honor of William Gill, and
bride. The nuptial knot Wee tied the
Wedneeday previous by Rev. D. B. Mo -
Bas, the bride being Miss Mary J. Car.
nation. Mn. and Mrs. Gill will live on
their farm on the 10th oon. May their
sail over the matrimonial sea be one of
enemas and bappinese is the wieb, of their
numerous relatives and friends.
When a child
dislikes study.
•When children dis•••
lilt° study nerve
orgy is used in other'
directions, most Hite.
ly to overcome e
We cats. remove this
Then dilidence will
Nate. T. 'Meta:her
Scieciatitica amef
erVaalrate OVISMiZn
Mies Jennie Howe, of Baum's, lase
been engaged ag teener of the 2nd De.
Partment ef Ethel publio school. The
onion le a goal Cam. Mies Howe begins
work after New Year&
The Cobor Carriage Works will be re.
moved to Bruesels where they will be
located in the Ronald Worice. While
very sorry to loge the Cohn familia
from Ethel we wish them every sweetie
in their broader held of toil,
•Tecirmances. — A. very large orowd
gathered in the Methodist char& Met
Sabbath evening to bear a temperance
address; by Rev. 0. V. Lake, The rever•
end gentleman Defied his remarks on
joel 8:8 "They sold a girl for wine." Be
exhorted all to take the pledge and than
keep it, The Reohabitee were a model
temperance organization. When wine
was set before them and they were oom•
mended to drink they refused because
their grandfather, Jonadab had an.
mended them to "Drink no wine."
Daniel had been sorely tempted but name
out of the temptation by saying "I purpoe-
ed in my heart," Thus should we resist
temptation. Tbe speaker then dwelt up-
on the riureaeonable demand of an appe-
tite for strong drink. AD in olden days
they sold a girl with all her (capabilities,
possibilities and influence for wine, so
to day many men are nnoonsiolonely
ing their girls for wine. Men have been
known to barter their property, their
honor, their all for the sake of gratifying
this appetite. Many men in oar prisons
and jails would never have been there
had they not been sold for wine. The
speaker gave numerous examples that
had come under his own observation of
families that bad been ruined and homes
blighted by this love of wine. He closed
hie remarks by an earnest appeal to all
to slay the appetite and save their money. ,
Prof. Grant sang a temperanoe solo,
"Has father been here'' after the address
that was very appropriate.
• Belgrmve.
A Tea Meeting ie on the program for
Christmas night in the Methodiet Cherob,
A re -union of the "Ship's Company"
will be held at David Sprout's residence
on Thanksgiving Day.
Mar/Meet Sproat has purchased the
store and premises he occupies and has
been officially appointed postmaster.
Rev. George Jewitt, of Rental', will
preach Missionary eermons in the Mettle -
diet Chanties on Belgrave oironit next
Sabbath. Mr. Jewitt is a good preacher.
The proposed new School Ration will
come op for review at Goderieh next
week at the Co. Council as a moat will
be made for an arbitration. Some •per-
sons will attend from here representing
the case.
Next Wednesday the West side of our
village will take a hand in the West Bur -
on bye elation. Some say Major Beck
will make quite a ran but your correspon-
dent believes East Wawanceh will speak
in a prononnoed style for Mr: Garrqw,
The politioal pot has been boiling it
little over West Huron eleotion. Last
week the Reformers were giving their ver
sion to the public and Tuesday evening of
this week the Conservatives bad the floor.
Tbe stories do not harmonize very &steely
but Wednesday of next week will likely
Bettie it in a pr000unoed way.
BAD Ocianiamion.—Last Monday fore-
noon Duncan Anderson, who lives a short
distance from Belgrave, on the 9th oon.
of Wawanosh, inflicted a nasty gash on
his throat with a knife in hie own granary.
The jaglor vein was not severed but the
windpipe was injured. He was insensible
when found and the doctor thinks the
oaee doubtful as to recovery. Mr. An•
derson is an old resident and bas al wife
and family. It is supposed the foolish
deed was committed from despondency.
BI OrrlIst.
Thanksgiving Day on Thumb.y of
this week.
Christmas tram and entertainments
will soon be on deok.
Mise L. Mollie is getting on nicely
after a long attack of bronchitis.
A shooting match for turkeys took
place at Co. Councillor Bowman's( on
Friday afternoon of last week.
