The Brussels Post, 1901-10-31, Page 6COSINESS CARDS! MONEY TO LOAN AT G PER CO", F,B, SCOTT, Bru40o10, WTT, MpORAOKEN— • Issuer or Marriage Lfoeneea, Of, ticp at Grotpry,Turnberry Wept, Press°lt,. N. BARRETT-- Lie • Tnnsaripl artist, Shop—Next door North of the Standard Banit I.fttliea'. and Chlldrep's hair cutting a epoalalty, M. MORRISON.. Issller of Marline Lioelises, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAU.CHLIN, TI9AOH1tR OF.- PIANO - AND — ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- raenaArent, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance. Co., noTASLleaua 1810 Insurance taken on the cash and premium note system et current rates.. B afore inane - Ing eleowhere call on the undersigned Agent o1 tbe Oompauy, 4E0E611 ROGERS, Brussels. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, O. M„ Academia graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Member o1 the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited Camber of pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupil for the Principal's Form in the 0oneervatory of Muato, Brussels, Ontario. ALEX HUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, 00. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent; Auction- eer, Funds invested and teloan. Collec- tions made. Office in Graham'alBlook,Bruo- gels. AUCTIONEERS. ii1S• SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • BOB, will sell for better prices, to bettor men, in less time and less chargee than any nther Auctioneer to Bast Huron or he won't°barge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application, VETERINARY. T D. WARW1CK— tl • Honer 'Iladnale of the Ontario Vet- erinary Collage, isrepared to treat all die - p entail of nee. Pati animate in a paid ant manner. Pastry. attention ptid to Veterinary deeto. Daoe and rape promptly at. tended 1 b Oftldge, and Dentistry. doors North of bridge, Tarnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 'VV • M.,SINOLAIR— Barrieter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Publics, &o. Oflioe—S tewert'e Block 1 door Nor th or Central Hotel. Rollodtor for the Standard Bank. `i F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, T • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- s; d Bank. Solicitor for Tillage of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. 111. D., 0. 3L, Trinity University Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal ()al- lege of Physicians and Lioedtiate of Mid- wtlery,Edinburgh, a "Telephone No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and First•olasa Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. Spectacles —OF ALL KINDS— Fitted to Correct all. Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FREE by latest Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AHD -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing dills Aldo Dore and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Eotimates Furnished for all kinds of Bnildinls. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. Pe AMEN T, .) G'uti'o)r ��. �h�J 8twenty .11ye per not, of the new etaden 1212 from outelde of Stratford who we enrollee at the opening of our Fall Term. Damm from tower other Bnoloeee Oollegee thaw ours. They wanted the, beat /MOWS and short, hand tract/tug and mama here for it. Write fpr eataloguo, Enter now if possible. It • d. ELI1O'rT, Pltn01pa1: Interesting Lotter from Lac la Haohe, B. 0. The following is a letter received by Mies Nina Isbieber, of Morrie, from her friend Miss Laura Blackwell, formerly of Wingham :— My Deee FAINND,—I suppose you are wondering whatever that name at the top of tbepage Dan mean. Well it he a meaning end from the time I first beard the vans I wee not satisfied until I knew what it meant but fleet let me tell you a little of my regent history. L lett my eohool last Christmas. The trustees asked meto stay and offered to raise my salary it -I would bot I wanted to goo. We had a fine examination be. fore I left end they gave me a nine pres- ent, a rime o0ntaining hair brush, comb and mirror and a pair of silver napkin rings, After leaving there I spent a p'easant Christmas holiday season with my brothers in Glendale ; New Years with friends in Brandon and arrived home Jan. 254. I had a delightful and busy month at home and then on Feb. 2nd I started on my trip to British Columbia. What a pleaoent trip it was 1 I never en• joyed travelling before, but the trip through the Rookies was really