The Brussels Post, 1900-9-27, Page 10"Ta
t ii_BUOA'Olti4.,$. ,008T
Stil, 0, 19O
We hive lately reeeiVed two
ShipMerite of Wall Paper seleetea
from Toronto and Montreal fite,
tOrieS. If there is any best We
have it. Some linos Ordered
Lave to be Made arid Will follow
G. A. Deadman,
nrualgiat and Graduate Optician!
Brussels, Ont.
kiave rattaleen on fitheir of Work
Baekete We have a large variety of
ebapes and glees, They Were all !Magill
26 per cent. Discount
and we are therefore ladling these goode
numb below Regular prioee. There is no
nicer 'present for
A. Wedding
than one of these better ones with eatin
lininge and oomplete with 'fittings."
You Can make no mistake in giving one
of these on any 00008100.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
Traine leave Brugge Station, North
and South, as followe;
Gomia Sonata Gonvo
Buten 7:18 aan, I Mail.......... eao p.m
mixed tale a.m. Exproee 8:17 pan
' Itfrual Ittbs Ntein$.
A obier s among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
• Camera meeting next Monday.
ltliramans Openings Oot. 4 and 5.
RESERVED neat plan for Fair night
Oonoert at Fox's Drug store.
A Noungn of horses are being traoked
for the speeding events at Brussele Fall
Mean your entries esaly for the Fair
as it eaves the time of both Seoretary
and exhibitor.
Wane' list Court on Thursday, Oct,
llth at 10 a. m., before Judge Masson
iu the Tow o Hall, Brussele.
A. /MAME of Brumelites attended the
Liners' of Miss Thomson, at Seaforth,
on Tuesday afternoon. Deeeased was a
sister to Robb. Thomson, of Brussele Egg
WOBE is in progress on Queen street in
atneetion with the granolithio walk.
This will about wind up the business for
this year unless new petitions are pre-
sented very ehortly.
Liam Friday J. N. Gordons black
roadster was awarded the red ticket at
Atwood Fall Fair. He is a fine horse
and shows well in a ring. Rich. Wil-
liams held the ribbons, a job he takes to
very kindly.
A Tratitirre thunderstorm visited Ool-
lingwood and vicinity early Friday morn-
ing and did much damage in the destruo•
tion of fences, trees and building. The
Presbyterian manse, oconpied by Rev.
Dr. McCrea, son of John MoOrae, Brus-
sels, wan struck by lightning and
burned to the ground. Loss about 55,-
Ix is stated that M. M. Cardiff will
Ragtime charge of the Massey -Harris
bueiness in connection with Brussels
agency, Geo. Cardiff retiring and George
lawn devoting bis time to the bnying of
eattle, :cheep and hog& Mr. Cardiff ie
an old hand at the baeineee having spent
some yeare in conneodon with it in
Bananas rather rubbed it into the two
Seaforth Bawling rinks on Thursday
afternoon of last week beating thein by
80 points. The match was played on the
club lawn and will probably conclude the
sport Inc this season as the days are
getting short and the evenings cool. A
number of our bowlers play a good game
and oan make the beet of them hustle.
G. T. R. Samunxes.—The following
were the shipments made from Brussels
daring the past week Roddiok, 1
oar of Iambs ; Clegg & Dames, 1 oar of
Iambs ;J. Joynt, 1 oar ashes; P. Ament,
1 oar heading ; W. F. Vanetane, 1 oar
bags; I77m. Jewitt, 1 oar apples ; Salt
Work& 2 oars salt ; A. Baeker, 2 oars
peas; R. (Graham, 1 oar peas and 1 oar
wheat. Inwards there were 2 care briok
and a oar of lime for D. A. Lowry ;1 car
coal for Salt Works ; 1 oar the IncfoR.
Hat:male GTantrs.—The Hanover Post
speake of a former Brusselite ae follows ;
—The "Slurry" pump, designed and
built by R. G. Vincent for the Hanover
Portland Oement Go., is working in a meet
satiefaotory manner. The firm hereto-
fore experienced a good deal of diffloulty
with several other pumps, and as nothing
suitable appeared on the market, oommie.
sionea Mr. Vinoent to try his hand at it.
