The Brussels Post, 1901-10-24, Page 8'AWAY A Vv aY
When you are compelledd to
hold the newspaper "away
off " know that your eyesight
is "away off" and glasses
should be procured at once.
Consultation free.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
We have just opeoed out e.
uew and oaretully selected
line of Wall Repot,
It is our aim 10 meet the
people with just what they
went, with prioee jest es+
low as to satisfy everyone in
every way.
We have Paper,. at all
prima, for every room in
the bourse.
It will be a pleasure for
ne to have yon look over our
Old Papers are being °leered
out at mid below cost.
L. R. Harve
am:THan EXTENSION W. 0. & a.
Traine leave Brunets Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma Bourn 00100 Nonma.
Express 7:18 a.m. l Mall 8'10 ppm
Mixed 8:96. a.m l ➢screw 5:17 P.m
fatal stfms gems,
A oblate; among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
HOG market 95.50.
Boone are good for this season of the
DRESSED fowl are plentiful on Brussels
PUMPKINS are a poor orop—that is the
vegetable pumpkin.
Iiarnaron Rona bag bad a new stable
put up on bis lot, corner of Tornberry
and Queen street.
Tan Orangemen of Brneeele purpose
bolding an At Home in their Lodge room
on tbe seeming of Nov. 6th,
A. Comma has received hie bleak bear.
akin back from Wierton where be Bent i
to be tanned. It will make a dandy rug.
A Film new Heintzman piano was
placed in 13. R. Brewer's reeideooe, Brae•
Bele , on Thureday of .hie week. R.
Leatberdale made the Bale,
$225.00 was paid oat last 8aturdey
afternoon by the Treasurer of East Her-
on Agi. Society in prizes and a goodly
number have called eine at his office for
the cub.
Too mutate care cannot be taken by
horsemen in passing over the Gement
crossings. Those in Bruesele are well
roughed but still they afford little foot-
hold for horses unless+ driven square over
them and then slowly.
Weevil: HORees.—Saturday afternoon
at 1 o'clock 28 well bred Western borses
will be Bold by auction sale at the G. T.
R. stook yards, Seaforth, by Tboe.
Brown auctioneer for Alf. Ring, pro.
91.00 in advance gets TIM POW to the
end of 1902. Bend it to your , absent
friends. r6 will be Like a letter from
home to them.
Tan Enterprise Balt Works, Brussels,
will be offered for Bale on Thureday atter.
0000 of next week at 1 o'clock, by F. S.
Scott, auctioneer.
ALL members of Western Star Lodge, L
O O F No 149 Bonnie, are asked to
attend lodge on Thursday evening of next
week, Siet inst., as important matters
will be discussed.
A Femme BRnesaorrs.-00 Oot. 7th,
Charles H. Vanetone, a one time resident
of Braeaele, and a brother to the late Wm,
Vanstooe, died at hie home Marshall,
Missouri. He was 67 years of age. Mrs.
Vanstone and family survive.
PEAoa will probably amine in the publio
school turmoil in Seaforth ars the staff
01 teaobers for 1902 is now ()omelets. It
will be as follows :—Principal, Mr, MM.
felt, of Ripley; assistant teachers, Mrs.
Coulter and alias Watson (re,engaged)
and Miens McKay, Beattie and Ballan.
ODIT.—By n0ti00 elsewhere it will be
observed that John Torrance, brother to
Mrs. David Roes, Braeaele, pawed away
on Wednesday, Oot, 9, aged 76 years and
7 monbbe. Hie home was at West Hall
Manitoba. Mrs. Torrance and 10 obild•
ren enrvive. Deesaeed was only ill a
day and his death was of mime very
unexpected. Interment was made at
Boiegevaip cemetery.
LEG BnoxeN.—Last Wednesday after.
noon Willie, eon of Samuel Burk, 5th
line, Morrie, was riding into town on a
grey mere and when opposite the entrance
to tbe American Hotel yard the beast
made a dash from the side of the street
into the arch way. In oroeeingthe grano-
lithie walk on the gallop ate Blipped and
fell throwing the boy against the briok
wall bat be fortunately esoaped. The
mare did not fare so well as it was die.
oovered that one of its front lege wee
broken above the kale. It will be quite
a lose to Mr, Burk.
2,roa nNo pays better retprne than the
right kind of edvertlerng in a live nen.
paper, 'try Tato POW end prove the
gorrootneee of the statement.
