The Brussels Post, 1901-11-21, Page 8�i .I�t 133
A Baiting Powder made of
the beat passible ingre-
That gives the greatest lea.
vening power,
That leaves no bitter taste
in (lakes or Biscuits.
That makes food in which it
is lased beautifully white,
25c, per pound.
We have just opened out a
new and carefully selected
line of Wall Repot,
It me car aim to meet the
people with jaeb what they
want, with prima just so
low ars to satisfy everyoue in
every way,
We have Paper, at all
prime, for every room in
the house.
It will be a pleasure for,
us to have you look over our
Old Papers ore being cleared
Out at and below met.
L. R. Harve
'trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Express 7:1813.m I Mail 2:10 p.m
Mixed 8:46 a.m Express 8:17 p.m
lrx I etas
A ohiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
MUDDY roads.
INDIAN Sommer, Some people say.
A New smoke °baok has arrived for
Brussels Salt Works,
PHILIP AMENT reoeived a ear of pne
lumber on Wednesday.
Geo. BEST forwarded a oar of hogs and
a oar of lambs this week.
8100 gets THE POST 60 the end of 1902.
Now is the time to sobeoribe.
A cad of baled hay was shipped this
week by Messrs. Baeker & Vanetone.
TRIS week Wm. Jewitt sent another
oar of hogs to Palmerston PaokingBouee.
H0908 county Coupon will convene in
Goderioh on Tuesday, Deo. 8rd, at 8
IN the grain shipments this week R.
Graham and Alf. Baeker each shipped a
oar of Date.
MONTHLY Horse Fair, the first tbie sea-
son, will be held in Braeeele on Thurs-
day, Deo. 5th.
STovEwooD i; finding a ready market
in town although the weather has not
been very severe yet.
Near Thursday will be a pnblio holi-
day, The Bank will be closed and usual
holiday hours observed at the poetoffioe.
IN mentioning noticeable improvement
on Princess street recently TRE POST
named Mrs. Sinolair when it eboald have
read Mre. McLean.
Six deer arrived at Brueeele a Tues.
dayand another n Wedneeday,from
p o o
Alaskoka, indicative of the prowess of the
hunters from this locality.
THANKSGIVING Day 00 Thursday of next
week, and in aon9egnen08 TER POST will
be published on Wednesday eveoiog,
Will advertisers and correspondents
please make a note of this change next
THS Epworth League will give a Masi.
cal and Literary program on the evening
of Thanksgiving Day in the school room
of the Methodist ohurob. Dr. Thornton,
of Chatham, is expected to deliver an ad-
dress and a good time is assured to all
who attend.
AN old man named Earthy was sent to
the House of Refuge on Monday after-
noon, a few people "obipping up" for his
laze to Clinton. He was a one time resi-
dent of Grey township and as he is well
advanced in years is unable to longer
provide,..or himself, and aoneegoently
seeks refuge at the oomfortable quarters
provided by Earonitee for the needy.
AcoIDENT.—La t T4,reday 138 Adam
Somers was working on the roof of the
woodshed at Bruesels Salt Works. be olid
off, owing to the snow 'on the roof, and
fell a distance of 15 feet striking the
frozen ground feet first. The jar tonged
a marked ea anew hi his limbs np to hie
knee; and be ei now off work but we hope
be will soon be all right again. Els
injuries might easily bave been worse
and be was fortunate in eeoaping ea well
as he did.
PET1TION; are being Mem:dated for
8ignatar88 in the agricultural dietria68 of
Ontario asking for such legislation at the
next session of
Parliament RE will make
railway companies liable for all damages
done to stook getting on a railway line
through the failure of the company to
erect and maintain cattle guards and
femme. Tile petitioners allege that at
many polats where cattle guards have
been erected they have been filled up or
allowed 600811 into disrepair,. so as to be
entirely 08e►e09 se a means of keeping
stook off the railway tracks. Thousands
of cattle, it is declared, have been killed
in oonaegaenoe of their being able to
etray from the highway on to the railway
BRUeoELa8ALT Wouxo.—Meeere. Rana -
ford, of Clinton, who are now in obarge
of the salt basinee8 here, have deoided to
drop the old Ramo "Enterprise Salt
Works" and give the town more promin-
ence by designating them "Brussels Balt
Works" in all their advertising, labels
on barrel0, Sacks and other paokagea. In
this we very heartily concur and esteem
Moeere. Raneford'e thoughtfulness in the
change. The new roof is completed on
the blook and changes and improvements
ate being nude in8mde thab will add very
materially to the 000V80i90308 and better
working of the business, 500 oars of ooal
have been Ordered end a lively hustle will
be made in oohing the ma0nfeatnre of
0rst•oleee salt. Mr. Bamford wag in
Brueeele on Saturday paying the carpen•
Mrs who were making the alterations and
improvements. I6 is expeoted that frons
10 to 20 hand9 Will be employed in con.
bastion with this industry whirl means
a good deal for Brunie both in name
sad MS an employing agency,
TIE hydrants were tested on Tuesday
and found o. k.
