The Brussels Post, 1901-3-28, Page 5A$. 28 1901 BUSINESS ,CARDS, ONRT TO' LOAN AT 0 PER 001u, • F•H. EQ0:1'T, i3ruseols, MoCRAOI EN— y 1' • IS'au°t• of Marriage Limnos, 0a, nee at Grocery, Turnberry Street, 11016se10. N. BARRRTT-• • voosa til AItiat, abop-Noxi aces' North of the Standard Bank, capias' and 0ldldron'o hair onttiug a specialty, M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage. Licenses, WAf,TON, 'GAIT, .. .MiSS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -tEA0j3101l P, IANO AND, ., ORGAN, p3RtTsm92.0, OSTT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM} IN6nnenals, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. M16S SARAN LOUISE MOORE, 1:: O. M.. Academie geaanate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Member of the Associated Mueioieno of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for inatruotion on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. t LEX. BUN'1Elt- Clerk of the Fourth Division .Ciiurt, Co. Huron; Oonveyanner, Notary Public, Land, Loam and Iaeuranco Agent ; Auotion- e0r. Penile invested and to. loan. Oollee- tions made. 011ioe 1n Graham's'Eloak, Brae - sale. AUCTIONEERS, rJ S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • Ras, will sell for bettor Prices, to bettor men in lees time and Tess charges than any other Auctinnem In Plast Huron er he won't ohargo anything. Dater and orders can always be arranged at this Once or by personal application. DENTISTRY 'F, W. TWEDOLE, (POntrenxis or 00APORTs) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0.0 S., Toronto ; Poet Grad - onto course at Sasliel's School, Chicago, In crown andbridge work. Ine-Prioes same as fn anrrounding towns. 21• Office over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels. VETERINARY. D, WARWICK— Hounr Grndua.e at the Ontario Vet- .erivary College, isprepared to treat all die - eases of domeorluated animals In a compet- ent manner, Parthular attention paid to Veterinary: Deotietr Calls promptlyat- tended to. • Office aud infirmary -Four doors North of bridge,'t'unborry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINULAIR— y V . Barrister, Solicitor, .Oonveyaneer, Notary Publio, &o, Office -B tawart'a Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sank. (1 F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, 4X • Solicitor, So. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. Air G. CAMERON— • (Formerly .of Cameron, Holt R Oamorou) Barrister and Solicitor, Godetiob Out. Office -Hamilton Street, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. M., Trinity 17nivorelty,.Fellow Trinity Medioal College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Phyeiolaue and Lioantiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh, I:N*2'ele0one No.14, Residonee-M1.11 street, Bruoeele, Important to Broadaxe and Horeemon, i•;m'ekarinaiy Caustic Balsam. VaUa A reliable. and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, spavins, Sweeney, oto„oto„10 Horses and °,. ' Lump Jaw ,lc'• r �:.,' in Cattle, TRADE MARE "Bee painpll- lobwhich meompantes every bottle, giving °oientite treatment in the various diseases, It can be need in every ease of veterinary practice where stlmulatiug applicntrnue and blisters are ptaeortbcd. It tali no summon. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give sake - Ration. Prim 76e per bottle. Bold by all druggists and country otorekeenero. Pre- pared by Tan EI711ERA VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY., London,Out, License District 0P TEE East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers awl Others 7phOolt it may COnCe7'7t.. N00I010 10 hereby given that Application for Licenses for the Salo of Liquors In the EAST RIDING OF HURON. 