The Brussels Post, 1900-12-20, Page 8.014,088E14‘8
IN CART'S—We have a lovely selection of Xmas Cards at 2o, 8o, 50
awl 100 eaoh, and some exquisite 'Ana painted ones from
16e up.
IN BOOM—Our stock of Books has been carefully. selected and
includes nicely bound volumes for presentation,
IN 13001' LETS ---No trouble to select a Booklet this year, we have
so many at 8c, 100, 150, 200 and 80c eaah.
IR CAL•1pNDARS—A choice lot including. Scripture Block Calen-
do :a, with a leaf for every clay in ,the year, at 25o. Lovely
Pc rget-Me-Nota at 5o. each, others at 50,10c,150 and higher.
IN TOY: —We have them in iron and wood. The iron aro eplen-
di'i values. We are headquarters for Santa Claus. -
IN ALB•l'MS—We bought too many, were tempted by special
va nes. It will be your gain if you need one.
IN FANL'Y GOODS—We cannot begin to enumerate them. Let
no show them to you.
Druggist, Bookseller tC Fancy Goods Dealer.
Trains tr.tve Brnosel8 Station, North
and Sonth. as follows;
Gorno Sr oro. 0o1NG NonTa.
Flsproee 7:18 a.m. I Mail 2.10 p.m
Mixed 9:48 a.m. Express 8:17 p.m
A ohiei'e amens ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
MERRY C rigging.
A. 0 U W. Friday evening of this
ADDITION L local and district news on
pages 3 an. 5 of this tame.
Monne!, ' next week will be Nomina•
tion Day f r County Councillors.
BnuaSELa butehere are arranging for a
Christmas lisplay of meats as usual.
BRowo lost South of Brussels.
The finder vill greatly oblige by leaving
at Ton Eo: r.
Puente pools close on Friday for
Christmas ,olidays and will reopen on
January 2 d.
A man arbor shop is spoken of for
Bru••selb a ;13 Thos,. Stewart, formerly of
the 3rd lin. of Morris, as the tonsorial
er tet.
BRUSSEL, poetofficehours on Obrfetmas
Day will b from 9 to 10 a. m. ; one hour
after arriv 1 of afternoon mail train ; and
from 6 to r 30 o'clook.
HEenrse tolte have ionnd their way to
P. Anent'-• mill this week as well as saw
Ings, Mr. latent reoefved a oar of lum•
bee daring the past week.
Tan refl ,tion of the Blyth fire on
Tuesday n lht wee seen quite dietinutly
at Brussel- Blyth is rather getting it
this year a sere Jemima wore her collar.
A vena Enjoyable Christmas present
oeme to J, J. Barnhill the other day in
the shape f a case of oranges from his
eon in Oal'•ornia. He is owner of an
orange re 'e.
BRUSSEL- Sobool Board awarded the
wood cont, lot to D. A. Lowry. He sup.
plies 70 nor Is at $1.60 per card, wood to
be body ha dwood, heath and maple, 22
inches lone
Tun rail my companies announce the
usual ahem p rates for the holidays—sin.
gee fare fothe five days from Deo. 22 to
26 and from Deo. 29 to Jan. 2, and fare
end a thin' for the period covered by the
rohool van dons.
CARD of ! !ours.—We wieh to express
mer most Sincere thanks to the many
kind frien.'a, including the Lodges, who
rendered ns enoh generous help in our
long siege .with fever. Their kindness is
very highly appreoiated indeed.
A. Fonerru AND FAXIMv.
PRESENT' TION.—The members of Mies
E. E. Her 'e class of young ladies in the
Methodist 'abbatb eoh001 assembled at
the home c f the teacher on Monday even-
ing and pr. tented her with a very hand.
some Hao, and's Frenob china bon bon
dish. Mi.: Oarrie Hiugeton made the
presentati..n in behalf of the eiae8. Mise
Kerr mad:, a suitable acknowledgment
of the for, thought and kindly remem-
brance of t'le donors.
JArot..ln illustrated Lecture on
Japan was given by Rev. Mr. Hamilton,
a returned Yfiseionary, last Friday even.
ing in St..'ohn's oharoh eohool room.
