The Brussels Post, 1900-11-8, Page 5•
0 T.
The Business
ONI TO LOAN AT 6 PLR t-lntsit. °
C 11
;eat, L', 8, SCOTT, ilrue9eid, Listowel o gig ei.
"7. CRACI��c
. Issuer of Marriage Liconees, Of, ='QUAL TO .ANY IN onmowo,
flee at OlagorY, 1•urnberry etroot, Bruaso19,'
N, BARi,I'TT—^
r Tonoorlal Artist, Shell -Next door
North of the Standard Bank, Ladtoa' and
Ohlldreu'e hair cutting 0 upoolalty,.
1414111113 FOB SALE—THE UN.
nnnaraNE, has several good Forme for
Rath sad to rank, easy terms, 1n Townships
of Morrie and Grey, F S. SCOTT, Bruseels
Issuer of Marriage Llcenseo,
osa crSSf3T.,S, =TT.
L.O. M.
Academie graduate of London Conserva-
tory of Muoio, also Member of the As000iated
Mueioiuno of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a 1lmlted number 01 Penile for instruotion
on tbo piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Formin the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario.
Clerk of theourth i n
F Dista r court
LGan ,Loan; dInsu once Notaryn;Public,
Land; Loan and Insurance an dto 1oa ; Auction-
eer, Funds inveOfJ2oe en anGraham'ejOin. OBrao-
tionamade. OBfoe in Gtahum'elBlook, Brue-
EEn, will soli for better prices, to
better men, in loss time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always bo arranged at this ollloo or by
personal application,
Graduate of R. 0. D B., Toronto ; Poet Grad.
nate course at Hashers School, Chiango, in
Drown and bridgework. i'3•Prioee eamo as
in earrounding towns. 21.
Office over A, R. Smith's store, B reseals.
. Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die.
eases of domesticated animals tin a oompet-
entmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Publio, &o. Mike -8 tewart's Block
1 door North of neutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o, Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to. Loan at lowest rates,
(Formetly of Oammoo, Holt &
Cameron). Barrister and Solicitor, Goderiob
Ont. Office--Hamlltcu street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
at, n., o. M.,
TrinitylVoiversity, Follow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Phyaiotane and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal OM -
lege of 1''hysiofans and Licentiate of Mid-
wlfory Edinburg8h. 13•Talaphoue No, 13,
Residence—Mil street, Brussels.
(successor to lir. F. IE. utttbilolech)
M. D. Bellevue Hospital Mod, Col., New
York ; iq D 0 M Victoria University, Toron-
to.; Momber of the College of Physietana and
Snrgeono of Ontario. Simla] attention paid
to diseases o1 women, eye, ear, nose and
throat. - 10-tt
New Plant Throughout.
This season a new plant has been
put in Brussels Older Mill and does
better work than ever, doubling the cap.
aoity. It is now in full swing.
In addition to manufacturing Cider
a specialty i0 made of Apple Butter and
Work done while you wait•
Satisfaction aoudad and ohargee
Geo. Edwards,
i. Jrie
2S1rr 'fbvlr Q) t
Send for one of our Catalogues and
be odaviaood that we are do ug the beet
Work in business education he Canadato-
day, Enter new if possible.
W. /I. ELLIOTT Prill0ipal.
A tboropgh, complete and praotioal train-
ing In all braoohes of Oommereial worn,
at oonaiderably lees than regular rates.
For full information apply
Rooms of College over coat Oftlee.
10istrirt Bops.
W fling Ittt tn.
The Town Council met on Monday
0heeter. Davie,a9Oio1ant at the G. T.
R, elation, has been sent to Pergne,
W. H. Green is extending the Moan.
desoept light service on Seater 010001,
and wiring the reeiden0e of Barrister
Geo, H. Awde, for some time pact
eateemen in Smith ;& Petbiok's, has 0e.
ogred a situation in Uxbridge and will
leave Wingham at ''an early date. Mr.
Awde will be missed in obaroh and
social choles,
to decrease in the prioe of
a d hogs our butchers have reelect.
ed the prioe pf beet steak to 10o. ; rib and
porter•boueeroman, 1013,; shoulder route,
8 and 90, ; boiling meat 70. per pound.
