The Brussels Post, 1900-11-15, Page 8We are already preparing for the
holiday season, Qur window title
week sbowwl,n few our steakof
Dolls ebioh we have from 1e. stood
up, Oar iitook inoludee
Zia �rS' Ila1mmooks,
P'otie' Reds, Dollar Cradles and Dolls'
Paula;:es, Our Kid Body Dolle are
excellent for Wear and nob expensive,
Photo. l rail:Lel.
Sued a stook of Photo. Frames
tot we have and so obeap. Take a
look at them beauties at 10o, oaoh,
Remember we are headquarters for
Santa 018 es,
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist and Graduate Opticians
Brussels, Ont.
1 a'so est
Never mind, not rough to grieve
avok as far all the perae is oonoerned
heoaneo we have such. a variety to eeieot
from and eo little to pay that yon o'n
dove se new ane instead of the old as low
es 6 Dents eaob.
Part of oar Xmas pnrobaee oR
Perfumes have arrived. For one's own
Pee We have it in 10o,160, 25o and 80o
bottles or by the oz. Onr 26o bottle with
glees stoppers are splendid values, It to
give away we have them in Moe boxes at
SOD, 50o, 750, 850, $1.00 and $1,25, which
are not only bandsome but good. Also a
fine assortment of
These make beautiful presents,
005558g From 50e to 51,00 each, and when
filled with perfnmeare a gift to be envied,
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
50UTIIE82 EXTENSION W. 0. & 8.
Trains have Brussels Station, North
and South. as follows :
Express 718 a.m. I. Mail 2:10 p.m
M3250,,,..,, 9:46a,m: Express ...... 8;17 p.m
nza1 Retas Items.
A ohie 1's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BR096EL'p market. leads.
SEE THE Fon clubbing rates.
Tam cater baeiness should boom now.
Coon has been scarce in Brussels this
A Tarn butcher shop is mooted in
Primo Library Board will meet Friday
of ernoon.
Wm. JEwirT is purchasing live turkeys.
The birds will be shipped from Brussels.
G. T, R.
BBee9ELl cheese factory ceased opera-
tions week before last after a most stay
meds l season.
HARDwo m is rather 8 scarce article in
townbut if the sleighing continues there
will likely be a change on the Beene.
COURT of Revision over sidewalk aa-
eeesmente will be bald on Monday even-
ing, Deo. Ord, at the Conniff' Chamber,
P802, L E. Davie, of Michigan, wishes
to annonnle that he is prepared to swept
a limited comber of pupils on Violin and
Mandolin. For information concerning
same oat) on H. L. Jackson, Jeweler,
Taira week the telephone man were here
making foe necessary changes in the
central office at Jaa.Fox's drug store. A
dandy ne'v cabinet, well finished and
lighted ba:, been put in and now stands
in the res: of the store instead of the
back room en formerly. This will add
to the eon 'enieoae of both the public and
Mr. Fox.
Mance OLAL.—Tuesday evening of this
week Eat. Dean Bodging, of Seaforth,
tied the matrimonial bow between Ohae.
Kargus, c f London, and Mies Ida, second
daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Blashill, of
Brussels. A reoeption was held at the
residence of the bride's parents on Wed-
nesday evening when an enjoyable time
wee spent. Mr. and Mrs. Kargne will
maks tbei,, home in London. TEE POST
throws an editorial slipper after them and
wishes Wm prosperity.
Mumarrw polities are quiet in Brussels
and we w,nid not 10 surprised to gee an
aoolamation election. Reeve Thomson
has worked hard this year and we believe
is entitled to a walkover. The same
holds good of the Councillors. This plan
would say.' $30 or $85 to the treasury of
the village' as well. The retiring School
Trustees trill be J. G. Skene, A. Cousley
and W. F. Vanetone. The two former
would ver' likely accept office again and
are both god men bat as Mr. Vanebone
has removed from town his seat would
have to be filled.
Jonnr Pur&s.—This Co. completed their
week's en;tagement in Brueeele Saturday
evening sad on Monday took their de.
partnre for Wingham. They were greet-
ed with g.,od audiences who were well
pleased tcith the nightly ohange of pro.
gram. In song, story, play, mesmerism
and hypnotism they render a varied, clean,
unique, amusing, and in the hypnotic
departmer.b a very wonderful presents.
tion. Some of the feats performed by
the Iooal assistants, under the direction
of the Prof., were quite marvellooa. No
one shoal mise the Jolly Pelts and they
will draw a crowded house if they return
here. R. McKinney, one of the Co., is
an old Bruesele boy.
