The Brussels Post, 1901-7-11, Page 51, 190', i USINESS CARDS. ONEY TO LOAN AT 0 PER H, tlOO r aegi fd, B u a , , M Ii, YV• ta0 AOf fewer Marla street, .of. aAo nt Qrgooi'y,'1'itpliltie1rRy street,, lirneePla, N. •y�-{' NARIILTT- JI-Vtl TO/389110 Artist. Shop, -Next door North of the Stannard Bank, Ladies' and OJtildrou'ehair cutting a epeolaltr. M. Mt3RRISONa 1'ssuer of Nlarriftge Licenses, WAt.rPN, OFT,. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHER 010,-- PIANO, P-PIANO, - AND - ORGAN, 0weroem.s, GFT. 12.OBERT OUNNINGHAM• nuttnnN0n, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O, M.. A endemic graduate of London Oopserva- - tory or Moelo, also Member of tba Aaeooiated Ninth:, Jane of Ontario, le prepared to receive; a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Prinoipal'a Form in the Conservatory of llfuelo, Brueeels, Ontario, LEL HUNTER- UNTI;R- .�i. Clerk of the Scarth -- Oo t Co, ron; Ooavoyanaer, Divisiontay Public; Hu Land, Loan ;and Innuranee Agent ; Auction- ear. Funds invested and to"loan, oolleo- , .Gone made. Chloe fnGraham'eiBlook,BrUe- AUCTIONEERS. 141 3. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- .1 • - nen, win sell for better prices, to bettermon in less mo. and Zees charges Olen any oiri bor Auctioneer. in )Bast Rum or Ile 'Won'tAuto anytbtrg. Dates and orders can alwaye bo arranged at this ogiee or by peroonalapplicatiou. VETERINARY,. J • D. WARWICK - Honor 07 lento of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die• eases of domesticated _animals iia a compet- ent manner. Partf•,ular attention pend to Veterinary. Dentistry, Galls promptlyyat- tended to. (Moe and Infirmary -your doors North of bridge, Tornboory et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINULAIR- - • Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer,_ Notary Public, deo. Office -8 tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel.. =Solicitor for the Standard Bank. f 1 F. BLAIR, ]3ARRISTER, 'Lit. JC • Solicitor, do. Office over Stand- • -art] Bank, Bolioitor for Village of Brunelle, Mone to Loan at lowest ram. y 1%/r G. CAMERON- . (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &. Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Ooderiob Out. Ofaoa-Bamilten street, opposite Col- , borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. a. A. M'NAUGHTON• )1. D., C. a1., Trinity tinivereity, Fellow Trinity edioal College, Member CoM College of Physicians and Someone,Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col lege of )'hysloinus and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. IsTelepboue N0.14. Residence -M111 street, Brussels. STOCK FOR SERVICE BOAR FOR SER'VIOE.—THE N &Leundersigned0, C,Morris, a keep ell bred bog. Terms, $1.00, to. be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. - GEO. E. READOXAN, 00 1 Prgprletor. McLEOD'S System, Its .ovator —AND 0013E11 TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impovoriehed Blood, Dyepepaia, Sleeplessness, Palppita• tion of the Hear1,Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Lon of Memory, Brouohitie, Oen. eumption, Gall Stones, 'Jaundice, Sidney and UrinaryDieeaoee, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General D. bility. ABO L BATOR Y QOOE RICA, ONT. j. M. Mc11EOD, ' Prop. and Mannfaotarer. Send by .Ina, Fost. itrnggtrt, Besets SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles North Shore Pine turd- Cedar FOR SALE AT The Brussels Planing Ills Also Deere and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notion. EDtimate Fnrnighed for all kind's of Buildings. " Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed. '. AME NT. School of the 1Eighost Standing 1 ocurRALnr L !1 r+l f' 