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The Brussels Post, 1900-11-15, Page 5
s 4, BUSINESS CARDS. AXON= TO LOAN AT 5 FEB coat, r, R, SCOTT, Brussels. W. MoOBAC,IEN— r, er 1 f Marriage Licensee. O. tl oe at Grocery, urnberry street, Brussels, N. T. BABBETT—, . Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door North of the Btattt1l.rd Bank, Ladies' and Children's hair cutting a epevialty, T1ARMS FOR SALE—THE UN - 1 n rasa n ad z Nn has 00several terms, FWOO or sale pad to rd rat, easy forms, in T Br Townehips of Morris and Grey, tr 6, SCOTT, Brunets M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. OMT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, —TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, >3R,Vaa>ms, ONV'T, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM- INSnnANOE,' FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M., Academie graduate of London Conserva- tory of Music, also Member of the Aseooiated Mu,lolane of Ontario, is prepared toreceive a limited number of pupils for inetruotion on the plane. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form iu the Conservatory of Music. Brunetti, Ontario. LEX. HUNTER— S i n Court A Clerk of theFourth Davie o Co. , Loan;Conveyancer,InouohneNotary Public, Land, Loan and [sled and Agent a ; Auction - ter. Funds invested in and aui'el l Collec- tions made. ODioe in Grahaw'elBlock, Brus- sels. AUCTIONEERS. 1 • ' • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - ERR, will sellfor better prices, to better men in Less time and lees chargee than any other Auctioneer in Emit Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FORMERLY OF SEAPORTS() DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0, D B., Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Haekel'e School, Chicago, in Drown and bridge work. -li rPrieee same as in surrounding towns. 21 - Office over A. R, Smith's store, Brussels. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK— ty . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals ;in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary 'Dentistry(Jails promptly at- tended to, Moe and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnboory et„ Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -NATm. SINULAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. OBlce—S tewart's Bleak 1 door Nnrtb of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &a. Office over Stand- ard Bank, Solicitor for Village of Brunetti. Money to Loan at lowest rates, �/F • G. CAMERON— (1,` AMERON— (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) ]tarrister. and Solicitor, GodeilOh Ont. OIice—Hamilton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. D., O. M., TrinitylUniveroity, Fellow Trinity Medias] College, Member Collo a of Pbyeielans and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Phyeiciano and Licentiate of Mid- wifery,Ediuburgh. ta-Telephoue No.14, Residence—Mill street, Brussels. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, rnseiorIN, °Up0EON AND Ac0o00RRnn, (Successor to Dr.lf, 1l'Ilnlbllelsch) M. D, Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., New York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron- to; Member of the College of Physicians and Burgeons of Ontario., Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and throat. to-tf BRUSSELS CIDER MILL. New Plant Throughout. This season a new plant has been put in Brueeele Cider Mill and does better work than ever, doubling the cap- acity. It is now in full swing. In addition to manufacturing Cider a epeoialty le made of Apple Butter and Jelly. Work done while yon wait. Satisfaotion assured and chargee reasonable. Geo. Edwards, MILL• STREET. CENTRAL t' INE ib U raLL Str&tf©r&Ont. Send for one of aur Catalogue and bo convinced that we are doing the beet ' work in business education in Cando to. day, Enter now it p000ible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TS>G