FINE 0:,uaoE.— A Moorefield corres•
pondent s:ieake of the new ohuroh, built
by Brasee a workmen, as follows :—The
Methodist ohurob, DOW completed, is one
of the moat beantifnl eharohes in the
county. In every way it is very fine,
with lofty spire aad finely finished out
stone corners, stained glass windows, and
well marred. It is an ornament fit for
anyelty. Inside it is finiebed in natural
oak, with mangling seats, fine alcove for
the choir end basement for the Sunday
sohool, with bless rooms, lighted' with
acetylene ga5,and in every way a very
handsome and oommodioos ohurob. On
Thursday the opening services were held,
led by .Rev. Dr. Williamson, of Berlin.
At 5 p. m, a hot supper was served and
program thereafter. Address by the
reverend d Iotor. Money we want, money
we need, money we mast have, and two
thousand five hundred and thirty dollars
was the abewer, raieed at one meeting for
the new f.harob, Wbo says Moorefield
Antal] has not done well? Fro:eode'of
the supper, $160, Dedication Heroine
Sunday, Nov. 451], when Rev. Dr. Oar.
ett s e th
moa r ohod, Thos. eweom e
well known Brnseels builder, had the
whole dOnlraot, and be sublet different
dopattmet is of the work to D. A. Lowry,
Wilton &' .urn bull, and Q.. Sample. The
Building liommittoe woe well pleased
with the e•lifi89, and the Whole atruetnre
is a orodit to the boutrabtor.
A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this
Tun merry jingle of sleigh bells is heard
once more,
Beldame of the year free to new Bub-
soribers to THE POST for 1901.
AOL. SooloTr Dlanoross. A joint meet-
ing of the Direatore of East Huron and
Grey Branch Agl. Societies will be held
in the Oounoil Chamber, Braseele, o0
Saturday, 17th incl., at 2 p. m. All
Dirsotore are asked to make an effort to
be present.
Axone ebipmeots made from the G. T.
R. during the .past week were 1 oar of
wheat by W. F. Stewart; 2 oars of Iambs
by.Olegg & Dames ; 8 oars of salt by
Enterprise Salt Works ; Fire Engine
from Ronald Engine Works for Lachine,
Quebec ; 1 oar of scrap iron for Berlin.
PRontrfo.—Jno. Tait bas a tboro' bred
,Jersey Dow 4f years old, that bas a great
record both for breeding and milk. giving.
On Nov. 9th,' 1899, she had a onit and on
Oot. 12th, 1900, she presented her owner
with another. 225 pounds of batter was
prodnoed in 11 month°. Mr. Tait plaoee
a high value on her.
friend writing THEPoaT from the town
of Mitchell says : — "I gave a good
Conservative vote bo•day in South
Perth and we are goiog to win, also in
North Perth. I hope East Heron will
follow and the Dominion as well go Tory.
Don't take it too .muoh tor
heart if it
does. Weare trying to survive.
ACCIDENT.—Monday of last week Mrs.
Geo. Montane, 14th Don. of McKillop,
was visiting her daughter at the residence
of W. M. Sinolair, Brunie, when in
some way she fell and dislocated her left
knee. Physicians were palled and the
injury carefully treated. A 'few days
later she was taken to her home and we
hope she will soon be able to get about
again a9 usual.
ger, Queen street, Breesele, experimented
last Spring with pea nuts and planted
four. They did fine and as 8 result Mrs.
Mao. gathered a quart of the much sought
after pea nate. It is a surprise to many
to know that they can be mitigated here
but this experiment proves they Dan and
good samples at that se Ibe Editor of
THE Posy can testify. This Province of
Ontario clan proda0e almost anything
that any other section of the globe can
GOLD WATCHED.—The members of
Western Star Lodge, No. 149 I. 0. 0. F.,
Brussels, at their regular Lodge meeting
on Thnreday evening of last week pre.
sainted Robert Johnston, V. G., with s
Waltham gold watch, ?jewels, gold ohain
with locket bearing on either side the
emblem of the Order. The following ad-
dress was read by Bro. Frank Lambie
and the presentation was made by Bro.
