The Brussels Post, 1900-12-20, Page 3BUSINESS CARDS, ONEY TO EOAN AT is va t pent, kn, i, 800T7', I/remele, W1I, MoOBACKEN- • Issuer of Marriage Lfoonsee• GI. Doo at0r0oory, a•'urnborry Street, Bruefiols, { N. BARRETT— JUta11 puwiN North of he Standrdank,4Ldea'nd Children's hair Dotting a Snead ty, ll�YIARMS FOR SAIIE—THE U. has several good Farms for eelo and to rant, easy torte, in Townships of alorrie and Grey, F S. SCOTT,Br¢eeele M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, .—TEACHER OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 73:E1' 2 SFJ2.,S, ow -s. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM1 INSIIIIANO11, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory ofMusic, also Member of the Aesoolated Moelolane Of Ontario, gin prepared to receive onithe piano Qualified to preparfore instruction the Principal's Form In the Conservatory of Mingo. Brussels, OntarIo, ALEX. HUNTER— Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, 00. Huroil• Conveyancer, NotarytarY Pu Silo Land� rand Insurance Aant• Auction. ser. Funds invented and to^loan, Collec- tions made, 011100 i0 Graham'e;Blook, Brus- sels. AUCTIONEERS. SS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nen, will sell for bettor prices, to better mon in lege time and lees charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at We office or by pereon01 application, DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (sonarsRLY 02 euArones) DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0. D.B., Toronto ; Post Grad - nate course at Hookol's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. aet'Pricea same as in surrounding towns. 111 - Office over A, R. Smith's store, 13 russets. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK— • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Io prepared to troat all dis- eases of domesticated animals lino. compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to, Omoe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W• M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solloitor, iConveyaneor, Notary Public, &o, 01110e—S tewart'e B1ook 1 door North of Central Hotels 8olioltor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. MG. CAMERON— • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and 8olioftor, Goderiob Out. Office—Hamritoo etreet, opposite 0o1• borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., C. 21., Trinity) University Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member Collage of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col. logo of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh. ra'Tolopbone No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels, Important to Brooders and/Horsemen, Eureka rinary Caustic Balsam. Vete A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, 8 lints, Spaying, Sweeney, etc., etc., eto.,tn Lumps and d} Y • Lump Jew y -.�� `; .'.-•�.:-.`lx ..- F.�u in Cattle. TRADE MMARR "See oomph - let which aooempanioe every bottle, giving scientific treatment in the various diseases, It can bo used in every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no SUPERIOR, Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis- faction, Price 700 per bottle. Bold by all druggists and country storekeepers, Pro- pared ro• MEDICINE COMPANim Y,, Lonn, Ot. VETERINARY McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND 00l300— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepeia, Sleeplesenese, Palpita• tion of the Heart,•Liver Complaint, Near - algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Con. enmption, Gall Stone), Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diooaeee, St. Vitus' Dance, Femete Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Mannfaotarer. Meld by Jae, Fox, Druaalet, Brussels G.8 v0. Ale. Iiobt, Dane, who has been in Stooltton, Man,, for the pant eight Menthe, return. ed home on Monday of iast week, The Gorrie Methodist S. R. will bold their annual anniversary on Sunday, Dec, 23rd, The Rey. Mr, Marshall, A. A , B. D., of Clifford, will preach at 10,. 30 a, m,, to the ohildren and at '7 p, m. to the parents. 