LJ? LJSSELS ,POST The Business Ontario Listowel College. EOUAh TO ANY IN ONTARIO. A thorough, complete and praotioal train- ing in all branohee of Commercial work, at oou°iderably lees than regulak rates. For full information apply Houma of College over rest Office. L HARTT, , LISTOWEL, PRINCIPAL, 'rtixt ` legs, nor 1'0w, SCHOOL' REPORT. -The following ie the report of the standing of the pupils of S. 8. No, 9, Morris, for the month of Ootober;-4th Claes—M. Jackson, E. McCall, N. Skelton. Sr. 3rd—W. Far. qubarson, G. Skelton, 0. MoArthur, M. Taylor, W. Searle. Intermediate 3rd— R. Jackson, L. Fear, M. Jaokeon, C. Shortreed. Jr. 3rd -J. MoArthur, N. McArthur, M, Fear, D. Jackson, J. Bell, J. Watson. 2nd Clue—E. Farquhar. eon, E. Evans, J. Taylor, S. eltebbe, D. McLean, Pt, 2nd—A. McCall, F. Ma. Caugbey, F, Bell. fat Claee—N. Jack- son, J. McCaughey, A. MoOall, A. Skel. ton. Mfoe JENNIE KIucm, Teacher. Ca.re v. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following was the report of S. 8. No. 1, Grey, for the month of Ootober t—P 8 LPaving --V Armstrong, 235 ; G Maltby, 170. IV—L Dickson, 691 ; E Blake, 642 ; B Davidson, 637B Armstrong, 624 ; FDavidson,Da I 579 ; g 0 , W Switzer, 568 ; 12 Cardiff, 459 Sr,III—W Stevenson, 534 ; M Dark, 488; el Dark, 431 ; J Rands, 84. Jr III—M Hoggard, 361 ; B Dark, 302 ; A Glassier, 24, Sr II—Louie Blake, John Steven• eon, Lizzie Grant, Hazel Rozell, Tom Darla, Fred Lawson, Sidney Armstrong. Jr Ile --John Dickson, James Dickson, Port II—Baxter Stevenson, Joe Arm- etroug, FredAloock, Annie Dark, Rotas Craig, Fanny Alooak, Leslie Switzer. Sr I—Addie Grant, Maggio Stevenson, John McCallum, Pearl Dark, Lizzie Orerer, 011a Armstrong. S. R. OonnER, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the report of 8. 8. No. 9, Grey, for the month of October ; the names appear in order of merit :-411 Claes—E, MoNaught, N. MaNatght. Sr. 3rd -0. Oliver, N. Har• bottle, F. Harrison. Jr. 3rd—G. Mann, W. Mann, H. McNaught, W. Bray, J. McKay, W, Hanley. Sr. god—K. Har. bottle, R. McKay, M, Mann. Sr, Pt. 2nd—W, Hislop, A. Meehan, 0. Brown. Jr. Pt. 2nd—E. Bray, W. Noble, L. Mo- Naught, A. Mann, R. Cummings, M. Cummings, R. Rose. Sr. let—P. Barri. eon, 0. Brown, A. McKay, L. Lucas, Claes A—M. Bray, E. McNaught, Jr. let—E. Kelly, A. McKay, M. Roes. • Mies F. BREMNER, Teacher. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you it you used Dr, King'a New Life Pills. Thousands of eofferera have proved their matchless merit for sick and nervone headaches: They make pure blood and build up your health, Only 25o. Money bulk if not cured. Sold by G. A.Deadwan,droggist, H1.e tea. Blyth Lanai Improvement p vament debeutraree are offered for sale, 5% will he added to all municipal taxes not paid by Deo. 14. George Quinn, of East Wawanoeh, has taken over the milk business recently oonduoted by T. H. Ashbury. Mies Sarah Famed), who spent the past month with Blyth friends, returned to her home in Detroit on Tuesday of last week. Dr, MacDonald, M. P., received a ma- jority of 4 at the election last week in Blyth. The vote was a tie in 1896 ao there ie hope for Blyth yet. Fred. Hoggitt and his brother-in-law, Samuel Woodman, of Londeaboro', have opened a butcher shop in the store re- cently occupied by Joseph Stothere on the corner of Queen and Drummond street°,. The executive of the Blyth Looal Union Cbrietian Endeavor met in the basement of the Methodist church and the following of8cere were °looted for the current year :—Pres., Mine Moffat ; Viae Presidents, Mise McElroy and Mies King ; Sea., Min Bentley ; Treas., W. Taman ; Prom Reporter, J. Somers ; Lookout Committee, Miss Anderson, convenor, Mise Penhall, Mies MoElroy, J. Barrett, D, Crittenden, Wing -ea . St. Paul's church here ie out of debt— s happy position. Mre. (Dr.) Towler has been ill since her arrival in England. Two aro lights have replaced the in. oapdeeoenta in Young & Paulin's store. They make a