The Brussels Post, 1900-12-20, Page 5• A'1 Alk • DE, 20, 1900 fool 1,1eivo P1115. THE BRUSSELS POST Bennw for Tao 1'os'r, 011ainttMt Tuesday of next week, Tos usual reduced reilwey farce for the Christmas holidays are auoouno8d, 0. 0, F, will meet on Wedtloaduy even. ink of neat ween. It wid be election of dance, W. J. Moowoola,N woe the only appli. cant for the town eoalee ter 1901, He got them for the same figure as last year, $190, Tint addition to A, $traoban'e Store ie now about ready for 000npation. It will add considerably to the oouvenienco of this business plane. ALO, 13Awoia, D, A. Lowry, Downing Bros., anti Jae. Ballaotyno 000 investing in well bred poultry, grading up their birds for the next Beason. THE celebrated Jubilee singers, with a ootpplete orcheetre, will give a grand con- cert in Brussels Town Hall on Wednee• day evening, Jan. 2nd. This date ehould be reserved by all lovers of music, Tint boys have had some sport by tour. ing a tame fox round the town and after closing Raynard up putting a half dozen bounds on'the scent and giving them h lively run. If the dogs could speak English they would say they didn't care anent for that kind of sport. Ton time approaches when the young man will remember hie beet girl by send. ing her bin $man card on which he oaye : "You know that I love you And love you real hard, Or why would I trouble To Bend you this card 3' PROPERTY SOLD.—The hoose and lot be- longing to Jno. Putland, John street, has been sold to John Howard, of Grey, for the sum of $800. Mr, Putlaod will re- move to Blyth where he will assist Harry James at his hotel. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard will take poaeeeeion of their pnrohaee the first of the year, retiring from hie farm on the 14th con., after agood many years of residence there. Io these days of high pride for coal a recent discovery may be welcomed in. deed. It is found that sodium binoxide will render air impregnated with oarbonie acid gas (carbon dioxide) pure, It oom• bines with the carbon, Betting free a quantity of pure oxygen, which is the principle in the air that Supp rte life. Thus less oold air will have to be admit ted from the outside into a been for ventilation in mild weather, and heuoe a house nen he kept warm with leve fuel. Pain To JAN. 1005.—Delinquent sub earibere who allow year atter year to pass by without paying for their newspapers are a source of heartache to ao Eiitor but oaeee like the following put quite a bit of sunshine into the eky and call out the newspaper man's "God bless you." A modest little note from Escanaba, Mich., says : "Find encloeed a $5.00 cheque to bring up the eubeoriptioo to TEE Pon, wishing you all a Merry and prosperous Obrietmae and a Sappy 'New Year, Yours reepeet(ully." This sum gives the above subscriber a clear sheet up to Jan. let., 1905. A subeoriber in Astoria, Oregon, U, S., writes TEE PoeT se follow,' : "Find enclosed a cheque for $5.00 which you will plaoe to my oredit on subscription to Tem Poem. It comes regularly and we are always glad to get it ae in that way we get all the news from around our former home—Grey township. Business of all kinds is good on the (oast. With beet wishes, Yours truly!' The V pate the date on the addreee label to March 1903. Who will "acme" os again ? EAST HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. — Meetinge of the East Huron Farmers' In. stunts for the discussion of agricultural and kindred enbjeota, will be held as un- der noted : at Wroxeter on Wednesday,, January 23rd, afternoon session at 1.30. Chairman's addreee ; J. Armstrong, V. S., Gorrie, "Breeding and care of horses"; A. C. Hallman, New Dundee, "Useful hints on the swine breeding industry" ; J. Totten, "Mietakee in sheep breeding." Evening amnion at 7.30. Chairman's address ; A. 0, Hallman, "Cream separa, tor and butter making on the farm" 1 J. Tolton, "Making a country home attrac- tive." Moeical program, At Bruesele, on Thursday, Jan. 24,h. Afternoon minion at 1. 