The Brussels Post, 1901-11-14, Page 5Novi )4, 190 't3rfnt:0itrxt. Bali Broo. have piqued a Taylor sate to their offioo, . Lester Robertson le again behind the Minter 10 a.: E D.0,10 drug store, J. and Aire. Buabanon of Mooaomin, N. W. T„ have hem) the guests of Mrs. O. Lloyd. 'Niro, B. la a liooaopnonoaing, er, , The'"all night" telephone eervioe in Wingham le now, we betteve, an assured foot, and the ohauge to motatlio line will soil be made, t it olu Theel da at lrh T oldto a 4 have been sold to Ampa Tipling; who will. remove them as soon, as possible. Th$;' Trnoleeo have Madded to have the old altnrnh reduced in height and removed, to the Smith East e0rner of the lot to be Green bee the used ae bII u 'Med. W t doing ework to will 0o tr o or doll t i n a f g b place it on 0000rete foundation and lit it up' io rood shape for Winter aonven1en00 of teams, ':It will be moved as soon as the congregation can have axone to the new building. NATIONAL IRON Wonxs.—The Advanoe says : Tho ot%uialy report reoonetruo. tion in progress. Dr. A. J. Irwin ie the President, John Murray, Secretary. W, 0, Bullook has resigned the position he held ae Mabaging director, and the reeig. nation has been accepted. Owing to A Liberal Offer. This is an opportunity for those nob now subeoribere of TimPo8T. From now until January 1st, 1903; fifteen full months, we will send Ton POST 60 any person not now a subscriber, sending their name and address accompanied by 1L00, the price of one ;year's subeoriplion. Thio isa remarkably liberal offer and ought to add largely to our-sabeorip- ttonlist: If your neighbor does not take POST ah ow Poace to him and nw thi s notice perhaps it will induce him to become a subeoriber. We have also made spooial arrange. menta with the publishers of the Montreal Daily Herald, whereby we oan supply the Daily Herald with Tan POST at the ex- ceptionally low rate of $1 80 for the two papers. This willenable you to have one of llie leading daily papers in the Domin- ion together with Tun Pon for less than two weekly papers. In ad- dition xioe of w a dition to receiving the two papers, a hand- some picture of King Edward VII is given with them. The fact that the regular anbooription of the Daily Herald alone is $8 a year will give you an idea of the exceptional liberality of this offer.. We also offer Tire POST and the Weekly. Globe, with two handsome pictures, for ar, and newsubeoribere will for e 1.Oa $ G Y of the year free to receive the balance both pipers. Wo have epeoial rates with. several other papers, which in conjunc- tion with TIE POST, will furnish you with all the best reading matter obtainable ab exceptionally low figures, Let us add your name to thelong list of others who now enjoy the weekly visits of THE POST, whether you wishany of the other papers or nota 'iGcnuine" Business Education, 71INIt Mot STUDENTS RECEIVE cENT JRALsicstril7ja, Itt EILL G ' Strut and ., � Jir'll�m Van leading Business Colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Surely this is proof of superiority. All our graduates get situations. Write for oatalogae, W../. ELLIOTT, Principal. The Brussels Fast .$1 00 The Montreal Daily Herald . . 3 00 And a Splendid Picture of King. Edward VII. 50 Total . $4 50 11.141,a Fon $1.80 This is the greatest combination offer over made by any Canadian journal, and Ave are fortunate in securing the =Waive priv- ilege for this diotriot. Bhp Daily Herald is one of Canada's great papers , Established i01008,ithas long beau the leaditlg Liberal Paper of Eastern Canada. It is now a great family newepaper, eaoh day giving full news of the world. and alae devoting much eppane to Matters of peoullar interest to the fam- iHy..Its commercial iutolligenee is complete: and reliable, THE RINCi'8 PORTIEAIT is the beat ever published in Canada. andw111 maks a hand- some addition to the walls of any. library. It is produced by a new prooeee, and Is not ono of the flashy colored portraits so com- mon. As the regular wine of The Herald is 09,08 a year, the liberality of our offer Is selE- evident. Addreeo all Ordere to W. H. KERR, sa17sSuB. MILE+ OD' S Syztem Pvenovator —AND 0Tteaa— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, $ eepleesneee, Palpita• tion of the Haan, Liver Oomplaint,Near- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitio, Con• snmption, Gall Stoned, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases B t. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY, OOOERICH, ONT. J. M. ,MoLEOD, Prop. and Menutaoturer, Para by Jae, Fax, Drngglat, Bramble preOaur0 'from a 'femilton firm, the direetore have galled a rneeting of the eroditore for'' Tuesday Hat, floe of the diflloaltiee hae been the lank of 011i11010ot capital, and efforts will be made to tater. oat the basineee men of Wingham in the enterprieo and it is hoped that within a few weeke the ooneern will be et woriL hgaln, New, oo0amodloae buildings and expensive moohinery, wortb 926,009, are not likely to remainidle in oar progrea• sive town. W6'oxteroe-. Big crops of turnips are reported from 'surrounding lopalitiee, Sobooi Board le asking for tontine for flair Winter a supply of wood. The earveying of the naw oometery was. done by Lewin Bolton, 0, 1]„ from Lists• wet. MaKolvje & Berner last week shipped a very large oortoignment of wool, about 0 I e to Philadelphia,Pa. i 00 b 8 Mex. McDougall took ten tarsi a out of ono load which turned the beamat130 ibo, 'They were of the . Hartley Bronx Top variety. The time of Canning thane on the C. P, R. hae been Changed a little, and the trains East now leave Wroxeter Station a few minutes earlier—at 7.17 in the morning and 3,45 p. m, D. Ferguson, of Wingham.ihad a oar of Winter apples shipped from here on Wedoeoday of last week. Quite a few farmers wereiq town deliveling them. The prevailing. price paid was $1.75 a barrel. el =rave. Wm. McCrea had a very fine sheep worried by doge a few pigbls ago, Mines Bertha and Annie Wightman are visiting triend8 in Mitobell and Sea• forth. A number foam thio locality attended the funeral of Jae. Kerney last Sunday afternoon. The friends of Rev, A. H. Brown, of, Belgrave appointment, proeenled him -, -with a load of oats. t ' -T1s Orangemen celebrated the 6th of November by a eooial in their Hall here. Rev. Means. Brown and McQuillan gave addresses and minim! eelectione, &o., wore interepereed. A. number in tbis locality do not take kindly to the idea of removing our Fall Show to Wingham. Let us have a one day fair for a tidal. and Cee if it won't be an improvement. Mee. Abe. Proctor, of Belgrave, was ey uddenl etrioken down with illness and n a very is cliff ilow oondition. Mrs. Proctor is getting up in years and it may be some time before abe recovers her usas I health. A very sudden death 000urred on Mon• day evening of last week. Roy, a 13 year old eo0 of Harry Deacon, became suddenly ill and died before medical _aid arrived. This was a very severe shook to Mr. and Mrs. Deacon. Dan. Geddes and Wm. Cole have re. turned home from North Dakota. They carnet byway of Winnipeg ag and report the crops in North Dakota bot nearly so good as in Manitoba, owiug to the ex• casein rains during the whole season. These gentlemen think the railway peo- ple rather on the 'sharp. E. Saokrider, formerly of Belgrave, is now at New Liskeard, Temisoamiog district, writes that during thegreat con flagration that ewept that section of country the fire ovine dangeronely near his residence. The household effeote were quickly stored in a root house,, and the family prepared to take refuge in the well, when the wind changed and the danger passed by. Tbet'e worse than be used to have to do here. • Clinton. A Remington type -writer bee been par• obaeedfor use in coronation