The Brussels Post, 1901-11-21, Page 4t
Tl URSDAY, NOV. 21, 21,19%.
Air the Pan•Amerlean IdspositiQn On•
tarkeetiok the gold medal foe rte, general
sleeps" pf fruits of euperiar exaellenee.
Tae Local Legislature will meet for
the transaetiop of baeinoes on the 8th of
January. A push ie being made by the
variant{ 4epertmente to have the =enemy
reports ready in good time go tut to aid in
the traosaotion of badness, It Is stated
tint the Provinoiel eleotione will Hkeiy
be held next Jane,
Oyen 4,000 hereee have been paroheed
in this Province for aervioe in South
Africa. Thfa has no doubt made a vast
improvement in the light horse market
in this mantes, and will direot attention
to the Plass of animals that mast be bred
it great Britain is to get a good Miers of
her cavalry animate from thie Dominion.
Tanen eboald be a rallymade in every
community, where each do not exist, to
organize a debating or literary Sooiety
for the Winter months. Many a man
wbo bee risen to places of prominence in
both Oheroh and State have to thank tbe
debating eohoole of the past for giving
them the firet boost up the ladder.
History may repeat itself if you make an
the lain, bonne pr whatever it maY tis
Palled, be beetled aver Until the
butane proven Melt oernptete aQ•
cording to agreement in tfyiaw, It le
nota bit of use to want to "kick the
stalling" Out of the promoters atter the
deed ie done but alwaye better to look
the stable before the stead ie hocked.
Our eeigbbor is not ,loos in their ee-
Orleans ae many another town bas paid
eweetiyfor their whistle in trenaaatione
somewhat elmilar. If prase were xe
quired to oerey on tbe Works instead of
iron why not seoure the regent head
pueber-be appeare eo be well loaded
with that oommodity.
TORONTO Daily News is after the gamb.
ling reeorte in that looelity and is
stirring np the officials with a sharp
stick. The midnight hour finds many
gaartette seated at the gaming table and
not infrequently, even in some of the.
wall kept hotels, gneete in adjoining
rooms are sometimes kept from sleeping
by the they fritter away good
money. to the a000mpaniment of !ignore
and cigars.
GEOGRAPHY ban come prominently to.
the front in the past few weeks and a
number of the daily papers are dosing
their readers with a oolamn ae a time in
seeking Pease for complaint against tbe
Ontario Government. How strange that
tide babyish oritioiem only Props up
when an election is nigh at band. The
electors read history as well as geography
and will probably work it along with a
little arithmetic when polling day looms
np and they are asked to mark their bal.
Fon some little time the Mayor. and
Ohl$ of Police in Ottawa have been at
onto, the fan aommenoing by the former
palling the latter to book for nob doing bis
duty. To get even with the ocaupaut ot
the civic chairthe Chief of Police iaid
information against Mayor Morrie for
buying liquor during prohibited hours at
a hotel. The Mayor plead guilty and
wee fined $5.00 but in addition be is
dirgaalilied from hie office for a period of
two years. He wag a popular candidate
last year and the turn in the tide of
affairs shows two pointe clearly, viz :
that for revenge some men will leave no
atone unturned ; secondly, tbat if all
people in authority were ae alert in en-
m€oroing law at all times ae when they take
"!spells" many who now hold high oar.
nivel would be in the "soap." Mayor
Morrie will have time now to ruminate
on license laws, &o.
Hoo pursuit of the Boers is on Lord
Kitchener's program. The system of
block -hooses with watch doge at inter-
vening pointe appeare to be giving fairly
good satisfaction but the enemy is very
persistent and mobile so that the British
forces are kept on the move. Probably
no feature ie more apparent in the war
than the treachery of many of those wbo
professedly surrendered. The lose of
life since the straggle oommenoed has
been something enormous and the feed.
ing and caring for of the thousands of
Boer prisoners in the hands of the Britieh
is no small ohore.
IT is often cheaper to stay at home than
to go pleaenriag. The estimated expense
ot the recent trip of the Duke and Duch-
ess of Cornwall, now the Prince and
Prinoese of Wales, is the neat little sum
of from £600,000 to £700,000, the Dost of
the Ophir being some £80,000 of the
amount. $800,000 to $350,000 is a pile of
money for one tour. Many people would
consider they were having a sweeping time
with $30, and not a few "go it while they're
young" on from $3.00 to $3.50. We guess
that "It's better to be born leaky than
rich" ie only partially true bet a oom-
binetion of the two meat make it very
plea. int going, for a while at least.