1 "I�eJgi 4/ J !S' �h �ir e Ther, l p patronagethat our Collegeen- joys )01of lyg p6000 that no young rutand wo1011 a[ Canada eo kaow Where to Dowo MO a reliable lin°sea are odneatlgle Na two gureful i (loll° ee aro With tetrour a be s, opiog, l is r u;WWI. filet our auto. 000111, Ourwringstudents aro )ding eblyleot gltuotl in eeanrlen and hoolding - 111'tlent etEuutious,. Btn lento admitted at uny ti me. W..1, ELLIOTT, Prinalpaf; 13 lend Reims. :J6'ordwioh, Rey. 1), 12ogere preached hie inaugural sermon last Sunday here, He'e a good preacher. The 'intone masons commenced the foundation of the new Preebyterian church on Wednesday of last week. The corner atone of the new Presby teaviran eine in Fordwiab will be laid on the 12th July at 4 80 o'olook p, in. Mise Cook, who has been attending the Conservatory of Masio in Toronto for the pilot year, has passed her. final 'examine. tion with boners. • A. oonoer twi'1 n b evee ' n i g t the Ari minuet Hall on Friday evening, July 12th, under the envies of the Presby- terian Y.P. 8. O. E. Mrs. John Magee left Monday morn- ing of last week, for Sault Ste. Marie„ 00 tend the bedside of her eon, Wesley John. atone, who le very sial[ at present. Groner les. Poetrnaeter Perkins keeps very poorly. John 'Killeen look in tbe Street Fair at Gorierioh. John Ailtens left for Ripley where be has secured a situation in a obese fao. Lary. fliklie Josie bank,is ependingE he holidays with of Cr her parents in town. Garden Party under the auspices of St. Stephen's was held in Victoria Park, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. R. 4nox left on Monday morning' of last week, for Alpena, Miobigan, where she will visit friends for some time. Nelson McLaughlin, jr., lett on Monday morning of last week, for Minden, where he baa eeoured a situation in a dry goods store. Mises Robina and Ley Raine, who are teaching school at North Bay, have arrived home and will spend the Summer holidays in town with their parents. Clinton. The. Wier, of Stanley, who attempted to commit swede a fortnight •ago, was taken to the Asylum at London. W. Doherty was presented with an illuminated add and handsome by he a plyeee of hie organ faotory before leaving for the Glasgow Exposition. Mies Eva Cooper left on Saturday for California to attend the great Epworth Teague convention in San Franciaoo and afterwards to visit nail the latter part of August her slater,. Mrs. Armstrong, of Ontario, in that state.. IFI, Wilbee, 217 10R 1 reeman, 2f5 ; I. Hogarth, 200, M.11011as,IV/ ; M. Thorn p. eon, 179;, M, blo4,0001. - GES. Puaeoo, J ni r u o avec .-- m, J F -A Mu Il t er eThompson,W,Behmice, Thomp ° On ,, E. Gardener, , V Pearson, non. Sr. I. -J, Ooopor, 0, *anenld, 14, lilgkmier, R, ra I' ser aid Fraser, eonJP J, Pearson, a a W,Ba er, Y McLeod, G. Bagdiey, 11; Eokmi.Pr, Jr. IL -L, Cooper, N, McAllister, ;B. Bateman, mal F. Bremner, er 10. Imlay, G . M a Allister, B. Ocher, J. Mc0011um, Sr. II, Slena1) Warner, Tn Orp ober,W. 2oeregn, 04. McLeod, M. Cameron. Nino ;71, CAcnna, Teaeber, .11.twood. The Orangemen of 01110 diatriot will oolobrabe the 12th.el Jnly at Stratford, Moore, leti fpr Blair, wheree he will Station setae' relieving agent. Elora Cheese Co. shipped half of their June oheeee, 469 boxes, to Hodgins Bros., Montreal. The prioe received was 9o, Sixteen membeve of. the Presbyterian Y. P. S. 0.17. journeyed over to Nitra- tion on July 1st to attend the 0. E, coo. vention, They report an enjoyable time and 0uoeeseful'convention. Wm. B. McKay, of lot 8, aon.12, Elmo, 11 118 a One 16 euro patch of raspberries, to. which tbe public have awes to by pay. ing 26a. for season, or 10o. per day. 411 others trespassing on the premises are liable to be