The Brussels Post, 1900-9-27, Page 7y
T:s 27, -.h:900
•L cent, X6.13, 800:917.`, zirnasole,
lfiT iT, MoO13AOKEN-
Y Y • Tastier of Marriage Mimeos, Of.
neo at Grocery, i uraborxystreet, llressele.
Ai • TonsorialArtiet, 8lla --EeXG door
North 4f the 8taudarll Bank, - Tnuilas' wall
Childrau'0 heir ousting a apeolelty,
has good Farm or
T several Faeroe
01 n IG Lt eae
solo and et) rent, easy tonne, Townships
pf Mo0r1g M i Rrey, P S, SO01T,Bruseofe
Issuer of Marriageice
k •,.
S3R.'re' 7-S, 01�7'T
T,, *" 1000BAN°E,
L. O. M.,
Academie graduate 'of London Conserva-
tory or Muffle, also Member of the Associated
Musicians of Ontario, 10 prepared to r000ive
a limited number of pupils forinstruction
on the piano.. Qnalltled to prepare pupils for
the rrinoipal's Form In the Conservatory of
Brussels, Ontario,,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
00, Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Pubho,
Laud, Loan rand Insurance. Agent; Auction-
eer. Feuds iuyested and to'loau. 0olleo-
tlons made.. OIBoe in Grabam'slBlook,Brae-
• non, will sell for bettor prices, to
bettor mon in lase time. and lees charges.
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
be won't charge anything, Dates and orders
can always bo arranged at this 0Blcc or by
Personal applioation.
Graduate of 11. 0.11 8„ Toronto ; Post Grad-
uate course al Haekol'e School, Chicago, in
crown and bridge work. t3-Prioee same as
in surrounding towns. 01-
001oo over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels.
Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeetioatod animals. lin a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dontietry Oldie promptlyat-
tended to, Office and Infirmary—Fouir doors
North of bridge,Turoberry et., Brussels.
• Barrister, Solicitor, 'Oonvoyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Otfloe-8tewart'e Block
1 door Nortit of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
liolloitor, &o, Ogles over Stand-
ard Bank, Solioitor for Village of Brussels.
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Codmiab
Ont. Dolce -Hamilton street, opposite Ool.
borne Rotel.
M. IL, C. R.,
TrinitylUnivorolty, Follow Trinity MoiledCollege, Member College of Pnysiaiane mud
Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Lioeotiate oI Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. rra-Tolepboue No.14,
Residence—Mill street, Brussels,
1112010IAli, 00001000 AND 0000000Ena,
(Successor to Dr. F. 0. IAtlbllelsch)
M, D. Bellevue Hospital Med, Col., New
York • M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron-
to ; Member of the Oollogo of Pluysiclnne and
Surgeons 0f Ontario. Special attention paid
to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and
throat. 10.11
M. D. C. M.,
Graduate of Mc001 College, Montreal, &•,
10. All specialty work eatisfuotorily tiwat-
ed. Otlloe upotaire in the Stratton Block.
QIIlae bourn, 0 to le a. in•, and 7 to 10 p. M.
Speoialiat work, ettolt as for eye, oar, throat,
10,. fu the o01ao at hie residence, Elizabeth
street. from 2 to 0 p m, All motholoea will
be diaponood personally by the Dr. or under
Ms direct supervlo]on,
Patents G1naranteed.
Our lee returned if we fall, Auyone send-
ing Bkotoh and doaorlptioo of any iuventiOn
will ,
iomutreceive our opinion 0010. iroo wcon-
the eooutpatentability of came. 0, P t-
obtalu a patent" .soot upon request. Pat-
enteeebured through us advertised for pale
at our expense, eatnhte taken out through
1 B
IIB Teceiveun PA TENT Ea on)), , without (bargo
in'1'xE PATENT Eamon)), an Illustrated out(
widely circulated journal, unmated by Man.
nlactnrore and fuveotore. Send for sample
Copyn`nng. Address Vi0T011 J, L'VANS &
Co„Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building,
Washington, D, 0.
CENTRALvir stin
S i"&tifoM.r,,, Quin
Send for one of our Catelo'tiee and
be oonvineed that we are doing the hest
wont in business education in Canada to.
day. Enter now if pobeible.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
.'a(' 3ness
Listowel C Allege,
A thorough,
ing in allJ
at 110001
Deplete and praotioai train•
remobee of Commercial work,
loge than regular rata0.
For full,i'nformatipn apply
stomas of College ever fust 01114:0.
r L.
1 trht Uttus,
F31.r Lia.