A DANCING party was held in the Town
Hall on Wednesday evening,
W. H. McCeaon= is shipping a oar of
potatoes to New York State.
THE flex mill commenced work this
week eontobiog the poet season's orop.
A raw sleigh belle jingled last week but
the sleighing was of the very thin variety.
BRIIsoELs SOboot Board me advertising
for 70 porde of stove wood for the use of
the school.
ed a temporary office for the reoeiviag of
taxes et A, M, McKay & Co'e hardware
TURREY8 WANTED.—I will pay 64o live
and TO w1611 9eatheroff, for any quentity
of turkeys. Oatl and see me for ioetr10.
tions. Rover. Taoluao0, Brussels.
Wet. MoFAnzz&N threatens snit against
the town for the value of a heifer killed,
be affirms, by partaking of some poison
deposited in refuge hauled to the dump
ground on the farm by a Braeselite,
HILTON HUNTER has moved hie photo.
outfit to Arthur, it is said, where he has
engaged in business. He has been em-
ployed at Mount Forest for some montbe
poet. We wish him encases in hie bnei-
THE l9o0rumisb Opera Company left
lowu on Wedueeday for Walkerton where
they eomme008 a tour of the Northern
towns. W. '. Stratton ha8 been engaged
as Business Manager end is away witb
the troupe. They are to be in Stratford
tor Thanksgiving Day.
G. A Desniutt must surely think the
people of the West bave a"sweet tooth"
as he shipped 8 tone of firer class hooey
to them this week. Few persons stink to
the apiary like Mr. Deadman and be
appears to find quite a delight in it. Per
sonally we are on ranch better terms witb
the honey than we are with the bee.
W. F. VAt7STONE has purchased from
D. Stewart, the store on Joaepbioe street,
Wiagham, now ooaopied by Mr. Von•
Stone as oflioe, and W. Diamond as
butcher whop. The Wingbam Advanoe
says :—The property is finely eitnated
for business purposes, and at the prioe
paid, $1400, eboald pay good interest on
the investment. We do not think Mr.
VanStone will have xenon to regret mak.
ing the purchase.
A LETTER from Head Master Phillipe,
of the Listowel Higb School. has been re-
oeived in which be says the return of pu-
pils from Form III to Form II is no new
course of procedure for their Sohool ars
pupils have been allowed to try the work
of Form III and if fond too diffioult
could retain to Form II. Pnblio School
Leaving does not entitle a pupil to pro-
motion to Form III. The d hour spaces
be odvieee pupils to use in extra work on
the languages. No other pupil has ob-
jected to follow )tie advice regarding class
in which they should be plaoed. Mr,
Phillips states that these changes were
not made to give plaoe for favored pupils
as two town pupils were in the number
pat book and dis0laim8 any intention of
drawingboupariaon)3 between town and
country pupils as the very beet pupils
are from tke country.
amounts are email, but we have a large
number of them scattered all over the
country for subsoripbion9. We presume
tbat most of our readers have good in•
tentmons to pay np at some time, but
good intentions go a abort way towards
meeting drafts and settling our bills.
Most of those who are in arrears on sub.
eoriptione or owe to for job work, know
without being told, and how meth more
agreeable it would be on both eldest if
payments were made without putting lie
to the painful ne086eity of writing to eaob
one pereouaily. In some oases we have
Ono exceedingly patient and long -suffer.
ing, and now we respectfully request each
reader, whether in arrears, one year or
five, to send 00 a remittance at one. If
-there ie anyone who oannot pay the fall
amount dee, there need be no hesitation
about seeding tie part of it, which will be
thankfully reoeived and cheerfully credit-
REV. Lin R. RIORS IS NOT Dan.—Not-
withstanding a widely oarrent rumor
that Itev. Irl R, Hicks was dead, he
never was in better health, and never did
a harder and more enoaeseful year'e work
than that jest closing, He has just coin.
plated hie large and eplendid Almoner)
for 1902 and, with hie °teff of able help.
ere, has brought hie journal, Word and
Works, justly forward into leternabional
r 906836100. For a quarter of a dentary
Mr, Make has grown in reputation end
netfnlneaa 330 the people's astronomer,'
and foreoaeter of storms and the ober.
aoter of coming 00138on8. Never were hie
'weather fereoa868 so 0ougbe after as now,
his, timely warning of it :wring dronth
69318 year having savod the people from
less and Buffering. Millions of bushels of
wheat were harvested through his advice
to plant drops that would Mature early,
The American people will certainly etand
by Prof. Hioke, when it coats. them go
little and the benefits are so great. Hie
fine Almanac of 200 paged is only 260 and
his splendid family journal 34 only one
duller a year inoludiog the Altoona,
.Send to Word and Works Pdb. Co., 2201
Loount Street, St. Louie, Mo,
2 onoo1 Tumisoe, pr04810 dealer, Brae•
ie In the live 6urhey boein9oe and ie pay.