proseouted, the fine in ouch oases being $2. The total reaeipto of July - let oelebra tie netted about 9100 or 940 over and above.expenee0. This money with the 940 in theai b Ids of the of e will be applied toward purchasing a water. ing Dart outfit for the village. The cost of watering the streets will be defrayed by a frontage tax of 25o. for six days. Thee. Smith, who bee been home on a000unt of Mrs. Smlth'e illness, left Tue. day far Dryden, New ()uteri°, where he las take up land. The orop prospects or New °°feel° are very good this year. A fetter from A. E. Annie, Snperiotend- of of the Ontario Government Pioneer arm at Dryden, informs the Department (Agriculture of excellent orop prospects on the tarns. The grain trope are better hat ever before, and are growing rapidly, Trowbrldg•e. Quite a number of oar young prop) sok In the big Temperance.pio.nio a hipley. Rev. H. E. Bollington, B. A., of Lon on, was here fora short visit with hi ewly.eleoted bride. • Mise Phrebe Oode be home for her Sum er vacation. Mies Oode amines he Otiee as our teacher after tbe bondage Misses Emma, Ann and Jenny Comma d Blaster DeWitt, eon of Rev. Wesle osene,of Laudon, have returned to ou Imy village for their holidays. William Bollington had an auction le on Tuesday of last week, and o vera) other articles. Mr, and Mrs Innate purpose going West in a .few alts to visit their eons,' who are living ere. James Moore, M. D., of Toronto, se Henry Moore, of the 2nd, is home for ew holidays. DDO.Moorea n of promise in the m d oalsprofeseioo d we hope he may obtain a firet.alase ation. A very pleasant evening was spent at home of Oboe. Closes, J. P., on Jane h, it being the eve of the departure of teacher T. J. Later. A large number young people assembled, a beautiful in and a Bible being presented to Mr F 0 E 5 d Il m d an 0 ba ea BO fie we kh of of ma an loo the 20o our of ohs. • y• t Little Nellie Catling, who returned, exo reoently from attending he inetitate for h I !an e b in d at Brantford, obtained exoellent standing in her exame. Ont of eight subjeobe the Principal marked herpro. grate good in six end fair in the remaining two. The corner stone of the new Methodist church in Clinton, to replace the present RattMrs. W aDohertyurtedifice, at 10 o'aiook on was l the let of July. The structure is to be of red pressed brick,inetead of atone, as at first intended, and will be known as Wesley enroll, in memory of the founder of. Methodism. Jae. and Mrs, McMenamin, of Mon- treal, who had been spending a week with their son, Rev. Father MoMenamin, have returned home. They leave in a short time for the Old Country to visit Glae• gow, andlinoidentally telExpoeitfon-Mr, MoMenamin'e •birthplace. From thence they go to Mrs. MoMenamin'e native place in Ireland and will afterwards visit var. lou° pointe in England. The oil tank which is to placed down near the G. T. R. station by the Standard Oil and frowhich bemade to local dealers dthroughout theon will County, baa arrived. It is thirty.three feet long with a diameter of nine feet and will bold about 12,500 gallons of kerosene. It will be placed upon four piers, each nine feet long and thirteen feet high. F titan. Principal Dobson was at Winghatp last week presiding et the examination. The Sons of Temperance with vieitore attended their annual service last Sabbath afternoon at 2 30 o the Presby. terian church.. Rev. D B. Mae, the he p preached: ' The following are the ofiiaera in the 8.0. T. lodge Ethel. W. P., J. 0, Lamont W. A., Aliso !tiny Steinman ; F. S., Alex. Lament Treas., 3. Obambera ; R. 8., Mise Laura Spence ; A. R. 8,, Mie E. Milne; Conductor, Geo, Dobson ; Asst. 0onilootor, Miss Lyda Dunbar; Ohaplain; Robb. MofGny ; 7 5., Mrs. Geo. Dobson ; 0. S., J. Wale; P. W. P., Mies1$. Smith ; Organist, Mies Slemmon. Sonoor,Rnroax.