delight. fol. The soenery was grand. On March 4th I started to High (*hoot with the reeult that in July I passed my exam., obtaining my god Claes Grade, a oertifioate which is good for life. They publish the marks here and my sister who wrote for a let got it, coming head in tbe Province, while I name 4th in my Ifet. She has been and still is teaching in Victoria, being a Principal in one of the soboole there, Well, I was busy sending in applioa. tion( for some time but foand time to go to Viotoria to visit my sister. I took my neice with me and we had a fine visit in Viotoria. Atter "doing the city" the three of us took a trip throes the Strait of Juan de Fan. 125 Seattle. It is a large and busy oily but not nearly so 01ne as tbe Canadian oitiesof Victoria and Van• comer. I like Vancouver best, es , but in some respects Viotoria has the asoendan• oy. We had a very pleasanttime in Beattie and on returning to Victoria I fonnd to letter awaiting m5 from Lao la aohe asking me to take the school. I leo got a letter from Pbm"ix, a mining it of B. there. I tter, son pted he former and refused Lely after was offered two other soboole at I kept this one. I left Vanaonver by 0. P. R. on Aug. 8th, Benday at noon, and after a beanti- t afternoon's tripthrou:h the mountains rived at 10 p. m. at Ashcroft. I stayed the hotel and got up at 8.80 a. in. and an ready to take the stage at 4 a. m, miles then breakfast ; 21 more then liner; 35 more then supper and bed. was tired too for riding from 4 a. in. 7 p. m. is not snob fun, I assure you, t I bad been enjoying the trip all the y. We were travelling on the Cariboo ad doe North through a beautiful nntry. The weather was fine but a ble too warm and the road very dusty as called at 2 80 a. m., dressed, had eakfast and started again at 8 40 a. m, miles more brought me to my destine• 0. t was Tuesday morning, 7.80, when I ived, and after changing my dress and ehing I drove four miles to school. ook me several days to get rested• the trip the stage driver told me the thing of Lao la Hulse, bat I anl dly ready for that yet. Would you to hear a little shoat the country e? am in the interior of B. 0, and early 52 0 North Latitude so I am eo far South as you are by a good 1. This ie a level valley. On the th are fine bills on which grow e, dr, alder, cottonwood, &o. I often a walk on the bills at noon hour for are rigbt behind my eohool. The iboo Road rune along the valley. th of me is Lao la Bache, a charming , 12 miles long and 3 miles at its et part, but the width of coarse es. Tbie is a farming district, most- nobicg, some of the ranches oon• ing two thousand and more acres there are .none less than three drad and twenty. They raise oats, y, rye, bay, potatoes and all kinds rden produne bat unfortunately no except currants and berries of dic. t kinds. Every farm bas from to sixty or seventy milking °owe, es se many beeves end calves, raise hundreds of roue of hay, ly natural grass, every year. They e two hundred pounds of butter a and upwards a000rding to the nam. E cows. I said, I am over one haodred e from the railway ; all panthers 1 by stage, and all freight fen earned eight wagons. The stage is drawn nr horses, They make good time change bones every eighteen or ty miles. The freight wagons are n by mules and horses. They ase. have two, sometimes three, wagons ned together sad these are drawn om four to six teams. Sometime, are all males and sometimes three or name of' mules and the ra- dar horses. The wagons are im• e affairs and are covered, for they out 10 all kinds of weather. amay be sate yea do not get geode a for nothing, It cost me two and .quarters note a pound 10 lime my brought one hundred and six miles, es fifty' Dente for storage and . for. ng, and you see my trunk weighing undyed and thirty pounds that it coat $4,00. My ticket by stage 15,50 and mettle and over night on ay extra. Every meal 19 60 Dents he same to stay over night, then North, two and three hundred and more too, at different places are gold urines and hundreds of s worth of the deet and nuggets are ht down by the stage every .Fall. a a la la b 1 fn ar in w 14 di I to bn wa ro CO lit I br 80 do I err wa It t On me bar like her in n not dea Nor pin take they Car Sou lake wide vari ly ra tain and hun barle of ga fruit feren forty beeid They mak week ber o As mile !rave bfr by fo and twee draw ally facto by fr they or fo main mens are Yo oarrte three trunk beeid wards One h made Dost $ the w and t Fer miles there dollar broag