The Brussels Post, 1901-9-5, Page 4lir' SSA. S ost, TH.iTR& 4, I', SRF'l. 0, 1901. Seam men think a woman nail without ,hitting her v let Baron Fail /air wilt demonatrate that111eY hit ' 4a t a nail lo on thehead 'ns h i s„ a well 11 as 1 n Wn "'lord Of t Y Oroa l n a , Canna may not got up and "hump” bid the same ea our Ameriean oouaim Salk 'About but ite growth end develope• Ment ie along et eitdy•goinglines, As an in, dame et this there have beenno failures in banking institutions in this country daring 1001 but in tate neighboring re. public' 46 have defaulted with heavy )iabilities, amounting to $16,000,000. We may not advance with lightningspeed but we'll get there' after a while, A boy can't become a man in a minute. QTrawA ladies are to present the Duoh• seg of Cornwall with a mink far oape on her visit to the capital, It was proposed to give her an otter oape but she ought'er be satisfied either way fur it aint going to oost her anything. It etrikes us, how. ever, that these Ottawa ladles are down the wrong aonoession as they are adding to a great misconception already enter- tained by many people in the Old Land viz., that Canada ie a region of snow and ioa where fur goats are worn all the year ; that reindeer sleds traverse the highways in July and August ; and ice paaoee and enow•ehoeing are perennial bloomers, We believe a fancy oahinet made of a combination of our beautiful mode ; some taety design in which our mineral wealth would be exemplified or something of thte kind would be more in keeping as a souvenir of a visit to the land of the Maple and would be in evidence long after the mink oape bad been ravaged by moths or ant up to make napes for the little Cornwall'). 0(141000SM. galea, will bring danger to most looalitloe exposed to the violeueo of snob phenomena. All ittdloationa and warningB 00 the eeae, emote end lakes eho aldb be sedan with eepeolal Dara abort Atond h a the Y 04 U to Friday —a the 8• T r' Y 1 b, U oriole e ei of We D s pared i11 tall on and can't drive a touohipg the 12t11, Very high tempera•: wu nail but 1000 will 1904 aP to the etorme of dile tlOrion but a gauaral change 10 (moll 000ler will rneb in from the Northwest, as e Corm emuv out e of thewa Dem Y to an North,and h nnd 17th, there will oo a abreaotion tot falling baremeter, warmer weather end more etorminese end rain. Tlieae early Sop toolbar etorme will verge outo avow and sleet along their Northweetern aides and Presto will fall In the olear nights that follow. Earth's autumnal equinox ie oeotral on the 22nd, a velum dor m period being central on the same day. Earth is also well into the Mars equinox at this time, the Mara brute extending to the 11th, all through October. We may reaeonably prediot some very decided storms from about Sunday the eget, to Tuesday the 24111. If tropinal storms appear in the South eves at this time—a thing to be expeoted—there is great probability that they will reaob oar South coasts during the reaotiouary dam period, 26th to 29th, Within this last period moon is an the equator on the 26th, full 00 the 281b, and in perigee on the 29th. Bedtime these, Vulcan Earth, Mare and Jupiter, all add their perturb. Mg power at this time. There are ration. al grounds to ntioipate dangerous storms on sea ooaete and lakes, with rain and storms inland, daring the last Ave days of September. There will tip snow to the North and sharp cold will follow, The day of October willgrender dcentral torms of this period more dangerous, and the general oharaoteriatioe of storm andweather the half of continue throughthe first ha f of Octobertember . East Huron Fall Fair. Tag evil of cigarette smoking has been felt and a vigorous crusade is to ba enacted against the habit in the interest of Can• adian boys. One of the proposed moves is to petition the government to prohibit the mnafaotue and Bale of cigarettes. If suaceeeful this gets at the fountain bead but if fathers and der brothers would abandon the pipe and oigar an ex• ample worthy of emulation on the part of the boy