NINa t>;iembora of St. aehn'0 Lodge, A.
V. & A.1$., drove OW to Porde/job last
Bandag and attended service with the
Maeonta brethren Of that p'aoe, Bel,
Beta Farpey prehehed a very euttable
F, S. Seem, of Braeaele, will sot ae
Township -Clerk for Grey township dor.
Inc; the abeenoe of Clerk Spenge, of Ethel,
Who goes to Oolorado Springs seeking
health. Mr. goott will fill the bill all
right.TUB Poo: hopes Mr,. Spenolee
oonvalescenee will be speedy end pentane.
The Pose has made an arraugement
with the Toronto Globe to olub oar pnper
with theirs at $1,00 per year, This in.
oludee the balance of the year free to new
subeoribers, The Globe ilea prepared a
moat excellent raters of tbe Duke and
Duobeae of Cornwall, mad Glee a painting
of "The Farm Pete,' both of whish are
given ars premiums. This le an anpre-
oedented offer and pow ie the time to
Tee Gerrie Vidette hae'obauged hands,
Thos. Nash, the proprietor for the past 16
years, baying sold out to W. J. Bbarpin,
who hae been on the Videbie staff for 7
years. Mr. $harpiu gays in hie saluta-
tory :—"In the first pleas we went uo
doubt to exist en to one politioal oom•
pleotion. The Vidette will remain es it
baa been in the past, & true supporter of
the Grand Old Conservative party thongb
we will fearlessly condemn anything in
that party wbioh we consider detrimental
to the beet tntereete of this Dominion oir'
the British Empire, We do not however
intend to be everlastingly dabbling in
Petty polities to insult oar Reform friends
and disgust those of our own party. Oar
utmost endeavor will, be to make. The
Vidette a newspaper full of neve. By
the word news we do not mean a lot of
childish twaddle too often dieted op to
their readers by individuate who have
been misled into the idea that they are
editors though they have not the moral
courage to let the publio know their
honest .000viotioae on public affairs."
Tun Peer wishes the Vidette a proeperoue
earear but hopes the editor will not be too
severe in "fearlessly condemning the
Conservative party," or it may interfere
with his "oompleotion,"
prietor, Kansas. Bee adv., in another
MATRIMeNIAL.—Wednesday of this week
Peter McMartin, of Mansell, formerly of
Brussels, end Mies Sadie McDonald, of
Fiogal, were united in marriage at tbe
latter pleoe. The groom's old Mende in
town will be a unit in extending hearty
000grataletiooa to bim and his bride.
They will reside in Hensen, we ander.
stand. Mrs. Wm. Wilton, of Brunets,
i. a sister to Mr. McMartin,
Mm000 BM= WINO.—It is gratifying
to every Canadian, and to the. Milton
Pressed Briok Go. especially, to learn
that the artistic display made by the
company of preeeed briok and terra Gotta
at the Pan-American has been awarded
the sliver medal in competition with the
biggest clay industries on this oontioent,
Many of one most imposing etre:Mures
are built or faoed with the finely shaped
output of the Milton Worke, and it is not
surprising, therefore, that ite merits are
recognized in the wider sphere indicated
• by this award. 3. S.MoOennell,formerly
of Brueeels, ie the managing direotor.
DatTN OF MMS. W. A. OoornoE•—The
Daily Columbian, published in New
Weotminater, (13. 0.,) of Ont. 15th, speaks
ea follows of the demise of Mrs, W. A.
Calbiok, a former bighty esteemed
resident of Brussels :—"Thio morning
the death was annaanaed of Mrs, W. A.
Calbiok, widow of the late W. A. Cal.
biok, after a lingering ilineee. The sad
event was not unexpected for the deoeas•
ed lady had been an invalid for two years
and within tbe last few Jaye it was Been
that she bad not long to wait for release
from her sufferings. The end came
peaoefully at 10 o'olook last night. The
late Max. Calbiok, who wee aged 52 years,
3 months and 14 days, was a native of
Toronto, and oame here with ber family
in 1890. She was a member of the Select
Degree, Royal Templars of Temperance,
and was one of the most active workers
in that Society and for the aanee of
temparanoe generally. She leaves a
daughter, Emma, Mrs. Capt. Bogeys, and
a eon, Frederick Calbiok, her husband
and daughter, Annie, having predeceased
her by several years. The funeral took
plats Wednesday afternoon at 2 80
oclock from the residence, Agnes street,
and though not directly under the
anepioes of the Royal Tempters, several
members aoted se pall•bearere, and
many others assembled at tin bones
and subsequently participated in the
Soofety'e services at the grave." Many
old friends of the family in this locality
will deeply sympathise with the sur.
vivore in their Borrow.