Tboy have a guard ti; owning down trot the mines and he alts oa rep with a 10ade rine on hie knee, for sometimes 12b stage hoe been robbed in pant years, i filet X have heard it said that there VMS,' beeottveinimaelth br(ghrtbe OrboRodAnd `moo tragedies emoted than you have eve heard of, My dfatriot to not densely popeletsd but still it hoe a few people, I pee more Iudien8 then any other kind of human beings. I have only, 000 family 01 white Children lo my epilog'. Al present there are only twelve tiepin), but one more is doming and may be mere; three 000 of the twelve are white ant] 1 board with their parents, I have seventeen on the roll. I like my boarding place voly much Although there is no p name of any kind. There le 00 muoioal instrument, no books, excepting my own and the ohildren'e school books.. Their hired man and .women are Indiana and they keep a Chinaman to help with the milk. Mg as the women never do the milking in this country unless hired for the purpose. Three weeks ago I went to (all 011 a lady friend of mine who teaches in the next Section. I took the stage and got there about 10 a, m. After dinner we went fora row. What a pleaeut row it was 1 About six miles ou the lake, then we landed and after a walk of a mile or more we reached Lao la Haohe Falls and really they are a lovely eight. A stream about ten feet wide has out through solid rock and then falls over file oliff, a die - 1E0300 of fifteen or twenty feet, with a rushing Bound and throwing its spray io all direotione, then it rubes and foams; and curves around rooks in a moat abarmiog way. Perched on a large boulder we talked and rang, then climbed the hill and took a bird's eye view of the Falls, Kindest remembraooee to all my Huron friende, I remain, Yours sincerely, LAVAL A. BLA0XWALI, n w bona olt1 who lingered !vitt thorn a ll vears ae an angel tram heaven, and t 0 averted to bhe Land where there is u death, and who remained to them o abiding eorrew and a (*natant hope d aspiration, Here they had lived Mira e aq menY years of joy anis sorrow that 9 walla, tbongh (rambling with age, w hallowed by snored memories 1 and the , the oot12age was small and nnoomforta and unhealthy, it was more pre0i0n their eyes than any palace could be. now, in the evening of their days, to foroed to leave it and to be driven 1 our Brat parents out of Paradise—it more than Obey Could bear, Of oouree, all this was very fool from the praotioal point of view. B the senbienental is often wore than 12 practical in Men'e lives, "If he'd just repaired the roof a w and mended the broken plaistee, ft w tae safred us a' 091 days," said Jo with n sigh, I wonder," he added, ae his wife silent, "what he means to do wi' hoar that young Geordie Menzies is g ting married et Martinmas. He'll npedin' e, Opens. They'll maybe be i t n mhim." e d to ie - g 112 to . Qt's very hard Jock," said his wife wit a sigh. ',But I've neer seen the righ eons forsaken nor his seed beggin' lire¢ We'll no want a roof over no.. As for I put my trust in the Lord." "In the Lord or in his Lordship ? queried Jock, who could not resist tl temptation of malting a joke. "Diana be profane, Jook," said his wi severely. "This is no a time for jestin'. The weeke and months passed awe and Jock, relying on the factor's word did nothing about getting' a new hoar Indeed, he could not have got one with out leaving the district, wbioh to him an 1110 wife would have been ae bad as ami gration. .There was a lingering hope i his beart that the notice to quit had bee given in anger, and that the evil whioh h feared "wad blew by." Meanwhile, all unknown to Took Handyeide, great doinge had been going on at another part of the estate. An architect had been brought down from London, and he had been followed by an army of workman, and all that was known to the gossips in the neighborhood was that the young Earl who had come to stay was making great alterations on his house. Martinmas came, and Jock and his wife who had now come to the conclusion that the threat to evict them was only a threat received an unexpected visit from the factor. "Well," said Mr. Lesselle, "why are you not peaking up ? Didn't I tell you you would have to leave ? " •'We thooht'_ said Jock tremblingly, "that m s ba Y The faotor interrupted him. "The place ie to be torn down ; the •architect ((neem n nen 1h. '!ben with ah elf sup- pressed smile he added, "Come with me, Jock, and I'll show you something. You con come too, guid wife." He led them past the