Reeenbly Alex. Forsyth, East gravel
road, sold 7 pigs, 53- months old, that
weighed 1,400 pounds. They were
Cheater -Tamworth breed.
The Trustees of B. S. No. 5, known as
the Clegg sohool, 5th line, bave engaged
Bert. Passmore, now attending the Gode,
rich Model Sobool, as teaober for next
year at a salary of 5340.
A good many are getting straw out
then days. Petiee, R. Thuell and
Harry Gasman each have a big cutting
box and blower. A lot of grain is heir
ground at home this Fall.
11. B. and Bare. &kook, Gbh line, gave
the young people a party on Friday even-
ing last. It was it regular roaster for
some at least, even in November. Every-
thing pegged off pleasantly.
A. Clark and W. B. Wilkinson one day
Ian week gathered a good enpply of pro.
visions, oonsioting of done and meat, and
some money which will be epent in buy-
ing wood for the Mimes Fleming.
We are pleased to hear that oar former
Reeve, H. Mooney, who is located near
Weyburn, N, W. T., has had a very
enatmesful year having 5,200 buehelo of
wheat and 1,500 beanie of este on his
farm. May this good look continue.
0o.—Mre. Dultnage. Mira of the late
Jonathan Dalmage, of Howiok, died on
Sunday, 17th inst., at the title age of 86
yearn, at which age her husband passed
over to the majority about eighteen
months ago. Her maiden name was
Christina Wright. She wee born in
Prince Edward many, and with her
husband annoyed to the township of
Morrie over forty yenta ago. Both Were
of the old Puritan stook of Methodists,
and steadfastly adhered to their early
°hutch seeniatione. A few years ago
they removed to the township of Howiok.
Of ten (*Harrel, nine are living ; there
are also forty grandchildren and fonrteen
geoat-grendchildreri. The sone are—
Robert. of Satikatoon ; Aneon, of Wing.,
hatn ; D. W., of Palmerston ; and Wm.,
of Newbridge. The datighters are—Mre.
(Rev ) A, L. Russel, Of Highgate ; Mrs.
D. King, of Detroit ; Mro. R. Rettali, of
Howipk; Mre. L. H. Ruttan, of Morrie;
and Mrs. McKee, of Fordwioh. The
romaine were laid to rest in Fordwith
cemetery on Tuseday of last tveek.
Representativoe both for end Imaged
the formation of a new school emotion,
with Belgrave as a genre, will appear
before the Co. Damon next week, at
Goaerieh, in connotion with the question
of an arbitration being appointed by that
A few evenings ago some pereort or per.
gone visited the bon:mot the aliases F em.
ing at Sunshine and raised a, dieturbance.
Miss Fleming went out aide and 80w a
man run out on the road. Be was fol.
lowed as far as the post office and ran in
there. Who it waa is not known yet, hut
if he ever visits the premien again
he will be a000rded a W01433 reception.
• C31. 0 .7r ,
Jas. Williamson ie home • from the
Monday, Deo. 16, will be the date of
the next meeting of the Townehip Conn -
P. Ferguson, of the 9th oon., and R,
Barrett, of Brussels, ammeeded in captur-
ing a fine fox on Monday afternoon.
Jno. Oliver, 6th 0011., acoompe,nied by
his sister, Mrs. Jno. Bell, of Morris, are
visiting their sister, Mrs. Bell, of Shakes.
pears, this week.
11 10 said Fred. Ostoby • will erect a
new briok residence next B008011 and it
will likely be a good one au Fred. does
nothing by halves.
Jae, and Mrs. Armstrong and daughter,
10th con., arrived home last week from
an enjoyable visit with relatives in
Northern Ontario.
11 10 said bysome people that there
may be a munioipal elation in Grey at
the close- of this year although others
think the present Council should be left
there to alone up drainage schemes al-
ready in operation.
The union Sabbath whoa's meeting at
Shine's, and Smith'e school houses have
closed for Winter. Very ernmessfnl see -
alone have been held during the past sea-
son and a good many would have liked
to bave had them continued all Winter.
Wm. Riley, 8th oon., had a horse in•
Wed by Blipping or catching its foot on a
stone while driving in Morris township.
