The Brussels Post, 1901-3-7, Page 3.e' UU0UBt ITU TTNfL + PERSONAL AND BUSINESS NOTES ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE, Neighborly leterest In ilex ilalrl;;s»^•If,llttirs or *mew Awl dt,rtb unuua'ed Prole lits 1i:ecords, Bank rlep'on'ito in A9oatana have snore than doubled In six years, while in Wyoming they have trebled. The now eenaleS allows that the Centre of .population hoe moved but slightly since ten years ago. The State of Oleic expends 914,000,- 000 annually on. its 1,200,000 school children. Of this fund Cincinnati pays $1,000,000, Philadelphia hos eeaured an or - (linen= prohibiting the throwing of iyiroulara and advertisements about the streets. A000rding to a San Francisco paper, children of James Watt, in- ventor of the steam engine, are now hiving in California. The Government ;revenues for the fiscal year were 9507,240,852, the largest on record, and there was a surplus of 979,527,000. The latest Statistics show: that the United States has over 200,000 miles of railroad, and less than 20,000 miles of good waggon roads. If expeotation,y are realized, the out- put of copper for 1900 Will reach 825,000,000 pounds, valued at 942,250,- 000, the largest on record. Some 100,000 frogs are -daily saert- 21oedto gratify the appetite of Greater New. York, and are served, at its hotels, restaurants and clubs. There hag been started atStouben- bille, Ohio, the first American manu- factory of glade marbles,' which have hitherto been imported from Ger- many. " Edison, the inventor,, was born in Ohio, on llth February, 1847, his father being a graindealer of Dutch extraction, and his,ttlother aScotch- woman. •+' The .%r»'fiiation of copper mines be i3' 'Michigan .peninsula has been placed at $100,000,000. One, mine alone this year has declared dividends of 95,000,000. The Adirondack Mountains embrace au area of over 2,800,000 acres, and in this great area fully 300 moun- tain peaks rise to altitudes ranging from 1,200 to over 5,000 feet. David E. Thompson, one of the lead- ing candidates for United States Senator for Nebraska, has maintain- ed for years a system of relief work among the poor of Lincoln, Neb. Frederick lFinklemann, wno has been selected by the New York Board of Education as lecturer on music, has never been able to read a note ex- cepting with his. fingeaa. He was born blind. Prairie chickens are said to be vlore abundant in Western Kansas than for years, and the farmers show a disposition to give the birds a chance to Multiply by keeping a check On the hunters. Chicago now contains a greater population than all the cities of the United States contained in 1840, and New York now has a greater popu- lation than all the cities together. lead in 1850. It is estimated' that the evarage. stipend of an Apneriean pastor in the largo American cities does not ex- ceed $1,200, while in the aountry 9800 is an outside figure. New York coroners, with their staffs, are expensive luxuries, and luxuries that might readily be . dis- pensed with, Their department for the city ooets the taxpayers more than 9150,000 a year. There is ouch a great demand for farms in Sections of Ohio that rents are extremely high; often two or three applicants. Men and women are contemplating going Lo the far west to take up homesteads. Mary L. Oren has just been ap- pointed manager of the South Florida Telegraph Company at the Plant system depot in Tampa. She is prob- ably the only woman holding such a position in the world. Congressman John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, was a classmate at Heidelberg of the presenLidmnperor of Germany. The two were personal: friends, and Mr. Williams 12 still e great admirer of the Kaiser. Kobel O1wa, a Japanese electrical engineer of considerable prominence in his own country, is travelling in the United States studying water power development with a view of iv- troducing improvements in Japan. SOMEW131AT COSTLY. "Let's .kill time 1exclaimed the ,fair young girl, OS ,she gazed out of the window on the softly falling feathery flakes. I I Bill time ? replied liter, steady com- pany, inquiringly, Yes ; sleigh. it. Ile hest to do it, thdught it Lobk' all his accumulation of pelf since Ohrist- runs. I • : OP SPLENDID RLPTJ 'Irl. �r Rep. Mr, Meeki.ngc is a' good' fol- low, isn't; he? "Yea, They Say be is not only e fine golf player, bat a fairly good clergyman, i%Vhatever fs'Worth doing at all to worl,M aging well.