The Brussels Post, 1900-12-13, Page 1111 Vol. 29. No, 23 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900 VV H. KERRR, Prop, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Jame Travis, of the Township of Grey, in the Oonnty of Huron, farmer, de- ceased. Notioo lebereby given ppranant to Chan, 120 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897. that all creditors and other persona having any olalm or demand against the above named James Travis, who died on or about the Pligbth day of August, A. D., 1000, are hereby required on or before the Twenty- Sret day of December, A. D.; 1000, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Elizabeth Gay nor, of the Township of Grey, in the Courtly of Huron, the Admiuiotratris of the estate of the Dail James Travis, demand their names addressor and occupations nature of t the seorurltioof o (if claims a held by them. And notice le hereby given that after such last mentioned date the sail Admiotetra; trig will prooeed to.distt lluteu1"" kir eai, the snide a oase0 anus„o, ,_ ' tiltle3.t et1'1O "n'v,fig regard only to the ;lemma egiv nagof aforesaid, ah nd the saall have been id Admintrtra• tris will not be responsible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or Persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of euoh die. trlbntlon. Doted at Brussels Deo, 8th, 1000. G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor for the Adminietratr1 , A Merry Xmas At all times of the year you will find tall able to eatiefactorlly fill your requirements With anything you may want In the Jewel- ry, Silver, China or Speotaole lino, We keep the largest and beet assorted stook In town, Having had Long experience in this business we know just how to buy to please our eue- tomers. We buy our goods direct from the ma0tafaoturere and can sell at close prices. Just now our stook ie larger and more choice than usual. so if you are in need of anything at this Christman time it will pay You to call on ue. Our specialties are Ladies'. and Oeste' Gold and Cold Billed Watches, Mega, Bpeotaolee, Ladies' Loog cocaine, Oberme, pun antteas. Tie Pius, etc. We Watch Movem tat for Oaes,ktbe best rton ail way t1m aesper 1n the world, hnyuredeare oaryyt ag odes Watohee, ,,ought of us. Wo Ts -'J. ,, oto rod American movements, =darta at Jewels, at ver low rice. ing w D AA watch repair 00 guaranteed—hove yet to see the watch I cannot repair. T. Fletcher, Jeweler. Issuer or Marriage Licensee. All kinds of China and ram Goods for presont0. SpccialPrices 'Mr 111010°' In order to make room we are now offering the following goods at special prices— Ladies' Mantles, Ladies' Mantle Goods, Ladies' Astrachan Jackets. We are also showing Men's Fur Coats in the following makes—all at Special Prices—Can- adian Coon, Wombat, Rock Wallaby, Swamp Wallaby, Bulgarian Lamb and African Calf. Call and inspect our stock of Xmas Goods and be convinced that we are showing as nice a line of these goods as is obtainable anywhere. We will guarantee you value for your money at— H. F. McAllister's, �vw8L v. .Always the Lowest. Strictly One Price. Erer➢�iu� at I('� Basil And New Trade Coming Our way. NATURAL enough too, when you consider the values we're giving, in fact we expect each day to do its share in bringing new and increased business to this store. Impossible to help you very much with price suggestions, just take it for granted that we CAN and WiLL do just a little BETTER for you than most stores, You Can Look Here Without Buying. HOLIDAY GOODS. . In a few more weeks the greatest holiday of the year will be here: Now is the time for thinking and planning what your Christmas Gift will be. It does not pay to leave everything to the last week or two. By next week our Holiday Goods will be all here, and this season you will find that more than ever before we have prepared to meet the wants of those who are looking for the useful as well as the beautiful in Holiday Gifts J. FERGUSON 00. Dry Goods and :Groceries.. New Advertisements, Foote—Dr, Piteher. For gale -0. NI, Filer. 