The Brussels Post, 1900-12-20, Page 1Vol, 29, No. 24
W. H. K E R R, F'rap,
New Advertisements.
a I -J Robb.
L a ahn
Local—G. E, Kfug,
Cape loaf—T1la l'os't.
Looale—Thos, M8Qregor.
Furs—Greig & Macdonald,
Merry Xmas—A. Strachan,
(,trey Finanolal Statement.
Leaving town—A. R. Smith.
Farm for sale—John °ober.
Xmao Kitts—MoKinnpn & Co.
results—Dr, Pitcher,
Bane.for sal — e er Robertson.
Xmas specials -H. F. McAllister.
Ezotx xt•etust
131neva let.
Mies Alice Duff ie home from Goderioh
Model eohool.
Ernest Jewitt name home from Priem
Albert last week.
Mies Hannah Ball, of Wingham, visit-
ed Mre, T. J. Watt on Sunday.
A. A.. Cook, of 01inton, took possession
of the hotel in Bluevale last week.
The Methodist Sunday eohool will
have a Christmas Tree on Christmas
Mrs. Thomas returned hat week from
visiting her sister, Mrs. West, at Grand
Mies Mabel Thomas returned from
Toronto on Wednesday to her home in
Chace Marsh, who hoe been working for
the past Summer with Robert B'Ruk, left
Iaet week for New York where he will
reside with his onole.
A Merry Xmas !
At all times of the year you will find us
able to eatiefactorily All your requirements
with anything you may want in the Jewel-
ry.8ilver, China or Spectacle line. We keep
the largest and beet assorted stook in town.
Having had long experieuoe in this business
we know just how to buy to plenee our cus-
tomers. We buy our goods direct from the
manufaaturere and can sell at oloee prices.
Just now our stools Is larger and more
ohcioe than usual, no If you are in need of
anything at this Christmas time it will pay
you to call on us. Our specialties are
Ladies' and Genie' Gold and Gold Filled
Watches, Binge. Spe0tacles, Ladies' Long
Chains, Charms, Cuff Buttons, Tie Pius, oto.
We are sola agents for the Duke'o Hampton
Watch 'Movements and Oases, the nest ran^
way time deeper in the world, hundreds are
carrying those Watches •bought of ue. We
carry all grades of American movements.
P. S,—Bartlet,11 jewels, at very low price.
All watch repairing guarauteed—have yet to
see tho Intel' I cannot repair,
T. Fletcher Jeweler.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
All kinds of China and ,Fancy
Goods for presents.
Mre..Coliie returned on Wedneedey
from opendin1 a few weeke with her eon,
John, at Alma,
Mimes Maggie G
ga r. eeu
waY and Beattie
Wright and Augusta Gannett spent
Sunday in Belgtave.
W I-0xetor-:.
Look out for a wedding next week.
Three J, Gibson ie on the Molt list.
H. Lowry, of Balmore, wee in town on
Jae. Phomeun f Brunette, o a ale a in
, wa
town on Timidity.
Frank Edwards ,pent Sunday at hie
home in Fordwiob,
John Rutledge, of lHildmay, spent Sun.
day at S. B. MoKelvte'e.
S. B. MOKelvie and family have moved
into their dwelling on Mill et,
Jae. Fox and Barrister Blair, of Bruer
sale, were in town on Monday,
John Rutherford, who has been ailing
for some time, is getting better.
Mre. Walker, 2nd Turnberry, who has
been on the sick list, le improving,
Rev. Dr. Moffatt oaonpied the pulpit in
the Presbyterian church Beet Sunday.
J• A. Walker, of the Welker House, le
able to be up bat not able to be out yet,
Geo. Ke.ake has eeeared a situation at
the oatmeal mill with T. Hemphill & Son.
Wm. Oaeemore has Beograd a situation
with David Myles to leach the tinsmith.
spG. Paulin moved his stable further in.
to his lot thin week to leave room to build
a shed.
Mise Edith Gibson is home from
Mount Forest where she attended the
Model pobool.
R. Wendt, of Mildmay, is assisting hie
brother, John, in the store during the
holiday ileuaon.
E'i. Hazlewood is home from the
Toronto Pharmacy. He passed hie Bret
examination with second honors. Well
done Ed.
JAI. Forsyth, who hao been ill for some
time, walked over to his mother's home
on Sunday but fell twice over hie ex•
e tion.
Thos. Hemphill & Son shipped a oar of
peas thio week. Mr. Hemphill took a
boelnese trip to Walkerton, Wingham
and Broeeele.
Wm. Rutherford has leased Jno. B.
