The Brussels Post, 1900-10-18, Page 5OCT, 18, 1001
emit, 1r,B, 800T'J, Braesola,
• Leaner of Marriage Licenses, Of.
pee at 0roeerY,:J urnberry street, Itrueeels.
Lel. Tonsorial Artist, Rheic -Next floor
North of the Standard tunic, Ladles' pal
Childrru'o hair cutting n141)0(31100/.
DpninetNRD•hae 80v010.1 good Forme for
Palo and to rant, easy bortpo in Townships
g1"Norris and Grey, P 0, SCJ OTT,Brussels
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—TEACHER 01r7-
L. O. M..
Aomdemic graduate of London Conserva-
tory of atueio also Member of the Associated
Muololane of Huge,
is prepared to receive
A alimited number of pupils for Instruction
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form in. the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,
Jr Ie.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, Loan • and Insurance Agent ; Auction-
eer. Funds invested and to:loan. Collec-
tions made, Ofgoe in Grabam'8UBlook, Bros.
EPR, will soil for better prices, to
better men, hi loss time and loss charges
than any other Anetionoor in Pleat Anrop or
be won't charge anything, Dotes and otters
can always be arranged at this olilac or by
personal application.
(000810RLY or 0EAPCn0n.)
Graduate of 13..0.11 S., Toronto; Poot Grad-
uate course at Haebel's School, 011ioago, in
crown and bridge work. ;St -Prices same as
in eorrounding towns. 21-
Office over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels.
Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeotioatod animals lin a oompet-
Put manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry Calls promptly at-
tended to. Mee and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
V • Barrister, Solieitor, 10onveyancer,
Notary Public, kc. once -8 towart'e Stook
1 door North. of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
�7f• 6oliaitor, eca. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
M • G. ormeCAMrlyERONof-
(FCameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Ooderioh
Ont, Office—Hamilton street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
M. It., C. 11.,
Bow Trinity Mediae]
OOlIage,010mbortC College
of Ph e3voiaue and
Dor a ou e, Ont. Licentiate
legeora Ont, LiPhysicians and of the Royal Dol-
legge of ldlnborgh, and elepaone o. Mid-
wttory,Edinbur88h, r8-Tolopboue No.14,
Reeidenoo-111111 otreat, Brueeele.
01110001010, 611110E010 AND 000000111011,
(Successor to Dr. T. 11..Kalbilcisch)
M. D, Bellevue Hospital Med. 0o1., New
York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Phyeioiaue and
Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid
to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and
throat. 19.11
New Plant Throughout.
This season a new plant has been
put in Brussels Cider Mill and does
bettor work than ever, doubling the nap•
unity. It ie now in foil swing.
In addition to mauufitoturing Cider
a epeoialty is made of Apple Butter and
Work done wilils you wait.
8atiefaotion assured and charges
Geo. Edwards,
CENTRALam Ea ...eatgidAlakt?.1
Send for one of our Ca aloguee and
be oonvin001 that we are doing the beet
work in business eduoa1lon in ()made. to.
coy. Enter now if poeeible,
W. Ji. ELLIOTT, Principal,
E0008nued from lust week.]
To Elio (Niter of Tun Pow
Olt'gary, the principal town of Alberta,
lies at the oonIueuue of the Bow and
Elbow rivers, ander the shadow of' the
grand old Roakiso,, Its population le
about 5000 inbabltante. it le noted
throughout the West for ice due etores,
of which the Mao lo'e Boy Cu0lipany
owns the largest. Le etreete are wide
and clean. Stephen aveone, with its
Mean white stone fronts, looke at drat
sight as if it were a street built of
Oarrors marble. There are about seven
general stores, two general hospitals, six
wholesale houses, two opera houses, four
drug oboree, five ahurattos, eohoole, ate,,
etc. While in Calgary the exhibition or
Calgary Fair was held, whioh afforded
me a good opportunity to see what the
0001110y oat boost of. The vegetablee
were fine, one head of cabbage weighing
forty pounds. This cabbage was stem.