decided improvement. One of Beattie Bros' horeee died at the 0. P. R. elation. Tbie ie the eeoond horse Means. Beattie have loot lately. Jno. Clegg, J. Skelton, Geo. Roe and Geo. Cline left on Wednesday of last week for the abode of the ewiftdooted deer. As B. J. Henning was driving into town hie horse was seized with paralyeie and did not recover. The animal was worth 9125. The Tory majority tobogganed from 71 to 43 in Wingham in the Dominion eleotion contest, compering 1896 with 1900. A feather in Dr. MncDonald's oaF. G. Sperling reoeived notice from the secretary of the Paris Exposition elating that he would receive a Grand Prix Diploma for the Balt exhibited at the Exposition by Grey, Toang & Spar. ling. Contractor Graham has ieened a writ for 9906 against the town for extra filling &o &o., in connection with the aide. wal,ks. We nnderetand that the Town Solicitor has been instructed to take action in the matter, and re•meaeure. menta of the whole work will 'probably be made. The Ladiee' Guild of St, Paul's church held their annual meeting at the Rectory when the following offioere were elected for the ensuing year: Free., Mre, Lowe ; Vine Pres., Mre. Stile t Trans., Mre. Me. Guire ; Beeby: Mre, Foster ; Collectors,, Mre, Deyell, Drs. Griffin, Mre, Rodents ; Parish visitors, Mra. Lowe, Mre. Griffin, Mrs, Walker and Mra. Rochelle, W. 0, Morrow, of 131ytb, has become a resident of Wingham. He will act ate 1000101 agent for pianos, organs, &o. He will have hie showroom° in Halsey Perk'° jewelry nts,rall, Miea May l;idde, until recently mil- liner in Mrs, G. Green'0, bee parobaaed the atoolt of Mre. Green in Gerrie and hae taken poeeeoaioo, Mies Lillian Green, who had charge of the branch store in Gerrie, will be tflmmer in Mrs. Greert'e shop here, Word woe reoeived from Toronto of the death of Mre. Mathews, pee Mise Alice Kincaid, formerly y a teacher in our Publlo eohool, She was a daughter of Mre. Kinoaid of town, and had only been ill a few weeks. The remain° were brought to Wingham and interred en Wedueeday, Geo, Awde, who for nearly two pare has been the obliging salesman In Smith P.etbio'e, hoe gone to his new situation in Uxbridge. Oa Friday evening previous at the close of the eervige in the Metho• diet church, an informal farewelt gonial was held, Mr. Awde was a faithful worker in Ebe Epworth League and Sun day eohool. Hie Fellow Leaguers pre Dented him with two volumes of poems, sod hie Sunday school olaee reoognizei hie faithfulness by giving him a rnor0000 bound hymn sod tune book, The beet wishes of his aeeooiates follow Mr. Awde to his new home. Lu cltuo w. At the voters' list court here 8 names were added and 18 ebraok off by Judge Barrett. J. H, and Mre. MoHardy, of Clinton, formerly of Luoknow, intend removing to Nelson, B. 0„ in the near future, The usual meeting of the Tract So• oiety was hold in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening of last week. Rev. Dr. Moffatt, the general agent, gave an address. Mr. Durnion, of Lanes, has sold ont hie business at that plane to Sidney Gib - eon, of West Wawanoeh, the latter Imo also been appointed Paetm toter. He ie an Patient and competent young man, who will look well after the iatereete of the community. i.itetowel- Lietowel gave a tie vote for the two candidates in the Dominion eleotion on Wednesday of last weak. R. R. Goddard hae returned to town after three or four months' eojnurn in Lake Charles, in the vicinity of Wiarton. Ou the 21st of October, at the Metho- dist parsonage, Lietowel, Robert J. Moore was married to Mies Amelia Faulkoer, Both bride and groom live at Moraington. Rev. H. Irvine performed the ceremony. J. H. Gunther has been making ex- tensive improvements in his store, both in the trout and interior. Besides put. ting in a new plate, and prism glass frout, he hoe had the brickwork painted a bright cream dolor, whioh gives bis premien striking prominence. The in- terior ie being papered with a eoft