Vogt's shop and will have his implements
on exhibition for sale. This is a step in
the right direction.
A stranger made his appearance at
Wm. Kaake's reeideuoa in the,person of a
bouncing baby boy. This Christmas gift
will not soon be forgotten.
John Brawn, sou of Dr. Brawn, who
went to College in Toronto, passed his
first examination in Pharmacy. Jno.
should fill the bill all right.
Rev. C. V. Lake was in Mildmay last
week oonduoting the funeral eervioe of
the late Mr. Lanae, who died very and
doily last Thursday. Mr. Ludas recent.
ly purobeeed a reeidenoe in Mildmay in.
tending to spend the remaiuder of his
days there. He was well•to do and bad.
everything in good shape. Last Thane
Xmas Display.
For a long while before deciding what to buy, and then
get something that did not suit you ? Let ue help you this time.
Our suggestions as to what to buy are for the asking. It's not dif-
ficult to select a present for a lady from our large and varied stock,
and it should not be difficult to select for a gentleman. Try this
list. Does anything in it interest you ?
•—Ladies' Gold Watches, •
—Ladies' Gold Filled Watches,
—Ladies' Pearl Set Watobes,
—Ladies' Diamond Set Watahee,
—Ladies' Long Chains,
—Solid Gold Set Pearl Jewellery,
—Opal Rings,.
—Engagement Binge,
—Wedding Riuge,
—Bangle Pine,
—Stick Pine,
—Chain Bracelets,
—Stone Set Bracelets,
—Blonee Sete,
—Mani0nr0 Bete,
—Silk Guards,
—Hat Pine,
—Baby Pine,
--Baby Rings,
—Baby Bracelets,
—Cope and Saucers,
—Napkin Rings,
—Biscuit Jars,
—China Teapots,
—Hot Water Pots,
—Sterling Silver Novelties,
—Silver Book Marks,
—Silver Curling Tongs,
—Vases, Ornameute, &a„ Sia..
—Gaeta' Gold Filled Watobes,
—Gents' Silver Watohee,
—Bilverine and Silveroid Watches,
—Gaeta' Filled (Maine,
—Genie' Guards,
—Gold Lookets,
—Scarf Pine,,
—Opal Pine,
—Opal Studs,
—Shirt Front Sete,
-Cuff Linke,
—doff Buttons,
—Dollar and Cuff Boxes,
—Emblem Pine,
—Silver Mounted Danes,
—Pipes in Came,
-Cigar Holders,
—Alarm Clocks,
—1847 Rogers Bros: Knives, Forks,
and Spoons,
—Card Trays,
—Pin Trays,
—Butters, Berrys,
—Sugar and Cream Sete,
—Violine and Bowe,
—Month Organs,
—Banjos, &o„ &o,
Our store is brimful of goods, almost any of which are suitable
for presents. Come and see us before you buy. We have bought
very heavy in Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches,
the very best movements in the market. We are making a special-
ty of Watches and Rings of every description. We can save you
H. L.
Store Opposite American Hotel,
day be lett hie home to go to the village
and 3780 only gone about 5 minutiae when
it woo found that he had been summon
ed by the grim monster death,
E31.�• its
There died euddenly at Vancouver, B.
0„ on Dec. 12th, (Marino Henry Brad.
win, third eon of Joseph E. Bradwin,
Wingham, and brother to A. E. Bradwin,
of Blyth. Mr. Bradwin wae British
0o1ambis representative for Robthe
Little & Co., wholesale dry geode, of
London. The interment will take plaoe
at Hanover, Ont., on Friday, 21st inst..
ANOTHER Flag,-Taeoday night of slits
week fire started in the rear of Hamilton's
drug store and before the blaze was con-
quered the drug store, Chellew'e tgrni
tare $olore, Smith's jewelry store and
Mason'e hotel fell viotime to the flame.
Other buildings had a (lose call too and
the heat was so intense that the plate
glare fronts in the stereo aoro00 the street
were badly demoralized. Had it nob
been for the Ronald steam fire engine
probably half the town would have been
wiped out. We have not heard the loeeee
nor insurance carried yet,
Dr. Thos. Ryan, of Saginaw, Mob., is
here on a visit to relatives and friends
Rumor has it that Walton will have
no early opportunity of welcoming a
There will be no preaobing eervioe in
the U. P. ahurob for the next two Bab.
Frank Neal is home from College,
where he is studying Medicine, for the
Xmas holidays.
Mrs. Murray entertained a number of
the young people at her home on Thurs.
day evening of last week.
Robert Maunders will preaoh at the
Methodist ohuroh next Sabbath after-
noon in the absence of the pastor.