with the oommeroial course of instruction given at Clinton Collegiate. The Clinton Modelitea aooepted the in. vitation of the Goderioh pupils and about 18 drove up one evening reoently and were royally entertained. The wedding cake for the Teo-Cantelon wedding on Wednesday of last week was,. promo ed from MoOlay the baker, and was the largest ever turned onl since he came tiara.. It was a five story enactor(' and weighed 67 pounds. D. Cantelon, of Clinton, has finished up his shipment's of apples for the season.' The aggregate will be 8,000 barrels as oompared with 15,000 last year. He Bent 1300 barrels to W inuipeg, 700 to Buffalo and Detroit, 3,000 to Liverpool aid the balance to Cold storage in Toronto. The Ladies! Aid Society of Rattenbury street Methodist aharob purpose holding a thanksgiving supper on Thureday even- ing of this week. Au interesting enter. tainment will be held in the church and addresses will be given by Rev. W. Mo- Donagh, of Stratford, formerly of Olin• ton, and other olergymen. Geo.;Rumball, who has been in Lon- don for some time, owing to mental diva• bility, has been brought baok home. Hie friends will be glad to learn that he has entirely recovered mentally, but they will at the 08100 time deeply regret to know that he is paralyzed from hie body down. The ogee-. of the Mannfaoturere Life Insurance Company vs, James Liver. more, which was tried before Judge Doyle in the Division Court at Clinton, is of oonoiderable interest to the general public. A local agent of the company insured the defendant for $1,000, on whioh the flret premium was thirty dol - len, but when the note tell due Mrt Lawrence refused payment on the ground that the polity legged to him was a Twenty Pay Life instead of a Twenty Pear Endowment, ae be supposed he was getting, The agent said in hie evidence that before Mr. Livermore bad signed the polioy he had reed it Over to him, but the latter re•a8lrmed that he ander. stood it called for an. Endowment, and the Judge gave the decision in his favor. TitE FEEOINO STATION.—A llolme0ville Correspondent says :—Five weeke ago Fred. Elford put in 160 Chickens for the government feeding station ; they were kept inepeeinlly oonetraoted orate'', 15 to a orate ; they were fed twine a day, the. food aonsieting of flea ground oats and skim milk ; given gravel twine a week, and daring the last ten days were fed on tallow to sweeten the moat and make it juicy, At the ooteetthey were eprink. led with sulphur, y and also ten days be. fore killing to destroy ineeote,but although kept in Close' Confinement nob an insect was found on them, not was one of the fowl in'ieuy way injured. The lot °oneieted mostly of pure "Barred Roolre, or grades, and the experiment shows that the nearer the, fowl" 18 60 be. log pore brad the more they gain. Mr. Elford kept also a orate of Common fowl, manly to see ltow they would (tempera with the othere ; for the list week they gained in 11001, bot erten that they made Poprogree0, Wben l's fowl were lint put in they weighed 551 lbs. or an aver. age of 31 lbs, neon, Wlieo their pools were wrung they bad gained 350 pounds iu"flesh. Tuesday last was a buoy day, number being engaged to plucking the fowl, whioli wore placed on a "pressing beard" before being pecked, 19 in a box, for export to 11e old oountry. Mr. Hare, of the Departtnept of Agelonitore, Otte. wa, wile has 'Marge of this partioular brooch, wee present, and expressed him - ea" highly pleased with the reeult, ad- vieing Mr. Elford to pot in another lot at which ho intends doin l• Coon, wh h g, Mr. d E ford hae the eatiefaotion of beating Whitby station, his fowls being the heaviest, Clore -to, a in a onto feet week n Dr. Took we T r we o Weirton, u ee B. B, Windover, of Toronto, has taken a position s0 baker ,with Thos. Wright, Alex. Montgomery who has been living in town for about a year moved out