The Brussels Post, 1901-11-21, Page 7RUSSIAN IOEBREAKEB, PAILS
'Unable to Vince Its Way Thasaugh
the Kara Sea.
The groat Russian Mobreaker Yea
Mak, %Rh Admiral Makaroff on
boards, llitS returned to Tronssoe,
north Norway, alter endeovoring 10
rata to force its way through the
iee of the Kara Sea lo the mouth
of the Yenisei River, Siberia. Its
purpose was to steam around the
north end of NovoYtt Zonate and
break' ini Way through the lee of the
Nara, Sea to the Yenisei, It was
found, bowever, that the lee of the
Kara Soa Was too bearO to be brok-
en .by the Yerniak in spite of the
great weight and powertul machinery
ol that vessel. '
The failure of tho Yerrnele to carry
.out Admiral Sialre.roff's Plans for lost
summer's work disposes of the
ocheme, in which be has reposed much
taith, of finally settling the question
of the North Pole by making a jour-
ney to ft on his icebreaker, Ho has
repeatedly expressed his confidence
that the Yormalt could break a road
through any Arctic ice and he has
Proposed to command the ship on a
voyage to the Pole.
The failure of the Yermak this year
, however, proves tho impracticability
" of his scheme, as far as tho Yennak
at least Is concerned. If it Is pos-
Mine for an icebreaker to force its
way to the North Pole the achieve-
ment, can be accomplished only by a
vessel that is hoevier and more
powerful than the Fermata
This great ship, however, has
.abundantly proved its usefulness ,for
commessolal purposes. The vessel was
built to break up the lee of the Bal-
tic so as to give ships access to
Russian ports and rivers at times
when they are usually dosed by ice.
March, 1893, the Yermak, fresh
from the shipyards were it was
built, entered the frozen port of
Kronstadt with comparative ease,
and the going to Revel liberated
thirty-threo vessels of a value of
500,000, so that they were able to
,go on their way with cargoes. Then
returning to Kronstadt and St,
Petersburg the Yermak opened the
way for the entrance of forty steam-
ers several weeks before the ordinary
In 1899 the Yermak was subjected
to still severer tests. She went to
Spitabergen about the close of the
season of navigation, pushed into the
polar ice and made a journey through
the pack tee. She travelled in tho
pack ice about 280 miles. Her
powerfut machinery drove her bow
far up on ice that was fourteen feet
thick. invariably the great weight
of the vessel broke the ice and the
Yermak went on its war at an aver-
age speed of tliree to four knots an
liour. Such work as this makes ice
breaking in theitaltic, where the ice
Is not likely to exceed five feet in
thickness, more child's play. There
is no doubt that the Yermak is more
than able to cope with any ice that
• is ever met in the Baltic.
• The result of this- severe polar test
confirmed Admiral Makarca in his
opinion that tho Yermak would he
ably to cope with any ice in the
.A.rctio regions. The result of this
• year's worlc, however, shows that he
underestimated the thickness and
tonghneas of portions of the polar
pack. The Yermak is never likely to
be of rauch service in the Bold of ex-
zcovi RELSEF CAME 11'0 THOM.
Ho Had Suffered for Forty Years
iron's OYOPepsia-Food Became
Detestable and Stomach
CramPri Node Life Burden.
From the Topic, Petrolots Orin
FoW meal in Parolee. are better
known than Mr, Thomas FinallaY,
who as reoldeci hero nearly forty
Yeare, In 1862 Mr, Findlay came
here, and before the railroad con-
nected with Petrolea he drove a
stage coach aringing the early oil
men. When- the railroad came here
lar, Findlay engaged in the oil busi-
ness, but later he suffered from a go»
acaident that disabled ids haado per-
manently, After recovering from
this Mr, Findlay was appointed cons
stable and night watchman for tho
town, which office be hao hold during
thirty years past. This accident
was by no means Mr. Findlayaz
worst mlefortune, From early youth
he had been a martyr to dyspepsia,
which finally became so bad that he
looked forward to decttli as a merci-
ful release. Happening to -hear that
Mr. Findlay had found complete re-
lief from his lifelong foe, a Topic re-
porter waited on him to find if this
was true. lir. Findlay was only too
glad to tell his story, noping its
publication might help some other
sufferer. "I arn a pretty old man
now," said Mr. Findlay, 'but I can-
not remember the time when I was
not in pain from pernicioue dyspep-
sia and stomach trouble until lately.
As' a young man on the farm I suf-
fered all sorts of pains with it;food
would sour on my stomach and vio-
lent vomiting opells would follow.
