The Brussels Post, 1901-10-24, Page 6MAIKETB or THE 'WORLD'
l'Pleee Or Cattle,eareln, MOM, 4el
!lithe Leading Market*,
Termite, Octe 22,-M/wale-Mk
market is quiet al, 65c asked for
new eed Ilea white, and 67e aaked
for old red and svelte middle freights,
and buyers tire (meting le less,
Goose wheat is nominal at 60e for,
No 2 est, end 68c middle freights.
"Spring w beet is quoted at 66c east,
or No. e. Manitobe. wheat Is stently
at 80ec est tor No 1 bard and 780
or No. 1 northern grinding in tran-
sit, and 78c for No 1 hard and 760
for No 1 northern local aullvery
Toronto and west.
Monte -The mailtet Is firmer. Some
00 per cent. patent sold to -day at
$2.135 in buyersbags iniddie
•freights, and $8 eves asked for inure
in barrels. Choke brande aro aeld
15e to 20c higher, elimitoba flour
• is steday at $1 for Hungarian pat-
ents and $3,10 for strong batters' in
car lots, bags included, Toronto.
Millfeed-1S steady. Oars of shorts
are quoted at $15 to $15.50 end
bran at $18 to $13.50 west, Mani-
toba shorts are quoted at $10 and
brim :It 81/ 0'ortnita freights.
Barley -There is some demand or
Immo welters, but little or no in-
quiry ior export. The market is
steady. No 1 is quoted at .52c, ro
2 .a.t 48c, No 3 extra. at 47 and. No
8 at 630 middle freights.
Buckwheat -Is steady at 500 mid-
dle freights.
Rye -Is steady at 490 bid and 500
asked east, and 48e bid and 49c ask-
ed middle freights.
Corn -Is steady, Canada mixec1 is
quoted. at 64ec and yellow at 55c
west. New Canada is quoted at 49c
to 60c west. An advance of 2e, in
the freight on corn from the west,
equal to 1.12c per bushel, goes into
effect on Monday. American No 8
yellow is quoted at 63ee in car lots
Oats -Are lima at 35ec to 88e for
No. 2 white on a low freight to New
York, at 86c east ancle..84e to 340
north and west.
Ogteekni-Is steady. Cars of bags
are quoted at 34.20 and barrels at
34.85 on tho track Toronto and
smaller lots 28e more.
Peas -Aro steady at 71c north mid
west end 72e middle freight8.
Hog products continue in good de-
mand and prices are all firmer, al-
though live and dressed hogs have
been steadily declining for some
time, Lards and smoked meats are
steady and in good demand.
Pork -Canada short cut, '322 ;
heavy mess, 321.50.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -
Long clear bawls, tons llec, cases
120 and small lots at laic; break -
to 38,e0 per labl and 20 to 400 poi'
baaket. Poitelice are abOrit done.
01e.90 stIPPlY' MA %lye) to demand;
Selling Concorde, Mall beekets, 10
to .209; NMgariee 20 to 20M Itogere,
25 tO 80m large basitets Concords,
e0 to 115e; Niageres, 80 to 400; Ro-
gers, 45 to e0e,
leggs--Caso lots, 15 to 1711 per
dozen; strictly new Iced would aell
at 18 to 22e. Butter -choice Sie rolls,
16 to 190; crocks awl tube, 14 to
1701 Ulterior butter, ell kinds, 12c
to 3.4w creamery rolls 20 to 21e;
creamery tubs, 20 to 2,4e,
, ,
Chiekees (spriug) 4.0o to 60e per
pair; old lovas, 00 to 50e pair;
geese., 6 to 71e •per lb; ducks, 50 to
75e pair; turkeys (small Plimm birds)
10 to lilo per lb; largo turkeys Sell
at 8 to 100 per M. Live chickons
sell well at 40 to 80e pair. Dressed
hogs meter, selling to -day at $8 to
Chestuuts-To-clay's price, 35 per
bushel, but under heavier receipts
price will decline. Potatoes firm at
about 55c per bag on track; 60c foe
faucy smooth potatoes.
Toronto, Oct. 22. -At the Western
male yards to -day we had only 43
carloads of live stock ie, complising
071 catele, 901 sheep and lambs, 1,-
000 hogs, and between thirty and
forty calves and milch cows.
The market was dull and win -Wr-
esting; Prices for cattle were down;
the market at Montreal was off color
soul cable advices continue depres-
sing, all of which adverse circum-
stances reflected hero.
The export trade was light; the
best price to -May was $4.75 per cwt.