Put to make any Dutchman smile when
he would ooneider the quantity of sour•
kraut that could be manufactured out of
ouch a mammoth oabbage bead. The
Fair was opened by Governor Forget,
who also addressed the Indiana who op.
peered on their ponies in large numbers
and were arrayed in all kinds of ooetumee
and colors. Several tribes of Indians
were represented and all wore, dressed in
their Sunday best. Their facial decor.
0110110 displayed particular ingenuity.
One grizzly old warrior had hie right
profile a brilliant yellow and the left aide
a still more vermillion. Another's nose,
chin and middle of forehead were yellow
and all the rest green. Another had a
vermillion forehead and a yellow lower
face and a fourth wore a circle of red
spots like a halo around his stolid "mug."
Ode wore a veil of mosquito netting, be•
ing oeyeful of 11(8 complexion. The
decorations of the Indiana consisted of
paint, fore, feathers, beads, belts, ear•
rings, mink facie, badger hair, belts
etu.;dad with brave nails and numerous
other curiosities. The Indiana paraded
past the grandstand and took pert in the
sports. The squaw -race was not only
amusing but exciting. The other sports
during the Fair ware very meals enjoyed,
but were just a little too English you
From Calgary I proceeded to Oor-
etair0 and Didebury, where on the 14111
of September there was a fall of snow of
six iuobee. Here I epeut a few days
driving in a sleigh over the prairie, are
ing the land, visiting several rouges, and
spending sometime shooting prairie
chickens. I shall not tell you how many
birds I winged, for fear some of your
readers might consider my story a little
fishy, but nevertheless I shot a great
number and found it good sport. From
thie port I proceeded on to Strath0ona
and Edmonton.
Btrathooua has about 1500 population.
Edmonton is a larger town of about
8000 inhabitants. It ie three milers from
the former plane. When going from one
town to the other, one passes over the
Saekatohewao river over a long eteel
bridge. After climbing a very steep hill
the town of Edmonton is reached,
From thie hill beautiful scenery oau be
viewed. These towns are growing rapid
ly, many improvements going on and
everything in and around these planes
seems to be
proe eria . The county
surrounding ie admirably suited for
mixed farming. I saw a field of oats in
thisdietriot that will average 106 bushels
to the sore, so I was told, and I have no
reason to doubt it. All the farmers I
conversed with appear to be pleased and
well eatiafied to reside in this country.
After spending gR a couple of daye in thie
p P
neighborhood, I returned to Calgary
where I had the pleasure of meeting Mr.
and Mrs, James Ballantyne and son
Jack, formerly ofBrneeele. They are
joying life, prospering and are contented.
From Calgary I went West ae far ea
Banff, a pleasure resort which should be
known all over the wide u Diverse. Les
altitude is 4,500 feet. It is not only a
pleasure resort bot a medicinal water•
ing place. The railway station at Banff
is in the midst of impressive mountains
and nowhere are good polite of view and
features of epeeist interest so aaoeeeible
eioce many good roads and bridle paths
have been meds The huge muse. North-
ward ie Cascade mountain, (0,875 ft.,)
Eastward ie mount Iogliemaldie and the
heights of the Fairbolm eub•range,
behind wbioh liee Devil's lake. Btf11
farther Eastward the sharp Done of
Peeohee (in that range) Moses the view
in that direction. Tbie is the highest
mountain visible, exceeding 10,000 feet.-
To the left of Caroade mountain, rises
the wooded ridge of Squaw mountain,
beneath which lie the Vermillion lakes,
seen just after leaving the station. The
only mountains I olimbed were the
Sulphur and Tunnel, which were quite
sufficient to satisfy my appetite and
curiosity for mountain climbing. It is
impossible to describe the beaotifal
eoenery around Banff and the command-
ing glorious landscapes one meets with.