blue• ieb•tinted paper, and other improvements are also being made with a view to eon• veniene° and attragtivenees. Astounding Discovery. • From Coopereville, Mich., comets word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before re- tiring by any one troubled with a bad cough always ensures a good night's reet. "51 will soonoure the rough too,".writes Mre. S. Himelburger, for three genera- tions of our family have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and never found its equal for Coughs and Colds." It's an unrivaled ]ife•oaver when used for desperate lung dieeanes. Guaranteed bottles 50o and 91.00 at G. A. Deadman's drug store. Atwood. E'ma Council meets in the Town Hall on Monday at 30 a. m , for general bud - 00P8. 0. M. Stewart has moved hie tailoring business to the promisee recently vacated by 0. H. Holmes. Geo. Currie, tailor, moved into hie handsome new promisee in the Kimber- ley Block loot week. An for several years past 5 per pent. will be added to all taxes not in the Col• lector's hands by the 14th of December. Rev. Mr. Farr was obliged to return home ill, having taken a relapse. Hie pulpit on Sunday wae 000Upied by Mr. Langford, of London. Neil MoLauchliu, of Silver Oornere factory, was on the sick list for some time and was unable to attend to hie faotory duties. The Elma Cheese & Butter Co. ship. ped 644 boxes Sept. cheese laet Thursday to T. Ballantyne & Son, Stratford. The price received wae 11,o. per lb. Following is the record of the poll in Elmo on eleotion day : MAOLdAEN, GOETZ. Monkton 56 Grange Ball32 Atwood 38 Newry 40 Donegal 46 Trowbridge 11 Lambert's 25 Britton.. 31 Total., 198 81 Majority for MaoLaren bo Elma 117. Goderiob. E N. Lewis sold Andrew Rougvie two building lots in 8t. Andrew's Ward. Robt. Holmes, M. P., was awarded a majority of 25 by Goderiob at the Dominion eleotion last week. He's atilt the front Bob. The other day W. Ar Ross, of the Organ faotory, planed off a piece of one of hie fifteen, the result being a few days enforced rest. Special services began in the North street Methodist ohnroh last Monday evening. Rev. Wm. McDonagh will as. °let the pastor. W. E. Cattle ban left for Stratford en route for the States, where it ie said he will join hie brother Jack, Who left a few e t i to be weeks vino . I e regretted that two nob excellent mechanics and two ouch sterling men as the Cattle Bros. were forced to leave the old town, through Molt of luminous. The steamer Myles reached this port on Sunday night of last week from Fort. William, with 42,000 bushels of ,wheat for the Big Mill elevator. On Tudeday the Myles loaded a considerable quantity of hay, oats', potatoes, etc;, and left dor, ing the night for Port William. On Monday of last week Captain Feabheratouehangh drove Wm. Lee's horse Up to Colborne & Burrow's ware. house, and gut out of the buggy to deliver one hundred bags he had breugbt up, and joet moved away with the b0ge, the eeoond big blow of the hurricane Dame and frightened the hem, oaaeiog It to run away, The animal watt stopped shortly afterwards, but not before, the vehicle was entirely destroyed. 'Wr-oxi9ter, James b'oreybh Is still on the siok 1101. Ripe raspberriee were picked in Jueepli Cowan's garden last week, Some of our former residents were here loot week (mstinotheir vote. John Barnard has sld his residence to Mra, 'Phos. Miller, Price said to be 91,0110. Be is removing to Luau, Mies Eleie Allan has resigned her poet. tion in the school here to take obarge of the Donglae Cunene' eohool et a 'con. eiderable advanoe in salary, 26 woo Wroxoter'e maj irity tor Dr, MacDonald Wedueeday of last week. Our pplitioal temperature don't vary much as we gave the Dr, 27 tour years ago. We know a good thing when we nee it. Gorr101. Geo. Arden, jr., is learning the blaok emithing with Jas. Shen. The Presbyterian 8. S. entertainment was a grand success. Prooeede 983. Rev. R. Paul, of Brussel°, preached in the Methodist