The Brussels Post, 1901-10-31, Page 8"Away off" Sight When you are compelled to hold the newspaper "away off know that your eyesight is "away off" and glasses should be procured at once. Consultation free. Satisfaction guaranteed. "ALL � M PAPE R► We have just opened out a new and oaretully selected line of Wall Paper, It 19 our aim to meet the people with jest what they. want, with prima just go low as to satiety everyone in every way. We have Paper, at all prime, for every room in the house, • It will be a pleasure for us to have yon look over our samples. Old Papers are being cleared out at and below cost. 41.1. LM R DRUGGIST, BOOKSELLER, OPTIOIAN, SUCCESSOR TO G. A, DEADMAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTUEUN DaTENBION W. 0. ,t 8. Traineieave Brueeele Station, North and South, Se follows: Goma Swam 040220 Roam. .Maoreas ..... 7:18 am Mail 2:10 p.m Mined 0:45 a.m I Express 8:17 p,m road Ntirs4t m t A ohiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. ROADeare splendid. GMC ready for Winter. Gant roads for bioyoling, ,Faunax will be the first 0f November. San page 6 for additional District news. Eiatowo'no,the lookup door hinges should be oiled, Bun the adata., that's what they are put in the paper for. Soma rare sport has been enjoyed at the rifle range this week. Tan watering cart or a shower of rain is needed to lay the dost, Tae duet blew in clonde on Wednesday and Thursday owing to the high winds. Tax Cowmen HALLIDAY ie Bending out the annual notion regarding thia year's taxes. 6% will be added after Deo. 14. Bnvanna from town attended the mar- riage of Miss Simpson, of Jamestown, to Mr.Mantgomery on Wednesday evening of this week. RemwADB will18ene Bingle fare Sokoto in connection with tbe King's Birthday on Saturday, Nov. 9011. Tickets good to go on Friday and return on Monday. A swum of improvemente have been made to the property owned by John B. MoLanohlin to be occupied by Mr. Gray, 8000088or to J. N. Gordon, of the Stand- ard Bank. AT Hous.—Neat Tuesday evening the L. 0. L. purpose giving an At Home in the Orange Lodge, Thomas street. After lunch addressee are expected by Revd,. Messrs. Roes, Abey and Holmes and others interspersed with musical selections. PALL FAIaB1OaIae,--D. Ewan & Co., have disposed of their Fall Show prize ball roller bearing top buggies to David Walker, of Morrie, and Henry Hamilton, of MoKillop. These enterprising farmers are not satisfied with anything bat the best. Only two riga left of the seaeon'e stook and they will be Bold oh a big bar. gain to clear the way for oattere. G. T. R. S1iIPPINO.—This week 14 or 15 care ware shipped from Brueeels, being loaded ae follows :—T. Ballantyne, oar cheese ; R. Thomson, oar butter ; A. 0. Dames, 2 care sheep ; D. Oantelon, car apples ; Geo. Beet, oar of cattle and oar of hogs ; W. Jewitt, 2 oars hogs ; W. F. Stewart & Son, ear Haar; A. Barker, oar peas, 2 oars wheat and 2 core bay. SOALDEDIN SALT.—The Wingham paper r eay'k of a former BrveaeleiEe ;—"Alex. Forsyth slipped into the pan yof boiling PP brine at the Salt Worke, ingham, o Saturday, 19011 inst., and sustained a scalded foot. The skin all about the heel and ankle wag literally cooked and will come off. It is a very painful sore and will take some time to heal. Mr. Forsyth had only reoa:tly moved to Wingham faom Brussels and taken a position there." We are sorry to hear of Mr. Foreyth'e misfortune. Nos Tnon.—A rumor was afloat this week that Daniel Stewart, who was visit. ing here Inst week, had been taken err• i00ely ill on hie return to Wiarton. Saab, we are pleased to hear, is not the case. Mr. Stewart, associated with his son, Wm„ hag purohased a greenhouse at Wiarton and will no doubt do well If interest and aogoaintanoe with flower and plant life is of consequence, and of 0onr0e it ie, then Mr. Stewart should fill a first plane as few are better botanists than he, We wish Messrs. Stewart sae. 0899. Law IN Reraanuoa To WRIGHTs Aso Mnneanee.