-Following la the 0010°1 report for the month of June :-5th ales, examined in Comp. and Ari0h. Total 800,-W, Eokmier, 215; B. Summon, 182 ; H, Barr, 160 M. Hominid, 99 ; 0. MaAllieter, 60. Sr. 4th. -•Examined in Phys., Hist„ Spell., Arith, Total 460.- D. Davies, 295 ; W, Mineola, 249 ;; G. Imlay, 197 ; J. Kerr, 167 ; G. Ilokmier, 795 ; ]3. MoAllister, 89 ; L. Simpson, 50 ; 0. Lindsay, 45 ; M, afoAllietsr, 43. Jr. 4th,-Examoed in Geo, Spell., Arith. Total 400,-E, Honenld, 895 ; G. Gill, 816 ; E, Oeber, 295 ;. E. Mee, 292 i' L. Foga!, 201; 8, Dunbar, 288 ; M. Elliott, 278 ; 0, Rosined, 202,; M, Oaborne, 201;' 04. Sere, 142, Sr. 800,-Exembled in Geog., Spell„ Aribh. Total 400,-W. Mo. Allister, 813 ; L, McLeod, 249 ; W. Bad. gley, 241 ; 0. Lindsay, 2861 G. 'Dunbar, 181; 19. Davidson, 167; G. Wanner,182; Ai. petite, 64'; R. Dilworth, 10• Jr, Ord-4Jxnmined in Georg., Spell., Arith Total 404.-L, Chambers, 1128 i N, Sinlu. Don, 804 • T. 1foilliat-r 26(1 H tl t er accompanied by an address. An elleut program was given, alter which oheon was served. Mr. 0oeene hos• hie home was thrown open to the ng people, and a very enjoyable time spent pita you 1300 Good erieh. Ohae. Shannon hail arrived borne from Dawson Oity on a two months' visit. James Yates, Division Court olerk, is occupying his new office on West street, The Royal Tempters of Huron district. will pio.nio at Grand Bend in the near future. The law offices of the town during the months of July and August will oleos at: 8 p, m. except Saturdays, when they will alone at 1 O'clock, Capt. Dan. Malley, of the Sea Irving, has had to quit work owing to trouble with bio leg, which he injured last year. He arrived borne from Wiarton last week, Oliver Rhynae and Percy Cornell have parobaaed the business of ,Cornell & Son, 1arniture dealers and undertakers, and will conduct it with the firm name of Rhyne & Cornell. The result° of the arta examinations at Trinity Uoivereity appeared on July let. G. 79. Holt obtained first-class honors in moderns and L. J. R. Neftel 0e0ond•olaae honors in English, both obtaining the pees in the primary examination (G. E. Holt conditioned in Trigonometry). F. Hovey, of Clinton, has passed•hie final, taking firtt•olaos honors in philosophy.. At a meeting of the executive commit. ee of the West Huron Liberal Aeooia• ion held in.Goderiolo some twenty appli• atione for the position in the enema ervioe made vacant by the death of Don• Id 0. Beechen were tinder coneide too on. n motion of Han, J. T. Garrow, second- d by Morgan Dalton, the Committee rea• =mended to the ening member the applio ation of James L. Grant, of Ashfield ownohip. Others of the applicants ad strong olaimo for the petition,' bat oder all the oirenmstanoes the commit• e thought beet to take the action ated. A man of sterling worth, in the person David S. Straoen, was taken from ur midst by the band or death, Mr, traohan bad been troubled for some me with enlargement of the heart, and ring the poet few months hat been eadily lining strength,. until oh Sate. twoe a tiveewaa of Scotland, havd ing been e born at eeburo, Lan¢rkehire, eixly.one years o. He come to. this town from the Old entry in 1864 and followed hie, trade moobiniot and blacksmith, for a great aro of this time parrying on bre betimes the well known faotory on Victoria set. 0epgby. Sheriff W. H. (sundry has aired from the British Government an poiotinnt to a lieutenanoy in the cutter Polioe on the' West Oonet of rioa. The position ie worth 91,700 a ar, and out of every period of eighteen ntho be will hove nix menthe' holidays. Gundry pained the necessary medical aminatiou at London 'last week. ire everybody o sorry that we onnnot p W. H. in Goderfoh, it it a matter O 0 h u to et of 8 ti du at da nL 0b ae p in err re0 a Fr Af ye mo Mr ex Wh koe , oa es, L. for gratification that he will be able to 242 ; L. Eokmier, 224 ; B. Dokmier, 221; eNoy in to larger way the f(nalitieo wbiob 'IiO BJ >D$5.X.S POST 1�1,.ilyraa„ bis work during ttta pan law years hal above him to pogaege, 'There wi'I iu ail probability be ttbpnda„t npparinrlit is Ids ° r few a' i i o ltgl for the I D exerq d 0 .!