R. A. Cranston, who supplied at Duff's
church Mat Sommer, will occupy the
pu'pit in that ;Murcia next Sabbath.
Rev. Mr. Filer will make his home for
a time at Indianapolis, Ind., removing
thither in the course of a week or there-
Methodietohoroh Sabbath school en.
tertaiumeub will be held on the evening
of New Year's Day. Local and outside
talent expected.
A number of Waltoniaoe will take in
the eohool entertainment in S. S. No, 2,
Grey, on Friday evening and some of
them will aseiet in the program.
Rev. D. Forrest, formely of Walton, in
writing from Toronto says :—We are all
pretty well although my throat ie not
improving as fast au I would like but I
am quite well every other way.
Read H, F. McAllister's new advertise.
meet in this week's issue.
The Oober shop has turned out a large
number of cutters this Winter.
Jesse Wilbee bee beau bothered with a
sore hand. It wae fortunately the left
that was on the lay-up.
James Laird and wife have moved into
the home of the late Mre. James Bpenoe
in Ethel. We welcome them.
Metbodiet Sabbath eohool Christmas
Tree Entertainment on Monday evening
of next week, 24th inst. A good time ex.
Mies Melissa Ames arrived home from
Toronto this week, where she bad been
attending the Conservatory. She is ;a
fine vocalist.
The Simpson home and } aore lot near
the G. T. te., has been sold to Samuel
Cannon, of this village. It ie a nioe
piece of property.
Miss Rebecca Spenoe and Miss Siem•
mon have been appoinled Bible Sooiety
Collectors for this section. They are
successful bands at it.
We regret to hear that Bliss Mary A.
Dilworth does not improve in health
as fast as her many friends would wish.
We hope a change for the better will soon
set in.
The Ethel oheeee factory nae disposed
of the September, October and November
make of (theme at 101 Dente. It was
shipped on Wednesday. The obeques
will be ready for the patrons on Friday.
ANNUAL MEEINo.—The anneal meeting
of Ethel Cheese Factory will be held in
the Township Hall in this village on
Saturday of next week, 29th inst., oom-
me0oiug at 1 o'alook, Annual report
will be presented and Directors, Sales-
man, Secretary and Treasurer elected,
J.KsAUTER, Secretary.
Last Saturday was a busy day at the
Township Council. To give some idea
of the business there were 70 or 80 orders
made out, the largest number in the
history of the Council for one meeting.
00 was the limit tip to that date, The
Clerk bad hie hands well employed for a
while on Saturday.
ing is a Dopy of a reeolutiod of sympathy
sent by Court Ethel, No. 176, I. 0. F., to
Henry Wanner in the death of hie daugh-
ter ;—
To Bro. Henry Wanner.
DEAR; SIB AND BRO.,—The members of
Court Ethel, No.175, I. 0. F. desire to express
their sympathy to you in this your hour of
sad bereavement. 'While we cannot miter
your loneliness and sorrow, yet experience has
taught seine of us what it is to pass through
the old hone and sigh for "the touch of a
vanished hand and the sound. of a voice that
is still." Therefore we do sinoeroly sympa-
thise with you as you mourn the loss of a be-
loved daegIlter and a ldad father, Brother,
nestle calmly ht the arms of the everlasting
geneteroftlit',ro, breals Death, likethe
moray, throws
open the prison doors and leads the spirit out
of gladsome day to the land of rest and liberr��ttyy�
the Master's Paso 1enr clouds
s1 and
s work
together for good to those that love God.
Conte unto Me when shadows gather,
When the and heart is weary and distressed
Seeking for comfort from your Heavenly
Come unto Mo and I will (give you rest.
Sighed on behalf of Court ( J. Fraser, 0. R.,
Ethel, No,175, I. 0. F.
leph. ()ober, R. 6.
Mr. Wanner wishes to return his sincere
th oke to members of (kind for
their kind wards also to the many friends
for their sympatby and kindneee during
the illness and after the deoeaeo of the
daughter referred to,
Bev, William Ames, one of the oldest
Methodist ministers in Capada, oelebrat•
ea hie Both birthday at Woodstock on
He is brother t Sum l
Saturday.a r o ire
Acme, of Ethel, and hoe vleited in our
village. Mr. Attlee is a very bright,
hearty old gentleman,
(7. e• U:t'.
Miss Ellie Mann will vieit relatives at
Edgar, Simooe ()minty.
Tuesday Mies Maggie Taylor went on
visit to friends at eel .
a v t Ch ey
Mise Margaret Gem died, et the early
age 22 ears on Saturday at Henfr o
The new teacher n S. 8. No, 4, for
1901 will be a Mr. Ward whose home is
in Algoma.