A. McGuire :—
Robert Johnston,
DEAR Bao., — We, the members of
Western Star Lodge, No. 149, have heard
with deep regret that you are about to
remove to Wingham and we oannot allow
you to go without some slight recognition
of the valuable service you have rendered
this Lodge.. We are bound to admit that
the great increase in our membership the
last few years is largely due to your
earnest work in solioiting members.
We also recognize the fad that you
have alwaye pat your whole heart and
eons in gathering together the members
of the Degree Team, both for our work
at home and for what we have been call-
ed upon to do from time to time abroad.
It is the deep regret of the entire Lodge
that you are moving from amooget ne as
your plane will be bard to fill, in fact it
is doubtful if it will ever be, and as Odd
Fellows we fully appreciate your valuable
serving. At oar "At Hoene" and our
Decoration Servioe the trouble you have
gone to, with the aSSiatanoe of your kind
wife and daughter, in proouring flowers,
making wreaths, &o., you have taken a
foremost pert and as a Blight reoognition
of your valuable servio58 we, as your
Brothers of Western star Lodge, ask yon
to accept this watch, ohain and locket.
May yon be long spared to wear it and
may it be en aeeietanoe in guiding you
along in the good work of our Order.
Signed in behalf of the Lodge,
S. T. PLvu, N. G.
Braseele, Nov, 8th, 1900,
The reoipient replied in appropriate
words thanking the members for their
magnificent gift and their too flattering
address. He would often think of Bras
Bele and the I. 0. 0. F. bad he not re-
ceived the watch bat it would ever be a
reminder of the brotherly feeling existing
between them. He wished the Lodge
every snooese and hoped to often have
the opportunity of visiting Western Star.
Jamee Jonas sang a song in good style •
T. A. Hawking favored the company with
two organ solos ; and W. H. Modraoken
spoke a few words befitting the occasion.
It would be a difficult matter to find a
more enthusiastic Odd Fellow than Bro.
Robe. Jobnstoo and hie Braseele brethren'
will &ties him very muoh when lie re•
moves t0 Wingham. Mr, Johnston and
family expeoted to leave town this week
and bad the most of their household
effects ready to go but the home they e2•
psoted to get will not be vacant now un•
ti1,,7annary so the family will have to re-
main in Brussels two months longer than
they figured on.
TJ.E l liftiO$ll;L,LS 1'0$
Card of Thanks.
To the Liberal Meters of Beet
GENTLllaseg,—Naw that the elootion is
over I take thie opportunity of cordially
thankiog you for your vote Rod ludoanoe
on my behalf, Sou have agaio fought n
noble battle and aocured atlotbrr viobory
on behalf of bonost Government.
I thank, eepeoially, my Oommittee men
and publio epeakere who so ably assisted
me during the ooutset and who indeed
Added so largely to my MOW.
My tbanks are due and are hereby
tendered to everyone who contributed fn
607 Wel to the suaeess of the Liberal
party in Eaet Huron.
route, very gratefully,
Wingham, Nov. 12, 1000,
18onoN, Co. Connell will meet In Wing -
ham for the December maim] thle year.
A FEW otitters and sleighs W005 Out on
Tuesday for the firet eleigbiug of the
DOING WELL.—Peter Stewart, eon of
Alex. Stewart, Queen atreet, Brussels,
who is farming at Lengdon, North Delco.
te, has had a good drop this Beason, eon•
elating of 2,200 bushels of wheat, 750
busbele of barley and 650 bushels
of oats, with about as muoh more oats
left in the sheaf. Tbie was on the home
plaoe and on his other farm, 25 miles
distant, his share of the crop was 1200
bushels of wheat. The latter is selling
at 62 cents in Dakota. Mr, Stewart put
up a new banal baro 40x60 feet last
Summer and is getting everythiug in fine
shape. Mrs. Stewart was a Miss Lowe,
of Grey townebip. Alex. Stewart, a
brother to Peter, was a candidate for the
State Legislature but we have not heard
the result of the election yet.