1:)0 not wait -Jae. FOX. Looal-Robt. Anderson. Watch Loot—Tag Poem. Balls for sale—Jae. Speir, Merry Swag—T, Fiddler. Strayed—R. G. Porterfield. Furniture—R. Leatherdale. New stock—Poem Bookstore. 19o. for butter— A. R. Smith. Ernes giving—G. A. Deadman. Xmas display --H. L. Je.oksen, Christman Cake—J. Ii, Roney. Fur coats—•3{sig & Macdonald. Spon!0j prides—H. F. MoAllieter, Sleighs and Cotters—John Wynn. Stook reducing gale—Wm. Beatty &Oo. Winter term—Stratford 13110. College, Everything at it's beet—J. Ferguson & Co. i xstnCt `fir CIU . Cralabroolc. Thursday evening of next week the Methodist Sabbath school will hold their annual entertainment. An interesting program will be given. Last Sabbath evening, the weather wee not favorable, but quite a number as- sembled in the Presbyterian obeech for the sonnet Bible Booiety meeting. Good addressee .were given by 13. Gerry and Rev. Mr. Rose, of Brunette. The oolleo- Hioe showed the interest Oranbrook feels in the noble work of ending the Bible to the ends ot the earth. Blnevale. Mise Jean Gray is visiting relatives in Listowel, Mr. Gonne, of Wingham, was in the village on Monday. Robert Bring and little daughter, of Goderiob, visited at Mr. Sing's mother's in the village last week. County Council Flection COUNTY OF HURON. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of Oonnty Dlvleion No.0, composed of the municipalities of Brussels, Grey aid Morrie, will be held in the Town Hall Brussels, on Monday, Dee. gull, 1900, at the hour of one o clock p, m,, for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent the said County Division in the Connell of the County of Huron for the years 1901 and 1902. And in can a poll is demanded pone will be opened 011 the 7th day of January,1901 in each Polling Bub-divlelon at the time and place Sxed by By-law of the municipalities in the said Oonnty Division. F. S. SCOTT, Nominating Officer for County 22.2 Council Division No.0. Dated at Bruseele Deo. 1st,1900. Henry MoHardy returned home from Goderiob last week, Mrs, Philip Thoma() in vielting her ulster, Mre, Wept, et Grand Valley, Aileen Mabel Oliver and Belle Bur• gees visited friends in Bennie on Fri- day. The date of the Presbyterian Bnnday School Entertainment has been changed from Friday evouiug, 28th lust., to There. dig, the 27th. Methodist ohnrob aonivereary sermonic will be preaohed next Sabbath by Rev. J, Holmes, of Brussels, at 10 30 a.m., and 7 p, m., and Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingham at 2 80. Vet lral, Wm. Patton ie not enjoying very ro- bed health at present but we hope be will soon regain his old time vigor. The name of Robert Dilworth ie men- tioned with next ear's tinned in co y township Connell. He eat at the Board before.. Our old friend, hod. Grant, of Bea. forth, was here for a few days. He oime to attend the funeral of the Tate Mre. Jae. Spenoe. It wag a matter/of surprise to a good many to bear that Wm. Beatty & Co. bad disposed of their business in Ethel. They are ROW holding a sale to reduce the stook before giving up pos0e00ion and their advt. may be read in another col- umn of Tan Peer. Mr. McDonald, of Harrieton is the purchaser. OBIT.—Tbe mee0e0ger Death walled away Be0eie Holland, only daughter of our townsman, Henry Wanner, last Mon• day at the early age of 13 years, 7 months and 10 days. Bessie had a hat attaok of pneumonia some three years ago and bad never' fully regained her vigor, lung trouble ensuing resulting in her decease. The end name enddenly and rather un- expeotedly. Her mother died six years ago and since then Mre. Wm. Bentley, her aunt, mothered her, Mr. and Mre. Bentley living in Mr. Wanner'() reoidenoe. The eubjeot of thio notice wae a bright lovable young girl whose death will be sincerely regretted. The interment wee made at Brunets cemetery on Wednes- day afternoon, Rev. D. B. McRae con• ducting an appropriate eervioe. Mr. Wanner has the sympathy of the oom• inanity in hie bereavement. The pall bearers were •—Emma Imlay, Lena Bed, Bernioe 8lemmon, Maud Badgley, Mand Querrio and Edith Milne. BIRLE BO0IEmr.