Dutcher cattle was dull; no doubt
good stuff would have gone well ha.d
it been here, but the best price paid
was 83.90, though more money may
have been given for ordered lots. Se-
condary and inferior cattle sold for
anything it would fetch.
Stockers ase quotably unchanged,
but certainly not any stronger. ,
Feeders are in fair demaxid nt
steady unchanged prices.
We had no good With cows here,
though cowe of a good grade are
wanted. Prices to -day ranged from
025 to $45 each.
There is a steady demand for a
better class of calves than is coming
along at present.
Small stuff was steadier to -day.
Export ewes are worth frora 33 to
'33.15 per cwt.
Lambs are worth ten cents more,
co; choice stuff sold to -clay at 3.60
Per cwt.
Bucks are worth from 32 to $2.50
per cwt.
Hogs wore unchanged to -day, but
prospects are for still lower prices.
The best price for "singers" is 6fc
per 11); thick fat and light hogs are
worth 6c per lb.
Eogs to fetch the top prices must
be of prime quality, and scale not
below 100 nor above 200 lbs.
last bacon, 15c to 1 6c ; hams, 13 tioree-
IS the range of quota -
to 140; rolls, 12c to 121c; shoulders, Cattle.
111e; backs, 35e to 16c ; green
meats out ol pickle are quoted et
le less than. smoked.
Lard -Tierces 11 lc, tubs 12c and
pails laic.
Two Wen= Oyer Sixty Beate
and. nabbed.
A. despatth irOta
says ef the WOO and niOse
deliberate burglaries reesneled M the
history of Cos city Was carried out
with consummate Skill emi brotollto
at No, 186 Selo street on Tuesday
afternoon, Two elderly woincto, Mrs.
L. M. aereech and MrS. A. A. Oar -
diner, both about 00 years old, were
tho victims, ana wore rolioved "of
Perseeal prolierty amoueting, 00
told, to over $6,000. At about 3,80
in the afternoon three young' men,
ranging in ages from23 to 20,
beardless, and areesed neatlo, ap-
pearee et Mrs. French's house and
presented a paper which alleged that
they were auteorized geats of a
knee gas coMpany end that they
wished to examine the gas meters.
After completing' their supposed du-
ties the men went away, but later
returned, "to turo on tlie gas,"
which they sold they had forgotten
to do, After ten minutes in the
cellar the men came upstairs, and
without warning fell upon the two
helpless women, beating them into
insensibility. Two of . the brutes
then stood guard over the prostrate
victims while tho third setneacked
the house, securing diamonds,
watches, sea3ski1i sacks, etc. valued
at more than $8,000. Locklog the
bruised mid bleoding women in the
cellar, the burglars cut tbe telephone
wires running into the house, and,
after occupying nearly two hours in
their work, leisurely departed.
Butter -The beavy offerings of low
grade and inediura goods continue to
depress the market, and it is expect-
ed that creameries also will soon
offer heavily and cause a still further
(Iodine. Many cheese factories are at
present expernin,g greater profit out
of creamery than out of cheese and
are going into their manufacture.
This Is expected to cause a large
°Merit -kg of creamery in the near
future. The best (Miry pound rolls
are now quoted at 17c and the
choicest pails and tubs at 16ec. Tho
lowest price for off -grades is 12c,
but al -lea -Inn which Ms to sell from
12c to 184e is dragging, as the con-
sumers of low grade or medium
silirmers, per cwt... ....84.20
Butchers, choice... ..... 3.50
Butchers, ord. to good 3.25
Butchers, inferior- .... 2.75
Sheep and Lambs.
Choice ewes, per cwt... 3.00
Butcher sheep, each..... e.00
Lambs, per cwt.- -.... 3.25
Bucks, per cwt 2.00
Milkers and Calves.
Cows, each. 30,00
Calves, each 2.00
Choice hogs, per cwt
Light hogs, per cwt
lkayy hogs, per owt
Sows, per cwt... -.
Stags, per cwt..
Our Live Stock on Top at the
Buffalo Show.
A. despatch from Ottawa seys :-
The Department of Agriculture has
Mst received sunamaries of the win -
flings of Canadian live stock at the
Pan-Amerleau. The showing is ex-
ceedingly creditable to Canada, es-
pecially when compared with the
winning,: of the ,Aracrican stook.
Practically all tho live stock awards
Were in cash, hence tho comparative
statements given with regara to
Canadian and American cattle are
therefore inaicative of the relative
merits of the exhibits -the Canadian
warnings more than cover the ex-
penses of exhibiting. A general sum-
mary of the wieniugs is as follows :
Cattle ...$3,81 3.40 33,111,60
Sheep... ... 1,390.62 2,152.50
Swine... ... »165.00 877.50
Total of 'United States....$5,869.02
Total of Canada... ...... $5,041.60
leuffalo, Oct. 22.-1i'lour steady.