All other meats proportionally reduoed—
eausage, 10a.; pork, 10o. ; headcheese, 7o.
Mise Delia Sperling, A. T. 0. M., will
return this week from New York where
ebe hes completed a teacher's course at
the "eletropolitau School of Music."
She has already been offered a position
in Spokane,' WashingtonTer., which she
may accept at the New Year.
Wm. Lewis, who hae been outter in
Ice Glovefaotory, leavee shortly to reside
in Toronto, Hie Sunday School class in
the Oongregationat ehurob,through the
pastor, Rev. A. E. Prior, presented Mr.
Lewin with a water set as a recognition
of his devotion to Sunday School work,
and on Monday the employees of the
Glove factory presented Mr. Lewis with
a handsome easy chair accompanied by
onaddreee expreeeingthe moot kindly
Fair's mill has been running day and
night for several weeks,
D. A, Forrester expecte to stall teed
nearly one hundred head of cattle,
The Doherty aiding is progressing and
will not be long before it can be used ;
the ties are being laid.
Inspector of Model schools, J. J. Tilley,
of Toronto, made his armlet oat' on
Wednesday of last weak.
The special servioes in progress in the
Ontario street ohuroh are being well at.
tended and much interest is manifested.
Rev..1. 0. Parke was spending holidays
on a visit to hie brother-in-law, L B.
Limas, M. P. P., of Markdale. le was
0000mpanied by J. E. Hovey and they
report a very pleasant trip.
Oameron, son of Mra, (Rev.) Hall, ie a
patriotic as well as a noble little fellow.
When the patriotic fond started he nom.
menced togather up hie spare obange
and the other day when counting up it
amounted to $3 60. As this fund re-
ceived more than what was asked for be
took it to Mayor Jeokeon to be added to
a fund towarde a reception 'to be given
Ben. Webb when he arrives home.
Rev. Father MoMenimon, who will
take.oharge of the Olinton•Blyth pariah.
in a few weeks, hes leased the dwelling
on Boron etreet now occupied by Ohae.
Wallis. The property belongs to the
Whitehead estate, and was formerly used
ma the pareooage of the Rettenbury street
'thatch, Father MoMenimou'e residence
there will only be temporary e9 a home
for the priest will be built next to the
Mauro') in the Spring.
The Era ,aye :—We regret to learn
that we will lose an estimable citizen and
huffiness man in the person of F. W. Bur-
eees, who intends to return to Winnipeg.
He has bought out his former employer
and will take paseeesian of hie new pho-
tographic business the let of December,
Singe coming here be hae been kept buey
with the work turned so excellently out
of the studio ; it compares favorably
with the beet produced in the pities.
Wishing a wider sphere and having a
liking for that dily he will leave towards
the end of the month. Up to the present
he hae not disposed of his baeinee9 here.
spreads like Wildare,
When things are "the beat" they be.
ante "the beet Belling." Abraham Hare,
It leading druggist, of Belleville, O.,
writes : Eleotrio Bitters are the beet
selling bitters 1 have handled in 20
years." Yon, know why,? Mostdiseaeea
begin in disorders of stomach,' liver, kid.
nays, bowels, blood and nerves. Eleotrio
Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates
liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the
blood, etrengtbe0e the nerves, hence
mires multitudes of maladiee. It builds
op the ontire eyetem. Pete new life and
vigor into any weak, sickly, run down
man or woman. Ouly 60a at G. A.
Deadmau's drug store.
Senior tilt.
&Rev, Fr. McCabe is moving into hie
new house this week.
ib Mies Birdie Johnston left on Tlmrnday
morning ter Stayneron an extended visit
to relatives.
Fred. Gales hae taken possession of the
butober shop formerly occupied by T. R,
F. Case & 00.
Mre. Minty and little Mee Edith are
in Toronto et preeont and will spend the
next three weeke there.