church here last Sabbath. P. H. Christman & Co. have purchased the stook of general merchandise of D. F. Jardine & Co. Acetylene gas ban replaced the lamps in the Methodist church here. A Mllver. ton man installed the tight. Geo. Brown, of the Albion Hotel, hae disposed of hie premises to Wm. Dul- mage, late of the Brunewiok hotel, Wing. barn, who will take poeneasion on Dec. 10111. Monday of last week A. M. Knox met with a severe accident. He wae splitting wood when the axe oaught in the clothes line causing it to strike him in the face giving him a bad out just below the right eye. A Wise Lady. CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 23rd, 1900 J. M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory, Goderiob, Ontario. Dun BIR,—Your liquid medicine, "Soak and Swab," has mored me entirely of the sore I had on my upper jaw. The dootore told me that it woe a cancer and that the bone would have to he cut out and the affected parte removed by the knife. It was this that frightened me and made me get the "Soak and Swab." I used only three pint bottles. I am well ever since, and it is tbree years since I used it. Having great confidence in your medicine I will recommend it to those in need. Jam, eto , MRS. J. HARMAN. The following was received from the same lady len years ago : I suffered for nearly four years from fits, and almost at the same hour daily, out of whioh noone could waken me, o0• til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied after the lapse of from ten to twelve hours' time during whioh time I wa, wholly uneooaoione. I was attended to and consulted no fewer than sixteen dootore without any benefit and no re. lief. I got to be absentminded, often un- convoioue of my surroundings, took no notice of anything, until, in the good providence of God, a friend insisted on bringing J. M. McLeod to our bonne. He took me out of the fit in half a min- ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after this in health and soundness of mind, and to this day I have not had any _more fits. Yours, ate., JOSEPHINE E. MARTIN. Kingebridge, Ont. Sold by James Fox, druggist, Brueeele. DISTRICT CONVENTION: The S. S. and Epworth League con• notion of the Goderiob district was held in Rattenbury street Methodist church on Thnraday, Nov. let. The three sea. alone of the day all proved profitable to the delegates, who were iu attend- ance to the number of 60. At the morn- ing seesioon Rev. A. L. Russell, B. D. taught the S. S. luau for Nov. 4111, and practical addreoeee bearing on S, S. work were delivered by John Million, A. E. Allis and Rev. Jasper Wilson, M, A. ' The afternoon session was devoted to the interests of the Epworth League Rev. Dr. Gifford addressed the delegates and exhorted them to make greater efforts along the line of missions. He thought the distriot was able to support Mr. Stone, mieeionary to the Nitanat Indiaoe on the coast of British Colombia, without aid from the central board of missions ; that eine we have the means and the Nitanat Indiana experience the need, our duty is clear, for the Word teaohee that when men are hungry the disciple's duty is not done until the men are filled or the supply of bread rune out. Miss Maud King gave en encouraging report of the work of the missionary department. Mre. Dustow, speaking of the relation of the League to the °linrob, thought the agencies of the church formed one family, and urged the League, oe the youngest member, to seek advice and direction of the church and pastor. Mre. Doetow called upon the parents to support with their preemie, advice and prayer this youngest member of the family. Miss Salkold gave an interesting and inubrno• tive account of the many lines along whioh the Junior Leagues are making organized effort. Mr. Sheppard address• ed the oonvention, speaking of the bright prospects of the League for the dawning contrary. Rev. Mr, Stone, who is at home on furlough, wan present through. out