The Brussels Post, 1900-11-15, Page 4LI SIll i4 P 1t T Nor 8 1.900 rT.exusaels ✓got. THURS'PAI', NO V. 15, 1900* Political Vointers, Mr. Glancy ie elected in Bothwell in• stead of Mr, Gordon as reported last week, Sir Chalice Tupper will resign the leadership of the Qoneervative party and remove bo Winnipeg. Quebec gave Sir Johq Macdonald a majority or 91 Is 1882, and majorities of 25 on two previous 000aefcne, 8. A. Jones, barrister, of Toronto, who went up against Hon. Wm. Patterson in North Wentworth and Brant, loet hie deposit, Who will the leader of the Opposition be? Some argue it should be a French - roan in order to offset Sir Wilrrid's nationality. The doing away with tbe unfair Berry mender In Ontario would' put in vogue a very different state of tbinge se to elec- tion remits. The Liberals ander Mr, Bond have triumphed in Newfoundland in the eleotion there last week. This seems to be a bad year for; Oppositions as they lost in England, United States, Domin• ion of'Oaneda and Newfoundland. Hepworth, Nov. 19.—North Brace ie still in doubt. MnNeil's majority is only 2, with 26 rejoined ballots, nearly all for Campbell, and of which: over half are sure to be counted. Campbell ie likely to get the Beat on the recount. Hugh John Macdonald hes evidently 'determined to give it up as a bad job. When asked as to whether he intended to remain in active politica, he said be thought he was entitled to a rent, He nye the Prohibitioniste went back on him io Brandon. Sixteen Protestant English Liberate were elected in Quebec, so that it was certainly not a matter or race and re. ligion down there. Hon: Mr. Bernier attributes the increased majorities for the Government in Quebec to the good times and to the Oppositions futile at. tempt to revive the Manitoba sohool mutation. The day after the terrible battle of Cannae, Hannibal, the victorious Oartha- gipien gegeral, Bent to the Senate of Carthage e, saokfal of gold rings plucked from the fingers of Blain Romana of noble birth as a trophy of hie viotory. Per- haps never since that fatal day has a battle resulted so disastrously to tbe lead- ers of a party ae that of Wednesday to the Couaervative chiefs Sir Charles Tupper, Mr, Bergeron, Mr. Foster, Dr. Montagne, Hugh John Macdonald, N•oholae Flood Davin, Mr. McLennan, and others. Sir Wilfrid might celebrate after the fashion of Hannibal. STANDING OF Liberal— Montreal 4 Qaebeo 3 Halifax 1 St. John 1 Ottawa 1 Kingetoo 1 London 1 THE CITIES. Conservative— Mootreal 1 Toronto 4 Hamilton ...-,2 Halifax 1 Ottawa 1 12 RESPECTIVE LEADERS — A CON- TRAST. Liberals-- Laurier iberals—Laurier Cartwright Paterson Tarte Blair Sifton Mulook Davies Borden Fielding Fisher Fitzpatrick Bernier Dobel l Sutherland Conservatives— Bir Charles Tupper Foster Macdonald Caron Bergeron Davin Quinn Sir H. Tupper Oaagrain Prior Haggart Wallace E. F. Clarke Maj. 2 500 ' 679 1250 1,764 1 037 833 500 768 447 500 554 1 500 1,124 971 2 000 Defeated Defeated Defeated Defeated Defeated Defeated Defeated 145 29 182 874 550 2,355 THE MODERN HiAWATHA1 The following lines were written by "G, Bootee" and appeared in the Sea, forth Son last weelt In the Township known eft Hallett. On the borders of Moliillgp, Noor the wigwams or the Iilnchley Near the tents of theMelttiohaele, Dwelt a farmer politician Known to fame ae John McMillan, Filled he was with dry statistic's, Vitiate and figures, thoneaode, m,llione, He ooald tell yep to a finish Haw to pink and pack Fall apples, (And the "aore.beade" in their anger Said be Reed the same good judgment When he plotted and packed oonventione•)' Sixteen yeare be repreeented Old South Huron in the Commune, Faithfully and well be did it, Served them well for many,eeesione, Made Some opeeebee on the Budget, In hie own peculiar manner, Full of bard sad stubborn logio, Convinoing, strong and energetic, Filled with solid rade and Spree. But a obange name o'er the people (Nowadays we're fond of ohangee Takeo another hue tomorrow ) Some there were who growled and mut, mored "Don't you think we've heard seffroient Of his everlasting "millions ?" Of hie sbop stuff and hie silos, Tory 'Notice and dehorniug, Preferential Tariff, Carrots, Mangold Wurtzele, and the Budget, Butcher cattle, Timber Limits, Free Tiede and Tuberooloeia, Orow'e Nest Paee and shallow plowing, Apples, Foreign Trade and horses, Laurier and Fertilizers, Railway panes and guano, Oaterpiliare and oommieeione, Tarte and turnips, Prohibition, Stookere,Sbippere, Klondike Soandal, f Politica and Agrioalture All chewed up and