Emits, Pueou s oe A RONALD FIRE EN
01x8.—Some three years agothe torpor.
ation of Exeter invested in a Waterous
fire engine. It beoame disabled and the
question of expending 5600 or 5700 in
repairs or investing 53,500 in a new,
bigb grade fire fighter was disoussed at a
public meeting 08 Monday evening of
lest week, and the latter decided upon.
The following evening the Coaooil met
and gave an order for e. pew Ronald
steamer, hook and ladder track, 500 ft.
of hose, &o. Mr. Ronald takes their die.
abled Waterone at a small prioe in part
pay. Exeter people will find the new
machine the "one thing needful" and
have acted wisely in securing a Ronald
steamer, the best that ie manufactured:
These epg ine5 are constructed for effi .
decoy, durability and ease of manage.
mint, Thefire engine business is look.
ing up. The Exeter Times of lest week
says :—A meeting was held in the Town
Hall on Monday evening to diesues better
fire proteotion end ascertain the feeling
of the people as to the purchase of a new
fire engine to replace the steamer recent-
ly purchased of the Waterone Go., and
which bas become disabled. The ball
was well filled with ratepayers. J. D.
Ronald, of Brussels, manufacturer of
the Ronald Engine, was present and
presented the qualities of hie engine.
Several persons were in favor of having
the Waterone engine repaired while
others favored the parohaee of a new
end higher grade engine. A vote was
taken which was unanimous for the pur-
chase of a Ronsld engine, upon the berme
set forth by the maker and which appeare
in the prooeedings of the Council in
another column.
Bervioe in the R. O. church next Sab-
bath morning.
The Presbytery of Maitland will meet
in Wingham, on Tuesday, Nov. 20512.
"Whore are the nine 9" will be next
Sabbath's Sunday School lesson. See
notes on page 3 of TEE POST this week,
Melville church choir is preparing
special m0aio for a Christmas Barytes.
T. A. Hawkins is the leader and organ -
Bishop Moore, of the Methodist church
is reported as saying in an interview.:—
This Ohioan war is simply a ploughing
of the field for the Gospel.
His Lordship, the 'Bishop of Huron,
will preach in St. John's ohnrob, Brus-
Bels, next Sunday both morning and
evening. Bisbop Baldwin ie a fine
Last Sabbath evening Robert Mann.
dere addressed the Epworth League on
Medical Miesious. Next Sabbath evening
the topic will be "Characteristics of
primitive Christian lite."
Last SabbathRev. Jno. Rose, B. A.,
took for his morning text "Take Beed
therefore bow you hear." To bear with
profit there meet be (1) Appreciation ; (2)
Preparation ; (8) Expeotation. The
evening discourse was on "Jabez" and
will be continued next Sabbath evening.
A week ago Saab Sabbath evening, after
service in the Methodist obnrob, one of
the 4 lamp chandeliers fell to the floor
making a great south. Fortunately
sexton Dark was at band and the fall ex.
anguished the lights. The nut at the
bottom of lbs rod holding the chandelier
had worked loose allowing the lamps to
The F,xeonbive of Wiagbam Dietriet
Epworth League met at 'Wingham on
Taeeday. Rev. T. E. Sawyer was elect.
ed Missionary Viae President in the
place of Geo. Awde who bas removed to
'Oxbridge. The Peteideot, W. H. Kerr,
was unable to be present owing to the
illness of bis son with typhoid fever.
The Methodist oharob ohoir is arrang.
ing for a Christmas service of song, the
centrepiece in which will be a oontribu-
tfon entitled "Christmas Chimes," by A.
Beirly, of Chicago. Thirteen different
musical numbers will be given in coo.
neotionwith it ag well an responsive.
Soriptnral readings and recitations.
Members of the Sabbath School will also
Gran's Bastion.—On Tuesday evening,
0th font„ 8 Girl's Branch of the
Woman's Abxiliary, in oonneslion with
St. Johns church, was organized with
the following declare :—Hon. Pres., Mrs,
A. Walker; Pres., Mimi Nina Rogers
Vies Prea., Mies Mar Burgess • Seo.
Miss Janie Kelly Treae., gMiss Ida
1011liax, Meetings will be held at the
Rectory on the 2nd and last Tuesday.