1br the Lioous° Year 1001.1002, which com- motion on tbo lstday of Iday next, will be received by the uudorsigliod fromthepros- out date up to Monday, April I, 1901, inoluaivo. Applioants must fur0loh the names of two good and eullloioint anrotioe ws 'henchmen at the time of making applica- tion, Auy applicant for a now Mocha° roust furnish a d ity of 1110 o100torgtlleate entitledlto vote nt oleo• None for the Logielatlyc Assembly' in the Polling 1ub•diviolon In whish the promiees sought to 010 llaesood oro eltaated, tied the Baia majority must inglude at batt opo. third of the raid Motors, whoare at the tiro of soh app110at1on reeldolzto wlt1II the mid Polllug Bub.Divieloa. .180. H. name. ,Ur0ileollr, Jamoatowui lifitrott 12,1001, a 0 tt n BI a b 6' b. w IS Lr al m g' w f° la b li 0 wl to hi tb m wi eta w F Illi G. roe Br tat th eel In H. th we an ear Fa lie, by on me Re gra lea ma for ren heti wri but our1 Eon Sor at C T vies 9th, A Fri has A Wer last. oelli M tow year lege wee noon enjo were driv folie A H: B pale, The a pit Seile haud was Th wel, the f Stua G. P. 'lnd free. Petr Mane I' as Id ()SSE S 'POST. GOODO t'""1� ,,%� FEED1�r�. R t; _ D j Q 1 R ` For Sale at *+.■ A/w, 'ROSS' 1.1'.� gausses, ser rank s e Among day, n e rt; Oneea, Moorehead ; 5eo,•Treaa„ Wm, Ateley' Q'aagaging Oomoilttoc, Jr, Mporebetd, I�I',1, Stuart. and W. A'a1sY ; Delegate tq l3er• fin, Tolin Stnart'i Cirourtda poNmjlbco, ll, Bamford, iY, U foes and, S. �, ing to the Clerical work. Miee ,Lau, o'er• I 'WARW. FOR .St,1,Tl,,--13BING t;iloon lteeempaplod Mo, Fergilapti a0 far 1. L. E 13, Con, 12 Gre a, oferm. 4100 as Ohivagn, Anil from there will iirppeed aortia is ,nd stook or grafq iwaw. lino,i to Dan(;dpn, North 1?aitpta, Immo cause awl bank barn; twogood wallet eight aory 0 01 Poll wheat sod land all In a .,..1,!,,... •+._ �,,c' _ ..__ `y��c, ..:_. Ji t ”' +'"•' ” . t 1E- ^•Rf",Sc„r"2,�' -'$ta '{-1f '`• '�-'�,`+','^.,, .. b^+ � ����� 9 CASH �I n Willoughby. It WW1 d'cided that Lien', W poi ohoioIi again enter the intermediate t!laiul�x•ata. Mr. Learpyd, par; neW merchant, hag apply btut, , f cul JOHN ',For&D rCtlpillai'e tip I to JOHN 91eFADDp7N,. 2U.tt Brussels P, O, P �` s ''j n o STORE, ,� aeries of the W k, A., to defend the vup melee they now bold, , Tlie Ii4tle leaped aril now pppnplea the past mai. lienee re&ently vacated by T. 1t, F. Oaee, I1lST • CLASR 'ABM FOB i` Bnr,0anor 32 l -i. If. _ -^ two deugbtere of W. nr. tl•akdiper, Nelson, D. 0,, Who had been living with their grandmother, Mre,. Jno, patdiner, Alitgheil road gntil last FRIT r when they aocompahied their Thoo, ilii ler who has been the efficient c da ofwd e 1 a rthe•ba. here for a number yeara, hao gone to liingeyille where he hue ee&i rad a position, o sou, eg 1'p$lteate 01 areey,r 10a norm more or 9.9eaa. Situate 43 of mils rem Rrusoota °nd1inilesfromvillage of Ethel. All cleared. excepting 0 aoree o1 hardwood bueb, 13uildiu o aud hauaeain g good repair. Good •walla. All ken plowing, a . y �. FRIDAY,d' p it upring-111Y1e1 0 eIllZ1 p 1' > r9 11TA1?91I, 29111, aunt to the Meet, returned to town a Lew daYe a o Y ago, having made Iho trip x50.050 the ua tie. lreefeoThe� .VIio.many friends of Soy. Father Mc Oahe will be pleased to least? lgat he ie recovering nicely from 011,: rpjurfe6. he done. Prim and teems of mtymonten apt plicullnn. Eo W, M, BINOI A1R 20 nO llarrlster, ,vat, Btosoeta: ,. a �-" and'Lallo wine; day will marls an event of paramoutinterest to every woman I within reach .1 thio •tory. I1 hi oar opening display of Spring Milliner y 1, latl`; t �,, ,RIUa, - - --' — " A. r,wv 00(1. _ _... Cline Council meats on APO' let. W. F. Forrest shipped a oar of tow and hoar of flax last week, „ The 11 z mill le expected to run another month to oomplete the