The animal him since died and the owner
has made a demand on Morris Council
for 5105, the value be placed on it. Reeve
Isbieter has been instruoted by the Conn -
oil to defend the action if proceeded with.
CAED or THANK8.—We desire to tender
our anaemia thanks for the many kind•
mese shown and words of sympathy
spoken by neighbors and friends in con-
nection with the illness and subsequent
demean of our father, the late John Mo.
Intosh. Words are inadequate to uprose
the appreciation in which we regard
At the debate in connection with the
Epworth League in Itoe'a church last
Friday evening deoision- was given in
favor of the negative. The subject wae
• "Resolved that the Preaoher exerts a
wider influence than the Testober," The
subjeot was well handled and the judges
were Messrs. Brydon, Johnston and Ray -
nerd. Minibus' and literary selections
were also added to the progre,m.
Last Sunday evening the annual Bible
Society meeting was held in Roe's
(thumb, Tboa. &timbal occupying the
chair and giving a brief, suitable address.
The other speakers were W. H. Kerr,
who gave a summary of the work done
by the Britieb & Foreign and Upper
Canada Bible Sordeties, and G. F. Blair
whose fine address was based on "Thy
Word is a lamp to my feet and a light
unto my path.' During the evening the
choir rendered "Go where the Master
sendeth" and "Matinee uoto the Lord"
in good style and Mies Annie MoQuarrie
sang the beautiful solo "The choir boy"
in good voice. A colldotion was taken in
the intereete-of the Society and Misses
Strachan and Carr will call at a later
date on the people of the oommunity for
contributions to this worthy oause. 57.-
35 was contributed last year by the same
T.—In remitting for Tun Poen and Globe
far next year A. D. Michel, formerly of
the 12th con, Grey, writes as follows
under date of November 15th :—The
weather is beautiful. Had a light snow
storm loot June and the Spring wee very
wet but from July until now, with the
exception of the 1st and 5th of November,
the weather has been really grand. The
trails are both dry and smooth. We had
a light snow storm on Nov. let but it all
disappeared in a few days and on the 5th
bad another snow fall but a Chinook, or
strong warm Southerly wind, soon 'joked
it tip. The gross wits very dry and through
aerelenness of someone making a fire on
the centre of the trail to warm their lunch
when the wind rose, blew the fire into
the gram, and although many men with
plows and teams tried to plow guards to
prevent it lipreading the flames jumped
these and burned many hundred toes of
Itay in the stooks. Large banshee of
cattle and horses were also surrounded
by the fire, burning a good many hundred
of them. Some of them were found after
with lege burned, others with mane, tail
and ears gone and not a few of them still
alive but had to bil'ebot at aloe. It was
on the Alkali fiats the Lee started oe bet.
ter known as the Queenetou ridge, The
wonky le Battling tip very fad round
here a number of notions being taken np
the past month. I Cad see two large
frame houses going up, being boat by
homesteaders who are: going to make
their abiding place in sunny Alberta.
Ranching is the (thief oeoupatien here
and some of them are run on &Verge scale
having as many as 12,000 head of cattle.
The runt* I am. on is email compared
with these but we have 400 bead in ell,
60 of them being riowth We only milk
one of them, the ;Alva look after the
rest. This is the UX ranch on Little
Now river, 4 miles froin High Itiver vit.
lage. I spend a good part of my time
among the stook and it is not too bad a
job either. Ib is getting rather late so
will have to quit, If I don't get to sleep
before the (Jaynes nine round I am not
apt to [deep very muoh for when our lout
doge and a half dozen coyotes get ohning
one another round the hone and howling
no one Is likely to enooze. It don not
pay to burn a lamp either so long me nal
oil Is 50 oente a gallon here. Most oleee
With beet whine for Tun POST.
Two oars of hogs were shipped from
our station last week.
James Pugh is making improvements
on his house this week.
Missee Aggia Herbert and Bell Bergen
spent Friday in Brussels.
Wesley Cornell has sold his farm on
the Efluevale road for 02,400.
James Armstrong, of Molesworth,
visited at 'R N. Dun on Saturday,
Reeve and lire. Isbister, of Morrie,
yisited at F. B. Scott's on Saturday.
Mier; Alioe Duff, school Matcher at
Forestville, visited at her home on Bala
Dr. James Scat and Andrew Scott, of
Seaforth, visited their brother, F. B.
Soda this week.