11g�the higbeetMerke6 prim,
"TRR Voter le in receipt of A. bund) of
heather front, the Old Ooentry, thanks to
the thoughtfuluee3 of Wm, Forrest, wild
is spending the Winter there.
TORN out wag so small en Thursday
evening of lead week 336 the "Said. Pasha"
0014006 that the'progran wars not given.
The weather woe very digegreeable with
snow and cold.
A, sone Iron vendor named Montgomery
ebipped a oar of thio metal Eastward
from this etatioo. Men who handle 6hi0
class of material deserve a good profit ars
the job is pot the nioeet In the world,
Latin A Heim,—Thio baa been a pros-
perous year—the props have been go‘ 4,
prion are high 139 compared with other
years, and all labor is well paid. The
only way the editor Dau share in 6h1e
prosperity is by our 79aders balancing
their eubsoription 8000unt9, Will you
not do thio muoh for us by remitting
promptly the amount due 08? The out-
look is that the renewal semen will be
heavy. Push it along kind reader by
handing in your subscription es well.
B0011EN LEa.—Wednesday afternoon
W, W. Hoy, a former Greyite, arrived at
it aoarof stook and
Brussels with load 0o
household effects from Trout creek. Iu
commending to unload the oar be fond
that one of the three harem had one of
its hind legs broken, presumably from a
kick. He blames the railway people for
giving him too small a oar for stook. The
horse had to be shot to put it oa6 of
further trouble, It is an unfortunate
oircumstanoe for Mr. Hoy.
ENTERED INTO I9Eoo, The 90000008-
mentlaet Saturday, of the demise of
Mies Ivy, daughter of Mrs. Walker, of
London (formerly of Brueeele) and nelee
to John Wynn, of this place, came Re a
end uprise for while it was known that
her health was not good few expooted
that the end was so close at hand. The
London Daily Free Prue of last Monday
gives the following particulars : "Mise
Ivy Walker, daughter of Mre. Walker, of
91 Wellington street, who died on Battu,
day morning last, o0me bere with her
mother and ei8ter, from Brussels, eleven
years ago, During bar eojourn in the
oity, She made many friends, who were
grieved and hooked at the news of her
untimely death. Daring an illness of a
year's duration, four months of whioh
time was spent in Victoria Ho8p4al, her
phyeioiano endeavored to restore to her
the good health which wee her heritage,
but the Great Rater had willed otherwise.
Naturally of a cheerful disposition, her
long illness seemed to throw into promi•
nenoe this bright quality. During her
illness ehe never eompiaioed,bearing
with Christian fortitude the sufferings,
whioh mast have racked ber. Mies Walk-
er was an esteemed and very aabive mem•
ber of tbe First Methodist obaroh, being
a teacher in the Sabbath School, a mem
ber of the choir and 8eoretary of the
Epworth League for five years. Feeling
reference to her death wail made by TboS.
MoCormlok, of whose class she was a
faithful member, and by Dr. Eccles,
whose tribute to her life found eoho in
the heart of every member of the ohms.
Rev, Mr. Biebop, pastor of the church,
also spoke feelingly of tbe lose' the ohurob
has unstained in her death. - Heartfelt
eympatby is expressed for the Borrowing
mother and sister. There remaine for
the many friends the remembrance of a
life made beautiful by kindly deede,"
The eervioe et the home, before the
cortege left for the Grand Trunk depot to
take the remains to Brueeele for inter.
men, 1308 oondooted by Rev. Mr. Bishop
assisted by Reeds. Messrs. Hamilton and
Salton. "Nearer My God to Theo" was
sung, also the beautiful solo ',Christ i8 all
in 911,' both iavoriteo of the departed.
The remains were brought to Brussels
on Monday evening and taken to Mr.
Wynn'° residence from whence it was
borne to Brueeele oemetery on Tuesday
afternoon to await the r880676otion morn.
An appropriate service was held by Rev.
Jim, Holmes, pastor of the Methodist
Oharoh, assisted by Rev. R. Paul. The
pall bearers were Harry Bartliff, Jae.