mixed together Till we turn aside, disgusted Wearied with his Note and figures, Surely be's pot lots to keep bim The remainder of his lifetime, We meet have another member Glee some other man a ohauoe to Add M. P. to hie cognomen, Talk and spout and grease hie fingers. We've got lots of elms to obooee. from MoLean, McMordie and McEwen All are just as keno to grab it As McMillan is to keep it." Thus they talked and growled and mar. reared. All the way from Hay and Stanley No the wilds of old Itioleiliop. Then there Dame the Grit convention And the "eore•bead" delegation Thought they bad a chance at last to "Bonet" the tried and trusty "warrior" From hie well entrenched position. But you can't most always, hardly, Just exactly, sometimes, scarcely Tell bow thiuge are going to turn out. All the way from one and sixty To a single grain of Mustard Stooi the vote when first 'twee taken And unanimous they made it Once more chose they John McMillan Ae the men to represent them. Then arose a ory of anguish From the disconcerted "eore•heads," And they looked for help in Heneall, 'turned their faces to the Southward Begged, implored, beseeched McEwen Tore him from his duety Sax mill, Dragged bim from his roost in Heneall, Made him take the nomination Though of coarse he didn't want it— Neither does a boy when hungry Want a piece of bread and batter Sprinkled o'er with nioe brown sugar 1 Tender•bearted George McEwen Didn't want to hurt their feelioge So be took it just to please them And eo•forth, and so on, et cetera. Thue without a moment's warning Borne have "honors thrust upon them" Then the Contest oame a strange one Grit fought Grit and Tory Tory, Grits and Tories Hugged eaoh other Daddy voted thus X McMillan— Sonny aMitlan—Sonny marked his so K MaEwen— But to end this tiresome scribble Viotory perched upon the banner Of the candidate from Heneall. As no doubt you've often noticed And I have before remarked it You can't generally, always, Mostly, usually, sometimes, Just exactly, scarcely, hardly Tell precisely to a nicety How some things are going to torn out. G. RAexue. BRITISH CABINET. The new British Cabinet is now con- stituted ae follows : Premier—Lord Saliebnry. Lord Privy Seal—Lord Salisbury. First Lord of the Treasury—Right Hon. Arthur S. Balfour. First Lord of the Admirality — The Earl or Shelborne. Secretary of State for War—Right Eton. Wilitam St. John Brodrick. Secretary of State for the Home De. partment — Right Hon. Charles T. Ritobie. Secretary of State for the Colonies— Right Ho 1. Joseph Chamberlain. Seoretary of State for Foreign Allaire —Marquis of Lansdowne. Seoretary of State for India—Lord George F. Hamilton. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland—Earl Ca- dogan. Lord chancellor of Ireland — Lord Ashbourne. Set/eatery for Scotland—Lord Balfour of Burleigh. dhana° for of the Exchequer — Sir Michael E. Hicks -Beach, President of the Board of Agrioultore Right Ron. Walter H. Long. President of the Local Government Board—Ifight Hon. Henry Chaplain. Lord High Chancellor—The Earl of Haleeburv. Lord President of the Coanoil--The Duke of Devonshire. First Commissioner of Works and. Pabile Bnildinge— Right Hon. Aratee Akers -Douglas. Obanoellor of the Duohy of Lancaster --Lord J,mee Hereford. The 0111 ie of President of the Board of Trade reedered vacant by the promotion of Mr. R'tobie remains to be filled. Qnebeo Coneervativea favor the reoog. titian of the party. The Kingston Whig reports Mint a Conservative dampaign fond of 8200,000 was raieed by the Ottawa oivil eervante. With daily exhibitions • post.pffloe in daily nee, lighthouse in operation, naval and ordnenoedieplaye, bleb in aquariums, weather signal station in operation, die, playa by the Mint ; epeotal exhibits from the Ilawaiiau and Philippine Islands, Tgtnila, Guam, Porto Rico and Cuba. Speoial features.— Stadium for eporte, seating 12,000 people, Temple of iltueio, eeating 2,200, beading bands of the world engaged for free concerts. Grand fashionable horse show, Exhibits or the Indiana of the SixNations. Grandest Midwai' ever prodnoed, over a mile 01 amueemente, posting 02,300,000, Buffalo. —400,or'0 popu'atton ; 26 railweys, 259 passenger trains daily ; 225 miles asphalt etreete ; 30 minnteo ride from Niagara Fells ; coolest oity in the trotted Statee in Summer, Low rates on all railways during the Expoeitioo. For further in fprmetioo addrese Pan•Amerioau Bureau of Pubtioity, ALGOMA EAST, To the editor of Ton. Poew IMAM SIn,—As an old Huron "boy", I take the liberty of trespassing