Blyth fair will be held on Tuesday and
e e
W do edgy, Out, 9th and 10th.
Dr, 3, N. Perdue will oondeot a sale
stable in oonneotion with bie livery.
McKinnon & Co. are having. the ex-
terior of their store repainted, The
praeent store front will be taken out and
replaood by a plate glace one,
Rev, Wm. J. Stone, missionary et
Nitenat, 13, 0., will preach in the Blyth
Methodist church on Sunday, 80111 inst.
James Hoggarth had hie band badly
injured in a atm at the harbor eaw mill.
Mise Ella Fisher hag gone to Baslnaw,
Miele., where she will make an extended
A. J, Diokeon has left to resume his
medioal studies at McGill University,
Hamlink's evaporator has commenced
work and a large staff of hands is em
ployed. Saltford evaporator also ie at
Will. Dietrich bas gone to Graven -
buret, where he hes a position in the
office of Miokle, Dymeot & Hon, lumber
The paesengere for Goderioh on the
eta .Pittsburg's Net trip are indignant at
being carried past to Kincardine, where
they were detained over two days.
To 0voot M Tug BIG Mmn,—A epeoial
meeting of the council wag held to re-
ceive a proposition from Alex. Megace,
who is forming a company to purchase
and operate the Ogilvie mill, All the
members were present. Mr. Megaw ad-
dressed the oonnoil and ,explained what
he proposed to do and what improve.
menta be intended to make to the mill,
including its refitting throughont with machinery. He asked for
exemption from taxes and free water.
The oonnoil passed a resolution favoring
the submitting of a .by-law granting the
the proposed company exemption from
taxes for ten years, the company to
guarantee the output of the mill to be
not lees than 200,000 barrels per annum.
It was also resolved that the company
should be furnished with water on the
same terms a0 other macufaotnriea,
namely, at the actual cost of pumping.
The law now regnireo that a by-law,
granting exemption from taxation, shall
receive the aesent of two.thirds of the
voters on the list. To save expense, and
also to bring out a large number of
voters, the voting on the will
probably be delayed until the municipal
eleetione at New Year's. It the mean-
time, it is understood, Mr. Megaw will go
ahead and proseoate his plane, which
will restore what was once ate of Gode-
riob'e most prominent indneti les.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by those
tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, oaring indigestion, bil-
iousness, constipation, sick headaohe and
all etomaoh, liver and bowel troubles.
Only 260 at G. A. Deadman's drug store.
B. F. Brook is taking a holiday trip iu
New York State.
Dr. Percy Wilson, of this town, has
settled in Houghton, Miobigan, where he
it; opening an office for practice.
MAlmlroOlAL.—Toe marriage of Joseph
W. S. Meyers, eon of J. S. Meyers, of Lis.
towel, to Mise Loniae, daughter of the
late John Livingston, and niece of James
Livingston, M. P., Baden, took plaoe at
noon, Wedueaday, Sept. 191h, at the reel.
deuce of the bride's mother, Listowel,
Rev. J. S. Hardie, of the Presbyterian
church, assisted by Rev. H. Irvine of.
Relating. The residence was decorated
with palms, ferns, pink end white asters
and smilex. The bride wore a handsome
gown of Dream duohesse satin, the bodioe
being trimmed with Frenoh folds and
the yoke of silk applique and shirred
mousseline de eole,fioiehed with a bertha
of exquisite dnoheeee point lace, °aught
up on the left aide with orange blossoms
and lily of the valley, and a shirred boa
of mousseline de sole finished with a
fluffy pleating. The skirt had a long,
French train, with fans of a000rdeon
pleated mooeeeline at intervals, altogeth.
er having a very graceful and charming
effect, The bridal veil was of French
tulle, naught up on the face with the
regulation orange bloseome and lily of
the valley. The bride was given away
by her brother, Peter Livingston, Mies
B. Livingston, slater of the bride, and
Mies Pearl McGill, of Bimcoe, noted as
bridesmaids, while the groom was cup•
ported by bie brother, Homer Meyers,
FALL FAm,—Listowel was favored with
a good day, Wednesday, Sept. 19, on
wblob to hold its annual fair, whioh was
well attended people by the from the
aurronnding distrioto. While the show-
ing of heavy draught horses was not
equal to the exhlbite to be seen at some
of the faire held recently in the
°antral part of the county, yet
those on exhibition were of a good stamp,
and horses of the carriage elan were well
represented. Harry Zino, a large prize
winner at the Torouto exhibition, had
some good epeoimene in the carriage
Vasa Wm. Mardook, of Palmerston,
ad two Ile o d
u r a stere on exhibition.