—Ethel and locality has always muaifeeted a deep interest in Bible Sooiety work and as a consequence a goodly number assembled last Sabbath evening in the Methodist ohuroh for the annual meeting in connection with the Booiety. R. McKay presided and made a few remark° at the opening and close of the meeting which were to the point. A report of the work done by the British and Foreign and Upper Canada Societies was given by W. H. Kerr, of Brunie, and a brief historical reference to the part Ethel bad played in the peat 15 years in connection with donations to the H. 1. JACKSON'S Xmas Display. ▪ ti DID YOU EVER THINK For a long while before deciding what to buy, and then get something that did not suit you ? Let us help you this time. Our suggestions as to what to buy are for the asking. It's not dif- ficult to select a present for a lady from our large and varied stock, and it should not be difficult to select for a gentleman. Try this list. Does anything in it interest you ? --Ladies' Gold Watches, — Ladies' Gold Filled Watohee, —Ladies' Pearl Set Watohee, —Ladies' Diamond Bet Watches, — Ladies' Long Chains, — Solid Gold Set Pearl Jewellery, —Opal Rings, —Engagement Binge, -Wedding Rings, —Beanbag, —Bangle Pine, — Stink Pine, —Chain Bracelets, —Stone Sot Btaoelete, —Blouse Sete, q. —Manionre Sete, —83311 Guards, —Hat Pine, — Baby Pine, —Baby. Binge, —Baby Braoelete, — Cups and Saucers, —Napkin Rings, —Biscuit Jars, — China Teapots, —Hot Water Pete, —Jardioeree, —Sterling Silver Novelties, —Silver Book Marks, — Silver Curling Tongs, —Vases, Otnamente, &o., &o. —Genie' Gold Filled Watches, —Gents' Sliver Watches, -Bilverine and Bilveroid Watches, —Gents' Filled Chains, —Gents' goarde, — Gold Lockets, —Scarf Pine, —Opal Pine, — Opal Stade, — Shirt Front Sete, Cuff Linke, —Cuff Buttons, — Collar and Cuff Boxes, emblem Pine, —Silver Mounted oanes, —Pipes in Cases, —Cigar Holders, — Cloaks, —Alarm Clocks, —1847 Rogers Bros.' Snivee, Forks, and Spoons, —Card Traps, —Pin Trays, — Butters, Berrys, —Sugar and Cream Sete, —Violins and Bowe, —Mouth Organs, — Autoharps, — Mandoline, —Banjos, &a„ &o. Our store is brimful of goods, almost any of which are suitable for presents. Come and see us before you buy. We have bought very heavy in Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Gold Filled Watches, the very best movements in the market. We are making a special- ty of Watches and Rings of every description. We can save you money. H. L. Jackson. Store Opposite American Hotel. work. Barrlater Blair, of Bruonels, gave a most appropriate and appreoiated ad- dress on "The Bible ae a hook.” A union choir, with Mise 810mmo0 ae organist, lead in the6000>00 of praise and contributed two 0eleotious that were en- joyed by the audience. Atter the col - 'action the past year's oollectore, Mise R. Spenoe and Mies Slemmon, were thanked for their energetio services. ERTgngq INmo ReoT,—Another of the pioneer settlers of Ethel, in the person of Mrs. Rachel Spenoe, reliot of the late James Spenoe, departed this life on Fri day, 7th lost., after a long and painful illpeoo, whish she bore with Markel patience, at the advanced age of 311 years. Mr, and Mrs. Spence came to Olio nsikb borbood 36 years ago and engag, din general store badmen. From the first their influence was of a moulding cher- actor for good and to them is largely due the g credit of the organization of the Presbyterian obaroh here, Mre. Spenoe wan kind, genial