to. his farm again. M1ee Mae Riddell went to Owen Sound on Monday afternoon of laps week, to attend the funeral of ber nein. Laughlin Campbell, who has been spending a few weeks with Gerrie friends' left for hie home in Hawkeetone. Mrs. Grover and son, Fred., of Torun. to, were in town last week, owing to the death of the former's father, J. H. Du'. mage. A fine deer mime to the station on Wednesday evening of last week, by ex. press, addressed to Thos. D. Edgar, who le away on a hunting tour. A. M. Knox and Mies Mae were in Teeewater on Wednesday of last week, attending the wedding of their (mucin, Will. Rose, to Miee Lou Thompson. I3ensa,11, Geo. MolIwen has leased 50 acres of Dan. MoQilli 's property near Chisel. huret sod is having it plowed for flax, A Coupleof horses belonging to Paul D. Bell got out of the field onto the railway traok and were both killed by the train. Miss Mary Carlieie returned home from Manitoba on Monday of Int week after spending several weeks with friends there, Magnus Henderson, brother to Rev. J. S. Henderson, has been oalled to York- ton, Area. His ordination and induo-• tion takes place this month, Rev. J. S. Henderson conducted anni- versary services in St. Andrew's ohuroh, Windsor, on Sabbath and addreeeed the Endeavor Societies of Windsor, Detroit and Walkerville on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Boots, wife of Omanoiaor Scott, had the misfortune to be knocked down and trampled on by a oow. The animal b cheat from which she hae stepped On her w 0 P suffered considerable pain though no per - =went evil effects are looked for. The Observer arowe after thio fashion : Binge the new walks were pat down and the paving fixed, our front street presents an appearance which would do credit to any city in Canada. No country town or village that we know of oan at all Com. pare with it. The Official Quarterly Board met on Tuesday afternoon of last week. There was a good -representation from Bethesda but not so large a number from Hensel' se usual. By a unanimous vote the Rev. UE BB1 88) LS *Q$ Geo, Long woa Invited to b0017010 tL. he 1 (Motor fo e e e trt for the pert pgnfar nan of r R.J fit three years Oubjout to the sanptto a o h0 I Conference stationing pommt'tteaA town ftome e neat ution wag aloe passed ' tbaokiug Kiev, Mr, Jewitt, for the cunni- p/��r"�"'�i'�I,� — (� let wort( don byhim during . the 'OOP CV Il. g. % � /A. e p o e ea portion of hie torm, reeultipg in epi'rit- i' nal and Ananolal prosperity, 17'oEat wIol , Alex, Orr has a gang of oarpenters em• played er0ati00 a wood shed and ioe house, Mr, Bradley, late station master at Kleinburg, an the 0. P. R., 10 now in oommaud of this station in We village. a n charge of e Rout. Sewell, whowee i h e , R C. P. R. station hore for the past Iwo months, took hie departure for hie home in Brampton. bfra. George H. Williamson and daugb. ter, Min Edith, left on Tuesday moon• ing p[last wee for Bouris, North Dakota, a , bas taken U ere Mr,b t a where P large tract of land. The Orangemen of Fordwioh gave an "APEtome" on Tuesday evening, Nov. 9th, in Sothern'e Hall, There woe about 100 present, principally the members of the lodge and their familiee. A very en• jiyable evening was spent in games, einging, e'o , and an exoellent lunch pre• pared- by the ladles, after which all de• parted for their homee. On Monday evening of last week, a very interesting and enjoyable time woe spent in the Temperance lodge here. The reason of thio was a number of Tempters from Harrietou oame over to take part in a debate with the Fordwioh lodge. The subject was: "Resolved that the Indian Ina more reason than the Negro, to corn. plain of the cruelties of the white man." The debating parties for Harriaton were Meeere. -Willoughby andAlberni and Masora. Watters and Rotten for Ford• wish. Fordwioh won. fuierajorth • The many friends. of