season's Drop. 1..i. and Mrs, Ktiox have left for 0111• ;ago; where they will reside in future, M199 GOyeni00k will have her Spring nilinery openings on Friday add Settle. gay; Moroh 29Eh and SOtp; The. pupile.:cf,tho Jilnlorcdepabtment of be Public nahool gave a concert the other lay, in which e,,me net creta exeroisee y y vere.gone through, refleattng much credit 'pop the akin. of the pupils and the an.. lagging zeal and patience of the teaober, Oise Nellie Mokarlane.. arelbub 6t ht aud tea e@pare y p v y, be litle ones ap patently enjoyed their long journey,and a yg - arrived here safely. ,� reaentlY reeelvbd by tailil.g pu 4116 slip pry sidewalk, Denial Campbell, who has been clerk in Mr, Young's grocery store for a long A i + ii1 m SUR SA lI7, I OF1'}'Ii •a- for sale Lot 05, Com a, s, 80 ie consist. lug of 100 acres, more - or lase, 06 cleared, 80 scree seeded down 80 same Full ploughed,l2 r') wiled Dame Fashion Will hold wort for hermanyYdevotees and a read ,, before them,a laminating arra of the roved ereatione and cones bions Y approved k in headgear [or this season. eshortly Extoter, Mr. O'Sullivan bee parobueed two of Mrs,•Bobier'e fancy ponies. Samuel Sanders, operator, i0 confined 'house y,pian„ where hevhas aken it positionw,..the , Masora, Paisley. While working with a shaper in the furniture factory Wm. Freeman allowed 0000015 Fail wboaf, earn 60x70; watt °tone eptabliag underneath, Also dwe111ng house, pseeseion to Quit purobaser. For further partieglare apply on the promisee or t0 the proprietor. Prioe and tonne reaoouabla, 26• a'Ii08.IroBTtg6, WtngbauiP,o -' We're not inclined to be boaettul of our achievements, but it Mae from en idle boast to say that Blyth has never seen such a beautiful display )� of Millinery elegance and exultance as will be opened out at tike store on Friday, the 29th rest, It le the result of weeks of ainetakiv of•, forteou the part of our experts, It is a oangr0se of what Paris, Lon• I to the with a 'severe attack of . rheumatism. -.'. W. 'A::. Waatoottloft for Sarnia where 115 hoe eemmed a position in a book and p fancy goods store. ._ The er teriainment • given in•the Pres h basun church in honor of the Patronand y a i; lint, Bt Patrick was a oplendid success, Cho. Wilson, late of the Mansion House, will again take charge of John Bpaokman'o dining - hall and grocery at Grand Bend hie left band to come in 000teot with the kni4esland had apiece taken off one finger and the nicer split open. The Tnokersmith A rloultural Sooiet g have purchased the house and lot of Mr, Duggan, adjoining their new stow room tie, This will ,give them mare room and add to the convenience of their grounds. At a meeting of the directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society, bald i Ai ] Ali 141 FOR BALE —THE UN 1 deroignedowaro bis 100 sore farm for re Pale,00 being ea od 50(1 10 17. es Thera ed y 90 uorae bank b, and Soozes bwlb, is le bruea 1 honk barn, 69x62 feet, with. st�uia etabIIng.; good orchard ; farm we11 fe• asd drained, convenient poll with vetch Trull and tank, Convenient to eohool, church aud market, 30 sores of P0B wheat iod 15 00re° plowed, butane° Beetled to grass. AP. ply oa the promises or Walton P, Q a4•tf ENEAB ORIOHy Walcott, don and New Zc'k have determined should be the correct and faebion. el) a ie headgear. It is the sue elbowingin Blyth that trulymamma the newest Rad most approved taehion enolao, and et so thoroughly adapted to meet the pp yo P particular an ariobo to lsatisfyhwin refined beautauntiful � of Brows best dressers. Such an arietooratio showing of heantiful models and artistic effects, whether the precinct of the master minds of Paris, the skilled designers of New York, or the clever experts in g p our own workaoom, oaunot