Spring wheat strong; No 1. northern
75c; No 2 do., 73c. Winter wheat,
no offerings. Corn steady ; No 2
yellow, 62c; No 3 do, Glee; No 2
goods wiel to get theta at 12c. corn, 61ec; No 3 do, 61c. Oats firm;
Creamery is in fair demand gnd No 2 white, 410; No 3 do 4.04c; No
steady at lelc to 20c for solid and 2 mixed, 394e; No 8 do, 381e. Bar -
21c to 214e for prints. ley steadier; western f air to fancy,
Eggs -Choice new laid stock is 57e to 63c. P,ye quiet; No 1, 584c.
offering plentifully now and the mar- Canal freights steady.
Iset is firm. Prices are sten.dy at -
17c for selected stock, and ordinary EUROPEAN GRAIN MARKETS.
are quoted at 14e to 16c.
Poultry -The demand for fresh London, Oct, 22.-Opening-Whoot
killed stock is strong and offerings on passage firmer tendency. Ream,
are liberal. The market is steady at en passage rather firmer. Yeater-
45c to 50a for choice dry -plucked day's country markets, English
stock, 35c to 50e far scalded and arm. French firm.
35e to li0c for live chid:ens. Ttzr- London -Close -Mark Lnno-Wheat,
keys are quoted at 10 to 12e for foreign and English firm with a fair
fresh killed, dry -plucked young birds, business; corn, American and Danu-
lle to 12c for young gobbler:4 and ge bian firm with a fair business ;
to 10c for old gobblers, flour, American somewhat firmer,
Potatoes -Dealers are still unable Euglish firm,
to obtain shipments of cer lots rind Liverpool, Oct. 22,-C1ose-Spot
cannot fill ordere„ which are num- wheat steady; No 1 standard Cali -
°roes. The market is steady at .55e. fornia, ,5s 0s1 to 5s 00; Walla, 5s
Potatoes out of store are quoted 8s1 to Ss Seca No 2 red winter, 55
Nest Important Discovery
Stephenson's Day.
A despatch from London says :-
Messrs. Armstrong and Oiling pro-
fess to have made what may prove
to be tim most important disco -very
since the days of Stephenson. They
say they believe they have found
the secret of freely transmitting
electric energy *without wires. The
membees of the press have been in-
vited to Hughenden to witness a
series of demonstrations of ap-
paratus, constructed under Orling-
Armstrong patents, relating to the
reception and transmission of elec-
troanagnetic impulses, without the
use of wires, together with the con-
trol of the steering inechanioni of
torpedoes and other submarine en-
gines of destruction by raeans of
electrical radiation from a distance,
without wires or material connec-
British Were Unable to 1ifisene
Boer Women,
A despatce kom London eayse-
Writing from 131oembente1n, Iteuter'a
corresponaent etatee 'that during
General Elliot's operatioes along tho
meters). boreer northweeds, the terms
were all deserted, the Boers having
in eaves and
Splendid ExLibit at the Pan 4m-
0018011 'EXIMation,
Ointitile hes come tci the front
egein in the shape of a very attracr
tire apple exhibit from Nova Scale.
'Phis exhibit is under the °indent
,Mailagenient of Mr. I, W. Bigler,
Vreeideet el the Nova Sootia Fruit
GrOwees' Aseociation. The exhibit
eonsists of twonty barrels of
e Xs Se0X04 by High Ohareh
0. cieSpaah 130211130211LaadQn SayS:,-The
Church P15050, organ of the Ritual,.
ista, contains a Virulent attach on
King Edward for attending the ear-
Iled into the mountains with
vices at the ()retitle Dresbyterian
Perish Church, The King, declares
this newspaper, is a 1`Qatholie
families, who 110e1
Prince," and as such ought not to be
wagons. •Seetla apples et connaercio ound worshipping In the conemaY
some eeemey_aea atienwnUm, grouped With a. view to showing of PreshYterialle, and conformiog to
"le quantity and quality. Mr. Biglow a "different religion" 10 Sootland.
qtlean Victoria, continime the
Cihuree Times, attended the Crathic
Church because of her "Jacobite
eYinPahilles," and the King "ought,
to allow baler than to follow her
The Church Times seems to fOrget
'that King Edward is not only spir-
Anal and temporal head of the An-
• Bean Church., but of the „Preebyter-
aburch of Scollaad as well. Juet
as lie must attend the services 61 the
Chnrch of England when in England
so his duty compels him to attend
the services of tho Church of Scot-
land when in North Britain.