—The following is from the Department of Inland Revenue and ie sent by Inepeator Hayward, of Weights and Meaenree, London, and is of interest to farmers, grain dealers, &o. ;—When 'repeating Weights orM8013000of Millers or others engaged in baying or selling grain, please be good enough to Dell the attention of such pereone to tbe provie. iota of Section 6 of 61 Vio., Obap. 30, Chap. 30, "An Am farther to amend the Weights and Measures Aot" (prohibiting the nae of a grain teeter having a oapao. ity lees than one Mabel), which read as follows 1—No trader shall ase with a weighing msohine a greater nnmbet'tof weights than i8 required by its certified capacity. No weighing machine need for weighing or determining the weights of any of the artistes mentioned in . Section 16 of The Weights and elongates AM shall be of lees certified oapaoity than one boebel. Every trader wbo violates tole Section rated' be liable 60 a penalty not exoeeding ten dollars for the fleet offeooe, and not exceeding twenty dollars for nob eabeegnenhoffence, and to the confine, - tion of the weights, Gann BIeT drilled a well for E. 0. Danford, Turnberry street. A ma improvement has been made in the front of Mre. Sinalair's promisee, Primates Street. R. EDNDEReON had the watering cart on the street last Saturday, and Thurs. day, an unusual event at thio season of the year. BRuesane cheese faotory disposed of their September make to Messrs. Bellan- t ne & o❑ t y Soo, Stratford, ratford, at 91 Dente per pound. It was shipped this week. Dann hunters are away in the persona of Arch. Lamont, Rioh, S. Armstrong, F. Embury, Jas. Thynne, Garnier Bros. and George 'Purvey. Goma will have to roost high and run swift to avoid these hnotemen for a number of them are old beads at the basineee. Tape week Brussels Rifle Aeeooiation has been holding its annual rifle match at the different ranges and good sooring has been the remit aoneideriog that many of the members knew little or nothing about eaoh aompetitione, It was not complete as we went to press. Wm/ RmunjN rN Lc/Wm—Min Lizzie Sample has taken a position ae soprano soloist in the Memorial ohuroh, London, and is also buoy daring the weekae sales- lady in a department in Wbiekard'e store, She is a good vooaliet and will do her part well. We wish her success. THE names of a few boys are on the list of those likely to receive legal at. ten0ion for window breaking from stone throwing. It is to ba hoped the penalty will be made severe enough to put a stop to the deliberate destruction of property at the hands of saucy young lade who should know very much better. Faralx afternoon of this week a pro gram of horse ranee ie on at Wingham. The big attraction is an exhibition mile by Harold H., 2 04, owned by J. Swartz, who will pace to beat the Oanadian mile track record of 2 12a. There will be a free for all rape, John Beattie, of Brussels, entering his horse "Lamont" for it, and a 2 30 race, half mile heats, oommenaing at 1.80 °'cloak. Des OF MIN b"tnoLn.—Mies Sophia Steele, aged 88 years, died Saturday at Viotoria Hoepita', London. Deceased was the daughter of Rev. Douglas Steele, of Port Stanley. Death was caused by a complioation of dieeaeee wbioh ret in after an operation. Mise Steele had been studying in Loudon and her many friends will mourn the Ione of so bright and amiable a young lady. The interment took place at Port Stanley. The deceas- ed was a resident of Brasaele at one time and her former aeeooiatee will regret to hear of her demiee. Tins week the Brussels Cemetery Com- mittee purchased nearly an aore of land adjoining the cemetery from William Dark, which in addition to the enlarge- ment of the burial ground will evpply earth for levelling up some lots of no value without thio. It is proposed to survey a few rows of lots on the Wester. ly two earn and have the balanae crop- ped next season to aid in the proper levelling. A stone boat hae been P ur- ohaeed and be boeforth monument men will not be allowed to drive wagons through the Iota. BBaeeELM SALT WOREo.