The inmam:tent, Rev. Mr. Abey, occupied
the ohair. Mr. Hamilton is an interest-
ing epeake and what he had to say,
coupled vet 1 the numerous line views,
gave a grey s deal of information on that
vastly pop'.lated land. The lecturer is of
the opiaior, that the field ie a hopeful one
and that missionary work is meeting
with euooees.
A Peoren Dfove.—Last Saturday a
delegation, 000sieting of B. Gerry,
Barrister /.lair, and W. H. Herr, waited
on the Con mil relative to a pnblio re-
ceptionbe:'lg accorded to Pte. Leon F.
Jackson, wbo is on lois :way home from
Africa, an the Lake Champlain, with
Colonel Ober and a Canadian contingent.
The Connell approved ttnanimonely of
the idea an 1 on9motion a Committee of
the Omni .1 with Beath Thomson ee
Chairman and Clerk Boots ae Secretary
and J.Irw n and the three persona above
mentioned was appointed to make the
neoeeeary :.rrangemente. Monday eve0•
ing they mot at Tee Pon Publishing
House. I. was deoided to have Mr,
Jaokeon ar ive in Bruseele by the even-
ing train, ii: convenient, when he will be
met by a reception oommittee, Band,
etc., and ,snorted to the Town Hall,
where an e idreee will be read by the
village C. rk and the returned soldier
presented .With a solid gold hunting cag-
ed watch, bearing suitable ineoription.
Rev. John Rose, B. A., and Rev. John
Holmes he •e been asked to deliver short
addressee and Barrister Sinolair, Jae.
Jones and W. Grewar were named ae a
musical oo,nmittee to arrange for Band
and mn0i0 for program. B. Gerry will
have oharpp of some decoration at the
Hall and the publfo will be accorded a
plane as far ae the accommodation of the
Hall will permit. Reeve Thomson and
Oounoillor N. F. Gerry took a tour
round tow on Tuesday forenoon with a
eubeeriptir a lief and ware quite enaoeee-
fdl in seal 'ung the where-witb•all to par-
ohaee the old watch. Pte. Jackson will
let the Oo amlttee know his intentions se
soon as h,. reaches Toronto after which
the dale t. the reception will be definite-
ly announced.
loVroau porehee have been adopted by a
good many of our boueeholdere tbie Win-
3No. AtIENT has purchased a fine np.
right Dominion piano from J,lo. Walker,
ENrERTAINNENT in the Town Hall
Thursday evening of this week. Nov
ung pictures of a "'Trip round the world."
Ju0000n Siuger8 and Orchestra fn Brim.
eels Town Hall, Wednesday evening, Jan.
tad under the anepicee of the Methodist
SEVERAL from Brussels attended the
Bowman Speir wedding on Wednesday
evening of this week at the residence of
Allan Speir, 4th lice Morrie.
THERE was only nboot $850 onoolleot.
ed taxes on the night of the 14012. 5%
has been added to all unpaid taxes.
Oolleotor Oreighton makes quite a no -
0898 tie a motley gatherer.
Dian IN MONraEAL.—On December 5113,
in the city of Montreal James D. Blakely
died of heart failure, aged 68 yeare. He
was a brother of Mrs. Thos. Hall, Alex-
ander street, and lived in Brussels for a
SATuanev afternoon of this week the
Button 100 acre farm, Morris, will be
offered for Bale by public aunt:on at the
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, by F. S. Scott,
to close up an estate. Geo. Jaokeon, of
Morrie, is the administrator and Barris-
ter Sinolair hie solicitor.
SonooL BOARD.—In response to a re-
quest of a number of ratepayers R.
Leatberdale has consented to beonme a
candidate for a Beat at the School Board
as successor to W. F. Vans tone, removed
to Wingham. Mr, Leatherdale should
make a good trustee and ie intereeted in
the careful and economical management
of eohool affairs and we would like to see
him eleoted.