To the l,dttor of Tse POST
Dean Sia, -This ie the tax paying time
and as every ratepayer pate up the prioe
he either outwardly says what he tbinke
about the tax rate or inwardly turne over
many plane that might reduce his taxes,
if adopted. I take the liberty of making
a few suggestions ae to how I think a out
off oonld be snared without interfering
with eficieney of menagereent in any
way. With the abandonment of wooden
sidewalks and the doing away with the
necessity of repairs, on which I have
known a man to spend a good part of the
Summer, and being owners of a white
elephant road machine to da the grading
and ditobiag a good deal of the labor
performed by the town employee no
longer mists thus giving him time to de-
vote to other work. My proposal is, if
euoh an ofiioer ie a necessity, to have the
town caretaker appointed weigbmaeter of
the town nein, se this duty would not
interfere with hie other work owing to
stook being shipped in the morning. In
addition it I were a Councillor I would
move to make the same official Collector
of taxes. This job comes along when
gravelling and other work ie through and
if the Oooetable could do it the town
would be ahead 940 or 950 a year. I
don't know what there is in the weigh
scales but there must be a fairly good
revenue, even after the party renting
them pays the Treasurer what be bid for
them. Some people I beard tacking over
this question tbiok if the Fire Engine
end Town Hall were looked- after and the
bell rang by somebody near by that the
balk of the salary paid to the town Care-
taker could be saved, especially as so few
entertainmeate are bold in the Hall but
I would rather see the plen I propose
tried for a year and if it did not work
oat fairly satiefaotory to the good of
Braesele it °Quid be dropped and some
other adopted. Somebody should ask the
candidates on Nomiaabiou day what they
think about plane for easing op the rate•
payer's pocket for next year. I have
some other tbinge 1 want to tell yon
about too but think thie letter ie already
tong enough but by writing it I may stir
up others to give their views.
Yours far the taxpayer,
Brnsaele,-Nov. 19, 1901.
Some pro Baer Irishmen, resident i0
the Emerald ;91e, are proposing to have
Pant Kruger nominated as a member of
Parliament as they say he ie now a Brit.
ish sabject. Uncle Patil don't appear to
be very subject to Great Britain how-
ever and it is hardly likely that Pate in•
vitation will result in even a visit from
the aged but somewhat vigorous leader
whose former poet office address was
Pretoria. If it's a drone that is wanted
in the Imperial Hoose the able bodied
and "doable forty" voiced Irish repre•
sentativee are quite capable of playing
that role, even to bore the peaoe•loving
membere to each an extent as to result
in ffetiouffe.
We'ue put up. our Mile Post ldoarde again and anyone
foetid moving them will be prosecuted aonording to law,
}iteral reward will be given anyone gitiug information,
Smithv, Ent �IOCiC,
OvrlrtabTE naomewAk'S Atit17'itlb,
"Win ham's Gents' Furnisher."
Call and see our Astrachan Mantles, our New Underwear,
our Cloth Mantles, Homespun Skirt Lengths, Serge Suitings,
Cashinere Worsteds.
EVERY . ►.,,
Youth and Boy should see ourmost exceptional collection in
town of 1VIen's Fur Overcoats, in Coon, Wombat, Wallaby
and Calf. Fine line of Overcoats and P. Jackets for Men
and Boys. Underwear- the distinctive feature of our Fleece.
Lined Underwear is, they belong to the family of Quick
member in the lodge. He is held in
much esteem by all the brothers.
We regret the resignation of our Noble
Grand, Bro. Frank Lambie, a young and
promising brother, who, while in the
chair, bald gentle away, and was kind and
genial to all. Bro. Lambie wee one of
our best posted members in the ritual, he
having been one of the degree masters
for a considerable time. He has gone to
Toronto to take a college course, hie post
being filled eery efficiently by Brother
W. 0. Smith, who is a P. G., a good
worker, and well posted in the work," _
Under the above heading the following
notes are given in the November number
of the Independent Oddfellow, the organ
of the L 0. 0. F. Order in Canada :-
We are indebted to a member of West-
ern Star Lodge, Brussels, signing himself
A. G., for an interesting letter received
Oot. 12, and for the copy of a neat half -
yearly report gotten oat by the lodge -
The brother tells us that the lodge is
preparing for a good season's work, now
that the warm weather, the fall shows
and the Duke's visit are things of the past.