GRAND TaoNE.—Thebnnte1s' exo0reione
commence on Friday of thio week.—
R. Grabem i making a number of re-
pairs and improvements to hie grain
storehouse at the G. T. R.—Following
are tbe outgoing abipmente of freight
daring the pant week :—Jho. 3oynt, a
oar of ashes to Moeaoohoeette ; A. Hewitt,
oar horses to Winnipeg ; Wm. Jewitt,
oar export apples to Montreal, add a oar
of epplea to Brighton, Ont., for store,
and a oar of hogs to Palmerston ; A.
Beaker, car wheat and oar of peas ; R.
Graham, oar peas and oar wheat ; J,
McDermott, oar of cattle to Toronto ;
R, Thomson, 56 packages of butter to
Halifax ; Geo. Beet, oar jambe to Buf-
Bnpsecne RIFLE 0o.-0oneiderable in.
target centres around rifle shooting in
Brnsseie this Fall through the organize.
tion of a Ride Co., composed of 60 mem-
bers. Officers for °arrant year are
M. Sinolair, Captein ; John Hewitt,
Seo•Treee• ; J. T. Rose, Watson Ainlay
and J. Irwin, Oommittee. The annual
target competition takes place next Mon-
day and Tuesday on the fine range, Weet
of the Enterprise Selt Works, Frederick
Street, Shooting will be done at. 200,
400 and 600 yards and in different poet.
Mona aaoh competitor having 7 rounds 01
each range. It ie a 6 foot target. Some
good shote are members of the Company
and extra some are expected next week.
Tuesday afternoon Jobe Wynn, an old
• time marksman l Rev. John Rose, a one
time prize shot in the Q0een'e Own, of
Toronto, and D. C. Rose, anew band at
the business, took a walk to the range
and in 10 shote aaoh at 200 yards were
oredited witb the following: -3, Wynn,
3 bulla eyes, 2 inners, 3 magpies, and.8
onsets 1 ',Bev. Mr, Roes, 2 balls eyes, 5
inners, and 8, sentare ; D. 0. Roes, 4, butte.
eyes, 2 inners, 1 magpie, and 8 omens.
Not bad work for pmrtiee Out of praotioe
or noviaoe at the sport. The Govern.
menteappliee the riaee and the amnni•
0 '
Mia, Tbpmpeon, Queen street, bas re.
turned IMP a two weehe' visit with hop
Meter, lfiIre. Bell, et Shakespeefe. .
Harry tercel, of Henoletra wbo le
home en a vieit under the parental roe.
at Guelph. wee le town for a sew days
He le a nephew"to Mre. 4, L. Kett, of
Brunetti. Tae awe seen Haire a bit of the
D. Bteweet, of Warton, and A,1t
Stewart and wife, of Detroit, were visit.
ing relatives and cid time Eriends in prey
and Brussels dialog the pant week. We
are sorry to state that the health of the
fret mentioned gent:eman ie not of a
very eatielaotory oheraoter but bis many.
friends hope a deoided change for the
better will get in speedily.
Miss Downey, teacher, wee called,
away loot Monday to attend the funeral
of her aunt, The deoeased lady's name
wan Mre. MoDoneld and elle died of
pneumonia at Toronto, where ehe wee
visiting. Interment was made at Kline -
burg, her home. Klee Downey arrived
home Taeedey night and resumed bee de-
partment on Wednesday morning,
R. H. and Mre. Green, of Trowbridge,
were in town on Windily and,, Sunday,
Mr, Green brought the fine silver tankard
won at the Induetriel Exhibition for beet
(beeee with him no as to let his old
friends here get a glimpse of it. It is a
beauty. Ile arse won $85.00 in prizes at
the same Exhibition. Ile was heartily
oongratuleted on hie :naoeee,
People We Talk About.
Sam. Oantlon is in town.
Barrister Blair was in the Co. town 0n
Mies Downey spent last Saturday in
R. W. Matheson, of Laokhow, yeas in
town hot Sunday.
