The Brussels Post, 1901-6-20, Page 1:0 JVD" the ,AAY"'.AN9'93; (let% THE POST For 8alaii of /poi Vol. 29. No, 49 .,.m.,� BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, TH'URSD,A.Y, JUNE 20, 1901 W.H.K.ERR,Prop, This is certainly a "White" Season, White. Waists are in the lead, bat our Colored Waists are so dainty and stylish that they are going almost as fast as the White ones. We have so Many different Patterns, Styles and Prices that you will be sure to be suited. White Lown with Insertion 5 76 PerfectV Finer Lawn with Laoe Yoke ... 1 00 Fine Lawn, allover Embroidery Fronto 1 86 Fitting Linen Lawn, 0 fronts 1 00 GoodQ ,�ualit�- Print Dainty Patterns SHITICEAEbE and SOME_ VERY STYLISH 0001. AND DRESSY VERY DAINTY Our Prettiest Waist Very fine Linen Lawn, I6mbroidery Trimming 2 00 Fancy etripee, in tight blue, pick, mauve, dark blue and white, ( bias or elraight front and baok50 f Pink, blue, mauve and grey stripes, Inrerton down Front 76 tDark blue with White Ineertion— Lighb Stripes with Laos Yokes —Fanoy Stripe, bias Teal ed Front and Back—Six different Hues to ohooeo from, all for,, 1 00 Very Pretty Patterns, in pink, green nud blue, Bolero Front with Embroidery Trimming 1 25 f Fiue Quality Muelin, in pink, blue 1 and mauve Stripes, Solt Collar 1 85 Light Colored Muslim with Fumy Silk Stripee, in mauve, green, bine and pink 1 50 Light Blue with Polka Dot, also dark blue and mauve with white Stripe, Bolero Front trimmed with Fine White Embroidery, very Tull Muslin 1 00 New Patterns in Foulards and Merlawns just opened out. July Standard Patterns, Designers and Fashion Sheets to hand. Patterns kept in stock -5c to 25c. Designers for sale at 10c each, Fashion Sheets free to those who call for one. NC' FANCY PRICES. EVERYTHING CHEAP. A. T ACHAN. p Strictly One Price The Lowest. 0. Never In well doing but always ,doing. better, Our best efforts are in placing before you the best values to be obtained here or anywhere else, in keeping this store at the top for reliable Merchandise, the latest styles, the largest assortment of the newest materials and lowest prices. Dross Department. Handsome Black Silks Just in. 1 liege of Bonnet's j, peau de Soir, 22 inches wide, handsome Waists or Gowns, $1.25 per yd. 1 piece o£ pean de Soir, 22 inches wide, $1.00 per yd, New Black Taffetta Silks, at 50e, 75c and $1.00 per yd. See our assortment of elegant suitings in all the New Shades. ae.er3r and Glare Department. for Cotton Hose, good heavy ribbed stockings for • boys, seamless feet, at 15o and 200. For children we have them from 5c up to 20o a pail., in both plain and ribbed. For Ladies we have theta' from 10c to 25e in all sizes with high spliced heels and Double Sole. Ladies' Seamless Black Cotton Hose, with natural wool feet for 25e a pair, also a line with Balbriggan feet at 25e, Thread Gloves.—We have a complete range of those goods in black, white and colors, including Silks, Taffottas and !isles, prices `starting at 25o. Test our Prices and make Comparisons. FE G.USON & co. Dry Goods and traceries. New Advertisements. ilrueeote 081810411014 Pana --G, A. Doodman. Tenders wanted—W, Lane. Shirt Waiate--A, Straohttn, Never weary -J, Ferguson & Oo. Tandem for drain—Wm, $ponos,. Notion to oreditore—Andrew Doke, A matber of policy—MoKinnon R Oo, 1;strid O) e:; ruaralevee ndc. Our soldier boys are bank. Publio eoI,00l close next week for the Simmer holidaye. MAvenx081AL,—Tho eeryieee of Rev. D. 13. McRae, the Presbyterian parson, were called into requisition on Wednesday evening of last week at the borne of Don - old and Mre. MoDougall, old and worthy residents of lhie locality, for the purpose of tying the tnatrimoniel bow between Miee Kate; the last of 7 danghtere to leave the old home, and Wm. Smalldoe, a stirring young farmer of the 10th oon, of Grey. The bride was attended by Mies Emma Smalldon and both ladies looked fine in their neat and becoming costumes of white, Will. J. Ballautyna practiced at being groomer/Ian so as to be ready to promote to the neat atop later. Miss Ferguson, of Walton, played the Wed- ding March in first.olaee style. Tbere were over a hundred