He reporte a visit to the lodge of Bro., A.
Boss, an old member, now of Ottawa,
and the removal to Toronto of Bro. F.
Lambie, to attend tbe Veterinary College.
The report of Western Star shows the
lodge to be in a prosperous condition.
The membership at the beginning of the
term was 85, a gain of four during the
first half of the year. The lodge has 17
Past Grande in good standing.
Bro. W. H. MnOraoken, the worthy
Seoretaryof the lodge, writing us on Oot.
25%, says r --
.Summer, with all its beauties and
pleasant retreats, is now over, andthe
members find once a -week a more pleas•
ant retreab within the walls of our cosy
lodge room. Our aim for the Fall and,
Winter months, now onhandle to en•
cleaver to increase our membership, to
make our etey, while in the lodge room,
a ploeaent and a profitable one, aril to
become better acquainted with the laws
and regulations that govern our beloved
Bro. Jones, our worthy Vice Grand was
down to the Pity to see the Duke and
Dunham, and came home delighted with
what he saw and heard, and at ,our next
lodge night fairly intoxicated tie with the
eloquentdiecripgtion he gave of the die -
play. 'While there he met with 80018
prominent Odd Fellows, receiving mooh
inapieatiOn, and binding him mere strongly
in thebonds of the three fold cord.,' Bro.
Jones seome to have, hadaood time.
Bro. ,Martin, our worthy Oateide
Guardian, still bolds the fort, a position
balm hold with honor for uearly a quart-
er of a century. Bro. Martin lea Scotch'
man by birth, and the great caution which
e aracterizeg re people o a
ing very pre ominan t him,
Cement Works.
The Durham Ohroniele of last week
Bays :-Tuesday of last week was a noted
day in the history of the Cement Works,
not beoauee of any special progress, but
beoauee the first train passed over tbe
new track to the works and delivered 4
oar loads of maobinery and plant equip.
went. The road is a short one and the
eoeoic attraotione are sot of any particu-
lar interest and consequently ueed not
be elaborated. The Pare were simply
pulled down to tbe switch and beoked in
on the new road to the building site.
That's ail.
A few ottizene learned that tbe trip
WAS to be made and of course, out of mere
curiosity, went down to the station and
"took 1t in," some because it was novel,
and some perhaps beoauee it didn't ooet
anything. A. F. MoLaren, M. P., P. W.
Stanhope and Gilbert MoKeohnie, Direc-
tors of the Company, were on board,
which, of ooaree, geve dignity to the
oeremony. On arriving at tbeir deelina•
cion at 8;10 p. m. Prof. Brown was there
and took a snap ehot of the whole outfit.
Tbe roof trusses, two rotary bed plates,
and gearing attachments are now on the
ground, unloaded and in position for final
adjustment. The ball mills are on the
way, and the rotaries are expected dur-
ing the month. The grading is almost
oompleted, and tbe work generally is be-
ing rapidly paehed forward. Nine oar -
loads of maobinery and material were de-
livered daring the pact week.
Wrxanettl0ae have been very innocent•
ly run into trouble over their mach
vaunted iron works. When the building
was ready for 000npation a banquet was
given to the town ofboiele end etookhold.
ereewith-the 1,uoknow Bend in attendance
&o., by the promoters but the people of
Wiogham now realize that they gave that
banquet to themeelvee ae their 917,000,
plus shares talon by private individuals,
is now neatly looked up as the basinese is
fn the, meantime ewitehed off, It is moat
unfartanate for all concerned, partionlar.
ly to persona in moderate oiroumetenoee
who were induced to take stook and may
receive little or nothing in return. This
will bo a lesson to more than Wingbatn..
It may be all right to render certain aid
to institatione pledging themselves to
employe certain number of bands and h tl 1 f that land be
all thee kind of thing but we have be. d t n h m hag made Repairs in Maness
Noy. 21, 1901
90, eon. 4 and 5, 91.90 ; Soba Willard,
Q,nboru, lnepeoting gravelling on south-
ern boue4arY, ,92.50 i Anthony iaggiti
digging outlet for drain, lot 49, pan,
and 5, 90 ; Wm, G. Paton, gravelling tet
lot 99, eon. 4 and 9, 918 80 ; W, G. Pat.