--0hesterfield. Oh the erArSlAlAlaz9040,419.19-. awrelp 130IOS10 COLLARS, Broadly speaking, every implement designed for the 080 of min is provided with a handle and this handle Is made to fit the hand, it ie about a certain Size, is rounded, smooth and bard, at least It ie never made soft with the Ylew of being easier on the hand, The qualifications just named ehoula be present In the horse .collar,, •If' the collar la tthe. proper length and fits the anlmel, and le stuffed fell and round, it may proper length and fits the animal, and le Stuffed full and; round, It may be as hard as iron without danger' of galling the shoulder, 01 course, the Names must' lee drawn upeblgh ,enough so that the draught will not centre on the shoulder point. 1helogio of this is 'simple. It the handle of a manualim- ' element gaile the bnr;d, it is because of roughness or Improper shape cover be- muse it is hard. If it is to be contin- ually' used, the man does not pull ona mitten inwarm weather to overcome a defect in it ; neither does he demand that the handle be made of something soft, but simply that It be shaped and hard. .The collar, which is round and hard, rolls on the skin at every motion of the animal, something after the manner of elealibearing, admitting the air and thus cooling the parts, but the flat soft collar sticksso closely that it campsite the skin to move on the underlying flesh in eucb a way as to poduoe imitation and deep seated galls. I The above contains both sound sense land good logic; but the analogy be- tween the shoulder of the horse and the band of the man should be carried o little further. They both re0yulre 1 tereifue uslaga, until ;they become hardened, for no matter how smooth and well' fitted to the hand the implement may be, blisters are sure to rise in consequence of too "close application on first commencing work. And right here is where aiit tle neglect may cause a•great deal of trouble. The green colt, and even the old horse after a few weeks, lay off, must have careful attention, until the parts become hardened by moderate work, not only must the collar be smooth and well fitted, but the bar- ness must be taken off during the din - 1 nor hour, and the shoulders washed with salted water, and rubbed dry be- fore the collar is put on again. Ai lit- tle care and attention at first may save a great deal of annoyance and probably loss of time later, and the pain :nflicted on the horse whi'e young frequently makes him unreliable, and many a promising colt has been per - A GIRL'S PERIL sat A BRIEF STORY OF INTEREST. TO ALL YOUNG WOMEN. Pallor, Headaches, Dizziness and a Feeling of Constant Limner Overcome -Elope for'8tmilar Sufferers. There are thousands of young girls throughout Canada who owe their good health, if not life itself, to the timely use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. ,Among these is Miss Maud Patterson, whose Boma is in the vicinity of Stratbroy, Ont. To a reporter who interviewed her, Miss Patterson said: 'Several years agoI began to suffer from headaches, was easily tired out, and could see that my health Was not what it had, been. AL first I did not think there was anything serious the matter, and thought the trouble would pass away. In this, however, I was mistaken, for as time went on I became weaker. The headaches attacked me more fre- quently, my appetite failed ; If I stooped I would grow so dizzy that I would almost fall over. I became very pets, and always felt tired and worn out. I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink pills, and Ihave rea- son to rejoice that I followed the ad- vice, and as I continued . their use, it seemed ah tOtougll day by day they were imparting new life to me. My appetite improved, the headaches dis- appeared, the pallor left my face, the dizziness that bothered me so much alto disappeared, and I felt altogeth- er like a different person. I feel that f. owe lay renewed 'health entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as I know that there are many girls who, suffer as I did I would urge them to lose no time in giving this medicine fn,ir trial" , The case of Miss Patterson certain- ly carries with it a lesson to others who may be pale, languid, easily tired, or subject- to headaches, or the other distressing.eynptoms that mark the onward progress of arlae- mi.n. In cases of this Hund Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills will give more cer- tain and speedy results than any other medicine. They act promptly and directly, making now, rich' rod blood, and strengthen the nerves, and correct all the"irregulariti.es in- cident to title critical period, Sold b' all :dealarls or sent post paid at 50 tents a box, or six boxes for $2,50, by addressing the Ds', Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville not, 49 EYLON ACJ I QI:1 TER GREEN OR BLACK, -1; • 9'.rb t :'n, ..21a ,t .''L2. ') ne A 8t " Thanks for the tip " DRINK CEYLON'S GREEN." I found It wholesome, sweet and