As I grow older my sufierings in-
creased. 1 could not • eat anything
but the simplest kind of food. and
little of that. My systdn . • be-
came badly run down told
I grew so weak that I really looked
forward to death as a release from
my misery. One after another I
tried doctors and medicines, but
could get no relief; then in despair
I concluded to quit 11 and await the
end. Meanwhile my condition be-
came worse. Violent cramps attack-
ed my legs, prostrating me for a
time. They became worse and more
frequent until. they ono day attacker'
my stomach, and I thought my cad
had come. Unable to move and in
agony I was driven home, as I
thought to Alia, but after an injec-
tion of morphine I gradually recov-
ered. From that time on the cramps
increased in frequency and violence.
Nothing gave me relief except the
temporary immunity from pain af-
forded ,by morphine. I became SO
weak from pure starvation that
death stared mo in tho face. Final-
ly a friend said: Why don't you
try , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills?'
'What's the use ?' I asked, 'I've tried
everything • and just got worse all
the time. 'Well,' she said, 'you try
a 'box of Dr. Williams' Pink Tills,
they cured me, and I believe they
Wilt do you good.' Well, I purchased
O box- and started taking them. Af-
ter a little I thought thoy helped nie,
SO I kept on taking them for a cou-
ple of months when I felt I was real'
ly cured alter an many years of suf-
fering. My strength crane back, my
stomach recovered its power, and I
was able to eat anything I fended,
and once more could enjoy life.
This is nearly two years ago, but I
•was cured to stay cured. I have
never had a sick day since or known
tho slightest storaach trouble. I van
confident I would be a dea.d man now
if it were not for Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills -nothing else ever helped me."
The old adage, "os:perience is the
best teacher," might well be applied
in cases of dyspepsia, and if suffer-
ers would only bo guided by the ex-
perience of those who have suirered
but are now well and happy through
the IMO of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
there would be less distress through-
out the land. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills can be had at all dealers in
medicine or by. snail, Post paid; at
50 cents ai box Or six boxes for $2.50
by addressing tho • Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
SUciden JHMP Into Popularity of
the Denlinien BiaralreO.
The recent Jump of Oanadirin ()vo-
ters Into popularity both in the Unit-
ed Statee and in Europe, where they
reeeived the highest award at the
Paris Exposition, has been followed
by a, visit Of inspection to Qeelme by
Dr. le, H., Moore of the Uoited Stat -
QS Fishery Commission.
The eororoiselou inteods te make
an attempt to breed oystero by arti-
ficial means on the Pacific eoent.
The Absolute Ruler of Imperial
X0Va Scotia Member of the Gnild
Wants MO Criate Publinhed-An
Hight Year Sufferer from Beek-
a.che-Curecl Recently by Dodd'is
Kidney Pills.
Vomiter attempts in this direction, Bridgewater, N. 5., Noy. (Soo,
both by Canada and the United cial),-Tho case of John 5. Mere:an
States resulted in a failure. Dr. plumber and tinsmith tit thio towa,
Moore has been engaged with the should he put prominently bofore ev-
Canadian oyster export, Mr, Kemp, ery union and nounnifon man 10
In taking temperature and other ob- Canada. In 11, 'matter like this there
serrations, and In testing the Ratio- should Inz no distinction, the berzefit
ity of the water in various pato of belongs to all,
Prince Edward Island, John S. Morgan for eight years
Ao oysters are sopposed to thrive was hampered in his worn by back -
best M cool • waters, Dr, Moord ex- mem. Stooping contlaually at work
presses astooishment at the high av- is tho cause el a great deal of back-
eroge temperetuve' of the Canadian ache, though not in the way most
oyster beds, his observations show- people imagine. Air. Morgan's letter
ing that the temperature ranged from explains the truth of the matter
66 to 60 degrees, Exhorts have re- when be says Dodd's Kinney Pills
ported that on the Pacific coast the cured hls backache. It was really
temperature is from seven to eight ICIdney ache that Dodd's Kidney
degrees lower and more favorable Pills cured.. • It was really Kidney
than at Prince Edward Island, • ache that troubled Mr. Morgan.
nanadais fovorlto oyster is the Backache IS thu cod1111011118t sytim-
Rfalpecque, which, like the Narrows, tom of Kidney Disease. Eidney Dis.
tho Caraquet, and several other ease is tho commonest of human all -
prime bivalves, comes from Prince mente, and Dodd's Kidney Pills aro
Edward Island. They are the larg- tee One infallible cure for all Kidney
est of Canadian oystors and the Car- diseases. Reed what Mr, Morgan
aquas the smallest, says about them Willson'.