<' fel i hie, Uatl I O PP OR bravery 1 bav and k' t r1 t S t nti Yr manugement of people, bet wherever Lieut, .Gundry may be people will halls to behave them/mites. We wfen l him every e110000e. He expecte to twelve word very exon to report for duly. i h game of beee bale on July 2nd BdA11 the end of the ninth innings the score was 0, 0 and the Wingham bore deolined to play longer on amount of the actions 01 the enectatore end the bad deoioiane of the Tins pie who was all for Godericb. Rooke 0f Brunetti, pitched, winning ball and deserved to win allowing only 0 bite and striking out 8 men. Gilpin on 2nd bee and Downing in left field played an errorless game and Collins behind the bat woo a tower of strength. Straiton pitched for Goderich. Snore by Inoinge-1 23460789 Wingbom 1 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-0 Goderiob 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 110-0 Summary; --Hite' off Roche, 6 J off Straiton 9 ; Bases en ball, off Rookie 5 ; off Straiton, 4 ; Struck out, by Rooee 8 by Straiton 4, Two base hits, Shannon. Three bane hit, Gilpin. Donble plays, Gilpin to Grahnm, Tune 1.35, Umpire Edwards. Mltre.a•t,.t. Several Merrieitee will visit Manitoba end the Northwest ea soon 00 oar harvest 18 over, N BlaDon 8t , h Ie still cite pooretlly but we hope old fie willline soon be con, valesaent Qua number of te 5010gito build silos beforerie the hallrre 00 Sas to haus a place for their corn orop. Mine Jean Mustard, of Braoefield,visit. ed her friend, Mise Lille B. Iebieter, last week. Among the other visitors at Burn. side Farm are Milton and Mrs, (leotard, of Tama, Iowa. Mrs. Cosford fen a niece of Reeve Iebieter, Saaoon Raroax.-The' following is the report of the standing of the pupils of Button's school for to month of June :--- Sr, IV -M. Jackson, H. Skelton. Jr. IV -W. Farquharson, M. Taylor, 0. Mc- Arthur, Sr. III -0. Jackson, L. Fear, M. Fear, N. MoArthnr, R. Jackson, J. McArthur. Jr. III -D. Jackson, J. Bell, 0. Sbortreed, J. Watson. Sr. II -E. Evans, D. McLean, E. Frgnharson, S. Stubbs, J. Taylor. Jr. II -A. McCall. F. McCaughey. Sr. Pt. II -F, Bell, N, Jaokeon, R. Gray, J. McCaughey. Jr, Pt. II -H. McCall, A. Skelton, J. Rose. Olaoe I -G, Fear, R. Bell, R. Bird, M. Watson. Nese JENNIE B, Kate, Teacher. Smoot RE0OBT.-The following ie the report of U. S. S. No. 8, Tarnberry and Morris, for the month of June. The names are in order of merit :-4th °beee- E. Ferguson, R. Ornikebaok, 0. Craik• shank, G. Elliott, F. Martin, R. Case. more, 0. Walker, T. Walker, A. Elliott. 3rd olase-P: Vanotone, P. Hogg, B. Martin, F. Tipling, C. Hammett. 2nd olaee-B. Elliott, L. Moffat, L. Hogg, A. Walker, G. Ferguson, H. Walker. Part II. -A. Hogg, E. Tipling, P. Wal- ker Part Br. P rt Part L, No. 2-7.IWalkor ;;e Jr. Part I. - Elliott ; Jr. Part I., No. 2-W. Wel- ker, G. Ornikohank, R. Hogg, P. Martin, W. Mckenzie, M. Walker. Average at- tendance for the month was 26. MISS NINA J. IBEIBTER, Teacher. Exeter. The Strawberry prop in this section hoe been almost an absolute failure this season owing to the iotenely dry weather. The Masonio exoareioo to the pity of Brantford on July 17. Return fare from Exeter $1.25, good for two da Mies Annie