Term in the Central Business College,
Stratford, Ont., begins ion January
and, 190L. This well-kuown institution
enjoys an extensive patronage bemuse it
doee drat-olase work. We anderets,0d
its graduates are very successful:n senor
ing gond positions. Write to the Prin-
cipal, W. J. Elliott for a oatalogne if you
wieh particulars shoat his sobool. The
advertisement of the college appears in
another column.
—Notwithstanding the very inolemeut
evening and drifted State of the streets
and eidewallw a goodly number attended
the lecture delivered by Rev. Frank
Forster, of Toronto, in the Town Hall,
on the above mentioned subject. Many
complimentary end oommeodatory
notices had appeared concerning the
lecturer and all who heard him were
quite certain the oomplimente were well
deserved and the audience very unani-
mously eapported the vote of thanks
passed. The reverend lecturer gave a
historical sketch of the dark continent ;
showed the relation the British Empire.
bore to the Transvaal ; and trenchantly
dealt with the war that is still in pro•
grass. Rev. Mr. Forster has hie lecture
well in hand, and is a ready, bright
speaker, entbueiaetio in his delivery and
has the happy faculty of interweaving a
good deal of drollery that clinches the
points made. A number of musical ee-
leotiooe were given on a gramophoue.
Revde, Messrs. Holmes and Abey were
called upon but neither detained the
audience very long. M. H. Moore made
a good chairman. The share of the pre-
meds coming to the L. 0. L. will be de-
voted to charitable purposes in connee'
tion with the True Blue Orphanage and
the Sink Obildrena' Hospital.
Goan To REST. — Although her many
friends knew that Mre. Walter Coate, of
Clinton, formerly of Brussels, bad been
in very poor health for some time, it was
indeed a shook when they learned of her
death, which 000nrred on Tueeday even-
ing of last week. The deceased bad been
poorly for over a year, bat wee only con-
fined to bed for about three weeks, and
the vital cord was broken ere they folly
realized it. Death at any time is sorrow-
ful to all bat it is very ead to see a loving
mother and wife out off in what may be
termed the prime of life -43 years of
age, Her mother, Mre. Hamilton, wbo
has been living at Sintalnta, Ames, with
a daughter, Mre. E. Jarvis, both name
down awhile ago, on learning of her ill-
ness, and have been very attentive to her.
The late Mre. Ooate wee one of a family
of nine children, being the eldeet daagli.
ter of the late W. R. Hamilton. She
was %Canadian, being born in Bolton,
Halton county, in the year 1867. Her
marriage tools place in Teeewater, where
Mr, and Mre. Coate lived for four yeare,
and then in Brneeele and Petrolaa, finally
coming to Clinton. They had a family
of four ohildren-2 boyo and 2 girle-8 of
whom died in infancy ; Lilian, a daugh•
ter of about 13 years of age, is left
motherlese, but to the bereaved husband
and daughter it is a comfort to know that
"God death all things well, and behind a
frowning Providenoe He hides a smiling
face," Mre. Goats was a faithful and tree
member of the Methodist oharoh; a
woman who was highly respeoted by all
of her aoquainteneee; she wa8 always
ready to do anything for every person.
The funeral took place from her late
home on Victoria street on Thursday
afternoon, and wag followed to Clinton
oernetery by many friends and relatives
who deeply 'sympathize in this bereave.
merit. Rev. Dr. Gifford oonduoted the
servioee at the house and grave.
Annum of people are sending Tad
Paev to absent relativee dor 1901 es a
Christmas present, It saves many a lot.
ter they say,
IT le said the Nereid office will be
moved to the Peter Ferguson stere,
corner Ternberry and Mill atreete, the
tipper part beim; utilised for a reeidenoe,
Hensenoon furniture, hanging lamps,
etovee, &o., by private gale. May be
Been any Saturdey, Raving sold my
reeiden08 I wish to diepo•e of • the fere:.
Lure also, Apply to Jona R013n,
2t-4 fireseeitt South.
SNEAa thieves have been helping them•
eelvee to horse blankets, whips, iko., from
ripe in eume of the hotel sin de, If the
parties are looking for free board at
Goderiob or Megaton they're os, the
right road and the time may not be long
before their trip either.