would be set that could not fail to be a fruit bearer. The habit of young lads, some of them not yet in their teens, using tobacco, oigarettea, &o. ratber pointe to the fact that they, in common parlance, "run the ranch." Tha results of the early acquirement of these babite, wbiab sot es brakes on the wheel of pro. grape, cannot fail to be detrimental to the future prospeate of many apromieing boy. School trustees, Io6peotora, teachers, preachers, Sabbath eohool teachers, the leaders of Young Peoples' societies and parents generally should bestir themselves along tbe line of practicing as wall as in helping abate the evil. • Ix publishing the criminal statistics for 1900 a disturbing feature is that the number have increased as compared with tbe previous year. The total convictions in 1900 were 5,768. The number of con- victions per tee thousand of the whole people ware 10 72, oompared with 10.75 in 1899. The increase of oonviotione for mime committed in cities and towns wag 103. Rural districts showed deoreaee of 129 in 1900, compared with 1899. The retnrne show tbat the oonviotione for in• diotable offeuoee were somewhat less among the laboring class iu 1900, compeer. ed with 1899, and also among the indus- trial olasa. The oommeroial class show. ed a slight inorelee. A slight inoeage also appears among the agricultural olaee. The proportion of females in all oonvio- tione for indiotabie offences was slightly larger in 1900 thea in 1898, bat very mooh smaller than in previous years, the average for the period 1884 91 having been 8.7 per Deet, and that for 1900 5.8 per cent. With respect to the birthplaces of the criminals of Canada, tbaCnadian. born show a decrease in 1900 as against 1899, and the name fact is shown in the contributions of England, Ireland and Scotland to our •crime. Criminals from foreign countries increased considerably, FORECASTS FOR SEPTEMBER. The storm period which was in pro- gress the last of August will not have abated entirely at the opeeing of Septem- ber. and s orme that mayn is in pbaneeBon the or originated before that date are apt to take on increased energy tinder the perigean pregame on our the seas and Higher barometer, on and Westerly winds and cooler weather will naturally come in Wooly bebind the storm areae at this period. It is reason. ably oertain that one of the several equinoctial paroxysms that nsgally Dome at thio season, will 00 ,a arthis Dalt ' and it may last into the reaationry t', storms dee oeotrally on the 4th and 5th. The presence of a meroury disturbance of dorms to rannormal will beyondiher increhtendency from the let to the 15th of the month. The regular and and the81hto a storm period 4 1 the the10t 1c' Gh , 10 at the period when very marked, equatorial etorme are probable. The moon ie new and on the oeleat1a1 equator on the 12th, whioll amoral otbee easel points fad, addedto of tropical origin and violence on and next to that date, The tides will be abhor• wally bight and, aggravated by high, Thnrsdayand Friday, Oct. 3 and 4. it Will ben Mummer. A month hence the well known East Riding Fall Fair will bold Ito annual Ex. hibition on the Gray Branch Agrionitur. al Park, Brussels, the exted Thursday and Friday, Oot 3 and s4.otIt is expeoted that this year will see the best attendance, eever held ito n attractions history of the Society. Improvements have been made in the "Crystal Palace," otioee and grounds in various ways that will add to the Dun• venienoe and comfort of both exhibitor and eighteeer. The balf•mile traok is in first-olaes shape for showing the light horses or the speeding events and a pro gram of attraotione will bepreeented that will be varied, proceedingt s will conclude ue and with entertaining. a big O000ert in the Town Hall, for which first cases talent is being secured. We have summarized the splendid prize list and fled it stands fa great shape for exhibitors as follows Br,02I00 0109000 ralzga Horses, 36 108 Thoro' bred Cattle, 17 43 Grade Cattle, 8 24 Sheep, 21 42 Pigs, 17 34 Poultry, 31 62 Grain, 9 27 Implements, 17 34 emit, 34 08 Roots, 18 41 Vegetables, 33 68 Dairy Products, 5 18 Domestic Man/. 