in your columna. "New Ontario" which lies several hundred miles North of here, has been pretty well boomed of late. I am pretty well acquaint. ed with about 20 townships from Blind River in the East, to Bobo River in the west, about 80 miles. Most of those townships are pretty well settled. There are a great man settlers up here from old Huron, who are doing well Some of my neighbors are Item Morris and Grey. The Sestina, Bluets,Ewene, MOEwane, ileherialis , Eokots, Elictte, and I. Lamont, all induotrlo08 people and In good 0lreum. stances, Further West there are some from McKillop al Iuolteremlth, the Notts, Oeeb'e and Metenuaue, all well off. The land Is composed of heavy clay, clay loam, sandy loam, and some light Baud. The towns .(p of Kirkwood is about the only one unfit for settlement, being very Bandy. Most of those townships have hills ie verylpre400tlyeanI h 10 ave but wuttiu'othy Beed in the Spring and the bay was three feat high In head by the 1st of August. There was an excellent orop of all kinds this year, but the very wet weather doetroy• ed much oats and some wheat, Over 80 Inches ofwater fell in one mouth Threshing is about done, and wheat aver- aged 25 bushels to the acre and oats 80. If the weather had been dry oats would have been 40. Not much barley sown, but it does well in general. In fact every thing grow well. The climate is healthy ; the Wlnber'e dry, frosty and pleasant, having little or no sloppy weather. Summar Is about the same MB in old Ontario, except our 0001 nights. We have beautiful scenery, and lots of creeks and lakes well stockedwith fish. A great many Americans come here as a Summer resort, All the hardy kinds of fruits will ripen, also encu and tomatoes. I have about 100 apple trees is bearing. We have no Manitoba bail storms or blit- aide. Th1e is also a mining country. Most of the rooky bluffs contain popper and other minerals. The "Soo" will very goon be .the greatest manufeoburing city in America. Thessalon is quite a lively little town. WhenI came up here there was no plana in Thessalon for a weary traveller to stay one night, Old Bruce mine is boom^ ing again. The mines are being opened by a wealthy company. Takieg allthings into ooneideration, this is a good district for industrious )pen to make a home for themselves and their iamb, Iles. We want more men who are willing to chop and log, the 00030 as we did in Huron 90 years ago. We don't want any lazy men or drunkards. Here endeth this epistle, as I am afraid you will think it is too long, W. Harms. Day Mills. Nov. Oth. P. S.—Our men and boys are just now firing off the anvil and muskets for Guy Yankee. W. H. • PAN-AliERICAN EXPOSITION. The Pan•American Exposition will be held in Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. A., from May let to Nov. let, 1901. This Expo- sition will surpass all former enterprises in six important features : (1) In elabor- ate and beautiful eleotrio lighting effects, using over 200,000 lamps ; (2) In the splendor of its hydraulic and tountaio effeote, a stately canal over a mile long enoiroling the buildings and all courts having water restores of unparalleled beauty ; (3) In exquisite horticultural and floral embellishments, a wall of fol• rage surrounding the Exposition, rare plants and brilliant flowers adorning the grounds, ; (4) In original statuary and plastic ornamentation— more than 125 groups of American eoulpbnre ; (5) In the richness of its color decorations, all buildings to be tinted in beautiful and harmonious abodes ; (3) In the magnifi- cence of its court settings, the ooutt area being mob larger than that at any former exposition, producing vistas of exceptional grandeur. Cost of preparing Exposition, buildings and grounds, in. eluding Midway, about 910,000,000. Par. poses.—Te celebrate aohievemente of the Western hemisphere during 100 years ; to promote trade among Pan-Amerioan countries ; to present a great object les- son showing the progress of the Western world to date. All the leading Pan. Amerioan Gauntries will participate. Site. -350 aurae in Northern part of Buffalo ; 20 minutes' ride from center of city ; eleotrio railways on three aids ; 26 steam railways have aooese to Exposition station. Atebitecturalfeataree,--Twenty large buildiege, a large adaptation of the Spanish Reoaieeanoe, by way of oompli• went to Latin•Amarioa. Albright Gal. levy of Art, coating over 0350,000, and New York State Building, costing 9150,. 000, of white marble, fireproof, in the style of anoieot Greek temples. Bleo. trinity.