08 Deo, 25 the 8011001 will give a grand entertainment in the Town (fall. MRs, Joe, MoGitt: —The death of Mre. McGill, whioh took place on Monday of last week at Olineon was a great shook to her friends, many of whom did not know of the dangerous nature of her illneee though ehe had long been in poor health, Mre. McGill, whose maiden name woo Catherine Bartley, wee a native of Canopy Cavan, Ireland, but oame to this country with her parents 00 years ago, when she was in her 13113 year, and settled in Peterboro. On Deo. 24113, 1851, she married Mr. MoGill and after living upon the homestead in Cavan township, county of Durham, for 12 years they moved to Gorrie, where Mr, McGill carried on business se a store• keeper for about 20 years. They then took up reeidenee in Blyth and after 8 years moved to Clinton where they have ()ince resided. The members of their family who 8000100 are :—R, J. McGill, of Chicago ; Mre. Clutterham, of Joliet, Illinois, ani Mrs. F. W. Waite of Clin- ton, The funeral took place Thursday forenoon to the Grand Trunk station to meet the Northbound L. H. & B. train, the interment taking place in the after- noon in the family plot in Gorrie deme• tory. Morris. [Intended for Last week.] Fear has ur• FARM BOUGHT. W m P chased a 100 acre farm in Dad Wawa- noeb from James Rose and he and hie bride, Miee Bate Searle, daughter of John Searle, have moved toil, We wish them 01300008. Harry Fear hoe leftsed the 100 acre farm, known as the Fraser place, lot 4, 8th line. Hs has been on the Higgins farm, near Walton. A eon -in-law of the late Mr. Higgins will summed him, Doming in• t0 possession next March. We observe by the Hamiote (Man.) Herald that Mre. Dobson, formerly of this township, was ohoeen teaoher of the primary elan in the Union Sabbath School in that place. Mre. Dobson is a splendid church worker wherever ehe ie. The following are the officers of the Methodiet Sunday School at Browntown for 1901: Supt., Robert Forrest ; Aeet., J. J. Sellers ; Teaohere, Ida Genies, Bella Roe, Marion Forrest, Cora Souoh, Miee Murdy ; Seo.•Treae., H. Blathers ; Organist, Minnie 8ellere ; Librarian, Mary Ferrand. .en entertainment will be held on Friday evening, Deo. 21st, at 7.30, SILVER WEDDING. — Upwards of one hundred gue0te aoeembled at the home of Wm. and Mre. Dulmage, Newbridge, on Deo. 3, to celebrate the 2501] wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dal. mage, The first thing that met one') gaze on entering the honee was the tables in their well filled capacity with all the good things one oould wish tor. The supper being over the orowd amused themselves with games, music and rode) chat till about 12 o'olook, when they were alt treated to ooffee, pie and Dake to which all did justice, after whioh toasts were given by several of the gentlemen present congratulating Mr, and Mre. Dulmage on their 25th wedding anniversary, also for the hospitable manner in whioh they had been entertained during the evening. Mr. Dulmage replied in a few well ohoeen words. Among the guests were several from Morrie township, Palmerston, Lake - let and surrounding oouotry, all of whioh presented Mr. and Mre. Dulmage with as tine a lot of eilverware es you would wish to look at, showing the esteem in whioh they held their boat and hoeteee. About 2 O'olook the company all joined in sling. ing "Auld Lang Syne" end "God Save the Queen" and then dispersed to their several homes, wishing the host and hostess many happy retiree of the even• ing. The many Morrie friends of our former reeidente will join in the good wiehee expressed. Saw Death Near. "It often made my heart aohe," writes L. 0. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "to hear my wife Dough until it seemed her weak and sore lunge would collapse. Good dodoes said ehe was so far gone with noneumption that no medicine or earthly help could save her, bet a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery and persistent use of this excellent medi• eine saved her life." It's absolutely guaranteed for coughs, colds, bronohitie, asthma, and all throat and long diseases. 50o and $1.00 at G. A. Deadman'e drug store. Trial bottles free. Wroxeter. [Intended for last week.] ;Belong looked for snow has come at 1001. J. and Mre. Brethaur were in Wing. ham on Monday. Mr. Wendt, of Mildmay, gave his eon a pall on Monday. Miee Susan Bray visited friends at Horrieton last week. Riohard Miller left for Toronto last week were he has a situation. Jae. and Mre. Fox, of Brussels, palled on friends in town last Friday. Robert Miller attended the County Council at Wingbam last week. Mr. and Mre. Mogan, of Toronto, are the gueete of Dr. S. B. Swale at present. The ball held Ieet week by the Hookey club proved a ea0oe0e. lieoeipte were $21.00. Alex. Montgomery, eon of William Montgomery, is visiting in Toronto at present. Miee Mary Sanderson, who is officiating in Fordwioh Poet Office, was home on Sunday. John Brawn, who is attending College at Toronto, came home on Monday for hie holidayo. Rev. R. S. G. Anderson entertalnted the Literary Society last Friday with