The pump is able to lift thick slurry over
forty feet at an expenditure of only a few
horsepower. It is a grand emcees and
Mr. 'Vincent, the town's meohanioal gen-
ius, naturally feels elitted.
Ton Boerne Is Oonazoa.—A. writer in
the Lietowel Standard commenting on
the Football game at Gorrie on Labor
Day between Breen& and the Listowel.
Berlin combination says ;—"Trot POST
(MS that Brueeele can kink the whiskere
off the Lietowel team any day. Well, it
has been some time sinoe Brussele and
icistovvel played steiobly home team& bat
we can my that the Listowel -Berlin nom-
bination can completely plow the Brute-
• sele-Seaforth oorabination under ground
any time they want to play." We geese
you are • right, Par. Boribe, about the
"plow" bueinese,
for when the boxy
weights, snob accClibson of Berlin, with
his 190 odd pounds, andsonte of the other
Members of the combination ran full tilt
into some of our 126 pounders, our lade
plowed the ground but that was the only
way they could stop them and their own
• players aoknowledged that hard checking
was neoessory. About the question of
playing home team, Brussele eon ra.
peat the 4 to 0 dose administered on Jaly
12 at Lishowel. Don't forget that our
Mara ie 2 pale ahead yet On the three
Matches played thio Seitaini. *day
the Lietowel olub duke ft warming up
our team will be glad to attend to their
wants. Surely they Dan secure 11 men
without borrowlog 5 et 6 Berliners Ite
their tioniing makers it toe expenoive.
Mnanutx and Brunel, Oot. 5.
Bituasme Fall Fair Thursday and Fri.
day of next week, Cob. 4 and 5. Get a
prize list.
12 passengers were ticketed for Detroit
at Brussels G. T. R. depot on Thursday
in connection with the Annul Fall Ex.
Bonn BUYER HEWITT disposed of two
horses to T. Archibald, of Seaforth, this
week. One weighed over 1,700. They
go to the Inmber woods.
ransom having any portion of Base
Ball olothing will please leave the same
at Downing Bros' store not later than
Tuesday, Oat. and. By order of the
DON'T forget the big Concert on Fri-
day evening of the Fall Fair. The talent
will ooneist of H. Ruthven McDonald, of
London, in song and story ; J. H. Cam-
eron, of Toronto, elooutioniet and ooloiet;
Miss Lizzie Sample and Mies Lyda
Crooks, Breese's, solos ; Mr. Phelps, of
London, pianist and accompanist. Plan
of Hall at Fox's drag store. Get your
Beats early. See program.
LECTURE.—On Wednesday evening of
this week Oount G. K. and Z. E. Boy',
jian, of Armenia, medical students of
Chicago University, gave an entertain-
ment in the Methodist church. There
was a large attendeame. The program
°oxidated of vocal eeleotione, addreee on
Armenia, a Turkish prayer, exhibition of
Eastern costumes, a wedding prooession
end exhibition of wedding, explanation
of manners and customs, &o. Rev. Jno.
Holmes occupied the chair.
Tan Hanover Post of last week eays :—
S. S. Xnetobel was in Brneeels last Fri.
day, wbere 17 carloads of Saugeen Brand
Portland Cement have been pat doted in
sidewalks tbie Summer. They are splen-
did walks. The additional clement kilns
for the Hanover Portland Cement Co.
will be completed about the last of the
week. When they are in operation the
capacity will be more than double to
what it has been heretofore. It neede to
be, for we understand that the company
has hal to refuse a great many orders
on amount of their inability to ebip
promptly. The most of their (Amain has
been going into sidewalks for which pur-
pose, on account of its nice color, smooth
working powers and great strength, it has
become a great favorite.
OBITUARY.—Early teat Monday morn-
ing the spirit of Miss Margaret J., young-
est daughter of John and Ieabella
Thomsou, Seaforth, took its flight. She
had been in poor health during the past
year but took much worse last Friday,
passing away as stated above, aged 27
years, 4 months and 21 days. Mies
Thomson enjoyed the friendship and
good will of a large circle of friends and
her decease is greatly regretted. In the
Presbyterian church choir and Endeavor
she took a great interest and the beauti-
ful wreaths from them and the large at-
tendance at her funeral which took place
on Tuesday afternoon, f ally attested to
her real worth. The service wee eon -
ducted by Rev. Mr. Larkin assisted by
Rev. Mr. Barr. Four brothers (Alex., of
Drayton; Thos., of Lietowel ; Robt., of
Bruseels ; and joseph, of MOntreal) Jno.