Greenway, daughter of Hon. Tboe. Greenway, of Crystal City, Man., ie here as the guest of Mies Pearl Rollins. She ie'in delioate health and is under the doctor's Dare. L. 13. Diokson, who recently fractured one of his ankles in an accident at Hen. Ball, was brought home. The injured member oontinnee to improve daily but it will be some .weeks before be will be able to nee it. One of the most-dieaetroue fires that has viejted Exeter for soma years took plaoe bare on. Wednesday of last week. jost ea most down to partake people w f the rmidday settled the wild clang of the fire bell was sounded and a11 rushed to theooene of deetraotion.' The heavy °fond° of smoke and leaping flame made it easy to locate the fleetroy, ing element, which had enveloped the en- tire building, known for the past 25 years as Mille.. The yfiremengd were Boon on the soene with the engine and before many minutes had two streams playing on the blaze, but the fire bad gained such bead. way that nothing could be done towards saving the building. The greater part of the vast amount of lumber surrounding the mill,llowever, was saved, including ave a lighttpisos 01 maohinery,taken from the � nothing Swag. removed from the main building, and all we its of tools owned° by d othelnworkmen. Revere'kThere was also a large quantity of wood destroy- ed. Thease w not muoh at to time, but luckily wet little there wee came from the East, and thee being no buildings on the Wet side the fire was confined to the mill. The engine did exoellont work, but the first tank played out in a few minutes, thus show. ing the folly of putting down such mini. attire "tubby” holes as a meets to cope with fire. The loos to Meeero. Dyer & Howard 0s a heavy one, and is estimated at between $6,000 and 97,000. There was no insurance on either the building or contents, Winghr a s. Jae, A. Cline bee the centred of mak- ing the exteneiona,to the woterworke. The many friends of Dr, Rose, of Mooeejaw, N. W, T., formerly of this town, will be pleased to learn of his new appointment as customs officer nt that place. S. Jerome has lett for Chiang° to attend the funeral of hie brother who died in. Germany several weeks ago, The body was brought to Chicago for in- terme Jas. Br,roadway, the new proprietor of the Exchange hotel, took po0eeesion on Monday of last week. J. E. Swans and family have moved to thole dwelling on Diagonal' street. fort Muskoka wheard re they Wiobbs ll family op nd3oldy and August at their Snmmor home, Rev. Mr. Rewash Will have °barge der., ing Mr, Hobbs' %boopae. 11, 0, Bell has purchased the o,..,,ing berry, of Z,lrich. The hem v,ithird bore, Pat Egerton" from 5 Beeson. Ile „1 2 7 , tt1 1 t j a .28 raoe horn, life, J3ell will n sa li:l u ae a driver, A. "Tipling, D, Anderson, W. 3. Heu• der o anon d I , . H°each nd u g aloR 'tostheIn Blnevale Road, 0005 M°rosave° , otin wbiob to store their fodder corn, 'Thee° gentlemen also intend purobaeipg a corp harvester and worn nutter, While workingi the a G. y T R. arde a. , t. Palmerston, mere to 0410 town, n, Ohne. Deane, formerly of w , happened with a'very severe aooldent. He was working ata ewitoh when .be handle flew up and struck hire fn the fade, crushing the bone just ander Otte left W. 0. Ca070.mpbell, who hos been attend* ing the Canaria Boeinees College at Chat. ham, baa returned home. Will, was enc. woeful in carrying off the (}old medal for general proficiency in the bueinese department and the Sutherland Gold medal for highest standing in maths. mateeds, Frerick Phillips appeared before Mayor Clegg, on Wednesday morning of last week, ()barged with Oreepasetdg by Wm, Jobb, of Turnberry. It appears. that Phillipa had been ordered to leave Mr, Jobb's premises and he