and a eucoourer of many in time of sickness arid. distress. She al. ways took a lively interest in the welfare of the oommonity and will be muoh miss- ed but our lose ie her gain. She fell asleep in Jeeaelwbo had been her lite. long comfort and support. She leaves one eon, William, Postmaster of Ethel and Township Clerk of Grey, and three daagbtere, Mre. Jae. Laird, Grey ; Mrs. (Bev.) Adnrew. Wilson, Rosemont ; end Moe. (Rev.) T. G. Thomson, Hamilton. Her remains were followed to the Brea - sale cemetery on Monday afternoon by a large number of sorrowing friends. Rev. D. B. McRae, her pastor, oonduoted the funeral services. The pall bearere were : —Samuel Chambers, C. Bernath, Wm. Hall, D. Eokmier, D. Dunbar and John Grant. Among relatives from a distance were Rev. and Mrs. Wilson and Rev. and Mre. Thomson. silo, r -r Io,. Wedding next week. Township Conceit on Saturday. Mrs. Patterson and children are visit• ing at Belgrave. A. MacDonald, of Grey, spent Sunday at Wm. Mines', let eon. The snow livened things up in, the wood and sawlog business, Thos. Campbell, of Winnipeg, arrived at Edward Boeman'e on Friday last. We are glad to elate that Mise Rebecca Forest's health ie somewhat improved. Miss Etta Johnston ie seriously i10 at present. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Lizzie Maunders ie home from her millinery situation in Zurich for the holidays. Mre. Robb, er., who has been vary 0io11 for some time, ie recovering we are pleas. ed to state. Mre. Mines, of Calgary, ie spending some time among her friends East and West of Jamestown. We are pleased to say that Mre. Wm. Holt, who has been indisposed for some weeks, is on the mend, Mise Sadie Jamieeon, of Brunets', was the guest of Mise Martha Johnston a couple of days this week. Mre. Reece, of Murillo, ie visiting her daughter, Mre. Wm. Moses. She pur. poses slaying some time. Joseph Hogg has rented the Denman farm near Blnevale and will be moving thither before the new year. Some of the tat and 2nd con, folk at. tended the silver wedding of Wm. and Mre. Dnlmage at Newbridge last week. Mre. Rattan, en, is ill, heart weak. nese being her trouble. We hope she will soon be fully restored to good health. Sabbath School Entertainment in Jackson's ohuroh on Wednesday evening of next week. Musical and literary pro• gram. Speoial service() are being held in John. ()ton's ohnroh. Rev. D. Rogers, pastor, aeeieted by Rev. W. W. Leech, of Toron- to,is oondnotin them. g The eervioe at Johnston's will be with. h drawn next Sunday owing to anniversary services at Blnevale. The pastor will preaoh the following Sunday evening. During the peat week Georgie, the sewed daughter of the late George Parker, has been dangerously ill with typhoid fever. We hope she will soon be better. Sam. Caldbiok, V. B., of Michigan, ie visiting his parents, brothers and eietere at present. He is attending a medioal College at Saginaw and we expect him to get to the top of the tree. Henry MoCuloheon end Robt. Nichol, 6th line, are in Guelph t11ie week taking in the Provincial Winter Fair. Their particular hobby is along the hog line in which they are both engaged. While playing at Barrie'e school one day last week Priscilla, daughter of Jno. Manning, fell and broke her right arm near the wrist. The patient ie getting along as well as could be expected. Browotown Methodist Sabbath school announce their annual gathering for the 21st. They never do anything by halve& here so a good time hi enured. A varied and interesting program will be presented. The Line Sabbath School Entertain• meat in oonneotion with Sunshine Methodist ohuroh will be held on Wed• needay evening of next week. An inter. eating program will be presented eon. dating of addresses, recitations, mueio, &e. To TUE ELECTORS or Moneta.