Banff however has other attraotione than
its scenery. Its hot sulphur epringe
whose tenter, are no doubt very beutiaial
in a good many dissesee. I formed to
good opinion of the epringe and have a
good deal of faith in the hot bathe.
There are in all seven epringe along the
base of Sulphur mountain, but at pros•
ent only three are utilized viz; The hot
springs (proper), the Cave and the Basin.
Of these the Cave is by far the moot pe.
ouliar though not perhaps patronized for
bathing purposes as much ae either of
the others. It is situated one mile from
the village, which has a population of
about 200. When and bow it was Bret
di000vered is a matter of doubt, but that
10 woe known of by the Indiana long be.
Jobe white men ever visited these parte,
is a certainty. It ie within somewhat
°onion' iu form, having a base of 86 feet
and an altitude of 45 feet, with a natural
opening at the top. When first tteed for
bathing, a ladder oompoeed of the trunk
of a tree with steps attached wag lowered
through this orifice and though the
descent was, rather a nervone trial many
ladies braved the real end imaginary dan-
gers incident to the feat for a glimpse of
thio subterranean wonder. (Are there
any dangers in this world that women
will not brave 7) When taken in charge
by the Government, a tunnel wee driven
from the mountain side wbioh enables
the visitor to impact the Gave without
making the prooar0000:leeoent ae former.
ly, An ioepeotion of the Cove may be
made tree of charge under the guidRnae
of the genial caretaker, Mr. Gallotly, who
lo always pleased to oouduet viefto010
T U E J1/3&.ly 8,lis Lh$ A' OST
Nosing out of the parlor of the bathing
Ahome the tunhol vbish
a railed elacwallt leads to the 08000
proper. This sidewalk le vontiuued
around the pool anti affords the v0Aitor an
opportunity of examinl0g the oalcareone
depoaite on the walla pad roof, The
bathing in the Gave le flea, bet I pre-
forced that of the Basin, being in open
air and moth deeper, The 0, P. R.
hotel lo a large and 11an080rne etrneture
with every oonvenionoo that modern in.
genuity eon nougat and costing over a
quarter of a million defiers. It is open
from about the 15th of May to the 1st of
October. Rates $8 00 per day and up
wards, souording to the rooms. The
sanitarium is ileo a well oondneted in.
etitution, with a well equipped hospital
attaohed, owned by Drs. Brett and
White, The baths here are no doubt
moot benefiuial and many an invalid is
restored to health at this plane. I uta•
eider one bath per day enfffoiont although
a few robust subjects take two a day.
After bathing for about 15, to 20 minutes
in the hot plunge bath the attendant eon.
doots the victim to the hot sweat room
where he remains for about 5 to 15
minutes a000rdmg to the developing
symptoms. While the perspiration is
dripping off the patient here he cannot
help but wonder whether there oau be a
hotter slime than this anywhere on
earth. Before one ie led out from this
room he is onve!oprd with woollen
blankets and then adveooed so the hot
air chamber, planed on a couob and left
to perspire still more freely. After the
expiratiou of about a halt an hour be
again reenters the bot plunge, after
leaving thio plane he ie brought under the
0o d shower bathe, H•.re I would advise
anyone taking this bath to tarn un the
oold water very gradually unless be wieh•
es to rooeive a sudden shook. Now you
proceed to yotlr dressing room where
brick friction with rough towels is ap•
plied, then lounge arcaud, going to
dreamland and feeling quite languid and
fatigued. This tired feeling however
soon passes off in an hour or two and a
brazing feeling gets in, This ie a brief
desoription of a bath at the sanitarium.
Dr. Brett showed ine through the hoepi
tal which is well equipped. The oper-
ating room is well up to date in every
particular. The springs that I prefer at
Banff are the Hot springs. They are the
original springs and the hot mineral
water can be seen gushing forth from the
rooks. The a000mmodot!oo at the Hot
Springs Hotel is not so good as in the
sanitarium or at the 0, P. R. hotel but
the rates are lower wbioh may be quite
an item to a good many invalids.