30. Chairman's addreee ; A. •fiielop, M. P. P., "Cultivation of the Boil" ; A. C. Hallman, "Water enpply on the farm and the value of indoor system of watering" ; J. Totten, "Breeding and feeding hogs." Evening session at 7.30, Ohnirmao'e addreee ; A. 0. Hallman, "The cream separator and butter mak- ing on the farm" ; J• Tolton, "Making a country home attractive." Musical pro. gram. All are cordially invited to at. tend these meotinge and take part in the dieanesion on the remarke made by the speakers that the information given may be clearly understood and duly impresed for future use. Thee. McMillan, Presi- dent ; Geo. Hood, Secretary. LEGAL.—The Parry Sound North Star of Nov. 29th, contains the following which refers to one of our townsmen :— Blair ve. Chew Bros., Argue Bros., et al. —This ease occupied the fall time of the Court of Sessions last week from There - day noon until Saturday evening. Aawe intimated last week, it was an notion for $200 damages against the defendants by Robert P. Blair, of MoDoogall, for flood' ing three and a third aoree of his land, in the process of driving loge down Blair's creek. Of the land "drowned" over an aoro was the original road allowance along the banks of the stream, but whiob was deeded to Mr. Blair by the Townehip in lieu of a road given through his land, On behalf of the defendants 960 was paid into oourt in fall of the damage done by tbetn, and whish they claimed had been assessed by an independent person, and was larger than bad been accepted by other land owners along the betake of the same creek ; it watt also held that the council of muuioipalitiee cannot deed away the public righto in the original Crown reservations, and further, that the action had not been taken in the proper court, and other objoctione. At the Moen of the evidence Hie Honor suggested that counsel put up their aontentione as to legal points, in writing eo ae to save time. Thie was agreed to and the de• oieion was reserved. W. L. Haight, of Ole town, aoted for the defendants, and G. F. Blair, of Brothels, conducted the oaoe for hie brother, the plaintiff. Both those gentleman handled their aide of the dispute with skill and good judgment ; the judge remarking that it had been a pleasure to him to sit on the thee, ae hie duties had been made easy by reason of the care, thoughtfulness and skill of counsel. The deoieion in thin naso will be tvatobed with interest by all classes in thin Dietriet, Grey Financial Statement [CONTINTJIID FROM PAGE 4 Jan. 20 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. Deo. Feb, Mar. Aug. Oct. Deo. 8 8 1 COUNTY RA l'I$S. Wm Holmes, balance County rates 1599 704 10 $ 764 10 REFUND OF TAXES. Flora Dickson, refund of dog tax wrongfully aeeeeeed Peter McNeil, " " Andrew Ireland, error in aeseesment 'for dog 1 Michael Mullin, " " 1 John MoTavieh, refund of statute labor charged on roll 0 0 Eckmier, dog wrongfully seemed 16 Jacob Kreuter, dog aseeeeed and party left Twp 17 P J Bishop, 17 Robt Ferguson, dog wrongfully assessed 15 Wm Rands, remission of dog tax 15 Thos Wright, " 15 Win Rothwell, 2 days etatute labor overcharged 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 0 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 MISCELLANEOUS. 