29 61 Mannfaotnreu, 8 16 Ladies' Work, 60 123 Fine Arte, 20 40 Flowers and Plante 26 52 389 The above does not include any of61 the special prizes. All prime in the regular list are paid in oaeb on the third Satur- day after the Fair at the Town Hall, t Brussels, or mailed to heirexpense, if the prize oalled winners, as above stated, in this way obviating tedious delays and unsettled amounts. la %lob have been mailed to prize ery member onthey the roll, may be found a blank entry sheet and in. sameng ineeap plying a theasked to Seoretary')the with their entries on orgbefore the date men. tioned. This will cava considerable time to all °unearned and do away with the unpleasant rush on the daye of the Fair. Don't forget this. the All witbelectr cityrotnethe firstnt' evenibe ng ted the Fair and ladies and gentlemen will be on band on Thursday to aid exhibitors in placing the exhibits in the proper plane so as to be seen to the beet possible advantage by judges and spectators, The Collodion of ladies' work, for which three pferize ae offeredmininerPanay and'al ow the flairshould sesex a better ars ofdap aying theirhhandiwork. an in former Tide list has been remodelled this year and embraoee a large number of new lines not found in this class heretofore while several of the "baa -beans" have been eliminated. The makers beenoverlooked and between the regular and epeoial prizes a goodly number of houeewivee, or their daughters, will no doubt take part in the competitions, Bast Heron ie hard to beat in these linea. For the sake of additional we ppend the v9rione awards in Spioial Prizes, and also give tbe list of Attreo- ttoos and Speeding events, Io the Dolt speeding t mile beats au opportunity will be afforded to owners of roadeter stock to teat what they can do. Bret= 801288, N. F. Gerry, hardware mernbnt, will give a fine hanging lamp, valued at 85, to the most narnerm8 family ((ooefetin of father, mother, eons and daughters) presenting themealvae before the Grand stand on the 2od day of the Fair at 8 p. m. No entrance fee. Rand names to Secretary, A. Bielop, It P. P., often; $5 for the bet pen of pigs, over a year old, to (me- lded of one male and three females. Any breed. T for the beth foal Mfromeither al hischlin offers himported home, "Bursar" or "Irranoeoo,'let, 93.00 ; 2nd, $2,00. Robert Tbomeon, prodn0e merchant, . will hometmade Por the butter, beatlet, $3 ; 2ud,1b $2; 8rd, $1, He will also pay an extra prioe for all better in the eowpotition if taken to his etore, Meagre, Soot', & W. eewlolt oiler three 9900 01 rIfl fDrb beet " Ooe ut eek . fettle fit10 91. let, $ r '� , 2nd, 95 8 $ t rd un Alfred Atelier iter offs.. re 60 pounds 11tl 0 Manitoba Ono for beat 2 loaves of home trade bread and 25 pauode fats 2nd beat Iva loaves, the bread to german property Of donater, J. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank, offers$ 5 for o thebeet 781 a a f oda c ofl butter, the same tp become propertyofdoanor, W. B, 1I"rr it'll! give Tun Poor for a par for the beat 2 !owe of home made bread ; and Tao POST fora year for the beeb5 pounds of butter, both artiolea to become hie property, W. H. AloOraoken offers to parobneere of seed from him as follows t-6 Swede turnips, lat, 50o ; 2nd, 250 ; 5 Doug Red maugel0, 1st, 50o ; 2nd, 250 ; 6 Yellow Globe manes, 101, 500 ; 2nd, e5e. Olt Painting, Original Sleeted', not Wee than 10020 in., from spot aeieoted by the Searatery, to be limited by matte and bounds, Intending competitors may get fall information from the &eneat•y, 1st, $a ; 2od, $2. Best half gore of mangels, 1.6, 98, donated by Geo. Toomeon, of Brueaele ; 2nd, $1. 00, to be given by W. H. Mo Oraokeu, of Brunie, Entrance fee of 60o to be made at the time of making entries. Entries to be made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not later than Ont, 19, anaAOTr'ons, Rioharde' Soap Nail Race.