The exhibit of sheep was rather small.
Oxfords, Leiceeters and Sbropehires
were the breeds represented. J. W.
Smith carried off moot of the prizes in
Oxfords,while Jame Trim and T. New.
bigging ere the principal competitors in
the Sbropehiro ones. The showing of
bogs was also email, but there was e.
good exhibition of poultry. The display
Malde the building was handsome and
well arranged. 0. A, Lee, o1 Liotowel,
had a good exhibition of cabinet and
life eine phobographo. The Morris piano
manufactory, of Listowel, bad a few
beautiful instruments on exhibition and
tile Bell Piano and Organ Om, of Guelph,
Wee made a good showing with Some of
their choice ploduetione, The Tudbppo
Carriage Qo. of Crinin, had a fair eiaed
exhibit of Art03.01ae0 0011000 and buggioe.
Amongst the articles exhibited was a
combination wagan and sleigh. It was
go eonetruoted that 1ty the aid of a Drank
the wheels could be raged from the
ground and the vehiole would then root
on its retinae. It would be servioesble
in the Spring of the year when the roads
are bare in placee and °oyered beep with
anew in others, the owner of eu°}r a
vehicle would be at all times prepared
for roads of ell kinds. It ie mnnefaetur•
ed in Preston, Ont. Oa the gropode
WWI no eco pity of fakirs and wheel•
of.fortnne men, but their field wag not a
very wide one, the pablie being tired of
this kind of diversion.
L Ltenillolir
A Court of Revision wag held in Jones'
Hall on Sept, 14. isHonor d
1:I Judge
Masson on the appeal of John McMillan,
M. P., to have names added to Votrre'
List added 10 names.
ToWNsulp OouxooL,—Oonnoii met lu
Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on Monday, Sept.
17th Members all present, A letter
was read from Thoe, E. Hays regdeoting
Council to pay $150.00 now duo 'fucker.
smith Agricultural Society ae voted by
the ratepayers, The Clerk wee author
ized to draft a By-law for next meeting
of Counoil authorizing the Reeve and
Treasurer to Ray, 0150 00 as a grant to
the Tookeremtth agricultural. Booiety,
The Clerk was authorized • to accept the
eolleotore bonds with the same society
as previous years, and also to notify W.
Smith, Walton, to remove rubbish -be
deposited on boundary of Grey and Me
Killop roadway ae it causes horses to
shy and may noose damage. Accounts
were passed and paid amounting to $575.-
78. Of this $188 00 was for gravel and
85.00 for repairs toRoxboro' $ p R x oro' bridge.
Council adjourned to meet in Jones' Hall,
Leadbnry, on Monday, Sept. 15, at 1
o'clock, p. m. JNo. Monarsoio,
in The .iaws ora Lion.
The gallant Major Swaine tells of be-
ing knocked manatees by a lion that
lacerated his arm, His thrilling esoape
from the jaws of death is only equalled
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con.
anmpbion, wbieh has saved thousands
from desperate throat and lung troubles.
"All doctors said my wife would soon
die of Consumption," writes L. C. Over-
street, of Elgin, Tenn., "but your wonder-
ful madioine completely cured her, and
saved her life." Satisfaction ie guaran•
teed by G. A. Deadman, who gives trial
bottles free. Large bottles 50o and 01.00.
O11n ton.
James Ford and Peter McNeil have
bought the bueineee oarried on in Olinton
by Mr. Uaee, butaber, of Seafortb.
John MoOool, engineer at the foundry,
met with a painful accident. He Ives
Gleaning a grove for a pattern when it
fell off the trusses and on to his foot, and
as it weighed eeventyfive ponode it Dans.
ed aoosideroble pain.
The annual Collegiate Institute sports
will be held in the Park on Friday, Sept..
28th, at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. Besides
the anonal sports, a football match will
be played between Goderioh acd Clinton
Collegiate Institute teams for silver
John Henry, who went to Rosedale,
Man., a short time ago and secured land
there, has been very unfortunate indeed.
He bad a fairly good orop and the oat•
look was bright, but a bail storm destroy-
ed the entire orop, leaving him absolutely
The adjourned meeting of the Com
mibtee appointed by the Council and that
of the Public Library met and arrived at
a deoieion regarding the improvements in
front of the Memorial Hall. The plan
submitted by Conn. Combe was agreed to
—part of the grounds to be sodded, with
graoolithio walks, and the remainder
filled in with fine gravel.
