The Brussels Post, 1901-3-28, Page 6!.E ERA MUST 'NDI +'S
litoreetltnt Development% l,lkcly to
Arise Prom lestahltsilnlent or a New
. Y ommerciel 1.100-,mperfnl htealasltip
. SeeViecs,
I�. Happy oaaljlulottQlu o'f effort on
.the part of Mx. Gihantberlatn as t110
),head of the COltealalOffice, and of
Messrs. Elder, Dempster & Cora-
pa,aY, which /hue resulted in the tut-
tabl,Ishlnellt of the new imperial d1
rat West India shall service between
I,nlrlinz4 and ;faulaioa, bids fair to
d,lvlllr out: the dawn of (1 now era in
the ebcrguored com nerefal =rear of
the fetes of the West Indies. The re-
cent inauguration of the new service
is an; event of national moment.' Of
date years the sugar planters of the
Not Indies have 'been experiencing
very hard, times, owing largely to the
system of European bounties on beet
Auger. il(Cany of them have turned
their attention t,'.r fruit cultiva-
tion ae an auxiliary to aline -raising.
Ilhe carrying facilities from
Jamaica to Great Britain, ;however,
wcro not in any souse adequate to a
large export fruit trade from the
Isles of tho Tulles. Recognizing the
possibilities inherent in the fruit
trade as a• medium for rehabilitating
their lnoribu'ns1 prosperity, Mr. Cham-
lberlabi, with that quickness of per-
ception for which lie is remarkable,
conceived the idea of subsidizing a
neW fast direst line of mail steam-
ers to the West Indies.
Renee it comes about that the
steamer Port 111yrant left Bristol re-
cently for Kingston, Jamaica, on the
inaugural sun of the Imperial direct
West Inaba lino. The new service,
which will be a fortnightly ono, will
be maintained by four new steamers.
It is hoped, and not without a good
allow of reason., that within a short
time, with the advent of the new
service, there will spring up in the
Indies a great export trade in fruit,
which will ,fan into fresh life the dy-
ing =here of commerce which of late
years has all too Sadly languished.
One advantage which it is lisped the
new selrviec will confer on the English
side oil the ocean is the cheapening
of fruit, as well as the multiplica-
tion of Um varieties of fruit shaving
a vogue in. that country. From the
West Indies will be impested under
the new order of things all the ortho-
dox fruits to whish the L'ritishers
have been ac0ustomed to for genera-
tions, such as oranges, bananas and
Pineapples, but, besides these, they
are promised other varieties, which,
though delicious and popular in the
United States, and other parts of the
world., are comparatively little known
in the British isles'. For instance,
it is proposed to brieg over such rare
and luwiuue things as the grape fruit,
the shadiiouk, the custard apple, and
the ,Slangy
At the same time -and. this, after
all, is the primary object sought to
be attained by Mr. Chamberlain -the i
people of;famed= will be encouraged
to build up an industry which, in a
commercial sense, will save their
country from further impoverish-
ment. For the purpose of thorough-
ly carrying out the idea in an organ-
ized busineeal1ke . way, a fruit com-
pany has been formed, with a capital
of a quarter of a million.
Another advantage which will ac-
crue will be the throwing into eloser
tallith the native people of the West
ladies with those in the mother coun-
try. blr. A. L. Jones of the Elder -
Dempster Company has arranged a
scheme for bringing over nalive West
Inciiuns,who may be educated, at low
rates, in the uoiversitie5 of Great
Pt All FIU1braelR6; Rust Allows
Great Score For Choice,
No ono need feel anxiety as to what to
wear and whether sash and such a t111ng
16 according to the accepted mode, be -
0111180 everything that 1e� pretty and be -
is 11012' permissible, fashion beta;
more 4011 more ecleetle. What ie to be
studied is act the dilfereut gr'adlltioaa
1)oetlr01 Are on the - Wrong Track- Mr.
Page Tribunal, the A'heerY. '1'1222)
!meths Aro Seavra40r0 l'Oa6lipg On{y
ou nceaycil halter.