Mre. Noble Oluff, who has been e riouel ill for some time, will reret to learn that she 1s not making progress healthward and ie still Confined to bed. A special meeting of the Connell was held on Tuesday evening of fast week, when it was deoided to defend the action entered against the town by Wm. Ament for damages for the lose of his horse, said to be Caused by falling on a grans. lithio crossing, and J. M. Best was authorized to arrange for a defence of the action. James Lee, of the Huron Road, East of 5eaforth, lust a valuable horse a short time ago. While playing around in the orohard it etri nke tree, inflioting a alight wound in its shoulder, which resulted in death. It blood poisoning, oaaemg i 'te a was a particularly fine animal, being one of a matched team, and its owner had re. e 5 0 for it a few days before it was feed 10 0 $ Y hart. Tarr Boa OA'n.-A novel patient Cas0 was deoided by Justice Bnrbidge in the Exchequer Court, at Ottawa. The snit was between two egg dealers, Meldrum v. Wilson & Co. The defendants employed a solution of hydrochloric aoid, to re- move from piokled eggs the deposit of carbonate of lime that forme upon them n reserved in a pickle o lime while bet f water. The defendants were the first to use the process, and to 'discover that it. could be used with safety, No partioular directions were given by the defendants THE GIEAT CASH STORE Is showing some splendid Bar- gains for November espec- ially in . .den's Fur Coats & Gaps, Ladies' Fur Coats and Cap crines. If•you are needing anything in that line it will mean a saving of money to you to call and see them. Another large assortment of, Underwear & Hosiery Just Received. See our 1A7en's Lona Boots and Heavy Rubbers. D. M. McBEA TH, PRETORIA BLOCK, BLYITII. FOR AN UP-TO-DATE STYL!SH_OVERCOAT This is the place to secure it at the right price. We have them at $5.00 that will surprise you, considering the quality and Low Price, others at $6.00, $7.00, $8,00 and $10.00 are eqhally good value and probably more like what you would be wishing for yourself. Also Suits for Boys, Young Men and Old Men —all qualities and, prices—Up-to-date Styles at Up-to-date Prices. Call and see how well we can Please you. The undersigned are ilrepar- ed to pay cash for all kinds of Cordwood, both dry and green, delivered at the Salt Works, App1y'to GORDON MQONE'X, Foreman Brugsole Salt Works. & J. E+a sf ora., CLIN 7 BN P, 0. Pa0PRI10T01t8• in theirola'm for e patent ae bo a for Gh ta to . w P the prooeoe of eleaneing the ogge abonid bo parried put. The plaintiff Meldrum ie also engaged in the egg business, and he moved to set aside the patent, on the ground that defeodante had shown noth- ing in the mode of employing such sole. tion demanding the exercise of the Moen. tive faoultiee, Mr. JustIae Burbidge de- cides that there woe no invention, and that a patent for the process could Oolbe sustained. Atwood. Niro J. G. Heyd, of Heepeier, spent a few days with Atwood friends in this looalily. Mr. Common, general merchant, of Newry, was attee4ieg Court in Goderioh last week. John Rutherford has ereoted a house on lot 5, con. 13. "Corning events oast their shadows before." altos Gonne, of Rarrietoc, returned home on Wednesday of last week after spending a couple of weeks with the Misses Little, 12th coo. J. Aitoheson 4113 eon. of Elms, traded a m a farm owned byhimonthe t 9 h Con Wellesley, to Jae. Moffatt for his floe ta,m near Lebanon. Jae. Greig, of Silver Corners, has built a fine two storey, red brink oottoge and will soon move into it. It is a credit to the enterprise of Mr. Greig, who is one of the most progressive farmers in either Ekon or Grey. The Toronto Globe says :—Joshua Pel. ton, (who has relatives in this looality) President of the Bennington Cheese faro tory, and Direotor of the St. Marys Creamery Co,, one of the moat promin- ent and proeperoue