E. Oaotelon is 000aidered a very good
shot and can stand tip against the foetal
company of oraokamen with the rifle.
He attended a shoot at the Ranh house
grounds, Detroit, and name away with
a good many prizes, Out of 18 events he
was euooeaefol iu nine. The prizes were
somewhat small owing to the great one•
bar of experts in attendeeoe. Ed, Bemir-
ed over $80 and a vase ae a trophy.
Intimation was unexpectedly received
by relatives here that Douglas Alexander,
eldest eon of the late Rev. Dr. A. D. Mc-
Donald, (formerly of Clinton and See,
forth) had died in Winnipeg hospital on
Sept„ 15. There has been no news re-
ceived whatever as to the particulars re.
garding his death. He wan oily traveller
for a large wholesale house there, and
was very popular. He was known as a
oiever laoroeee player, being a member of
the noted Winnipeg team whioh has an
enviable name everywhere. This death
makes the filth in the family—two eons
and a daughter some years ago, the father
in Detroit on May 12th, and now the
eldest of the seven sone. The remains
were interred in Winnipeg cematory.
The six remaining members of this esti.
mable family, who are well known in this
locality, are James, in the Northwest ;
Robert, in Windsor ; David and William,
10 Detroit ; Mre. Rev. Diokie, of Orange-
ville, and their mother, Mre. McDonald,
also of Orangeville.
H. Clarkeon bac been appointed assist.
ant teacher to the John Street night
eahool in Toronto.
Sam. Diokgon Lett for o roronton
Wednesday of last week, where he will
resume his studies at Oegoode Hall.
The annual Fall exhibition b ion under the
auepieee of the Taokeremitb Branch
Agrioultnral Society will be bald here on
Thursday and Friday of brig week.
Hytig20EAL•—The marriage of Miss
Nettie, youngest daughter Of D. D. Wil.
eon, to Arthur Bogner Sampson, of the
Dominion Bank, Montreal, and formerly
of tate Seatorbb branch, took plane at
"Ingleside," the reeidenoe of the bride's
father, in Seafortb, on Wednesday of
last week. The ceremony wag perform•
ed at 1 o'clock by Rev. Colin Pletcher, of
the Thames Road, notated by Rev. O.
Larkin, in the re e e
H. L r a no of a large
number of goeste, inolnding Maude fro
Toronto, London, Mount Forest, Walker.
ton and Brussels. The bridesmaids
were Mies Margaret Wilson and Mies
Bertha Sampson, of Toronto, and
the groomsman, Edgar Sampson, of
Toronto, while Mies Nettie Wilson, niece
of the bride, wee t pretty little maid.
The bride wag giveu away by her father, e
and Mise Helen Wilson played the wed.
ding moon. After a tempting wedding
Ignoboon, Mie, Booth, of Mou'fit Forest,
delighted the guests with two exeallepb
voca100108• Mr, end Mrs. Sampeoa left
on the 3 o'olook train, amid a shower of
ripe and dowers. The malty friends of
these popular young people will eXtend
their very host wishes for the future
happiness of 111r, and Mrs, Sampson.
They will reside in Montreal.
An important event was tendered to A.
R. Sampson, j10ontreel, at tate Grip
House, 7'ueoday evening, the 18th, on
e eve ofhie ar i e 'o Mise o
tb v m rag t Nettie,
the yonngest daughter of D, D, Wilson,
of Seafortb, Mr, Nampeon Dame to Sea.
forth some 7 years ago upon the opening
of the Dominion 'b tk i this town, and
at in h1 t w i, f
resided here for a period of some 5 years.
leaving here for the Eaeb, A, very plane.
ant evening wile opera by those present
who all vied with 000 ao°ther in alcoves-
ing their beat wishes for all happiness t0
the gaeat and his future wife. The
banquet broke up al an early hour by
singing "God save the Queen,'
Mre. W. B. Green is ill with typhoid
Peter. Fisher, jr,, left for Denver,
Dolor ado.
Wingham'e Fall Fair on Thursday and
i''riday of this week.
Mra. Beemer was in Exeter vieitiug
her mother who is not in the bent of
Mies Delia Sperling, A, T. 0, M., lett
for New York, to take a Teaoher'e oouree
at the Metropolitan School of Moeio in
that city.
Harold H., one of Jno. Swarts' noted
pacers, was a winner on Tuesday of last
week at Colambae, Ohio, taking straight
heats, time, 2 min. 11 - seconds.
J. H. Beemer and daughter, Olive, at•
tended the funeral of Mrs. T. W. 1'homp•
eon o Fergus, f F ga , of Monday of leaf week.