James Cardiff, 7th eon., hao purabaeed
an elegant Dominion piano from John
Walker, Brussels.
Bethel Sabbath eohool entertainment
will be bold on Friday evening of this
week. Good program. •
Some talk of removing Bethel ohuroh
from the 16th to the 14th con., 11 miles
North of the preeent location.
Thos. R. Bell, of Elgin, Man., is visit.
ing his brother•in•law, Fletcher Sperling,
16th con. It is three years slum Mr.
Bell went Weet.
Next Wedneeday evening a prayer
meeting will be held atAndrew Simpson's
and an Thursday and Friday evenings at
Jamie Straoban'e residence.
A wedding is on the tapie, the 17th
will supply the groom 'and the 15th the
bride. Tea meeting nights are sort of
gibe-awaya on account of so many night
A ebearling thorn' bred Shropshire ram
was sold by Oliver Smith, coo. 6 to
Peter Sing, of East Wawanosh. Mr.
Smith will keep nothing but registered
stook from henootorth.
All the present members of the town.
ship Coaoail are in the field for re -else•
tion. Names- of other oandidates are
mentioned kink no one hao made any
public, announcement ae far ea your
oorrespondent has heard. It may he an
acclamation election.
The body of Joseph Gass, son of Jos.
Gam, of Henfryn, arrived in Benfryo
Wednesday from Calgary, N. W. T,,
whets the young man died after a pro-
longedilineee. Tim funeral took place
on Friday at 2 p. m. to the Elma Centre
oemetery where interment was make.
Tuesday of this week Riih. Champ, of
Tripp, South Dakota, arrived here on 8
visit. He is a•law to Wm.
Rands, Mre. Champ being a sister to Mr.
Rends. Mr. Ohemp learned the bleak.
emithing in Brussels years ago, bot
followe farming ea an occupation in
The comfortable new brick reeidenoe
built on the farm of RobtMoOalmm, coo.
10, is completed and the family have
taken poesespion, It is heated with a
furnace and will make a very catty borne.
With a new house and a new bank baro
Mr. McCallum's farm comperes favor-
ably with the beet going.
NOTES FROM InAno.—A latter from J. J.
Coates, Minidoka, Idaho, dated Deo. 10
says :—The boys and myself arrived here
all right on Nov. 4th. We have fine
weather at present, the snow is all gone
end the ground is drying op fast. The
first fall of snow came on Nov. 18, about
14 inohee in depth and we were a little
afraid as we were up on Fish Creek, some
40 miles from our Winter range, but we
got down with the lose of one sheep. We
killed her for dog meat but she would
have dropped out anyway. We are rum
nine two herds Ibis Winter R. Bielby
herding one and the other we herd one -
Belem. There is very fine feed here this
Winter, the green being op very good
and there is lots of dry feed so with the
boththe sheep are doing well. At pees.
eat we are 5 miles out of Minidoka but
we keep moving arooud about a week in
eaoh Damp.
Wm,. BRAY DEdaesaD,—Atter an ill-
ness extending over five weeks Will. G.,
eldest son of Wm. and Jane Bray, 16th
eon., peened away from time at 3.30 p.
m. on Tuesday of this week, aged 18
years, 11 months and 2 days. He bad
pleurisy early lest Summer and this ail-
ment was followed by pneumonia with
which he wag ill for some little time but
bad recovered euffioiently to permit of
his going to eohool fora week when lung
trouble ensued ending in hie demise.
Although never very rugged he bad fair
health prior to last Summer. Deemed
was born at Leadbury and dame with
his parents to the 16th of Grey 11 years
ago. Will. enjoyed the good will of a
large °hole of friends, young and old, and
his death will be regretted. He express.
ed hie readiness to depart this life testi-
fying that "All was well." .The funeral
took plane on Thursday afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Curry conducting the service. In-
terment was made at Broeeele oemetery.
Mr. and Mre. Bray and family are deep•
ly sympathised with in their bereave.
Union Sabbath School, meeting in school
hoose S. S. No. 8, held their annual en-
tertainment on Friday evening of last
week, which was a decided e000eee. T.