farmers of West Zorra township, died suddenlyat bio home, Bennington, on Wednesay even. ing, Oot. 80th. Deceased was a Preeby- terien in religion, a stalwart Liberal and an ardent supporter of the Hon. Jae. Sutherland. Exeter. Rev. J. R. Gandy, of Strathrop, Preach. ed in Main Street Methodist ohuroh on Sunday. John D. Speakman left Monday of 1001 week, for Toronto where he will further proaeoote his musical studies, Ambrose Smith, who underwent a Critical o era t' fon at Henaall fora endl- eitee, is improving and is in a fair: way to recovery. S. A. Polestone, who left a few weeks ago to commence a dental amine at Tor- onto, has been compelled to dieoontinue owing to ill health and hae returned home. The game of foot ball played on the eohool grounds on Tuesday of last week, between the town and sobool boys, re. salted in favor of the former by a soore of 2 1. Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Chatham, tamer. .ly of London, hae been invited by the James Street Metbodiet church, of Exeter, to become pastor .for the next oonferenae year, beginning June, and bag aooepted the same, enbjeot to the aotion of the Stationing committee. The Masons of Lebanon Forest Lodge No.183, A. F. & A. M., have'leaeed the upper part of Thee. Fitton'' new build. ing, on the East side of Main street, or a Lodge room, It' will be fiuiehed ander the superintendence of a committee ap- pointed by the Lodge and will he np•to. date in every partianiar. When com- pleted it will without a doubt be the beet lodge room in the district. MOoh sympathy is expressed for prin• oipal and Mre. Boyd in the lose of their youngest daughter, Ada Pearl, who pave. ed away on Friday night, Nov. let, about 9 o'clock, at the age of 1 year, 8 months and 11 days. The little girl's struggle with the grim reaper for several days had filled the anxious parents with hope that medical skill and Careful nursing would finally win the battle, but it was willed otherwiee and the bright little girl was summoned home. A despatch from Manitou to the Win• nipeg Daily Telegram, dated Ootober 2911, 0001ai00 the following 000000t of the death of Dr. R. 0. Moore, a former doctor of Exeter :—"On Friday evening Ian death removeda familiar figure in the person of Dr. R. 0. Moore, of thio town, after a very short illness. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon to the Manitou cemetery, the service being oonduoted by Rev. T. Beveridge. De. missed was for many yearn -a resident of Manitou, ind wag highly esteemed by all with whom he came in 000teot, He wee 0member of the Presbyterian ohuroh, and Riggs' Hall, in which the Presby. teaitron are worshipping while their new oburoh le being ereoted, was tilled to overflowing with the friends of the, de- oeaaed, who attended to pay their last. reepeoto to their departed friend. Much sympathy is felt for Mies Moore in her sad bere avement." ✓ icar General Laurent, of Lindsay, is dead, Eight families were rendered homelese by a deetruotive fire in Vaudreuil, One, Mariapolis Station on the ()median Northern line, was deetrbyed by fire with 110 Contents, Two men were killed in. Joliette, Qua , by the paving in of a drain fn which they wore working, W. E. Leonard, Manager of the South- western Loan Company, Bt. Thomas, died suddenly. J Roder'' editor the arvia S. W. Rodger'', t Of J Record, shot himeelt through the head with a rifle and is dead. Hamilton, London and Kingston have t a trachan_ deoided to observe the Bing's .bit hd y on Monday nett instead of Satprday. Hon, VvifHam Hoary refused the Ktngeton nomination for the Logielatnee announcing his Intention of retiring from .Money Orders iestled in con,. polities on a00ount of ill'beath, r neetioll with I'oatoifloo. P, S. -November Fashion ,Sheets and Patterns to hand, t'.e-�sc�.�-c�r��7r�' rri III .w,,.,ww.wrw.ww say. f.