tail to win the admiration of every dresser ' of refined taste, and will stamp thio atone more than ever the "'fashion afore" o[ Huron County, Mies Baker, aeoom anis& byMitis Jameson, � spent six weeks in the r millinery oenEres, where they eopiad Park daring the coming eeaeon; The trustees of eohool section. No. 7, Usboroe, have paid the led men* obtain ed againat them by Mr. McPherson, their former 1, It_ with at Oantelon's betel, Hensall, it was de. oided to hold the annual Spring show for .entire stook at Brumfield on Friday, April 19th. It was also arranged at this Tl,lt jidyj FOR SALE. --THE UN- i DEnetONED will offer for °ale hie 100 a»re foaan.f of 19, Con, 0, Grey, on which there are so nares under culEivation; good frame house book burn, 96x60 fart, aloe °robes. ,different all the new ideas and tateet designs, and they are now prepared to give our anetomere the benefit, A cordial invitation is extended to all to 1 visit our grand opening. ^ s�' . ( • Giorgio. Howiok Commit met in the town hall �n Wadeesday of lad week,' A A. Urawferd left for Toronto where .e11ae eeonred a situation in a drug store. M in Reohel Patriots has been engaged s milliner at the Montreal House fair the omingBeason, -The ohoir of the .Methodist ohgrah 'oro 'treated to an oyster supper y peer at the areonage by Rev, and Mrs. Garbutt,. Phair, of Fordwhob, bas moved to mu and will occupy the residence she meetly purohaeed on Wellington street. Wm, Mitchell, of Woodstock, is ai pre. ;06 visiting his father on the 6th eon, 1d renewing old acquaintances in Sawa. The Bank of Hdmtlton, Gorrle, have ed a telephone pleated. in their office, [r. Smith he the manager of the Gerrie nob, Wm. Montgomery moved to town last eek and will occupy the house be repent. p aroheeed from Thos. Vittie on Well. ,gton street, Oy. Horton has moved his shoe bneineee noes the street and will now be found &DavidMyth. ie door North of J: Donaghy Son'a 'nerd store. May Riddell moved to the build. g one door North of the Glasgow House here ebe will parry on her millinery and noy goods badness. .180011 emopvted, mete her. f same meebiog tohold the Fall Show at - - . ' ' '. r 'rte spring creek, well fenced, and , place in good - •^ - - - - ...-. to between' d $100• Geo. Bawden has disposed of bis dwell. Seatorth in &Injunction with the Tucker. eolith Branch Society. abape. The farm Da of a mile from school, ���` 2 miles from the thriving Ethel in on Main street to DoaaldMOlnnie, g - - village of and 7 miles from the village of Brus- for the sum of $900. Thie ie a good prop. erty and well located. We understand Pert Count s, �• Bele,There are 10 acres of Fall wheat and 10 acrme plowed, Poeeeeelon given at once: Terms easy. For further information HEATINO Mr. Bawden intends- moving with hie Tamil to LneaO in the near Fabere. YBt — Stratford wants a. nevi railway station, Marys Spring Fair, Tuesday, April as to price, terms and eonditiona apply.. to Fr ti BCOT•p, Auctioneer, ,B easels or the proprtetor oa Ste premises, � ^',,, alight was Isar Terror. "I 16.. There is s scarcity of hooses for rent WILLIAM POLLARD, Prop. Ethel P.0, -41"w"7". �,,,• ., K �"Mre. 000 would Hearty all night long" writes Mre. Ohae. Applegate, of Alex. andcia, Ind., need could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if in Bt. Marys, eds onWthe ork Knoasaahncahn pn phe a ath St property /'1 OOD FARM FOR SALE.