Mr. MoQaarrie, of Winnipeg, is visit
ing friends in Bruesele.
Mies Teenie Binolair left last week for
Detroit where she has a situation.
Mrs, Thos. Bone, who was visiting at
London, arrived home last week.
Inspeotor Loadou paid hie odua'at vieit
to the Standard Bank here this week.
Ernest peeper, of Toronto, called on
old friends in town on Wednesday. 1
Mise Teenie Sample is enjoying a visit
with Mies Hattie Murray at Seafortb.
Mrs. Henry Wilbee has gone to Hamil-
ton to visit with relatives and friende.
R. G. McCracken has taken a eitnation
in Bt. Catharines. We wish bim eucemse.
W. F. and Mrs. Vanetone, of Wing -
ham, were in town for a day or two this
W. 3. MoOraiken and P. Hogg left on
Tneedey morning for a trip to the Pan-
Mrs. J. Londeeboro', of Seaforth, is
visiting Mre. Lee.therdale and 117,1'°. S.
Mrs. R, G. Vincent and daughter, of
Hanover, were renewing old friendships
in Brneeele on Monday.
H. L.Jaokeon has been bothered with
a beilding toe that baegiven him a notice•
able temporary limp.
Wm. Wilton hien the erok list and
consequently laid off work. We hope be
will soon be all right again.
3, D. Barna and Mies Cody, of Wing -
ham, were visiting the Mime Dongloe,
Elizabeth street, on Sunday.
Mies Adeline Bird, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mich., is home to spend the Winter, with
The Methodist General 0onterenoe will
meet next September in•Wiunieegt
Rev. W. E.Kerr, of A,mheretbarg, has
been invited to the pastorate of Bien.
beim Methodist (thumb far next year.
Next Sabbath Rev. J. L. Murray, D.
D., of Kinoardine, will occupy Melville
Ohara 'pulpit. The pastor will preaell in
Kincardine on the same day.
The following seven persons were
chosen ae reprasentativae of the oongre-
gation of Brussels Methodist ehuroh to
Beate on the Official Board for the eo.
suing year ;-T. Moore, T, Farrow, W. J.
Oardiff, T. Curry, W. J. McCracken, R.
E. Goatee and H. Beam.
Last Sabbath Bev. E. A. Fear, of Ala
wood, preached in the Methodist church
here. He gave two excellent dieaonreee
on "The caused Christ" and "The soul
longing for God." Mr. Fear ie on his
4th year at. Atwood and has rendered
good eervioe.
A report of, the District Epworth
League Convention, held Tuesday of last
week at Laokhow, was given at the
prayer meeting in the Methodiet obnrob
hare, on Wednesday evening. Mieeee
Thuraa Gerry and Minnie MoNaaghton
gave interesting papers giving :a large
share of information.
At a meeting of the London branch of
the Women's Missionary Society of the
London Methodist Conference, held at
Sarnia, the following officers were ahoaen
—Hao. President, Dire. Borne, Bt.
Tbomae ; President, Mrs+. Moltfeohan,
London; let vice. President, Mrs. Wright,
South London ; 2nd vias President, Mre.
Fowler, "West London ; Brd vice -President,
Mrs. Diokeon,-London ; Rec. Secretary,
Mrs. Aoheeon, Goderieb ; Cor. Secretary,
Mrs. Cunningham,; Kincardine ; Trees.,
Mies Lizzie Aoheeon, Goderioh ; Sept.
Systematic Giving, Mre. Tennant, Lon.
doe ; Supt. Mission Band Circle, Bin.
Daly, London ; Delegates to the 'Ward—
Mrs. Harrison, ,fire. Fowler, airs. Ten -
mot, of London, The Society will meet
next year in Clinton, at Rattenbary at.
ber aunt, Mies Lizzie Bird, Bruesele,
Mrs. Wm. Turaboll, 15th con„ Grey;
spent a few days last week with her par -
ante, Geo. and aim. ()rooks, Queen street.
Misses Annie Lowry and Lyla Bartlfff
are making favorable progress sed we
hope will soon be able to be aboat as
W, J. Stewart, 0f the Standard Bank,
Bradford, whose home is in Brussels,
has been promoted to a position in Camp•
Mies Maggie Bargees will go on a
business trip to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,
where she own real estate in the shape
of town Iota.