Dr. 011220las,. L, Page, of 3300102., has
pronounced the startling theory
that bacilli/ are not the calyses of dist-
ease, but are natural aids to its' ours,
Tho longer I consider the subjcai,"
he says, "the more thoroughly ani I
convinca1 of the practical a0ouraey
of the position that in every instance
of disease, Or rather T should say, of
sickness, which should always be re-
garded as Nature's means of curing
disease, the go -called germ is actually
the product or result, and not the
cause, and that the germ theory as
at present held is another instance In
modlcine of the cart befetre the horse.
"Micro-organisms are found every-
where. Myriads of them enter our
bodies at eaob breath without doing
the least injury. They are scaven-
gers, Their legitimate work is to
clean out the sewere. of our bodies;
Wherever there is decay or decom-
posing matter there life=savers are
engaged in their busines1.of neutra-
lization, sanitation and purifjca-
"They feast upon the effete animal
and vegetable matter. They never in-
jure the healthy, and are the natural
friends of the diseased. They are Na-
ture's physicians*, eanstantly employed
in preventing decomposing and worn-
out matter from clogging the machin-
ery of the animal organism. The hu-
man mouth, throat, stomach, intes-
tines and lungs are inhabited by rail -
lions of these little sanitarians.
"Professor Jacobi says it may be
possible that we will learn to poison
and exterminate the so-called germs
but in. doing so we may kill the pa-
of style, but what is suitable to the ole
rasion and favorable to the individual.
The really well dressed woman knows
what color and what shades of color best
become her, what type oe guwu best sets
off her face and figure, what materials
arc most advantageous to her..
Today's cut shows a costume of dark
blue cloth. The skirt has tem smut cir-
cular fioune05 edged with stitching. The
short bolero is trimmed will breten euh-
broidery and has sleeves of clew 1(114211
with embroidered cuffs. The high 4010., -
let belt is of moss green velvet. The yoke
and plastron of blue silk are covered with
bands of embroidery, and the long, full
sleeves of blue sills are gathered into a
baud of embroidery nL the mat• The
bat of dark blue felt is ornamented with
narrow folds of moss greenvelvet and is
trimmed with a bow of the green velvet,
a jeweled ring and two black
Old and New Styles of Differing Cost-
Sleeves, la mautles as well as gowns,
hove experienced a complete change from
former styles. Some are ride, fail and
gathered into a band at the wrist or laid
hi vertical, stitched plaits to form a cub;
others are laid in stitched plaits through-
out their lengtb; still others are pagoda
shaped, very wide and open, with a point.
When there is question of very rich
and elegant wraps, the long redingoto of
velvet or broth° silk, fitted like a princese
gown dnd trimmed with beautiful passe -
I --t
Tele:rapb 1lessaloett vent 11001411y by Means
or a Keyboard.,
;Asn exhaustive and successful Leet
of a printing telegraph has just been
completed in Omaha, Neb., which Is
destined to revolutionize all existing
methods of transmission of eneseage5.
The apparatus or,dlaists 02 a sender and
a receiver, opera led by electricity. The
first is not unlike the keyboard, of
a typewriter, and the L•iltc0 resembles
the carriage. and Platen. An operator
manipulates the keyboard and the
message is transmitted over a wire
any desired d'L'5Lance and 18 au1:i,7nuLin-
ally printed on a roll of paper by the
Eloolriaal expel±ionoe le unnecessary
for the operator and there is no tele-
graph alphabet to leant. Anyone. 10110
elan operate a typewriter Gra rniluble
of emitting a m4ssag(2. The receiving
Le automatic, the only et !mitten re -
(pared beimg that the rell.e of paper
are supplied when needed and the re-
ceiver kepi in working order.
d`.•ielh letter is made by u certain
mut inn of one of nine fingers, gush fin -
42'0 being susceptible to four roe.
t.letn8 from 1S many Wades of r•thrrent,
u Sdie t x at
tx llhtd by storage rattrlla ,
either rant of the line. Thus 36 separ-
ate mations are obtained, one for each
letter ut the 11111h•th21, eight. for the
figures net Orel ,ly 10111n)n0(1 in 2118
3rti1(08 o1 the alphabet, one for the
Ptperiod a fur rhi
awltheir, In .