Mies Mande Laidlaw returned home
on Thuroday from Stratford, where elm
hae just oompleted a very au0cesefal
mune at the Olaeeio City Business
J,S Robette took his
son, Roger,
to the hospital in Toronto thie week 10
have an operation performed on the arm
which waft recently injured; fn hopes of
restorin the usefulness th
g of a little fel.
Iow'e hand. The 'doetors hold out every
Lope that the operation will prove no.
The . many friends of Mre. W. H,
Bullard will learn with regret of the
sudden death of her mother, wbioh 00.
carred in Kingston oo .Monday of last
week, after en Moose of a few hours, the
re01111 of an epileptic stroke. The re.
melee were taken to Stratford and
interred beside those of her Imebend, who
predeceased her about a year end a halt
On Teeeday teeming of lust week at 6
o'oleek,the bell of BD. James' ohprob
pealed ahe foin pprt0nt eventue thatwas shout
to take plane within ire walls, an event
that always; eende a Sutter of eicoltemeot
throbbing through the veins of the fair
0000, the matadors being the marriage of
Stephen Lamb, one of ono moat respected
citizens, and Mre, Miohael Murphy, 8
lady of excellent parte and highly respect-
ed, The ceremony wag performed by
Rev. Fr, ltioOabe, ' in the preeenoe of the
iriende of the oontraotinp patio's. Dr.
MoGinnie took the part of beet man and
sustained the groom in the trying ordeal,
while Mrs, MoGinnis assisted the bride.
After the ceremony was over the wedding
party drove to the reeidenoe of the bride
where a enmptaoge spread was partaken
of and congratulations 'exobanged, after
wbioh the party drove to the station to
eee Mr. and Mre. Lamb of on their
wedding trip Boot,
The Baptist ohuroh 'ebede have been
re -shingled.
Cameron Forrest is attending the Bnei.
DOB, College, Lielowei, for a term.
Mies Lizzie Gray baa returned to
Toronto after a two menthe' vacation.
Joe. Mmotgomery'e baby girl, Arnet'a,
died, aged 18 months. The parents ere
sympathised with in their
P affliction.
Johnston & Oromie drilled a well for
W. F. Forrest's new p ening factory, 189
feet, and the water is now within '16 feet
of the top.
Fred. Adams, of Brussels, has sold hie
farm for $8,100. The farm uo0tains 48
cores and is situated about two miles
North of Atwood.
The infant son of Geo. and Mrs. Lnoh.
head died on Wednesday of last week of
whooping p g cough, which iesite prevalent
among the obildren of Atwood at present.
A beautiful high grade cabinet grand
piano was placed in the home of L. and
Mre, Pelton. Itis a beauty. A eimilar
instrument 0100 pieced in Joe. and Mrs.
Pelton', drawing room.
M Be Annie Gibson, of Wallaoe, met
with a painful accident the other day
while et W. Howat's home in Elma.
Walking through the woodshed she
eiepped on as apple peeling, which.
oageed her to fall and break her collar
bone. She was immediately taken to
the doctor and at last a000ants was doing
The following are the names of those
who have taken the highest standing in
their classes for the mouth of Ootober, in
the Junior department • of the Atwood
Public school: Sr. 2od.—V. Ferguson,
A. Currie, L. Carrie, D. Gordon, Jr,
2nd,—R. Nichol, L. Vallance, R. Knox,
13. Blair. Sr, Pt. 2nd.—E. Holmes, F.
Dark, M. Mitchell, A. Simpeon. Jr. Pt.
2nd.—H. Hudeoa, M. Henry, L. Val.
Irmo, L. Oothhertson, Part 1, A.-0.
Hodson, R. Erskine, H. Crawford, M,
Pelton. Part 1, B. --R, Boyd, F. Dark,
W. Carrie, V. Oakley. Pt. 1, C.—G.
Cogblin, A. Cuthbertson, M, Berlet.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave you if yon used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thoasande
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for siok and nervous headaollee.
They make pore blood and build up your
health. Only 26o. Money book if not
cured. Sold by G. A. Deadman, draggiet.
Jas. elate' hes returned home from
British Columbia.
Typhoid fever oontinuee its hold in
town, though no very alarming wee are
The Bleak Knight, (Rev. J. H. Hector,)
lectures in the Methodist chard', Nov.