— Grandest eleotrioal exposition ever held. Beentiful eleotrio tower for display, 375 feet high : 5000 horsepower transmitted from Niagara Falls, 4000 horse power developed on the grounds. Government participation.— Appropria. tion 9500,000. Exhibits from all depart. menta, inoluding a Ilfe•eaving station the ekall, Ile was taken to St. Mipbeetle Hospital, and ie in a eerioue condition, Geo, Sbaughneaaev Jell from a window of the Armories while the eoldiere were be. ing weloomed ;hero, and broke his rigbt enkie, Oboe, Taylor, while walking on Xopge etreet, picked up a "cannon" lire- oraoker, wbiuh eop'eded in his hand and blew half hie left theme end the tops of three lingers on bio left hand off, 4 REASONS why the Great Kidney Remedy, lir, I•lta Mier's 1picltuehe Kidney Tablet, give# such NDlontlleI Beautla. let. They act gently and can be need by children and denote people without the harsh resulte that aerially follow the nee of all other kidney mediuinee. 2nd. The immediate relief they give from backache, which Ip realized from about the first (Nee, is It surprise to people who have tried pookege atter package of other remedleo without ao., oomplishing equal remits. 3rd, Nearly all sufferers from kidney trouble of long duration, whohave peed other kidney medicineo, complain of their oontinued use upsetting the stomach. Dr. Pitcher's Tablets do not interfere with digestion, but aseiet it. 4th. Their perfect notion on the bowele is a marked feature peculiar to them, and not known to any other medi. oine. Mre. Luoy Harvey, or T, Jetty et.,. Torouto, writes :—"Ever slime childhood I have enffelod more or lege with the kidneys and backache. Every little cold aggravated the trouble until of late years I have had a great deal of trouble, being laid op at times. To stoop or lift any. thing was out of the queetion. I bried everything I aould think of or hear of, giving each one 0 faithful trial, but until I got a bottle of Dr. Pitoher'e Baokaobe Kidney Tablets I got no relief. They however made a decided effect immediate. ly, and strange to say before the first bottle was gone the trouble that bad ex• isted for year° was ander gontrol and the second bottle Battled it. lettuce then I Lave been in splendid shape, and shall always keep them at hand. I ,,eed them in my daughter's ease with equally good results, and I might Bay it was by no means an ordinary mase, es she suffered a great deal. We certainly will never be without the Tab.ete and I am glad to leo •mmend them." Any reader of this paper can teat the merits of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Pablete free by enclosing two cents postage for trial .package to The Pitcher Tablet 0o•, Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50 cents per bottle. The name of the Obatham Banner has been changed to the Banner—News. The body of Mies Maggie Johnston, of Guelph, was found in the Speed river near Rice Island. INDn0TRIRa OF ONTARIO. —According to the annual report of the Bureau of In. daetries, the average wage of farm laborers in Ontario for the year was 0149, a dollar higher than & year ago. Nine million, one hundred and thirteen thousand and eistyfout pounds of butter were made during the year, which Bold at an average of over 19 cents a pound. (iheeee factorise have grown from 1,187 10 1,203. The output was 123,323,923 pounds, for which $12,120,887 was re- ceived. Market prices ware higher in everything, except wheat, corn and potatoes. Farm lands in Ontario were RUST BE SEEN 'CO BE APPRE- CIITED. The Family Herald and Weekly Star, or Montreal, have a record for giving their subscribers the beat premium pioturee given to newspaper readers. They seem to know exactly what the Canadian public want. This season they have iutroduoed an entirely new eabjeot and one that is oer• tainly to be appreoiated. They are offer- ing two beautiful piotures. The one is the masterpiece of the famous Hoffman, "CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE," a most beautiful study, the coloring of the paint- ing is superb, and the drawing of the faces ie simply wonderful. Thie p ie ar- tionlarly true of the fade of Jesus, the countenance ie full of boyish beauty. No more highly spiritual conoeption of the face and figure of the Master bas ever been placed on canvas. Around Him are shown the Robbie, grave and thoughtful men, whose astonishment at the wisdom of the youth is strikingly depicted. The picture ie 17 x 24, andis a beautiful etudy for any home. Their second picture ie alai a work of art and at once