49 51885 of each month, Last Tueeday
a literary program wag given and the
next meeting will be devoted to miselon•
ary work,
Bev, JPO,1Tolmes preached two 080.
cal 8er15008 lust Sabbath In the Sfetlto•
diet oboroll in tide plaoo, Morning
eub)oot wag "'The magnetic power of
Odrlet," lila text being "And I if I be.
lifted up," In the evenine ,t large eon.
gregetioe heard an inspiring discourse
tram the text "I meet work the works of
Erin] that sent Me, while it is day, ler
the night oQmsth when 110 man on
work," "Tho Strenuous Titre" wen the
theme ltd priuoiples ate ; (1) Obhgs.
..;i0;1; (d) Seizure ; (8) Reoognitloo of the
end, t0 praotioe will show (1) Control
(2) Coueervatlon ; (8) Conoentration ; (4)
Conseoration, Sabbath was the opening
of an Evangelietio campaign.
People We Ertow.
George I.raokio, of Wroxeter, Was in
town last Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Ross is visiting relatives at
Kincardine this week.
Mies Ilia Brine, of Seaforth, is visiting
her eiaher, Mrs, P. Scott.
Mrs, Samnol Beattie, jr„ is visiting
with relatives in Brussels.
Miss Lizzie Sample and Jas. Thomson
Sundayed with Wanda in Wroxeter,
Garr. Vanetone bas taken a siteation
in Hamilton's drug store, Wingham,'
Miss Eliza Roddick wee visiting old
friends in Walkerton daring the past
Mrs. W. Robinson was visiting rele.-
tivss and friends in Perth' County for &
The Leckie ramify return to-Poronto
tbie week) where they will i•puud the
Dr. Horsey, the new M. P. in North
Grey, is a son•in•law to Dr. MacDonald,
M. P., of Wingham.
J..Thomsou, of Fergus, spent Sunday
under the parental root iu Brussels. He
is in the offue"of the Record, going, there
from Ford wiob.
Gratia, the little daughter of Dr. and
Mra. Kalbfieieob, has been on the sick
list during the past week but we hope
she will soon be all right again.
A, F. Murray, teller in the Standard
Bank, Brussels, went home to Toronto
on Monday owingto illness. We hope.
be will soon be able to reenm» work.
Robe, Morrison is book from a holiday
vieit of a few months to Mauit„ba. Be
struck it in a bad year - andin e wet
Beason so was not too favorably impressed
with the Prairie Provivas.
D. D. and Mrs. Wilson, of Seaforth,
and eon, Dr. T. J., registered at the Globe
ofHoe, London, Ecgland, the other day.
They had a fine ocean voyage. Dr. Wil-
son le now on his way to India where he
purposes practicing his profession.
A eon and heir has come to the home
of E. B. Creighton, of Hamilton, former-
ly of Brussels. If the young gentleman
made bis appearance on the Rh 5 of
November is no reason why be should be
called Guy Fawkes. Tan Posy extends
congratulations and will take oysters,
Bntsinesa Locals.
MANITOBA door for sale. A. 0. BANNER.
CASH for butter and eggs. A. Ooualey.
BARS oatter for sale. Apply at
SERVANT wanted. Apply to
Mae. W. M. Sn:OLAIR.
FLooa and feed always in stook and
sold at right prices. A. O. BANNER.
House and lot for sale, John street.
A.A. Panne received a oar of flour
this week and uow carries four brands of
Cl2P button, with Odd Fellows' 'em-
blem, found. Owner may have it by
paying for this notice. Tai Posy.
COMFORTABLE house to rent, with stable
and good garden, on Alexander street.
Possession oan be given early in Septem-
ber. For further particulars apply to
FOWL Ws:aann.-8 to 4t lbs., 25o. per
pair ; over, 30o. per pair ; under, 20o.
per pair. Pick dry aod do not draw them.
Can't handle on Saturday.
W8LTEn Lents, Merchant,
088050 WEAVI/O.—Having purchased
the outfit of S. Oanblon, I am prepared to
attend to the wants of the public in
carpet weaving. Satiefaotion guaranteed.
JNo. CARTER, Mill St. West, Brussels.
Warmer,. — Dried apples, fowl and
ohoice roll butter (20o.) We don't handle
old tab batter made into rolls, Our dress
goods, furs, ready made clothing and
overcoats are not surpassed.
G. E. Klro, Wingham.
Annsaeoze.—In Oranbrook, on Wednee•
day, Nov. 14, Alvin J., son of Chas.