Shaw, Fred. Downing, Lorne Dunford,
Geo. Irwin and W. J. McCracken. A
number of beautiful floral tributes were
placed on the casketeomeof them coming
from the Sabbath Sohool ohms of the
deoeaeed,the choir and League, Miss
Walker is well remembered here where
her childhood days were spent and her
many friends watched the developemeot
of womanly gifts and grams and valued
her for her real worth. She was early
connoted with the church and i0 its
various departments was ever ready to
do her part here as in the wider epbere
in Loudon. The closing out of her young
life found her trustful, oheerfol and con.
salmis of the invaluable comfort of the
religion of the Lord Jests Christ and she
went borne as pesoefally as a ohild would
fall asleep. There is a very touching and
practical lesson to the young people of
the community in Mies Walker's death
and the admonitory injunction "Be ye
also ready" should not be lost by those
who are procrastinating or living outside
the vineyard of the Giver of every good
and perfeot gift, Among the relatives
and friendsfrom dieter a in attendance
a n a n
at the burial were :—Mre. Walker and
Mien Emma, of London ; W. W. Bur -
gem and Mre. Cornish, of Mitchell ; Mre.
Mo0rae and Harry, of 8eaforlb ; E.
Crawford, of London; D. and Mre•
Lewis, of 13loevale. The sympathy of
many friends le accorded the bereaved
who sorrow not as those without hope
but in the expectation of re anion by -
and -bye.
PERSONA 1.'1U9.M.IRAl'Hi3.
J. D. Ronald is home from his Eastern
Wittiness trip,
Druggist Harvey is in Toronto this
week on Mishima.
Mre. Leckie Red Jack inteud going to
Toronto for Thanksgiving.
TintP043 bad a pleneant Dail from Ino,
Ranoford, of Clinton, last Saturday;
Dire, A. Good Wad on the Oak list this
week but We nope she will noon he better.
13, and dire. Gerry were in Seaforth on
Wednesday visiting relatives and friends,
Mis9 Hattie Downing ha8- engaged to
Ieaoh a 80110o1 Eat of Walton : for next'
R. W. Matheson, formerly of Brussels,
hoe been oilmen 1eare6ary of Loakuow
Curling Club.
Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, of Toronto, and
Mre, T. Hamilton, of Listowel, are gents
of Mrs. J, Leokie.
F. DeWolf and John have moved to
the 4112 line of Morrie, where they intend
making. their home,
Mica Carrie South, who hag been inn
Toronto, was VioitiOg her Sister, Moo
Geo, 0. Lowry, last weep In Weenie,
Aire, J. A. Creigbtan left on Tuesday
for Hamiltee where ehe 39111 vi016 Oar
aoa, E, 8 , 0,14 bio good 1a�dy for a 6twe,
Air, add Mre, Heyd, of .Heepeler, were.
vieitore in Br010919 this week. The
former 99 the 0• T. 1t agent at tbq town
suave named,
Mies Lyia Bar611ff wits down 06ree6 for
the 87336 6imo ein99 her tango on M00day.
Her 010n7 7040g friend° were pleased 6o'
welcome her,
Hon, ifillfrid I,anrier this woe 00 years of
age 00 Wedne°day of ween. We
wish the Eton, gentleman ma07 happy
re6nroo of the by.
Peter Bishop, who spent the poet
Stammer at Sault Stewf(iarie, arrived
Mime lest weep and will likely remain
bare for the Winter.
Thos, and Mre. 13loom69elCarrived jn
Brti80e18 from M000bee6er, Xingiand, on
Monday evening of this week. Thi9 fe
Mre. Bloomfleid'e firet yi8it to Canada,
Mn. Ewen, of Pennsylvania, who spent
some months bere with his nephew, P,
Ewan, 1e baok to town one more and
will likely put the Winter in here. He
IS the Soul of geniality,
Counoillor and Mre. Wilton and 1'. and
Mrs, Ament attended the Silver Wedding
of E. T. and Pare. Greenaidee at Moles.
worth 1 'd enin reWiltonwor last I'riay seeming. g Mrs.
and Pare. Green8ide8 are sisters.
Hon. Tboe. Greenway, of Oryetal City,
Manitoba, was a eleitor inn Brueeele this
week. Mrs• (Rev.) Holmes is a sister of
the. Hon. gentleman' pod he took time
while East on a business trip to visit
"Our National Bondage" will be the
topic at the Bpworth League 11606 Sab.
bath evening.
A Temperance lesson will be taught
next Sabbath in the International Slab -
beth Schon! series.
The resignation of Rev. J. Maxwell, of
Kinlougb, was before Maitland Presby-
tery on Tuesday. Hie health has not
been first Mass.