The Presbyterian Church is the of-
ficial state church of Scotland, pre-
cisely as the Anglican is the State
Church of England, and King Ed-
ward occupies the anomalous posi-
tion of head of both.
ren were found in one cove high up a
mountain, the Doers homing honied
thou up by means of ropes. • They
were very anxioas to got oat of the
nlaco, but although the troops tried
hard they Could acre assist' them out
and had to leave them there.
• Most of the women gathered up by
the colunies at other places were at
nest very bitter, and when asked
why they had tied froze their homes
on the approech of the British stat-
ed tbet the Boers had told them
most frightful stories ef how WOlnen
and children were ill-treated by the
British. 3314 they Were not long in
realizing the absurdity of these
yams. After being a kw days in
British hands the women armeared
quite baPPY, and offered to bake
bread far the officers, '
Robbed a Bank, and Stood Off
Crowd With Rifles.
A despatch from Galion, Ohio,
says :-The vault of tbe Farmers'
and Citizens' Bank at Tiro, a small
town near here, was wrecked early
on Wednesday morning by, six rob-
bers, who secured tee contents anti
escaped. It is said the vault con-
tained 340,000. The cracksmen used
nitro-glycerine. The doors of the
vault were blown completely off and
the building partially demolished.
bias a Specialty of showing apples in
the nom° of tho growers. ln this
ciass he has one hundred varieties
grown by the exhibitors, Amongst
these may be reentioued Mr. Stare,
of Stares Point, Nova Sootia,„-ceho
Produced this year 2,500 bonnie on
20 acres. The immes of other pro-
minent exhibitors are J, Elliot
Smith, who exhibits tWo barrels;
Mrs. Olivia Jolineton, who is a hor-
ticulturist from the word "go"; 3311x.
-S. X. Vaughn; Mr, Herbert John-
ston aud others, A. line display of
POtatoes has been sent from Nova
Scotia Government Farm at Truro,
and from the Canadian Government
Farm at Noppan, about 00 bottles
•f fruits in acids. Nova Scotia is
demons for its apples of superior
quality. In London, England, espe-
cially they are highly esteemed. 800,-
,000 barrels aro annually exported to
the old country. Thi year the crop
as been so good that a Jaeger
• eantity is available Nova Scotia
applee new bring it price varying
^from three to five dollars per barrel.
Some lino Gravensteln,s are shown;
thoy are saki to be the best flavored
apples grown and are used both for
dessert and coolsing purposes. This
quality won a gold medal at Omaha
Exposition for one barrel. The ex-
hibit is artistically arranged and
• orate a very attractive feature of the
orticultural building. It will no
'doubt be ofsgreet service in bringing
Nova Scotia before the Americans.
-Martha Craig.'
Battle Between TWO British Regi-
A. despatch from London says :-
The long-standing feud between the
Durham and Worcester Regiments of
infante - le cuLtidnated on Wednesday
;light in a serious affray at Alder-
shot when the Worcesters, with fixed
bayonets and ball cartridges, at-
tacked the quarters of the Durhams.
Severe fighters''followed, during
Which many of the men were injured.
A number of the Durbaras aro suffer-
ing from dangerous bayouet wounds.
rather firmer at 75c to 801.
Game -Canvas back duck, black
duck and mallards, 75c to 31.20 per
brace; rod heads, 50c to Geo per
brace; pintails, bluebills, 40c to 50e
Per Memo; butter balls, teal end
other small duck, 25c to 30e per
Baled Ilay-The offerings are fair,
there is a, moderate inquiry and the
market is steady. Bars on the track
here are quoted at. 68.80 to 60.
Baled Straw -The reeeipts are
fair, there is a moderately good de-
mand and tbe market ia steady. Cars
on the track here are quoted' at $5
to 35.50.
7c1 to Sis ted; No 1 norther e spring,
50 70. to 56 eled; futures quiet; De-
cember 5s 8d. March 58 9ed. Spot
corn quiet; new, 4s lead to ds Vied;
futures quiet; October 48 10ed, No-
vember as 30Sd, December 48 11d,
Flour, 175 3d to 18s 6d.
Paris, • Oct. 22. -Opening -Wheat
steady; October 201 75c. January
and April 2133 Stk. Flour steady ;
October 261 65c, January and April
271 85e.
Paria-Clom-Whent firm; October
201 9110. January and April 221.