hie magic lantern, Quite a number of the people of Gorrie were present end were well eatielied with the evening's enter. tainment. Mies Bella MoTavieh, daughter of John S. MoTavieh, was 51000 away to D. Walker, 2nd of Howiok, and eon of Thos. Walker. Rev. 1i. S. G. A.ndereon tied the nuptial knot. A number of friends attended the wedding. Metbodiet Sunday Salvo' will hold their Chrietmae Onterteinn]eet 013 Friday 21St, J. ]irethaur, is Rapt. and Rev, 0. V. Lags, Pastor. Ldward Daroerd scoured the rink last week. An he 18 en old timer he mon be expected to alwaye boyo good foe, if in hie power for elletine and curling, Mre. T, F, Miller moved into the dwell. fog vacated by John Barnard, Ratidereop street and Mrs, C. Reis moved be house. hold effeate into the dwelling on Ano 8t. vaoeted by Hire. T, P, Miller. R. B. MoKelyfe le waiting to move into hie dwolling 00 Mill etreet, ae soon se it ie finished. No empty honee in Wrox• eter ; ae soon ae a dwelling is empty there ie some person .reedy to move in, 3. Brethaur and Thos. Musgrove, Direotore of the Farmers' Inetitnte, et. a meeting of that body at Brue. Bole last Friday. Arrangements were meds for 7 different places. The first meeting will be held on the 23rd day of January, 1001, in the Town Hall, Wrcx. eter. The speakers will be Mr. Felton, of Walkerton ; and Mr, Hallman, of Dun. dee. It was decided to give tickets to those that became members and that the President and Reoretary negotiate for an exoareion to the Experimental Farm the coming Summer. A Woman's Awful Peril, "There ie only one chalice to save your life and that is through a costly opera• ation" were the startling words heard by Mre. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall etonee had formed and ehe constantly grew worse. Then ehe began to 008 Electric, Bitters whioh wholly cured her. I1'e a wonder. ful stomach, liver and kidney remedy. Cares dyepopeia, •toes of appetite. Try it. Only 50o. Guaranteed. For Bale by G. A. Deadman, A.5. WOO(1. J. A. Roe and W. T. Thompson have purchased the livery bueineee of W. Leake. In the ease of Hodges ve. Holmes, a oomplioated action oonoerning a chattel mortgage held by 0. H. Holmes, of At- wood, judgment was given in favor of Holmes. Wm. Buttery, of Atwood, who recently engaged with hie cousin, R. Patterson, contractor, Hensel), had the misfortune to fall from the almond floor of A. Mo. Pherson's new block, and coming in eon. teat with the joists, euetained severe in- jury, n- ur 1 Mre. Angus passed away on the 11th inst., of ean0er of the throat, after a pro- longed iliness, She wae an old and high- ly reepeoted resident of Elm, end her demise ie very math regretted. She was a native of Sootland, and leavee a hue - band and five children, all grown up. The following ease was disposed of in the trial court, Oegoode hall, Toronto, before Justioe Roee on Thursday of last week :—Ranney ve. Crowley.—Judgment (L) in action tried at Stratford brought against the township of Elam and their oontraotors for certain drainage works for an injunction, oto. The plaintiff claims that the work ie not being prose - opted in accordance with the plane and epeoifiaatione prepared by the engineer, Mr. Vanboehiek, and the bylaw for the work, nor built upon the line he indicat. ed, and that in ooneequenoe portion of hie land bee been taken and the remain. der damaged. Held, that there ie noth ing in the drainage aot, R. 8. 0., oh. 226, requiring a municipality to employ the eurveyor who draws the plane and epeai. ftcatione and makes 1130 report to euper- viee the work. - They may employ any competent person to do so. It devolves upon the court in mases of this kind to ascertain from the plane, and 0o forth, the true drain line determined upon by the municipality, and the intention 01, except as eo ascertained, cannot be re- oeived in evidence. In this case, alter an examination of the plane, prolilee, specifications, report and the stakes shown ae planted by the purveyor, the learned Judge ie of opinion that the plaintiff has failed to show that the work on the ground ie not in a000rdanoe with the report adopted by the council of the defendant township and the work auth- orized to be done. Action diemieeed with costs. Mabee, Q. C., for plaintiff ; H. B. Morphy (Listowel) for defendants. THE LATE GlssoN PELTON.