Earl's mansion house and on to a beautifully planted and laid.out part of the grounds. Going through a Breen of trees they soddenly Dame upon two little cottages neatly built with garden.plote in front and a large stretch of garden -ground behind. The work was just being finished, and the workmen were busily putting their last touches bo it, "Neat cottages, aren't they? Come and see them inside. Plenty of room, few hen no so and ugh the 010 bis sin And Ike Wall ieh at he 00 sak at I et - be 0• t- d. 1170 10 fen y e. n n e JOCK HANDYSIDE AND THE EARL. By ALEXANDER SMALL, B,L. 1I. After *tending dazed for a minute or two, Jock Handyside, muttering some. thing unintelligibly, turned aside and en. tared the low, ivy.olad cottage where be and hie wife had lived for half a oentery. hire. Handyeide was hustling about getting the tea ready. There was a pleasant smell of cooking in the little kitchen, end though everything was plain and d homely, everything then y g was spotlessly (lean, "Gotten hame again, guidman ? Ye looktired," awfu' was Mrs. Hand ei ' de e r i y looking at heas rbusbande , whileheet dowot in n his bundle and sank with a kind of a groan into the arm (heir, "Eh, Maggie, woman 1" he said in a melancholy voice, "I've made au awfu' fele o' mysel' the day," and then he told her the whole story. "Ye muokle gomeril 1" exclaimed hie wife when he had finished, "What made ye haver like that to a stranger ? And you no to ken the Earl when you saw hfm 1 I never kent the like o't." "If I had only kent it was him, woman, I'd tae bitten out my tongue afore I'd compIAined. Dod, if it wasna say serious a body could ranch at it—me to tell him to his faoe that he wane sae guid•loolrfn' ae bis faithter, and a' that 1 " "I wish ye'd held your tongue aboot the hoose, at ony rate." "Maybe it wad haebeen better ; but ye ken boo you've 50m410100d yersel'," "But better a damp bone than nave ave. If we're putten awe' Dot o' here, whanr are we to gang ? " For the next day or two, Jock and hie wife were much perturbed. Then one day Jook met Mr. Lessens, the factor, a gruff man with a gun over his shoulder, "You're to leave your house at Martin- mas, Handyeide ; it's the Earl's orders," he said roughly, "Leave ma hoose ? What fpr? And whaur will I get anither ? Ye dinaa mean it sorely? The place my wife and me'sl. lived m since we were mairret 1 " The factor shrugged his shoulders. "Ye shouldn't have complained then," he answered, and turned to go. Then, as if pitying the woe -begone look on the gardener's face, he added with a parting wave of the hand—"Don't go about another house until I see you again." Jock went straight to his wife in a state of great agitation. "Guidwife," he said, we're done for neo ; we've to leave the hoose at Martin. mas ; the factor said." "He doeena mean it ; he oanna—" "It's the Earl's orders," be says. The tears came to the woman's eyes and she eat silent for a while. This low. thatched cottage was the house to whioh her husband bad brought her as a young bride so long ago. Here the little child in ceilings, big windows, fine wash.honse, beautiful gardens," said the factor, and Jook and ' his wife eohoed his admiration. "This one's for Geordie Menzies, the other's for yon, on condition that you don't grumble again," and he looked at the astonished pair with a twinlde in his eyes. "For us 1 It's far owre graand. We'll no ken ooreele. And the rent ? " "Ye get it rent free for life, it's the Earl's orders." "God bless the Earl," said Jock, lifting hie hat reverently. "I'11 never say a word against him again." "Amen 1 " said his wife. [Tun Erin.] I3Iu eval e. TunNnnnns OouNcml„—Minutes of Oonn. oil meeting held in. Blaevale g Ont. 1 tb , 9 1901 ; members all present.; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of lest meet- ing were read and approved on motion of Messrs. Mitohell and Musgrove. Mr, Ooopland reported having let a job of potting in tile advert on 10th concession to R. Armstrong for 56, township to pay for tile ; also a job of repairing culvert 011 9112 con. to A. Hastings, at 54; also a job of repairing road on hill South of Eadie's bridge to E. Johnston for 520.00. Mr. Musgrove reported having let a job of (leaning out government drain on 4th line to A. Magee at $3.00. Mr. Mitchell reported having let a job of gravelling on B, line to Robt. tinier et$15.00. Moved by Lovel, seconded by Musgrove, that the Clerk be instructedto notify Thos. Netterfield to remove his fence off Queen et. in Wingham town plot, and leave the namsammenmsmoistseimmoMEM, Cutters Cutters A lot of new Cutters now ready for delivery. Another lot will be ready in a few days. If you want a Cutter call early and get a pick from our fine new stock, Sleighs are now being manufactured of all sizes. We can supply your wants no matter what they are in this line. Some good Second Hand Buggies and Carts will be sold out very cheap. Balance of new Buggies at Cost to clear out, wan�. .tlL_. �- w STOCK FOR SERViCO OArt FOR SERVIOE.