SIy return trip to Manitoba passed off
without any great event of interest.
After geeing a little more of Manitoba
we intend to go to Minneapolis and Bt.
Paul, &o., &o. We are having too much
wet weather here and the farmers are
having a good deal of trouble in thresh-
ing their grain.
Yours truly,
Dn. F. H. KaLnrroioos.
Morris Branch Agi. Society,
(Continued from page 1.)
GRAINS -Red Fall wheat, Enoob Mor-
rie, Jae MaUallam. White Fell wheat,
Sam Farre, M II Harrison. Red Spring
wheat, John Salkeld & Son. J MoUallom.
Fife Spring wheat,R G McGowan, Six.
rowedbarley, J Salkeld & Son, 8 Farre.
White oats, H Edwards, A Elliott.
B oak oats, 8 Farre, H Edwards. Small
peas, J Salkeld & Soo, 8 Farre. Timo-
thy seed, J Alton, A Elliott.
FRUIT- Winter apples, G Fothergale,
J Evans. Fail apples, G Fothergale, J
Sterling. Baldwins, J Starling, W H
Maoragken. King of Tompkins,
Sterling, G Fothergale, Northern e
A. Tyerman, 8 Farre. Rhode Island
Greening,, G Fothergale, A W Sloan.
Ribetou pippin, R G McGowan, 8 Farre.
Rueeet golden, G Fothergale, J Sterling.
Russet Roxboro, A Tyerman, A Carr.
Seek no Fnrbher, G Fothergale, A Carr.
Wagner, J Alton, G Fothergale, Ben
Davie, J Alton, Fred Toll. Vandervere,
A W 81oan, A. Tyerman, Spitzenberg,
G Fothergale, A W Sloan. Tatman
Sweets, A. H Jacobs, G Fothergale.
Mann, W Jackson, J 000101ght. Maiden
Blush, G Fothergale, J Alton. Snow,
Mrs J S Howrie, H Edwards. Ontario,
it G Matiowan, G Fothergale, Pasoan.
keo, G Fothergale, J Jaokeou. Wealthy,
Canada red
S Parte Fothergale,R
G MoG Farm,
A Carr. Calvert, G Fother-
gale, J K Wiee. Alexander, J Sheritt, A
W Sloan. 20 oz pippins, G Fothergale,
Evans. Any other named variety, A.
H Jambe, S Farre. Winter apples, J
Evans, A Carr. Winter pears, Mre Hele,
E Symington. Fall pears, A Tyerman,
8 Farre. Plume, F Metcalf. Oollaotian
of plum, le Metcalf. Tomatoes, I'' Met-
calf, J Allaneon. Grapes, A H Jambs, J
Alton. Drab apples, S E Taman, E
Symington. Peaobea, 1 Metcalf, J 1]
Title. Collection of fruit, A W Sloan, J
Pommy -Bronze turkeys, G W Irwin,
J Barr. Turkeys, W Garter. Large
geese, E Haggitt, Mre W W Fisher,
Small geese, G W Irwin. Rouen dicks,
G W Irwin, A Tyerman. Hooke, G W
Irwin 1 & 2. Legborne, W Taylor, J
Gray. Hoodoos, W Carter 1 & 2. Bra-
hinae, G W Irwin, Wiisou Bros. Blaok
Spanish, 0 Campbell, G W Irwin.
Minoroae, 0 Campbell, Mrs Howrie,
Homburgs, W Garter 1 & 2. Laugehane,
W Taylor, J Gray. Dorkiue, G W Ir-
win, 0 Campbell. Wyaudottee, H
Davis, Mre Howrie, Blank breasted red
game, H Davie, J Gray. Buff wahine,
G W Irwin 1 & 2. Partridge wahine, G
W Irwin, Wilson Bros. Poland, 0
Campbell,01 Gray. Red oaps, W Carter
1 & 2. Plymouth rooks, 0 Campbell, W
Carter. Pigeons, A Backer, Wilson.