F g
In the test mttrle It was the Wen-
' lion to lute a cul'-lhinniand-mli0 wire,
but a ru;elt of business compelled the
esti. of the (2we11112-Ransas City loop,
compriaillg 434 /nib's of wire. Added
to this W.hs 1(141(an,' representing 1110
miles, milting a total of 9..1 mules. A
current of dl volts 1vut5 este*d ut first,
but 211131 Increased to 1.4.3 volts, ellen
message0 Were sent at .full spe.'d. A
11,eeond dont dist +nee test wilt be
111:1410, 4112) 1116 lcngrmt aw:e:11i116 wire
;all :Le uses+,
montorle, is in the front rank. This is a
h its costli-
not particularly novel type,
renders It esdusive. Among odd
ideas, however, may bo reckoned the
loose sack of cloth, composed of five sue-
eessive scant circular (Memos. Xilach.
flounce is bordered with a cording of taf-
hits libertys
feta mild lined with w
The top flounce forms a sort of pelerine,
from beneath which the sleeves emerge.
They ere wide and aro gathered in at the
wrist with a cording
of taffeta.
The picture show's n half length radin'
gote of mastic cloth. 1t is close fitting
et the batik end sides and straight In
front. It is double breasted, and at each
side of the front are two plaits let in and.
secured at the top by arrowhead stitches.
There are triple pelerines and double
revers, and all the edges, including those
of the c
rieeves, are finished with tithed drape
of cloth. The toot Wiens with horn but-
ting and is iintttd with broche allk. '0 1 1
V R OA 33 KID-
NEYA SI7 m 117 S>� O
Dodd's Kidney Pills 0ur0 Mr. Anderson,
of Watoreide, N, a•, After Vivo Medical
Moll /rave proneilneed Ills Gann 4150•
Lately IOcuraMle.
Waterside, N•B,,. March 18. -Special,
-"T %alye,'been so .often induced to
try patent medicines by the reading
of the wonderful aures said to have•
been effected in similar twee, that
now, when I feel it lay duty to write
the story of my own pure by the nee
of Dodd's'Eidney :Pills, I am oarefully
avoiding any comment of icy own or
any complimentary words, I • simply
state the absolute facts of my case
as follows:
" I have been treated by five differ-
ent dootors, and have taken a large
amount of patent medicine during the
last four years for Kidney Trouble
and Lame Each, from tvhioh T have
been suffering. I was vary bad. My
life at times seemed a burden: I got
no relief until I was persuaded to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I cheerfully give
this unsoltoited testimonial, that t
have received mere benefit from six
boxes of Doddd's Kidney Pills, than
from any and all other sources."
llfr. Anderson is in earnest, r His
straight -forward statement of facts
carries oonvlotion. Lame Back and
Kidney Disease do not seem able to
exist inhere this wonderful remedy is
used. It has been made very popular
in this community by the hearty en-
dorsation of Mr. Anderson, who 18 a
well known and very highly respected
citizen. The success of Dodds-EEidney
Pills in eases litre those of Mr. Ander-
son, has created a demand which the
local druggists have reported as un-
"-'.t a meeting of the British Medi.
' eat Association the preeidont's ad -
2 dress is the section on "State Medi-
ain0" was delivered by Dr. George
11'i.lson, who spoke with great, frank-
mess on the relations of bacte411 r0-
search and methods of treatment to
!preventive 1rledieeine. He begins by say-
; ing that Pasteur's preventive lnocu-
7ation3 aro based on errors: and are
i the outeemc of illogical inductions
every one of thein.
"The few ei seaa0-developing Mic-
robes which baoteriologists have dis-
covered associated with human 1114-
eane, and which they can isolate and
cultivate, are those of tuberculosis,
diphtheria, enteric. fever, cholera and
plague, 'but these,' continues Dr.