Flom* ilrm ; October 261 80e, Janu-
ary and April 281 6c.
Antwetp, Oct 22. -Spot wheat
steady ; No 2 red winter unchanged
at 151.
Synopsit of Toroeto fruit end pro -
dem market by the Deeeson Commie -
Mon Co., Limited:
Apples ave in good demand and :me
coming in in all kinds of Packages -
apple Wreck, sugar barrels, baskets
and boxes, Good apples, well pacla
ed ere selliug at $2,50 to 33.50 per
• bbl, tho letter priM for fine applea
euitable for table. Seger bbls ere
selling at Omit, the same price bolt
hot so reedily because not so alarm: -
eve tie tvcll tatelied fruit. Baskets
are selling at 20 to 85c per besket.
Termite bo able to take cere of
all the applea sett to her market,
and the Deeveort Commission Co,
think that prices will average es well
as any other market at honk or
abeam], during the season. Pears
are still meeting good sale at 32.76
Preacher Says He Has Grown
Stronger -Will Keep It 'Up.
A despatch from Huntington, W.
Va.., says :-The Rev. L. S. Scott. a
Methodist Minister of this city, has
not partaken of food for forty days.
Ile has been a severe sufferer from
rheumatism for a dozen years. and a
Meadville. Pa., physician told him
that fasting was a "mire all."
Forty cleys ago when the Rev. Mr.
Scott ceased eating he could not
rise from his chair. To-dav be can
run up and down a stairway and Is
as agile no a child. Tie says he will
continue his fast forty days longer.
Boers' 'Unsuccessful Attack on
A. despatch from. Bloemfontein
Sal's :-Oa Saturday a steam convoy
left hero for Dewetedorp with 320
tons of supplies for the Boglicsmith
column, escorted by 120 of the Scots
Guards, conintauded by Major Mac-
Gregor, When It reached Loftily kop
it was attaelced by 200 Doers, who
held a, position on a hill. The fight-
ing lasted all day Sunday until
dusk. The Boers decamped during
the niglit, leaving twenty of their
dead behind them, The British casu-
alties were eleven slightly wounded.
The convoy delivered the supplies at
Devsetsclorp and returned without
further trouble.
Effected By A. Syndicate of Trade
men. and. Others. '
h. despatch from London says
The Chronicle says that a. very large
insurance on the King's life has been
effected at Lloyd's by a syndicate of
tradesmen and others , who will lose
heavily if the coronation does not
occur next year. The peen:limn paid
is high, being ten guiueas per cent.
The inserance only coyers a year
I r mu date.
The Nation That Is Satisfied Is
Lost, Says Roseloory,
Marlborough House Being Refit-
ted Against His Return.
ProfeSPOr Finney Saye the 700 Is
One of Skill.
13103508074' P1en0 (I/Ved remetly
toolinidotrihe x•Aiolbeehrud SbtioseteneaniOutotyBoridg,
the etateinent that only leek ems
seve a wen Irene death, if he is so
fooliell as to take se "liondoe" from
the heiglit of a hundred feet or so.
TaerefOre, in order to prove that to
ler penUrely'3u4er :nualtlYterr°o1fli STsr111,1 haef,ere-at
peeted ono of hie last Perforraances.
With a eigerette between his, teeth
Mr. Finney, who is a thiekeset Man
of benefit; climbed up the long
• lamina of the bridge that sweepe to-
wards the tower and direetest '111111 -
Self of his outer clothing, (Melo:Moe
an embroidered sevinuning suit.
Thom shouting a cheery word to
those below, he flung up hie hands
and dived lanyard. ite he fell in a
graceful eurve he moved his had
in quick jerks as though he swam
through the air, Xlis hands came
together as be pierced the water like
it knife, cleaving the way for his
head and his chest smote the
Thames with a mighty thud. Then
in a shower of spray his feet disap-
peared. A. moment later Prof, Fin-
ney's head appeared, He shook the
;water from his eyes and swam to-
ward the boat which WaS in welting. '
• "Dangerous '?" ho exclaimed, when
he wee dressed. "Why, I dived six-
ty feet wben I was seven years old.
I've dived, too into a tank only six
feet deep fro4o, a height of eighty-
five feet. This is child'play when
you know how 1.0 do it.
"Do I stiffer from queer sonsa.tions
when passing through the air,' Not
a bit; tho water` seems coming eip to
me. I always dive with MY eyes
open, and as they do not feces as
quickly as I fall a little bit oe wood
seems quite big, and this enables me
to brush it aside 11 01. ie in tbe way.