—Being asked by a number of ratepayers, to be- come a candidate for Manioipal honors, I ooneented to do so and am now in the field for Councillor. It eleoted will do my beet to 00eiet in the careful and 60onomioal management of Township affairs. Your vote and influenoe °elici- ted. Wishing one and all a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Yours Truly, German Tann. Monde Nomas.—Connoil meeting Sat. urday of this week.—Wintery weather again.—Sunday teat wwee abin tr d ay,— A goodly number attended the funeral of the late James Bennett, at Blyth, on Sunday Int.—Min Mary Halliday is hired to teach again on the 6th line of Ent Wawanosh. A Mr. Stewart, of Mitchell, will teach at No. 5, Morrie, and not Mr. Ceinpbell se appeared in a late leen of TUB Ponx.--Poter Cantelon lend a wood bee on Friday afternoon leaf. A lot of wood wae mannfaotared 50 17 hands worked faithfully.—A lot of flay is being preened,—Bird Brod. were ohopping grain on 6th line last week. --Thomas M• Russell left for Saginaw last Friday morning. He get a situation on a Targe Nene near the oity.—Edward Armstrong, 6th Hue, hag a big pile of wood on bend Should good sleighing come Mr, A. will turn It into money. 43 -we 1 due. Dr. Tuok was in Teeswater,proteeeion• ally, on Thursday of last week. Mre. Gregory, of Harrieton; spent a few days visiting Mre. J. Armstrong. A. Thompson ie very pearly at present, Hie many friends hope for his speedy recovery. W. J. Greer, of Wingham, spent the early part of the week visiting his mother t de here and ocher men , W. Stinson shipped le three deck load of hoge on Monday and H. Grainger ship. ped a oar of oattle on Wednesday. Dr. Armstrong, V. S., who has been eeri000ly ill during the past mouth, is out again and able to resume praotioe. His many friende are pleased to sea him about. The remains of the late Mre. Jae. Mo - Gill were interred here on Thursday. She and her husband formerly lived here but of late years have been residing rn Clinton with their daughter, Ms. F. W. Watts. The funeral of the late Mre. L. Camp- bell, of Teamster, took place here on Sunday last, They were former residents of Gerrie, keeping the Albion Hotel for several years and removing to Teamster about seven or eight years ago. Geo. Brown moved into the house he recently purchased from Mre. Hays, giving poseeesion of the Albion Hotel on Monday to Mr. Dulmage, former pro• priator of the Brunswick Hone, Wing - ham. Mr. Brown bas kept hotel here for six years and being a genial, warm hearted man won many intends who will be pleased to see him emceed as well in some ether line of boeinese ae he has done in the hotel. reg'. Mies Belle Strachan, milliner, is home for her vacation. Wm. Lunge is visiting friends in the neighborhood of Monorieff. James Bettin, of Logan, Bnndayed with friends on the 15th con. Mise Nettie Brown has returned from Chicago where she has been living for the past year. We are sorry to Bay that Willie Bray, who has been ill for some time, has been worse lately. Mr. Leppard will hold a public) ex. amination at Molesworth school on Thursday, Deo. 20032. Sunday School entertainment in Smith's Bahool hoose, S. S. No, 8, Fri• day evening of thio week. Rev. Mr. Corry held a eervioe at Bethel ohuroh last Sabbath in the morning and Rev. D. B. McRae in the evening. John MoKay, who ie home on a visit from Toronto, bag not been very well but we are glad to gay is improving in health. The committee who heve charge of the program for Bethel S. B. Xmas tree are working hard in endeavoring to make it a 0000000. W. Bennett will hold an auotion gale of Stook and implements about the 20th. He hue not decided where he will live in the future. Arch. Hislop, M. P. P., will be one of the speakers at the West Huron Farmers' Institute meeting to be held at Wingham an Tuesday of next week. Owing to the recent storm the men who have bean working for Mr. Oliver on the extension of the Beau- champ oreek have had