appeals to every Cana• dian heart. Our Canadian soldiers are returning from South Afrioe, and this piot0re, entitled "HOME FROM THE WAR," is a handsome souvenir of the omission. Itrepreeente one of our brave soldiers in his khaki unifdrm opening the door of the room in which hie dear old mother, uocone0ioue of hie presence, ie sitting anxiously reading over and over the lettere from her boy in South Africa The picture tette the story. It is true to life. The coloring is perfect. It i0 17 x 24 inobes on the beet quality of paper. It is bound to be a popular picture with Canadians. Every yearly subscribers to that great family paper, the Family. Herald and Weekly Star, will receive a dopy of eaoh of these beautiful pioturee. It ie truly the biggest dollar's worth ever offered. A deeoriptiva pamphlet goes with each picture. Any of our readers ono secure one of the pamphlets by Bending hie name and addreee to the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal. torcat Lneker nu Editor. "For two years all efforts to care Ec- zema in the palme of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syraouse, Kan„ "then I was wholly oared by Bcoklen'e Arnida Solve." It's the world's beat pure for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases. Only 25e at 0, A. Dead. man's drug store. The return of the soldiers was mom - ponied by a number of aooidente at Tor. onto en Monday, remelting chiefly from the reoklese use of firecraokers among the huge crowds that filled the etreete till after midnight. The moot eerioue in. juries remelted from the explosion of a giant ornoker in front of the City Hall in the kande of Thomas O'Rourke, a deaf mute, wbo picked it tip from the street after it had been lit, not knowing what it was, He loot the forefinger of hie right hand, and sustained eerioue injuries to hie race and right eye, He was re• moved to St. Miohael'e Hospital. Mrs. Sobabart,a bystander, had her bead very badly out, and tan etitehee were put into the goalp. She was able afterwards to go home in a carriage. Alfred Mono, while wheeling, was knooked off hie bioyote and sustained te bad fraolure of valued at 9608,271.1777, as ageipat 00680 240,669 a year ago, Baildings iporeased by tbnee .milliop, implements by two Wilton, Jive atoaif, over tan million to $116,800,446, The total pnmber of home In the proviOpe en lfnly let wee 013,624, valued at 942.,713,567, the value per head being 071, compared with 005 e year ago. REAL ESTATE, .#.i3Ohome on Basan AatrBBEAUTIFUL etE,EAfurnished oL without, at a bargain. Apply to MIS M, CAMPBELL, Brussels, IRST - CLASS HARM FOR .L 3Ann,—Lot 17, con,. a. Township of Grey, 100 aoree more or less, Situate 41 miles frem,Bruseele and 2 miles:rem village of Ethel, All cleared excepting 0 acres o1 hardwood bueh. Buildings and fences in Rood repair. Geed walla, AllFall plowing done, Price and terms of payment on ap- plication to W. M. SINCLAIII 29.11 Barrlater, Ao„ Brussels, VOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL— LAcE.—The property o1 the late John 19lllett, oenoieting of a solid ]wick house, with frame kitchen and woodshed, good �ttabla cud t sore ofland, all in firot.olase condition. If not cold will be rented. P0s- oession nt any time, For paltioulare apply to War. 8050100E Bthei; Anus. P5110Ejteo1 Galt ; or En, AWE nr.vy, Kt. Foreet2011 FARM FOR SALE. -160 ACRES consisting of the Routh t and South of the North t of Lot 88, Con ,2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stook farm, being well supplied with good spring water. 11 1s situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A large part of it to under nd femme are in a fair state grass. °pair. Easy terms of payment will be given, For all information apply to 11.11 G.F. BLAIR. Barrister, Brussels. Patents Guaranteed. Our fee returned!! we fail. Any one send- ing sketch 'and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con- cerning tbe patentability of same. "How to obtain a patent" sent upon request,' Pat- ents (lectured through .ve advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through ns receive 0PROIAL 1000000, without charge, 10 Tau PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Man. ufacturers end Investors. Send for sample copy PREF. Addreos VICTOR J. EVANS & Co., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, Wash agton, D. C. 1VIcLEOD'S System Renovator J --AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness,,Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- aigia, Lobs of