Next time I mean to dive frOxa-ean
eepress train, Then I hope to go
across to New York and dive from
Brooklyn Bridge.
A despaten from London says :-
The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall
and York., when they return from
their trip around the world will take
possession of their new home, Meal -
borough House, which was presented
to the Duke by Xing Edward. The
title ol Prince of Wilke will be con-
ferred on the Butte on his return.
The necessary documents have been
prepr.lred, and the King's signature
'will be appended' as soon as the Du -
feel party reaohes ,England. Several
changes are being made at Merl-
' °rough House, so as to lit the resi-
dence ior its future occupants. A
peeial nursery Wing Will be added
Aims at One Man and Kills Anoth- to the structure, and the orders ale
er-Verdict of Wilful Murder. hat this shall be completed before
the aceouchement of the Duchess in
A 'despatch from Victoria, B.C„ April next.
says:-Iimary Gell, emplace, Royal En-
gineers, aged 20, is under arrest for
the murder of Gunner Clinnick, Gill
secured a carbine and went to the
canteen, where the gunners were
playing cards, intending to murder
Gunner Mahoney, and on entering
he canteen he took aim at the back
of Malioney's head. Gunner Foster,
who was watching the men playing
cords, saw labn and shouted to Ma-
honey, "Look out l" Mahoney
turned his head just as the carbine
as discharged, aryl the bullet whiz -
A doapatch from London says : -
In a, speech at Birmingham to -day
Lord Rosebery complained of the
complacent apathy of the PeoPle 01
Great 13ritain. Ile said they measles]
to be inoculated with the nervous
eriergy of tile Aniericahs. "330
thanlcful," he added, "was a motto
that spelled decay. The nation that
was satisfied was lost."
Novel Plan Suggested by British
Fourteen Peasants Were Milled it
A. despatch from London says
"The Lemerg papers avert bread
riots at Taraskova, Eastern. Russia,'
says the Vienna, correspondent of
the Daily Mail. "In Samara the
sterving peasants stormed the muni-
cipal buildings and the 00,11113013 of
wealthy persona, setting sow: ot
fire. Troops Were summoned and 3.4
peasants killed.
"Similar riots in tehich several
persons were killed, oceurred nt
Anderwesica, where two land owners
had • been nturdersel, and oleo at,
VestraWka and eieeWhere, in tbe same
British Again Raid ex -President
Stoyn's Headquarters.
A despatch feom Durban says : --
A telegram from Iesierismith states
that the British columns are con-
tinuing to do good work in the
north-eastern districts of the Orange
Colony. The Reitz district Is re -
°Geeing a great deal 01 attention, as
zed his ear ancl struck Minnick, being the distributing centre of the
who sat opposite, in tie emu 2.
Clinnick slid to the floor bleeding in
the mouth and the others jumped
upon Gill, who was borne to the
ho fell be said; "I'm glad I
killed Mahoney."
Foster said- "You didn't kill Ma-
honey, you killed Clinnick."
"My Godl" said Gill, "I intended
to shoot, Mahoney."
Clinnick died 90011 after being re-
moved to the hospital.
The corwer's jury on Monday eve many of them to take up arms on
behalf of the Boers. On one occa-
sion he arraigned more than 40 of
them for refusing to do so. De Via
lier's arrest has occasioned the
greatest and widespread satisfaction,
Boers ancl still the headquarters of
ex -President Stcyn. The British
force last week paia another surprise
visit to the town where Stcyn had
sech a narrow escape from capture
a few inonths ago, Another good
" bag" was scoured. Among 22
Boers who were capturea was one
Pierre de Villiers, whose capture is
.of particular interest to loyelists.
De Villiers was alweys the greatest
enemy of the British residentS of
Reitz and had attempted to force
ening brought in a verdict ol w
,ful murder against Gill. In the ova.
deuce it was shown that Gill bor-
rowed a crabineefrom ono of the men
in the barrack's and went to the can-
teen to shoot Mahoney, but for what
reason nobody knows, Mahoney him-
self saying that he can conceive of
no reason for it-
0 -
Tourist Took Observations While
in japan.
A despatch from London says : -
Britieb workingmen tire advocating
the establishment of a municipal
restaurant, where well -cooked meals
end pure tea, coffee, and liquors can
be obtained amid comfortable sur-
roundings at, moderato prices. .A
joint deputation of the London
Trades Council and tbe Social Dem -
°erotic Federation will invito the
Leedon County Council to make an
experiment with one such enterpriee
in the heart of London„ where the
greet new thorougbfare will shortly
be opened counecting the Strand and
Coinpaner to Erect One of 2,000,-
000 Bushels at Depot Harbor.
And Had All His Teeth When Ze
Pstssed Away.