Bros. 'Fowls, A Booker, H Davis.
Guinea fowl, W Garter, Wilson Bros.
Rooms. -Early potatoes, F Metcalf, 8
Farre, E Haggitt, Late potatoes, 8
Farre, W Moon, E Haggitt, Oolleotion.
of potatoes, E Haggitt, k' Metcalf, 8
Farre. Field warms,J Sterling, W H
McCracken. Garden red garrote, S
Farre, E Haggitt. Swede turnips, J
Jaekeon J Anson. Anyother variety,
J Barr, H MoCraokonCollection o
W Animism].
garden produce, J Allaneon, W H Mo.
Oracken. Beate, W Taylor, H Lorne.
Sugar beets, J Tierney, W Fenwiok.
Mangold wurazeis 1o1F, W H MoCraokeu,
E Haggitt, Mangold globe, W H Mo.
Craokeu,01 Salkeld & Bon. Pumpkin, W
H 1 MoOraaken, J Salkeld & Son.
Squaoh, W 11 MoOraolton, Miee H Wise.
Red onione, W H MoOraeken, J Salkeld
& Son. Yellow onions, W II MDGraoken,
W Taylor. Silver pickling onione, J
Allaneon, W Taylor. Potato onioue W
Taylor, W H Mo0raoken, White field
beans, J g Wbae, W H Aiu0raoken,
Field earn, 3 $aliteld & Son, J Oartright,
'table omit, 'F Afetoalf, J Alleuuuo.
Oitr004, J Evans, 11 Benue. Water.
nlel0ne, ,1 Alton, W ft illloOraekeo. Qab'
bage, 3 Salkeld & Bon, J Miamian. Red
Pickling cabbage, J Attention, W I3 Me.
Creoken, hoot celery, W Taylor, Mre
Hale. Caournbere, Mrs E Stewart, Alta
Dimly AND PiloriemONS, -`rub bitter.
Mre 'A lisnliltoo, A Oarr, J lNaUullum,
Croak butter, Kra 'V Hamilton, W Plum.
licit, Mre W D Wileon. Bettor in 2 Ib
Prieto, McCallum, Plunkot, Mre Nott.
Factory ohoeeo, Mrs Wildon, Dairy
cheese, Mre Hamilton, M o Wilson. Bt'
tra0(ed honey, W Olarlt, W Hartry.
Honey in comb, W Bartry, Time made
bred, 4 Elliott, W Plunket, Plain tea
bieouito, J Jaokdon, f Shortreed. Maple
eyrop, G Quinn, Mre Nott. Preserved
feult,JK Wise, W H Mo0ritokon. Grape
wine, Mrs H Bele, Wise Wise. 'Tomato
oatevp, Mre Wileon, Mre Hamilton,
Mixed picklee, Mre Tayloy, Mrs. Bamil.
ton. Pioklee, J,Taukeou, W H Me0raok•
Ittrr,uareNTe,-Lumbar isogon, J Brune..
dog & Bon. Bob eleighe, Slater & Sime,.
Single open buggy, Brunedon & Bon,
Slater & Bime. Single oovered buggy,
Brunedou Bon 1 and 2. Covered dual-
buggy or jump neat, Slater & Sinse,
Gutter, A McNally 1 and 2. Set of horse
eboee, Slater & Sims. Wooden pump, E
Showers, 0 3 Reading. Farre gate, 8
Spindler, H Edwards.
MANo80oTonao.-Ho111e made all wool
fl.noel, Mies H Wise, Mise Nott. Union
llaunel, blies Wise, J K Wiee. Union
blankets, Miee Wise, Mre E Stewart.