guests in nttendanee and a very jolly time was spent by all. The sapper tables were well laden with the best cooking going and with fruit, oonfeotlonory, bride'e cake, &o , the moat epicurean appetite could not fait to be enbhfiod, If wedding gifts are any indi- cation of favor thenthe bride must stand high in the estimation of the community as the present were oertainly A 1. The bride's parents presented her with a handsome bedroom unite. A program,, foot ball, arokinole and other sauces, to. gather with eooialthat, tripping the light fantastic, &o„ filled in theeveniog and at an early hour in the morning the gueete departed wishing Mr. and Mre. Smalldon many happy, prosperous years in their new home. Mr. MoDougell'e residenoe Wm decorated for the wedding with flowers, evergreens, &o. Mooio was eup. plied during the evening by Hugh Mc- Kay, John W. Morrieou, Ab. Fox and Dan. Stein. Tan Pose wishes the happy oouple every emcees. Mot -rim. Mre. Fraser, er., has gone on a visit.to Toronto this week. Mre. Leonard Rattan spent a couple of days this week at Lakelet, Rob. Burgess and Dave Johneton spent Sunday last at Maud/eater. Win. J, Johnston andwife were away last week visiting relatives at Goderioh. A atone foundation will be placed ander Wm. Dark's house, 1} miles South of Brussels. J. Nichols and wife and Mre. Young, of Fordwiob, visited at David itameay's last Sunday. Robt. Shaw has got hie barn moved and jacked up ready for the masons to commence work. Milton Watson, of Sunshine, spent Sunday on the lab don. Some attraction for Milt. around Bluovale. Nearly everybody yon meet in this eeetion is talking about the Celebration at Brussels on Friday of next week, Rev. James E. Hunter whose home ie on the 7th of Morrie, hue been sent back to the Weak/mister circuit as junior Minister along with Rev. T, W. Ooeens, formerly of Watton oircuit. Sas. Smillie, who euocesafully passed his examination at the Medioal College, Toronto, left last Friday for New York where he will practice ie the hospitals. He's determined to climb to the top in hie profession and we wish him success, SoeJI Eifc RJ Are so Formed that they require a muscular exertion to see,far objeote clearly. Such eyes are doubly strained when used for near vieiou. This condition is called Hyper- opia or Far-sightedneee. This exertion amen eye strain and is the armee of Header/hes and Nervous Afdlotione which our Glosses will oure, Oall and have your eyes tested. No obarge for doing so. Mrs. T. Fletcher, 011A101A306 OPTICIAN. All the Wool in the Country wanted at the BRUSSELS WOOLEN MILL Where the highest prise will be paid in Oaeh or Trade. I hove in stook a good line of Blau. !sating,, Sheeting, Yarns((gin and double), Tweode, oto, All pute wool and no shoddy. You can have your own wool made into rope or exohenged. Don't sail your Wool or bavo 31 mannfaotured till yeti call at the Bremen/ Mill and get prioee. B. G E a l R ■ Mr, and Mre, Whiteford, of 16llinevilla, former residence of Jameetown, were re. newing aoquaintanoee in Morris and Grey last, week, Jas, and Mrs, Sharp, Miro Pearl and Master Oscar are away on a holiday trip with relatives at Londou, St, Thomas and Cleveland. Tliey will alto take in the Pan-Amertoan at Buffalo before re. turning, It it hardly nooeseory to state that's good time is before them. Joseph and Mre, Clegg, well knowu reeidonte of Morrie, left thig week en e 51800are trip to the West. They will x1016 -at Winnipeg, Brandon, Banff and other pointe and will be away 0, good part of the pummer. Tiro Pose withers them an enjoyable outing and a eafe return. Mise Graoe Stewart, the popular Soot, Ugh child voonliet, of Lueknow, will take part In the -program at Knox thumb, Belgrave, on the evening of June 27th in oonneotion with the Strawberry !'estival and induotion of Bev. J. J. Hattia, The induotiou will take place at 3.50 o'olook in the afternoon. Nomas,—Statute Labor is about all done for another year,—Garden party et Walton on the 25th and one at W. B. Wilkintou s, $nnabine, the name night.— The Guelph Excursion was well attended on Tbnreday.