12th and 13th, and preaches twice on the
R. A. Olimie hae built a large refriger-
ator in hie grocery store, whiob will be
a great convenience in handling dairy
produce, fruit, etc.
Albert Wahl and Mre. Wahl arrived in
town from Grand Rapide and are taking
up their residenoo here. Mr. Wahl will
be manager of the new furniture factory,
and one of the principal members of the
Oar local ramrods have taken their de.
partnre for Muskoka and the Bruce
Peninsula: J. Livingstone, jr., J. A.
Hacking, P. J. Livingstone and Prank
Tremain hove gone to Muskoka, and
Bruce Ronald and Walter Bowden are
trying the peninsula for sport.
The Moose Jaw Times of Oot. 26th
oontaiue a lengthy notice of the nuptials
of Mise Edith Alexander, formerly of
Listowel, bat for the past two 'years one
of Moose Jaw's moat popular young
ladies, and Ambrose Prosser, a very
popular conductor as the Western divi•
Bion of the 0. P. R.
Geo. Stevenson, of the firm of Mo•
Keever & Stevenson, grocers and butch.
ere, Wallace street, bad a painful ao•
eideat happen him on Tuesday morning
1 last week. In cutting a piece of meat
with the cleaver; he nooidentally etruok
le thumb, cutting it almost off at the
ret joint. He had to have it dreamed by
surgeon, and is now nursing a very
ainfol digit.
GOLDEN WEDDING.—George and Mre.
Wright, of this town, celebrated their
olden, Wedding en Taeeday evening of
eat week, having been married fifty
ears. The event was made the occasion
f a family and friendly gathering, at
kiob over seventy people were present,
intruding Mr. Wright's three eons, R. G.
Wright, of the Toronto police force ; A.
Wright, of Toronto; and Matt.
Wright, with their wives and families;
leo 1104 two daoghtete, Mre. Henry
rmetrotte, at Molesworth, and Miss
aggie Wright, of town. Among the.
ueete preeeut were Alfred Moore, of
Tinton, brother of Mre, Wright ; George
nd Mre. Stewart and Mee1kcIntyre,
inion ; Mre. Armstrong, Henry Arm.
rong and obildren, Mrs, MOKee, Thos.
nd Mrs, McKee and Mr. and Mre. Gib.
0, of Molesworth ; Rev. H. Irvine and
re. Irvine and a large number of Mende
d neighbors in town. Mr. and Mm
right are both in their eeventyeighth
grand are natives of Yorlehire, where
ey were married juet fifty yeare ago,
r, Wright's father W a her ion moo
pied the house in which Capt, Cook,
e. famous navigator, jived and died, at
wton, Mr, Wright, having been born on
eeberry Topping, the highest hill In
orkebire. The family (mine to Canada
1864, and settled at Clinton, afterwarde.
ng on A farm lu Hibbert. About
enty•seven yew ago they mute up to
aiiaoe, Mr. Wright renting the Wm.
ith farm on the boundary Went of the
`,C,as BLLUSI$JL$ I'UlSd-
towns where they remained for neve
years, and then removed into town, Mr
Wright and gone have carried op a 000
oeeafal butolieripg buetneee bore for th
past twenty yeare. Mr. Wright eon
F i Mao and Moa. Robert Somers, of haat
' Wawa; 0x11. She 8000 a oonelotent and
• faithful somber of tke Methodist dumb
e for 60 years, rho funeral took place to
the Myth Methodist ohuroh and frvlu
there to the Union cemetery, the funeral
0ervieee being oouduoted by Rev,. W,
tu)a05 iq exeOhent health and ie a typical
Yprkehirensan, hearty and sociable. Hie
partner for half a eontury fe will able to
bp about,tbongh beginning to feel her
deolining yeare.. ,After the gathering bad
partaken of the good things provided for
the happy event, Rev. Mr, Irvine took
the chair, and the 014 couple received the
.eongretulatione of their friends, several
of the gentlemen present making neat
speeches, A pieasing feature of the
evening's' festivities wa0 the pres0mali0n
of a puree of 13ritiolt gold tp Mr, and
Mre. Wright by, their sone and daughters,
accompanied by 8 tenderly worded ad.
dress, That they may be spared to en.
joy a good many 01000 years together is
the wish of their large circle of Mende,
Great of an Editor.