Memory, Bronohitin, Oon• gumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY, GOQERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jus, Fox, Druggist, Brussels Bead Ihis Aliuouuce�elit l And then if you require any of the following lines (which you undoubtedly must) it will be to your intermit to call and see our geode as we are in a position to offer you the beet obtainable on the market at the very lowest possible primes. Here are some of them :— —Highest Grade British Columbia Salmon at 180 per can. —Special linea of Blue Ribbon Ceylon Tea at reduced prioee. —Cold Blast Lanterns at 750. —Call and see our Lampe just arrived from Montreal at prioee from 20o to $2—the greatest bargains of the day. In our Boot and Shoe Department ,von will find everything up.to date and at the very lowest prioee ever quoted :- -Ladies' Fine Shoes from 25o up. —Menta Fine Shoes from 900 to 83.00. —We have io stook the very latest in Men's Leather Leggings. —We also oarry a well assorted line of the Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes at the very loweet prime. ;'Bring on your Butter, Eggs and Fowl. Yon will get the beet value for them you ever received. W. INNES, Jamestown. Seasonable Ji Di zing Shoes Suitable for the Always in Stock. Shoes Wet Weather. FOR MEN we have the Celebrated King Shoes, the Let- rault and the Whittam, and some other good makes in Goodyear Welts or McKay Stitched, with Rubber Heels and Soles or without. Stylish, good fitters and great wearers. FOR LADIES we have the King Quality Shoes with all the latest improvements which makes them the most stylish' and comfortable Ladies' Shoes in the market. You doubtless want Rubbers to keep your Shoes dry this wet weather. We have them in all the best qualities at the lowest prices. HARNESS DEPARTMENT. Harness, both heavy and light, all our own make out of the beet material. Of Blankets we are afraid we have bought too heavy and as a consequence offer them at prices below what you can buy them elsewhere, See them before buying. Bargains in Robes, Trunks, Satchels, Mitts and Gloves. I. C. RIOHARDSU t 'AE,outa for J. D King's Stub)) Proof Rubbers. NOTE THIS :" A, New Stook. A Choice Stook. A. Low Price. We. will Make it PayYou to Buy All Your Goods of Us. THAT DOLLAR OF YOURS Can BUY MORE and bring BETTER RESULTS than it ever did eine° the DOLLAR MARK waif invented, IF you put it into STRETCHING VALUES OURDOLLAR , We announce the greatest gathering of desirable morobandiae we have ever succeeded in collecting for our patrons. Everything freeh and new, sparkling with the brightest 'mehion thoughts of the new season, y Sake Money while the Chance Lasts. A'little of it will give wondeffdl eatiefaotion if invested io oar sincerely honest qualities of reliable goods of known value. You will delight in our new stook beoaose it ie in toads with the times, and anticipates your every want in IEN'S a BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats Caps and Gents'` Furnishing Goods. Without Doubt or Hesitation, Dome and Reap the Best, Values Your Dollar Ever Bought. A Stock Thoroughly Up to -date in QUALITIES and STYLES in Every Department. Come and make your comparisons ; they are the keys that unlock the facts about our Fine Qualities and Low Prices. The simple, plain talk of the Price that is Right is our convincing argument. Take advantage of this oombination of Saving and Satiefactioo and your mind will be easy and your money saved. We are waiting to give you a Square Deal for a Round Dollar. zoo. C. BOSS /D FOR e11Sho f+'I, 11 BOyQBM au l�' S N They need good, strong, warm shoes— PLO paper in the soles, nothing but solid leather and honest stitching. Our school shoes are neat. They keep their shape. They please the parents because they wear so well. DOWNING BROS. Bet .A GI1tIN eiil�N BUGGIES AND WAGONS —AT— , Ewan & C o's J a riV actory We will sell all Wheeled Rigs for the balance of this season at Cost To make room for Cutters and Sleighs ae we are going to handle these in large quantities this Winter and at close prioee. We are building a number of Critters that will suit our Customers. For mater- ial and Painting they can't be beaten. Bob.eleighe 2 in. and 2i in, and Ple0anre Sleighs our own make. Intending purobaaore should call and examine oar stock before buying eleewbero, and you will be oonvinoed that it will pay you to buy from Ewan & Co.'s Carriage Factory, Brussels, "Reasonable Prises and Straight Dealing" is our Motto. Thanking oar many Onetomore for their past pelronage we ask a continuance of the same.