THE MALPECQUES, "I have been subject to Immo back
tor eight yoors. The diaerept roma-
when in prime condition are very
dies I tried Nero no good. I gob so
large, specimens being often ;net
with up to eight or nine inches Tang, that Was crippled up entirely and
Some are almost circular, but most couldn't do it tap of work. Another
of the larger ones are about two-
thiug was a frequent desire to urin-
thirds as wide as then fire long. ate altogether unnatural.
By the majority of Canadians the "11 bout a year ago I commenced
to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. I had
largest oysters are the most highly
esteemed. They are exceedingly fat run down in weigat- to about 14.0
and meaty, these Malpecques, when ipdounDddsd. d.aDuriclindng eythieltdismIe us -
in gained 08good order, and (zoo always taken g
as h
In a single mouthful. • As smaller Patur. I34cYonbtainiu'
ones aro preferred in the United.
pills until to -day 1 am as free from
States the dealers who have a Can-backches as over I was its my life.
This after moat yettro al tt, means
an awful lot to mt. I realize the
danger I Was in and onow what I
owe to Dodil's Kidney Pilin.
• "I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills
to anyone who has backache or any
other Kidney complaint."
The following shows the value of
punctuation marks :-
Thomas Merrill's property is for
sale. It consists of a cottage coa-
tatning seven rooms and an acre of
land. .
Edward Jones has opened a shoe
shop in Front Street. Mr. •Jones
guarantees that anyone can have a
fit in his store.
The firm Of 0..,141. and Thoradyke
The Omar, who celebrated his 31st
birthday recently, is probably the
most powerful man of his age that
the world has known in our thiol, To
be ruler of 130,000,000 of the
man race at 26 is' an experience
which has come to only one living
man -which has come, perhaps, to
only Ono man since the world begtun
At that age Nicholas II. bectuno Em-
peror of Russia,. Of the 1,500,000,-
000 people on the face of the earth
ono lit twelve bowed • down to this
young man, at whose bidding 2,-
500,000 men Would rise in arms.
Those who know the Ozer assert
that he is the most lovable of men,
•sensitive to a. high degree, living a
quiet family life, with a passionate
love of home and children, yet weigh-
ed down with the cares. of empire.
)lo longs to be known, say Ills
friends, as "Nickolas the Educator."
Haz is an inseluble paradox, whose
act one day seeras quite inconsistent
with his act another day. But the
truth ie sold to be that the young
Emperor is overwhelmed with the
appalling responsibility that rests
upon him, and that 11011 tho cots
committed in hisi naine are not his
acts at all. "The Czar," 'said ono
who knows him, "knows less about
Russia, thau Many a foreigner," At
the beginning of his reign Nicholas
'put himself on the side of common
, sense In the army by setting the
officers example which they are
not lilcely to forgot, A young lieut-
enant had offencled his colleagues by
riding in a, tram down to the bar-
racks. "a entlemen," said the Em-
peror, "I hoar that to ride in a tram
is consideted beneath the dignity of
an officer in your regiment. I am
your colonel, and I have just ' been
riding a tram. Do you wish me
to send in my papers ?"This little
speech settled the matter, and tho
regiment has lost its snobbishness
S11100 then.
Nicholas IL holds a 501011010)' 111
the British army. An interestiog
story is told in connection with his
appointmeat. The heed of the War
Office was present when Queen Vic-
toria suggested that tbo Czar Should
be mode ti, British colonel, and it is
said he spent some time in trying to
persuade the Queen that such a
course was impossible, inasmuch as
every other crowned head of Europe
would exPect tho same honor, Queen
Victoria. lietened patiently alai then
said, quietly, "IL may be impos-
sible, but it, will have to be done
all tho
VoWer than 4.00 British (110010)
toWns possess public, libraries, 'while
Australia hes 844 such libraries,
total 1,600,000 volumes.
The largoet vineyard in the World
Is 705 00058'111 v.xtent, 11 is at
sumo Noss', Contend&
adieu and an American trade aro
able, by assorting their stock before
shipping, to obtain the highest price
for both large and small Malpecques.
The Narrows are beautiful oysters,
quite as valuable as the Malpecques
in many localities, Both Malpec-
ques and Narrows have a particular-
ly saline flavor. • Canadians and Am-
ericans prefer. theist to the famous
Dlue Points, or any other less saline
The Canadian oyster fishing • sea-
son. begins on September 16. This
year a strong atteiont was made by
the mayor of Quebec and others to
induce the Dominion Government to
allow tho season to open a. few days
earlier than usual so that Canadian
oysters might appear upon the bill
of fare for the Duke and Duchess of
York when they dined here on Sept.