Wilson, 'are found aseooiated with de-
cayed tissues, an:1 it is open to argu-
meat whether, instead of being label-
led the unconditioned causes of those
diseasett, Lhey may not be performing
a benign function in changing the
decayed tissue:; late harmless pro -
duets, just as various /rinds of micro-
organisms are 7100essary to ohange
filth and all dead organic matter in-
to harmless /natter.'
"The bacteriologist so dominates
the pulil'm 130es3 that we a1mrlst seem
to live in a bacillus -stricken world,
and so far as preventive medicine
concerned bacteriology has rather led
us on false lines in assuming that tho
disease developing microbe of any
disease iS the cause of ,that disease."
Fie Tells l4ow His Son ILs,gaiylo1
" Health and Strength.
Bad 81a Spine Injured and for Two
Years Was Unable to do hey Work
and for Moat or the Time 'Wee -Con.
fined to oho House.
King Edward VII. is a member of
the Church of Fahgiand, Protestant,
and attends the Ifetabliehed Church in
12o01lanft, like the. Queen.
A ('orrespeadcut 10114 of the Facilities
1'ru2),led far the Patients.
This institution is devoted to. the
without: a .single shot being tired in
return. .
The oaptnra of Tientsin, the neurals
frons Tientsin to Pekin. the Pewit -
tion of Pekin, the exnedltia8, ,to
rooting, and tile so -galled "punttiv,e
expeditions" ver1o113 directions
from Pekin have been attended by
wholesale robbery, outrage and
murder, The worst .or[mea commit-
ted by the Boxers, the worat crimes
imagined as committed by them last
summer, when It was believed that
the foreigners et Pekin had fallen
into thele bands, have been dun/tested
at a scorn of planes in the province
of Pocllili but the victims Were un-
turned Chinese mow and helpless wo-
men end children, and the cri11111111111
were men who worn the uniform of
the allied powers. r
It is impossible to read the detailed
narratives of these occurronees with-
out a thrill of horror, That the;no-
cusatlons are true unfortunately
admits of no doubt. Those who
make' them are absolutely trustwor-
thy. If the Boxers deserve punish-
ment, the perpetrators of these
crimes, which are a disgrace to;olvi-
lization and to Christianity deserve
It still. more.
Dear Sirs, -I have (been a groat suf-
ferer from rheumatism, and lately
have been confined to my bed. See-
ing your MINARD'S +LINIMENT ad-
vertised, I tried it and !got immediate
relief. I ascribe my restoration to
health to the wonderful power of your
LII3WIS S. minion.
Burin, Nfld.
A statue of Admiral Blake basbeen
erected by public subscription in
Bridgewater, where he was berm,
Minard's Liniment: Cures Dandruff,
One can still reckon as woodland
three million acres in the United
Kingdom. at the present day.
Mae i2INOLO5V1 800112IN0 SYRUP hal boon
used by mot horefor their children teething. Ie moothoe
Use ch•td. softens the gum) allays pain. cures wind col
and i s the beat remedy for diarrhoea, 25o a bottle. Sold
"aim r WlWelow a Boothia* oSyrup." Be sure and uY
Bev. Jallhn Robertson, of the ;'City
Temple;' Glasgdw, has entered on the
charge of East London Baptist Tab -
treatment of persons in the early ermicie, Burdett Road.
stages, of consumption of the lungs.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, CLC,
Toronto daily, atter speaking of the
beautiful scenery and handsome
buiTdl.ngs he found on the shore of
Lake rs[uskoka, ,aye:
"in all eases the patients occupy
separate rooms. The table board is
excellent, and everything seems: to be
conducive to their happiness. Facili-
ties are provided for all kinds of win -
tar and ,summer outdoor sports. The
patients spend from eight to ten
The English crown weighs only 99
oz. dwt., though it comprises preci
ons stones to the value of £366,000.
BT2TE OF Oliio;'CITT GF TOLE00, 138.
FaAoK J. O3r18E0 makes oath Ibat he is
senior partner of the firm of F. J. 000087 &
Co., deme buoinees in the city of 'Toledo,.