— acres, baa 7B. oolsared, 6231°r°46 huCdw 00 C I walked a block I would- cough fright• folly sad eprb blood; but when alt other medieinee failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. Ring's Nsw Discovery wholly oared me and I alined 68pounds." It's abeo• 8 lately guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronobitie aud all Throst and Luog Troubles. Prim $1,00, Trial bottles free at G. A. Deadman'a Ora afore. g ]yinrys, • There will be a lot of bnildinpe treated ' 1° St. Marysandvicinity eo the contrite. tore say, Mre. Moyes, of London, mother of W. Moyes, customs collector, of St. Marys; y y . died at her home i0 London on Marsh 13. ' A. E. ober &ten, M. P., bas been elect- ed a director of the Industrial Exhibi- tion Aosooiation and appointed ohairman of the Dairy Committee, bush, balance cedar and black ash, a acres 1n Fall wheat, The term is well fenced end underdrained, with plenty of good water. Good wick house 20.•80, w1h kit,hen 18x26, wood abed wttaohe3 and good caller. Large bank barn with stone wan underneath, large drive shed and workshop. Large pig bauoo end Sheep pen. Gond orchard of choke, fruit. It is convenient to ohuroh and nobool, store baa postomoe. This Ladym vacate. sold ohaap.if sold before the o[ Mnroh, 0e the proprietor wants to retire 00 amount of ill health. Apply on the premises or address, ALEXANDER MO1AY, Do not forget or withou oven, anteed a perfect RANCES to see our line of Base Burners, with Every stove a double heater and guar - baker. th. Znrbigg, miller at NIobo1'a mill, 8141MonorteH P. O. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. Bt. Marys, met with an aooident a few The beet monthly sate of the eeaeon for days ago which resulted in his losing he the axle of borne, and TN THE HIGH COURT OF ;ins.Miss cattle, cheep pigs middle finger of hie left band. was held at Blyth on Tuesday. The Stratford Centennial Evangelioal W. Drummond has leased the Blyth ohuroh oboir eurprieed their leader, Geo. flax mill from the Iaivi ngsbon estate aud, Duret, by presenting him Rfth a bcauti• will hi a short time, have the mill' in fall Ful banquet lam and an address read b operation. q P y p Mies Lydia Sack. N. H. Young informs the Standard that The 101'.itobel[ sporting aseogiation boa he is not an applieant for the vacant Divis• fixed the date for the Spring Fair for ion Const Olerkehip at Blyth. It ie Dor. April 11th, 1901. They have arranged a reotly reported that Jae. MoMurohie has program of races for 6110 2410 of May, tie' made applination and is appointed. follows :-Free for ell, purse $200 ; 2,18 A recent issue of he Clinton News. trot, 2 22 ace, purse, $150 ; named ram, Record contained the following reference p puree, $100. to the Lather of W. H. and T. O. MoEI- Several Blanchard families left for roy, of /Myth :-.Among those in Clinton Manitoba or the Northwest on Tuesday on Tneadey was Mr. McElroy, of Morris, of last week. James Wri bt 008 to La-ocal R hale veteran of 80years, who in August g g g combs, Alberta District ; Albert Coup. will have resided in this oo0nty for 48 land, Richard 1 TIO1;.-Iv the matter of the estate of William Button, deceased. As the Reserved 13id was not reacted on the day of sale herein, tandem in writing willbe received for the purchase of the ]nada and premises, namely : The South Halt of Lot 20; Concession 8, Morris, 100 scree, subjoin to the approval of the under- signed Local Maetor of Elie Oourt. Pnrtlea making an offer for ttie vale- able property able property may do so a plat t the an,- tione0r, F. 8. Scott, or the plaintiff's eoiioi- tor, and if a,cepted will be subject to the same terms an conditions as settled by the tim 01 Ib Mae he, tad aanounoed at Sue lima a the sale hereto. Dated this 6th day of Mareh. A.D. 1901. B. L. DOYLE, Master at Goderfob, NN.M.MBINOLAIR,PIff'e Bolioitor. alta Meat Cutters f Butter 11/I colds, Scales, Lan- terns Hanging Lamps and Layne Goods o f everydescription, 11tO�r,� !i.,� �ip `fli.