Straohan occupied the chair and the fol•
lowing wag the program presented :—
Opening hymn, "All bail the power of
Jeans' name" ; prayer ; chorine "Ring
the joy.belle," eohool ; chairman's ad.
dress, Mr. Straohan ; solo, "Because,
don't you know," Ella McKinnon ; real.
tation, "To Grandma," Lyla Bowman ;
kindergarten song, °lase of girls ; dialogue,
"Bold for the right," three boys ; reoita.
tion, "A boy's opinion,' Hugh Smith ;
Bolo, Blies Bella MoKinnon ; recitation,
Phoebe Stone; Tableau, "Sunshine and
Shower" ; Intermission ; kindergarten
Bong, class of girls ; recitation, "Jack
Gray," John Elliott ; solo, Mr. Wilson ;
recitation, "Mothsr'e children," Katie
Clark ; solo, Mies May McArthur ; reoi.
talion, "Brien Kringle," claw of girls ;
dialogue, "Doll's hospital," gale ; duet,
Mies Bella Smith and Mr, Wilson •
Tableau, "Crowuiog of peace and
plenty" 1 closing chorus, 'Hallelujah,
Jeene ralgnebh, eohool. All did well
but epoeially attractive were the numbers
given by the children notably the kinder•
garten songs, &o. Supper was served
atter the program, Prizes were award.
ed for the beet aware en the 4 Sabbath
eoliool lessons for November. Mre. A.
Smith was the recipient in the Bible
class and t May i next
9 Smith n the n s
class. Prooeedp of entertainment, after
free admission to eohool, amounted to
510 20. Before the (dose the Christmee
Tree was unburdened of ite load to the
delight of many, 0. Smith filling the
position of Banta Claire with neatneee
sod deepaboh. The otlieere and teaobere
of the eohool may congratulate themselves
0o the mom of the gathering 110 it was
enjoyed by everybody present.
M i, r,- tt.
The sleighing hoe been splendid,
The thaw hes somwhat spoiled our
good sleighing.
Ed. Lauudy bad a wood bee on There.
day of this week.
Ed. Mope, 6th line, is renewing old
friendehipe on the 2nd at present.
John Kelly has the contract of drawing
wood for Ed. Armstrong, 6th line.
Ernest Jewitt la home from Meabtoba,
after an absence of nearly three years,
Mies Belle Roe, Sod line, visited her
sister, Mrs. F. Mo0uteheon, 0,13, last
Remember the Xmas Entertainment at
Browntown, Friday evening of this week,
21st int,
Wm. J. Bonoh had a vslnab'e bound
die last week. W. J. will mise bis hunter
very mach.
A number of Morrie people attend•
ed the anniversary serv10ee in Bluevale
on Sunday last.
John Young, 6th line, lett on Tuesday
morning of this week for Algoma. We
wish him 8000000.
No doubt there will be a big turn nut at
Brussels on Monday 24th, to the Oo.
Oounoil nomination.
It is said that there are jest 8 candi-
dates for Connailiore in this township,
the more the merrier.
Dre. Roe, of Pbiladelphia, are exneoted
hometbie week to apend their Xmae
vacation ander the. parental root.
THE Pon ht pleased to hear that Juo,
Lawson, 8th line, who was ill with ty•
phoid fever, is getting round all right.
A certain termer near the West bound.
cry had a steam engine three days out.
ting wood. Barely he mast be well sup.
Tbe Obrietmae Treeentertai,lment was
bell on Thursday iosteed of Wednesday
evening at Stfeehine on amount of a big
gathering on 4th line.
Alton Wheeler is now residing in De-
troit where he ie employed at the drug
business in which he has put in 4 years.
He ie a son of Juo. Wheeler, 41.13 line.
While loading loge in the bush one day
last week Juo. R. Bell had his left arm
injured by being thrown against a tree.
He is able to reseme light work again
but it is a wonder it was not broken.
Timber is being got ready by Elijah
Penes for a new bank barn, 45 x 60 feet,
to be built next Spring on the Flatt
farm, 6th line. Matt. Maine will do the
framing. The sboue will also be hauled
thie Winter in readiness for use next
At a meeting held n r
ed in Kos Oh nah
Belgrave, on Monday of this week, it was
deoided to build a large abed for horses
early in the Spring, eine 50 x 100 feet.
Tenders will be asked for in a few days.
This will be a big contract for some one.
Over $500 is already sabeoribed. The
congregation will furnish stouts and sand,
also level the foundation.
To THE ELEoroxe.—Ladies and gentle.
men, I am a oadidate for the position of
Oonnoillor for the Township of Morrie
for 1901 and ask your vote and influence.
Have been a reeideot of Morrie all my
life and if elected will do my beet to aid
in the advancement of the Muniaipaliby.
Wishing you the oomplimente of the
Beason, W. H. MOOIITo8EoN.
MATRIMONIAL.— Cupid snored another
victory on Wedneeday evening of this
week when et the commodious reeidenoe,
"Fairview," of Allan and Mre. Speir, 4th
line, their eldest daughter, Mies Jennie
L , and William Bowman, a well-to-do
resident of the 9rd line, joined hand and
heart in a marriage oontreat. The care•
mony was performed at 5 o'clock by Rev.