—The sale an. nonnoed for Thursday afternoon of this weak in 00nne0tion with the Enterprise Salt Works, Brunets, was not held ae the property was withdrawn, Thos. Coleman taking poseeeeion. We are pleased to ray that the enterprising firm of R. & J. Ransford, of Clinton, the well known Balt dealere, have leased tbe premises and will fit 10 np and set it agoing. These gentlemen thoroughly understand the Balt bneineoe and the foot of their taking hold of it means that it will be ran with vigor. Masers. Raneford were here on Thareday making arrangements. Brum eels salt nae no superior for native purity and the dairy and table article turned out here is pronounced .8. 1. Tam Poet wisher Messrs. Bamford every 8000888 in their enterprise and ae J. Raneford laaonioatly remarked "that they did not purpose running it for the good of their health alone" there i8 every probability that finanoially it will tally with their other enterprises. Fan ROYALTv.—When the Dake and Duchess of Cornwall were ant in Calgary W. J. Halliday, son of J. 0, Halliday, of Brussels, had their patronage in the supplying of bread and poetry for them- eelves and suite. So well pleased were they with W. J'e handiwork that they ordered a barrel of the same flour from which the bread was baked from the Moose Jaw mills and bad it shipped to H. M. S. Ophir to be used by them on the home trip. The Moose Jaw Times in referring to the matter Saye among other thinge :—"The royal couple have now about enoiroled the globe, They have visited the beet parts of greater Britain ; been dined and wined by the largeetcities of tbe that empire, and everywhere the word has been : 'There's nothing too good for the Doke—and Duobeea,' but nowhere have we read of nor Royal Highness expreeeing her par - Heiler appreciation of the bread of which they partook until they reaohod Cal. gory." Mr, Halliday baa a fine business at Calgary end his old Mende het, will be pleased 00 hear of hie oaooeee, 'Pao new citable an IDepeotorltobb'e lot will he veneered with comena Moon) of tate same material have beenput 10, Tog Peataubaorip0ion Net Is growing,. We give the pawn without any doubt, $1.00 in advanos gate Ina Post to the end of 1902. Bend it to absent friends if you hath ityoureelt. 14 months for $1.00. TM) Degree Team of the Maooabee Tent and Riverside Wive, Brownie, will go to Gorrfe on Tgeaday evening of next week and take part in some drill exec. 01008 In a Maooabee 0000800 in that vil- lage, The do their work very nioely. PaonAove BOenieee OgANata, It 10 rumored that Sm. E. Spermia has lane' ohaeed the carriage shop of Soo. Wynu, an old and well known oarriege maker in Brunets. Mr, Wyno will be engaged by Mr, Sperain as manager of the Mai. near we are pleased to hear so that the axle will not mean his removal from town. The purohaeer has been a resi- dent of this notion from hie boyhood np oo will have a good aaquaintanoe with the publio. AEnnneo oN A LzaTitn.—A latter name to Brueeele post offioe on Monday with the following address "Over the river, hills and lake, Garry this letter for Goodoeee sake, At Brussels, Ontario leave it For Min-- will be there to receive it. And if she is not I will always regret it, For she is my sweetheart and don't you forget it," At this dietaries from the "eugaring•off" season the above is not very sour. NOTIIINe laws GOOD R0POTATION.—To have a good roputation in business goes a long way - toward 0000888. When the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, with their reputation for doing things right, announce to the public that they are leaning portraits of the' Ring and Queen to their subscribers, the pub. lio will be satisfied that their plet0re is the beet obtainable, and will wait for it, The public will not be disappointed, either. The Family Herald's portraite of the Sing and Queen are eaoh 18x24 ioohee, and are truly a beautiful pair. They have alto a third picture •of the "Duobeea of Devonshire," in ten rich colours, 22x28 inohee, which is regarded as a perfect gem. All three pioturee are to be given free to all yearly subeoribere. 5 Yana AT $2,500.