Home epml horse blankets, J McCallum,
Mrd E Stewart. Home spun coverlet,
Miee Wiee, J K Wiee. Rag met, Mrs
W Hale, W H hlot:Ima u, Yarn mat,
Syminuton, Mise Wiee. Reg oarpet,
Miee Wiee, J Shortreed. home spun
stocking yarn, Mre T Hamilton, W H
McCracken. Hand made pair oosrae
boots, J Sheritt, Double harneae, J Car.
ter, T F Sanders. eiugle harness, T F
Sandere 1 and 2.
LADIES' Wonn, - Gents' flannel shirt
hand made, Mre W McKenzie, Mre T
Hamilton. hand made white ebirt un-
washed, Mre Hamilton, Mre W Hele.
gents' mitts, Mre McKenzie, E Syming-
ton. Pillow shame, Miee Symington, Mrs
Hele. Cotton patch quilt, Mrs MOKen•
zie, Miee Nott. Cloth patch quilt, Miee
Nott, J Allaneon. Crazy patch work
quilt, Mre Hele, Mise Symington. Cro-
chet quilt, Miee Symington, W H Mo.
Cracken. Knitted quilt, Mies Syming.
ton, Miee Nott, Woollen socks or stook-
inge home made, Mrs MoKenzie, Mise
Stewart. Arisene work, 0 Campbell,
Miss Nott. Embroidery on bolting cloth,
W H McCracken, Mies Symington. On
Bilk or satin, 0 Doyle, Miee Symington,
Kensington embroidery, 0 Campbell, B
Carder. Roman embroidery, 0 Camp.
bell, W H Mo0raoken. Parlor screen, 0
Catnpbell. Sofa pillow, W Hartry. Miss
Symington. Fancy panel, 0 Campbell,
Mise Symington. Piano or table aoarf,
Mre Bele, Mies Symington, Drawn
work, W Hartry, Mrs McKenzie. Honi-
ton or point lace, E Livingstone, C Doyle.
Novelty in fancy work, W Hartry, Mre
Hale. Crochet work in silk, Mrs. Hele,
Mre Stewart. Crochet work in cotton,
Mies Symington, Mre Hele. Bedroom
slippers, handmade, W H McCracken,
Mrs J 5 Howrie. Fanny toilet set, Mre
J 5 Howrie, Miss Nott. Footstool, Mrs
Stewart, C Campbell. Applique work,
Mi Symington, Sym ngton, Mise Nott. Pin Caeh•
ion, W H McCracken, E Finnemore.
Handkerchief case, Mre J S Howrie, Mise
Nott. Ladies' underwear, Mrs Hamilton,
Mise Symington. Knitted cotton lace,
Mrs Stewart, Miss Nott. Fanny wool
shawl, Mre E Stewart, 0 Campbell.
Crochet table mate, B Carder, W Hartry,
Doylies, W H McCracken B Carder.
Battenliarg lace, COampbell. Glove case
0 Campbell, B Carder. Tatting W Hartry,
Mre W Hele. Netting, W Hartry, Mre J
5 Howrie. Queen Ann darning, J M
Hamilton, C Campbell. Collar and cuff
case, Mise Symington, Mre J S Howrie.
Afgau, Mise Symington, 0 Campbell.
Centrepiece,Mise Nott W Mre Hele.
Embroiered table cover, W Bell, Mrs J
5 Howrie. Tray cloth, W Hartry, Mre
J S Howrie. Tea. cosy,,, Mise Nott, Miee
Symington. Picture throw, Mise Nott,
0 Doyle. Lamp screen, Miss Symington.
Laundry bag, Mre Howrie, Miss Syming-
ton. Shopping bag, Mrs Hele, 0 Camp-
bell. Etching, Mre Nott, J Tills. Knot.
ted bed spread, J Tills, W Hartry. Man-
tle drape, 0 Campbell, Mire Symington.
Collection ladies' work, Mre W Hole, B
011ILDIIEN's DUPART,unNT. - Work by
children under 13, W Boll l & 2. Hem.
med handkerchief, Mrs J S Howrie.