John Roee, B. A., of Brussels, nearly 100
gneste being present, the prinaipale tak-
ing their places to the strains of the
Wedding March, played by Bliss Aggie
Speir. Nettie, the little daughter of
John Speir, and Mary Speir, daughter of
the best and hostess, were Maids of
Honor, dressed very meetly in pink. A
neat ooatome of blue was wore by the
bride who looked her beet. Congratula-
tions were neither few nor far between
and kept Mr. and Mre. Bowman employ.
ed for come time. Wedding preeente
consisted of china, silverware, glassware,
furniture, mantle olook, cutlery, pictures,
linen, &a., were there in rioh profusion
indioative of the esteem in whish the
contracting parties are held. A bedroom
unite was the bride's parents' gift. Sup.
per wae served upstairs and judging by
the variety and excellence of the provis-
ions set before the guests the art of cook-
ery is not a forgotten one by any means,
Rev. Mr. Roee !prated the wedding couple
in a humorous and appropriate style, and
from long practice be does it well. Oon-
gratulatory words to Mr, and Mrs. Bow.
man and families interested were also
added by"W. H. Kerr, of THE Pose.
Vocal and instrumental mnelo, danoiug,
and rehereale of wedding days gone by
were on the eveuing'0program and every.
body had a good time. Mr. Bowman
took his bride to his oomfortable home
on the 8rd line where they begin married
lite under meet favorable auspices and
with the hearty good wishes of many
relatives and friends. TBE Pose throws
an Editorial slipper after them. Mr. and
Mre. Speir and family left nothing un-
done to add to the oomfort and pleasure
of the many visitors to their home on
Wednesday. In addition to those near
home there were in attendance John
Sirkoonseli and wife ; Wm, Robertson
And wife ; Misses Jennie and Cassie and
James Dodds, Some folks assumed the
ro betio role Wednesday eveniu
affirm that this marriage fever isinto.
stone and is likely to result in others be.
ing naught. Some already have the
"symptoms" it is avid,
W. Riggs, of Bowmanville, ie the guest
of hie anole, Robt, Boucle, 3rd line.
Dougald MaDouald, of Melees, wee
here t week renewing old as uaintano ee
IA Morrie.
Prayer meeting at Mre, Lachlan
Blaoka4th lime Morris, on Moudu
evening next.
Peblio schools olose on Friday of this
week for the Christmas bolidays. Tray
will reopen on January 2nd.
The name of Robt, N. Daff ie mention.
ed as one who would make a geed mom•
ber of the Township Connell.
Alex, Nichol, jr., had the sawing
maobine at hie plane last week sod got
over 30 oordeof wood sawed up,
Bern'l Walker, 8th line, took in the
Winter stook Fair at Gue ph Met week.
He purchased some well bled poultry,
A number of young men gathered at
the Misses Fleming on Tuesday of thie
week and ant tip a good pile of stove wood,
Miss Julia Sharp arrived home from
London lust Monday and will visit with
relatives and frieode until after New
Mise Marion McKenzie is home from
Hamilton Collegiate for the Christmas
vacation. She is the only daughter of K.
McKenzie, 4th line.
Sunday School Obrietmas Tree Enter-
tainment in oonnection with Sunshine
Methodist Church will be held on Thurs•
day evening of this week.
A short time ago Geo. MoOall, 9111
line, bad the misfortune to fall in the
stable and break one of hie ribs. We
hope he will soon be ell right again.
Welcome visitors to Morrie are Chas,
and Mrs. Armstrong, of Moosejaw, N• W.
T., who arrived Thursday of last week.
It is 11 years since Mr. Armstrong left
the 3rd line for the West and we are
pleased to hear that he has done well.
Tbis yearhehad 2,200 bushels of wheat,
about 28 bushels to the aore. The pries
was 63 cents. Mr. Armstrong has not
been bank to Ontario eines his first ant•
going. They will spend the next three
months here. The Welt evidently agrees
with our viaitora.
L.iesto w el -
The rink was opened for the season
Mat week with good ice and a large at.
teodaoce. Wm- Osborne is the care-
John Keno bas started a chopping
mill on the old Commercial grounds,
next to the town weigh eoale&
F. W. and Mre. Hay and Dr. and Mrs,
Rutherford are away on a ten days' trip
to New York,
Lester Hacking, clerk in the Bank of
Hamilton here, has been transferred to
the head office at Hamilton, Fred, Oar•
thew, of the Palmerston agency, will take
his place in the Bank bare.