clean, Now that Pm sound in limb and brain I'll never drink Japan again.' ALL GOOD. GROCERS KEEP IT. A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of postal mentioning which you ("rink—Blacic, Mixed, or Greed Tea, Address " SALADA," Toronto or Montreal. manenlly ruined, through the neeoeot and "carelessness of the driver. MAKING HUNS LAY: A breeder gives his method of mak- ing hens lay as follows: "First, make your hen or poultry house warm. This can bo • best ac- complished by making it double well- ed. Cell it inside with inch lumber,, Meng the space with cut straw or fodder or forest leaves; make it rat proof, Make the roof double and fill. it in the same way. Then paper the sides with tarred or other thick paper,' tacking tightly and closely so as to occlude drafts. Provide a ventilator made of a wooden tube four inches square inside, long enough to reaeb from the earth floor to one foot attbve the roof. Bore holes all around with- in six inches of bottom and same at top, covering the top to keep out snow or rain. "Second, make a scratching pen, on south side if possible, with plenty of. light at ends and in front, with wide doors whieh can be thrown open in fine weather or closed in bad weather. Plenty of litter, such as out straw and leaves, mist be given so that they will be compelled to scratch for all their grain. This gives them the exercise necessary for egg production. Arrange nests under the platform, also along sides of screeching pen, making them as dark as possible, as hens require seclusion in laying. "Third, asto feed: In the morning give a mash of the table leavings,. small potatoes and peelings thickened with corn meal and bran mixed grumbly, not sloppy. About 10 o'clock give a pint of millet or other small grains, screenings or wheat will do, to every twelve hens. Throw this among the litter and kick it under, making them scrota for It. This will keep them busy wail 4 o'clock, when they should have parched corn, kinked. under. If there is danger of 'overfat' make the evening ration one-half wheat. Give them all tbcy will clean up readily of thin, about a pint to ten hens, according to sizeand breed. Give enough, and keep it clean. Don't compel your workers to drink, filthy water. They will drink lots of it if clean and not too cold. "Fourth, cleanliness: Keep their quarters clean. Look out for lice and mites, Carbolic acid and whitewash will clean them out of the house, while the acid and insect powder will keep them off the fowls." LIVE STOCK NOTES. Sheep starved in winter will have weak spots In their wool next spring. When a horse has been worked all day it should be carefully groomed at' night. If raising sheep for mutton selent the breeds which- grow -rapidly and mature early, rather than those which produce a heavy fleece of wool, Ewes that come from ebeep that have often had twins will be more like- ly to have twins, and if the male came from a twin ewe all the better for rapid increase of the flock. The highest type of beef steer in the estimation of the packer of this day, without naming all the characteris- tics, is rather short, wide and deep and of comae thick -fleshed. Th's type is all right, bat WC think is little hard to mainla'n, because it seems M- aned to grow too short and blocky with consequent loss of weight. Horses should have at least seventy- five minutes for each meal. If they finish in less Limo, as they probably will, nothing will be lest by giving them 'a few minutes' rest and diges- tion will be better if it is well under way before the animals work. Fifteen or twenty minutes longer given the hooses at a meal will be more than made up by 'quicker' and more vigor- ous action he the field. The horse. that has seventy-five minutes for meals can; and will, do more work than the horse that bas only forty-five minutes. Keeping the record of alarge pure- bred herd is very tedious, exacting and intricate.: The value of pure-bred breeding stock dependo largely on the integrity anti authenticity of the re- cord of the breeding, Intending buy- er's of purebred bull's do not always appreeialo this until they get some understanding of it and are apt to think that pure-bred stock comes too high, A short time itt charge of a pure-bred herb will convinoe any one he must beet some pay ton a good deal of aarefttl and exacting work on the record, TRAINING BOYS IN GERMANY. Whitt the nt•:alr,li Training behuol Is De Ing to '21,10 /'011,1p•r, A' writer describing the methods of sebools In Germany, states that the manual training schools In Germany are especially intended for the class of boys who idle away their time be- fore and after school on the street. The regular session closes at half past two o'clock