—:TIDE undersigned ran keep for service On Lot 11, Qon. U. Grey, the thorn' bred Tamworth hog, 0,Eing Eeotge." 701)418, 70 5901128, payable at time of 8aryl50 with priv. Rego of retClnin 1 unman,111'4 41 116 8114 W, Peoprletor, REAL ESTATE. VAI ILLS FOR SALE—TIED UPI. ,J--natner0Nna Ana several good Ferme for sale pad to rent, easy t9rnae, iii LL'ownehipe of ldcrrio and Groy. F g. SOOT97, Brussels 1 o94i I FOR SALE.—i$lopo,00 will buy. Lot No. 20 in the 18th ;oon(1es- sign. of the Township of Grey, ooutaining 04 sores. There le about 10 urn clear of tire. her. The rest in -bush. For further infer. matron apply to 0, F, Blair, Solicitor, Brum sole, 1001) IPARNI OE 1421 ACRES \A for sale, being Lot 00, Con. 7, Grey, School house, ahurmb and partoflthe Village of lethal on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN OOBAJ;, Ethel Carriage Works, 24- A few good steers for sale, rising a year(, A SACRIFICE IN BEAL ES— TATE,-68000.00 will buy the MoOau. «bey Block in the Village of Brussels, Phase two flue stores must be sold to close oat the MoOuughoy Estate, -Intending purchasers should investigate at ones, Apply to F. 8, SCOTT or G. F. BLAIN, Brussels, Ont. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• designed offers his 100 aore farm for sale, being Lot 11, 000. 17, Grey. There are 00 acres cleared and 10 acres bosh, Goon house ; bank barn, 00x03 feet, with stone stabling ; good orchard ; farm well fended and drained. Artesian well with windmill and tank. Convenient to eohool, church and market, 10 acres of Fall wheat and 10 acres plowed, balance seeded to grass. Ap- ply on the premises or Walton P.0. 34-41 EMUS QRICH, Walton, street open on or before the let day of November next. After that day if fen- cing is not removed, the Council will employ men to remove it at his expense, —Carried. A. Hastings applied to Coun- oi1 for payment for a borne which broke its leg;in a culvert on, the public road ; be val. ued the hotee at 80 ; left over for further enquiry, 0. Jobb applied to Connell for 5500 damages for injuries sustained from being severely hurt by being thrown over embankment at Westland of Jobb'e bridge ; left over for further ooneideration. The following aoaonnl9 were passed and obequee homed :—T. Mnegrove, gravel. 84o; Amos Gofton, $2'22; D. Pocock, $5.40 ; H. Wheeler, $2 70 for selecting jorore—Wm. Craickehank 53, Jno. S. MoTavieb 58, Jno. Bnrgeee 56 ; 0. A. Jones, Armstrong's drain, $22 ; R. Arm: strong, rap. culvert, 50 ; Jno, Metcalf, rep. 2 culverts, 51.50 ; E. Joboeton, road repairs, 520 00 ; A. Magee, oleaniog drain, $3 ; and. MoEwen, rep, culvert, 58 ; Eli Bolt, rep. culvert, 26o ; Robt, Huger, gravelling, 515 ; Jno. Moiinnon, gravel. ling, 967.54.; Wm, Churchill, gravelling, 514 25 ; Hiram Smith, inspecting, 58. Council adjourned' to meet in Clerk's 'office, Bluevale, on Monday, Nov. 25th, at 10 o'olook a, m. Jour/ Bowies Clerk. Canadi,,tin .Ne ye' Pe. Frederick Cruse, of Owen Sound drop. ped dead. The Wigle House at Leamington was destroyed by fire.. James Godwin, as,was killed 00 Dr. Law has been Appointed Medical & the railwayat Kingston. Health Officer of Ottawa. urn, u. +Club'b�ing Rate Below are given very liberal rates for News papers--Seleot what you want and send in your orders to THE POST Publishing House. BALANCE OF 1901 FREE In the following list by enbeorfbing for the year 102, you get in mob dose the balanoe of this year free. The Post and the Weekly Globe, together with really goofy 1 pictures of the Duke and Duchess of York, and a fine pic- ture of two farm horses "The Farm Pots," all for $1 60 The Post and Montreal Weekly Witness 1 'GG The Post and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 75 The Post and London Advertiserr The Post and Montreal Weekly Star 1 8 The Post and Toronto 1 80 Weekly Sun 1.80 Where Promlumo areo iven with au. above rates, 8 y f these papers they will be inol6ded it We oan also give you vet;, oloee Clgbbiilg Ifatee. with Dail . Papers, e figures below