.8.number of our town lade were op
before Police Magistrate Terbune,
obarged with having taken some goods
from the window of Mr. Jackson's bioy-
ole repair shop. They were let .off on
suspended sentence.
The balanoe of this season's cheese in
this motion hes nearly all been sold last
week at mie. This is a drop of lo, to
1j:o. from the prices obtaining here
previous to last cheese fair, and is the
only set-baok of an otherwise highly
profitable season.
At the regular meeting of Court Listo-
wel No. 510, I. 0. F., held in their lodge
room on Tuesday evening of last week,
the following offioere were eleoted :—
Court Deputy, R. Staniton ; Court Phy-
eioians, Drs. Nichol and Dingman ; 0.
R., D. MoMinn ; V. 0. R., V. 0. Bam•
ford ; Rea, Sec„ H. Maloney ; Fin: Beo.,
A, Zrilliax ; Treae., N. Rootz ; Orator, A.
Olementbaw ; B. W., Ed, Jermyn ; J,
W., L. Tremain ; S. B., A. Tremaiu ; J,
B., S: Alberta. The installation will
take place on Friday evening, Deo. 28th.
On Tuesday eveniug of last week at
the I. 0, 0. F. Lodge, No. 160, Listowel,
Thos. Blackmore, P. G., of Liotowel,
and Donald Murray, P. V. G., also of
Listowel Lodge, although living et At-
wood, were each presented with Veterans'
Jewels in honor of the 26th anniversary
of their admission into Oddtellowship.
The presentation took plane at the ban•
gnat table, F. R. Blewett, P. D. D. G. M„
makiog the address, sod J, E. Terbune,
P. D. D. G. M., presenting the jewels,
Very suitable replies were made by Bros.
Blaokmore and Murray. The evening's
entertainment consisted of speeches,
songs, reeitatione, oto., Mr. Blewett act•
ing as chairman, cad T. Norton as vice
chairman, and the usual toast list was
gone through with, T. Later, jr., in
response to the toast of Education, made
the speech of the evening. Prof. Keller,
John Atkinson and Mr. Bowden assisted
in the mneioal program. God Save the
Queen and Auld Lang Syne wound up a
pleasant meeting.
"The glory of Christ" will be next Sab.
bath evening's topio at Melville Endeavor.
Next Sabbath evening the Epworth
League will hold a Christmas 0008 eer-
Sacrament will be dispensed in Mel-
ville Mural, on the first Sabbath of the
new year.
Next Sabbath afternoon a abort pro-
gram having reference to Chrietmae, will
be added to the usual exeraisee of the
Metbodiet Sunday eohool. A melioration
will be taken for the Sick Ghildrene'
Hospital, Toronto.
A Christmas Praios eervioe will be
given in the Methodist church neat Bab.
bath evening instead of the regular
preaching eervioe. It will oonsiet of
Christmas made, in oborue, solo and
quartette form, Scripture readings and
eddrese by the pastor. Special oollaotion
taken toward the °holt 20th Danbury
Rev. R. Paul preached in the Methodist
ohuroh last Sabbath morning giving a
very practical discourse on Public Wor-
ship and what constitutes it. Rev. D.
Rogers, Chairman of the Wingham Die-
triot, dealt with mach the same theme in
the eveein that a
g so the oa gc egabion
should be well np in the essentials of a
true worshipper. Rev. Mr. Rogers was
junior pastor on Brussels ofrenib 21 years
ago. He is a good preacher,
bet er them the 1'1
People are jiving t Y qp
they rlareiuroo a extrava'ganat than dt
their forefathers, but simply tbet
they are able to .buy now for a row rl
rich t would hays
otters e w i.
a that t
then mammary to mortgaged
the farm to nen
for in times gone by.
Time waa when the far coated an
15 woman was a 1000 10 Btee
Me almost y curious to see a tout
who has any driving to do-, without
One. Pura aro no longer it luxury in
this country, they are a pooitive
neoeeeley,• Uwe when things begonia
u nee0the next question hi,
whore is she bast and meet reliable
plaeo to buy them r We are este in
oaring that thele is no pleas where Y'6
you end the same satiefagtion in the a
Rftrehaee 01 Pure than at the store of
Greig & Macdonald, Ssafortb, Ont.
We are prepared with a largo stock,
right Prione and good iPtim We are
waiting to show you through the
On the Wrong aide of the Street,
Strong Block, 8safeete, Ont.
Rev. Sao. Rose preached last Sabbath
morning on "Phe impartation of the
Spirit." The text in the evening wee
taken from St. Lake 1.15, the subjeot be-
ing "Filled with the Holy Spirit."