Roy Thornton, of Wingham, visited
his grandparents, John and Mrs. Gardi-
ner, tine week.
W. J. Duff has shipped 8 carloads of
potatoes this Fall. Two from Wingbam
and one from Brussels.
Ring Winter is back at the old stand
hale and hearty as ever. He heralded
his approaoh by some ideally beautiful
weather. Sunday night could hardly be
A union Thanksgiving service will be
held in the Presbyterian ohnroh on
Thanksgiving Day at 2 p. m., when Rev.
F. Swann, of the Methodist church, will
preach. A special colleotion will be taken
up for looal °heritable purposes.
• th.
J. T. Roes hae.returned from his trip
to Manitoba.
Wm. Gray wilt be a candidate for the
Reaveship of Hallett next January go it
is said.
Wm. Moser attended the anniversary
services at the Kippen Methodist °heath
and sang some solos.
Rev. A. A. Walsh, an old Blyth and
East Wawemoola boy, was recently or-
dained as pastor of the Baptist olaurola at
Cambridge, Blaine.
Fred. Haggitt left on Manny of last
week for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan,
where he aspens to get employment and
make his future home.
Blyth &hoe' Board is advertising for a
Prinoipal. Miss Annie Hamilton, who
has taught in Blyth sohool for several
years, and Mies Kirkby, of Morris, are
already engaged ae aseistant teaohers for
next year.
The roof ie on the Blyth flour mill, the
greater part of the interior framework
is completed, and in a few days the mill
will be ready to receive the machinery,
which will be and modern in
every particular.
The annual Obrietmaa Tree and enter-
tainment in oonneetion with Trinity
obareh Sunday wheel will be held on the
evening of Deo. 23rd, and an entertain.
ment under the anspioies V the Blyth
Methodist (Math Sunday eohool will be
given in Industry Hall on Friday even.
ing, Deo. 27th.
The Local Union of Ohrietian Endea-
vor held a literary meeting in the nature
room of the Methodist °hurrah on Nov.
5th, a,nd eleoted the following offiaere :—
Pres., Miss Bentley ; Vice -Presidents,
Blies Addie Taman and D. McGowan;
Sea, Miss Amy Elder ., Treas., C. Bar -
Lott ; Prase Reporter, Mies Ida Taman ;
Look -out Committee, Mies Penhall, Ed.
Wilford, John Somers and Miss Ella
Anderson. It was deoided to hold a
anion meeting every three months and
take up a topic, the members of each so-
oiety to take some part in the disouseion.
John and Mre. Berry and Geo. Barrows
are safely honae.from their visit to the
Cheese maker Roy has moved book to
Belgrave. He's a very decent fellow and
we wish him o000055.
Fall report of the Union Sabbath
Sobool Convention may be read on pages
4 and 5 of this week's itiefle.
Thanksgiving Day a publio aervice will
be held in Duff's °beech, commencing itt
2 o'olook. The pastor will preach.
, We are sorry to report the decease of
Mr. Gray in Dakota. He is a son•
of Itiohard and hire. Pollard, South of
Thankegiging service in St. George's
church on Thareday afternoon at 2 30 p.
m., to be oonduoted by Rev. G. J. Abey,
the incumbent.
Wednesday evening of last week Dap*
District PdoKenzie paid the A. 0. U. W.
Lodge in thisplitee a fraternal viait which
WW1 much enjoyed.
Rev. Mr. MnoNab will preaob a special
sermon to parents next Sabbath and the
following Sunday will speak speoially to
ohildren and young people.
Rev. Mr. Sewers, of Brnoefield, has
been enured 10 preaoh the anniversary
sermon in Duff's Presbyterian churn
here on Deo. 22. Tea meeting on the
evening following.
A meeting will be held in the A. 0. U.
W. Hall on Friday evening of this week
to take steps in the formation of a Pablie
Library for Walton and community. It's
a good move and should be heartily sup-
Nsw Onuomi.—Rev, A. C. Tiffin, for -
wetly of Walton, writing from Romney,
Kent Co., his present abarge, says :--
The new Viotoria Methodist Chaeoh,
Romney, was opened and dedioated to
the worship cif God Sunday, November 3.
The ohnroh le a bright and finery brick
building, finished inside with Georgia
pine and up•to•date furnishiege, and is
in every respect a credit to all tionerned.