"Fur two years all effort, to.oure Ea -
soma In the palms of my hands failed,"
writes Editor H. N. Lester,. of Syracuse,
Ken„ "then 1 was wholly cured by
Buoklen's Arnica Salve." ft's the world's
beet ante for Eruptions, Some and all
akin diseases'. Only 26o at G. A. Dead.
mama drug store.
Mre. Maloney, an old•time reeident,
Manitoba, is stetting her brother,
E. Drieooll.
D and Mre. McLaughlin entertained a
number of their friends to a hop on o
recent evening.
Mies Willie, of Port Albert, bee been
on a pleasant visit to her cousins, the
Mietea Dundee.
Mies VioletSimpsonbaa been engaged
to teach in section No. 8, MoRillop, for
the coming min year.
Mr o
. and Mre.
Hamilton, of Milverton,
were vioitiog for a few days at their
uncle's, Henry Hamilton.
Rev. Mr. Dever preached a sermon to
the Orangemen of L. 0. L. No. 818 on
Sunday, Nov. 4111 et 8 p. m.
A young man named MoLaughlin had
the misfortune to get one of his feet
(trashed by a hay preen the other day.
Thos. Beatty hae returned from Dako-
ta and reports the times not very bright.
Tom thinks MoKillop ie good enough for
John Jonoe had the misfortune to fell
while taking off a load of straw and broke
two of hie ribs. He ie doing as well as
could be expeoted.
W. Millie is visiting his daughter, Mre.
Mace Sterling. Mr. Sterling leas been
very eiok bot hie many friends will be
glad to hear of hie speedy recovery.
The frame work of the immense barn
o0 the farm of W na, Scott, on the North.
ern Gravel Road, has been raised. When
completed this will be one of the finest
barna in this part of the country.
A quiet wedding was performed in Sea.
forth o1 6 o'clock on Tuesday of last week
when Mise Lottie Ma0o11y, of that place,
was married to Ieaao MoGevio, of Lead.
bury. The ceremony teas performed by
Rev. Mr. Copeland, of the Londeoboro'
circuit, in the presence of the immediate
relatives of thecontractingparties. The
bridesmaid was Mies Belle MoOally,
sister of the bride, while Wm. RIMOulla,
of Leadbury, supported the groom. The
The happy couple left on Wednesday
morning on a trip to New York and pointe
East. THE Pose joins with their many
Mende in wishing them all happiness in
Blyth council held its regular monthly
meeting on Tuesday evening.
Hal. E. Erwin, of Meson. Michigan, is
visiting hie aunt, Mre. Shane.
Mre. Ashbury and Lorne left last week
for their new home in Oakville.
Mies Clara Wettlaufer, who has been
ill with typhoid fever, le recovering.
D, M, MoBeath, our new merchant,
accompanied by Mrs. MoBeatb, arrived
in town last week.
Mre. Chamberlain has left for Toronto
where ebe will reside aud where her son
and daughter hold good positions.
Mies Graham, one of our Pablio ooheel
staff, hae been confined to her boarding
house with a bad attaok of quinsy.
Hon. OM. D. H. McMillan, the new
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, is an
uncle of Mrs, 0. H. Bennett, of Blyth.
Mrs. W. W. Sloan and son have left for
Natohetye, Mississippi, for the Winter
where Mr. Slope is engaged in the tire.
ber business.
For some time peat a rearrangement
of the Catholic pariehee of Her
on county
have been talked about. The Clinton
ohurob is to be detached from Goderiob
and with Blyth will form a pariah. Thie
arrangement will take effect on January
let when Rev. Father MoMenimon, now
of St. Augustine, will take charge.