—D, Rich arde, of Woodstock, manufacturer of Rioharde' Pure Soap, offer') three valuable prizes, which may be seen in the window of Tug Bantams POST before the Fair, for the following competition, whioh will be directed by Alby Robinson, their re presentative; Six 4 inob wire nails, tak en from a basket, to be driven into a pine plank • oompetitor Then takes basket, runs 25 yards, piol(s up 50 Dents worth of Richards' soap from a pile and retinae basket to plank. No entrance fee ; eaoh person competing retains the sr cep ; open to any lady of 18 years or over. Plank, bammere and nails will be supplied. There will be a basket and pile of eoap for eaoh oonteetant. Entries moat be made with the Secretary by 2 o'alook on Friday, Oat, 4. Barrister Blair, Brassele, offers $5 to be divided in prizse of $3 and $2 for the beet roadeter harnessed to buggy and driven by boy ander 18 years, the outfit to be owned by the parent or guardian of the driver. The judges to award marks for horse, harness, baggy etyle of driv ing and speed. Horses to be driven one mile, either trot or pima, Mr. Blair has changed the aonditione eiune list was pnbliebed and will allow either owner or eon to do the driving. Beet lad driver, er the contestant nt t 0 ar h ne sae horse, hitch to buggy Dud drive once around the half mile track. Horace to trot or pace, let, $1 60; 2nd, $2 ; 3rd, $1. Foot rape, 100 yards, beet 2 in 3, let, $1.60 ; 2nd, $1.00. Boys' rase, ander 12 years, 60 garde, let, 750 ; 2nd, 50o ; 3rd, 25o ; 4th, 25o. Girls' race, under 14 years, 50 yards, 766o ; 20d, 50a ; 8rd, 26o ; 4th, 25e. Needle and thread race, 100 yards, needles and thread supplied, let, $1 ; and, 50o. Old man's race, over 50 years, 100 yards, let, 91.00 ; 2nd, 50o. Best trained aollle dog (exhibition to be given on Fair ground,) let, $2 ; 2nd, $1, Three entries or no prize. Bioyole race, mile heats, beet 2 in 3, 1st, $3 ; 2nd, 92 , 3rd, $1. No mamas fee. 08200200 00820020. Road Driver's Race—Mile Beata -1st, $15,00 ; 2nd, $10,00 1 304, $6.00. 2 26 Trot or pane— Mile Heats—let, $25,00 ; 2nd, $15.00 ; 3rd, $10.00. 3•Year-Old Roadsters—Iiaif•mile Henle —181}, $5 00 ; and, $3.00. 2•Year•Old•Roadetere—Half•mile Heats —1,t, $5 00 ; 2nd, $3 00. ENTRANCE LITERATURE. After 1901 the following provisions are to be observed respecting the High School Entrance examinations in literature t- 1. Exclusive of the quotation question, each paper will aoneiet of two parte ; (a one containing questions on a passage from the prescribed seleotione ; and (b) the other, questions on one or more pas• sages from the rest of the reader ; and 2. The maximum of marks for (a) will be 25, and for the quotation g0eetioo, 10; the other marks being assigned to the questions in the rest of the paper. That is to say, out of a total of 150 marks, 25 will be assigned to questions on the preeoribed selections, 10 to memory work and 115 to queetione on the legeone In 4th reader other than those prescribed, which we print herewith. Literature selections, Fourth Ontario reader, 1902 XV, Clouds, Raine and Rivers ; XIX, The death of the Flowers • XXXIII, The Skylark ; XXXIX, AA Psalm of Life ; L, The Prairies ; LI, The Heroes of the Long Sault ; LIII, Stene from "Ivanhoe" ; LXX, The Heritage ; LandingoftheoPilgrimof 'RLXXIiver ;X Tim Oaptime of Quebec ; LXXXII, The Ocean ; LXXXV, Marmion and Douglas ; X0, Mercy. --! July in Dawson. Interestlag Letter from It finger Wentworth Mian. The following is extracted from a letter wf Wentworth tten by rgcounty te W. o fr endrin 4bears a th,, and waeju tthree weeks reselling its destination :— e are avin heree, the only trouble vbeing tne Sumer thatt iitmiall too short. The daylight already is grow- ing le becoming for two or less, h eh atdoght, 11 is also becoming quite cool at night al• though very want during the day, and wili be very long until we again have frost. What grain and garden stuff that are grown here are looking well advent. ed, and show remarkable growth for the length of the season. the oreekn, andrI dons are not think vthat jull st at the present time there are many