On Sunday the mediation at the three
servine were the largest ever nen in this
section of the onntry. The Rev. A. E.
Going, B. A., of Stratford, who first
opened the appointment nine yeses ago,
preathed to pinked hewn, both morning
and evening. In the afternoon the Rev.
j. Ball, et Wheatley, preaohed, and the
orowds were so great that au overflow
Meeting was held in the sohOol-honse,
on. At the elope of the afternoon ear.
Vice the oburch was dedinted to the
worship of God by the Rae, Mr. Going,
assisted by Rev, J.Ball end the rotator,
Nev. A. 0, Tiffin, The plate oolleotion
amputated to over 070 at the three tier.
vine. On Monday evening an olci•time
teameeting was held, at whioh a very
enjoyable time wee spent, and an enel.
lent program of oddreesee, reeitations
and 1130810 was rendered, Special men.
Mon oilfield be made of the Bien choir,
Mies Horeiok, of Quinn 1 and Me. Laird,
of Tilbury Centre. The oost of the (thumb,
furnishings eto„ is in the neighborhood
of 51,600, Which ie provided for, together
with a handsome margin, whirl!' ivy' go
towards the erection of a shed. Many
friends and sympe,thisere outside the
neighborhood assisted materially in the
eomewhat extended illness Catherine mo.
Donald, wife of James Campbell, lot 10,
con, 14, MoKiliop, passed away to anoth.
er world on Sunday lest, aged 47 years.
She was a daughter of Murdock McDon-
ald, ber birthplace being Ripley, Bram
Co. 23 years ago she was united in mar-
riage to her now bereaved partner who
with three sone and a daughter survive
wife and mother. Pernioione antemio
was the cause of death. Deoeaged was
highly esteemed in the community. She
was a good wife, ao "affectionate mother
and a first-olase neighbor. Her inolina-
tions were to the Presbyterian olauroh.
The funeral took place on Wednesday,
afternoon, Rev. Mr., Jarrow cooduoting
suitable service. Interment was made in
Brussels cemetery. The family is sym-
pathised with in their bereavement.
W 1 futra-h tone -
Mr. and Mrs. Greeo hove removed their
stooks to the old post -office stand.
Conservative Committee Rooms are in
the West end of Swarte' blook, upstairs.
Walker Bros. & Button have just Qom.
pleted their third year in business in
John Bosnian's friends will be pleased
to hear that be is recovering from hie
reoent illness.
Mrs. (Dr.) Chisholm has returned from
attending the funeral of a relative, Geo.
Gerrie of Belwood•
E. 0.401arke, who was abased out by
fire, has engaged rooms upstairs in the
Shaw bleak and A. Sebastian has fitted
up a shop in the Tamlyn block.
Moore Bros. are already to work re.
moving the burnt story of C. N. Griffins
building, in order to put on a gravel roof
to render the lower part habitable for the
Fy evening, 29th inet., is the date
for the regular meeting of Court Mait•
land, C. 0. F. High Chief Ranger R
Elliott, of Ingersoll, is expected to ad-
dress the Court.
A very lively meeting was held in the
Town Hall, Wingbam, on Monday even. i
ing in theinterests of Major Beak. The
government was supported by 2. Mao-
donald, M. P., and the opposition by D.
Henderaon, M. P., of Halton, and Mr.
Wardell, M. L. A.
The ohoir of the Methodist church
announce for a sacred csmoert to be given
in the churola on the evening of the 29th
inst. The ohoir will be assieted by the
Misses Cline, Alias Griffis, Miss Alba
Chisholm, the Messrs.. Cline, Mr. and
Mrs. Hope, Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs.
Sen indeed was the death of Mrs.
Coed, a highly reepeoted resident of
Wingbam, residing on Leopold street.
On !Wednesday evening of last week ebe
went out to the shed for wood ; as she
did not return for some time, her sister
went to look for her, and found her
lying dead.
EIYILENEAL.—A happy company gather-
ed in the Methodist parsonage on Wed.
nesday, 2011i inst., to withese the mar.
riage of Miss Jennie M., eldest daughter
of Rev. R. Hobbe, to H. Verity Hutton,
of Brantford. The groom is a highly
respected young man, holding a respon.
able position with the Verity Plough Co.
of Brantford. The ceremony took place
at high noon, under a large floral wish.
bone, where the happy couple received
the congratulations of their friends. Tbe
ceremony was perforated by Rev. R.