0 0elnnitpnt.E diseatiefaotion'wee ex°
pressed at the G. T. R. traipmee on Mon-
day afternoon oflaet week In running the
train a0roea the arming and separating
the funeral prooeesion of the late Mrs.
Jae, Spenoe'wh:le on its way to Braegels
°amatory. The hearse had to wilt for
the belaaoe,.of the prooeeeion when the
train moved out of the way. It wee not
8 square thing on the part of those in
charge of the train and we hope the like
will not be repealed,
"LET a man ten you his story every morn -
Mg and evening,' says a famous Engllt;hman
In characterising the newepa1por, "end at the
end of a twelvemonth he win have become
your master." What if the man is brazen
faded and a chronic liar, one who rejoices in
Iniquity, and is utterly reckless in principle,
who is thus welcomed daily to tile home
circle 7 Ought not a newspaper that is in-
different to truth, is self -seeping and has pan
regard for individual rights or for public
morale, to be treated as you would deal with
e scoundrel who seeks admission to your
room and company 7 Let an unprincipled
journal ten you its daily story, and by an in-
exorable moral law you will in due time
have an "evil spirit" as your master. In this
same connection we are reminded of an in-
teresting lecture by an old journalist and
member of Parliament, R. L. Richardson, of
Winnipeg.Character," said he, "Is just as
essentil fora newspaper as it is for a man
who is dependent upon the public for sup-
port. It is therefore of as prime importance
that nn editor should guard the reputation
and character of his newspaper 8e it is that
an individualehouldguard his own reputa-
tion and ;ammeter, lr honesty is the bast
policyofor an individual, itis, in an accentuat-
ed degree,, the best policy for a newspaper.
In a peculiar sense a newspaper belonged to
the public, being in reality the creation of the
puic. In the lecturer's mind the best ex-
ample of the value of preserving character in
a newspaper is the history of the Montreal
witness, which the speaker regarded as per-
haps the most influential journal in Canada.
This, he considered, was due to the sound,
consistent ,poral policy that had been fo1-
lowed and the high ideals always held up by
the Witness. It hes invariably been found
advocatin5 sound principles, Ise ad-
hered with such perttnamty to its policy that
it has forced the respect of the public and
althoughan ultra -Protestant paper published
in the Catholic Province ofuelpec, Mr Rich-
ardson ventured the assertion that it was
respected by its religious opponents. Inas-
much as the newspaper is tho historian of the
day, itis desirable that it should be veracious
and a faithful recorder of events."
People We '.Calk About.
Charlie Hingeton has been on the siok
list this week.
Mise Maggie Scott hoe gone to Lou.
don on an extended visit.
Mies Edith Dennison is home from an
extended visit to MoKillop,
Eva Gilpin has been on the ehok list
but is getting all right again.
Mise Annie Putland has taken . a poei
a studio am.
tion in ad3o in Chatham.
Duncan Stewart and Garf. Vaoetore,
of Wingbam, were in town on Sunday.
Fred. Gilpin ie home from Obioago
Dental College for the Christmas holi.
Chas. Sager was at Acton last week at.
teodiog to some neoeeeary repairs to
their Fire Engine.
Wm. Miller, G. T, R., bad one of his
feet pinched by a plank that was being
unloaded from a oar.
Mr. Heath, General Agent for the Can•
federation Life Aeso., of London, was in
Brneeele on Tuesday.
Orma Gerry was bitten on the left
wrist the other day by a dug but will
goon he all right again.
Mina Jennie Howe is home from the
Olinton Model eohool, She will teach
near Walton next year.
Mise, Brown Keating, of London, is
visiting at St. John's rectory. She is
Mre. (Rev.) Abey'e :deter.
Mre. Campbell and ohildren, of Lon-
don, were visiting Mr. Campbell, of the
Garfield Hoose, Brussels, for a few days.
Will. K. Coualey, cheese maker near
Monition, hae been on the sick list with
sciatica. We hope be will soon he all
right again.
Ohae. and Mre. McKay, of Brussels,
were called to Ashfield the latter part of
last week owing 10 the deoeaee of Jae.