idle men in the Damp. The Summer being so short, those operating olaime employ all the help they can possibly tee, for there is no quotation but that mining can now be in Summer trried than Winter, Tn more here are also I at present alma on one th0gsnd men em• i CIS$,14 11.443 L''0r ploy ou government works.. A, no o0urb bottle, new administration bili loge, end en &I)iolal roeideltue ere undo amt sbt tent Intl end a lain �• q a G t o are vi a n route ',till a ul 4 n IG the paying t l r eel pY ate it g av ly received and libet'ally pine touted. with Mind enplanes), Ilii, Oobbledlok wile Also hi. r toted to d to re nab p the re -opening element; Arinan i mt A S A1on ntPl Pleasant m bur oh In Van oauv ar t tb , v to U Ila dl upon pan ble return journey:°,. e e tide &Intt•loh These n0 doubt will her effeet of opening 1111 tt lot of unit volopsd properly, whlull ie not snftlolent l ly doh to he operated Lasa pralit witho0 proper I P nae}111 • 1 et tv i` J tub Y, 1 heretofore re v 1 tea brei 1 e ' Im o elbl e toget t Pmon t lee Oat lying meek% Ila foot, throe, bout allbeenhe entire runtover,eandUeet the exp neeiof mining, machinery, fuel, provieione and. freight must be materially reduced if the camp is to maiutaln its present position and' population. There- is considerable prospeoting going on this Sommer, but it may be a long time before another' Bonanza or Ildwarde ie found, Quite a number am also proepeoting for quartz, and while several of those intereeted,io different looatione claim to have a good thing, there hoe not es yet been Ouifiolent work done oil any of the properties to give them scything more than a ')peon. lative value, Thee bee again been quite an exodne down the river to Nome and Taller Oity, but. the general impression here in regard to these plaoes !e that while there le undoubtedly some very riob spate, yet they will never be in the same elms se Dawson in the production of gold," Fruit Growers' Needs, Bev, A0r, OobbJedlok is a rumor Arueeei. e• Ito acid le well known to many of our reader3, Ile woo pastor of the Brueeels t Methodist ohbroit for ihro Mr.Ma0Senna, who repreeente the Grimsby District Fruit Growers Aeaooia- tion, was in oonenitatiou with Ilia Minis• ter of Agriculture with a view to having Mr. Dryden use hie influence to obtain for the aeaooiation the, patent Honarban refrige,ator car. The association bae for some years, with only partial encases, ex. ported trait to Great Britain. Last year two Iota were sant:, the second proving a 00ooe3s, while Ilia lint was almost a complete failure. Mr. Macjenna states from hie experience that fur psalms and pears, provided they can be shipped in good shape, there is firstolaeo market in England, The Grimsby fruit mamma propose tbie year to send over ten or twelve carloads of peaches and pears. The theGrandrTrunk Railway han oar wax reptoielly for fruit shipment, under the direction of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, and the aseooiatiou wish to procure it for their shipments to give them the bet possible ohanoe. The oar is said to be the best for its purpose on the ooutinent, with perhaps the exception of the Cali. fornia fruit oars. The Minister of Agri- culture promised to use his ioflnenoe to bear to secure the oar for the association, OHUI(Cil (JR IaIES. Rev. R. Whiting,of i• 1 Mtoh 1 Daly ed a Dai 6 has a re. 1 oi ek An street don, at a salary of $1,200 The ctc trustee board of the Mitobell Methodist ohnroh have unanimously asked him to stay and have raised his salary by $100. The London Advertiser has the follow. ing ; "Among the Canadian speakers reported by the San Francisco papers as dietingniehing themselves at the recent International League Convention, was Rev, G. H. Oobblediok, of Parkhill, who spokeat the "Oivio Righteoneneee" meet. ing, a ked. Thhe address waebra ent uoiaetiotel Apples The undersigned is prepared to purchase any quantity of Fall and Winter Apples, for which he will pay the highest market price. Before you sell be sure and see him. It will pay you. WM. LIEWITT, BRUSSELS. "Economy brings Wealth" EGG PRODUCER With this mixture bens lay more ow met gs and tw thincan ')thea reach at of wall, la This baa been proven to be one of the beet egg producers ever put on the market by the largest poultry dealers. If mixed in their food twine a week you may depend that it will pay from 75 to 100 per cent. Trial packages can be obtained at my Egg Emporium, John Tuib'e old stand, opposite American Hotel. Ron. 3311017, Brussels. elrvest Excursion WILL BE RUN ON Sept. 1711,, va ri u t „jISamita•. 