��Yi/ Turnbull powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc. • Clinton. John Harland bought a pretty Shet• 0d pony from Mr. Nei], of Senlortb, W. J. Stevenson, of St. Marys, has y eugaged as manager of the eleotrio Gbit plant and commenced duties on onday of last weak. Ameetin of theExeontiveof'tbeHuron g E. Delon and the S. B. Aeaooiathon 2i be held in Clinton on Good Friday arrange for the convention to be held re in Juge. Three enterprising towns, having heard at Jaokeon Broa. are extending their anufaotnring brume], wrote the farm th a view to inducing them to pull up Ikea and go there. There are quite a number of young an from Ontario who intend to- go Int est this Spring. We understand that Fair, J. 0. Forrester and James ddleton expect to leave short] p y A telegram was received by Rev. W Howson on Monday morning of last ell announcing he death of John me, of Alliston, father of Dr. Bruce, e of WafteeriIrwin but whonow reeentilin went .to y Canadian Sault, hoe obtained a endld aftaabion in , hoe Central fro., n large department store of which F. Clergue to proprietor ; he looks after grocery department, the shipments during the last 311 IJ. Ra :-rd for the dPoutle by R. I J. Ron'sfotd for the Old Country ;one, b, by,D. A.. Forreoter and J. & N. it ; owriond of hogs by Caution & Wel. for Toronto, and acarload of horses J. Howson for the North West. 1. P. Sibley was agreeably surprised Wednesday eve0ing after the prayer r. Mr. Hepatin, on behalf of the eon- Mr. at son, on rybe street he rch.con- cation and choir, presented the ler of the oboir with a beautiful rble olook as a alight token of esteem his faithful and generous services he dere to the'°burah in many ways. and Percy Shier go to years. He is a native of Down oo0nty, Hamiota, Man., and Mr. Nixon, former. iu 1853. For about a year he followed he West the same day. Ireland, and mime to Oanada and Huron ly of he 10th line, Blapehard, lett forSPRING hie oalting, that of a joiner and cooper, ytTown Assessor James Kennedy hasDS in Goderiob, and in 1864, the year the jest completed the teeeeement of the present mill was built, became a resident town of St. Marys for the year 1901, Rod Clinton. He built rr v . ,' of a shop where J. gives the following statistics : North s®� Miller'sshop now stands, and did all the ward, population, 910 ; horses, 88, cattle, coopering for the distillery, which was --r-•. 116, and doge, 82 ;West ward, population, located at one end of the mill. For three 826 ; horeee, 64, cattle, III, and doge, 32; years Mr. McElroy lived bore and then 'Booth Ward, poptllation, 1,677 ; horses took up land in Morrie, where' he has 161, cattle 222, and 58 dogs. Total pop- ever since resided, and by uutiring in. Illation of the town 3,412, home, 208, 'Upon the death Iated of his 5wifeacres which land,toocattle 449, dogs 122. Total children be. place a year or so a • Sween the ages of 5 and 16 years of age, P, Y 1,0, he went to live yiS7 between 8 and 14 years, 359; be. o/� with bis can John, who HOW t to 16e 63700 16 wed 21 years, 281 • total males0 soresof the old mmmeetead. He thinks between 21 and -60 yeara of age, 761.111111L1 of going next Summer to Manitoba where Charles Stook, of Stratford, was on he seven of hie children have taken up their train which was snow bound between abode." Ayton and Harriston on Tuesday and Q iii IJ U.