Brown, a relative.
W. J. Riggs, of Darlington, Derham
00., is visiting his cousin, Mre. G. 0.
Lowry, Brneeele, and the South family,
Morrie township.
Mre. Donald Soott, who hae been quite
ill for some weeks, remeine in much the
same condition. She does not suffer
very much nor does she appear to rally
to any apparent degree.
Mre. Samuel Smale hae gone to Buffa-
lo, N. Y., where she will visit her sone
and daughter. Walker Bros., 6113 line,
Morrie, have moved into Mre. Bmale'e
reeidenoe for the Winter.
Mies Kate Wilson, of Brussels, has
been engaged in the eohool ehe formerly
taught et Belleville and will go to it after
the holidays. She ie a good teeober and
her re-engagement ie a practical recom-
Barrister Blair attended the school
arbitration between Morrie and Hallett
over the formation of a new Union eeo-
tion at Blyth on Thursday of this week.
The arbitrators were Judge Masson,, ot
Goderich ; Wm. Coate, of Clinton ; and
Wm. Olegg, Mayor of Winghom.
Mre. Frank Baines and nephew, Harry
Rogerson, left Brussels on Monday for
Bradford, Penneylvama, Ut S., where
they w:11 visit the former's brothers, one
of whom is not in good health. Mrs.
Baines will also go to Jamestown, N. Y„
to renew old friendships before returning.
We wieh her en enjoyable 8te.y.
Martin J. Farrow, of Calgary, N. W.
T., ie here on a holiday visit. He is a
eon of Postmaster Farrow and is a mail
clerk on the C. P. R. Mr. Farrow has
been in the West for 'the past 13 years
and ie well satisfied with ilia location.
Other eons and daughters of Postmaster
Farrow ere expected for Chrietmae.
A. F. Murray, teller of Bruesele
Branob of the Standard Bank, who has
been here for the past few menthe, hae
resigned hie poeition and will turn hie
attention to some other av0ontion atter
enjoying a abort holiday. He has been 6
years with the Bank and will leave at the
close of the year. We wieh him 8000e08
in whatever he may engage in.
B1tsiness Locals.
fl1ANtrono floor for sale', A. (f, BAEEEI),
Caen for batter and eggs, A. Oousley,
kionLY for Xmas 1)eeoration et Mc.
fume .a1d teed atwayye in stook and
sold at •right wives. A, 0, Bonne.
4. 0. Bannwa reoefved a oar of flour
blue week and now earriee four brands of
Cuomo roll better, 20, Dried apples
end' fowl wanted. Raw lure wanted,
No, 1 mink or toll, 33.00, G.11. 1INo,
OAsrsr WEAvrno.--Am prepared to at.
tend to, the wants of the pgnllo in the
weaving of rag carpet.' Satisfaction as-
sured. BM. A:miasm a, Elizabeth et.
Hldnner each prioe paid ' for roll
butter and eggs. I also pay cash for all
kinds of dressed poultry. Must beetarv.
ed properly and heads off Duoke, Geese
and Qhiokene, Dry picked.
Boer. Tnotteog, Prodeoe Store.
I RAVE a quantity 06 flret olaee saws for
eale at bargain or wan exchange for
maws that are not in working order,
Yours for business, T, Mo0aeooa, saw
Bummer and f11er, Brunie.
ANY one wishing saws gummed and
sharpened end made to the late•t to out
fast and easy clan have thie work done
at any time Maw by saw filer, T, MaGne-
000, at the old stand Fast of Breesele.
Brussels Select 6mtrd.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Pubiio School Board was hen, nt the
Board room on Friday evening "f laet
week. All members present. the min.
etas of last regular .meeting wt re read
and passed. The following arc.,u :te were
presented ;—
Jas. Irwin, prin. big $ 2 00
W. H. Kerr, " 3 25
Moved by A. Gcuele,, eeoouded by Jae.
Turnbull, that accounts be paid.-Oar-
Moved by A Oousley,seconded by D.