2 Uncollected roll sent Co Trees r $ 10 Wm Holmes, arrears of taxes collected 17 W N Platoon, for safe 15 Ino Long, taking Hector McKay to asylum 15 Robt Bowen, fence viewers fees unpaid by G Speiran 1 Foal closing in stall in shed for grader 5 W n sal g g 15 FS Scott, rent of Brussels Hall 15 Peter Sinclair, fence viewers fees unpaid 15 Dos Ferguson and McNaughton, examining Hector MoKay Expenditure on Fraser Drain RECEIPTS. To amount of Engineers estimate Interest on oath in Standard Bank By amount of expenditure Surplus 19 00 22 26 85 40 00 15 41 2 00 9 00 24 00 1 50 10 00 $ 125 00 91528 00 15 00 91543 00 1256 50 $ 286 50 Account with Beauchamp Creek; 1900 RECEIPTS. Balance from 1896 Feb. 6 Township of Elmo being balance June 23 Standard Bank interest to date DISBURSEMENTS. Amount expended on Government Drain No 2 Amount expended on extension Jae A Bell, engineer inepeotion, etc Dec. Deo. Balance 911086 75 262 91 150 30 911508 96 $ 5374 13 736 00 160 00 6270 13 $ 5288 83 ASSETS. 15 J Krauter, uncollected Roll 1900 92348 84 15 P J BishopI 2222 63 15 Balance in Standard Bank 863 85 15 Balance on hand 877 54 15 Township Hall 1000 00 15 Road grader 250 00 9 7,562 86 LIABILITIES. 15 County rate for 1900 15 Balance due eohoole 15 Gov Drains No. 1 and 2 annual rentals 15 J Krauter, salary ae Colleotor P J Bishop, " " 92204 10 3204 46 607 34 40 00 40 00 9 6055 90 APPENDIX. RECEIPTS From the 16th day -of December, 1899, to the 31st day of Dec., 1899. Deo. 23 Peter J Bishop, Collector oath 19 Jacob Krauter 20 Jacob Krauter 23 Jacob Krauter 28 Jacob Krauter, Collector cash and orders 30 Jacob Krauter " $ 644 00 250 00 210 00 640 00 290 60 250 00 $ 2284 60 EXPENDITURE From the 16th day of December, 1899, to the 31st day of Dec.,1899. Deo. 23 David Stewart, for gravel $ 6 80 28 Daniel Cooper, for gravel 5 60 29 Rob Duckett, gravelling on side road 5 20 00 30 Treas. of Ont., annual rental for Gov Drain 507 34 30 Standard Bank, oommiesioo ou drafte 2 50 30 Co Trans., on acot of County rates 1500 00 30 A McNair, for postage and stationery for year 2 65 $ 2044 89 We hereby certify that the foregoing ie a correct statement of Receipts and Expenditures from last Audit to this Date, JAMES TURNBULL, REEVE. CRANBROOK, December 17th, 1900. A. MeNAIR, TREASURER. A Wise Lady. Sleighs AND CLEVELAND, Ohio, '}-} May 23rd, 1900. Cutters UersJ. M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory, V Goderioh, Ontario. DEAR Srn,—Your liquid • medioine, "Soak and Swab," has cured me entirely of the sore I had on my upper jaw. The dootore told me that it was a cancer and that the bone would have to be out out and the effected parte removed by the knife. 'It wag this that frightened me and made me get the "Soak and Swab." I used only three pint bottles. I am well ever einoe, and it ie three years einoe I need ib. Having great confidence in your medicine I will reoommend it to those in need. I am, eto., DNB, J. HARMAN. The following was received from the name lady ten years ago : I suffered for nearly four years from Me, and almost at the same hour daily, oat of which no one oonld waken me, RCP. 011 I awoke of myself, weak and wearied after the lapse of from ten to twelve hours' time during which time I was wholly uneoneeioue. I was attended to and oonsolted no fewer than sixteen doctors without any benefit and no re. lief. I got to be absentminded, often un. conscious of my surroundings, took no notice of anything, until, in the good providence of God, a friend instated on bringing J. M. McLeod to onr house. He took me out of the fit in nalt a min. ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after. this in health and eonndnees of mind, and to this day 1 have not had any more fits. Yours, oto., JosnrnnNE E. MARTIN, Kingebridge, Ont. Sold by Jaw. Fox, druggist, Brussels. If you want good value for your money in Sleighs or Cutters call at John Wynn's Carriage Shop, Bras. eels. I have A Large Stock on hand to select from. No better close of work in town, and all the time yon want to pay for what you buy. JOHN WYNN. Winter Term begins Jan. 2nd, 30i. cENT jusuctret,,,,, 5tr t ora. Ord. The demand made mien us doting the lest throe years lby Business Colleges for our graduates to take positions as teaehore in their schools has been exaotly six linter the supply, This shows that OUT 8011001euloys a superior reputation ;for strictly high grade work. Send for catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WHY NOT GIVE! FURNITURE? There is nothing so appropriate for a holiday remem- brance, and assuming you agree to that, why not get it hero ? You will find little difficulty in selecting handsome and appropriate gifts for everybody --from baby to grandsire. AN EXTRAORDINARY FURNITURE OPPORTUNITY, Extraordinary in character of goods, in extent of display, and in point of value -giving. To buy here is to round your dollars with a larger circle of power than was ever possible before. Extension i ra r Lb ►y and Fancy P�Chula and Music In Making Your Xmas Presents Choose something for nee ae well ae beauty, for comfort se well as pleasure. We keep a line of goods that contains all these desirable qualities. Ca6iuels. ROCKERS A COUCH are very desirable as gifts. We have them in many styles and a large variety, ranging from 91.00 upwards. or Lounge would be a nine present and one that would gratify the reoipieat. All styles and prices. A PICTURE --The awry ahaiee1t gift. Yricee from $1.00 upwards. Morris, Rattan and Upholstered Chairs, All suitable for Xmas gifts. Goode the Beet and Prices Right. Fancy Rockers, Fancy Tables. PIANOS AND ORGANS. I handle instruments manufactured by the two oldest firms in Canada —the Helmsman Piano and Bell Organ. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices low and terms reasonable. Don't bay until you call and see how much we can save you on either a Piano or organ. In these days of fake gales it pays to deal with reliable firms whose reputation is eetabliehed beyond doubt. R. Lcathcrdalc THE VERY CREAM Of fine Grooeriee for the Christmas Season, ie now being shown by us, every artiole being bright, (lean and fresh, and ae (locality is the first eeeential we have taken special Dare to select only the finest goods for your inepeotion. A look through our otore will show you that our stook of Fruits and Table Delicacies is very atom - Mete, and it you have a single thought of e0000my we ask yen to examine our goods before purobaeing and whatever you seleot in CURRANTS . ICINGS RAISINSCHOCOLATES PEELS EXTRACTS, SPICES FIGS SHELLED WALNOTSJcALMONDS or anything else for table nee, you can rest assured, we will do our beetto please you, and give your orders our beet attention. Oysters by Dish or Quart. Fine Stock of Confectionery. C. H. EARTLIFF, GROCER. feet warm and snow, Keep the feet dry in sloppy weather. They are made to wear and our prices are made to make it easy to buy them. Here are a few :- -Men's Felt Shoes from $1,00 upwards. —Women's Felt Shoes from 75a. to $1.50. Repairs in Shoes and Rubbers dolls neat and cheap. Wear Heavy shoes now. ® 0 O When your feet are cold you feel cold all over—"shivery." Cold feet are good for the doctor's busi- ness. The man whose work is more or less out of doors must keep his feet warm. it is important. Don't take chances with light shoes when you ought to wear good heavy ones. Some we have h ere will keep the and snug and protect them from the wet I. C. RICHARDS. I � * y s-'64'7' I, McKinnon, sroRE, I331-1-7-1111-14,i3z.