Dr, Feild has been appointed Minister's
Warden in connection with St. Juhn'e
ohuroh in the v9ORnoy canoed by the re•
moval of J. N. Gordou to Forest.
Next Sabbath Rev. Martin J, Wileoo,
of the Nile oiroeit, will occupy theMetho.
dist church pulpit here. Rev. Mr.
Holmes will be away to Whitechurch
oirouit on that day.
At the service in the R. 0. church last
Sabbath morning the beautiful tenor solo
"Calvary" was well thug by E. F. MoCru
wish, who was here with the "Said
Raabe" Opera Go.
Rev. A. I. Mo$elvey, of Wroxeter,
preaohed in Broseele Methodist church
last Sabbath. "Bear ye oneanother's
burden's and so fulfill the law of Christ"
was the profitable dubjeot dealt with in
the morning, and in the evening "The
fool bath said in his heart there ie no
God" wee the text. Mr. McKelvey ie a
good speaker and acquitted himself well,
This was his first visit to Brueeele.
The Protectant ministers of Montreal
have agreed to open a. eampaign against
the proposed oivio legislation to legalize
the opening for business of fruit, punfeo-
lionery and such stores on Sunday. Snob
places are now running on Sundays by
the more in tbat pity, but i6 is against
tbe law, which is, however, uninforoed.
Petitions are to be circulated ' for signa-
tures against the move.
Rev. Mr. Strachan, of Guelph, who ie
a oonein to Thos. Straohan, of Grey town-
ship, preached in Melville church last
Sabbath. His discourses were plain and
practical and eal0ulated to do people 9901.
The morning theme was The Marriage
Feast, "comet for all things are now
ready." In the evening the text was
Epb. 8 and 2 "As Christ loved no." Mr.
Strachan ie on the retired list but pos.
seams a good deal of vitality yet.
Business Locals.
Saner to loanon farm mouthy..
Apply at Tan POST.
BRU36EL9 Pram WORnB —Saw gumming
a epeoialty. 5atiefaotion guaranteed.
F. ADAMS, Mill street.
FORS WANTED.—A. Conley is desiroue.
of purchasing a large quantity of any
kind of furs. Highest oath price paid.
WANTED. — Bright dried apples, 80.
Orders direct from Germany, Also .roll
butter, fowl and raw furs.
G. E. Kira, Wingham.
SAw Fr3ING.—Tbe undersigned ie pre.
pared to attend to all sew filing in a
workmanlike manner, after long expert
ienoe. Satisfaotion guaranteed.
Hurn WiLn10Me,
Livery Barn, Brussels.
T. MoGnnson has a large quantity - of
firet Glass oroee•out eaore for sale and
ready for work. Timber cutters should
see them for they are fast and easy out.
tere, Yours for sews, T. McGregor,
Brussels Sow and Tool Co., Brussels,
tirrey Council Meeting.
The 11th meeting of Grey Township
C0unail wag held in the Township. Hall,
Ethel, on Wednesday, Nov. 20, pursuant
to 08)00 nmen6. Present full Council,
The Reeve in the chair. 'Minntee of last
meeting read and passed. By law No.
175, read let, 2nd and 8rd time and final•
ly passed appointing F. S. Scott as Clerk.
Bylaw No. 176, read let, 2nd and Brd
time end finally passed, re Municipal
Eleobion'for 1902. Communication from
G. F. Blair, re Gdhr vs. Oliver read and
filed. Moved by Turnbull, eeoonded by
McDonald, that this Council grant $0.00
to David Campbell towards wire fence on
condition that the Condi of the Town..
ship of Wallace grant the same amount.
—Carried Moved by MoDonald, second
ed by Turnbull, that G. F, Blair be and is
hereby appointed Solicitor for the Town
ship.—carried. Moved by Tttrnbull
seconded by McDonald, that the follow
mng 13000nnt8 be passed and that name
be leaned on the 'amount for the sable
Tbo9. Sareollan, gravel 9 4 00
HenryDn008n, gravel 5' 76
Robert Manatee, gravel .... 4 80
RPorterfield, gravel 8 80
Tion, Mo2augh1on, tile 6 26
L. MoDouald, i'mb'r lot 14, oon. 17 3 80.
Geo. 19086het, deepening ditoh lot
15, .: .. 2 00
W m, Dun caneon, repairing oulvert
lot 16, can. 17 2 00
Jae, Colciough, award alto) 10617
con, 17 12 00
Jas. Cololcugh, gravelling Bound, 20 00
D, Johnston, repairing oulvert lob
16, con, 15 .. d' 00
Geo, Chandler, cleaning ditch Ode
Tinel, eon, 17 8 00
$T.01.D4, 2) 24,7Y' " OF C./1.1V41)./1,
m✓N ` ssaaTC,T�,.+- XTZaa team.