0. Roes, that any non resident ratepayer
winding uhiltlr,n to the school to the
number of three be charged 25o per popil
per mouth in the Primary Department
and 700 in the Prinoipat'e Department.
IIf sending more than three ohtldren
they shall be charged $3.00 par pupil per
year in any of the depapmeata Rud a re-
bate of 30 cents per mmtli be allowed
when pupils are absent on amount of
siokneee only and that any ot„gr motions
regarding epeoial ratan be and ore hereby
reed uded.—Oarried.
The following wood tenders were open.
ed and read :—D. A. Lowry, $1 60 per
oord ; Wm. Kreuter, $1 75 per cord for
all split maple or $1.50 for 70 cords of
beech and maple round and split. Mov-
ed by D. 0. Rose, eeoonded by A. Cone -
ley, that the tender of D. A. Lowry be
Moved by A. Oouoley, seconded by W.
Blaehlll, that the first meeting of the
Board for 1901 beheld at 8o'clock on the
third Wednesday in January instead of 7
Atteudanoe for the month of Nov.
1 48 88
2 62 68
3 64 54
4 09 64
Totals.... 243 214
Board then adjourned.
John Leye, London, Ont., was shot
near the heart mile attending to hie
father's hunting outfit.
The Owen Sound Board of Trade has
decided to tender a banquet to Hou, J. I.
Tarte on January 8 or 9.
Bowat5N—Sono.—At the reeidenoe of the
bride's parente, "Fairview Farm,"
Morris, on Deo, 19th, by Rev. John
LL .e, B. A., Mr. William Bowman
to aims Jennie L. eldeet daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Speir, all of
BnADwxN.—Suddenly, in Vancouver, B.U.,
on Deo. 13, Charles Henry Bradwin,
British Columbia representative for
Robinson, Little & Co., wholesale
dry goods, London, Ont„ third eon of
Joseph E. Bradwin, Wingham, aged
27 years.
Aneue.—In Elma, on Deo. 11, Mary
Robertson, beloved wife of Alexander
Angus, aged 66 years.
Beix—ln Grey, on Deo. 18, Wm. George,
eldeet eon of William and Jane Bray,
aged 18 years, 11 months and 2 days.
$Le user.—Io Montreal, on Deo. 5th, Jae.
D. Blakely, aged 68 years.
COATS.—In Clinton, on Deo. 11th, Marion
Hamilton, wife of Walter Coate,
aged 43 years.
MOHAnnl.—Soddenly at Nelson, 13. C.,
on Deo. 11113, John H. MoHardy, of
Clinton, Ont., late of Teeewater,
Interment at Nelson.
MoGrere—Io Clinton, on Deo. 10, Cather-
ine Hartley, beloved wife of James
McGill, aged 78 years and 7 months.
AS"T49ND/~tR.D ,B'4e7V. ' OF 04Xr DI,,
1t37.',6.2ppSaSs'fft71tTI 14,72.
CAPI'T'AL PAID 11P (One Million Aollare) '31,000,000
REST . , , . • $700,000
Agencies in alt printout pointe in Ontario, Quebec, 16100 itoba, (united States, telling/and,
A General Banking Bueinese Traneaoted, Farmers' Notes Dlsoounted,
Pratte Bound and 0o1)8801one made on ail pointe,
Interest allowed on deposits of 31,00 and upwards and compounded hall yearly.
Every facility afforded Caetomere living at a distance.
Monap mum payable,atm
any bank Issued Under 310.... 80. $20 to 330.. 12o ._ Ii1 at the following rates :— $10 to $20,..,10e. 80 to 40,...14o
J. N. GORDON, Aaoar.
Pnerno.—A6 Innerkip, Oxford Co,, on
Deo, 8, Jaoob Gibeon Pelton, aged
78 years and,9 months.
no ?.1-.x}75.,6 •
Fall Wheat ......••....
Oats •.
Butter, tuba and rolls ..
Begs per dnenn
Flour per cwt.
Potatoes (per bush,)
Apples (per bag)
Sheep skins, eaoh .