Scott, a and John A.
Wilson, a cousin, were the pall bearere.
This is the first break in the family in 37
yeare. Mr. and PfIrs. Thomson and
family will bave the sympathy or many
both at Seaforth and Brussels in their
riatkaa4ic Ottlezian9 10 buiMing lb new
addition to hie reeldenae, Elizabeth greet,
S. T. Polls has had the eteble moved
On his lob and ie tidying up the let ttioely
Rev. R. Paul will Meth 013 AtwOOd
circuit next Sabbath for Rev, al A, Fear.
PLAN of Hall for Fair night Coneert
opens on Whaley =going of this week
at 9 o'olook, F03'il drug store,
Saar prisee for the Comfort Soap re00,
Fall Fair Day, 14 the window at THE
PQBT Pnbliehing House,
W. H. MoOrtueicrin attended Seaforth
eat' Fair on Thursday and Friday of
this week as an exhibitor,
Evisur lady in 13ruseele And locality
should keep the Fall Millioery dates,
00t. 4 and. 5 in mind. The dieplay will
be well worth seeing.
Mre, Jno, Leckie arrived home last
Friday from a moat enjoyable 7 week?'
visit with relatives and Wanda at Win,
nipeg, Portage•laTrairie and Tbeeealon.
Mrs, Hoy, of Stratford, WM visiting
Mre. Harris, Thomas street, tbie week.
Meeclantee Harriet and Hemphill, of
Wroxeter, were also callers on Mrs. Hat,
Tun Sae plater° of the mammoth
Allan line steamship "Tunisian" in Tan
POST Publishing House window, hacc
been greatly admired by many e, paeser-
by during the past week.
PAnnworm oyster supper will be given
to Geo. B. McClellan by the Bowling
Olub, of which Mao. is a worthy mem-
bar, at the residenoe of D. 0. Rose, on
Friday evening of this week,
THE Editor of To Poem received a
sample of Algoma grown apples from
Wm. Harris, of Day Mills, formerly of
Brussel& They will be on exhibition at
the Fall Fair next week ae an evidence
of what Algoma oan do in the fruit line.
FALL Siow DIIOE00000,-8. joint meet.
ing of the East Huron and Grey Branch
Agricultural Soctiety Direotors will be
held in the Council Chamber, Brussels,
on Saturday of this week at 2 o'olook to
oomplete arrangements for the Fall Fair
to be held Oot. 4 and 5. Direotore will
kindly attend promptly at the hour
Snout. PREGEB.—In addition to the
list published in the Fall Sbow prize list
Alfred Bather offers 100 pounds of Mani-
toba, flour for the best two loaves home-
made bread, and 50 pounde of flour for
2111 prize, bread to bsoome hie property,
—a. N. Gordon, of tbe Standard Bank,
Brussels, offers fl5 00 for the beet 16 lbs.
of roll batter, the batter to beoome
property of donator.
FooT Berm Marou.--Captain Pepper, of
Brunets Foot Ball team, who ie always
on the alert for a game, has arranged
with Mildmay club for a Foot Ball match
on Viotoria Park, Brussele, on Friday,
Oot. 5th, second day of the Fall Fair,
game to be called at 4 BO sharp. Mild-
may has a "(tracking" good team and
have scored numerous viotoriee during
the poet Summer and will be in a position
to put up a fine game. Of (worse the
looal eleven will not let them kick any
more goals than they oan help eo a keen,
well contested game is aseured. All who
enjoy this line of sport shordd keep the
date, place and hour in mind.
BOUGHT A BTORE.--Thie week Walter
Lanes, late partner 05 17. Ewan, in the
Carriage bueinese, Brussels, purchased
the general store businees of Robert A.
Johnston, of Jameetown, and also the
building. The postoffice goes along with
the business. Stook taking was o002 -
plated on Thursday and Air. lanes ie
now in poesession. He will move his
family as soon ae the house is vacated by
Mr. Johnston. We do not know what
the latter portions doing, but casually
beard that he might move to the West.
While sorry to lose the Lanes family
from town we believe they will do well
at Jameetown and the people of tbat
looality will find them fleet -Mass people.