3. 0. Lindsay, M. D., who has predict-
ed stmoeeefully for the past two years at
Wheatley, Ont., will locate at Blyth,
having bought opt Dr. Tait, who goes to
Europe shortly for a poet graduate
eo0ree. We are pleased to learn that he
will be a resident of the grand old county
of Baron, the home of both he and Mre,
Anniversary services in connection
with Blyth Methodist church will be
held On Sunday and Monday, Nov, 11th
and 12111, On Sunday at 11 a. m. and
7 p. m, epeoial sermons will be preached
by Rev. G. W. Henderson, M. A., of St.
Marys, President of the London Confer
snort. Mr, Hendereon will also addrese
the Sabbath school in the afternoon. On
Monday evening he will deliver hie cele-
brated leatnre, "Workere, lenders and
OR1TnlnY.—An old and highly reepeot•
ed resident of this neighborhood passed
to her Heavenly home at the residenoe
of her eon in London Haat atm Ootobee
20111, in the person of Mrs. Isabella Boyd
Wright, reliot of the late Frannie Wright.
Deceased was born In County Armagh,
Ireland, in 1815 and came to Canada
with her father's family when 13 years
of 0140, settling in Kitley township,
Leeds county. In 1837 ebe married.
Franoie Wright, of Carleton Place, Lan.
ark ooanty. Mr, and Mrs. Wright re -
aided in Kitley until the Seting of 1874
when they removed tolot ot5
rie, Ybo 9,M r
rie, where they reacted until Mr. Wight's
death 6 yeare ago, There were 8 obildren
born to tbetn-4 eons and 4 daughters.
Four of the ohildren are dead and four
are left lc mourn the loos of a kind and
loving mother. The children who died
are : Samuel, in March 1868 ; Minnie, in
April 1878 ; Jennie, in Jane 1881. ; and
William, in July 1887. Those living
are ; J. W., of Smiths Valle ; T, R•, of
London ; Rev. 0, A., of Three Rivers,
It's Your Nerves.
It's the Condition of Your
Nerves that Either Makes
Your .Life a Round of
Pleasure or a Use-
less Burden.
To many women life 10 one round of
eiokgese, weakness and ill health. To
attempt even tbeligkteOt household duties,
fatigues them. Many of the symptoms
a000mpanying this stale of decline are :
feeling of tiredness on waking, fainloega,
dizzlneee, sinking Haling, palpitation of
the heart, shortness of breath, lots of
appetite, cold hands and feet, headache,
dark 011E0189 under the eyee, pain in the
book and aide and all the other a000m•
paoiments of a run down and weakened
All these symptoms and conditions are
simply the result of a poor
quality t
defeotive circulation of the blood, with a
wasting away of the nerve foroee.
By feeding the eyetem with
Von strike at
he root
of the disease and
lay a solid foundation on which to build.
Soon the weight increases, the enoken
oheeke and flattened busts fill out, the
eyes get bright and the thrill of renewed
health and strength vibrates through the
50 dente per box at all druggists', or
DR.' WARD Co.,
Toronto, Ont.
For gale by (0. A. Headman, Brussels.
Notice to Creditors.
Township 00 Grey,Dinvthe County ole Huron
farmer, deceased, whn died on the second
day of September, 1000, are requested to
semi to William Spence, one of the ltxeou-
tors of de091168d, at Ethel P.O., on or before
the 23rd day of November, 1000, full partiou-
larsof their claims. and 0eonritiee (it any)
held by them, duly verified. And after the
said lust mentioned date the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the estate
among those entitled thereto, having refer.
once only to the claims of whiob notice shall
have then been received, This notice is
given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf.
Dated at Brussels, 1000.
A. 17.0. Agent for Executors.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Estate of James
Joseph Lynn, of the 'Township of
Morrie, in the County of Huron,
Farmer, Deoeaaed.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap,
120 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 3907,
that all creditors and other persona having
JamesJoeepj Lynn, who the
on or
about the 108h day of September, A.D,1000,
are hereby required on or before the 10th
day of November, A.D. 1000, to mind by poet
Pierce, of the said Township Lot Morris George
Executrix and Executor of the said James
Joseph Lynn, deceased, their names, ad-
dressee and occupations, with ,full partion-
larsofthoir claims and the nature of the
securitiesif any) held by them.