—Thareday alter• noon of this week Jura Raoeford, of the firm of R. & J. Raoeford, Balt manufao• tame, Clinton, waited on the (Joann' (a epaoial meeting beingcalledfor boeineee) and asked that a fixed rate of assessment at $2,500 be put on the Enterprise Salt Works, for a term of 5 years, or se long as they were levees or owoere if for a ehorter term. On motion of Ooonoillor Gerry, seconded by Ccaooillor Donald. sonit was unanimously agreed to pare a By-law to that effect. Mr. Raoeford gave considerable interesting information about the Balt b❑eineee and thanked the Coanail for the favor granted. He elated that he had engaged Gordon Mooney as Foreman and world now instruct him to have the necessary repairs made and get the block at work ae soon as possible. This will not be sorrowful news for Brae• eels and looality as tbie business pate a large amount of money in circulation. TEAOHERa' TEA.—The anneal Tambora' Tea in connection with the election of officers in the Methodiet Sabbath Sobool was held In the school room on Tuesday evening of this week. Thirty two had seats at the table, the company consist- ing of officers and teaohere, together with husband or wife, as the one might be, of married teaohere. A splendid repast was served and after the dishes were washed up and pat away in the ohuroh pantry Rev. Jno. Holmee, the pastor, took the chair. Opening exeroieea over, reports were called for from Superintendent, Seo retail, and Treasurer. From these was gleaned the information that the eohooi was organized 43 years ago, B. Gerry, the present Asst. Superintendent, offioiat- ed as Superintendent for 19 years, He was succeeded by Dr. Watson, now of Brantford, who presided 8 years ; Dr. G, L. Ball served for 1 year and W. N. Kerr, the present incumbent, has completed 20 years. Colleotiona for year $126.96 4,738 Bibles were brought to the Sohool during the year ; 777 verses recited and 175 visitors reported i largest attendaooe any Sunday, 276 ; biggest collection, $9.07 • missionary collection, $7 04 ; oontribatione to Century Fuad, $272. There are 20 abases, 9 ioatrumente fn the 0robeetra. Total re00ip08 for the year 0185.79, with a balance now on hand of $56.96. W. H. Kerr was re.eleoted Superintendent, after whiob oongrattlla• tory remarks ware made by the pastor and Rey. S. J. Allin, of London, a former pastor, who was an honored guest. All the officers and teaohere were reappoint- ed. Next name a dismission on eobool methods' Rev. R. Paul introduced the topic "Revival work in the S. S." and a general dieoneeion followed. The clues. tions of regularity of attendance and discipline were also discussed. Rev. Mr. Allin answered the queries in the Question drawer very eatiefaotorily. More a000mmodation will be provided for the Primary class. H. R. Brewer, Eli Smith and Ira Gerry were appointed a Managing Committee io aooneation with the Orchestra. About 10 o'olook this very interesting gathering wan brought to a oloee and the baskets of provisions more than was required were sent where they would do good. A unique feature of the history of the school is that the person who was superintendent hae been leader of the ohuroh ohoir except one year. The staff of the school eon• Siete of the following ;—Superintendent, W. H. Kerr ; Aeet, Superintent, B. Garry ; Becretary, Will. Griffith ; Treat., H. L. Jackson ; Oondnotor of Orchestra, H. L. Jaaknon ; Teachers, Rev, J. Holmes, Rev. R. Pant, B. Gerry, Mre. A. J. Lowry, Mies Maggie MaNangbton, Mre. Holmes, blies Brook, Mrs. Walker; R. E. Goatee, Mre. WateonAinley, Miss Minnie MoNaughton Mies Martha Smith, W. J. Me0raokeo, H. R. Brewer, H. Ham, T. Farrow, A. Oooeley, Mise Clara Crawford, Miss Maggie Rozell and Ira Gerry, 100 copies of 'Onward," 100 of "Pleasant Hour" and 40 }'Happy Days" ate taken. Lord Minto unveiled a braes tablet in the Choroh of St. Bartholomew at New Edinburgh, erected to the memory of Cuthbert T. Thomea, Fred. J. Livitlg and William S. Brady, members of D Com. pony, Royal Canadian Regiment, who fell at Paardeberg. Thomas