J. R. Guam Rmuntie.—The Manitoba
Free Press, Winnipeg, Thursday, Sept.
13th says :—J. R. Grant, looal finanoial
manager of the ,Federal Life Assuranoe
Company of Canada, arrived in the oity
Tuesday morning, after a trip to Europe
and the Old Country, extending since
the 14th of April. Mr. Grant thoroughly
enjoyed his pleasant vexation, and seems
to have missed nothing worth seeing on
his lengthy and oirouitoue tour. Inter-
viewed by a Free Prese reporter yeeter-
day, Mr. Grant outlined his journey,
rapidly sketching the principal °entree
at which he touched. He was extremely
fortunate in reaching Mount Vesuvine
just tvlaen that famous mountain was
having one of its periodical eruptions
and this was a scene which fella to the
lot of comparatively few tourists. The
beauties of Lorento, the historical oity of
Rome, Piea with its famous leaning
tower, charming Florence, Yank° and
its piotutesque gondoliers, and Milan
with its cathedral alone worth a thou&
and mule journey to en were only a
few of the places Which Mr. Grant saw
under "the bright Italian sky." Then
scaled the Alpe, lived for a brief period
at pretty Lonisanne and had a run
through the celebrated St. Gothard
tunnel. Tbe Paris Exposition, Mr. Grant
pronounoee a show of real beauty, but
even its remarkable excellence has not
prevented He being a failure from a bud.
nese point of view. Mr. Grant epent
about a month in London and saw all
the wonderful sighte of the greatest of
Wee. Tbe moat interesting sight of all
Was the ever moving panorama, to be
seen from the top of a London omnibus,
Probably ninety-nine out of a hundred
would agree with Mr. Grant as to that,
Mr, Grant was greatly impreased with
the eyeteat of eleetrio railways spreading
like a network all through undergronnd
London. ()thee large dines in England
were also visited and then Mr. Graaf
hied him 10 SOOtlandc
B si ness
Oaszt for butter 004 one., ConelaY.
Bonen and lot for Bale, John trest,
•Joon Putrattn.
Costroaranne lumee to rent, with stable
and good garden, op Alexander street,
Poseeselen caul be given early in Septem.
be, Far farther partioulare apply tO
COMEORTAIMEllOnee With int, pomp, Ito,
Well lociated, Inc gale or to rent, on Turn -
berry Onset, Brussels, Further infor-
mation and the key may be bad by call.
Mg at Tau Pott. Poramesion May be had
at ono%
WanTan,—Any quantity ef dried „ap•
plea. They nutlet be large, bright guartere
and thoroughly dried. Butter, 18p. ;
egge, 180. Our stook of dreee geode,
silks and furs 10 unsurpassed.
G. ,E, KINO, Wingharo,
People We Ta11 About.
Mies Sarah Forbes left for Detroit on
Dr. and fare. Graham, of Clinton, were
in town on Monday.
Barrister Sinclair was at Exeter this
week on legal business.
Hies Annie Rose is visiting relatives
and friends at Chesley.
Mre. Sutton and children are visiting
relatives at Dungannon.
Veterinary Moore and wife were visit-
ing at Atwood on Wednesday.
Mre. Day, of Gorrie, wan vieiting
Mre. A. J. Lowry tbie week.
Muir Thomson, of Lietowel was visit-
ing at John Tait's this vveea.
Mies Jean Robinson, of St Mays, has
been visiting Mies Mary Forbes,
Chao Kerr has token a position in the
store of Gowans & Kent, Toronto.
W. H.,111oCracken was at Paisley on
Tuesday as a judge at their Fall Fair.
Mre. Will Ainley made a visit with
Listowel friends daring the past week.
Miss Bell Irwin has taken a position
in the Dry Good dere of A, R. Smith.
Mrs. J. L. Kerr is on the eiok list with
the prevailing fever but ie improving.
Mre. (Rev.) Jim. •Rose te ander tbe
dootor's oare but we hope she will soon
be better.
Mae. Adam Scott, of Anna, is visiting
the Mines SOO in Braesele,, and Wendel
in Morrie,
Mise Moore, of Milton, who was visit-
ing at D. B. Moore's, returned home on
Miss Mary Roberton is filling a
tion in the grocery and restaurant of J.