CAPITAL PAID TIP (One Million Dollore) 91,000000
R GST 700,000
agencies in alt prinoipa6 fl9Snte Olt Ontario, Quebec, /deenoba, 1 111661 Stater 9ct' E9t,ylaad,
10 006.14480 attAVV.47.
A General Banking .81810888 Trapeaoted, Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Dratte Teaued and Qelleetione made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on 1p0ite of $1.00 auk:Tweak, and compounded half yearly.
1301301:03 ATTRNT1oN eav10 'do THE COLL16oTIoN Or FARMERS' SALE Roane,
Every facility afforded 0astomer:e living at a distance.
MGtt9y Ord@rtpayhbee0at0awnyng boklen—ed , too 90,.,,140
H. Aicook, gravelling lot 9, 000. 15
1) Manes, cleaning ditch side
line 2, con. 12
D. Mo ua ri
tightening nbCran•
brook bridge
A. Reymann, repairing Calder
bridge 50,
Gillies & Martin, repairing grader 2 25
Robb, Bell, 2} days work 8 75
John Bateman, ditching & oulvert
lot 15, con. 5 • 7 25
Philip Ament, lumber side line 1,
con. 10 3 00
Ed. Armstrong, gravel 8 04
A. Raymann, seleoting jurors..., 4 00
John Rose, grading lot 28, con. 5 16 00
J. Savage, ditch aide line 4, con. 2 1 00
21 a0 drunk," remarked the Magistrate, "This
sort of thing bee to be stopped. And it
4 00 a man does seem drunk when be'o ttart-
in '
g forhome, the hotelkeeper should,
8 00 detain him 6i11 be'eobere up, even if throe
is memory." y." The two offences will coat
Par. Gropp the even 9100, 89 mete are
included in the fine. He pays 950 cash
and has a wee& to pay the rest.
Sam. Klemeohot, gravelling aide
line 5, oon.2 4 00
62. McDonald, lumber and repairs
culvert side line 4, con. 1
Wm. Murray, epikes,
David Campbell, gr'v'I Wallace B
H. Coghlin, repairs bridge Wel
lace boundary 7 50
Geo. Wcon, eleh6, repairing culvert lot
17, 2 25
Wm, Riley, gravelling side line 2,
Wm. Riley,tile and ditching,. lot
14, con. 7 11 25
Mr. Johnstone, gravel 6 40
John Howard, gravel Bide line 5,
con. 144 26
J. Malinney, ol'n'g Fraser drama 16 00
Jos. MoEay,logginglot 18,con. 17 18 00
oulvert 29, con. 16 2,00
J. Osborne, gravelling aide line 5,
con. 11 29 00
Geo, Robertson, oulvert MoTag-
girt drain
G. Robertson, culvert lot 27 con 17
R. Munn, rag bolts
Geo. MolCay, spikes
Cbae, Cleaver, gravel contract .
Robe. Livingstone, work on Logan
bound22 75
D. Stewartary, gravel 1 92
J. Roger '14th con. drain $312 456 00
} MoTaggart drain 9144}
A. Hallenbeck, gravel pathmaeter 15 04
Wm. Spence, Insurance on Hall1 40
John, Gorealitz, error inn school
taxes, wrong eeo6ion, - 8475
Nicholson & Oonnely, MoTa,g't dr30080000 00
496 00
Gnhr & Fogal, Hull drain 450' 00
Jae. .0 ololough, gravel 14 40
Geo lark, gravel 47020
Joh MoTaggart, MoTaggart drama 10 00
G.. Matheson, 10 00,
Joe. avage, cleaning award drain 12 00
Wm MaNab, gravel.. 4 80
John Joh McNaught, repairing road
l0 27, con. 17 5 00
Jas. umminge,log'gElmo bonn'y 6 00 Fogel, gel, work Elma boundary2 00
Joh cfiaggart,MoTaggart dramn 7 75
Jos, avage, repairing bridge side
1m 5, con. 2 5 00
W Mitohell, gravel 23 92
Jae. ergueon, wire fence side line
1, on. 9 5 92
Jae. anna, gravel
Oou cil adjourned to meat Deo. 16th,
190 at Township Hall.
F. S. Score, Clerk.
7 00
10 58
6 50
2 00
1 60
8 64
Perth county.
Hon. A. G. Seyfert, Stratford's United
Sta6e9 Consul, has returned from a five
weeks' trip to hie home in Lanoaetee, Pa.
W. J. Lannin, a Moroiogtou .man .who
has been connected with the Toronto
police foroe for the last thirteen months,
bee been granted a leave of absence for
ten days whioh he will spend about the
parental. home.