—A great strawberry festi- val will be held in the basement of Knox ohnrah, Belgrave, on Thursday evening, 27th inst., immediately atter the rodeo. Um of Rev, J. J. Hattie. A. good time assured for everybody.—A wedding at Belgrave on the 19th on June. Further partioalars later.—Milton Watson has purchased a gramophone.—John Mooney, 6th line, is visiting at Detroit. WEDDING BLLLo.—'.!'hare was a marry chiming of wedding belle at the reeidenee of Richard Bewley on Wedneaday even. ing of last week when the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. A. MacNab, M. A., of Walton, between John Scott, a prosper.' nue young farmer of Hallett, and Mise Annie, second daughter of the boat. Miss Jean MoLauohlin, of Brussels, played the Wedding March with her usual brilliancy ab the oonolusion of whiob the bride was given away by her father, She was unattended. Nature has been kind to her in the bestowal of a pretty face and to this was added the adornment of a moat becoming costume of white muslin, trimmed with silk and lace, Beautiful white flowers added to the scene. The ceremony was performed under an evergreen arch. Congratq. latiooe over the 60 guests did ample juin tine to a splendidly prepared supper. The wedding gate were hendeorne, useful and well seleoted. A most enjoyable evening was spent in games, moans and story and ae Mr, and Mre. Stott left for their new home in Hallett they got a good send off and the expreeeion of good wishes were neither few nor far between, We wish Mr. Scott and bride every suc- cess they desire, It is hinted that a few other weddings were talked over Wednes- day evening that may eventuate before long. Gros Fall wheat is heading out. Miss Maggie Taylor exeroiees on a wheel now. A silo is being built at John B. Mo. Louohlio's barn. Blies M. Manton, of Monkton, is visiting at Wm, Buttery's. A fine Page fence has been put up by Jae. Armstrong, 10th con. Mre. Jno, Cardiff bee gone to London to visit relatives and friends. 0, Kerr and Misses Lizzie and Ella Dilworth Sendayed at Milverton. A good many Grayitea went to Gueiph on Tbnreday'e excursion this week. A few more weddings are on the pro. gram yet before the Summer is over. W. Pepper, wife and eon, of Toronto, are visitors at Thos. Pepper's, 9th on, This week Chas. Rozell and wife are away visiting frieude at Anton and looat- It Mre, 0. Hudson is very ill at present but we hope to hear soon of a speedy re. oovery. Reeve and Mrs. Jae, Turnbull have been in $owick attendingM ams i e r.J James h e o1 funeral, On Tueeday evening of last week, the Miens Buttery's favored a few 0011010 to ioe Dream. Ben. and Mrs. Dark were in Toronto this week consulting a epoolaliot relative to the latter's health. Wm. Marsden of W { on ne - w Wart to re w i0g aoquaintanoee and calling on old friends in Grey this week. Alex. Comte returned home from Lon. don on the 16th inet., where he hat been with the Brussels volunteers. Isaac Rathwell and Mise Susan Rath. well, who have been visiting in and about Clinton, returned home iately. Mre. J. Kellner laavee this week for a trip to visit Iter daughters in Alpena, Minh. We wish her a pleasant time. 3, and Mies M. Brandon, who have been visiting frieuda and relations, re. turned home to Barrie on the 16th inet. Mre. 1. i. M. Riohardeoo was at Clinton on Tueaday attending the Co, Christian Endeavor Convention. She had a topic. Miee Emma Buttery returned from Drayton last Saturday, where she hoe been dress -making with her sister ]Mae Toon. Mies Jessie McLaughlin, of Gerrie, 05001 Saturday and Sunday at "Blatt Athol" with her friend, Mies Sarah Mc- Laeeoblin, The frame of Andrew Hielop'a new barn, 14th oon„ was raised last week. Grey will be bald bo beat for good barns at the rate they are building this season. We are sorry to hear of the oontinuad seriou0 illness of Wm. Bawtinheimer, The ailment is eaid to be a tumor on the brain. His many friends hope he will moon take a turn for the better, Tenders are being asked for the con. stenotfoe of the MoTaggarb drain. They willbe opened t nod n a Oounoil meetfa to p g be held on Saturday, 6t S ar ay, Jaly b, Alvt, referring to same may be sten elsewhere in this