H. Kerney.
Mrs. Juo. Londecboro`, of Bettforth,
was visiting in Breasts for a day or two
last week.
W. M. Sinclair and wife and Dire.
Ronald are visiting relatives and friends
at Windsor and Detroit.
Miss Ethel Wilson, of Brantford, who
has been visiting Mies Ivy Livingston,
left for ber home Met week.
Mrs. Watson Ainleywill take a well
earned holiday and visit her daughter
and other old friends in Dettoit.
A. Sample, J. Pepper and A. Lowry
were at Harriston on Thursday playing
football with Wroxeter against Harris -
Alex. Forsyth is taking enforced holi.
days owing to an attack of fever. We
hope he will tioon be able to resume
Mies Thorsa Gerry is on the eiok list
this week, but her many young friende
hope she will soon be able to join them
ones more.
Jno. Denbow, who is 89 years of age,
has been quite poorly during the pad
week but is some battik now, we are
pleased to state.
Miss Jean MoLemahlin is expected
home this week. She stopped off at
Hamilton on her return from Winnipeg
for a short visit.
C. H. Bartliff received word this week
that his sister, Mrs. Jae. Burne, of Bay-
field, was quite 111 but we hope the will
soon be oonvalement,
W. F. Vanatone and family removed
to Wingham on Monday of this week,
where they purpose making their home.
THE Poem wishes them happinese and
G. Smith, wife and daughter, of
Newark, N. J.' who have been visiting
here for severalweeks left for their home
on Wednesday of this week intending to
oall on friends en route.
Wm. Martin and wife left on Thera
day for a holiday vigil with, relatives at
Ortonville and other plaoee in Michigan.
They will be away for a few weeks and
we hope they will thoroughly enjoy them.
Mr. Murray, of Toronto, has come to
the Standard Bank, Brussele, to take the
plaoe of G. B. McClellan who goes to
Forest this week. While sorry to part
with the latter gentleman we bid air.
Murray a hearty welcome.
James Blasi:till, wife and children, are
away on a holiday outing with relatives
and friends at Ypsilanti, Mich., and
other pleas. Ypsilanti is Dire. Blashilre
former home and 111r. B. baa also epent
some time in the same locality.
THE POST congratulates Will. Ainley,
who le in the employ of Mesere. Sallowe
Dippel, of Listowel, on graduating in
Torouto, He now /acacia a diploma ae
undertaker and embalmer. He ie the
eldest eon of our townsman, Wm. Ainley
Robt, Farrow, accountant in the
posterns Departmett, Ottawa, was visit-
ing his father, Postmaster Farrow, and
other old friends in Brussele and Blue.
vale during the past week. He is a
blight, chatty person and makes friends
Mrs. Gethriclge and daughter, of Chat-
ham, and Mimeo Linn and Nellie
Putland, of the same oity, are visiting
here, being called home by the Mime of
their mother, the late Mrs. Putland.
Among other relatives and friende who
attended the funeral were N. B. and Mrs,
Gerry, of Blyth ; Wm. Plum and wife,
of Hamburg ; Mrs. Biomer, of Toronto,
sister to Mr. Putland ; Mrs. Hays, of
Luoknow ; and Mr. Beteg, of Stratford, to Mre. Putland.
prised was this oommnnity On Thursday
evening of lash week when the news
quiokly spread thatlGirs. John Putland,
John etreet, had been oalled to her long
home. She had been ill with fever for
Betters,' weeks and prior to this bad
watched patiently and anxiously over ber
son, who oame home from Chatham and
went through a long, severe siege of ill.
nese, so was not in the beet condition to
throw off disease. The best of care and
attendance was given and it was hoped
her great vitality would see ber through
but despite it all she :clipped away, be-
loved by teeny. Mrs. Putland was the
danghter of the late Ebenezer Plum and
was born at Newry 87 years ago. She
was a sister to S. T. Plum and Mre.
Bozell, of this locality ; Mre. N. B.
Gerry, of Blyth •, and Ernie Plum, of
Greenwood, B. O. Alex. West, of Mil-
verton, was her first husband, by whom
she bad two obildren, Albert and Beryl.