refused to, do so and also threatened to fire Mr. Jobb'e buildings and do other damage. The Mayor sentenced the prisoner to 21 day' in the county jail on the charge of tree. passing. Canatltia,ra Newe3. Hamilton barristers held their anneal pig nits at Winona Park; Robert McCoy, of North Augusta, ern - mined euielde by.bangtng himself. Wesley Farrell, a Hamilton boy, fell through the Maonab street bridge and received fatal injuries. Paielelaws for a carpetycarrieders tentocy10011banb oy by and automobile factory. It' ie rumored et Winnipeg that the Roblin Goveromont may dissolve the Legislature and go to the country this Fall, address and a purse 01 $1,000 on the oc• Robert Henry was presented with an nasion of hie leaving Brantford for De. Croft. Mane, of a six. year-old boy of Salem,le and WilRiverliam Mel. 6111, of St. Caterines, lost their lives by drowning. A small riot took pleat in the Hamil. ton jail, and the police were called in to quell it. The ringleader was put in the dark ell for 70 hours. Three prieonerp, serving eentenoeein the Central jail at Portage -la Prairie, were given their liberty for aesioting in the recapture of another prisoner. The monument to Queen Viotoria has been placed, upon ite granite pedestal in the Parliameot grounds at Ottawa. The Dake of Cornwall and York will perform the unveiling ceremony. F. F. Griffin, land commissioner of the O. P. R., Winnipeg, is in Montreal, and epeake in glowing terms of the Western crop prospects for the present season. He figures out that tbe yield ought io amount to between fortyfive million and fifty million ch wonld leave about thirty.five mill ontfor export. The Drop will be an early one, and to a large extent will esoape dooger from ferret. WILL RUN Remo lookers' 60 Day Excursions to the Canadian Northlrost At Return Fares Winnipeg ...... Deloraine An tier Eeteven Binsoarth Maosomin Hamlets. Swan River 1 Regina arkbon nw 030 YMoo oBoh Calgar Albert 0 $35 Oary Maccleleoo d lgRed Deer $40 Red Deer f Going Tune j5th Returning until Aug. 181b Going ll July lotb,�RRetlurning nntfl Sept.letlo Going July 00r11, RS. eturning until Sept. 9201 (AllRailor. B. S. Alberta) A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Geol. Passenger Agent, 1 Xing Street East, Toronto. 28 WOOL! All the Wool in the Country wanted at the BRUSSELS WOOLEN MILL Where the highest price will be paid in Oaeh or Trade. I have in stook a good line of Blew keting, Sheeting, Yarns (single and double), Tweeds, etc. A11 pure wool and no shoddy. You eon into. rolls or exchanged. our ° m ed, Don't wn ill yonr Wool or have it manafaotared till you oall at the Brenta Mill and get prices. B. GERRY. Spectacles -03' ALL XINDB- Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight,, and your Eyes tested FREE by Neat Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRIISSELS, • .lull lificKw■ nnon9 CASH i 11 13I.,-2-1111-1. ..►�T ORE I I,1 a 11 ill/1IW N R Y. _ -Y.._ We are closing our Millinery department for this Beason and we tante this opportunity et returning our sipoere thanks to oar nnmergne apstomers and the ;subtle generally for the very liberal patronage extended to us, This beebeen the beet Millinery season we have ever had in the history of oar seines and during to next 10 days we' will offer startling hergaine In Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery to clear, as we will carry nothing over to another season -everything moat go, Ladies' Sailor°, in plain white and oolored straw, Silk band,re nIa pride 40o, for 250. g r Ladies' Sailors,' in llfaokinaw straw, worth 60a, for 800. Girls' Saltore, in white and fanny straw, worth 85o, for 20e. Girls' Sailors, in white and black, worth 25o, for 127o, Ladies' Trimmed Rale, very stylish, worth 91.50, for 96o. Ladles Hate, trimmed with chiffon, flowers and folia 93.95, for 92.25,' gen, regular prioe Ladies' Tasoan Hato, trimmed with veiled rosea, foliage and biaok velvet ribbon, worth $8.25, for $1.05, Ribbons at greatly rednoed'priaes to clear. A large collection of Flowers and Foliage, regular prices 15o, 20o and 2,50 each, your choice for 10e. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. �v Men's Flannelette Night Shirts, regular prioe 75o, for 60o, `iT Men's Duke of York Neckties, something new, 25o, rte, lh Al This is certainly a'tWhite" Season. White W hi te Waists are in the lead, but our Colored Waists are so dainty and stylish that they are going almost as fast as the White ones. We have so many different Patterns, St les and Prices that you will be sure to be suited. y Perfect Fitting Ge odQuaIty Print ' • t Dainty Patterns SERVICEABLE and SENSIBLE VERY STYLISH COOL AND DRESSY VERY DAINTY Our Prettiest Waist White Lawn with Insertion $ 75 Finer Lawn with Lace Yoke .. 1 00 Fine Lawn, 0)1•over Embroider f y f Fronto 1 35 Linen Lawn, „ fronts 1 80 Very fine Linen Lawn Embroidery ' emusr y Trimming 2 00 (Fancy stripe, in light blue, pink, j mauve, dark blue and white, ( bias or straight front and back50 (Pink, blue, mauve and grey stripes, 1 Ineerton down Front Dark bine with White Insertion - Light Stripes with Lace Yoke -Fancy Stripes, bias Tuoked Front and Back -Six different linea to choose Irons, all for.... 1 00 (Very Pretty Patterns, in pink, green jl and blue, Baiero Front with Embroidery Trimming 1 25 (Fine Quality Muslin, in pink, blue O and mauve Stripes, Soft Collar 1 35 (Light Ootored Melina with Fanoy i( Silk Stripes, in mauve, green, blue and pink 1 50 Light Bine with Polka Dot, also dark blue and mauve with white Stripe, Baler° Front trimmed with Fine White Embroidery, very Full Aladin 1 60 75 . New Patterns in Foulards and Merlawns ;just opened out, July Standard Patterns, Designers and Fashion Sheets to hand, Patterns kept in stock -6c to 25e. Designers for sale at 10c each, Fashion Sheets free to those who call for one, NO FANCY PRICES. EVERYTHING CHEAP. A. STRAc H.AN. JHJGGJES I itucciEs ! Bums! IN ALL STYLES. EWAN & 00. BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS, Are ready to supply the demand of the public for any kind of wheeled rig se they have a FINE, LARGE Stook from the BEST Manntaoturers in Canada, in addition to their own make, all sold at CLOSE PRICES. Rubber Tyrell Wheels. We make a epeoiolty of the Hard Dunlop Rubber Tyred Melo, the tyre beingpin on your own baggy wheels while yon wait, or we ma Supply both wheels and tyre at very low prices. Every owner of a good buggy should have the Dunlop put on by Ewan & 00. Work guaranteed all right as we keep nothing but firet.olass workmen, D. Ewan will devote a good share of bio time in sttendidg to the gale oome,ao the Co. had soured a first-olaoa Horse Sher for the blacksmith shop All wood work in onr line and general blockemithing done on our promisee and at as low figures aa oon be obtained anywhere. Onr own make of Buggies ttlie year are all 3a fnohe longer in the body than other Buggies and for STYLE and 00z1Foli'04 oannot.be beaten. We use to long distance, 1,000 mile axle, one or two °Hinge in a oeaeon is all they y It will, pay anybody who wants a frot•olaee rig to come 25 mioo to see our Sbow Rooms this season before buying as our assortment ie large and o0 always well pleased to have people 0611 and examine oar doer d which to the largest ever shown in Brussels. t We mean bueinese, b ok which is the 1r E WAN&C O arnrrso4o,iage lkfakera, &o,, C • ' B 13uggioa, `pagoda, Carte and Wheelbarrows always on band,