Alderson, aged 7 years, 1 month and
4 days.
CneloacoN.—In Hamilton, on Nov, 5th,
to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Creighton, a
Bsrrias.—In Morris, on Nov. 11th, to
Mr. and Moe. Eli Sellers, a son.
aaa,x�xxx>=1a, .
Boxman—KAEaonna. — Io Sebriogville,
on Nov. 7th, by Rev. A. Y. Haiet, of
Berlin, cousin of the bride, Mr.
Andrew Eokmier, of Clinton, to Miss
Mary A., eeoond daughter of Mr.
HenryKaeroher, of Sebringvilte.
KAaaoe—BLAamILL. — In Seaforth, on
Nov. 13th, by Rev. Dean Hodgins,
lefr. Chas. Kargus, of London, to
Mise Ids, eeoond daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Blashill, of Brnesels,
HAno,ELL.—On Nov. 161,1], at the real -
donee of her daughter, Mrs. Multi.
gad, 1st Dov., Morris, Mrs. Hammell,
relict of the late David Hammell.
WTOWTmAN.— In Morris, on Nov. gth,
Oatherine, youngest daughter of the
late Jas. Wightman, aged 35 years,
6 modtbe and 8 days.
•.n:u TzON
Tionum Y, Nov. 15•-26 head of stock
steers. Si lot 17, con. 9, Morris. Sale
at 1 p. m. W. H, Shortreed, prop. ; F.
S. Scott, arm.
FRIDAY, Nov, 16TH. --Lot 10, Con, 4,
Grey. .Fern stook, implemento, &o.
Sale, ndreeerved,' at 1 o'clock. David
Dorn, poop. ; F. S. Scott, auo.
20, -At Heofr
stook and m laments: Sale, unreserved,
at 1 o'olook. Jas. Oargoadden,.prop. F.
S. Soott, Boo.
TnossoAY, Nov, 22 —Farm stock, im•
plemenbs, 'r&o., at E 4 Lot 7, Con. 17,
Grey. Sale, unreserved as farm 'has been
eold, a 1 p. no, Thos. Johnston, prop, i
F. S. Ooott, eget,
8TI1ND4RD B4NJ 0.? 04X.4.P4,
of r*.4.x17.4M Sac-? 1,e72,
CAPITAL PAID TTP (One 552Illion Dollars) • 01,000,000
ST • 0700,000
Agencies in all Prinolpai ',Outs in Qtttarie, Quebeg, lfgsitoba, Utftled States &Mayland,
:£d^,JAy' 0i5Pj, .801AcL
A General Banking Bnsineae Transacted, Partnere' Notes
Drafts Inas' d and Collections made on all palate,.
interest allowed on deposits of 51,00 and upwards and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers liviug at a dietgnoe,
Monap Crbrs at tbelfoalownyy bunt eissued Under 510 , „ So, $20 to $80., ..120
g 010 to $20 ..,100, 30 to 40., ..14o
WEnNBenAr, Nov. 21.—Farm stools, im.
Memento, &o,, Lot 20, Oon, 15, irey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m. Geo, Dun-
lop, prop. ; F.13. Scott, apo.
WEDNEADAY, Nov, 28rs.—Farm stook,
implements, &e„ S } Lob 10, Con. 4,
Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p.- m,
Jas. Wilkinson, prop., F. S. Stroh,ano.
Two coal stoves for Bale. Apply to
WELL bred Black Minorca Cockerels
for sale. Enquire at THE Poste.
Lerman]] Ram Lambe for sale, from
registered sire, Apply to R. NICHOL, Lob
20, Con. 5, Morrie
MONEY to loan on approved real eetate.
Terms easy, For further particulars ;apply
to W. H, SERB, Brussels,
Fon eale, a large, dark brown mare,
rising -5 years old, gond driver, will work in
any harness. B. GERRY,Brussels.
Two eligible building lots for Bale on
Princess street, Brussels. For further par-
ticulars as to prioe, terms, &c.. apply to
MRS, J. GR381 03, Brussels,
Limas' mantle was left at John Tait's
egg store on June 220d.. The owner is asked
to can, pay for this notice and secure her
OPEN fatted silver watch dropped in
Brussels G. T. B. waiting room on August
121:11. The finder will be suitably rewarded
by leaving stat Tam POST Publishing Heine,.