The Misses Sage, formerly of Walton,
were viaitore in Brussels tbie week before
removing to Windsor where they pur-
pose residing.
Mre. A. Reid, Langdon, North Dakota,
is renewing old friendships in Brussels.
She has spent the Summer in the East
with her daughter, Mrs. Blaok.
Mrs. R. K. Rose and Mre. J. 11. Cameron
are attending the Provincial Sabbath
Bobool Convention in Toronto. Master
Bob Leckie a000mpaoied the latter.
Simon and Mre. Grant, former Grey.
,tee, moved to Brussels Irma Brnoelield
on Tueeday. They have purchased no
bonen and lot on Mapie street from Thos.
Mrs. Heapy and daughter, of Nebraska,
U. S , have been visiting with Jho, Hill
and wife, Queen street. Mr. Hill ie Mrs.
Heapy's father. She lived on the 10th
eon. of Grey before her marriage.
Ton Poem weloomee John McFadden,
Mre. McFadden and daughter to town as
reeidente trim the 12th non. Of Grey,
They have taken ap residence with Mre.
Thos, Kelly Tornberry street, South.
DeWitt Holmes arrived home from
Manitoba on Thureday of lamb week,
The Weeb agreed with him all right but
the wet weather rather upset the mom•
reeroial eaetles he was erecting as 18 did
in meaty another 0088,
Geo. Robb and wife and. J. H. Kerney
and wile attended the marriage of Hugh
Hoorne and Mies Edith Caeens, at Trow.
bridge, on Wednesday of this week. The
groom is a engin to Mrs. Robb and bare.
Kerney and lives at Molesworth.
Mrs, Tweddle and family moved to
Seaforth during the past week to join Dr,
Tweddle who reoently purobased a Den-
tal ptaotice there. Daring their sojourn
in Braoeele they made many fast friende
who, while ragretting their removal, will
be p'eased to hear of their prosperity in
Bea forth,
A'TI ,N7)4,11,,.D . B4N.EC O ' C4X4. 14,
CAPITAL PAID lull? (One Million Doliere) $,1,000,000
dgenatas'intat prinelpal points in Ontario, Qt(ebeg,Afanitebm, hafted State. England,
A General Banking Besinoes Transacted. Faimera' Notes. Dismounted.
Drafts Ieeoed and Q6gegtione'mede 00 ell. points:
Interest allowed on deposits of 91,00 and upwards and noneponpded hall yearly..
Every faoility afforded Ontomero liviug at a distance.
payable at any bank leaned Under $10 Bo. 220 10 $80,.,.12o oue Ords1s at the toliowing rates 910 to 920....100. 80 to 40....14c
3. N, GORDON, AGowo,.
BANE OueaoEa.—Et was a matter of Bar.
prise to the public to learn that obangee
were on the tapis in connection with the
Standard Bank in Brussels. 3. N. Gor•
don, who has given aaoh splendid satie-
fixation ,as agent for nearly tbree years,
will be moved to Forest, Lambton Co.,
where a vacancy exists owing to the de-
cease of Mr. McKellar. Mr. Gordon's re•
moval will'be regretted se be took quite
an interest in local sports, partioulary
bowling and Darling. He was Secretary.
TreeAnrer of the Bowling olub Won its
organization.' He will be missed in St.
John's obnroh as be watt Minister's War-
den and pang in the choir. Good wishes
from all who have termed hie acquaint
antis will go with him and the Fermi
people will find him an A 1 citizen. rite
anoceesor here will be F. H. Gray, who
has been with the Standard at Brant•
ford for tbe pact 16 years and appears+ to
be a ge0ial, wide awake gentleman, Mr.
Gray is a married men and has leased
Jna. B. 117aLaucbtin'e house, corner of
Turnberry and Queen streets. 3, O.
Byam, who handles the oagb in the Bank
here, will go to Bradford after a 6
moabbo' sojourn bete daring wbioh time
be bas, given eminent eatisfaotion to the
bneinee% people and made frientlehipe
that will no doubt be ever green. Mr.
Byam has been auooseded by Harris
Hamflton,,who left the dame position for
the head office, Torooto, 6 menthe ago.