ton, digging ditch with grader, el'delioa
99 and 40, eon, 0, 994,50; W, G. Patton,
grafting on coxa, line 4.and-6-and Ding,
wall's read, yea. 4, 910.50 ; Chrietopber
Shinn, grao9Iliog et 101189;190n; 10 and
11, $14..4.0 ; 11 be Silent, ere 96 yde,
gravel, 94.80 ; Wm, Symio;;tvu, Auburn,
107e yds, gravel on Southern Ilouedary,'
807 i John Leggett, 50 4 Melt tile, .80o
Wm. Rpbineen, extending culvert ant{
cleaning out (Stott at lot 31, con. 8 and 0,
91 ; Wm, Robinson, attendance at Vet.
me' List Coart;at Belgrave, Oot, 15, per
order of oouoty judge and seleotipg jevtre
1001, 94,50 ; P. Porterfield, melees
rendered revising Vetere' Lists, attend,
ing Court at Belgrave Oct. 15, per order
of county Judge, 910,91 ; Alex. Porter-
beld, serving notion for Vetere' List
Mort, noting ae Ooaetable, attending
()curt at Belgrave, by order of the county
Judge, 913 5Q ; Daniel Geddes, Belgrave,
uee of bonne for holding 'Voters' List
Court Oot. 15, , beet, e2 ; Geo. Maeon,
Winghatn,balf ream foolooup paper, 91,-
50 ; Sampson Carter, plank and repair-
ing cahoot, eideline 30 and 81, eon. 3,
91.50 ; Treasurer Tp. of Kinloss, differ,
thou of expenditure on Northern bound-
ary, Kidlose and East Wawanoeh, 76o ;
John T. Currie, teking John Carrie, au
indigent, to the House of Refuge at *lin-
tel), 98 ; Messrs. Dingwall and McGill,
labor and material for two outvarto at lots
89 and 40, con. 4 and 5, 914 50 ; Jae. J.
Selly, furniobing material and building
bridge on oreek, sideline 59 and 40, col.'
8, 955 ; Jae. J. Kelly, extra timber and
flooring Inc bridge on creek, eideline 89
and 40, con. 8, 96 ; Wm. MoLarby,gravel.
ling on eideline 30 and eiL Pon. 8,'911.25 ;
Wm.MoLarty, building oulvert and re.
pairing stone culvert on Soutbero boun-'
dary, 911; Jae. Cunningham, farniebing
tile and digging outlet, 'ot 87, con. 8 and
9, 93. The Treasurer reported oast on
hand at date 931742. Joseph Ruddy
was heard ab ouneiderahle length on
matters relating to Pertain ditches and
outline for water 000umulating at or near
bis property lot 89, oon. 10, at pertain
eeaeoos of the year. Several other ool-
verbe throughout the towoehip, being
outlets for water, and repairs required
by same, was also brought up and die -
cussed. The Council then adjourned till
Monday, Deo. 16. P. PO0Tnnneero.
Listowel Fercitnre faotory ie kept
hustling these days to fill the orders that
are teeming in, Last week the Co.
shipped a oar of furniture to Winnipeg
and another to'Torooto.
Tbe Listowel Bneinese College is still
gaining gradually in uumbere, new stn -
dente being added each week to the Day
classes ae well ae the night olaeees. The
prospects for a large attendaaoein Janu-
ary are good.
Mrs. J. H. Stuart gave an At Home on
the evening of the Kiug's13lrthday, at
which nearly one hundred, lady and
gentlemen friends. of Mr, and Dare. Stuart
were present, end spent a highly amiable
and entertaining evening.
We chronicle tbie week with deep regret
the death of Mre. R. Martin, one of our
moat higbly reepeoted oitizana. Her.
beautiful and uneelfieh oharaoter, her
sympathy with and kindness to otbere,
made her deeply beloved by all who knew
tier. Her peaceful death was a fitting
ending to her life. Jane Orr Olelend was
the daughter of the late Janice Cleland,
of Carly, Killyleagh, Coady Down,
Ireland, and neioe of the Misses Moore,
of Tailpipe -news, Killyleagb, Ireland. Io
1843 her parents came to Canada and
settled. in Mono, where they remained- un-
til their death. Io 1861 she married
Robert Martin and settled in this dietriot
they being amongst the early settlers of
this plane. Her oniysister, Mrs. W. H.
Wilson, lies in a very aritioel condition
at her home at Crown Hill, near Barrie,
Ont. The deceased leaves a family of 3
sous and 1 daughter, Robert Bowletta
Martin, now in India ; Wm. Henry Mar-
tin, of New York Pity ; John Moore
Martin and Mise Easy Martin, ark present
at home. All her family were present
during her late illness excepting Robert
R. Martin.
Li,810 wel.