to quit. A publio school entertainment will be e h I h a Fre in Turnbull's o 00 one on Fr day of next week. Miss Wilteie ie leas, ing the school at the close of this term to attend the Normal. A Christmas Tree entertainment will be held by the 'Onion Sabbath School in Shine's eohool house on Friday evening of next week. Sapper and program of high order. A collection will be taken. This week Teesdale Whitfield and family moved into their new 2 story cot- tage. It it; modern in its layout and we trust Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield may enjoy many years of comfort and prosperity in it. This Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Curry will hold a prayer meeting at Bethel appointment and afterwards a meeting of the trustees of the ohuroh, to decide whether the ehnroh will be closed or moved over to the 14th oon. By reference to the Birth notices of this week's issue of TEE Poem it will be observed that W. H. Stewart, formerly a tesoher in Shine'& school, llth eon., le the happy daddy of a daughter. Mr. Stewed is teaching at New Hamburg, Ont. This week Henry Woods, 16th eon , left on a trip for California where he will spend the Winter with hie brother at Folsom City. He goes by way of Mani- toba and British Columbia and expecte to return by the Southern route. We hope he will have an enjoyable visit and o safe return, An entertainment and Ohrietmae Tree will be held in U. S. S. No. 16, Howiok and Grey, on the evening of Friday, Deo. 21st. A good program ie being pre. pared oonei0ting of dialogues, recitations gongs, instrumental music, club awing. ing, &o. Prof. Garrett, of Gerrie ; Mr. Beattie, of Ethel, and Mr. Gibson, of Wroxeter, are also expeoted to Resist with the program. Admission 10 and 15 oents. BIBLE BooIETo.—Last Sabbath evening the annual Bible Sooiety meeting was held in Roe's church and was well at. Unclad considering the inclemency of the weather. Rev, R. Paul, President of the Bruseele Branch, 000npied the obair and epoke words fitting the occasion, A. M. MoKoy, of Brussels, came next with au appropriate talk, and T. Straohan, past President, gate the oloeing address, fall of wisdom. Excellent reuse) was given by the ohuroh choir and added much to the interest, Thanks were returned to the oolleotors of the past year, Misses Tay. A LARGE VS_ 1 E C run IS corm K THE, RIGHT WAY TC BUY FUR COATS. There Is only ono way to buy far coats, and that 1s to buy the very very best that you can Ill your bands on. We 000 0070 of this that there taevyer ane a man, who halting bought the beet,wbo had any canes i'V to regret the bargain, We aro show- 41 Ing No. 1 coon Siberian salt, marmot, ') Wombat, Australian coon, Black R110" San Dog. Lamb and the oemma0013 r ; makes of fore in the low grades of 4e fur that wear all right, but are not se as dressy looking as the Buwe have spoken of.. Inladtes jackets also there is muob to be had in buying the Pure Mutt will wear, We are at present selling pp our Leader in a. nee Astrachan at tl nat Wil 1 Mkt $-0.0 . It 3e a garment t 0 s or Tryu f and look e!]. AY wear well w IR:, are we wllTpleoae you. Greig & Macdonald On the Wrong side of the Street, Strong Block, Seaforth, Ont. 1J131$ for and Strachan. Colleotion was $1,00. In the near future the ladies will once more wait on the people of the eeotion in receiving their contributions for another year. W 001 to r,. Rev. A, MoNab was away at St. Het. ens last Sunday taking Rev. Mr. Whaley's writ. Rev.. Mr. Dever goes to Teeewater. Hie pulpits will be 000upied next Sunday by Robert Maunders. Rev. 0. M. Filer has returned from a trip to the U. S. We understand be will remove there ebortly. A Sabbath Sohool New Year's enter. tainment is one of the possibilities here under the 0aepioe0 of the Methodist eohool. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Marek, of Hamilton, were visitors at Oonnoillor Alex. Gard- iner's daring the past week. Mrs. Marsh is a daughter of Mr. and Mre. Gardiner. It in hinted that a third store may be opened in Walton, a Seaforth man being credited with the proposal. The opinion of a good many is that the two stores here already fill the bill. Will. J. Smith, a well known former Waltonian, has removed from Nepigon, One. to Siutolata, N. W. T. He writes that the weather is mild for a Western town at this season of the year. Just snow enough for sleigbing. Everything is quiet again after the elections. Mre. B. Barrows, of Ohio State, who woe on an extended visit with friends in this vicinity, died at the home of her niece, Mre. Conetablee, Leadbary, on Wednesday of this week. Funeral ou Thursday to Seaforth station, the body beiog taken to her former home in Ohio for burial L. O. L. the December meeting of the L. 0. L., No. 252, the following offi- oers were elected for 1901 :—W. M., D. Johnston ; D. M., Jos. Hamilton ; Chap. lain, M. Morrison ; Reo.-Sec., J. 'V. Mor- rison ; Fin. -Seo., J. Dougherty ; Treas., T. Oakley ; Dir. of Car., H. Hamilton ; Lecturers, G. Hamilioo and W. H. Shol- dioe ; let oom., W. M. Smith ; 2nd oom , J. Rine ; 3rd oom., R. Fraser; 4th nom., G. Holly ; 5th oom., C. Case ; Auditors, R. H. Ferguson and W. M. Smith. The lodge meets regularly on the Friday even. . ing on or before the full moon. Visiting brethren welcomed. Cannon Rn•oiEellxa.—Last Sabbath was the date set for the reopening ser. vines in connection with Duff's ohuroh in this plaoe. The weather was anything but propitious nevertheless good congre- gations aeeembled. Rev. Mr. Whaley, of St. Helen's, wee the preacher and he ably unstained the good name accorded him for thoughtful, practical, bullseye hitting sermons. The topio in the morn- ing wee "Come to Christ" and was a rich, epiritnal treat. Evening text was "I will be as the dew unto Israel, &o." Mr. Whaley will always be welcome at Walton. Collections for the day totalled about $115, to be applied on the improve- ments made`l:o the ohuroh. The church wee raised and a fine roomy stone bane- mentpnt under it, whioh will be utilized for Sabbath 'school purposes and social meetings. A new board ceiling woe pat in the auditorium, walls plastered, new ohaire for choir, carpets, ata. ; the Beate have new ends put to Clem; two new furnaces were put in for beating and when all is completed the congregation will have ae convenient and comfortable an edifice as ie to be found in this nation of the country. Monday evening the annivereary tea meeting woe held when the ohuroh was filled to overflowing. The ladies maintained their reputation ae fleet -elan bakers by the elaborate spread on the tables in the basement, and it anybody went away hungry it was not became there was not an abundant sup- ply of oboioe edibles, served by obliging young ladieeeod gentlemen. Shorty after 8 o'clock Rev, Mr. MoNab took the chair and after a hymn and prayer the program wag launched after the chairman had spoken suitable introductory words ot welcome and congratulation. Short, oriep, humorone and well balanced addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Dever, of Walton; Rev. Mr. Whaley, and Rev. Mr. March, of Hamilton ; a well executed number was oontribnted by 11 little girls who in recitation and song told their etoty very , nicely. Mise McAllister presided at the organ ; recitations from G. F, Blair, oe Braseele, andT. MoFadzean were a000rd. ed hearty applause; and the musical pro- gram was rendered by the Methodist ohoir of Brussels. A vote of Oland; was passed to all who aeeieted an motion of Jonathan Moore and Alex. Gardiner, The proceeds of the teeemeetiog was $76. A °renal was given to the children on Tuesday evening. The improvements to the ohuroh will foot up to about $700, but we understand it hi about all provided for.