—Oce of the oldest and moat respected residents of East Zerra passed away on Saturday, Deo. 8th, at 12.30 p. m., in the person of Jacob Gibeon Pelton. Some two weeks ago he was taken ill of typhoid fever, from whioh he never rallied, his advanced age, 78 years and 9 menthe, together with heart heart trouble, mitigating against hie chances of recovery. The history of the demeaned is largely the history of the township in whiah he resided. Born in Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1822, 130 moved with hie parents to Princeton, Oxford Co., in 1830, where the family resided some 6 years. The family moved into Zorra in 1842. The eubjeot of this notice followed the building and oontr0oling business for some years, subsequently, in 1849, parnhasing lot 11, in the 18th con- oeeeion of Eaet Zorra, from J. Barney, whioh has continued to be the home- stead ever eines. In 1845 he was united in marriage to Mies Lyman, daughter of Dongald Lyman. And as a result of this union four ohildren were born, all of whom survive, viz. ; Wm. Pelton, of Lis- towel ; Mre. Fred. Switzer, of Elma ; James Pelton, of Loa Angeles, Cal. ; Fred. Pelton, of Port Huron, Mich. In 1858 hie wife passed away. In 1860 be was wedded to Miee Caroline Baker, of Owen Sound, Ont. Of this union eleven ohildren were horn, viz.: Mre. D. A. Woods, Galt ; Frank, of Loa Angeles, 001. • George, of East Zorra ; Ralph S., of Atwood ; Arthur, of the homestead ; Mre. D. G. Anderson, of Atwood ; Mrs. 0. H. Effinger, of London, and Bertha at home. The deceased ohildren are Charles, Harvey and .Norman, In those early days game was quite plentiful in East Zorra, dietriet of Brook, as it was then palled, and to the eubjeot of this notice may be credited one of the moat remarkable shote in the annale of the hunt, He was hunting in the ewampe near Princeton, when he tame upon two large deer and a fawn, lapping shoulders, lees than 100 yards distant. He fired, the ball piercing the shoulders of all three ; two were killed outright and the third ran some two hundred yards when it fell, and was despatched. The ehot of course wee only poeeible at ohort range and in the unique position of the game. Mr. Pelton naturally related thie story of hie prowess in years alter with ooneider. able pride. Large game was plentiful in the Zorrae and neighboring townships in Clubbing Offer iO11 1001, Toa Posm and Weekly Globe with Battle of Peardeberg premium,.$ 1 00 Tne Poem and Weetorn Advertiser 1 55 TED Poor and Family Herald end Weekly Star with 2 premiums.. 1 80 Ton Poe'r and Montreal Witness,. 1 05 2 25 Pea Poem and Dally Newo.. , ..... Balaneeof 1900 free to uew eubooribere. Now is the time to get your mime on the list. Copia() of the above mentioned prem. lame may be seen at "Ton Poem." Yon pay your eubeoriptiou and we write the letter, remit the money and,pay the postage. Call and see us or write. W. H. KERR, THE Poem Publishing Emma, Brueeel& those early days. In polities, deeeeeed was le Conservative. Deceased wail strictly temperate and honeot and re. opeoted, and in hie death another of the old landmarks of Zorra is removed. Tbe.funeral eervioe on Sunday, at 2 p. m„ was oonduoted by Rev. Mr. Straith ; interment was made in the family plot in the Innerkip Cemetery. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Brussels Council. The statutory meeting of Brussels Council wee held. last Saturday eyeni05, Reeve Thomson in the ohair and Conn. oillore Roes, Gerry and Fox present. Minntee of teat meeting read and pass- ed. s- ed. The following accounts were present• ed :— Wilton & Turnbull, mieoellaoeous $ 9 52 F. B. Scott, sidewalk and sewer inepeotion, salary and min.. 135 67 N. F. Gerry, misoellaneons 8 37 J. D. Ronald, Fire Dept 70 46 D. Ewan, mieoellaneoue 25 G. T. R., land rent 1 00 W, J. McCracken, misoollaneous 25 A. McKay & Co.' mieoellaneoue 308 A. McLauohlin, salary 20 00 J. Irwin, printing • 175 Municipal World, blanks1 50 W. H. Kerr, printing 41 63 P. Saott, miscellaneous 5 40 Moved by N. F. Gerry, aeoonded by J. T. Rose, that above aaconnte be paid ex- cept that $10 be deducted from Mr. Ron. ald'e a0000ue—Carried. A delegation, ooneietinn of B. Gerry, G. F. Blair and W. H. Kerr, addressed the Council relative toe. reception demon- stration for Pte. Leon F. Jaokson, who ie now on his way home from South Africa where he was soldiering. Moved by N. F. Gerry, seconded by J. T. Rosa, that the Reeve be Chairman, the Clerk, Secretary, and the Councillors with B. Gerry, G. F. Blair, Jae. Irwin and W. H. Kerr 000etitnte the Committee in this metier.—Carried. A letter was read from Dr. MoNaogh- ton relative to hie account for attendance on Alex. Forsyth and family. After die. cussing the matter it was left over. 13. Gerry palled the attention of the Council to the difference of 10 feet in measurements at the angle of the side- walk at corner of John and Mill streets, No action as By-law was completed. Owen Sound Cement Worke$798 41 Sewer Pipe Co 28 00 Moved by J. T. Rose, seconded by Jae. Fox, that above amounts be paid.