Davideon, a farm Inborn from Leamington, while boardi❑g a moving train on the Lake Erie and Detroit River Railway at Kingsville, slipped and fell beneath the wheels of the rear eoaah. His left forearm and right leg below the hoes were ornahod, The train orow and .L 8SELiO roaT passengers did not see the aooident, and kpew uotbiug el 1G until the train reach.. ed McGregor station, A epaoial train wan dispatalldd to bring the iajurpd man to Wiudeor, whore he with Viand in the Hetet Dien Hoepitel. The Berm woo amputated at the elbow and 'tile log at the ham. .He will probably MOM. • I'illfS0$Ala 1' IMSRAl'iiS, Harry Sutliff was in Olintoq oo Mon day. George and Mre. Beet spent Sunday in Seaforth, S. T. Plum and wife were in Bluevale loot Sunday, Alex, McKay hos bad a shake•op from something like la grippe, A. E. and Mre. Treleaven, of Dungan, non, were in town en Monday. Rev, F, Ryan, of Durham, was calling on old friends in town this week, Ronald MoNaughton le away to .Borth Bay on a 00010888 trip this week. Garf. and Mies 011ie Vanotone, of Wingham, were in town on Sunday. Dr. Harvey, of Luoan was vielting hie brother, druggist Harvey, for a few days. Jno, Reading, of Wingham paid a fly- ing visit to friends in Brussels on Suuday. N. H.,and Mrs. Young, of Blyth. were visitors in Brnaaele on Thursday of this week. Mise Annie Ferguson, of Walton was visiting friends in town for a few "days this week. W. H. Willie, wife and sena, of Sea• forth, were visitors at B. Gerry', last Sunday. Miro Fannie Rogers 10 home from Tor. odto, owing t0 the 'ooutinned illnessof her brother George. Robe. Mainprize left on Thursday for Braoebridge where he will visit hie, brother for cohort while. Misses May Shone and Georgie Roes worehome from Listowel High Sohool for Saturday and Sunday. Mise Olive Maiuprize is home from an extended visit to Goderioh where she was vielting relatives and friends. Mre. Ino. Temin and children, of Man• cheater, were renewing old friendships in Brueeele this week. Will. J. Stewart has gone to Piaton inetead of Oampbellford as mentioned last week. He ie' on the Standard Bank staff. Mrs. Fletcher Sperling and Wyman were visiting Mre. Sparling'e mother at St. Marys last week ae she was on the sick list, Rev, S. J. Alga, of London, a former Methodist ohuroh pastor here, was re- newing old friendships for a few days and was a weloome visitor. He wheeled over and baok. Mre. Thor. Dennison a000mpanied Dalby and Mre. Kendall on Tuesday on a trip to British Columbia where the latter expect to make their home. We wiab them 0000088. R. Leatherdale, Mre. Londesboro' and Mies Laura Leatherdale were out to Gorrie on Sunday to see Mre. Wilson, sister to the flret two mentioned, who has. been bothered with rheumatism. We regret to hear of the serious illness of John McMillan, ex.M, P. for South Huron. Mr. McMillan is well np toward 80 years of age and although he has been a very robust man his age will not be in his favor in aiding rapid recovery. His many friends hope he will soon be restored to good health. Rev. O. V. Lake, of Toronto, who has begn assisting Rev. H. E. Curry, Ethel oiranit, in epeoial evangelistic service,, was in Brussels on Tneeday. He was formerly stationed at Wroxeter and has enjoyed an active and euooeeefulministry of over 40 years, entering the work in 1860. The London Free Press hae the follow- ing oonnerniug Rev. E. W. Hughes, who for some years was rooter of Christ oh mob, Listowel and Wingham E. W. Hughes, rector of St. John's ohuroh, Tileanbnrg, intends witbin the next few months to remove his family to the Old Country. Mr. Hughes has large interests in Liverpool and Wales, whioh at present need hie personal supervision and direction, and which makes it neoes• Bary for nim to change hie reeidenoer" Mre. Hughes ie a oouein to Mrs. Geo. Rogers, of Brussels. CHURCH CHIMES. Seethe Sabbath eoboal lesson notes on page 7. H. Ham, of Brussels, took charge of the service io Victoria Hall, et James. town, last Sabbath evening. g Thursday evening of this week Rev. Mr. Rosa, agent