Osenty and State aforesaid, and that said firm
vitt pay tho of 07911 ) UNE 111(0 DOL -
hours each day in the open air. In j ARb for each and every case of CaTAxlu
zero weather I saw men reading, nap- that extinct "co cured by tlio use of lIALL'S
pins and playing games on the piazza, CATA(01113 1Unr.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presonco, this lith day of Dece CL . A.D. i8 88
A• Nolan/ Public.
Mr. M. D'Fantramont, a well known
farmer living at West Pubnieo, N.S.,
writes: -"I 'believe it is' only right
thatlshould let you know the bene-
fit your Onedioine-Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills -have been to my son, Constant,
sixteen yoarsl of age. for several
L1 5ofthech
and ladies doing fancy work and writ-
ing letters in perfect contentment.
The sunlight, open air, rot and medi-
cal treatment scorn to be yielding
wonderful results. One patient told
me he had gained °31 pounds in
lour weeks. Dr. DeWitt, of Wolf -
Title, Nova Scotia, who came with a
patient to the Sanitarium, said he
belt safe here, a1 he saw no possibia
lity of contagion where only cases in
the earlier slagoa of the disease are
admitted. lig claimed that those
Fifty or more patients, gathered from other eorl"s abject.
all over the Dominion of Canada, and I some from across the sea were not
only saving their Own lives for fur- iiivilyd ILiniitlIUt for sate everiw ere
thor usefulness, but saving thousands h
of precious lives from infection. Most The value of the estate of Lord.
of the* will return to their homes Kensington, who died at offo
cured, and 12'111 become missionaries of last lune, has been swprn at £711,000.
health to their families and friends."
The doctors Cell us that from 040 -
sixth to one seventh of all deaths are
from tuberculosis. One out of ev-
ery four of. those between fifteen and
fifty-five y age
8EAL :
IIall'e0aterrh Cure is taken internally, and
awe directly en the blood and mucous surfaces
et the eeudfor testimonials. free.
F. J. CHEN1EY Sr, CO„ Toledo, 0
Feld by Dregetste, 75e.
lia218•Famil7 Pills aro oho best.
Newcastle Scots have decided to 0310
the War Ofiioo once range to lot them
form a corps of kilted volunteers;
ears of a e result from
this cause. It is astonishing haw's
many diseases spring from it. It an-
nually claims mor0 victim20 then;
smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid fever,
yellow fever, Asiatic fever, leprosy,,
measles and whooping cough com-
bined. he Europe the State mun'ic:-
palities, ntanufaaturie:l, insurance
companies and private agencies are
years he .wee almost a constant: inva- united in battling with tee ravages
lid the result of as injury to )lis of this disease. All praise is duo to
spick while working with hid brothers Lord Stlathcona and (fount Royal, Sir i
on the farm: Be grew weak and 11•ith them, who hn'e started pill./ .4.
listless, had no appetite, and for two nLovom(n l.0 Canada, and have plc.
years wag unable Lo work and was for aided 1213,.21 es0011en1 tacilitiee for the
the most of the Limo confined to the sticew8ful conduct of the work.
house, and for a part of the Lima to . 0'
his bed. Re sufterod considerably STAIN UPON CHRISTENDOM,
from pains in the back; his legs were "—i
weak; and he had frequent headaches. Exe'0Ssrs by "11,1 .1211,11 O'roeps n.. ell" q Coen Pelee.
At differen 1 Limes he wast attended by
two doctors, but got no hanedlt from I The foreign ministers at Pekin
the treatment. Then I procured an have prepared a list of high Chinese
1VLllinmliet'edrlll aad those associated
7-41)" O'
70"l31?'XACOAT F a ..
Rae aohlovee a celebrity unequalled hyothersl Ta 0085010 is 121rarona to temee
eatis bavo 1 d t hat ge will 112 mooetlhan rleaaoabir11*! 1*( Ana qualid b to al end w1) are
t t y o p quality,
1.5020 PO4k0y,e8 25, 50, 40, 44 and 004,
rebevrz'F1"iYW'O•�'iswi. $1, vet* IleW rF'8r"Ct✓V^Jt2'®' 1.^✓C�''0?•' '' •'
And have it done with good
paint, Money spent on elleap
paint is lost and the labor is
loaf, Buy the best paint 31011 00)1
get, Don't' pay exorbitant
prices, but pay reasonable prices
for the best and purest paints
Are the purest and best for beau-
tifying and preserving the house.