'II tVinblpeerDoorainm ...... Antler ............ !Evonb...,,•, Regius kfoosoiaw... Perkteo ,,......... )Ite/ltrniu,g O idea Albert •j emir Nan. or,i, 0Od IF �'35 Rod Doc; 17111,1001 1 ,1 Edmonton...." j $q'O Prom all Points in Oanada, (Waning' soffit Ste, Mario, Windeoo and Eaet apply or tOthe uloaroeb Canadian PacISa Agent or to • A, H. NOTMAN, " 1 iting St00 railer. Toronto RETURN FARES TO 8 $30 a e ' y 10 Many old fila cs • will be 1 eio t a d o ilea. . 1' 1 woali 181' b'inv4.ttn the diellnation he bee When a pretty girl pine a !ower on a young man's ooab she always tple bar akin tip and the fellow who do`cen't tumble had better stay 111400ro when a funeral is passing for fear of being run over by the helmets, REAL ESTATE, FARMS FOR SALE—.THE IJN• Dale nd to rent early terms, in.lPanne nOipe of Morrie and Geev, F 8. s Al0T0.',Brusele SOMPORTABLE, WELL 11ahted and oonvenlentroome to let in the Leokte block over G. A, Doadanan'e.. and Mrs, Rogers, stores, Apply to P. 8.00080, 001) FARM OF 142 .A.ORES for sato, being .o n.Rreey House suitable for two Lotilies if required, School house, church and partot the Village of Ethel ou part ofthe lot. Apply to JOHN 00012 S. Ethel Carriage Works,. 24- 0 haw good steers for este, rising.9 years. A SAORIFIOE IN REAL ES.- TATIs,—x8000,00 will buy the '27a0au- tv, o Ono 01 res tmastlbe sold t6 close out] the tlo0anghey Estate. Intending pppurohaoere shoul500009! or G.F. BLAIR eBius els,OntF' 8. 6008' 100— ACME FARM FOR acre farm, atm g Lot 25, Oon. 10, Greys for sale. 50 acres cleared, balance bush, Oom- P ox40tilOrsbar ,barn 90x00 feet andistable March 1st hard &°, ption 00 given al Maralt let -next with option of doing Fall Plowing. For lather particulars as to prime, terms and conditions apply to 4•tP. (4410. 6PAG, OranbrBLINook P, 0. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• dsreigned offers his 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 11, Oon. 17, Grey, There are 00 acme cleared and 10 norma bush, Good house; bank barn, 00052 feet, with atone stabling ; good orchard ; /antwell fenood and drained Artesian won with wind minand tank. Sonveulent to eohool, *thumb and market, 10 acres of Fall wheat and 15 acres plowed, balance Beaded to grass, AP - ply on the promises or Walton P, 0. 84•tf ENEA0 ORIOH, Walton. FARYI FOR SALE.—THE UN- agnsroiran otters for sale hie fine 100 aore farm, being 8 }Lot 17, Oon; 4, 8forris. T bore is a house, 2 good hares, 40202 feet eaoh 2 , good wane • orchard d w et lPea scree cleared, balance ted ; 75 Bion given to suit g°od' busk. Pm 15 10 good looallty, 4 miles trona Belgrnve mutl5 to Brueeels. Will also sell a Waterloo Steam Engtie and a 011ntoa "Monarch" separator, two grain grinders and a trustier. For price and terata apply on the premises or if by letter to JAM198 OLOAIi:OX 50.8 Proprietor, Drussele P. 0. VARY' FOR SALE. — THE farm for sale, subscriber his Lob valuable o 8, Mor- ris. About 75 acme under Drop, the rest gra se. There is a comfortable frame house with cellar, turned', &a„ barn with stone stabling,40300 feet and straw shed on stone ' well, 240 feat, 'There is also a stone hog pen and hen home, and a frame sheep house on atobe foundation. No more convenient buildings in the township, Farm In good ehapo An care of orchard. Posseselon could be given on Nov. let. For pi•ioe, terms and aonditione apply to the Proprie- tor, WALTER INNE8, James town, or F. 8, 60088, Brussels. It not sold 1t w!11 be rented, 0. STOCK FOR SERVICE B OAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersign ed will keep for service on Lot 24, Oen, 9, Grey, the Tamworth Boar ging George„' No. -2888- Pedigree may be seen on application, Terme 75e to be paid at time of service with privilege of return- ing if neoeseary, 111088, McDONALD, b•4• Proprietor, B OAR FOR SERVIOE,--TRE nndereigiod will keep for, service, on Lot 80, 6th line, Morrie, a there' br od young Yorkshire boar, purchased from the well known breeders, Messrs..Brethour & Saun- ders, SP Pedigree mady fromprize applion. tion. Terme 81.