The annual mato) of the Downie Plow.
men's Aeeooiation, was held Thursday,
14th, at the farm of Thos. Aitoheeon, lot
9, coo, S,Downie, and was a complete sue.
cess in every way. The art of plowing
has always had a strong hold upon the
farmers of Downie and the attendance at
these gatherings is as a consequence quite
large. This year Wee DO eNeep6i013 to
the role, the orowd of interested speota•.
tors numbering well on to two hundred.
In all there were eixteen contestants and
the retinae were a8 fallowe, the name Of
the plow used being appended --181
Olaee-1, Alex. Redford i 2, Robt. Ait.
ohoeon; .8, Walter H. Murray ; 4, John
Frame ; 6, Peter Smith ; 6, D. Smith,
all with Davidson plows. 2adClass-1,
David Oliver, with Davidson' plow ; 2,
Jas. Gloyn, do.; 8, Jae. Hlehon, witb
Scotch Thistle ; 4, Geo. Wettlaufer, with
No, 1 Williamson i' 5, Sam. Smith, with
Humphrey. 8rd Glass -1, Joe, Aitoheeon,
with Fleury plow; 2, Wilbert Lamb, No.
1 Wilkinson ; 8, ltobt. Smart, Scotch
Thistle. Boya-1, Geo. Armstrong, with
Davideo0 plow ; 2,'Geo. Aitoheeon, lo.
Speoial for best •
ridge in field, Ales, Red.
At the Police Court at Stratford John
Chopp, 120681 teep813 at 01d Branner, wee
changed, on information of Deputy. Lie-
nee );nspeobor Carey, with permitting
gambling in hie house on Oat, 26, the day
on which the late "'MiOhael'Bagarty met
With hie fatal accident. R, S. Robertson
appeared for the Crown. M. Grope
pleaded guilty to the charge, and • the
Police Magistrate impoeed the maximum
penalty, a 960 fine, remarking that Chia
wee a cage, if ever there was one, where
the full penalty' et the law should be
exeroised.- No sooner had Mr. Gropp
910ad811 guilty to the first cberg8 than
Inspector Carey served him with another
ni4ely.worded invitation to attend Court,
on 16 ohaege of permitting liquor to be
gold in b1e betel to J. Pelton, who was
already' drunk, To tbie offence 100 a
plea of guilty was fortboomiug, and again
the full penalty of 950 was imposed.
"Men must not ree0178lignor after they're
ARMeTaortG,—In Win9ham,on Nov, 9, to
Aar. and Mre, Teas. Armstrong, &
METoALO•.—In Turnberry, on Nov. 10, to
Mr, and Mre. John Metcalf, a eon.
OATnsna-,PALntER.—At the reaidenoe of
bride's parents in the Tp. of Tarn -
berry, an Noy. 18631, by Rev. A. L
McKelvey, Mr. David James Cathere,
of Tp. of Howiok, to Mies Elizabeth
Jane Palmer.
LEDNARD—M000LLUM.—At the reaidenoe
of the bride's .mother, Mre. James
Roberts, Grabble Farm, 10th Elder -
elle, on Nov, 6th, by the Rev. C. E.
Stafford, Mr. Wm, H. Leonard, of
Howiok, to Mies, Jennie Mn0ollnm.
MoGEoeGE.—In Grey, on Nov.lObh, Sam -
eel McGeorge, aged 78 years and 10
MoINTo00.—Io Grey, on Nov. 19th, John
Molntoeh, in his 72nd year.
WALEER.—I0 London, on Nov. 16'h, Ivy,
daughter of Mre. M, J. Walker, for.
merly of Brueeele, aged 24 years.
__—_- svC 'xosa s,Ama.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 27,- Farm stook,
&o., Lot 28, Con. 8, Grey. Bale, mire-
°Brved, at 1 o'olook. Mre. Hugh McNeil,
proprietress ; F. S. Scott, auctioneer..,
=137137s3'7T.+u =germs ,
Fall Wheal 64 66
Barley 46 . 46
Peae „ ...... ...,t... 65 67
Oats ,-...,....... 89 41
Butter, .t"he and riffle 14 16
Egge r"•r dozen . , , 14 16
Flour her cwt. ... 4 00 5 00
Potatoes (per beg),. . 40 45
Apples (per Illi.) . , ,,2 50 8 00
Sheep shine, each .:.:25 25
Lamb eltina each25 30
Balt per bbl , retail,,.., -1 00 70
Ray per 1081 •,. 6 00 7 00,
6 6}
5 00 5 26
Wool ' 12 18
Hides trimmed
Hides sough
Boge, Live
511IL9. ST, EAST, 131098889.8.