Do you went to learn all about
good paints and see bow some
beautiful homes are painted ?
Send us a post card anask - for
our Booklet " 121" free.
Esd'd 1842
,n,v/crw 'vWSAP•vcrNvvv+c'r✓'aw'v,100wWvo"gMyl•1
Thio e)gnatare is on every boo of the germine
Laxative B!'omG'QUiiIine Tablets
t;4ig p ms@y that e0so5 n calm en este dere
In 1890, by an adt of Parliament,
the use of clogs in London tp draw
carts as beasts of burden was abol-
T e Feder#L1 Life
Assurance Comp y
The ninetcenth'dnnnal meeting of the shareholders of this company was held at its bead
office in Hamilton, on Thursday, the 76h instant. Iu the absence of, the President through
Bluest, Dir, William Kerns, Vice President, was appointed Chairman and Mr. David Dexter,
The directors presented their annual report, no folk, we :-
Your directors have the honor to present the report and financial statement of the company
for the year which closed on the 31st December, 1900, duly vouched for by the andl2ere.
The new business of tho year consisted of fourteen hundred andforty-two :applications for
Insurance, aggregating. $2,001735,. of which thirteen hundred and ninety applications, for
$1,995,935, were accepted ; gppllcatloes for $98,750 were rejected or heldfor further informs -
As in previous years the income of the 0801)1.09 shows a gratifying increase, and the
assets of the company have boon increased by 000211,130.122, and have now reached .$1,211,310.92,
exo111slv0 of guarantee capital.
The-eloeurily fnrpoiioy,yholdera, including guarantee melte), amounted at the olose of the
year to$2,1219,0 002,- and the liabilities for roservos and all outstanding claims, $1,113,738.07,
showing surplus of 41,025•,317.55. Exclusive of uncalled, the surplus to
policyholder0 was "5117,002.80.
Policies on sixty live liras became olaimo through death, to the amount of $108,507.99 of
which 918,500 wag reineuro2 in other companies.
Including cash.. dividends and dividouds applied to the reduction of premiums, $23.075.29,
with annuitlre, $2024,50, the total payments to policyholders amounted to $170.813.58.
Careful attention has been given to the Investment of the company'■ funds, largely on
mortgage eccurites and loans on the company's polictee. amply secured by reserves. Thews
10veetnments have yielded results bettor than he average, rosette of insurance companies
doln$ bus10050 In Onnada,
r,zpanags 114110 beef eonflnod L0 43 reasonable Bmit,o coneietenb with duo elrorta tnew
Tho wild tor
or choir
erepr es the company eco company
1 nt )sand te. T110 are entitled to
much credits'orthutrabloreprescntalioa of the compnn9a interests. The. members of oho
office staff have also provedfaithful in the company's service.
Having decided to Inerenee the guarantee or subscribed capital to 91,000,000, the amount
authorizes by our act of incorporation, your directors 'mod on 12th november last tho balance
of 3,000 shares, ata premium of 40 per cant. ou the amount called. Those shares worn allotted
to and taken by the esleting shareholders. Though the call of 013 pee sharewas required only
in bimonthly instalment,", 1.11e 6t,; outer portion of it was paid beforeehe close of Lhe year.
The aeeureneos oarried by the company now amount toel2,176,283,20, upon which the
company holds reserves to the full amount required by lave and, in addition thereto, a conatd•
enable surplus, as above shown, DAVID DEXTER,
JAEI. H, hEY esident. Managing Director.
Minard's Liniment fielieves Neuralgia.
The lal'est and most important pro-
ject on foot 101riot lad is the con-
struotioll of a canal from Southamp-
ton to London.
Pninny Rotel rates81.00 per dly.