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning 11 nec- essary, JAS. 6PE1B, 6.4” Proprtetor. It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one round of sioknese, weakness and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the symptoms a000mpanying this state of deoline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizziness, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, PP')tit 0014a U ode and feet, headache, dark circles under the eyes, pain in the book and aide and all the other ammo. panimente of a rundown and weakened constitution; All these eymptome and oonditione are imply the result of a poor quality and efegtive oironlation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces, By leading the eyetem with • DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS ou strike at the root of the dieease and y a solid foundation on whioh to build, 1 eon the weight increases, the sunken peke and flattened busts fill out, the es get bright and Ilse thrill of renewed a1t11 and strength vibrates through the stem, 50 Dente per box at all draggiets', or DR. WARD Co., T0ro111o, Ont. r 02.10 by G, A, DeauLnan, Itrumeele, a la S ob 0y he sy F0 Sj.Prl'. 5 ,1901, ARE GOING To take in the Fail Faire or Pan- American ? if so, you will need a New Suit or Overcoat ? We can save you ,a lot o£ time, trouble and enough money to pay your expenses for a day' or two. You keel never forego any of the pleasures of life in order to be well dressed, if you buy your clothing here. Our new Pall Suits an Overcoats are marvels of the tailoring arb made to our order by the best wholesale tailors in Canada, correct in style, well trimmed and perfect fitting. Areou in- terested ? If so, come in and permit p unto --show you what a ready-to-wear garment, of the kind we sell, is like, We know you will have no reasoto complain prices. p about the Mens' Tweed Suits $4.00 to $12 Mens' Serge Suits 3.75 to 14 Boys' Clothing A11 ready for tbe school openings. Honestly made, artistically tailored gar- ments for the boys. Every stitch and seam true and firm made from strong fabrics, with the best of' trimmings. Our goods and prices show our superiority in this particular brand over all] competi- tion. Boys' :-pious Suits from $1/25 to 1$3;50 Boys' 3-pi000 ,Suits from 250 to 61yb D. 0. ROSS, CLOTHIER; AND FURNISHER, ,13RTJSSJIJS_ New Fall Styles in Dress Goods Just opened out and passed into stock. Our range is extensive and comprises all the latest materials and colorings for up- to-date Suits and Dresses. We supply you free with the month- ly Standard Fashion Sheets, giving you a correct idea of all the Latest Fashions, Our Values are as usual—the Best None Cheaper. A1e. Strachan 2our These Shoes are made on any width of last to suit Y foot—let it be wide or narrow. They are all made out of Imported Stock which for durability and appear- ance cannot be surpassed. They are made on any style of toe and are all Goodyear welted, so there aro no nails or stitches in the sole to come in contact with the foot to hurt it. We have secured sole agency for Br for these shoes and can guarantee the prices right,tssels and for neatness and comfort we think they will ploaae. M"See our Bargain Table thio week, there may be somet suit you in Women'e and Mines' Shoes. Odd sized goingg at 50o a pr. I Tho balance of our Dusters and Fly yyNets at reduced prioes. loGes,11Qa2Qe:ga,--,,:y, IllViG1llS Shee FOR MEN, 44.1 Made by Geo, AI Slater, Montreal THE w cw Ri saw