GENERAL servant wanted. Apply to
1t1R6, W, M. SINCLAIR, Brussels.
A NUMBER of 2 and 8 -year-old steers
for sale. Apply to TBOS. MOORS, Brueeele
WANTED.—Trnetworthy yo0ne girl to
look after children. VIM GRAY, corner
Turnberry and Queen street.
Two good Shearlinga: Rama - for sale.
Apply on Lot 6, Oon, 0, Grey. THOS. PEP-
PER, Brussels P, 0. 17.2
Oominob1ION look, fire proof safe for
senior to exchange. Face measurements
21 x 88. For price, &o., see or write
B. GERRY, Brussels.
Two young oowe for sale, will calve
about Deo, lat. Also 22 steers rising 3 years
old. 2NO. LOWE, Lot 10,000.6, Grey,
1441 Brus0els P. O,
GO0D YEAR OLD STEERS Wanted, editable for ranch purpoaee,
Apply to GEO. BEST, Brueeele.
T. P. Snit
Graduate of New Tork, Phi ladolph'ioomit
Toronto 00104I Colleges, will be at
Fox's Drug Store
Wednesday, Nov. 2lth:
Cell early and avail yourself
hie valuable entices.
Shearling and nine Ram Leicester
Lambs for sale, Some eligible Tor.regietra.
Men.D,. 201LNE, Ethel.
Sheep of both sexes and Various ages,
Qui Bronze Turkeys and Embden Ghees.
JOHN 8MITE, Lot 8,Con. 6, Grey. `
Turn berry street, Brussels, for Bale at
a bargain. Apply to
lighted and convenlenbroome to let in
the Leekie blook over G. A. Domini an S and
Mre, Siogere' stores, Apply to E. R, 800TT.
SALE,—The undersigned offers a =ei-
der of pure bred Oxford .down Shearliuge
and Ram Lambs for sale, Lot 3, Con. 10,
Bunlett. L. TAMER, Hallook P.O. 14.4
$15.00 to $18.00 a,Week
Wail, for an intelligent man or woman in
each town. Permanent position. 30 Dints
per hour for opera time. Manufaotnrer,
Box 78, Philadelphia. 1e
in Btu:sete, Eligiblysltuabod,}acre
ei land, stable, well, cellar dad other eon-
venieocee. Eor price and terms apply to
MISS DARK,Oranbrook P.0 , o r Tae Pear
Publishing House, Braeaele. 10.31
ATSi10 and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and onwenort notloe.
Have had three yearn' experience In oily
work. Terms reasonable., Give me a can.
W.2.JOHNSTON, Walton.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 16,000. 9, Grey, a thoro'-bred Tamworth
Beg. Pedigree maybe seen on application,
Terme, $1,00, to be paid at. time of eervide
with privilege of returning 0e
if neeeary
17.2 37.1. JAOKLIN, Proprietor.
Timber Land for. Sale.
For sale the South Hall of Lot 20, Con, 7,
in the Township of Morrie, or tuitimber
will be Bold without the land. Will also sell
the South Ratio( Lot 27, Con. 6, Morrie, all
cleared. For further particulars aoply to'
10.4 JAMES FETCH, Deloraine, Man.
Huron County Council.
The-Ooueail ofthe County of Huron will
meet in the Commit Chamber in the town
of Gederioh on Tuesday, Ord day of Decem-
ber next, at 8 o'olook p, m
De ted at Godorioh this 20th day of Nov-
ember, 100E
13.3 W. LANE, Clerk.
Wood Wanted.
Tenders w111 bereoeived9. until Deeembor
13th fax the delivery of 70 earls of good, •
sound, green hardwood, 23 Melia long ,to be
delivered at Brussels Public School before
thermic day of Moron, 1903.
11.. ROSS,
10-2 Secretary Pnblio School Board,
season hasadvaneed and I have not
''sold my farm yet, I will rent at Dune. There..
are 100 acres in farm, good buildings,. or-
chard, &o. For further l 813610diar0 ea to
terms, &o., apply to WALTER MINES, Pro -
re tor,Jameetown, or F. S. SCOTT, .8rus-
BRneeone.—The undersigned offers for
sale Lo68 7A and 74, Aau street, and Lots 76
and 70, on Mary street, in the village of
Brueeele, containing one more, very deetrab-
1ylocated. On the premises is a house,
stable and well. Will be sold at a bargain.
For further partioulare as to pride endtorme
apply to 6201124 RODDIOK,
14.19 , Brussels.
Highest Cash Price will be
Paid for
200 FOX
V nnR ,���ON
500 SKUNK, and
U �, a d
AnyQuantity of MuskRat
�l Gourley.