His return to 13raseete will be very pleas.
ing to all batting tininess with the Bank
and particularly ;0 to the young people
of town. Mr. Hamilton took a lively
share ie manly Sport and as oatober far
the tinge ball team won lanrale that were
not dropped What) he wont to the Queen
SATURDAY, O0Y. 26,1—Farm Moak, Maple.
menta, household goods, &o., Park Lot
18, Coo. 11, Grey (13 miles South of
Brussels), Sale, nnreeerved, at 1 O'olools.
Edward ' Garvin, Prop. ; F. S. •Sects,
TUESDAY, OoT. 29, 1901, 171 lot 25, eon.
9, Grey. Farm stook, implements+, &o.
Sale, unreserved, ae proprietor ie giving
up farming, at 12.80 O'olook. John
Brown, Props.,, F. S. Scott, Ano, •
• em IFSS=Iii 0K;c'rS;
F0,11 Wheat .. 62 04
Barley ... .... 40 48
Peas .. .. 68 .66
Oats 82 84
Butter, tithe and rolls 14 15
Eggs per dozen 12 13
Flour per owt4 8000 5 00
Potatoes (per bas.)
Apples (per bas.) ... ,. 40' 50
Sheep skine,eaoh 25 25
Lamb akin aaoh 25 80
Salt per bbl,,, retail 1.00 70
Hay per ton 6 000 6„ 50
Hides trimmed ` 5
Hides rough 5
Hogs, Live 5 50 5 50
Wool 12 18
The regular sittings of the Fourth
Division Court was held in tbe Town
Mali on Wednesday • of this week before
Hie Honor Judge Doyle. There was a
large attendance.' The docketwag as
fol owe
Wilton & Tarobull vs Passe—garnishee.
Settled out of Court.
Beaker ve. Brewer -breech of contract
in delivery of grain. Settled ant of
Brown vs. Tarabnll—jury ease. Ao;
lion to recover for work done digging a
ditch. Judgment for defendant on.groaed
that oontraat wee not completed.
Bone NB. Oloakey—Aotion torecover
for sawing loge. Verdict for defendant,
Duff & Stewart vs. Moffatt—diepated
e000nnt. Verdict for plaintiffs.
There was one judgment summons.
Benet: was represented by'Berrietem
Blair, of Brneeele, and. Diokeneon, of
A RUMMER of 2 end 8•year•old steers
for sale. Apply to THOS. MOORE, Brussels..
Two young oowe for sale, will calve
about Deo" tat. Also 22 steers rising 8 years
old. JN O.:LOWE,Lot 10, Con. 2, Grey,
1441 Brussels P.O.
Shearling and nine Ram Leicester
Lambe for gale. Some eligible for registra-
tion, D. MILNE, Ethel.
.L OR -
Sheep of both sexes and various ages,
also Bronze Turkeys and Embden Geese.
JOHN *MITH. Lot 8, Oon. 6, Grey.
SALE.—The undersigned mime a num-
berot pure bred Oxford down•Bbearlinge
and Ram
ett, L. TASforMER, Mulook P.0 014-4
Business Locals.
MONEY to loan on farm security,
Apply at Tan Posy.
T. MaGeaooa has a large quantity of
first ease oroae.oat saws for sale:and
ready tar work. Timber mitten 'should
see them for they are fast and easy out.
tare. Yours for ease, T. McGregor,
Braesole Saw and Tool Co., Brussels,
Niobolaa Flood Davin, ex M. P., of
Regina, committed euiofde by shooting
at the Clarendon Hotel, Winnipeg. Ilia
funeral tools ptaoe at Beeabwood Came.
Lay, Ottawa.
Buooeeeinl preparatione are in probtese
for an elaborate preoentatiion of H. M. B.
Pinafore, by nearly one hundred children
in the Theatre Albert, Stratford, on Oot.
24tb and 251b, udder the anepicee of the
women's hospital aid, inolading a spaniel
orchestra. -
WnsT.—Io Blaevale, on Friday, Oot. 18,
to Rev. W. 3, and Mrs. West, a
wanted, suitable for remota purposes,
Apply to GEO, BEET, Brussels.
G001) HOUSE AND LOT ON 'yurnberry etraet, Brussels, for sale at
a bargain. Apply to
TH00, BALLANTYN0, Bruepele.
'lighted and convenient rooms to let in
the Leckie block ovor G. A. Dead en's and
Mrs, Rogers' atoreg• Apply to F. S. SCOTT.
5.»10, and House Painting done in
Workmanlike manner and on abort notice.