of,the Bible Booiety, ad- dreeoee a meeting in that interest at Bel. grave. Rev, Mr. Holmes has announced a short eerier of termone On the "Three Sweetest Words in the English Language, Mother, Home, Heaven." The first mentioned will be next Sabbath evening's theme.. Sabbath next will be the oommenae• ment of the 28rd year of Rev. Jno. Rose' pastorate in Melville ohuroh, Brussels'. The years glide by very quickly and many are the Amain bat the ohuroh ie in a healthy, vigorous oondition. Next Sabbath the quarterly Com- munion will be observed in connection with the Methodiet ohuroh, Brueeele. The pastor will preach. Sacrament -'at the olooe of the morning 0000100 and testimony mooting after evening sermon. The Atwood Bee says :—The anni- versary eervf0es in connotation with the Methodiet ohurab were held Sunday, Rev. Mr. Holmes, of Broesele, preaching ex• oeptionaliy able dieooureee morning and' evening.' He preached in the morn.' ing on the eubjeot of "Prayer," and in the evening a sermon to the young people from the words "Oaonpy till I oome." Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kincardine, was the preacher in Melville ohurob last Bab. bath and gave two good termone, The morning eubjeot wee on "True Woroblp" and the evening "The Prodigal Son," dealing with it along tbe line of (1) The young man leaving home ; (2) Sow he fared away from home ; (8) Hie remain. Monandhis return ; (4) Elie reception by hie father. The Annual Bible Sooiaty meeting of Braseeie Branch will bo held in Melville ohuroh on Sunday evening, Nov, 10th, oommenoing at 7 o'alook. Addreeeeo will be delivered by Reda. Meee0e. Holmes and Rose. Rev. R. Pani, Presi- dent, will preside. Oa amount of this arrangement the regular evening eer0108 in the Methodist ohuroh will be with-. dratvn on that date, Melville obair, 0111 lead the eeovioe of prairie. A mooting of the Direetare and all othore interested Will be held Saturday afternoon, Nova Otte, at 2 o'olook in the aohool room of the Om?i, 81, 1901 /JT4,71rD4+t ) Bill.7rE O2' CJa.+/Y.4D4, MpalP,A.aled'+Z$xzxgaa ;o.E72, HEAR RFFICS, - TORONTO '04PLTAL PAID UP (One Million Dollars) Aponte, On all principal pointe in Ontario, Quebeo, Manitoda, An $1,000,000' • $700,000 44 State; 8England, $, VESEAS R>QIa reit. A General Banking Buaineas Traneaoted. Farmers' Notes Dlsoonnted, Drafts flamed and Oolleotione made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards and oompoundod heti yearly, BYTOIA1 AVTDNTIM anon TO TEE OOLLma'IoN OY FAntlaao' SA,a Every futility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. Monapayable at any bank issued Under"$10,,.. Bo, $20 to $80,...120 Orders at the following rates :— $10 to 20....100. 80 to 40,...14o J. N. GORDON, 4eegt. Methodiet °harall to elect oflioere, ap- point coilectors and transact any other. basilican that may be neoeeeary. Last Sabbath morning' the remaining $106 to complete 'the $1000 20011 Century Fund in connection with Brussels Metho diet ohuroh was subscribed, to be paid on or before Nov. 15. When the next pay- ment of $300 ie made at New Years the oharoh debt will be reduced to 81,850 which bears interest at 5% per anoam. The congregation has reason to 000grat• ulate therpeelvee as 8 years ,ago the in- debtednesswas 83,560. A long pall, a strong pall and a pall all together ;woo the line proceeded upon. Business Locals. MoNax to loan on farm 00000103'.' Apply at Tae Poe . WANTED. — Bright dried apples, 80. Order direat d eat from Germany. la man . butter, fowl and raw tura. A o roll G. E. Knot, Wingham. T. Masson hae a large quantity of first clan orose•ont eawe for rale and ready for work. Timber cutters should see them for they are fast and easy out - tars. Yours for saws, T. McGregor, Brunets Saw and Tool Co., Brussels, Ontario. Canadian :cows. Michael Sutton's eight-year-old Son was run over and killed at Brookville. Mre. White was acquitted of the charge of murdering her husband' at Brantford. W. L. M. King, Deputy Minister of Labor, has affected a settlement of the