The Brilish succession duties
isrought a revenue of nearly £70,000,
000 la the last fiscal year.
elcol:rlo brit Ifor him, but 11 was e)m- officials ','110:16 execution they de-
wasted 1.•t t dui not do I i e m-
A punishment for Lhe r o
mond as . _._._
p I ---
hhn a llurticlr 1.T good. One day
PY'm y w s i W. P. C. 101;1).
while my non was reading a news- 2 plicity fu the Boxer catragcs and
paper he came aarosts an artielc tell- � the attack ou the legations. 0f the 4.►AC�+4 32"9
lug et a cure in a ,,,,00u of similar .pad•ency of this demand In cer-
Pink Pills, and he then decided to give i fain instances, there may be some
them a trial. After the second box doubt; but of its aub011011al justice,
was taken there we./ a marred im- 1 assuming that the officials did what
pr0vunent in 11122 condition. I theyare reputed to have done, there
continued the lose of the pill; units
he had taken eight boxes, and they can be no question.
have restored hien to health. 11i,1 n1)- While the attempt is being made
petite, has returned; Cho pain bel lei L. to distribute responsibility and to
Itis back; he hast gained flesh; is able oxnet pysnalty for thnsa crimes,
to ride tt h cycle, enjoys lira and is neither the foreign ministers at
r +I as
able to do a (lay's work 1.S well any
ono of his age. Thiel letter is gin Pekin nor the pinyon which they
On gladly 180 that others may learn represent can afford to be indiffer-
the merits of 1)r, Willlam9' Pink fills, eat to certain other grimes, still
and find a cure if tilling."
1)r, 'Williams' think P1114 cure such more inexcusable and atrocious.
cakes as the one noi0l abave because The 'first reports of excesses by
they rrcate new, rich, red blood, thus the allied troops seemed impossible
strengthening weak and shattered to believe, but they have been con-
norves, Th"y do not purr;,' and weak-
en like other mcdieirles, but strength- firmed by ton many witnesses to be
en from 1he first done to tholes*, Soles any longer questioned. The'work
Ly ell clralera in 7nedicina or sent 139680 et. Take last .Titan, when.ibrro,
post paid at 1.0 an a x o s
boxer for 1) ,3n by addroesi:ng the physes in loading ships and had' never
Dr. 121 htialrsr ,Ifedioino Co„ Brock lifters a finger against a foreigner.
title, Ont.
ease through 1120 use of Dr. Willhuas' 1 ea i 1
ba r 1 ,. hundred caollesr who had born- ern -
were slaughtered by Busssian troops
For ail skin aiimonto.
J. 0. Calvert dt Co,, Manolleuter, England
h rs
. an € ed
To the President and DIrootors of the Federal Life Assurance 0ompany:
Gentlemen : Wo have made a careful audio of the broke of your company for the year
ending 81st 1)ere.nber. 1933, an4 here curetted to their oorrectno00.
The securities have boon inspected and compared with the ledger accounts and are found
to agree therewith.
paaj a financial
p 0(1lon of your company, as on 31st December, is indicated by the accom-
Respecttully submitted,
IL li, s'1'EPHENS,
7. J. MASON.
Hamilton, let March, 1991 +natters.
To sena roe 517
Complete Cana.
hurtle or Sheet
Mueto 511(1 Rooks
With 00co101 rates:
of els1olmt.
ROYCE ear, Oa.
151 Yonge 9t.
Toronto, 0nf,
911.2E Or 1901 o5S)sr 11200311 1(009001,
m illin a reaping forthall
of the r hloe10 ton0)411the laity 9 reaping the 1,00011(1
efhhoy moa 0n01)el, aper do sod praeural.:
5. I1'
luutr() 121, 111 note ou otofiber 155 00414 $7.50 per
buddre1,r0nt•patd, 21.0045 lien ,tan 0 Co,, 'Montreal,
Premium Income
Interest and Rents
Capital stoop
Premium on stock
Paid toPolley-lIoldersfor Death Claims-
Lrndowmeets, surrender values ani prone
Expenses, taxes, dividends and rata4uranee premium*
411.704 86
00,414 2t
37,286 00
13,009 00
$ 311,003 07
140,101 15
193,728 04
611,093 92
ASSETS, DEC). 31, 1000. 69
Debentures rind Bonds $ 117,752 020 2 83
Mortgagee - •' e7 404 83
Loans scoured by policy reserves.... 2$7,814 e0
Cash in bank a other 0900125..-.