ieone. Mre. Hall, who wen here from Montreal on a visit, returned to theMaetern metro. polis on Monday of thie week. Elise Emma Ransom, who a000mpanied Mre. Hall, will remain hero for visit with nor relativice, Mise Lizzie Sbraohan hes rettlrne from London, where 8118 has been atten ing the Normal College, We hope oh may soon be an Honor gI'aduate, You will see a big crowd of Grayitea Breesele Friday of neat weak. A who lot of the Sootull people are determine to sea that 48th Highaandera' Baud frog Toronto and hear them play. Don't forget the pio•nio to be held 1 the Willleme n grove, lot 7,eon,18, Gr on Thursday afternoon of next wee Thera will be three hall and foot ba matobea,land anexoiting tug of war as other sports. Walton Oroheetre will imp ply mueie and refreshments will be sere ved, All who attend may dropout e having a good time. An old time Greyite in the parent/ 0 Lawyer Robert Ferguson, of Draytee Dakota, ie enjoying a holiday with hi brother, Jae. Ferguson, an old and web known resident of the Oth eon. It is 2 years since Mr. Ferguson left the town ship of Grey and he 0eee many change and improve/mete too no doubt, He's weloome visitor, The eohool pio.nio held in the grove on John Smith's farm,Gtb eon„ last Satur- day, palmed off very pleasantly. There was a short program and a ball game, with ewiugc and any number and variety of foot recce. It was ram sport to see the egg moo, needle threading oompeti. tiou, eaok ram, deo. In addition to the regular bill of fare there was a supply o confectionery pad Iroit. A Poon Tut .— Teedale and Mrs. Whitfield's,14th eon., last Friday even. ing tendered a most excellent reception to their many friends and acquaintances, Gdeete to the number of 150 were present inoludfng some from Brussels and Elma. Prof. Hawkins, Messina. Jackson, Ament, Irwin, Wilton, Lames and Gilpin amain. ponied by several ladies were among the Bruseelitee. Megan. Hawkins and Jaolc. eon, with Miss T. Speiran, offioiated in royal style at the ' piano. Reoitatione, songs and speeches were also given. Rev. Mr, Curry noted as chairman in his usual able manner. Everybody present had a most superb time and amply helped them- selves to the sumptuous repast which the Whitfield people and their relations know so well bow to prepare. All join in con. gratulating the boat and bosteee on the semen of the 000asioo ; moreover feeling indebted to them for the trouble 00000. eery to make all the goeste ac comfortable and happy as those were last Friday, at their beautiful home. Onrm,—Not nnloolced for was the sum- mons of the Master last Monday to Emily F. Leader, beloved wife of Henry Bate- man, cos. 6, as her lite had hong in the b'alanoe for some weeks, and the passed away triumpbiug in the Faith she had enjoyed in a risen Saviour. Lung trouble was the cause of death. She is aarvived by her husband, who has been very poorly this Spring, and a little son. There was a large attendaooe at the funeral ou Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Curry spoke cheering and timely words at the home from the text "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." Mrs. Bateman was a cheerful, faithful 0hriabieu woman and woo most highly esteemed: The pall bearers were John, Joshua and Jesse Bateman, 13 Atwood, R. McKay and Mr, West. The two sisters of deoeaeed, Mre. Rose, of New Jersey, and Mre. West, of Loudon, were here as were Mre. Joshua Bateman and daughter, of Stratford ; Mre. Freeman, of Toronto, and Mre. James, of Seaforth. Deep sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and hie eon. SADnauoe SoerooL Pm•Nto —The Sabbath sobool of Bethel thumb, lath non., held their annual 510.010 on Wednesday after- noon in the beautiful grove of D. Living - /tone, sr, The day was delightful, the air balmy, and all Nature appeared in her very beat crest, whiob mimed every one to be in the beet spirits. The gather. ing was fine and good order was observed throughout. I. Lake was appointed to. the chair and gave au address and the following program was presented :— Singing, 'Praise God from whom all blessings flow" ; prayer; obairman'e ad. dress • inetrnmentel music, o Mr. Ma. Conti ; reoitation, Alex. Mann'; solo, Aline McKay; reoitatioo, Pearl Harri• eon ; Polo, Miss Bray ; addrees by Rev, Mr. Pani, of Brussels, who eaid he was pleased to be present, to meet so many old frieude and to take part i0 the pro. ram. He then spoke of our country g p n Y and how to make it better bygiving children the beet knowledge posible of the Bible ; recitation, Henry Mornay ; recitation, Aline McKay ; reoitatioo, Lot. tie Harrison ; song, Mee Lizzie McKay ; solo, Mr, Cooksley ; reoftation, Mr. Rea. mood ; duet, Mr. and Misa Robertson ; song, Johnnie MoKay ; Jas, Irwin, of the Brussel/ Herald, gave a neat speech along general lines and all were well pleaeed ; duet, Miasma IdeKay and Bram. ner ; recitation, Frank Harrison ; music, Mr. MoOonrb ; "God Save the King." All rendered their parts exoellently. A foot ball match ended the proceeding, of the day. The baskets dame welt filled but went home without their laud. There were several swinge provided tar the enjoyment of the children, Marshall Harrison i/ the superintendent of the school. d d- e et le d a 0 ey: 11 d n 1 •0 0 .Ethel . 0. Bernath was off on a wheeling trip "Brnesele nest Fridays" is the watch- word. School will wind up tot the venation next week. Communion service nowt Sabbath in the Presbyterian Church, R. Dilworth 1816 Saturday morning on a prospecting tour to Manitoulin Leland, Mise Ella Lamont 10 home from Tenon. to where she hoe been attending the Nor. mal. The Presbyterian Sabbath school will held their annual pia.nic in the near . fatrux We were sorry to hear of the decease of Allam Lamont, well known in this lo' eat(ty. Some people say another wadding is dee to take place before many m0one wax and wane. A number from this locality attended the funeral of Elis. Henry Bateman on Wedateday afternoon, A strawberry festival is on the program by the Ladles' Aid of the MetltOdiet 01,1116 on the lawn let the Par/onage and Jun. Oober'o. Watch out for date. It ie reported that the Ocher Carriage lnotory will remove to the Ronald shope, Bruesela. It Bruseele moues the Cohere they will get A 1 oitizerte without any doubt. An invitation lits been received by Ethel Sone of Temperance to attend te 110140 Temperance plo.nio in Wallace towuebip, near Listowel, for Dominion Day, Weal Con - Mies Luoy Sholdioe spent a few days visiting friends lu Seaforth. Mrs. Sanderson and daughter, of Ger. rie, were visiting at W. 3. Johns/ton's this week. Union S. S., East of Walton, will hold a pio•ni0 in Thos. Williameon'e bush on Thursday, June 27. Miss McCrae and Mies Ooghlin, of Craabrook, paid a flying Welt to a friend in Walton lost Saturday. Rev. 0. C. Keine, of Pine River, preaoh- ed io the Methodist Olthroh last Sabbath, ath very aoeptably. Rev. Dever, who will remain as pastor here another year, sup- plied hie pulpit. Football practice io being aotively kept up at present. If we bad a few practice games with some easy team like Brussels we would then probably be in a position to give Oranbrook an argument. Rev. and Mre. Dever, Miesee S. Grigg, R. Barrows and M. McEwen, and W. G. Neal represented Walton Methodist S. S. at the Convention in Clinton Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Ramsay was also there, The Duff's Church Garden Party at the manse, on Tuesday 26th inst., prom- ises to be highly euooeesful if "the weath- er keeps off." Extensive preparations are being made by the Committee for the entertainment of all comers. 1t31uevtel e. Mre. Hardy, of Teeewater, visited at John Burgess' laat week. Milo Jamie Roberton visited relations in Bluevole last week. Mre. (Rev.) Geo. Leeob, of Parkdale is visiting at Joseph Loeoh's. R. G. and Mre. Oaeemore, of F ordwich, visited relatives here last week. Miss Effie Grainger, of Molesworth, visited at R. N. Duff's this week. Mre. McAllister, of Wiogbam, visited her daughter, Mre. Wm. Messer, last week. Ohne. Coultas and Mre, John Molntosb. of Molesworth, visited at Thomas Oonites' on Sunday. Mre. JosephWarder has returned from visiting her mother at Little Britain, Victoria County. The Celebration at Brnesele Friday of next week will attract a large number from Blnevale locality. Mre. J. J. Denman and Mre. P000ek attended the wedding of their neige Mise Satan King, at Toronto last week. We are pleased that Rev. and Mre. Rogers will be located so near by after their removed from Blnevale. Their new obarge will be Fordwiob. CHURCH CHIMES. Rev. G. J, Abey attended the annual Synod at London this week, Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Roes and Rev. Mr. Moliay, of Laokno , will exchange pulpits. 