Lamb skins each
Salt per bbl., retail
Hay per ton ,
Hides trimmed
Hideo rough
Hoge, Live 5 50 5 60
Wool 15 15g
60 61
05 36
55 56
23 24
16 17
15 15
2 00 2 00
25 25
75 75
80 1 00
25 25
1 00 70
7 00 7 00
6 61
6 5
Two coal etovee for Bale. Apply to
COAL stoves for sale—one large and one
medium in prime working- order for sale at
half price. Getting furnaee in house—no ups
for stoves. J. D. RONALD.
Smelt, open face watch, with Waltham
movement, key wind, lost at the G. T. R.
depot, Brussels, on August 12, 3000. A suit-
able reward will be paid for its early re-
turn to Tan POeS, Brussels.
Foe SALn.—Extra nice driving mare,
buggy,harness and critter ; two wood beat-
ing etvee; large, well made, square piano
box, of good lumber andcarpenter made,
about 10E4 ft suitable for grain. Call on
REV. C. M, ft,
Walton, Ont., within
two weeks. 28.2
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of James
Travis, of the Township of Grey, in
the County of Huron, farmer, de-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chan.
120 of thnRevised Statutes of Ontario, -1897.
that all creditors and other persona having
any claim or demand against the above
named. James Travis, who died on or about
the Eighth day of August, A, D., 1900, are
hereby required- on or before the Twenty-
first a of December, A. D. by
Il d o
Pest, prepaid, ox deliver to ' Elizabeth Gay-
nor, of the Townehin of Grey. in the
Oounly of Huron, the Administratrlx of the
estate of the said James Travis, deceased
their names, addresses and occupations
nature th ll ofp thee eeouritlee their
claims and held the
And notice is hereby given that after 0130]3
last mentioned date the said Adminlotra-
trix will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said deoeaeed amongst the parties en-
titled thereto, having regard only to the
Claims of which notice shall have been
given as aforesaid, and the said Adminintra-
trix will not be responsible for the said
aesete or any part thereof to any person or
persons of whose claim notice shall not
have been received at the time of such dis-
Dated at Brussels Deo. 6th, 1900.
Solicitor for the Adminietratrix,
lighted and convenient rooms to let in
the Leckie block over G. A, Dead an'e and
hire, Rogers' stores. Apply to F. B, SCOTT.
L for Bale, one aged 14 years and two 11
months old, Took 1strine as calves and
Prices right at Br PETER saels a RGBERTBONatock.
Lot 8, Oon. 8, Grey, Brussels P. 0.
Balla for sale, aged 1 year and 8
months, respectively, Good animals with
good pedigrees, The first mentioned took
2nd prize at East Huron Fa11 now. 1900 in
a class of 9. Prides right. JAS. BPEIR,1?.ot
30, Oon, O, Morrie, Brussels P.O. 28.
for Bale, be ung Lot 29Con.7, Grey.
House suitable for two fam ilfee if required,
School house, church and porter the Village
of Ethel on part of the lot. Apply to JOHN
CODER, Ethel Carriage Works, 20•
Xmas Specials
We are now showing some very pretty and useful Xmas Gifts.
This season you will find our stock of the lines we make mention
more complete and up-to-date than anyprevious season :-
- A nide range of Ladiee' Embroidered Handkerohiefe in assorted petterra at
10o, 13e, 150, 20o, 250, 30a and 35o.
— We have also a nloe line of Fenoy Linea Tray Clothe, Side Board Scarfs
and Centre Pieces.
—We have all pure wool Floor Rugs in different sizee at $1.25, $2, $2,50 & 32.75.
—A oomplete stook ot Dolle at 100, 25o, 50o, 75e and $1.00.
—We have Fancy China Plates, extra value, at 20o, 25a and 350 eabb.
— Fancy China pope and Sauoere at 20o and 26o.
—Fanny China Berry Sete at $1,50, $1.75 and $2 00,
—Franey China 4 piece sets at 90o.
—Fanny Glees Vases from 15e to 32 00.
--Photograph Albums frotn $1.25 to $2.50.