A despatch to the ',Widen Daily
Mail from Athens records the death
nt leheti, Albania, of Ismail Hudjo,
who claimed to be the oldest man in
the world. It 18 sad that ho 10113
160 years old, Ele faculties Were
unimpaired, and lie had all ids teeth
when ho died. He JONVCS tWO bun -
deed descendants.
Full Returns Show- It to be 64,000
Instead of 56,500,
13. despetteh fermi Ottewe
The full retures of the population. of
Algoma bead been received. The
totol is 04,000 instemi of 50,500 in
the fiete, mews bulletin,
A demise -toll from San Francisco
says :-A war between Russia, and
Japan over Corea is predicted by
Dr. Nicholas Senn, professor 'of sur-
gery in the 'University of Chicago,
who has arrieeti here from. a tour of
the Orient. Said he :--
"While I was in Japan I noticed
on every hanel that the Japanese
Nvego making preparations for war
with BUSSia, and they anode no se-
cret oE it. The cause of the trouble
is no eecret in Japan. It wants
Corea. dapan is net large enough
for the Japanese. Russia practically
bolds Manchuila, and japan dom
not intend letting this nation ex-
tend its influence to Corea if this
condition can be preventea ; hence
the preparations foe war."
15E111011ty OF THE DEAD,
Ottawa to Erect Nfonument to Her
South African Merges.
Oetawn, Oct. 1.6.-T11e Canada., At-
lantic Railway Company are to erect
a. Steel grain elevator at Depot Tear-.
bor next year at it cost of $500,000.
It will have a capacity of 2,000,000
buthels, and will ge ce very gob:nen-
Usti structure, The present wooden
elevator has a capacity of 1,500,000
bushels, but the constantly increas-
ing traffic necemitates further at-
commodatiou. Buffalo parties were
in the city within the past few days
with a view of obtaining contracts
for the oonstruction of the Wilding.
Possibility of s17prisi11g in it
A. despatch from. London saye:-
The Askabad correspondent of the
Daily Telegraph asserts that the ex-
isting unrest and the possibility of
disturbances on the Afghen side of
Turkistan have inclueed the 111.1s9ian
War Office to order the mobilisation
as eileedilo as possible of all the
Cossack regiments in the Ural, Oren-
burg, and Semiretchensk districts.
The troops in the CaUenSuS district
will not be moved at present, but
they have been ordered to bold
themselves in readiness for mobilizes -
The 'Minister of War will visit
all the lluesian posts on the Memel
frootier to ascertain fully what
steps are necessarY for the detence of
the frontier.
These measures, adds tee corms-
pondent, clearly prove that every-
thing is not so tranquil in Afglianis-
tan as the telegrams from India
seem to indicate.
Census Returns From the West
Show a Decrease.
A. despatch irom Ottawa says: -
The census voteless for the North-
west Territories are complete with
the exception of the them sub -dis-
tricts in East Assiraboia and six In
Saskatchewan and schedules for some
Indian reserves. The total nuniber of
Indians returned to the present time
is 4,627 for Saskalthetven, 2,420e01
East Assiniboia, and 1,519 for Al-
berta, the last named including the
popelation of only two reserves.
This is about 5,500 less than the In-
dian population of the same terri-
tories as published in the report of
the Indian Affairs for 1900.
The schedules received at the Oen-
sue Department give the actual pop -
elation of each census district as 101-
10w8:-A1be1'ta, 61,737; Assiniboia,
least, 43,310; Assiniboia, West, 17,-
602; Saskatcliewstu, 24,823. Making
a total of 147,511..
The estimate for the four census
districts of Territories as publithed
in bulletin No. 1 of the. cousim wag
145,000, and the chief census coin-
MiSsiOngr, Mr. Blue, is confident that
when lull returns are in the total will
exceed 150,000.
A. despatch 'trope Ottawa says: -
Slops towards the erection in Ottawa
of a suitable monument in memory
of the Ottawa Valley soleiers yam
died in South Africa, ere progvessing
fitvorabl.y. The sum of 38,000 will
I c spent on the monument, which 17 feet high. The desigie will
be the beer= figure of an infantry -
Mee standing On a. "nese of Stan-
stead granite. On the front will bo
a suitable shield, cant:aiming the
names of the dead soldiers.. The
monument will be erected next spring
and a saggefitett site for it is on
City Vail Square, facing Queen
Canners Who Supplied Them to
War Office Enter Protest,
A despatch from Ottawa sayw:-
War Oillcials have rejected a quanti-
ty of Canaelim canned raeats sent to
Sotith Africa, The Caneelian Canners
entered a protest against the rejec-
tion, claiming thee there was noth-
ing to justify the °Metals' action.