Darning, W Hartry. Crochet work in
wool, Mrs Howrie, J Barr, Crochet in
cotton, J Kelly, W Hartry. Pencil draw-
ing, W Hartry, S Farre. Dressed doll, 3
Barr. Work, plain or ornamental, 3
Kelly, J 8 Howrie. Plain sewing by
child under 8 years, 3' Barr, W Hartry.
FOP Anne, -011 painting, 0 Catnpboll.. w _,,....•. .. •.._.
Water oelor painting, 0 Campbell, Figure
pointing in fill, 33 Carder, 0 Campbell.
Figure painting in water color, 13 Carder,
0 Campbell. Animate in oil, 0 Doyle, 0
Campbell. Animals in water color, 0
Campbell. Landscape, oil, 0 0ampbell,
()Doyle. Landscape, water color, Moo
Hele, C Campbell, Crayon drawing, T3
Carder, Mrs Hele, Pencil drawing, Afro
Hale, 13 Carder. Paetelle, 0 Campbell,
Mrs Hole. Pen and ink sketches, T Mo.
Gill, C Campbell, China paintibg, Airs
Howrie, 0 Doyle, Painting, W H Mo.
Craolton, Mre Hole. Painting on glace,
0 Campbell, 13 Carder. Photographs, II
R Brower,
PLANTS AND FLownne,-0o11eotion folic
age, 0 Doyle, B Carder. Geraniums, W
Robinson. Hanging basket, W Robinson,
Planta in flower, J G Moser, W Robinson,
Car FLownns,-Table hotpot, J Ander.
son, J G Moser. Hand boquet, 3 Evans,
F Metcalf, Dahlias, Mrs Hale, J Sher.
brook & Son. Pansies, Mrs Hele, W
ScnooD GritLDREN'e COBIPE'rITloN.-Cllil •
drop node IG, Emily Sunder000k, Mary
Elliott. Under 18, E Clark, 13 Strothers.
Under 10, V Bennett, 13 Farr.
Junta. -Horses - Heavy, A Innis,
Stanley' light, G Graham, Goderiuh.
Cattle -J Webster, Fordyce, Grade
cattle- J Cox, Porter'e Hill, Sheep -W
Clark, Porter's Hill ; V' Peohall, Exeter,
Piga-3 0 Tuck, Brussels. Grain -W H
Fionemore, Blyth. Boots -R Medd,
Wawanoeh ; A Sloan, Blyth. Dairy and
Provisions -G Powell, Blyth ; Mise Pipe,
Brueeele ; Mre Kelly, Blyth. Poultry -
.'0 Lyons, Luoknow, Implements -F
Adams, Brussels. Manufaoturee - P
Purvis, Teamster. Ladies' work-Miee
Marks, Brooefiell ; 111ise Harris, Bei -
grave. Children's and Fine Arts-Miee
Graham, Clinton ; Mrs Ahoy, Brussels.
Plants, fruit and flowers -T H Race,
Mitchell. Speoial-G Graham, Gaderich.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F.
°oilier, of Cher, kee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It Dame through his kid•
Heys. Hie back got eo lame he 000ld not
stoop without great pain, nor sit in a
ohair except propped by ooehione. No
remedy helped him antll be tried Eleo•
trio Bitters which effeoted euoh a wonder-
ful change that be writes he feels like a
new man. This marvellous I medicine
mares backache and kidney trouble, puri•
lies the blood and builds up your health.
Only 50a at G. A. Deadmau'e drug store.
System Renovator
—AND OTaE11—
For Impure, Weak and Impovet•ithed
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Paipita.
tion of tba Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Brouohitie, Con-
enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
ped Urinary Diseases, Bt. VitaeDance,
Female Irregnlaritiee and General De-
J. 01. NIaLEOD,
Prop. and Mannfaotnrer.
sold by Jas. Fox, 11000.a1„t, BPuOoOI l
British Columbia
Red Cedar
inn, —
Nortlt Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
et Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
-Au import stook of single and
double thiols at °peelerprimee.