Have had throe years' experience in city
work. Terms ,rentree able. Give me a call,
50 VV. X, SOHNBTON,'walton.
Teacher Wanted.
Teacher wanted for B.S..No. 0, Morris, ov
pliontione received up to Saturday. N.
and. An experienoedmaa preferred. Duties
to commence after Christmas holidays.
Apply perannallyto HENRY JOHNSTON,
8eoretory, Belgrave P. 0,
Teacher Wanted.
Teacher wanted'for Sellout !Nation No. 12
Grey and McKillop. Applications receive,{
at, to Nov. 6811, Duties to oommenoe after
0hriatmaa vacation,
HUGH. STILTON, Secretary,
162 Walton P.O.
Teacher Wanted.
Female Teacher wanted for Sabool Sec.
tion'No. 2, Grey. Duties to oommenoe Jan-
uary lat,i0tE.
an-uarylet,1002, Applioatlose, etatingsalary
and qualifications will be . received up to
November 10th, 1901.
ALEX. STE W ART, Sea.•Treae„
14.2 - OranbrookB.p,
One eleven months ofd and one seven
'months, lailor" limp) such
d 'Salta eSeflan
(Imp.) 4120. 1 will aim sell. some pure brad
mammoth Bronze Turkeys.
P. ROBERTSON, Lot 8, Oon. 8, Gro',
Brussels P. O. • 18.8
BapseaLa.—The undersigned off ors for
sale Lots 78 and 74, Ann street, and Lots 76
and 70, en Mary street, in the village of
Brneeele, containing one sore, very deeirab-
lyloaated. On the premises le a house,
stable and well. Will be sold at bargain.
For further: particulars ae to price and terms
apply to - JOHN B0DD10K, - Brussels.
The Great
For Sale at
$15 00 to $18.00 a Week
salary for as intelligent man or woman in
each town. Permanent position. 80 dente
per hour for spare time. Manufacturer,
Box' 78, Philadelphia. _ 10
28 WellBred"Western Horses
At the G. T, Its Steen Yards,
Senforth, on
Saturday, October 26th)
at l D. m. These horses have all been sired
by Kebtnoky trotting stallions and have
been raised on the King stock farm, Kansas,.
the managerof whish hog bad an experience
of 27 years as a track man' and'liao never
rinsed a bores with a 'sppavin, ringbone or
onrb, these are important features in a driv-
ing horse. Terme of sate -8 months credit
on approved joint notes,
Auctioneer. Prop., Kansas.'
Mr. F. S, Soott, euotloneer, bag received in-
etrnet}ons from thefanderelgned to sell by
public auction at Lot10, Con, 14, McKillop,
on FRIDAY. NOY. 1st, 19017 at 1 o'clock tbe
following valuable properf, •—S working,
horsesyears old, 1 driving horse 7 years
01.1 ally rising 9.yeare„ 6 cows supposed is
calf, a heifers rising 2 years, 1 steer rising 9
years, 8 calves, 1 Masaev-Harris binder. 1
seed drill. 1 broad -oast drill, 1 MaseeyEarrls
mower, 1 new fanning mill, 1 steel roller, 1
died barrow. 1 steal horse rake, 1 pea har-
vester,1plow, 1 set iron hat—rowel hay fork,
1 wagon, 1 set bob•eloiulie, 1 top.. buggy, 1
ontter,1 road cart, 1 polper, 1 set light bar.
Hees, 1 set heavy harness, 1 wheelbarrow,
about 80 tone of hay, a quantity of greon-
:eed,forks, chains and other articles. Im-
plemente are all nearly new. The farm,
oonlaiuing 160 acres, will also be offered for
sale if not rented or Bold before the 002 of
eels. For further particulars apply 10 the
proprietor. Walton P.0 Sale unreserved as
the proprietor is giving an farming. TIMM
—A11 etude of 86 and under cash, over Ahab
amount l0months credit will be given es
furnishing approvedjoint notes ; 6 per cent..
discountfor cash ; bay to be Dash ; terms
for farm made known on day of sale.