Cliemiste' reports already receiveil
bear out the Canitclian claim Sam-
ple tins of the meat in question are
note on the way to Cada ; end the
Department of Agriculture will have
the geode tasted. It is expected that,
the corroetness of Cm Canadian
will be derrionetrated. No or -
clove for camicd goods have been re.
calved hi Cataide, since the rejection.
Montreal Girl Gives Skin to Heal
Ilis Wounds.
A. despatch from Montreal says., -
An interesting skin -grafting opera-
tion was performea at the Genoese
'tlospital limn on Wednesday. Ar-
thur Miteliell, a nine-year-old boy;
several months ago sestehted injuries
by width ho lost, rot arm end had a.
large piece of fieeh tut out of his left
thigh. In order that the wound
might, lie skinned oYer lila sietee offer-
ed herself es a subject, and the hos-
pitel doetors removed sixty Nueva
inehes oi cuticle front hoe body" a,nd
grated it eprin here brother, 1301,11
aeo tieing well. ' •
Workmen. Out and the Situation
Growing Desperate.
.A despatch front Madrid says 1 -
Is a. general strike on in Se-
ville of all tho workmen, except
these in the gas and electric works.
The bakers 11re out and. there is a
shortage of bread. The strikers have
resorted to violence in order te close
the workshops, and have burned tho
Petrol offices. The civil authorities
aro helpless, end have handed the
What Boer Commandant Vilj owe
Told Ser Bindon. Blood.
P10 London Times corroseondent,
in again referring to the conference
of Viljoen ancl Sir Binder' Blood,
saest-11 was noticeable that the
word "Independence" 101134 not men-
tioned throughout the interview.' AS
to the future of the eountzy Clem Vil-
e:ice had no misgivings. A. large
number of the Boers woule elect 1.0
emigrate -to Cona.da or to Australia,
he thought. They had no objection
to British rule; in fact they • would
prefer to be 1111dee it rather, than wi-
der any other foreign power, But
the reasoo foe the emigration would
be a disilko to remain side by side in
the altered circumstances with the
colonials they he.c1 enown in former
site, over to the military officers.
The sieuetion is growing deePerate. '
An extraordinary Meeting of the
OstbMet was held on Tuesday, under
the presidency of the Queen Regent,
to eonsider the outbreaks la Seville
and elsewhere. Fresh disturbances
are scportcd at Seville. A mob that
waa storming tho convent of St, e
Savior was dispersed by the troops,
but not Instil the door of the Conven
had beau burned.
Three Desperate Efforts to Ente.
Cape C ol ony.
A. despatch from Herschel, CaPe
Colony saase-Kriteinger'e e0111111011110
°adulated to be 200 strong, bas made
throe desperate but unsucceseful
tonipts to cross the Grange 114001 111-
40 Cape Colony. On each occasion
the Boers were repulsed before get-
ting anywhoeo near the river.
larltzingee is being kept on the
mitveli by our mobilo columns,11 le
almost a matter of inumeeibility for
the enemy to ceoss the river 11010
that tho block -house system is com-
Dublin judge ReceiVeS Documents
From Irish League.
A. despatch •from. Dublin eays:--
judge O'Connor Morris at the open-
ing of the leosscominon Sessione On
Thursday said Ile heel received (Men-
the United Irish tongue, marked with
mania purporting to eineen Le Train
13 COffino, and coidettning diabolical
threats Against. King ledWard,
•One of the first fruits of the vie
tory of Waterloo was to cover the
Lords of England will honors anti
deeorations and the pea* With
taxes. Croat distresa followed and
riots wore frequent, In tho year.. of
the reform bill a mob broke into
Dow»ing street, says it writer in
Temple nar, and opproethed tho
sentry stationed at the doer of the
Foreign Office, crying 1'
"Liherty or death 1"
The sentry lowered his musket..
"My Isols," ettict lie, "I know eothing
about liberty, but 11 1/011 come a :step
farther 1'11 shoW yOu whet (loath
ie I" '
There 'worn "iron" soldiers as well
as an "tree duke" in those treubled
days, and humor Was st trifle grim
rind harsh,
England has euffored from. 57 great
faminesiie the lafa, 3/00 years; Ina
lend from 21.
•.111 tfe last 120 years, 10 million
stores of waste Brieish lend have been
enclosed, but them toutd note now be
sole for the cosi, of their reelaitning.