in the afternoon, and after this time the boys who, eith- er through poverty or the indifference of parents, ar notproperly and healthfully employed must attend the Industrial school for the rest of the day. In the swm.mer-time the boys, di - vetted into classes, each under' the sup- ervi,sion of a teacher, are trained sys- tematically in all the branches of gardening: At other seasons of the year the boys are engaged at various light crafts in workrooms, such as the making of baskets, brushes and browmle, and plain carpentry, where the nee of tools are taught. Type- setting and bookbinding are taught to the advanced end older classes. Each boy receives a small remun- eration for his work whim it is faith- fully and obediently performed. The money, however, is not paid to him directly, but 10 put into a savings - bank for him, and from Mane 'to time he receives his certificates of de- posit. -- 'Chi girls are taught knitting and all kinds of sewing in the same sys- tematic manner. Every lesson is made a class drill. The children work by dictation, all in the room doing the same work at the same time. A FARMER'S STORY. SHORT, STRAIGHTFORWARD, EARN. EST AND TO THE POINT. 81r. John Fletcher, of Granton, Tells How Ile Was Cured of Lumbago by Dodd's Kidney PIIIe. Granton, Ont., Feb. 25, (Speeial),- 'Th'elre are few people in this county who do not know Mr. John Fletcher, farmer, of Granton. Mr. Fletcher is is not only well known but highly respected, and his many friends ;will rejoice to hear that he has entirely recovered from the very severe attack of Lumbago, Melvh• almost prostrat- ed hero. last year. He .has given out the following statement of his ease and its core. "I hare been troubled for over a year -visible Lumbago also Kidney Trouble. :My urine waa of a very dark red color, and my back was fearful bad. I Gould get ribthing to hob- me. Dodd's Kidney Trills oared Inc I am well, Lumbago all gone, and urine natural color." :The remedy that cured Mr. Platch- ex_ has never failed in Kidney Trouble. Dodd's Kidney Piles aye the hope of every sufferer from. Lumbago, S eel- tica, ox Lame Back. 'Ploy never fail. YOUR BODY AS A TIMEPIECE. How Yon 01tq• no:1 an Egg, hake Ten or Time 0 Mire WTltbout. 0 if inch. You can mutt urs time, in tele ab- eenoe oL a watch, by the beating of your heart. In most adults the heart beats about 70 times per min lite. If you are boiling an egg, mak- ing tea ex watching a 100 -yard race, all you have to do is to put your tinge's on your pulse, and you have a first-rate stop watch. But the pulse is not the same in all people, It beats as slowly as 00 to the minute in some,' and as fast as 75 in othea'e, 11 would therefore be neeessaryto know at what rate your pulse usual- ly beads. Another way of measuring time with tolerable accuracy is by the breathing. "'Moat people breathe 15 times per minute, or anoe every '1 seconds. . So tllnrt in boiling an egg tor 3 minutes you would count 45 breathe. The writer once experienced being oonfinod in a Boa] minx for three days consequence of an explosion ewer - ring while he, was attending a badly injured workman. When hes watch stopped he had no means of Melling hoar the time was passing. Remem- bering that he had a oltnioal there I+toineter with hila, he well, however. able to eouu't the dayO, add erne to tell' the hour of day or night with tot exable 41,0041'44y In the following way The average 'temperature or tits body is 98.8 degrees. slut le rises omni 1014 et oeT'tele hour% of the day witl,. perfect regularity. At about 0 Lf the morning the temperature is at it lowest, being only 9el degrees, Tbret Miura aftcx breakfast It touches tbt ,Mean oraverage. point. At 12 noon it is up to 98 degree% Al' a little over. All day it continue% 10 rise, and IL is at lea very highest at about 0 o'clock 11i the evening, or from that to 7 -name- ly, 094-5 degrees. Then it gradual- ly falls throughout the night, going very low about 8 a.ln„ when mo.d. deaths occur trout this cause, and touobing the lowest point between 5 and le THE IiARY I ET OF W 41. Anlerlfa'a Casualty Ltet In the Philip pines Totals 8.01*. The losses of the American troops In the Philippines since August 0, 1898, are as follows: Killed 711 Died of wounds mod accidents,,, 440 Died of disease 8,184 Toast deaths 5,841 Wounded ,,, 2,078 Grand total ,., 5,919 These totals are already many times larger than were the American losses in the original Spanish-lmeri- oan war. -e- VERY DIPLOMATIC. Customer, trying on new hat, to assistant -Don't you think .there'sa little too much of its Assistant, In tone of absolute con- viction with a note of admiration in it -0h, no, ma'am. With such a pro- file as yours, you can stand anything. We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best, Matthias Foley, Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Rev. R. 0. Armstrong, Musgrave N. S. Ohas, Whooten, Mulgrave, N.S. Pierre Landry, senr,, Pokemouche, N. B. Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N.13. 21VfON whieh, ha0111 wnr:aT:tl ,tui -era tag* 0571.00 TBA justly fennel., is tee remelt of tee exper, ltoowledge of Hemline, You will reap the benefitif you use Load Paohaneu 20, 30, 40, 50 and 000,- ' e.8 49frav4i''til• .... ,'UNaievO,'Ob., e:a...t ree a PA1 "Ib i` ki PR change -so do paints. There has been a world of progress to Fault during the past century, Those who are paicryntingareusing houses in the new cent- Old styles Ramsay's Paints. Do you want to know why? Would you like to have our booklet showing some beautiful homes ? Drop us 'a Post Card and askfor Booklet " K" tree. septs/WE, mNowmt+ta 'Vt•W.e' A. RAMSAY & SON PAINT MAKERS MONTREAL. Eet'd 1842 The River Jordan has its origin in one of the largest springs in the world, �- Mitlard's blunt Cures Collis. etc. More than 90 per cent. of the Jap- anese public travels third class. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRs WINSLOW'S SOO117INS STROP home been used by morbersfor their cluldren teething. It soothes the eh, Id, suttees the gam ye pain, cues wind co' 01 and ie the beet rainedy for dm+ rhoea, 25e a bone. Said by all druirsts throughout the world. Bo sure and ash for "Mrs. Whtolow'o Soothing Syrup," The Eskimos of Alaska make wa- terproof boots and shirts of the skin of the salmon. Minard's Liniment Cures target in Cows. y01d age comm▪ e- nce,rceeect-except key Farm in poultry and jokes. in Western Ontario, "rhe Garden of Canada;' or 1 Manitoba. 0end 0, oar printed Lists, WESTERN --- REAL ESTATE.EYCIIANGE, Music Inchon Wanted To sena for our Complete Oata- lague of Shoat Music and Books With Special rates of diseoent, WHALEY, ROYCE dt0o. 168 Tango 8t Toronto, Ont METAL ROOFERS Deeglasl IIA rime, 01;.; TonoaTo, Oauenge Oaetngs}New gglmportattone aneet'English rk66pricee•APAR11, SL&OKIYELLIt100re'igoaronba Farms for Sale. 99 sorer -0 ndleq lrom Hammon ; fruit ,liatrlel 0 f flock er lots ,also 50 sorer at Rymnl 84atioa; 6 miles • teem Ilsmiltou. 0. A, CULHAM, Hamilton. IF YOU WANT TO AVENUE HOUSE S(aa McGlli-relieve Avenue , fi��HVG, tll®H.T� 1ti0'trRE:1L. &Popular Manual resent, Family Rotel rates 01.50 per day. JUBILEE 0E1901. Ingle a condensed form. all , that is requisite 10 aseteE'tholmty in reaping the benofiti --. of theJubiloo. Substantial, complete and praatiosi. Ii. All moths produce some form of luatratod plagaenon Photo Paper 10, oeob, 07.10 pe5 silk. - handfed, pe,tq+aid, n, 004.7 aenalsa ,o3 Co., Montreal W. P. C. POO. Love and philosophy are sworn CALVERT'S enemies. TO CFRE A COLD IN ONE DAY Sake Laxative Broom Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to ours. E. w, Groves' signature le on eaobboo 25o The letter X only occurs once In 1,000 words in the English language. In French it Demurs five times as often. Hinard's liniment Cures Diplltileria. The deaths from consumption in Philadelphia are now one-third less than they were 18 or 17 years ago. Minard's Liniment Cores Distemper. The game of billiards first came into fashion in England and France in the sixteenth century. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of thisaper will be pleased to learn that there is at Feast one dread, d rhoesee that science has been able to cure In all its ataaos and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Care is the only positive cure now known to the medical lraternity. (intent being a nona- titutional disease, r'quires a oenotitulionsl treatment. Hogs Catarrh Cure is talo ti inter- nally, acting directly upon the b,00d and mucous surfaces al the sy.tom, thereby des- troying the foundation of the dlsen=o, and given the patient st re nth by buntline up the constitution and as -luting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in ha curative powers, that they offer r ne i•Iuyt- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimmnal+, N. J. CHI4S B Y &o C0., Toledo 0. 501d by druuglo'e, Ida, Hall's Family Pills are the bent CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all slr,n aliments, J. C. Calvert nt 0o., Manchester, England PILE CUREtrial package or 0oz's Peoltlrt, Cure for Piles will be Bent free is any address on receipt o1 two cent stamp. No knife, no greasy salve. Address, TBE HIITOHING FREE, MEDICINE 00., Toronto, Ont. YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Oslo, would luck bettor dyed. It n0 00050 rt euro i5 your town, write direct Montreal, Box 158. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. It Will Pay You to consign an your Produce to the DaW9on Commission 0o. Limited Cor. Oolborne and West Market '8t., Toronto. They will get you highest possible priors, AGENTS LIEEN VICTORIA. WANTED. Her Life and Glorious Reign makes the greatest - - - Biography ever written. We want a fes more agehte. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR NEW meter, Massive memorial volume lavishly illustrated. Remark. Beautiful Life and illustrious Reign of Queen ably1 i 4 h 'h th k V Victoria"; the book is not yet completed, but will be shortly; all the events of bar Majesty's life and reign and afna account of her Inst moments,death, burial etc., was be given; this will be n reliale work, well written, beautifully illustrated, well bound, and the price remarkably low for a royal octavo book; only SIM; seed in your name and order for 00 outdt, which is now being prepared as speedily as possible, and the same will Le sent to you in order as received; no charge for otttilt, it you mean business; freight paid; no terr1tol'ya-si.nod •t don't trait to think about it Or someone will get %bend of eau, WILLIAM BRIGGS, Methodist Book and Publishing House, Torentp AGENTS-"LIFiI AND TIMES OF QUEEN Vr0 torts' -containing a fill account of the mo.,t "aids- trlrus reignin th- history of the world; Including the ewly life of her 01%10. ty, her awes r ,n to the throne and nerau,ttan l marriage to 1';'cir Albert; grant 000,000 ,luringtheat endeared rertunal tants amt oharas- t.r,stmethatendeared her to 550 people; graphic, des - r, 7000 oP her ohurmiog puma IRS: noble �r`unuhles ae ,te and mother; wondnrad grmvrh of the i3rttieh Em - p e, Stn together with a okotoh of the lite of Xing Edward VIZ wr110Leo by A 1. Merrill, B.A.; the most complete and autlreat,a hie f England's Illustrious Queen ; em aolnshed with more thou lob superb engrav- ings of historic 5 portrait etc.* needy err Mind. red pages; Price 1 main fret to erneMencod eon - ; au V.NaerB; ire Pay I '.Il oho 00e7,t, Premtttms and Mend bra cnml company. l o,dil promises hint' Co., , Toronto.n. The Pad halne0. Or0ne a eimiv Sen oo a ger orlon e or enp.tntime, ny:odyeonno al frtom free; Male tied: books on time, Anybed)•ono make fromsto510oerday. N dre quick. J: L Nichols 8 Co„ Publishers, Toronto, Canada. iitiomiinion Lino Steamships bfontroal to Liverpool. Beaten to Liver. pool. Portland to Liverpool, Via Queens= 10100. Lar'omts Fast Steamships, Superior u d Staodotiol for alio classes 0000Special Satoase and Blesero tch�yi are amidships, Spacial attention has been given to tH 00, 004 Saloon and Third-Classla s, apply to tion. Fol rates 001800an and all particulars, apply to any agent of the Company, er Mamie, Mills Si Co, D. Torrance 0 do.. 77 Statest.. Boston- Montreal nod Portland. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. "1 0 AIa 9 �F. 0IBR EAtatFitST-SU PPF -'5l. SSC,, -GS WyeinSe9SEMS63,5(95SEW N2"i Dr. McLau ghlin's Electric Colt is Sold on This Osis to Men and Women Everywhere. Not a Cent to be Paid Until the Caere is Complete. The Dr. McLaughlin Electric Belt is the only remedy in the world which can be slild on such a plan, It is the only never -failing cure for Rheulnatism,Lame Back, Nervousness, General Debility, Loss of Power in Young, Middle -Aged and Old Men, Varicocele, Weak Back and Kidneys, Drains of Vitality, Wasted Energy, Sleeplessness, Pains in Head, Back, Chest, Shoulders and Limbs, Female Weakness, Bearing Down Pains and all those ailments from which wo- olen suffer. It cures after all other remedies have failed. Why? Because it restores nerve He, animal vitality, warmth and vigor to all weak parts. It makes them strong, it restores them to what nature intend- ed them, health, vitality; and you know, dear reader, if each organ of the body is strong and acts vigor- ously you will be in perfect health, Any soian or woman who will secure me Can have myd appliance and %ries '��. ai PAY URE �n��ly ip Are yon sick? Are you in pain? Are you tired of doctoring without result? Then come to me or write to me, I am the only man in the world who has confidence enough in bis remedy to wait for his patyuntil you are cured, I know what I oan do and as you do not you can try it first, and I will wait for my pay until you are cured, I Itave cured schen() people In the last twenty years, and; though I can't cure every case, I am willing to stand the loss where I fall. 'So Como and try It now. You have nothing to lose, I give a free test to all who call, If yen can't call I wills/Ad you my beautifully llluxtreted book with full In. formation free. Call or write now, Don't delay. DR. D. McLAUGHL1 130 Yong(' St., TORONTO, ONT. OFFICE ROVES: 70,5r. t0 S.30 p.m,