F. S. Scott, auctioneer, Proprietor.
� l
About OurSilks
For the most part the Silks that this store sella are imported by ourselves direct
from the British markets. We would like you to get better acquainted with this stock. • If you have
an Silk buying to do we think it will pay you to know it better, There is hardly a wanted shade
ou cannot find here—every popular maize has a place in the collection. Values are better by
far than any- store can offer that does not import its Silks direct. Best of all, though—qualities are
reliable—not an inferior or unworthy quality finds a place on our shelves, and you. can depend ab-
aalutely on Silks bought here. This week a big shipment came to us direct from the British markets.•
These iterris will give you au idea of our lines. ALL ARE GOOD.
Fine quality Japaneoe Silk, good weight, firm all pure
Stlk, 21 inchee.wide, in Cream, Black and every
color need for fancy work, per yard ............ 25o
:Di1D YJ. y�
OArnmE:—A1 New W estmineter, 8. a„ on
• Oot, 14th, e,t the residence of her son-, Capt. J. W. Rogers, Agnes ea,
Mary M„ relict of tae late W A.
Calbiok, in tbo 68rd year of her age.
Tomethoo.—In Wort Hall, Man., on Oot.
9, Jobn' Torrance, brother to Mre.
David Boos, Brussels, aged 74 years
and 7 months.
VAnexoxu.—At 817 Last blaetwood street;
Mereball, Mn , on Monday, Oct. 7th,
Obaries H. Vanettme, aged 67 years,
1 mouth and 17,days.
A'Cr0 'IOST S.A.I+ 7.
FaIDAa, Oot, 25. --Lot 80, Con, 6, Grey,
farm stook. Bala at 3 o'oloots. D. Mo.
Donald, P1Op.. F. S. Scott, Arm.
Veneer, Nov. lar,—Farm, farm stook,
implements, Nuc. Sale, norgeorved, ea 1
o'olook. James Campbell, Prop, ; F. S.
Scott, Auo.
Extra fine quality Japanese Bilk, all pure Silk, 27
limbos wide, firm and strong, will give 500511ent
wear, editable for waists, armee or fanoy work,
Blaok,;Wbite, Oream and nom thalami, per yard 500
Our Special Half Dollar Silk
The hest Silk that bag even been Bold in town for the money. We are quite sure oboot
that. Oouid not sell at tbie price ourselves if we did not import it. Other season it
baa been our beat seller at 60o, this season we are able to sell it at per yard 60o
Heavy weight English Silk, riot Matron finish, e`oft, will not out, gives excellent wear,
suitable fpr trimmings and waists, in ;Medea of Sky, Navy, Old Rose, Pink, Oardinat,
Pawn, Cream, White and Bleak, extra special value at par yard 50o
Fine unlit Taffetta Bilk, good weight, 21 inches•Extra quality French Taffetta Bake, good weight, will
w de, will wear well, ii Piuk, Sky Mae, (Jardine), excellent wear, makes handsome waists, in;
Cream and Black, par yard 50o shads% of Moe, Pink, Old Rose, Pawn, Brown,
GGray, Cardinal, White, Oream and Black at .... 75o 35
( d Will wear well snit. extra good quality Colored Wine,. riot glossy arra
Colored Sattne,28 inahep wide, t
facep y
able 200 trimmings and fanoy walk, in all the 50o rwillwear well,all shades, at or and
popular shades, at pet yard
Three good lines at three popular prime, eaoh one the best for the money tbet'we could find :—
good weight, 21 inohee wide, suitable for 'inane, trimmings at waietd, pet yard 500,
-Fine qualityerquality,
Freoori Tand he Silk, g
--A better gaaliay, firm and heavy, will give good wear, make a stylish and durable waist, per yard 75e.
—Very fine quality French Taffetta Silk, heavy weight, will wear well, pet yatd $1,00.
Bieck Settee that do not lose their color and keep their
e down to the last thread :—
Good quality Blatfk Satii, very Yioh finish, willweal
well, at per yard 750
$ns+• 9 aallt Bleak Satin, rioh fade, makes hand -
Very l y n e, 28 inches wide, per yd1 00
%oma waste or trimmi g ,
E&6ra good quality 13laak Satin, all pure silk, one of the
beet 'Mee we ever handled, per yard 1 26
The best Silk you can buy for Waists or Arena,
guaranteed not to out, always looks well, end gives
eatistaotorywear, at per yard . 90o, $1.00 91 25
Very heavy quality Peon do Bois Silk, 22 insane
wide, guaranteed not to eat, will make a bandeome
Drees or Waiet and give satisfactory wear, eelling
below he real value at per yard 1 00