Brussels, ab once. 19 -
LARGE nut off the axle of a threshing
engine lost between Oon.4. Grey, and Brus-
sels on Thursday, Nov, 8. Finder will great-
ly oblige by leaving it at Tmo POST Publteh-
ing House. - - - WM.BIRD. -..
lighted and080 3. A. Sado to 155 in
the Leckie block over G. A. Deadm ac's and
Mre. Rogers' stores, Apply to F, S. SCOTT.
B. No.12,Grey and McKillop, Duties
to commence Jan. let, 1901. Applications
will be received up to Noy. '26th, 1000. Ap.
ply o. HUGH F0LT019, Secretary,. �allton
rase of•the undersigned, Lot 15, Oo13.9.
Grey. on or about Oct. 6, a year old steer,
gray in: Dolor, with short drooping borne,
Owner will bo greatly obliged by receiving
information that willlead to its recovery.
18.4 J. MENARY, Bmssele P, O.
r:J sale, consisting of a ram lamb, 2 shear -
ling rams and 7 breeding ewes, All pure
bred, from Campbell's stock, Woodville..
Also a number of Bronze Turkeys, from W,
J.Boll'e stock, of Angus, Ont.
Brueeele P.O. Lot 8, Con. 6, Grey.
(? isms of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 15,
Grey,on or about Nov.lst,. 2 etesr calves.
One is white in oolor and the ether red, the
former being a good size. Any Information
leading' to their recovery will be thankfully
received. GEC. sHIEL8,
194 Oranbrook P.O.
DIMMED offers his butcheries bast.
noes, brink block, residence, slaughter house
and other property for sale at a moderate
(prioe ae he wishes to retire from business.
Will be sold en Woo or divided up to suit.
purchaser. Thiele a good chance to an en-
terprisingman. For further particulars as
to prioe, terms and conditions apply. to
14•tt WM. BLA8H11,L, Brussels,
Local Improvement
Court of Revision I
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the
sitting of the Court of Revisionat the Town
Hall, Brueeele, on Monday, Deo. Ord, 1900,
at the hour 518 p. In., for the bearing of ap-
peals pursuant to the Statute inthat behalf
respecting theroposed cement eidowalks
on the South side of Hawke street between
Turnberry street and roar of lot 406 ; on the
West side of Albert street between William
street and South side entrance to Leckie
residenoe - on the South side of Mill street
between 1Ternberry street and East olds of
Lot 187; on the East aide Turnberry street
between George street and 92 feet on lot 10 •
on the East aide of John street between Mill
and Ring streets ; on the South aide of Mill'
street between rear of lot 187 and entrance
to obnooh ;, on the North side of Queen street
between Turnberry and Princess streets,
and the speoial assessment of the coat there-
of upon the lands immediately bene0tbed,
pursuant to the reports of the engine er,dat•
odNov, lst,1000, ROW on010 in the Clerk's
oMee. The estimated emit of said improve-
ments is as follows :—South side of Hawke
street, 800.00; - West aide of Albert street,
089.00; South side of Mill street, 222000;
East side of Turnberry street, 8800.00; East
side of John street, 5100.00; South silo of
Mill street, 820.00; North aide of Queen
street, 8142.00 ; payable in fifteen equal an-
nual lostalmenta of principal and interest
oombin5d, interest being at 4 per cent. per
annum and the lauds proposed to be epee -
lolly assessed therefor omelet of as set ant
in schedules hereto attached,
Breese's, Nov, 1851, 1000,
F. 5, SCOTT, Clark.
Assessment Schedule..
South Side of Hawke Street
Toint Aae't
408 Rola, 0 0 800/641
Municipal Corporation of Bruesols 241/544
Nest side of Albert Street
800 Leckie John 612/908,
1llouloipal Corporation of Brnaeole 200/058
South side of 01111 abreet
Pt 98 & 118:.Blashili Wm 2
10 08 . Gerry,
y, hay Estate 140/2088.