Hobbs, aesieted by Rev. Wm.MaDonagh,
of Stratford, who performed the cere-
mony for the bride's parents many years
ago. The Wadding Blanch was played
by Minter Arthur Penman, and the
duties of flower girls were performed by
Delight Hobbs of Wingbam, and Gertrude
Verity, of Brantford. The bride was
handsomely attired in white silk, with
white veil, and carried & boquet of white
roam. Her travelling costume was a
brown broadcloth with white silk waist,
The groom's gift to each of the flower
girls was a ring set with opals and pearle.
The presents to the bride were numerous
and handsome. Among them was a gold
watch guard, with elide set with diamonds
and from her parents she received
handsome Newcombe piano. The happy
maple left on the afternoon train on a
tour, after which they will take up their
resident's in Brantford Where the beide
is not a stranger, Mr. Hobbs having been
motor of one of the °Laurace there for
four years,
An effort is being made to organize a
soda' Olub in WWII.
Wm. Aitelanon, of Downie, bas rented
Scott Peebles' fifty acre farm for a term
of three Vearil.
Allan Nesbitt ie engaged in placing a
drain through the school grounds to drain
the two lots bought from Wm, Brown.
R. H. Carney, Deputy Sheriff of Al-
goma, woe the guest of his (cousins'Mre.
D. G, Anderson and R. S. Porton, of the
Albert Langford has reeigned hie poet.
Mon ae teacher itt S. 13. No. 9, EIMR,
Geo. Realeton, of the Stratford Model
School, has been engaged aa teaoher at
a salary of 5800.
Mrs, James Blair, 16th Oen, Elan
W&s 10 ldittbstb r i ay. I5
lb that, end
in coming home en bed the misfortune
to loge iter pocket book, containing 1)60,
She did hot muss it anal she gob to Meek -
and ail' many were foroed to stay with- ten.
H. McCabe, who has been engaged for
the poet two yeitre in the Newry general
More, has tenured a situation in W,
lapeat '5 non in Listowel.
The many Mende of a, aonnenborg,
000. 16,Elm, will hen with regret that
he is at present confined to his house
frotn getting a nil run into his knee.
Bannon Bennett, has let the °outran
of building a new bricks residenoe next
Summer. Fred. Oxtoby bo also let the
contract for a new briok hone, and also
Robert Barr, of the Ethel °berme faotory,
purposes putting up a fine hone. Jas,
Struthero, of Atwood, has blas oorpenter
work for all three houses,
No Statancume..--The Bee says :—
A quartette of pretty girls raided tis
the other evening and demanded that we
christen the new Bee offloe with a jolly
dance, bat our Methodist prinoiples, and
the feat of a Methodist preacher residing
next door and it Methodist looal preacher
as a Nene of the building, had a restrain-
ing effeot upon no—we hadn't the nerve
to grant the request.
R. T. OP T.—John Buthanan, orgao.
fen of the Royal Tamping of Temper-
ance, succeeded in organizing a Counil
in Atwood on Monday of last week. He
was aseisted by a number of Listowel
Royal Templars. Twenty-one candidates
were initiated into the mysteries of the
Order and the following altars duly
elated : Chief Connoillor, D. G. Ander-
son ; Vine.0ounoillor, Mies A. Govan -
look; Past Coanoillor, Robt. Richmond ;
Treasurer, S. Watson ; Finanoiol Seem
tary, Miss J. Moffitt ; Recording Sears-
tary and Press Reporter, A. F. Diane° ;
Herald, Frank Ballantyne ; Deputy
Herald, Mies K. Peebles; Guard, Camer-
on Dickson ; Sentinel, Aogns Dickson ;
Auditors, G. Kreuter and F. Ballantyne ;
Truateee, R. Riohmond, 0. Forrest and
S. Watson.
There died in Elma on Thursdoy, 140
inst., Mrs. Geo Posliff, one of the oldest
settlers. Mme. Posliff was born in Root,
Lincolnshire, England, in 1829, and her
maiden name was Ann Pogeon. In 1849
she married George Posliff, who survives
ber. In 1853 they emigrated to Canada
and for a abort time resided in each of
the townships of Trafalgar, Nelson, Bien -
beim and Wellesley after whioll they re-
moved to Ellin and for five years lived
on the farm now occupied by Wm. Car-
on, afterwards removing to the farm
where she died, after living thereon for
44 years. A family of 8 children was
born to them, six of whom eurvive, viz
Mrs. Jos. Daoklow, Glendale, Mau. ; Mrs.