��q `� 9 Cr tSH c � o�d�. �' iCJ,��'r 13.x.1 -'T.:• v �V y 1 " �t a .... --. irlle tom£ autwa le flitting around these these nights and very soon he will be got. .) tine( in his work in the daytime. Look out for him and be prepared. We anti assist you in warding off his attacks, either night or day, with articles like these !— Heavy Union a y BIanlLete, full size, bine and pink bOrdere, very apeaial at $1,.50 per air, k i ;; r. o Blankets, r p c w o Bi nk t le size, soft o finish, at 20 P 1. ft26 98,05 14 g y $ -, $ and 96, Heavy Grey Flannelette Sheeting, doulo fold, very epeoial at 250. Heavy Flannelette, in stripes and plain pink, 32 inohee wide (note the width), worth 8o, for 5o. 4 '- Wra eretis9, hear weight, reversible good atterna fast colon, Pp Y g g P a Ill regular rice 12for u o 100, g n. Nen43 nl to an n$ r d Ur ars plain c o f ribbed n' fl a ed aw a nth knit, and eo lima, n $e k , ) at 25o, 860, 50o and 75o. $tanfield's 17nehrinkable all fine wool' Shirts and Drawers in two weights, at $1. and 91 25 each. 1 Ladies' Vans, in union, at 150, 25o and 40o, Ladiee's Wool Vests and Drawers atSOo, 750 and 91. Ohildren'e Vests, in all 0000e, from 10o up, Ladies' Aotraohan Far Coats, line glossy end, lined with on tin or One farmer's satin, in short, medium and long length e, from $20 to 910. Men's Fur coats, in Cub Bear, Waileby, Coon, Siberian Dog and Blaok Gallaway, at rook bottom prices. Ladies' Oaperinee, in great variety, frac 92.50 to 920. Men's Lined Kid Gloves, a great snap at 50o. cz xxxxxx ,1�p Read �t1 WMi1011 - for 14 JOHN DONALDSON Is ready for Fall and Winter weather with a splendid stock of p S0 V/ N Robes, Rugs a n Horse,ri Blankets e Which have only to be seen to be admired. Sold at d ilvery reasonable prices.; Also keep in stock, Halters, Bells, Curr Combs,Brushes and all other articles in our line. Trunks, Valises and Satchels. 1 and e t5 Our Single and Double Harness are A 1 a 1 take the Red Ticket wherever shown. IA JNO. DONALDSON. , s> qhs qua ,mss w,� e�e�e�ee�a�o� �r�o�o�.e�ubo' .lame The Jamestown General Store. INCREASING TRADE • a It is now a little over one year since we opened up business in Jamestown and it is pleasing and satisfactory to note increase .- in trade which speaks volumes for a go-ahead business. We thank our numerous customers and friends for their patronage to us while on the road with the Peddling Wagon and also at the store and be- speak a continuance of the same. During the second year we will endeavor to cater to your wants with a larger assortment of goods in every department. Our Fall and Winter stook is about all in and you are cordially invited to inspect our goods and compare prices. We quote a few prices below just samples of value to be found throughout the stock :— L- adies! Veete from — Ladies' Bleak Wool Hose —Ladies' Cashmere Hose , L- argeet Size White Blankets — Flannelette Blankets —White Lace Curtains —Flannelettes from 00 — Prints from... .. ., .. .. ....... 05 —Men's Plough Boots from 1 00 —Men's Long Boots —Boys' Long Boots — Boys' Tweed Suite —Boyo' Pante —Men's Pante from 90 — Men's Suits, regular $7.00, now —Man's Tweed Vests —Man's Waterproof Jackets — Men's Underwear at all prices —Yarns of all kinds $0 25 to 47 0 GO 8 25 75 1 00 14 10i 2 00 1 75 90 2 00 75 1 50 5.00 75 25 We also have a Merge stook of Ladies' end Gents' Shoes, and a well selected stook of Rubbers of all kinds. Oar. Groceries are always fresh and op to date. We have only one Dinner' Set of Diehee left and whoever nomas will get a snap on them -97 pieces in all. We also keep Hardware and Oils of all kinds ; Amerioau and 0anadien Coal Oil— best quality in stook. t We take Butter and Eggs in trade or cash. When the weather gets a little cooler we will handle all kinds of Poultry and ship them ourselves so that you may ;depend on the highest price available for your Produce. CALL AND SEE US, Post Office store, JAME STOW .