Lamp Goods
-Our new and improved line, will
Wean you. Bee them, Prices from
25o. to $5,00.
Spoons and Cutlery
-We are offering Special Bargains
on oar Imported Spoons and Cutlery
this season. A epeeist line of Oar.
vera at low prime.
Fall and Winter Mitts
-See our lined Horse Hide Mitts
at 30o. per pair. .
-Try our 7 inch File at lba.
"Eley Brother's" Loaded Shells
-With Blank and Smokeleoe Powder.
Cross -cut Saws and Axes
-Always a good stook to choose
from. Saws from $2.50 up ; Axes
from 50e, up,
°ash or Trade for Hideo, Sheep Skins, Old Metal, Rubber, Rage,
Horse Hair, Copper, Braes, &o.
A. M. McKay & Co.
.mookINNON & Ca,
We have done s large trade in Cloth Mantles and Jaokete this Ramon,
Onr stook got pretty badly broken, several aloes were sold out, But this
week we have reoeived a large shipment in all the latest styles and colors,
which mottos our stook now complete in all eizee and prime t
-Bleak Beaver Jackets, to all sine, $2 50.
-Fawn and Block Beaver Jaokete, velvet collar, fancy buttons, $8,05,
-Bleak Rod Fawn Vieunna Cloth 30,0kete, velvet eviler, fonoy braid:
trimming, $4,50.
---Ladies' Beaver Jaokete, with dy front, tnaobiue oording for brimming,
meroerized lining, $5.
-Ladies' Beaver Jaokete, with inlaid velvet oollar and satin trimming, in
motorblaok, otor and blue oolore, vary stylish, $7 00.
--Ladies' All -wool Kersey Jaokete, in block and castor, inlaid applique,
velvet oollar and pookete, carved natural pearl buttons, lined with
mercerized lining, $0,.
-Ladies' line all•wool Kersey Jackets, in a nine range of colors, inlaid
velvet oollar and pnohets, lined with satin, $10,
-Don't buy an Aetraohen Fur Jacket till you see our stook, in all lengths,
from $20 to $40.
McKinnon & Co., Blyth.
Important to Breeders and Horsemen,
Euveterina,y Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
Horses and
_. .— '' Lin mit Jaw,
TRADE MARE "See pamph-
letwhich aecompaniee every bottle, giving
scientific treatment in the various diseases.'
11 can be used in every case of veterinary
practice where stimulating applications and
blisters are prescribed. It has no SUPERIOR.
Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis-
faction. Price leo per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country storekeepers. Pie
Ontario Business
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and practical train•
cog in all branches of Commercial work,
at 000eiderably lees than regular rates.
For full information apply
Rooms or college over Post office.
Patents Guaranteed.
Our leo returned if we fail. Anyone eend-
ingsheloh and description of any invention
hill ppromptly rooeive our opinion tree eou-
oeriiing the patentability of arms. How to
obtain a patent seat upon request. , Pat-
enle secured through as advertised for sale
at our expense. Patents taken out through
(10 receive SPECIAL NOTICE, with0ub charge,
in Tore PATENT i1000RD, an illustrated and
widely circulated Journal, consulted by Man.
ufaoturers and Investors. Send for sample
copy Irma. Addreoo VICTOR J. EVANti Sc
Oo„ (Patent Attorneys,/ Evans Building,
Washington, D,0.
Fitted to Correct all'
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
Cousllh1y et1illg
See our Stylish
Need Goods voons
No Fain Prices. 1116 Fail Tra(.e.
Wilton &
Headquarters for
and ,...�
of AH Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field. Fence,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds Harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W. P., the best Ready
Mixed. Paints made,
always in stock.
East Huron Fall Fair Prize List.