On the decease of Mr. Werra who was a
teacher and township clerk at Milverton,
'encoding high in the estimation of the
public, deceased was united in marriage
to her now bereft partner, at Stratford
on Sept. 7th, 1887, and elm took to ber
heart not only her husband but hie four
rnotherlees daughters and oared for them
with a mother's love and kindlinses.
Mr. and Mrs. Putland and family came
to Brussels 10 yeare ago and have resided
con tionously, with the exception of a short
sojourn at Bluevale. Mrs. Putland was
ao energetic, &earful, industrious and
kind hearted woman who was bigbly es-
teemed and ber demise iti sinaerely re.
gretted. Deceased took on motive part in
church work and wan Seoretary of the
Ladiee' Anxiliory of St. John's ohuroh at
the time of ber deatb. The funeral
service at the house on Saturday morn.
ing was coodeoted by Rev, Mr. Forney,
of Gorrie, and Rev. R. Poni, of Brussels,
in the absence of Rev. G. 3. Abey, in-
oumbent of St. John's °bomb, who was
pastor of deceseed. Interment was
made Saturday afternoon in the oeme-
tery b Milverton alongside Mr. West.
Rev. Mr. Howard read the burial con-
victs. Floral offerings on the casket were
beembilal. The pall bearers Were M. H.
Electra, J. Irwin,0. H. Sarin, R. Mo.
Cabot:eon, R. illiams and W. H. Kerr,
Mr. Putland and family share in the
kindly sympathy of the community in
their great lose.
All the pain rind endue over,
Svery mottoes toning Db.slied,
8110 Is now at Death for over
Safely home in Heaven at last.
Dia yeti wonder She so calmly
Trod the valley of the Shade
Ah 1 but Jesus' love flIo011osl
Every dark and fearful glade,
And He came Himself to meet her,
In the way so bard to tread.
And with Jesus' arm to loan on
Could she have rum doubt er dread V
Then you Moat net grieve eo sorely
Por the loves you dearly ant
Try to look Inwood earth's ShadoWS
Pray to trust bur Vitther'e will,
$214,ND4RD :134XX OF
HEAD oFFios: ^ Tho T 0
015.J3 PAID TIP (One Million Pollan)
dgeneiee fit all PrficeiPal veinal in Ontyig0 tiebe! igardtoba, United State\
Ramos,' PRAWCE•
A ckenorni Banking EnSinetill TranSaOted, Farmers' Notes DisooVN
Amite blond and Collections made on all points, •
Interest allowed on deroeite of 51300 and npwards and oompounded half yearly.
Every funny afforded °admen living at a distance,
4. payable at any bank issued Under 510..,, Bo. 020 to 550„ ..12o
Molloy Orgyig at the following rates :— 010 to §20....10o. 30 to 40_ ,.14.3
A, la MaoLaren, U. P., was again
nominated by the Conservatives of North
South Perth Conservatives have again
1.eleoted Wm. Pridham, ex NI. P., to
carry the party standard in the riding
against Dilman K. Erb, M. P.
The holy of the man found hanged at
Clearwater, Man., has been Identified as
that of August Johnston'a farmer reeid•
ing near Grafton, North Dalsote.
John Ross Roberteon, M. P., for Best
Toronto, has returned to the oity after
spending the Summer in Switzerland,
Freon and Scotland. , As announced
SO= time ago, Mr. Roberteon will net
again be a candidate for the Commons
in East Toronto. He parade in his
refusal to ME.
MITCHELL ,—In Atwood, on Sept. 1810, to
Mr. and Mrs, S. Iblitohell, a eon.
MoNant—Dutranc.—In Clinton, on Sept.
19bh, at the home of the brideac par-
• ents, by Rev. A. Stewart, of Willie
ohuroh, Mr. Neil MoNair, of Orem-
• brook, to Mies Flora, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Duncan.
P00000—STEWART.—At Christ church,
Listowel, on Sept. 19113, by the Rev.
Mr. Moore, Mr. John Pelton,of At-
wood, to Miss Laws, only aughter,
of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, of
BAMPSON—WILSON.—On Sept. 1010 at the
residenee of the bride's father, 2,1r.
Arthur Regnes Sampson, Montreal,
youngest son of the late W. A. Sarno -
eon, Toronto'to: Janet, • (Nettie)
youngest dangItter of Mr. D. D. Wil-
son, Ingleside, Seaforth.