John fdoCraoken, Molesworth; airs. Geo.
Taylor,Platteville ; Aaron, of Wiogham ;
George, of con. 15, Elmo and Albert on
the homeetead, Mrs. Poeliff was a devout
Methodist and was highly esteemed by a
large °irate of friends. Interment was
made in the Methodiet cemetery, Milver-
Ws guess that Hon. J. T. Garrow will
he elected M. P. P. for West Huron on
Wednesday of next week by over 60 of s
Gun aympathies (7) go out to General
Hutton who will have to serape along on
512,500 ito oommander of the federal
forces in Austrolia. It ie to be hoped
he will not often feel the pinehinge of
want, poor fellow.
WzaT Yam Liberals bays unanimously
oboeen .A.roh. Campbell, the former well
known Kant Co. M. P., ae their standard
bearer in West York. The vaoanoy in
the Riding bas been caused by the recent
death of Hon. Clarke Wallace, and the
bye election will probably be held in the
near future so ae to have the seat repro -
seated at the next session of the Com-
Tins is Thanksgiving time. Rave yon
had ntioneA, educational, religious and
household blessings during the past year?
We all have to answer in the affirmative
as the good gifts received have been be-
yond our enumeration, but if e, careful
summing up of our blessings for even a
week were made, ea the hymn says "it
would surprise us what the Lord bad
done." Thanksgiving should have me large
a plane in our life au supplication and the
day nationally appointed should call out
oar sober thought to the Giver of all our
Tan deoision of the Privy Connell rola.
five to the legality of Provincial legisla-
tion for Prohibition will put more than
one politician is a oorner and they will
not be as outspoken as when they sup.
posed the law was "agin it," This de.
015100 comes at it good time to stem the
tide against Prohibition over the careless-
ness evidenced by those who should have
been interested in the plebisoite. A. well
reaognized authority 'soya that the Ontario
Government will be coked to enoot a
• Provincial Prohibitory law and that, tak-
ing the plebisoite ae it Criterion, there Was
44 per oent in favor of such legislation in
this Dominion, barring Qttelno Province.
Premier Rtablin's oourse in Manitoba will
be closely watched to 800 WIDIA steps he
and hie Government Will follow in enforn.
ing the law.
Dr. T. Millman,. of Toronto, has sold
his 100 aore farm in Blanehard, near St.
Marys, for 55,000.
The Goderloh train struck a oalf be.
longing to Mr, Kennedy, 'who ticalapies
the old Blair farm on the Huron road
lea °amide Stratford. The animal was
steuek on the (crossing near the farm,
Strange to arty it waa only lamed by the
blow, although flung down the embank.
Ment and into the fence. The engine
hit it on the hind•gaartere,
A. report of Maitland Presbytery may
be read on page 6 of that issue.
"Children of Gad" will be the topic et,
the Epworth League next Sabbath even-
Rev. G. J. Abey will preach a Tic HI ke.
giving sermpn in St. John's ;chetah on
Thanksgiving Day, Service will begin
at 10.80 a. na.
Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr.
Holmes will preaob a Thanksgiviog ger
mon itt the Methodist oburoh and in the
evening Dr. Thornton will nappy the
pu 1pi t.
Thanksgiving Beales will be held in
Melville church on Thug/day common°.
ing at 10.30 a, m, Rev. John Ross will
preaob a diecouree in keeping with the
A Wroxeter oorrespondent says :—Rev.
Mn. Holmes, of Breen's, oonduoted the
anniversary services in the Methodist
chinch on Sunday. Mr.Holmes' section
were much appreoiatad. He preached it
very able and eloquent Oermon from the
text "Oocapy until I oome." Rev. Mr.