16, the date of their landing in is once more carrying on businessat
the old stand. The concern now
Canada. The Government &dined
wants a man to sell on commission.
to make the exception, however, and
there is a movement afoot to have Mrs. Walter Darrell would like to
hear -of a good nurse for her child
the opening of the season riderred
until Oct. 1. • about thirty years of age with good
The minimum limit''of oysters al- references. ,.
lowed to be caught by the law is John Bangs who will sail for
Iwo inches in diameter of shell for South Africa, 011 Saturday would like
round oysters and three, inches
to find a purchaser for his valuable
outer shell for long oyaters. Aulldog. The animal is no trouble,
change in tins limit is now proposed. as it will oat anything mid is very
An amusing story' (that is to say,
amusing to all but the parties di-
rectly concerned) is told to account
for the marked coolness between two
society belles.
One of them gave a garden party
recently, and the other, who was
invited and whom we may call Miss
A, was greatly chagrined to hear
from her milliner that a 110W hat
she had ordered Or the occasion
could not possibly be roo.dy in time.
Anxious to appease her customer's
wrath, however, the milliner ofrored
to lend her something from her shop.
The offer was grudgingly accepted,
and MisS A appeared at the garden
party wearing a clairity confection. of
chiffon and flowers.
Sho was somewhat startled at the
look of surprise and bowildernsent
with which .tho hostess regarded 1101'head-gear.
"Oh, don't look at my hat," said
Miss A; the fact id the milliner dis-
arinonited 'me at the last -moment,
and this is some wretched cheap
thing She lent ane Until Iny nevi hat
Is ready."
"Indeed," said the hostess, in
freezing accents; "it Seems to me 13
more stylish and lady -like hat than
you have over worn before. But as
Inc the milliner, never forgive
her. Sho has behaved clisgracefully
and ought never to be patronized
0501111" ,
Between the tooluess of her recep-
tion arid the fervor with which the
hostess denounced the milliner, Mitis
13 Wafi fairly nonplussed.
'Then she sought, counsel of a
"Whatever ize the matter w1111
her ?" she asked, having eisplained
the (.M.(4111181. a nees
"I 8110111(1 sa)'," was the friend's
reply, "it is because yeti are 3501011153
hat, for bappen to 3111035 that
she bought that icirntical (me at
your milliner's ytyterday, and loft it
behind to have some alterations
mitcle, and I don't think. your re-
Incirlca 00 it were caiculated to
.Soothe her 'freliugn !"
Men Whe Hare Lighted Pies Trim-
Nnxit of the diotingnisliefl offieere of
the World hold that Whatever com-
forts the Seidler son active service
moy he deprived of he should. pa no
account bo Minted, tho matter ol
tobacco, arid 1» the gravest ot his-
tories relating to the Fraiteo-Prue-
Ohm War, 10 is stated. that the total
want of prim tobacco to make cigar-
ettes of omong the French troops on
linanY 00easione did not a little to
dispirit. them.
Private Jones, wbo obtained the
Victoria, (from al; Rorke's Drift, said
that in the very thick of the Oght
several comradee lighted. their pipes
with blazing fragoneets Of wood from
the WoOden hospital whieh had been
fired by the Zulus, and et Malabo.
UM one of the men was found dead
with the stumP of a (agar between
his teeth. Anlid thco
e awful rnage
of the Russo-Turkish War Turks hor-
ribly matigied were frequently found
smoking in the midst of their aptly
and uttering no sound Of complaint.
Mr, Archibald Forbes, the great
War correspondent, has told how be-
fore Metz in the Franco-Prussian
War, a soldier terribly wounded,
craved but one rellef-o. 01513r -and
he observed soldiers firing away at
close quarters, pima in mouth, Con.
Von Bentheim, observing a sight
like this, asked ono of the men for a
light and himself coolly lignted hie
own cigar and then led hie men on.
A.eother war coorespondent, belong-
ine; to one of the great daily papers,
tells that he sow at Saarbrucken
largo party of Brunswick Hussars
gallop into the thick of the fray
with cigars in their mouths, and. this
in the face of a solid mass of French
troops and a hail of bullets.
'fond of children.
A touching incident was noted at
ADVICE TO MOTHERS. a railway station yesterday when
Sow to Keep the Babyed
nealtsny ,TLda_gbyd. cTolulepledldbaladdeeach
y ekislisedothhedrr
and. Happy -Avoid the So -cal- husband fervently several times on
led Soothing Medicines, the cheek and he kissed her back.