LYNN.—In Morris, on Sept. 19, James 3.
Lynn, aged 71 years and 5 months.
Pumana—In Brussels, on Sept. 20,
Annie, beloved wife of John Patland,
aged 37 years.
MoLatioaana—In Grey, on Sept. 21st,
Daimon MoLauchlin, aged 65 yeare,
1 month and 8 days.
MoDoroma.—In Winnipeg, Man., on Sept.
15th, Donglae Alexander, eldest son
of the late Rev. Dr. A. McDonald,
formerly of Seaforth.
MoNme.—In Morris, on Septeraber 22nd,
Martha Knight, beloved wife of
Peter MoNabb, aged 28 years, 11
months and 17 lays.
THOISSON.—In Seaforth, on Sept. 24,
Margaret J., youngest daughter of
John and Isabella Thomson, aged 27
years, 4 months and 21 days.
John Youmane, of Walkerton, was
nominated by the Liberate of East Bruce.
• Fifty invalided eoldiere, who returned
on the steamer Dominion, were weloomed
at Quebec
Wm. Newman, a Port Hope 'man, ao.
cidentally took an overdose of laudanum
with fatal results.
It le reported that Borst, A. H. L.
Riehardson of the Strathoona, Horse, is
to reaeive s Victoria Grose.
Was, Toner, a carpenter at Easson's
planing mine, Stratford, met with what
may prove a fatal accident while putting
a belt on it pUlley,
TUESDAY, 00T. 9.—Farm stook, imple-
ments, household farniture, &c. Sale,
unreserved, abI. o'olook, aharp. Wein],
mina Rapp, adminietratrix ; F. S. Soda
auotioneer. •
THURSDAY, 00T. 11.—Farm stook,
implements, &o. Lot 25, Con. 8, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock, sharp.
Jae. Laird, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Aoo.
Emmy, Oca.12.—Lob 4,000. 10, Grey.
Farm stook, implements, &o. Sale am
reserved, at 1 o'olook. I. Ball, prop., F.
B. Soott, two.
Milverton, Sept. 27-28.
Palmerston, Sept. 27-28.
Beaforth, Sept. 27-28.
Wingham, Sept. 27-28.
Belgrave, 0ob. 1-2.
Bt. Marys, Oot. 2-3.
Kirkton,.Oct. 4-6.
Brussels, Oot. 4-5.
Bayfield, Oot. 4-5.
Fordwioh, Oot. 6.
Blyth, Oot. 0-10.
Dungannon, Oot. 11-12.
LY gravel road betweett Brussele and 710
LiDe, .Morris, Tapestry work, fined with
green satin. Pinder will greatly oblige by
leaving 811MR Poem at once, and be suitab-
ly rewarded. RIM LYNN, Blyth P.O.
on sept.,mtwo white pigs, Owner 15
requested to prove property, pay expensee
Slat take them tway,
7006. mon W1011,
Tenders For Woodshed.
TENDERS will be received, up to Oot.
10th, for tile ereoblon of a woodshed at
school house, B. S. 150. 6. Grey. .For further
par tirmlars apply to
WM, STRATH, Secretary.
Lot 17, Con. 10, Grey.
Voters' List Court
Notice fa hereby given that a flourb will be
held, Pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List
Act, 1880, by hie Honor, the Judge of the
0ouotV Court of the County of Erman, at the
Town Hall,Brussels, on the 11th day of Oc-
tober, 1900, ab 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to
hear and determine the several complaints
of errors and omissions In the Voters' List
of the Municipality of Brussels for 1900. All
persons having business at the Comb are re.
guired to attend at the said time and place.
.10, 8. SCOTT,
Dated Sept.18, 1900. Olerk of Brussels.
azaarra'smanms evc.A.xxammms.
Fall Wheat 62 68
Barley . . 38 35
Peas 55 58
Oats . ..... ,.•22 23
Butter, tube and rolls 16 16
Eggs per dozen ... . . 11 12
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bush.)...,1 00 1 00
Apples (per bag) . . 26 26
Sheep skins, ciaoh BO ±00
Lamb skins eaoh 25 25
Solt per bbl., retail 1. 00 70
Hay per ton -000 7 00
Hides trimmed 0 6i
Hides tough
Hogs, Live • 5 75 6 80
Wool 15 154
Voters' List Court.