&J ollio; 11 .ILLI SPRING- ff g �� 1 Sri'® ij , '!Jy � Fiiriii fit , itiff ®.h Rl tilt 8( clij Wednesday of last week. Hon.tre J. I. Is now Complete. We are showing a very Working 24 Doers A Day. Tarte'a tips was attached to the train and Tbere's vo rest for those tireless little he being unable to reaoh the point in workers -Dr. King's New Life Pilie, North Bruce where be was to address a Select, line for Mem Boys and. Children. Millions are always busy, Curing Torpid meeting in support of Mr. Campbell, 1 Liver, Jaundice, Biiioueneee, Fever and On Wednesday the passengers where on Ague. They banish Sick Headache, short fare, and they feel very grateful to drive oat Malaria. Never gripe nor Mr. Winger of Ayton for sending them a date. Try them. 25o at G. A. Dead- of coffee. Mr. Winger'• thoughtful kind. � '7� weaken. Small, tante nice, work won. large basket ofWinge'stand htquaind. rdered Clothira D artm,ent. maws. - nese wilt long be remembered by the storm delayed The blockade passengers. -Jti.Lar' ' Winaha6n. in the Northern dietriot was he most — severe in many years. Mies Towler has been vary ill. Our stock of Worsteds, Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots and Venetians are the flneSt we have ever Wingham Flax Mill has been eased Strikes .0, inch Find. shown. Everybody should Bee our handsome Greys which are the leading shades for the season. for the season. Mre, Geo. Green was called to Arthur "I was troubled for several yeara with Our Ordered Clothing ranges from $12.00 to' $30.00. b- the illness of her mother. chronic indigestion and nervogsdebiGty,' yT. L'. Higgins, who has been engaged writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, N. H„ • with M. E. Znrbrigg, photographer for "No remedy helped me Until I began , some time, has purchased the photograph naing Electric Bitters, Which did me ap glad -m de Clothing Department• gallery at Wiarton. more good than all the medicines I ever The Union factory was aloud for a few used, Thhave also kep t my wife in days (est week, New arrangements have exoellent health for years. She says In this Department our stook is over -flowing with money -saving bargains. The "20TE CEN- been made with the men, and lower Sages Blelemotrio Bitters are jest eplen g for TURP" BRAND CLOTHING, which is our leader, is the finest ever shown in Brussels. Our Ready• appear to prevaih female traublea ; hat they are s grand tonic Thee. Bolt of 4lenfarroW hoe two henry tonin and invigorator for weak, run down to -wear Clothing ranges from $2.50 to 815.00 per suit. See our Boys'Blue Suits at $2.50. A saw- Iambs. They were weighed before they women. No other medicine esti take its ole of our Ready-to-wear Trousers at from. X1,00 to A3.60 are on display in our Clothing Window were 24 hours skill 00e sealed 13 pounds, Place in car family. Try them. Only this week. the other 18 pounds. 600, Satisfaction gaaraoteed by G. A.• The Whngbnm boys With the new polios Deadman. • are: -John s. Stewart, B. E. Kent, dents Furnishing Department. A Doraoutbreaka. DI large sores on my little daugut0r'O d developed into a nee of sold bead" tee 0. D. Iebill, of Morganton, Tenn., Buoklen's .Arnica Salve completely id her. It's a guaranteed pure for ema, Tetter, Salt Rhenm, Pimples, tie, Ulcers Tenor, Caig 25 Dente I. A. Deadman's. Lisatowel: famous McDonald quartette will t, Listowel on Tuesday eveuiag, April in McDonald's mush' ball. e April Fehr day will fall on Good which is a legal holiday, he date force been &hanged to Saturday, April 6, large number of commercial man i detained: in town on Wedneoday of week, owing to the blockade and oan- to ug of trains. iu Roy, duugbter of D. Roy of this has euoeeaefull paned bar first in y p 's examination at the Toronto Got- of Music, taking flret•clau hondre. Manq[aoturtng Hoz Church Sunday Bohool pupils Trustee given a sleigh ride on Tuesday after. at of last week, whioh they heartily and yed in spite of the storm. There glass 8'sleigh loads in all. Atter the fine they Were treated to a list touch, share wed by an Interesting program. 1. Kline asmult eaee, in will* E, and pi m]th and D. Seiler were the prinoi of was aired in the police court here. usual aeeaulG arm over hauling sand from of , and the evidence went to show that dnoed r end his wife batt been roughly Others, led by Henry Smith, The latter 0. fined $5 and creta, League, e e Marlboro' foot halt team of Liato• vieitote reorganized Friday night and elected g fjl $ ellowin o Berg .