$ 1,271,940 92
Reserve Fund $ 1,073,902 07
OlalmaunndjuSted. - 95
Present value of olain18 paid by instal moats not deo 13,083930 37
Present value of dividends applied on temporary reductions of premiums 144)003 08
$ t, 72134091.
Guarantee Capital 8 7 710_00
Stu lee security - $ e 718 0 , 93
Poltetas wereIssued assuring 1,905,085 60
'Teed Assurance in farce12,1141 283 20
On moon of Mr, Kerns.. seconded by 221r. 'f 1I, Macph0014011, oho report was adopted.
The 310elcal Director, 1)r. A. Woolverton, presontol an interesting statistical report of the
nlortalb y of the company for the past and previous y0nre.
Tho retiring directors wore re,eleeted,and at n subsequent electingof the board, Mr. Jos.
IL Beatty was ro-olootod President, Liout; Co. Kerns and Mr. T. . Macpherson, X' loo.
DOUGLAS d 'letallic SKYLIGHTS 124io
et Will Pay You
to consign all your Produce to the
Dawson Commission Co. Limited
Cor. Colborne and Wert Market St., Termite. They
wiu got loo highest poneibleptice..
Doiminion Line Steamships
Montreal to Liverpool. Beaton to Liver.
pool, l'orbiand to Llrerpoot Via Q881110.
Lorlemid ,000at Steamships. Superior eccommodatln1.
for all classes of pwronger& Saloom and Btateroon)
see weie s nod os. sl attention hue been given to Lh
Second Saloon nod 'rhird•Olmur accommodation. Nor
rake of p0esago mud all particulate, apply to any Wool
of the Cmupaoy, or
Rlcbar5, Mills 1: De D. Torrance &Oo..
77 State Oa, Beatno. /Centred and foreland.
EP+ y,e.
� ` kf7Lt. WRAP -
P 0 -2 PER.
PRINTED in ono or many oolors
or STi.3,IPED at low prions, Sam,
pies furnished on request. Spool til
quotations. for oar loads or largo
lots, 'Write for; prices.
0014P,A.'N` r
16 Adglaid(1-st.'West,
and faded Sults would lank batter 8yad. Sf 50os 9, 5151,02
of caro 1u 7040 town+ wrllo direct 0501,10151, B
ii®OF,iNG and shoot Metal Vfoi'ks.
1t0071Nt1 SLATE, In Bleak,
Rad or Omen, SLATE BLAUKBOARDS. 02000W/
Public and Nigh Schools Termite). 120800017 It, Pitch,.
Coal Tar, d,, 110001120 21(18 (8eo New Olty Null
Inge, Toronto, done by our Into). Moral Collings, 00.
niece, oto. 0,1104,1,0 lonlI hed for work onepnlota or for
materials ehlppned to any ingot the cottnlry. Pho501915,
12. 0801148 & 80114,Adolaldo &Widmo43ts., Toronto.
C l7aC.A
F ....fie &
.A 'b nlure n T
Ila e
Permanent and Western Canada
Mortgage Corporation is a promise
to pay lite stun named therein, which
S t.
i .
c an
Y' tl l
Ihla' 1 n
ew 3
c 1
l .lr. -t..--
ou lho date specified, which may be Y
in one or nra•e+tars s 1110 111Y
1 , n
may prefer, The Coupons attached
are promises to pay interest on 4110
111110011) hnif•yenrlynt four per ming.
per annum. Tho entire 2158016 of
the Company,meoenti114 to $12,-
696,885 tiro secttilt '. for lidlilment of
Cie preinh180e, •
Offion,Toronto8t. ` oronto
r r
a,.sosooml ax• 1*