Dr. Franklin White has returned
busoas to the health of her chil- fronx a trip to Switzerland. Everymother is naturally solici-
dren, but not everyone treats their 'Mg of the robust health of its pea -
little troubles in tho right way. The sentry, tho doctor says : "The
strength of the Swiss woman is re -
so -called soothing remedies are still
used altogether too much, although markable. It is nothing unusual for
her to wash and iron and milk seV-
physicians have preached against eral cows in a day."
thorn for many years. The fact that
they put children to sleep is no sign
that they are helpful. On the con-
trary, soothing drugs are dangerous
and distinctly harmful. At the
slightest sign of ill health or dis-
orders, give the little ones Baby's
Own Tablets. This medicine is pure-
ly 'vegetable, and is guaranteed to
contain no opiate or poisonous
soothing stuff. For Indigestion,
pour stomach, colic, constipation,
simple fevers, diarrhoea, the irrita-
tion accompanying the cutting of
teeth, there can be no bettor, no
safer remedy than this. Baby's Own
Tablets are a sweet, pleasant Mao
tablet which any child will take
readily, and dissolved in water, May
be given with absolute safety- to tho
youngest infant. Mothers who have
used these talslots cheerfully testify
to the benefit, their little ones have
derived from them. Mrs. IL L.
McFarlane, Bristol, Que., sa.yze-
my estimation Baby's Own Tablets
have no equal as a medicine for lit-
tle ones. In cases of children teeth-
ing I would not be without them
on any account, as they keep my
baby healthy and happy.n Druggists
sell, them, but af you cannot find
them conveniently, send 25 cents di-
rectly to us cuid we will forwarcl a
box by mail prepaid. The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brookville,. Ont.
Every mother shotild have our val-
uable little book on the care of in-
fants and mats children, Sent.
free for tho asking. "
The policeinah yot docided
what hie duty was ist thin case.
• SOZODONT fel'. the TEETH 28ta
For every 1,000 foot above sea -
level the baroraeter drops almost
exactly art inch.
HIMONT Tooth Powder 25o
When Father Mathew, the great
Irish temperance leader, was at the
height of 1115 successful labors, he
endeavored to convert Lord Brough-
a*11 to teetotalism. Brougham ad-
mitted that he drank wino, but
pleaded that his use of stimulant
was most moderate.
Ono night at a dinner -party Father
Mathew amused tho company by pin-
ning the green ribbon and silver me-
dal of the Abstitence Society on
Brougham's coat.
"I'll toll you what I'll do," said
Brougham. "S'll take the ribbon to
tho House of Lords, where I shall
find old Lord —, aud I'll pin it on
This announcement was received
with shouts .of laughter, for the no-
ble lord in question was famous for
the extent of his potations. How-
ever, Brougbain carried out his pro-
mise, an11 meeting the gentleman a
few evenings later said, "I have a
present for you from. Falba% a -
thew," itt tho same time swiftly
slipping tho badge and modal over
his bead.
"Thank you," said the peer, quiet-
ly, "and now I'll toll you what it is,
Brongham; I'll keep, sober from this
111g111130' b..
Test Pert of tho story is that
ho lived up to his word, greatly to
tho amazement of his friends and to
the delight, of Father Mathew."
Petroleum comes from other places
besides Russia, rind tho United Statap.
(Salida yielded 840,000 tons Mat
year, Roumania 000,000, Stunatra,
and adjacent islands 500,000 tons.
Good for Bad Teeth
Not Sad for Good Teeth
aPProcioted by people who want Flaaer and gsalhy 11 is AlWayd relial510
becasse it to the product of the best Ceylon gardens and Canadian skill.
In Lend Pookagoe.,Ss, 50, no, 50, 000,
. .
We need large quantities for local and export
Word eiroddannttiltyeadef 1,:glitlitaetiteol rdedrkwegt)ip groves '::', any
Torkent Coen), Inallie.ond Shiskeno dinner non Smonths
The Davggeors Corellilies!*11 Co., ‘Irnited, Toronto,
We oleo need AITLES ONIONS, nXANS. IIONSY, MITTAR, seas, So.
Sozodont . . 25c 2,
Sozodont Tooth Powder 25c C 0
Large Liquid and Powder 75c
HALL & HIJOTCniTe, Montreal
Prieeless Rempes, 8000 secrets for tte
zone, rarm, Laboratory. Woricohep, and
every department of Marian endeavor, with
fun index to °outwits; BIM pages, bound in
dent. Send 26 dints for 0 copy, and if you
think the book is not worth the moneY send
it book and your money will be tefunded,
This is a good side.11ae for oanyetwers.
Pato Briggs, Methodist Book Room, Toronto,
lino' 30 100310, but we can put Any Icon,
ea industrious roan or woman in the way of
earning 5105 between rloW aud Christmas.
Write WS to,uletit. McDonald M Logan, Rop't
D, London, Ont.
EDUCATIONAL. million gallons of wine, imports 20t
millions, and exports 60 milllen gF
ONTO, Twelve Tesobers, fine equip.