-Eton. Pres. J. ' t Viee•Pres.: H•;ii, Morpby ; Ptes,, left Moore; let Viee.Pres., R. Anton ; California, Tim Pew,,. 3, A• Kelly; gid Vine• visiting St, Glatt iVdlooin ; Patron and look il'Pr. 011(1 Mre. John Batch ; ,lutima, Leer. A. A. Bamfead Clan6afn. NRR, of P. Lang, P. Melvin and Sandy McGregor will now be on their way to South Africa. REAL ESTATE. The road grader was used on the alreete FurnishingStook Our is now complete. We are showing the newest styles and patterns in remove the snow abd foe from the p g y waterways to allow the water from the Olt F 0 R T A B L E, WELL Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Neckwear, Suspenders, Underwear and Hosiery. See our very special line to tet ill of American Shirts at melting snow to escape, end avoid flood- li ited and over G. A. of oilers ea far ae poesible. the Leo to block over p A, tDon, 8.50 and X1.00. g Mrs. Rogers' Mores. Apply to P..S, 600TT, The lowest tend6r, that the Hobbs of CO. was accepted by he. G. OOD :FARM OF 142:1 ACRES Board of he Methodist church, 033 for sale, being Lot 29, Oon. 7, Grey, $485, glass to be &slivered in Wingham Haase gettable for two families it required, ..RL...JL. plaited. in the windows. The oolored of prose Ethel house, park (Murat the l 0. Apply to Village sample were'bery pretty, and sometammit,Ethei carriage works, 24• g'�7 a - Department. e "j'''� a r t e t l U W p i ® it.�{ " U Sc Cap L .L windows are expected to add their We have just unpacked our first shipment of Spring Hats and Caps. Our English Hats mann, to the adornment of the new obnreb, FOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL- factored byBarren ton & Co. and Woodrow & Sons are the lightest and best fitting Hats on the Wingham Epworth League enjoyed a Lean. -Tho preparty of the late John g g g meant visit from about fifty members Elliott, eensis,ting of a aolkl briolr beam. -market the Lacknow League. After the with frame kitchen and woodahea, Boot{ See our veryp + a stable and t Rare of land all in first-olaso special line of Fedoras at 2.00 in Tan, Brown, Beaver, Clear, Coffee, Drab, devotional exermsee and dieouselon .condition. It nob. sold will be rented. Poe- Sun matra, Mulatto, Bluetta, Pearl and Black colors. the topic, the Social committee' intro. 00Bai0n at mix Elme. For pa'tioulltre apply m y� themselves to the visitant and Lo •di, BPItNOn, EEllel • ALEX. PATTxaso2i Our Baden -[Dwell Hat at $1.25 is the novelty of the season. by serving a splendid meth. D. 011 • orbn,Moknxivnx, Mb. Foxeat• 2011 Taylor, President of the visiting '� ARMS FOR SALE. — 100 then occupied he chair, and the L� rendered a pleasing program. ao18 in the Township00,0of pores, be- p g p g keg Lobe 18 and 10, Con, 0 ; 80 acres are Town Clerk 3. 13. Ferguson having ob- eloara sod 26 norma in busk; liank baroER ins leave of absence for two mouths wit t stone atattiug uud.rneath i aud ironic a d lfouse with collar, A hood thriving orchard, on Tuesday of last week for a trip to Farni i0 situated 8 miles prom wroxeter. where Mrs, Forgneon is now Alea 00 one in the Tow •ship of Turenharry, r� rs Ol1 '�1Pn``l pp Hatters relatives. Mayor'Clegg will beingrlortaeres 9!Got7, opo• A; arol01 ,1 Tailors UAQ�tl1U Jlafi' U Il after the difficult part of the Clerk's to glroneo u a 000,0 O r bq ' TDO, Iur 6r flee l ^ �P and end Bert Rose will spend a part t.Oularaapply to ALEX. HIBLOP, 1 -Butter and Eggs taken in exchangey eooh deli en the tll.rk a pilin attend, i 91.gm Wins Aar P. D, Eggs for goods. Sou, , 'f f Ur �j(1 �i ++t+rlJ( C)O SM IT 8.1�,WCIC,