197 Gorry �n 0 040(2088
Muntoipal Ooxporat(on of Brussels 0402088
East side or Turnberry street
.287 Dobson D 022/9000
248 240 Max0011, 3) 692/9050
247 MOLauOblls, Alex 268/9050
210 Wilbeo, Wat 008/0000
e pt Q - Amoht, M- 400/8000
1.14 pt Argent, Philip 088/8000
pt 1 MaLauahlin, Tilos 808/8000
Muploipal Corporation of Brussels 180/8080
East aide of John street
187 Gerry, Ben 248/908
188 .. , ,Methodist Parsonage 88/008
Municipal Corporation of'Bruseele 072/908_
Senile side or 31111 street
155 Matbodlet church 208/208
North side of Queen street
8 pt II RobbD 009/1894
Creighton, Mary - 244/1004
804 Wynn, John 41884
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 6110/1884
Notice to Creditors.
' os Hereon,
The oreditnrs of David Douil, late of the
Township of Grey, is the County of Huron,
farmer, deceased, who died on the monad
day of September, 1900, are requested to
send to William Spence, one of the Execu-
tors of deceased, at Ethel P.O., on or before
the 29rd day 00 November,1900, full particu-
lars of their claims and seenrities (if any)
held by them duly verified. A ud after the
Said last mentioned date the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the estate
among those entitled thereto. having refer -
ewe only to the claim of wuieh notice ahall
have then been received.This notion Is
given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf.
Dated at Brueeele Nov 180,1800,
17.9 Agent for Executors.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of William
Batton, of the Township of Morrie,
in the County of Huron, farmer, de.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap.
120 of the RevieedStatutes of Ontario, 1897,
that all oreditors and other persons having
claim or demand a n
nd q h st the noor
named Williams 0111Buda 01 0 obs on or,
about the Eighteenth day of October, A, D.
1875. are hereby required on or before the
First day of Decembers 4.33, 1900, to send by
poet, prepaid or deliver to George Jackson,
of the Toweship of Morrie, in the County of
Huron, ,farmer, the Administrator of the
estate of the. said William Button, download,
their names, 0881 Mees andims au
full particulars of their claims au d Me nat-
ure 01 the securities (if flay) held by them..
And notice is hereby given that after such
last mentioned date the amid Administrator
will prooesd to distribute the aeeete of the
said deceased amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the Maims of
which notice shall have been given as afore,
said, and the said Administrator will not be
responsible for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person or persons of whose
claim notice shall not have been received at
the time of each distribution.
Dated at Brussels Nov. 14th 1900.
19-3 W. M 5I150118115,
Solicitor for the-Adminietrator.
, 1900
We have the ,stuf' to make
them for there is nothing
better than
Poultry Spice.
Try it and be convinced.
50c and 25c per bag
Fox's Drug Store.
When you are compelled to hold
the newspaper "away off" your eye eight
is "away off" and Gimes should be
procured at mute.
We will fit you with proper Glasses;
to overcome the misty vision that oreepe
on with the advance of years. '
Our Double Vision Glaseee are a
great help for both distant and near
vision to those who require them.
Rimless Glasses very pretty and very
fashionable for young people. Eyes er•'
bread -winners, take ogre of them. Ws
are experts at eye fitting. Have your
eyes examined and know their exact
condition, •
Eyes tested tree—Glaeees recommended
only when abeolntely beneficial.
Also Graduate of Retinoscopy.
Live Turteys
3,000 Live Turkeys wanted,
from 8 lbs, up, to be delivered at
Brussels G. T. R. 0» or before
Dec: lst, for which the highest
market price will be paid. Birds
must not be fed the day before
Strictly One Price The Lowest.
THIS is and always. was a busy store and it is busier now
than ever. We're ever on the alert for correct Styles and Bar-
gain Prices. You can always depend on finding here the largest
absortment of New and Nobby Goods—and' you get Bargain chances
here that are seldom equalled elsewhere. Just now our stook
is at its best—Abundance of. Fall and Winter Goods that you'll
want in a hurry.
If you want Mantles come here where you'll find an abund-
ant stock of the very Newest Styles, not the Styles that we showed
last season but Fashion's Very Latest Fancies being our own
direct importations.
It is not our way to refuse to buy the Latest Novelties so that
we will be able to get rid of our old stock. If we make mistakes
we suffer—not our .Customers.
If you want anything in Dry Goods come where the assort-
ments are not stingy and where you'll be sure to find what you
want at Moderate Prices.
Dry Goods and Groceries,