Valleyfield strike. Henry and Mrs. Jewell, of Harwich, were etrnok by a train at the Livingstone crossing, near Chatham. Mr. Jewell was very eerionely injured, but hie wife ea, duped with a act in her head and other minor injuries. A mutilated band parried by the eleva- tor of a corn -busking machine was the ghastly discovery made by a farm hand on a straw stook while attending to hie work on Saturday afternoon. I0 proved to be the good right hand of Richard Dnoharme, a well-known Sandwich East farmer. Whil° feeding the machine his hand was drawn into the rapidly-revoly ing cylinder with the corn husks. It was almost instantly torn from the arm at the wrist. A physician was palled and Duoharme will likely recover. ABOUT Stain BEETS.— The Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union has been exceedingly fortunate in seem- ing a promise from Dr. H. W. Wiley, Washington, D. C. to give an address ah the Agrtoultoral College on the sugar beet industry. Dr. Wiley is the chief of the division of chemiatry of tbe United States department of agriculture and as he has made a special study of the sugar beet industry, there is probably no better authority on this eubjeot on the Ameri- can oontinent. As sugar beet growing in Ontario i0 now in its infancy, the infor- mation Dr. Wiley will be able to give will be greatly appreciated. This address will be given at the time of the annual meeting of the Experimental Union, and will likely take plane in the convocation hall at the college, on Monday evening, Deo, 9. As there will be oheap rates on different railroads to the meeting of the Experimental Union and to the Provin- Dial Winter Show, a great many people will have an opportunity to hear Dr. Wiley', leoture on a eubjeot which is re• oeiving so moot attention e on in Ontario tario at the present time. Other information regarding the annual meeting of the Experimental Union can be obtained by writing to the secretary, C. A. Zavitz, Agrioultural College, Guelph, Ont. eRVSmwx.,B 261s.1.2.1 ZEPX,S, Fall Wheat 82 64 Barley ...... 40 45 Pepe 63 65 Oats 82 34 Butter, tube and rolls 14 15 Eggs per dozen 12 1.8 Flour per cwt. 4 00 5 00 Potatoes (per bug.) 80 • 30 Apples (per bur.) 40 50 Sheep skins, each 26 26 Lamb skins eaoh26 30 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 70 Hay per ton 6 00 6 60 Hides trimmed 6 8h Hides rough 5 6 Hoge, Live 5 50 5 50 Wool 12 13 OBORMS" . ANmmTeoN.—In Brueeele, On Oot. 28011, to Mr. and Mrs.,Robt, Andereon, a eon. A6ARRxnIa- FonamsT—BonoII.—At the Methodiet Par- sonage, Brantford, on Tuesday, Oot, 22, by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Rob. art Forrest to Mise Cora South, bosh of Morris, Huron County. MoNTooMnax—BIAIPeoN. At -Jamestown, on Oat. 80, at the reeidenoe of the bride'e parents, by Rev, Jno. Roes, B. A., Brunie, Mr. Jno. A,. Mont- gomery, to Was M. Azelea, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Andrew Bimpeon. area. Bottom—Li Morrie,' on not. 80, Alex, Bryaoe, Br,, aged 84 years and 5 months. Baowo.—In Grey, on Oct. 30, John Ed- ward, only eon of David Brown, aged 6 years, 10 months and 25 daye. pbx.•-1n Grey, on Oat. 26th, Willie Jae„ second son of "Mre, Edmund Fox, aged 12 Years and 17 days. MoNAn.—Ip Morrie, on 080. 28111, Alex, MaNab, aged 62 years and 7 days, BTEELn. — In Leudon; on Oct. 26011, Sophia Steele, daughter of Bev. Douglas Steele, of Port Stanley, aged 38 yearn. AVGTlmxw cA.x+a.. TIInaeDAy, Nov 7—harm stook, imple menta, &o.; Na Lot 17, Con. 14, MoR,illop. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. John Gook, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, Ana. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Box wanted to drive stage. Apply to GEORGI7 ROBB, Brussels, A"Nusmiia of 2 and 3.yeer.old eteere for sale.- Apply to TB 0 S. MOORE, Brussels., Twoyoung °owe for Bale, will calve about Deo. let. • Also 22 steers rising -8 years old. 1140. LOWE, Lot 10, Oen. 5, Grey, 14-01 : Brussels P, 0. .Berne loot between Frederick street and the village—one plain gold ring and one engraved, with initials and motto inside. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving them :l - `j APER HANGING, DE00R- DROPS The Great Rheumatic Cure. ' For Sale at FOX'S DRUG STORE - ('100D YEAR OLD STEERB 0 Wanted, editable forranoh portion&, Apply to GEO. BEST, BreeeelS. U1 bargain.AOOD HOUSE AND LOT ON a Tornberrypplyy sttoreet, Bruseele, fox Bale et T208, BA'LLANTYN0B, Brussels.. COMFORTABLE, WELL ligGhted and convenient rooms to let In tho Leoliie block over G. A. Deadm au'e and Mre, Roses' stores. Apply, to F. B. SCOTT,'.. ,• $15.00 to $18.00 a Week salaryfor an intelligent man or woman in cash town. Permanent position. 80 Dente per hour for spare time, Manufacturer, B cox. 78, Philadelphia. 10 at Tlia' Pon, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T AMBS FOR SALE. — ONE / Btearling and nine Ram Letoester Lambe for Bale. Some eligible for regi.tra- tion, D. MILNE, Ethel. DR. O. AMBROSE GOOLE, .. RESIDENCE AND OFFIOE— 111155 ST , EAST, BRUSSELS. VOR SALE. — SHROPSHIRE Sheep of both moms and yariona-ages, also Bronze, Turkeys and Embden Geese. JOHN SMITH, Lot 8, Con. 3, Grey. OXFORD DOWN RAMS FOR BALE.—Tho undersigned offers a num- ber of pure bred '810ford. down Shearlinge and Ram Lambs for sale. Lot 3, Om. 18,- SuBett. L. TASIII1IR, Harlook P.O. 14.4 GRAYED ON THE PREM - k.../ ma of the undersigned, Lot 28 Con, 14, MoIIlllop, on or about Oet.20, a red' !two- year-old heifer. The owner le requested to proveproperty, pay ex DENNISON, Seo and take her. away. J 10. Leadbnry P. 0. T'ARM TO RENT;—AS THE Beason has advanced and I. have not sold my farm yet,I will rent at oee8. ,There aro 100 acres in /arm, good buildings, or chard, &c. For further partionian1 ae to terms, &e,, apply to WALTER INN18 Pro. printer, Jamestown, or F. S. BOOTT, �Brue- eele. 1a. Aetna and. Souse Painting done in Workmanlike manger and on short notice. Have had three years' experience In cit work. Terme reasonable. Give mea call. 26 - - W. J, SOSN8TON, Walton. Teacher Wanted. Teacher wanted for S. 8. No. 5, Morrie, ap- plioatione received np to Saturday, Nov. 2nd. An experienced man preferred. Dutiea to commence after. Christmas holidays. Apply personally to HENRY JOSN8TON, Secretary, Belgrave. P.O. 18.2 Teacher Wanted. Teacher wanted for School Section • No, 12. Grey and Mallillop. Applications received un to Nov. 001x,. Duties to commence after Christmas vacation. HUGE FULTON; Secretary, 16.2 Walton P.0, DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE One eleven months old and one seven months, embracing eaoh noted sires as Royal Bailor' (imp.) and "Sultan Salim," (Imp.) 4128. I will also sell Some pure bred mammoth Bronze Turkeys. P. ROBERTSON, Lot 0, 00n.0, Grey, Brussels P. 0. 18.2 PROPERTY FOR SALE IN BaveBELe.—The undersigned offers for Bale Lots 78 and 74, Ann street, and Leta 75 and 78, on Mary wheat, in the village of Brueeele, containing one acre, very desirab- ly located. On the premises is a house, stable and welt. Will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars ae to price and terms apply to. 3OHN BODDIOE, 14-t1 Bruseele, JAM ESTOWN STORE. LARGE AND WELL ASSORT- ED STOCK `OF FALL and WINTER GOODS. misomm=mimiss We call the attention of the public' to the fact that our large stock of up-to-date Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, rad9 .- made Clothing, &o., is now very complete and ready for the Fall and Winter trade, and we cordially invite an inspection of both goods and prices. Our aim is to keep a first-class article in- every department .and as our running expenses are much smaller than many stores we give our customers the benefit, We beg to return thanks to all Who have so liberally patronl`ed .us' both in the store or in the calls by our wag- on g on and hope these prelations maylong continue p pleasant Highest market price paid in cash or trade for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Give us a call. Il\TI\TMO, Post Office Store, MoneyOrcIo>•s issued in Con- JAME STOWlV notion with Postof oe. YY J.r