(`Z''C' 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! It le smooth -pee didioult to decide whtit to give a0 0Qhrietmas ,) present, Below we quote a number or articles whiob will malts armful and appropriate preeente for young or old. Our stock was never in better ebope for the Obriatmae trade Chau at present, but as our apnea is limited we can ocly mention a few artiolee in each department. Black Fur Oeperinee, high storm collar, $2,95 ; Aetraohan Oeperines, i k m II r, $5 ; Combination Uaparines,`astraahan an e IIii h storm 00Her, t' d steam seal 1 high collar, 2 heade and 10 tails, very etylish, $15 ; Fur Ruff's, in black C and brown, at 75o., 91 00, $1.50 and $2 00 ; Fur Rulfe, rook martin and l chinohollo, 91 35, 91.75, $2 00 and $2.50 t Ladies' black and grey imine Bon astrachan Gauutlete, 750., 90e. and 91.00 ; Mime' grey aetraohan 1 Gauntlets at 55e, ; Men'e Silk Mufflers, 25o., 50o., 75o.. and $1 00 ; Men'e Ties, four ic-hend, a nice range of oolore, 25o., 95o. and 50o. ; Men'e Ties, flowing ende, pure eiik, 501, cad 75o. ; Men's Neok Scarfs, light and dark Mora, 25o., 35u, 50i. and 75e. ; Men'e Silk Ties, assorted colors, regular 20o., 2 for 25o, ; Men's lined Kid Gloves, dome fastening, regular 750„ for 50o. ; Men's dee Mocha Gloves, wool and silk lined, 75o„ 91, 01.25 and 91.50 ; Men's Fancy Braces, one pair in a box, a nioe present, 60o. ; Cush- ion Covera a large asct wentgiu tapestryand handn 40o •6b o . painted, .1 and 75e. t Fine Applique Stdeboard Drape and D eeeer ovate 25a.,350., GOa and 75a. ; D'Oyliee and Centre Pieces, in new designs, 5o., 10o., 15a. and 25o, •, Ladies' Shetland Floes Fascinators, in pink, white and blue, 91; Ladies' Kid Gloves, genet fingers, 2 dome fasteners, in all the new oolore, 50o, 75o, 91 and $1,25. CHRISTMAS CAKE 1 Every housekeeper will admit that the quality of the ingredients of her Christ- mas Cake or Pudding has a great deal to do with her Buenas. We sell the Fiueet Selected Cleaned Fruits. The beet is cheapest in the end. Raisins Finest Selected Valenoias, California (seeded, in paokage.), Ohoioeet Sultanas (seedless), Extra Choice Blue Olu,tere (layers). Currants The Choicest Selected Cleaned Voe• tizzae. The Beet Flavored. Candied Peels Crosse & Blaokwell'a, Lemon, Orange and Oitron, Also 1 Ib. pookagee (assorted). Shelled Nuts We have something extra in Shelled Nuts. Jordan Almoode (the beet grown), Fiueet Valencia Almonds, Grenoble Walnuts. Finest Layer Figs New Dates Pure Spices We'll guarantee everything we sell to be absolutely pure and of the beet quality. Pare Groand Cinnamon, Pare Ground Cloves, Pure Ground Allspice, Pore Ground Mixed Spice, Pure Ground Mace, Pure Ground Nutmegs. Confectionery The Newest and Beet in the market. Oranges, Lemone, to. choice llarbadoes Molasses Mark Muscavado Sugar Pastry Flour (especially ror calces) FRESH OYS'T'ERS always in stook, Bold by the quart or dish ; cooked or raw at our Restaurant. J. W. KERNE Y. NEW SEASON'S Raisins, Currants, Peels, Figs, Prunes, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Canned Goods, &c. Special Attention Teas, Coffees and Slices. QUALO'I'Y UNSURPASSED and PRICES RIGHT. Crockery and Glassware ! A large assortment of Fancy China, Glassware, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, as cheap as the cheapest. All kinds of Dainties to be had in our Bakery Department. GEO. THOMSON. WISHING ALL A. Strachan. P. S.—January Designers, Patterns and Fashion Sheets have arrived. A Very Happy Christ- mas, a Bright and Pros- perous New Year, and extending a cordial in- vitation to all our Cus- tomers and Friends to visit us often before the close of the year, 1V'e renzailz, YozUTs Faithfully, A. Strachan. P. S.—January Designers, Patterns and Fashion Sheets have arrived.