Capt. Bonny, late of Norwieb, is now
in command of the Listowel oorpe, Salva-
tion Army.
Harry Torrance has returned from
Owen Sound hospital, where he recently
underwent an operation for appendiaitie.
He has uearly regained hie health again.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Comedian Bent Obeir 00., of Listowel,
it was deoided to parry the new factory
up another story, which will make it 4
stories high,
Dr. 0. 0. Tatham, eon of Wm. Tatham
of this town, wbo has been engaged in
his profession oa Manitoulin Inland der.
ing the past year, bas bought out Dr. W.
Morrison'e practice at Piokerton and has
taken poeeeseion.
30 Days' Sale
We are making' big reductions on the regular prices in
all lines of .Boots and Shoes, Hate and Caps, Under-
wear, Dress Goods, Flannelettes, etc,
t elWrave.
Teem WswANosa Ca0NOm.-The Coen -
oil met on Nov. 7, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Members all present. Minutes
of last meeting read and passed. Wm.
G. Poon presented an 8000001 of 985 for
working and operating the road grader
in different pieta of the township within
the feat few weeks, payment of which
wee objeoted to by Ooanoillor Ellie Gabe•
ing too high, through information re.
oeived by him from parties interested in
assisting to work the same, After some
discission over this matter, the a000unt
was allowed to pass. Ordered, that the
debentures be eigoed for payment of the
following amounts : Mee. Bradnook, eon.
1, 29 yds, gravel for road Dtv. No. 4,
91.45 ; John Walden, con. 2, 24 yerde
gravel for road Div.No. 4, 91.20 ; And.
Currie, drawing concrete tile and put-
ting in culvert, tote 36, 87, con. 18, 98,-
50 ; John Martin, repairing onlvert on
division line at lot 28, Pon, 11, 92 ; Wm.
Deacon, gravelling at lot 86, cone. 10 and
11, 93 ; John W. Rodgers, outlet for
drain, lot 80, cone. 4 and 5, 91.95 ; Wm.
Steakhouse, 66 6 -inch tile for outlet lot
-Boys' Long Boots, ranging in value from 12.00
to $2.50 for `
-Long Felt Boots, value $2.00 to $2,50 for
•,-Men's Long Boots at Extra Low Rates.
-Fur Cape, regular price $1,50 to $8.50, now ,90 to 2.50
-Cloth antis, " 4Oo to $1,25, now .15 " .75
-Ladies' Collar and - Muff Sets, regular price
$6.00 to $10.50, sale price 8.00 " 6.00
Ladies' Coatings, Men's Heavy - Tweeds, Wrapperettes, Prints, etc.,
to clear at correspondingly low prices.
Cole/Wean P e war.
Rev. Father Stanton, of Brockville, 'ie
Ald. Devidaon wee elected Mayor of
Smallpox is increasing is the Province
of Quebec.
Lady Minto'a oottage hospital fund
now amounts to 920,217.
A little son of Israel De Rooker, of
Peterboro, was °rushed to death by a log
falling on him.
Matthew Beatty, founder of the Wel-
land Iron Works, died at the family regi-
denae in Welland.
The body of an ouknown man wag
found near Sault Ste. Marie, with a big
wonnd in the neok,
South Bruce Ooneervatives have nom.
iaatedDr. Clapp, of Mildmay; for. the
Legislative Aeeembly..
The link connecting the Canadian
Northern liuee East and West are nom
plated to Gladstone, Man.
Canadian etearnebip oompaniee have
made a out of 910 in their rates to Es -
rope to meet the New York out.
Three whiskey distilleries, with plant
and a large quantity of liquor, have been
seized by Dawson officers in the Yukon.
East KentConeervativee will meet at
Ridgetown on Thursday, November 21,
to select a oaodidate for the Legislature.
A party of Canadian Northern engi-
neers have left Winnipeg to layout the
Prince Albert and Edmonton branch.
The new wing of the Hamilton Hoe.
pital, erected by John Billinge as a mem-
orial ofhie deceased wife, was formally
Pine Biaff, R. B. Angue' Bummer
residence on the Lake of Two Mountains,
Que., was destroyed by fire. The loss is
over $50,000.
A000rding to a decision of Hon. Mr.
Mulook in a Kiageton Dasa, lawyers' briefs'
must be paid for through the post as
first-olaee matter.