25 Kindergarten chairs have been plaoed in the Primary room of the Metho. dist Sabbath Sohool. Rev. P. Corooran,of Seaforth, conduct. el the service in the R. C. Church in this place last Sabbath morning. Thio wee hie first visit. He is a good speaker and will be heartily rooeived by the members of hie flock. Rev. • Mr. Coulter officiated In the Methodist Church last Sabbath. His morning text was Jonah 1st chapter and Brd verse. He ohowed (1) That 16 was useless to attempt to get away from the preaenoe of God ; (2) It is uobasineeelike to try and get away from duty ; (3) We cannot ein without affecting others ; (4) Men cannot devise a way to escape the wrath of God. We are all dealing with God and always dealing with God. The evening sermon was on the text "Run the race with patience, &o," Both were og rase an interesting e dieoo n d were very acceptable to the oougregation. Rev, Mr. Coulter will be here for the balance of June and will then go to his Conference appointment at King street, Lon loo, Naw Offioane,—Following are the of. Ewers of Melville thumb Y. P. S. 0. E. for the ooming term, elected on Wednes- day of last week —Hon, Free., Rev. Jno. Rose ; Free., Mies Lizzie Rose • Vice Pres., Miss Jennie' Forbes ; Rec'd Seo., Frank Smith ; Cor. Sea., Mies Mary Roes ; Trees., Miss Lizzie Moore ; Oon• vener of Music Com., T. A. Hawking ; Collectors, Frank Smith and W. Hal - penny ; Prayer Meeting Com., J. H. Cameron, Mies Jennie Forbes and Mrs. Cameron ; Missionary Com., Misses Mary and Lizzie Roast; Social Com„ Mieoae Lyda Crooke, Jennie MoArter, Lizzie MaLanohlin and W. Halpenny and Robt. Beattie ; Flower Com., Miens Maggie Stewart and Jessie MoLanohlin ; organ- ist, Miers Jeaeie MoLanohHn ; asst,, Mise Kate Smith. Sabbath morning last the members of the Maooabee Order, ladies and gentle- men, attended Melville ehuroh:when the Rev. Jno. Rose, !B. A,, discoursed elo. quently and prectically to them from the text, "I must work the works of Rim that Bent me," John 9 : 4. He said in these words, spoken by Christ, there are three things :—(1) The recognition of a Divine 5085080 or miction in the indi- vidual life 1 (2) The expreeeion ni a deep sense of pereoual responsibility to eeoh 3 The manifestation dntfeebation of a spirit of earsestnees and determination. It wee a fine sermon. The oboir rendered the anthem "Somothiog for Thee" with good effect. In the evening moral contrasts. of life were illaetrated from the earners of the late Do. G. L. MacKay, the Chris- tian missionary and Fronk Rutledge, the oriminal. A number of practical leegons were debated therefrom, Loot Sabbath evening Rev. R, 'Paul gave a 0017 praotiaal paper on the topic "Reverence for Holy things," Mre, Ham took obarge of the meeting. The annual Sunday Bebop' Conventim of the County in oonusotion with the Deanery of Huron will be held on Timer. day of next weak in Trinity ()berth, Bay. field. A tend program ie arranged. There will be a contingent go from St. John's Cbnroll, Brussels, to convention, George 63, Rogers, of townie the Reuord ing Seoratary, The following pereono attended the annual Oouuly Endeavor Convention at Clinton on Tueeday of this week —Rev. JooepbCoulter, Wendall Holmes, Geo. Miller,, Mrs. N. M. Riohardeoo, 'Mrs. Bainee, Misses Maggie;EloNaughbon , M lig. gie Beattie, Bessie Moore, Martha Smith, Jodie Buchanan, Thurso, Gerry, Lizzie Downing, Carrie Hingoton and W. II. Kerr. They took in the three eeeelone, driving over and back. People We 'Talk About. le. Rocha wee home from Liatowol over Sunday. Fred, Hayoroft was home from Seaforth on Sunday. Mrs. S. L. Kerr and Mies Eve Gilpin are viaitiog at