The Little Stars Mission Band of Mel-
ville church had a good time last Satur-
day after0000 at their meeting. A good
program was presented and $23.00 00000•
ed by the mite boxes of the youthful
Melville Endeavor will have the follow-
ing uffioera for the next term : Rev. Jno.
B. A., ea Hon. Pres. ; J. B. MoLanohlin
for Pres. ; Mies Belle Irwin, Vice Pres. ;
B. Orerar, Rea. -Seo. ; Mies Mary Roes,
Cor. Seo. ; Fred. Wilson, Trims, ; T. A.
Hawkins, °on, Mueioal Com. ; Jae. Shaw
and Fred. Wilson, Ushers ; Will. Hal -
penny and Frank Smith, Collectors.
Committees were also struck for prose-
cuting the work of the various depart.
monis as followe : Prayer Meeting Com.,
J. H. Cameron, Mies Jennie Forbes, Mre.
Cameron ; Louk out Oom., A. M. McKay,
Mies Lizzie Roes, Mise Lizzie Moore ;
Missionary Com., S. R. Orerar, Miee
Jennie MoArter, W. Livingston, Miss
Ella Scott, Lorne Dunford, Mise Lyda
Orooks ; Flower Com , Mise Mary Mo.
Dougall Mise Minnie Stewart, Mise Liz.
ole MoLattohlin.
Servide will be held in St. John's
ohurob at 10.30 o'clock on Ohristmas
morning. The obeeoh will be decorated
for the000seion. The musical exercises
will consist of the following:
Before the service the choir will sing
Christmas carole—
"Wake and Sing good Christians" ;
"Carol, sweetly Carol," and
"Bleep,my savioor, Sleep."
The eerve will aomme0Ce
by singing
the well known hymo—
No. 77, "0 Dome all ye faithful."'
Venite, Chant, NARES ;
Gloria, (Psalms), Chant, NARES ;
Te Deane, Chants, HENLEY, TRENT
Benediotne, Ohant, TIIRLE ;
Hymns—No. 73, "While shepherds
watched their docks," tune, Nox-
No. 78, Hark ! the Herald Angela
Bing," MENDoLssEoN ;
Anthem, "There were shepherds
abiding in the field,' WINoaanTRR ;
Bolo by Mr. Jones.
"There were shepherds abiding in the
field, keeping watub over their Ilooke by
night, and the Angel of the Lord came
upon them and the glory of the Lord
thous round about them and they were
sore afraid."
Banta SOCIETY.—The annual meetiog
of Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada
Bible Sooiety waa held in the Methodist
church last Sabbath evening, at the con-
clusion of the regular preaching 00071000.
Rev. R. Paul, the President, occupied the
ohair and offered appropriate remarks.
The report of last year was read by the
Secretary, showing that $131.97 had been
oontriboted, and Rev, D. Rogers, of Blue -
vale, spoke briefly yet timely. After an
Anthem by the choir Rev. Jno. Ross, B.
A., agent of the Sooiety this year, was
called upon and gave an excellent address
occupying 2. of an hour. He adduced a
number of reasons why the Bible eboald
be planed in the hands of every person in
the world. The oollection amounted to
$4.19. Officers of last year were re-
elected with one substitution. They are :
—Rev. R. Paul, President ; resident
ministers vine Presidents, W. H, Kerr,
Secretary.Treasurer ; A. M. McKay,
Asst, Secretary ; G. . Deadman, De.
positor ; Directors, Thos. Strachan, B.
Gerry, and J. Irwin, Collectors have
also been appointed who are celled to
oomplete their work by the end of Jan-
uary. Brussels branch enjoys a note-
worthy position. For 22 years their
average contribution has been over $181,
the highest year being $184 and the low-
est $58. Presidents during those years
were Rev. Dr. Ferguson, Rev. W. Hay-
hurst, Rev. F. Ryan, Rev. Jno. Roee, 13.
A., Rev. D. C. Olappieon, Thos. Strachan
(14 years) and Rev. R. Paul, The Sec-
retaries have been 3, R. Grant, Dr. Wat-
son and W. IL Kerr.
Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier brae
gone to New York.
A. King, of Tilbury East, was streak
by a train on the Michigan Central oroae-
ing and killed. Hie teem was killed also.
Tbe turning of the first sod of the
Lindsay, Boboaygeon & Pontypool Rail-
way, which is to oonneot Bobaaygeon
with the 0, P. R., took place at Boboay-
The floor of one of the stores in the
Merritt Biook, St, Catharines, fell while
men were at work storing boxes of
oanned goods. Only one man was sem
foody injured.