the convention, and it was a pleasure to the Leaguers to Doe him and listen to hie eerneet words concerning hie work. A resolution was passed expressing eym- patby with him in hie work and pledging the dietriot League to earnest effort to sopport not only the missionary but a teacher; At the evening onion, after devotional exeroiees conducted by Mr. Stone, able addressee were delivered by Rov. M. J. n Wilson, II, A., of Benmiller, and Rev. R Whiting, B. A„ of Mibohell. Mr. Wilson spoke on "20th Century Knighthood." "The knights of the 20th oentory," said he,'imustbe men of marked individuality, men who dare to die for their opinion°, men who in the face of opposition can say, like Luther, 'Here I stand. God help me ; I can do nothing else.' Wo meet be men of marked courage, of strong faith, of deep convictions." 1351. Whiting spoke on "The Door of Opporlutily," Bo said the work of the ol1urah .v 8 10 make obaraober, To this end vee rat tet tenet) mon that the mom real bhiu„e of the world are tee unseen, that holy things tranogend in value material thing°, Tb10 ie why the states. man who Nye hold on pripoiplea lives long after the politician who warships the neon is forgotten, Men should learn that theeeoret ofoharaeter lies not in blue blood, or will power, or eduo°tion, but in the now birth. 'The [Meeker urged We bourne in words of eloquepoe and nower to guard u rd tileY sanctity of the Sabbath, to cherish and obey the Word of. Gad, to preach Jesus and to enter the opening oehtury hearing the voice of Christ palling ue to use Him as the great opportunity of the 201b century. The district E. L. oflicere of the year are :—Roti, Pres., Rev. J. Wilson, I31, A.; Pres„ A. E, Alli! ; 10. vine prey., MinW, Barnwell ; 2nd vloe pre°„ hilae M, Washington ; 3rd vioe prea„ Mies S. Bondy ; 41h vioe prea,, Mies E Dustew : 5tH vioe prea„ Miss M. Salkeld ; sooty., Bev. A. W. Dever ; treas., 33iee E A. Blair, S nuclide 111te Wildfire, When things are "the beat" th,v be. come "the beet eelling." Abraham H.re, a leadirng druggist,of Belleville, 0., writes : Electric itters are the beet Belling bitters' 1 have handled in 20 years." You know why ? Most diseaaee begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid• nays, bowels, blood and nerves. Eleatrio Bitters tones up the etomaoh, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifiers the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence puree multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, eiokly, run down mac or woman. Only 50o at 0. A. Deadman's drug store. It's Your Nerves. It's the Condition of Your Nerves that Either Makes Your Life a Round of Pleasure or a Use- less Burden. To many women life is one round of eiokneee, weakneea and ill health. To attempt even the lightest household duties fatigues them. Many of the eymptome accompanying this stale of decline are : a feeling of tiredness on waking, faintness, dizzineee, sinking feeling, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, cold hands and feet, headache, dark oirolee under the eyes, pain in the back and side and all the other accom- paniments of a ron down and weakened constitution. All these symptoms and conditions are simply the result of a poor quality and defective oironlation of the blood, with a wasting away of the nerve forces. By feeding the eyetem with DR. WARD'S BLOOD AND NERVE PILLS Von stripe at the root of the disease and lay a solid foundation on whioh to build. Boon the weight increases, the sunken cheeks and flattened busts fill out, the eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed health and strength vibrates through the system. 50 cents per box at all druggists', or DR. WARD Co., Toronto, Ont. For sale by 6, A,. Dominion, Brussels, At Roseland Andrew Howiok, a muck• er in the Niokel Plate, was killed by the oage (Unending apoo him, Lord Strathoona will be offered a ban- quet by the Winnipeg oity Council and the Board of Trade. The Berlin Rangers may go to 8t. Louie daring the latter week of Daum. ber if the outcome of the correspondence between Seo'y Sime and the St. Louis people is natiefaotory. The matches would decide the championship of Amerioa.