And notice is hereby given that, after moll
last mentioned date, the said Executrix and
Executor will proceed to dietrlbote the ea.
sets of the said deceased amongst the
deo the f which notoehll havebeen given as aforesaid, and the said Exeo-
utrlx and Exeootor will not be responsible
for the said assets, or any port thereof, to
any person or peraoa0 of whose claim notice
shall not have been ,reeelved at the time of
snob distribution,
Dated at Brussels this 23rd day of October,
A. D, 1000. 10.0
Solicitor 1012 Exeou ,iix and Executor,
Importabt to Breeders andlEoreemea,
Eurek rtnary Caustic Balsam.Areliable November Standard Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand.
or l •Fancy Everything thing Chea No Prices,
oto., oto„in
t$LuCmrats tlae0,d
TRADE MARE uSsepampb-
101 Which a000mpardes 000ry bottle, giving
scientific treatment in the various diseases.”
It can banned in every ease of veterinary
practice where stimulating applications and
blisters are prescribed, It has no aoraslon.
Every bottle sold is guaranteed to giveeatis-
faction, Price len per bottle, Sold by all
druggist,' and country etorakeepere. Pre.
Bargains for this Week tIt
Baying for spot mill brings us in touoli with '
h mib lities'. 7 end fed
importers, and sometimes doubles our purdhasigg possibilities'. In one f •
way and another good things 00030 to us at lees -than regular prices. - Thie i
week we etruok a great gimp in Ladies', Mimes' and Children's Wool�
Hoods and Jackets—the balance of a mapufaoturer'e stook at 65 menta on (r
the dollar—whiob we will sell at leas than wholesale prices,
Children's floosie, in blue and white, regular prioe 80o, for 200. - ii
Cbtldreo'swhite, regular line warm Hoods35o,, in pink and white, and cardinal and til
Heavy Homespun Drees Goode, 42 inohee wide, assorted colors, remit
Children's very fine Hoods, in Bilk and wool, aeeorted oolore regular t.
750, for 450. g ('''ii
Girls' Tame, assorted colors, rapier 35o, for 20o.
Girls' fine warm Hoods, assorted colors, at 85o, 45o, 600 and 65o, f
worth 25 per cent. more. if,
We also eeoured some special linea In Drees Goode below the resider I
prioe wbioh we rgu
are offering f,
g at epeoial prices this week :— 1
lar price 35o, for 25o.
Plaid Drees Goode, oamel'a hair effects, in new patterns, regular 65o,
for 50e.
Heavy Wool Plaids, assorted
rs, soft finish two
yards wide,
very Ies4 regular 2125for 21.
3111 1,5
—An import stook of single and
double thick at epeoial prices.
Lamp Goods
—Our new and improved linea will
Mew you. See them. Prices from
25o, to $5 00.
Spoons and Cutlery
—We are offering Special Bargains
on oar Imported Spoons and Cutlery
this season. A epeoial line of Dar.
vers at low prioe,.
Fall and Winter Mitts
--See oar lined Horse Hide Mitts
at 30o. per pair.
—Try our 7 inch File at 100,
"Eley Brother's" Loaded Shells
—With Bleck and S mokeleae Powder
Crass -cut Saws all kos
--Always a good steak to choose
from. Sawa from $2,50 up ; Axes
from 56o. op.
Cash or Trade for Hides, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Rage,
Horse Hair, Copper, Brass, &o.
A. M. McKay & Co.
Wet Weather
-�- ColcB. Feet
Bad Colds
Now is the time to have your feet warm and comfortable.
We are ready to supply you with all kinds of
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in all sizes for
Children, Girls, Boys, Women
and Men.
Qualities Right. .Prices Right.
A Lovely Range of New and Stylish
Dress Goods.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
Nortli Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Moo Doors and Saab of :all Pat
terns on stand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimatee Fnrniebed for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman.
Ship and Material Guaranteed.
A. Strachan.
Wilton & Turnbull
Headquarters for
a nd
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field. Pence,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P., the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stook.
VII I Ll. TON & 'T U,lRN