McKelvey took °huge of the services in
Rev. John Ross, B. A,, took Bah. Sob
ohapter, 1, 2, 5, 8 verses as his text last
Sabbetli morning bis subject being "A
Model Congregation." The two main
thoughts were (1) The purpose which
motes it and (2) The spirit of devoutness
that ohatacterized it. In the evening
Rev. 1 and 14, "Hie eyes wire as a flame
of fire" was the passage canteen. It was
considered along the following eub.
divisions :—(1) Beautiful eyes ; (2) Ob-
servant eyes ; (3) Searching eyes ; (4)
Reproving eyes ; (5) Guiding eyes.
The Methodist numb pulpit was filled
last Sunday by Rev. Martin J.
B. A., of the Nils circuit, who pleased awe
profited two large congregatione. Hie
text 8,6 the morning servioe was "The
Master iff come and oalleth for thee," and
at the evening service "To the pare all
things are pure" was the Scripture Bettin-
a& Rev. Mr. Wilson bas a way of hie
own in his exposition of the Truth and
what be says is watm, well aimed,
heart searching and encouragiug. He
also spoke in the Sabbath School and
League. This was bis first visit to Brus-
sels but the congregation hope it won't
be the last.
Canadian 1Ne wm.
G. L. Reed near London, Out., drop.
ped dead.
Thos. W. Holmes, of Chesterville,
banged himself.
Jacob Steel, jr., of Arden, ehot him.
self dead while bunting.
A C. P. R. seotionman named Peeter
was killed near White River.
William Davis, employed on the Grand
Trunk near Whitby, was killed by a
The Arlington Hotel and Mrs. Sin-
clair'e Bummer cottage on Hamilton
beaoh were destroyed by fire.
A new Roman Catholic church, to
eon 6100,000,1s to be emoted at Little
Farm, in the anburbe of Hull.
Five new locomotives from the Bald.
win works, Pittsburg, have arrived for
the Canadian Northern Railway.
A. large tree fell on Joseph Hethering-
ton, of London, as he was driving, break-
ing his book and fracturing his ekull.
Lieut. -Col. Sara. Hughes has wired the
Minister of Militia, offering to take corn -
mood of the force to be tent to Sonia
Af rice.
The experiment of supplying whistles
to the letter -carriers, which is now in
operation in Bloutreal, willialso be tried
in Toronto.
The Secretary of State's Department
hes been notified that Dr. W. Harley
Smith has been appointed Consul -General
for Doty at Toronto.
Mrs. Emandie Breenit, of Teenmeeh,
waa killed by falling through a bridge
with a wagon load of oornstalke, which
buried and smothered her.
Robt. L. Peddle, formerly a well-
known tailor of Detroit, jumped from
the Belle Iele bridge and was drowned.
He was a former Huronite.
Hon. Jamee Sutherland, acting Minis-
ter of Marine, has purnased the steam.
ebip, Lord Stauley, of Quebec for the
hydrograpbio survey of Lake Superior.
It is rumored that the position of
second in command of the new Canadian
force for South Africa, will be offered to
Major W. Hamilton Merritt, of Toronto.
Port Arthur purposes to entertain
Masan. Mackenzie and Mann at a ban•
qua on the completion of the Ontario &
Rainy River Railway, which will be
within a month.
The Hamilton & Caledonia Railway
Company is seeking right of way into
Hamilton, and wants the City Corpora-
tion to take stook in the enterprise to
the amount of 525,000.
The one of Benjamin Laobapelle, aged
56 years, of Ottawa., is moiling consider.
able interest. Five weeks ago be was
vaaoinatsd, and two days later he was at.
tented with porelysis.
The Allan Line SS. Sicilian sailed
from Montreal on °done 13 with
horses for Cape Town, 28 of whioh were
lost at sea. There was a mutiny on
bond and eome of the men had to be
put in irons.
Charles and John Miller, brothers, of
Toronto, were shot by Raiz. Coburn, of
Chicago, whose barn they entered in
aearoh of lodging, °therm thought they
ware after his poultry. Chas. wee fatally
wounded and John gloriously.
"The lumbermen never had a better
amen for selling their product than the
present. Tbe large crop in the West has
stimulated business Very muoh in West,
ern Ontario," This is the opinion of
Wm. Morgaoh, Orowo Tinebee Agent at
Rot Portage, who was in Toronto Mon.
day, Mr. klarge.oli entiolpatee great
activity in railway continuation in
Western Canada nest yen,. and says the
quantity of railroad tin hang oat in the
Rainy Blver District sbowe a large °X*