include TBE Poet till Deo, 81, 1902, and the Daily for one front. date of eabeaription. The. Post and Daily Globe The Post and Toronto Daily Star 2 2 - 20 (titer sent to Post Office only at this rate. s splendid t 2 and both papers oiling Edward VII is given with this oombioatferi and both papers tree'for balance of 1901,) The Post and Montreal Daily Herald With a picture of King Edward VII 1 80 The Post and Toronto Daily News The Post and Toronto Daily World The Post and Toronto Daily Mail 2 25 2 80 4 50 If you want any other oombination let us know and we will give yon oloee club. bing rates. Do not delay taking advantage of these very liberal offers. Address— THE POST, Brussels. Ethel Saw 1V1ills. S have a good supply of Hemlook loge on band Oan out ont to sail customers. Dressed Maple, suitable for granaries, at 510 per M. All kinds of Dressed Lumber kept on band from 510 per M'up; A Targe Monk of pulled Elm and Ash at $7 per M. Bbinglee and Lath always on hand. r&'A good farm on 13th lion. of Grey for sale. A oontreat of 20 aoree of logging to let. For parbioalars apply to S. S. OOLE, PROPRIETOR, ETHEL, Tho London Daiiy Notts PRINTS MORE" AND LATER NEWS than any other London or Toronto paper oa roatat ed in this County. BALANOE OF THIS YEAR FREE on rgoeipt of $1.80 for 1902. Address all oomlntt'ioatione to The News Ptg. and Pub. Co., London. The Pan-American Exhibition will oloee on Saturday, November 2. Jenne Collier, of St. Catharines was found drowned in the old Welland Canal. Ladlam's sash fluttery at Leamington wee burned, Loos $10,000 ; well insured. Hon. Geo. W. Roes announced that the Legislature will be palled early in Janu. dry. The body of Mrs. Or000ll, of Fort Erie, was taken out of the river at Niagara Palle. Mrs. (George Campbell, of Athena, Onto aged 85 years, committed suicide by drowning, John Lee, of Highgate, was nominated for the Legislature by the Liberate of East Kent. Mrs. Joseph White was planed on trial at Brantford for the murder of her hus- band by poisoning. Friends of the late J. W. Bali, M. P. for Addington, are taking steps to' ereot. a memorial of him, Jamee E. Wallace, a Morriebnrg teacher committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid at the Stag Hotel, Toronto. Mr. Danzereau, a Montreal contractor, was assaulted by George Biesonele a few days ago, and died at the hospital. Robert Millen, of Barton Township, who out his throat on Friday last, died at Bt. Joeeph'e Hospital, Hamilton, The old oolore of the 703 Fusiliers were deposited in St. Pace's Cathedral, Lan. don, Ont., with suitable oeremoniee, Mies Viotoria Middleton, of Sarnia, 11119 given a verdict of $5,000 against Dr. Wilkinson in her snit forbreaoh of ptom. se. Walter Brown, a young Toronto man and a member of IIethnne s Mounted In- antry, was killed in action in South Africa, Justine R. M Meredith has purobaeed chime of ten belle in England, which e will present to Bt. Paul's Cathedral, London, Ont. The bylaw to grant 520,000 and ex. mptious to Tbomae Bros., brush and oodenware makers, of Norwich, was carted at St. Thomas,_. South Waterloo Liberals nominated r. Thomson, of Galt, for the Legislative monthly. In the evening • Hon. Geo: W. Des delivered an address et New Ham- urg. Eckhardt Stegner while at work veneer. ng Fred. Diesenroth's house, Milverton, he scaffold on which be was at work m's way, Precipitating him be the round, fraoturing one of his lege above he ankle, F, McKellar, who lives near lancer. nen, told the conductor to let him off at nffalo, bat when McKellar produced his oket the oondnotor promptly threw him ft at wayotation, The disputa is out the ticket. The oondnotor who of McKellar off the train said it was no oil, to which IiloKellar replied that if it as not good it we the fault the m18i4aat Osgood° upshot Hall of tan11aotion Most the, Grand Trunk Railway Sys. m for unstated damages for alleged songful ejectment and for injuries safd have been reooivetl in the ejeetmeat, 71, Ghent, of Toronto, issued the writ, a b w D A R b g11 g ai ti 0 ab P go w fir 10 to wr to. 0. Have Just Received. a Ton of... ..APOB `; T I R From the Factory. Customers can be sup- plied plied while it lasts. Wilton & Turnbull ReadytI eLou . yelllll . At THE POST BOOKSTORE may be found a range of Games for the ,!louse- hold, comprising— Crohinole, Checkers, Dominoes, Whirlpool, Over -the -Garden -Wall, Farmers at the Fair, authors, 40. For a small sum many an enjoyable evening may be provided for. • 'THE POST" BOOK8TORE,