Mont, elahry typewriting machines, modern
001.118e5, thorough work. invites correspond. MIlltiftr8iiiimi ClINS iriret 111
once from all 15'pr.
W. D. Shaw, Principal.
New York now eats 600,000 frogs
yearly, asi against a million devours
ed by Parisions.
To (idea A C01,0 MN ONO 10141,
Take Laxative Brame @Online Tikbleis 41*
druggists refund the mone' 11 11 fails to Our
331, W. GroVe's signature 111 00 amok box. 25
In 1750 the rent of all Scottish
landed property was 4800,000.,
Is now ten and a half milhOlts,
Illioard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc
Franco grows on an 'average OK
siniARMERS' SONS WANTED -To toke a
JP short; practiced course on veterinary
work; thr o months' study during spare time
33 1101110 will qualify to pass an examination;
successful rtui Mita tri 1 be offered perManent
Pennon at 5600 mints 'neer various branches;
splendid opportunity for young men to secure
O thorough Veterinary Courro and good pod.
tion ; write 03 0060 1 or full particulars. Ad.
dress -Head Office, Veterinary Science Am.
elation, London, Ont,
December, Is the niost deadly month
in the year in London, with March a
good second ; but January is the
niost unhealthy itt FranM
France, and arch
in Germany.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that contain Mercury
asmercury will surely deotroy the genile of
smell and completely derange the whole system
When entering It through the mucous surfaeos.
Such articles should never be used except on
Prescriptions from reputableuhysiotan aS tho
dareage they wind() a ten fold to the good you
can possibly derivoirom them. Ha re Catarrh
dare, naanufaetured by PA, Cheney & 0o.. To-
ledo. 0., contains no mercury, and le taken in-
ONLY LADY POLICEMAN. tmeucoolulyR, saucetloodi.rteetthly. uup sot% mt, h. nb o be du yai sd
-ftlsetuhcureterre you get tho germ
There iS n the world one lady paiayitttaeninwraYand
made in Toledo
lbieCceommaen. liliesnasHreleonf ltVhiel dpeio• lice f onrocet Ohlo, by .T. Money 65 CO. TqatIMOnlals
of the city of Honolulu in order to Hall'sseiah _FY Damrognyoploattp.rjeceth7.5obp.1 bottle.
gain a living. Her father is one of
the great sugar Isings of the Pacific
and worth several millions It was
her /ore for children and animals
that prompted this pretty young
girl (she is now only twenty-four) to
seelc the appointnient. Size is a
mounted officer. wears on her eoft
felt hat the silver star which is the
badge of her calling, and carries a.
Dear Sirs, --A few days age I was
taken with a severe pain and con-
traction of the cords of my log. alid
had to be taken home in a rig. I
could not sleep for the pain, and
was unable to put my foot to tho
floor. A friend told 1110 of your
hour front the first application, 13
was able to walk, and the pain en-
tirely disappeared.
You can use my name as freely as
you like, as I consider it the best
remedy I have ever usecl.
Ingersoll, Ont.
• •
Rice is the easiest of all conunon
food to digest, and roast veal the
most difficult.
The furniture of the 23,000 first-
class houses in Britain is valued at
2.5,900 per house.
Hinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
The Duke of Stitherlana, with 14
million acres, is the largest land-
owner in Great Britain. Major G.
W Littlefield, the largest landowner
in America, has a similar acreage.
*0 130 now entirety free from Asthma after eight
years' Suffering. that is what a Vanoeuver
lady says, after being cured by Clarke'a Kola
11 3,19 person who suffers front Asthma could
poly see the thousands of latt.ra on 1118 133 our
different office. he would nn longer doubt th
Asthma oan be cured by Clarke's Kola Com-
Mrs, n Wise, Mount Pleased's' Vancouver,
B. '13,13053031" I have been a most unfor tun -
ate sufferer from Brendle), Asthma for the
past,olight yean; and I don G think onyrnion
471a; ,e4
ea, io-efralt, teel.Lie a.e.4.44
42, h
Axe:a 44
TWO SWIFT FLYING- BIRDS. 111 disarms could have stigma more
The swiftest bird known. to the Litho; mat tima Many times for weeks I
ileonolUontols..i.iggortnbaag: doctorolea:4
naturalist is either the vulture, ot a Vancouver I engleman who had been
W P 0 1102
which is stud to make 1 d50 miles an cureby Clarke's Itola Compound, so I tried
0 mot 000110 (05 not relieve nie much
hour, or the English kestril, which lititTohou Ibeean to improve, and before I had
can probably equal, if not exceed, optima the fourth battle the attacks ceased
this speed. , altogether, and during tho past six months of
damp, coldand foggy weather have not had
Steps the Con,v,le a single attack. it seemslike a‘dreant to bo
and works off the (Mid. fres mom this worst of all 0±360500 after so
many years of suPlering. !have sinceregeined
Laxative Btome-Quinine Tablets euro a Mild my lest strength nd weightand don't think I
In ono day. No Lure, No Fay. Price es cento. over felt beam. tl'inn ;low. I consider Oloske's
Spring is England's mast fatal Koia Compound 11, marvellous renleav and
Won d urgo any person suffering frtm OM
sermon, 'I. 1.0 deaths out of 400 an- direalrbifatIrlrdirt4glats. Dr. Clarke's book on
totally then occurring. Autumn is Atsthma mailed free. Address Ta 0 a. & NI. CO,
the most healthful, 95 deaths only plinked, 121 Church S ., Toronto, Canada.