—We are showing a very choice selection of Xmas Confectionery,
We will be very much pleased to have you call and inspect our
stock before Xmas. It costs nothing to look at goods at
F® McAllister's,
y II L.
good stable well &o., for Rale or to
rent. Fine looat(,e, Ojn8vire of
21 tf JOHN WYNN, Brussels.
DEneronEn offers bee butcberiug bust.
nese, brink block, reedeoae, slaughter house
and other property for sale at a moderate
prloe as he wishes to retire from business.
Will be sold au bloc or divided up to suit
purehaeer. This is a good chance to an en-
terprising, mac, 8'or further pa rtlool ars ae
to price, terms and oonditlone apply to
14.1f WM. BLABHILL, Brneeele,
O. 20, 1000
Do not wait
Till the Day
before Obrletmee to select
your Christmas Gifts. The day
vory often brings out all the Bade and
piokinge--at (east we hope it will.
We bopo to clear up everything so
that next year we ma have an 411
New Holiday Stook, just Me we have
this year. Our stoop, with very few
exceptions, is an entirely new one
and comprises many choice Holiday
Glfte, Too many things and too
little time 4o tell you all about them,
but we hope to have the pleasure of
ehowmg you what we have and de,
pend upon thie ype are at liberty to
examine our stook witbont the fear
of being premed to bay
Fox's Drug Store.
me of Um undereighed Lot 17, Oon, 0,
Grey, on or about Noy, 9th,eight white Owen.
two of them have black faces. Any inform-
ation leading to their moven, will ee suit-
ably rewarded. 1i. G, PORTERDIt9LD,
28- Oranbrook P, 0,
This Time sure
About 15 years ago we advertised a'sale
to the same effect. The sale was genuine but
we did not go and that seems to stick in the
crop, especially of Old Timothy's hypocritical
patronage. We leave it with the public to judge
whether we told a half lie or whole lie, or white,
black or copper colored lie, a fake lie or an hon-
orable lie. Our hosts of friends who patronize
us are the ones with good backbone, therefore
on Monday, 24th Dec., if Old Timothy will stand
up straight and trip fair we'll down him with
the following prices. If not, for the little length
of time I will be in,Brussels I will work for noth-
ing and board myself, and will make it our busi-
ness to see that you will get an assorted stock
until we leave town, which will be in about two
19o.ior BntTer
Next Monday, 24th,
And the Newest, Brightest
and Best as-orted stook of
In Brussels Just the kind of weather for to rush
off our New Standard Overcoats, Ready-to-wear
Suits, also Dry Goods, Shoes and Boots.
LOT NO. 1—One hundred Men's Overcoats and Pea Jackets at
. $2.00, $8.75, $4.00, $5.00 up.
LOT NO. 2=One hundred and twenty-five Boys' and Youths'
Suits from $1.25 to $5.00.
LOT NO. 8—Only 87 Men's New Standard Suits, regular price
from $12 to $14, your choice on Monday for $7.50.
LOT NO. 4-6 Men's New Standard Melton Overcoats, regular
price $11.50, on Monday $7.50.
LOT NO. 5-150 pairs Odd Pants to be slaughtered on Monday.
LOT NO. 6—Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, Lumbermen's Rubbers.
• Big bargains on Monday, 17th.
LOT NO. 7—Carpets ! Carpets ! ! Don't let the citizens of Blyth
buy all of those handsome Oarpets—sold 35 yards to a
Blyth citizen last week.
LOT NO. 8-11 pieces of Handsome Dress Goode at half price.
LOT NO. 9— Gauntlets, Furs, Muffs at about half price.
LOT NO. 10-2 only Astrachan Capes left, well worth $17,50, on
Monday $12.00.
LOT NO. 11—Silks for Blouses, Silks for Dresses. 2 Black Sills
Mervelleux, dress lengths, left, at a bargain on Monday.
Cottons, Prints, Flannelettes—you will need them after a
while—buy them now while they are going cheap. Tweeds,
Flannels—Atwood way they have been buying half webs
and whole webs. We would ask our hosts of friends to
come and do likewise.
R Terms Cash or 4 months on approved notes.
The man who sells the New
Standard Suits and Overcoats,