Notlee ie hereby given that a Court will be
hold, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List
Aot, 1889, by hie Honor, the Judge of the
County Court of the County of Huron, at the
Township Hall, on Tuesday the 950 day of
Ootober next, at 10 s'olock in the forenoon,
to hear and determine the eeveral oomplaints
of errors and omissions in the Voters' List
of the Municipality of Grey for 1000. All
persons having business at the Court 501 05-
0101001 to attend at the said time and place.
WM. 82.815011,
Dated Sept. 04.1000, Clerk of Grey.
Goon wanted to do general houee work.
Apply to BBS. J, IADORIE, Brussel B.
Mann and foul for sale. Will be sold
rhea!, Apply to WM. RILEY, Lob 10, Con,
8, Grey. 11.2
GOOD steady man wanted, to work on
farm by the year. wages, $200 and Board.
Apply to W. DARIUS, Day Mills,. Algoma,
SCOTCH Oollie pope for tulle. Eligible
501' mai:Ammon. J, D. MCNAIR,
Oranbrook P. 0. Lot 20, 0012.14, Grey.
Two eligible building lots for ealle on
Prinoometreet,13russele. Por further par-
ticulars as to price, terms, Ice., apply to
8.11. nero. J. GhttIVS,Brussele,
holne 001 QSeOo Stmertg0000500,1 or
w""1' aPa" iredarim,nriloodis,
Dissolution of Partpership.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partner-
ship heretofore subsisting between us, the
undersigued. so carriage builders and gener-
al blasksmiths in the Tillage of Brussels, in
the County of Huron, ;has this day been dis-
solved by consent. All debts owing to said
partnership are 00 115 paid to Daniel Ewan,
who retains the business in Brussels, and aol
claims against the said partnership are to
be presented to ,the said Daniel EMU], by
whom they VIII be settled.
Brussels, Sept. 2010, 1000.
Witness: D. EWAN,
Taos. EingliperOP. WALTER 1NNE0.
We are this Wed Phew -
jug a very nice ithe a 7ar-
dineres eo useful at this sea.
6011 of the year, at the very
low price of 10c. and 15c.
eh. They ainvery nicely
e ted and at the price
k de,L,N,0 long.
cannot ta -2...-
10c. and I5c. Eact
81110 711591
Fox's Dm, Store.
sore of land for sole, Graham's $ur-
voy,& 2.0110 South 01 Brussels. The house
contains 7 rooms ; good stalls; well; fruit
trawl and small fruits. Possession given at
once. Terms reasonable. If property is not
sold soon, will be rented. For price, tering.
dm, apply to 'WM. BANDS, on the premises,
or Bruseels P. 0, 114
A.LAGE,—Tbe property of the late John
Elliott, oonsisting of a solid brick house,
with frame kitchen and woodshed, good
stable and 11 more of land, all in 0010 -class
condition, If not sold will be rented. Poe-
Besslori at any time. For particulars apply
to wid. Spalmn, Ethel; ALEX,. PATTERSON
Galt ; or InamoIramatir, Mt. Franca 2001
A Word Abput
It year eyes need medical treatment
we worat melt you speotaolee eimply to
make a sale ---and let your headache con-
tinue until you find the true cause from
someone sloe.
Oar Gleans are becoming because they
fit properly. Our Double Vision Girona
are a great oonvenience—they are perfect
for far and ported for near vision,
Eyestrain causes Headaches. By
removing the ORURO with properly fitted
Glasses you make a permanent ours, Our
Frameless Glasses please the particular.
Eyes carefully examined free. Glasses
recommended only when absolutely beue.
Having added another new igetru•
ment to our optical department we have
all that is neoeseary In an up-to-date
Optical Parlor. Oell in and see us.
No expense has been spared in this
department to give the public satiefao.
Also Graduate of Betinosoopy.
As the Month is near Oct,
It stained Friends Last Week
It's Pouring Them This Week 1
Dry Goods,
Boots and. Shoes
Hats and Caps,
• Scarcely enough Salesmen to wait on the eager
throng. What am 1 any way—a Popular or Maple, or
does Soft spell 1 -lard? Any how, as Pat says, "Am woind-
ing up the business in Brussels and no 'humbug about it."