The four men, who went adrift on the
eobuoner Marius City, from Gaderiab,
have bean given op for loot. They all
belonged to Kiogetou.
Tbe British aourts have ordered the
compulsory winding up of West Le Rei,
East Le Rol and Colombia Koolenay
Mining Oompaniee, all Whitaker Wright
0o meths.
Alex. MoLeau'e residence and barns at
Carleton Place 'were burned. Mre. Jae.
McLean, an old lady of 82 yeare, and an
employee named McGregor, aged 18,
perished in the flames.
Mayor Morris, of Ottawa, pleaded
guilty to a charge of parabaeiag liquor
during prohibited hours, and is conse-
quently disqualified from serving on the
Munioipel Council for two years.
The Winnipeg Grain Exchange bee
wired Hon, Mr. Bitten requesting thet
American vessels be allowed to nem
grain from Port William to Georgian
Bay points for the remainder of the
see son,
Doq't Srold
Your boys and
girls because;
their shoes don't
stand the strain.
Maybe they
were not good
Inspect our line.
of school boots
fs iand shoes.
Made to stand the wear and War -good,
stout leather, flexible soles, strongly
stitched, good appearance.
Moderate in price.
Lasting quality.
Here are a few of our many convincing
Oh'id 500 to $100 Girls' 60o to $1 26
t e
Pte and Shoes.
We Repair Rubbers,
Full stock of Robes, Blauliete, Wool Rugs,
Trunks and Valines: Our Harnnee takes the
Haness Deka lead for durability and the prions aro right.
Boye',... 706 to 91.50
1/� E
_ SI
S !'
The undersigned having purchased the CARRIAGE
SHOP and business of JOHN WYNN, Brussels, begs
leave to intimate that he is ready to do business with the
public at the old stand.
A. fine range of the best and most stylish make of Cutters,
Sleighs, &c., kept in stock and sold at reasonable prices.
Special attention given to all kinds of repairs in Wood
Wook, Blaoksmithing, Painting or Trimming.
Have engaged Mr. Wynn as foreman so the public will
know they will be well served.
Don't buy before you see my stock and get my prices,
CARD OF THANKS. -Having disposed of my Carriage Shop
and Business to Mr. Sperain I desire to tender my best thanks to
the public for their generous patronage during the past 40 years
and ask that it be continued to my successor who will prove himself
worthy of public confidence. JNO. WYNN.
sieved for years that in no one shoals lune re'vety efficient Officer and uaofel and Collars.
�. 0. Richards.
And., Marshall, of Ramsay's Cotters,
near Ottawa, was palled to his door and
shot by an unknown man, who escaped
in the dark, The bullet went through
Mr, Maraball'e shoulder, inflicting a
eeriou8 wound,
Sir Henry Strong, ChiefJustinof the.
Supreme Court, hag been granted two
months' leave of absence in order to pro-
ooed to England and fulfill hie duties as
a member of the Judioal Committee of
the Privy Council•
The oatmeal mill of J. D. Moore, two
miles South of St, Mary's, was deetroyed
by tire a little after midnight Sunday
morning. The nese is not known. The
lose le about 90,000, and .it was insured
for $2,000 in the Perth Mutual,
A large meeting of the Poultry eased.
%tion was held in the board room of the
City Hall, Stratford. Thog. Smelt, of
Woodatook, woe appointed judge for the
annual show on Jan. 8, 9 and 10. John.
Brown, M, P. P., reported that the Gov.
ennead would endeavor to have Protea.
eor Graham, Of the Guelph 0, A. 0. leo.
tura in Stratford at the annual elide.
The chicken pldolting minted 19 now en
assured foot, and should be a great at.
traction.' A maiming machine for feed.
ing birds will bo on exhibition at Worth's
hell, where the show in to be held.
Sdilool Clothing
Once a Customer,
Always a Customer.
RE+SS, the boys so they can go out and enjoy' the
air.Dress them so the will not be, afraid
glorious Y
to roll and tumble all over the ground. We have clothes
made on purpose for these buster s -won, t allow dirt, won't
look shabby in a week's wear, and will always stand the
rough and tumble wear of the lively boy.- Pants have
double knees and double seats, lined with heavy white
cotton sewed with linen 'thread, seams .double sewn and
taped, buttons put on to stop on ; all this you get when
you ask for the "Lion" Brand of Boys' Clothing. The cut
e of these suits are not equalled by' anything on
and mak �
the market; We are sole agents for this famous make,.