—Berlin Telegraph. Iryiportant to Breeders andlHoroemen, EuVeterinary Caustic Balsam. A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavins, Sweeney, etc., ete.,in Horses and 'Lump Jew cr. is Cattle. TRADE HARE "800 pamph- let which annompanioe every bottle, giving enientifio treatment in the various diseases." It eon be used in every ease of veterinary praotice whore stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no SUPERIOR. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give eatie- faction. Pries, 70c per bottle. Sold by all druggists and countryetorekeepero. Pre - MEDICINE COMPAN, London, Ont. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 4ND-- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT TRD Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Barth of all Pat terne on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. McKINNQN & Oaf R G EAT EXHIBIT XHIB z ,fir The reoout arrival of $ ,000 0 worth Ladies')e' and (Unto'nts' P n rCoa e Fur Jack t a °, Fur u Crapes, Copulates, Ruffs, Muffs, Caps, etc„ is an event of more than ordinary importance. A few yeare ago some people thought it wise to go out of town for their Furs That Gtn e egone time has by,and they e now look forward I Mo. Hinman & Coe l'ur Goode openingWeare now ready to show you the finest stook that has yet come within our doors. Buy your Fars early. There is no obiioioe like first choice. Below you will find a few quotations whioh will give you Boma idea of the goode we carry. We will be pleased to Dhow you the goods whether you are ready to buy or not. —Ladies' Fur Ruffs in black and brown, 75o,, 91, 91 25 and 92. —Rook Martin Ruffs, very special. at 91 50, e2 and 92 75. —Chinohilli Roffe, fine olose fur, el, 91.50 and 92, —Blank Coney Caperinee, high storm oollar, regular pride 93, for 92 B0. —Black Opeasum Caperinee, epeaial, $5. —Rook Martin and Eleatrio Seal Oaperioee, very stylish, high storm oollar, $8. —Sable and Aetraohan Caperinee, high storm oollar and Jong in front, very stylish, 915, —Ladies' Aetraohan Jackets, 28, 32 and 35 inches long, at $20,. $25, 930, 985 and 940. —Meu'e Siberian Dog Coate at 918 and $20. —Men's Coon Coate at 935, 940 and $45, HARDWARE GLASS- -An import stook of Dingle and double think at epeaial prioes. Lamp Goods —Our new and improved linea will uleaae you. See them. Prices from 25o. to $5 00. Spoons and Cutlery —We are offering Special Bargains on oar Imported Spoons and Cutlery this season. A special line of Car. vera at low prices. Fall and Winter Mitts — Bee our lined Horse Hide Mitts at 30o. per pair. FIDS — Try our 7 inch File at 10o. 11Z1ey Brothor's11 Loaded Shells — With Black and Smokeless Powder Cross -out Saws and Axes --Always a good stock to ohooee from. Saws from 92.50 up ; Axes from 500. up. Oaeb or Trade for Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Rage, Horse Hair, Copper, Braes, &o. A. M. McKay & Co. Wet Weather -t- j Cold Feet Bad Colds Now is the time to have your feet warm and comfortable. We are ready to supply you with all kinds of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in all sizes for Children, Girls, Boys, Women and Men. Qualities Right. Prices Right. A Lovely Range of New and Stylish Dress Goods. November Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand. Everything Cheap. No Fancy Prices. A. Strachan. HEATING STOVES COOK STOVES RANGES Do not forget to see our line of Base Burners, with or without oven, Every stove a double heater and guar- anteed a perfect baker. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. Meat Cutters, Butter Moulds, Scales, Lan- terns, Hanging Lamps and Lamp Goods of every description. Wilton n & Turnbull P. AMENTI, Powder, Shot, Loaded Shells, Etc.