taking place out of 400. In Pion A flee satnplo will be sent to any person
troubled with Asthum. Enolose 00 iu Otalrips,
land autumn is by far the most, dead-
ly period, 126 deaths taking place
— vele in the greatest orbit is Hal -
The comet known to US Which tr a -
out of 400.
Itlinard's Liniment Cures Distemper, of
It is at times 8,200 millions
of miles from the earth, and its pe'
ziod is 77 years
For all skin ailment%
1,0. Colvort Si: Co, Ilanohseter, England
Seventy -tour etvt. of coals and 420
pounds of iron and steel aro the
average annual allowance of each
British citizen,
For Over Fifty Years
WINBLONY'S 90010180 8513010 hes been used Is
millione of mothers for Mel, children while toelhina
16001118 311, &Lid, softens the cony. allays pain, 0014
F`ondc1Io. regulates the Commis and bowels, and .1*,
tidrandy for niacin.. Twenty -fire canto t bottle
Dominion LINO Steamships
6006(00111 10 Liverpool. Benton to Liver.
pool. Portland to Liverpool, Via Questa.
Lusa end Pact Steamships. Superior accommodetion
for all aliases ol pomingera. Soloons and StaterooMil
tre amidships. Special .1300105 1180 been given to the
Bacend Saloon toad 13133r0.0111osa aecommodation. pot
rates otpessaoa end all Partioulars, spoil to I•11.1 .i9P4
33 1136 (30105807,08
inchards, bIlIlab do, D. Terminal do..
77 Stew St., Boston. Montreal and Fernand,
7 Wellington St. West, Toronto,
Canada's Largest Tailors
Will make clothes to order
for every man in Canada at
other firm, and DELIVER
card for their
Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc,
Lowest prices over quoted, Floe eatalogue
500111ustratinns, mailed free. Writs us for any
thing in Music sr zunsieni Instrument,.
Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man
1+1444+ 1. 1.-14.1444.14.1.+44,
The Important
to the man or woman with a deposit
• moonlit is the 110011rity of the nionoY
deposited. If tins deposit is with
Canada's Prouder Company
its safety is beyond question. A.
secondary consideration la the rate Of
interest tho depositor receives. This Is
also very atm° Ivo. All information
cheerfully and PramPtlY sundlod.
Toronto street, TORONTO
We want Mon, Womon and ehlid ion to Work for us at thole own Homes, undsr,dhe Dirootion of
(Authoriood Capital, 0180,000) To Fill fanroo Contracts—Good Wages Easily Earned
We want a feW more, workers In this locality, at once, anti In order to secure your cooperat Ion without the delay of corrospondonce, we
herewith explain our full r.t.a, In this advertisement. Tho work is simple, acid the Machine Is easily oporated, and with the Culde, requires tio
work aher;.„t
.1, wish tis Join our staff,of Workers lot us hear from you promptly with remittance, and We will Send machine and outfit te begin
We *Iola to score the esriless of Pinnies te do knitting for ofi In thofr blunob. Wo ova 1110 [n00.1110000 of PM plan In Coincide mil an the largest knittlne concern on tho cludrient
, . After10ng exposionto, othay beaAn Ala tolnro
dntoo .on ladanultle 11011 11 ,10 00
whoell ole0lklud
e oT wanness knitting la ,T0,10 by ear Family Etinh
ab, 3140001s9 01101111 0 g a61154n31,y1O11n0g01
ordir.ory Inteligence to*oki)learntodothe work1,0,, Um blotto/Mu 01111o. An Ord wo 1031104 14 That rAuseOm01611.101ator:40130Wations. The hlacihioachigninde
ilgigi=gy;,‘,An:to=44ite,ateOo.nt 0111110 toupply thmicrearol, wa here tfIen MIA 11011s04 015,18141010g formore holy
Thaprice weDivIbranithett InnyolostookIll610m,4,tred,:::rwnt"*iP.grr"'M''.1",'0l'H'
The 111161300 beopeated bYY myA fonlli, mid oroutpiboo 0107y enas clin1;Iri1:tr:0I1er'r111t'rtAl,n
001n11110to 004Oa muh stab1slno sobeginner. *Phawok ereterna;partialy IrnAl1,ono romai1110g in311:ils140Oeo14iiniti, sd 100 on ubyarg*Ub
ono stirOCaorntlolorkoor stockings andasample and 00100111010013001108 01116,0111vIn#100 Enowork10tolso done. WIsmmaniple hos 800111111101andIttur'to no
tory,aro oonlaquantity 473s800,3081044700/011444 rotori 11100/101 when 110101041. Wo 1110887 oluttgos 01 ell work000 0001', 111404,0000010,0070006111ohagoo.