Guelph, Duna, MoLaooblin was home from Seaforth on Sunday. Mrs. Creighton is visiting relatives at Granton, Middlesex County.. Mise M. Thornton, of Woodstock, is the guest of Mre. F, S. Scott. Geo. M. Mitchell and bride, of Ethel, were visitors at Geo. Colvin's last Sunday. Mre Henry Jamee, of Seaforth, is visit. ing relatives and friends iu Brussels and looality, W. and Mre. Watson, of Peel, and Alex. Hunter, of Salem, are visitors at Melville Manse this week. Mrs. C. R. Vanstone returned to bar home in Southampton on Tuesday. Mise Elate Good accompanied her. W. F. and Mrs. Vanstone, of Wingham, wore in town on Toesday attending the funeral of the late Mre. Ballantyne, Mre. George Moiiay, Queen street, has been gaits/ ill during the past week but we hope she will noon be oonvalescent. Chas. Sager and family will remove to Loudon where Mr. Sager will take a position in the Syndicate Fire Engine Works. Joe end Mrs. Ballantyne, of Potrolea, were in town for afew days. They game to attend the fueeral of Mr. Ballantyoo's mother. 11. Douglas and W. Carswell, of Har. rieton, were visiting at Mee. Douglas', Elizabeth street, Brunie, during the past week. Cheese•maker Goodwin, of Brneeela factory, has been temporarily laid up with a very troublesome companion in the shape of a felon on his hand. James Livingston, ex -M. P., of Baden, the Flax Bing of Canada, was in town thio week OD a business trip. He has a good representative here in the person of Peter Hogg. Mies Ida Bryans, of Jamestown, and Mise Jessie MoLauohlin, of Brussels, are at Toronto this week where they take their pianoforte examination at the Con- servatory of Mneio, We wish the ladies 0000000. Duncan Ferguson left Stratford Mon. day on his annual business trip to Eng. land and the oontinent. He was amine. paoied as far as New York by little Mies Cora Ahrene, who will visit her grand- parents et Newmarket, N. J. D. D. G. M. Cain, of Lnoknow, paid an official visit to .Sruaeela Independent Order of Fotesters un Wednesday even. ing. He was a000mpanied by our former townsman, R. W. Matheson, who has a warm spot in kis heart for thio town. Wendell Holmes, eldest eon of Rev. Jno. Holmes, leaves Brussels for Toronto on Friday where he has accepted a posi- tion in the Methodist Book Room. He is a line young man, possessed of many admirable qualities and we believe he will do well both for hie employers and himself. His many young friends here wish him 0000008 in the Queen City. Major Hugb Clark, editor of the Kin- cardine Review, has been chosen Conser- vative standard bearer in Centre Bruce for the Legislature. He ie a olever young man and while he may not win in the oonteeb he will give the Grits a lively hustle when the fight cornea on He will be more anxious for ballots than bullets even if he is a head pusher in the noble 32nd Regiment. Brussels Council. SPECIAL i111011TING. A spaniel meeting of Brussels Connell was held in the Connell Chamber, ou Monday afternoon, with the Reeve and Con/millers present, to 000eider the ap- plication of J. °ober 1 Sons for an ex. emptioo of taxes on the Ronald Fire En- gine Werke whish they have purohaoed for a Carriage Factory. After disoageing the question it was moved by S. Wilton, eeoonded by John Doealdeon that the property known as the Ronald foundery be exempt from taxes/ for 6 years, excepting school tax, to commence on San. let, 190.,c , and that a, By-law be prepared and passed as anon as the Carriage Works are running in above mentioned premises,—Oarried. A proposal from a Carpet Manufaotory was before the Oounoll oleo but a0 a bonne woe asked it was deoided to take no action and the firm will be written to Butt effeob. Council then adjourned. Brussels Sg140o1 1106ttril, The regular monthly meeting of the Publio Sohool Board was held in the Booed Boom laet Tuesday evening. All the nlembere were present, Minutes of last regular dad apeoial meetings were read and peased. Moved by J. G. Slone, seconded by D. 0, hoes that the Beard borrow the sum of 8450,00 from the Standard Bank for three months to pay present note and ealariea for the quarter, Carried. Board then adjourned.