—Car- ried. The only applioation for Ibe weigh eoalee was that of W. J. McCracken to get the town eoalee for 1901 for $190. Moved by J. T. Rosa; seconded by N. F. Gerry, that Mr. McCracken's tender be aooepted.—Carried. By-law No. 6, 1900, fixing polling places and Deputy Returning officers was read three times and passed. Bylaw No. 7, 1900, dealing with Bide. walks wae read three times and finally passed. Connoil then adjourned. Says Ile was Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson, Hills- borough, Ills., "but Buoklen'e Arnica Salve completely oured them." Ade like magic on sprains, bruises, outs, Bores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Perfect healer of akin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by G. A. Deadman. 25o. At the Cabinet Council meeting it ie understood that Wednesday, Feb. 6013, has been fixed ae the date for the meet• ing of Parliament. Ueaally the legiela. tore aeeemble on a Thursday, but this being a new Perliatnent, 11 will be neces' eery to m 00 a dtty In advance in order to 01001 a Speaker for the Upper and Lower floated, 'hie will be done 01.1 Ilio date mentioned, after which en edjouen- meet will telco plops tattle following doy, when Ole Leoellenoy will de'iver the epeeoh from the throne. VERY SURPRISING REPORTS isms ►n Tor 1)A I ioehoe's Ilnoilaehe kid- ney Tablets, Cores Aro elude Of Ills That They Aro Not Ad. vfrtlsed For. A mane of otrange symptoms ere often reported ea relieved by Dr. Pitcher's Backache iliduey Tableto, symptoms that we generally oommon to other dieeaeee than those of the kidney and bladder. This, however, ie not et all surprising when we ooneider the fact that the kid• neve, the urinary tract, and the bowele are the great waote pipes of the system, and the perfect working of these organs means the elimination of all Bolts of material that retained and reabsor, ad would oauee trouble in all direotione. It is doe then to thie riddance of the system by the kidneys and bowels of waste and and dangerous enbetanoee, liquid and eolid, that relief ie obtained by eo many 10140.10308 from symptoms they are not advertised to o0re. William C. Newoome, Queen St., Brneesle, says, "During an attaok of Be nkaohe and Kidney trouble some time ago whiah wee quite severe I procured a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets at Jae. Fox's drng store and eon• eoientiouely say they noted nicely, Stop- ping the trouble easily and gently. I did not use but one-half the bottle. I think early bard work is having its effect at my age seventy-four years.' If you have the slightest symptom of Kidney or 13ladder triable yo a pan teat thiogreat medicine free. Arran emente Move been made whereby every reader of this paper pan obtain a trial paokage of Dr. Peelle/4e Backache Kidney Tablets absolutely free by enclosing two cent stamp for postage to The Pitcher Tab. let Co., Toronto, Ont. Wbeu giving ad• dress mention thio paper. 51 you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets are what you want, you can purabaee regular size for 50 oe0ts per bottle. If not obtainable at druggist's, mailed free of postage on receipt of pride. Patents Guaranteed. Our fee returned 11 we fail. Any 000 send- ing sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con- cerning the patentability of same. How to obtain a patent" sent upon request, Pat- ents neared through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through 08 reoelVe SPECIAL NOTICE, without Charge, in TRE PATENT RECORD, 110 illustrated and widely circulated journal, ooneulted by Mao. ufaoturere and Investors. Send for sample copy PREF, Addreoa VICTOR J. EVAN8 & Co., (Patent Attorueys,) Evans Building, Washington, D, C. The Business Ontario Listowel College. EQUAL. TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and practical train- ing in all branches of Commercial work, at considerably less than regular rates. For full information apply Roosts of College over Post UHlee. L. HARTT, LISTOWEL, PRINCIPAL. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 12D -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing [ills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Ngtioe. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, HARDWARE GLASS- -An import stook of single and double thick at special prioee. Lamp Goods —Our new and improved linea will please yon. See them. Priem from 25o. to $5,00. Spoons and Cutlery —We are offering Special Bargains on our Imported Spoons and Cutlery tbie eeae013. A special line of Oar. vers at low prices. Fall and Winter Mitts —See our lined Horse Hide Milte at 80o. per pair. FILES —Try our 7 inob File at 100, "Eley Brother's" Loaded Shells —With Bleak and Smokeless Powder Cross -out Saws and Axes --Always a good stook to Choose from. Saws from $2.50 up ; Axes from 60o, up. Cash or Trade for Hideo, Sheep Shine, 01d Metal, Rubber, Rage, Horse Hair, Copper, Brass, &o. A.M. McKay &Co. re euvuevotomvu $2,00 SECOND ,EDITION,OIQ PER i cAR I'18. x AT FOUR POST CEFIC 11. The London Free Press A PROGRESSIVE AND POPULAR PAPER. Ln0RNTIALLY A NoWoyAraa.—The Free Prean is n0w. in Ito .fifty first year. It le re. entially a newspaper for the home °irole. While dietioguished for enterprise, oare hos been taken from the beginuing of ice career to admit nothing to ice oolmmne that would offend the moral apnea of eelf•reepeotiug people. THE MARxET REPonme—Ate full and up-to-date, containing, all the latest Cenadien, American and English live stock and grain market», with the most op.to•dato news. VIeramu0ay Conotrx—A new and special feature, oonduoted by 3. E. Hodgins, V. 0.. Honor Graduate 0. V, 0. Artiolee appear every Saturday dealing with 00 1 °leasee of Veterinary Solenoe ; aleo questionsRomero and aners daily relative 10 All dieeaeee of animals, &a. Contains valuable home inetruetion for the farmer end stook owner, Femmes Naw'o—A complete history of the doings all over the known world in the latest end up.to•date deepatohee. 00001LETE CANADIAN NEWS—By telegraph and mail from all parts of Canada, 9000"0' War attention being paid to Weetern Ontario, PPooTINo NEwe—Ie full and complete with Amateur and Proteesioual Sperte-Bees Bali, Cricket, Laorosee, Golf, Bowling, Foot Ball, IIookey, Skating, Horse Racing, Trotting and Running, Hand Ball, oto. IN Po/Irrms—In Politica it is Conservative, but its Conservatism has never prevented it from doing juetioe to or upholding men of both parties who do right. It is the organ of the people, irrespective of party, and makes the public) wellbeing its first consideration, In toot, the Free Preen to the moat complete and up to.date paper West of Toronto ; from 8 to 12 pages through the week and 1.6 pages ou Saturday. It is bright and readable ; news for old and young. Second Editiou at your poet °Moe for $2.00 per year. Now is the time to eubsorihe, The London Free Press E'tg. Co , Ltd., 1011!""' Read CAIS AlllloullceMelll! till• And then if yon require any of the foliowing linea (which you undoubtedly moat) it will be to your interest to call and see our goods ae we are in a position to offer you the beet obtainable on the market at the very lowest possible prices. Here are some of them :- -Highest Grade British Columbia Salmon at 13a per can. —Special linea of Blue Ribbon Oeylou Tea at reduced prices. —Cold Blast Lanterns at 75c. —Call and see oar Lampe just arrived from Montreal at prices from 20e to $2-6118 greatest bargains of the day. Iu our Boot add Shoe Department you will find everything np•to date and at the. very loweet prioee ever quoted :- -Ladies' Fine Shoes from 25o up. —Men's Fine Shoes from 900 to $3.00. —We have in stook the very latest in lieu's Leather Legginge. —We also parry a well assorted line of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes at the very lowest prices. I 'Bring on your Butter, Egge and Fowl. You will get the beet value for them you ever received. W. INNES, Jamestown. HEATING STOVES COOK STOVES RANGES Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with or without oven. Every stove a double beater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INV/TE YOUR INSPECTION. Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lamps and Lam Goods of every description, Wilton & Turnbull Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc. RG.Ai S XIV BUGGIES AND WAGONS —AT— E wJn & o' B1 g ss ls. Factory We will sell all Wheeled Rigs for the balance of this season at Cost To make room for Cutters and Sleighs as we ore going to handle these in large quantiiiee this Winter and at elope prioee. We are building a number of ()titters that will suit our Ouetomere. For mater. ial and Painting they can't be beaten. Bob•sleighe 2 in. and 2i in. and Pleasure Sleighs our own make. Intending pnreh0eore should call and examine our stool, before buying:elsewhere, and you will be convinced that it will pay yon to buy from E' TT' ,Q-,. Co.'s Carriage Factory, J:J �r .. Brussels. "Reasonable Prices and Straight Dealing" is our Motto. Thanking our many Customers for their pant patronage we ash a aontinuanoe of the same,