Thu wet, 60.180
haw, cond. id 01111V10 awl 1101,1,Uy 40110.01a months IltiVihgaVAllq.ty or ids 'thousand initoneSit ngrada We bora Moog porsono now In our ovalsry whO 011, knit front *caper°
10 18(011 pairs of nooks or elackings it day ,AnA inultona) tan„or a fa Ily IV difVet61 to 4111wark, you can rood ily 060 Mit from 01 to $10 nor molt Mtn 1 000lly enttoei.
Wa (yobbo= Wodurs 11110114 101400r1510, 7000, otas froo, and everything that 10111Cosonty 7o0 tlio work. We fan11110, 00menthe only toile exelmiva ose 01 111180 dextrine En
take employ mint with 0, who musk in order to become o nientber, Rand WAS 1001 Ono pod rotoronce. olt01 m11E10100 accordingly, SO glVo 1111 010 .1100O3*Y noIntro,nto that tho wenn.
0440 of valoablo pun Vio may toad front 11has to
thee WIfft1netba iroe
d , 0'
,inhapproptioed. 000 inerests arro .me
nd,ial, md ign.la7:1de,iwo1mtt b1a ootahllahod If ware mote 0000000,1,Wogootottofsr doblIngoutar uit tor worbb10notoob ultodeviate Ionouttaras,mownosunot make5distintion 01h0110MUid101 41018e1; 1001,100,00 ro 1610g
an oxt0111V:bulbu05, and moo by lnie Cosyr no p 5
1110 ..""'”"418'"4'l:14'134711'T70par°;'
75;74'l'Nal880to 0ltV000111:3?42:02,1.1ntilo,,1,,s7h'isu,,„t°iyr0)nrp11,1,?A
banoIto14oPologrod011Ooldbfktholollsforts andOteroitpreemi.e-, Weantroot oaraorkbra who Logo 300,11,,A,..,,.01.,.14,A...,,,„..ko„4,,,,,„,
bellO btailmogrithrrrtab$akY01111de e !chid,i,cherihotwomy kiiewwithwimoWeoredenily.
1ri i86, 1110 bo esuomergo possible, endeavoured topitonYOUWhktinr Mirkie.we elndicY 0to Meoathe,it lnNetwhokarb represent litele,oinwII nodllivelyi10
orar:thla1015111orIt,ortoraalUm 101101,309, Melt 01.01110(15,10017 lasbkid tellimibard, isa ilp Or work, tharlitlY boakds 00450o013 o ttodking nuttilykratca 36,1
pi,,t.i,lt6rg,i,,,g%rmofi41,1ir,nlgAl$1,g'ii:,;761ti,g,iii,gT01,,,,pilN, 1 ,t1:s,Igsvss00sssatscsoto Norms moronsshoedbr Ye.,andttiout one goes 0010r0000;105o11ii
wombtoiquentlyietimnotesseryAMYf0211100toit41thtntltatilt7, V17 1111 tedreSnO teacherI anypts011 ofenUnery Intelligentewho cnEml
mil wlehoe le Mosotho(' hi Mit employ we vill like beak the timobine sit Otani the MCCOY, provided Pie nudity, is In a roaoa
condition es wban received and provhiell 00 1111101153 of work &Mal 10 (1,0 antoultt raid for the madam, brie Montane, ,, wl, ,
la ots101.14(r You 0111181 sive the mho of kerne reerwilible Aland 00 00151800 aa a isoforollco—ono 11110 r,1l1850010410n nas to Yeenn .10 1101.1"Our nbarol$ 0119001010/1100.
Our Referalt008-.-EXpreaS OeinPut............ti,t.......;:....„..Stirtittlittlitoss Houses. , ' Weed Offloo: Megluniznrsomg., Toronto.