The damaged lady woe highly esteemed,
ehe was an aunt of Mr. Beemer's.
Rev. J. H. Heotor, familiarly known as
the "Black Knight," will preaoh in the
Metbodietohurob, morning and evening,
on. Sunday, Sept. 801b, and will lecture
of the following Monday and Tuesday
J. H. Young has disposed of his floor
and feed bueineee to A. H. Carr, former•
ly of Wingham Grist Mille. John Young
will go into the hardware bueineee with
hie father, on the dissolution of the firm
of Young & Paulin.
One of the King Bros., who have been
here with horaee from Kangas, had the
misfortune to have one of his shoulders
dislocated. He was trying to oatoh a
horn and was thrown in some way with
the above result. He left for his home in
The Times says :—Thio is the year for
eleoting the County Councillors, and no
doubt Municipal matters will be more
intereeting than penal. We have not
heard any names mentioned in 000neo.
tion with this dietriot. Meagre. Stuart
and Patterson have been the represents.
tivee from the Wingham dietriot in the
County Cloonan for the past four years.
M. H. Malndoo has recovered upwards
of $100 worth of the goods that were
stolen from bie atone some months ago.
Their recovery happened in this way.
A man was stopping at one of the hotels
in Brimfield and was Belling goods,
similar to Mr. Molndoo's, in ,small lots
to varioae parties about the hotel.
Deputy Sberitl Gundry, of Goderioh,
heard of this and paid a visit to Bruce.
field, but the man had left for parts 110
known and left the goods behind him.
The artiolee were returned to Wingham
and Mr. Moindoo identified them as his
Bev. J. 0. Farthing, of Woodetook,
was in town last week on business eon -
necked with the re.arrangement of the
Atwood Anglican pariah.
The prizes in cheese at the Central
Fair, Ottawa, were as follows, and Perth
makers will be, pleased to see the district
repreeeoted among the prize winners ;
Cheese, white—let, Mee Mary Moraine,
Newry, Oot. ; 2nd, R. Elliott, Denrobia,
Ont. ; 8rd, T. B. Sellar, Laurel, Ont. ;
4111, W. A. Mair, et. Rose de Lima, P.
Q. Cheese, colored—let, F. J. Irvine,
Antrim, Ont. ; 2nd, T. B. Sellar, Laur-
el, Ont. ; 8rd, J. H Celan, Almonte, Ont.;
4th, R. Elliott, Dnnrobin, Ont. Gold
medal, epeoial prize applied to obeeee
made in Carleton county only—F. J.
Irvine, Antrim, Oot. Cheese Trnokle—
Mise Mary Morrison, Newry, Ont. ; 2nd
Robs. W. Thompson, Springbrook, Ont.
Cheese, Stilton—let, D. G. Boyd, Kars,
Ont, ; 2nd, Duncan Gumming, Russell,
Ont. A. F. MaoLaren, M. P,, of Strat-
ford, was the efficient jadge of the aheeee
at this exhibition.
STg0AaT—PELTON: A quiet wedding
was celebrated at Obrist'e oburoh, Lie -
towel, at high noon, on Wednesday, Sept.
19th, when Mies Laura, only daughter of
John and Mrs. Stewart, of Listowel, was
united in marriage to John Pelton, of
Atwood. The wedding was private,
only the immediate frieoda of the young
couple being present. The pretty bride
was attired in an elegant costume of silver
grey, with an elegant pioture hat. After
the oerem n
o y the wedding party repair-
ed to the bride's home where a wedding
breaktaet was served. Mr. and Mre.
Pelton immediately after took train for
the East on their honeymoon trip. The
bride was the recipient of some beautiful
presents, including a piano from her
father. The young couple will hold a
reopetion on their return. Their home ie
being enlarged and mealy fitted up dur.
ing their abeam. We extend the con-
of their friends and wieh
wi h
them bon voyage through life.
The Bee Saye :—As an inetanoe of the
value of the flax mill and the ea and
planing milia, whioh Mr. Forrest also
controls, there was paid out in wages
daring the past month—August—toe
sum of $1,218,85. Daring the year 1899
W. P. Forrest paid to hie workmen
08,000 in wages, moat of whioh was ex-
pended right here In Atwood. There
were 76 employing on bie pay roll daring
August. 87
men were onthesheet
kpays ee
all last Winter, whoa times are usually
the dullest for the working man. An
average of 09 men are on Mr. Forrest's
pay roll the year round. The flax orop
thisyear ie
net uto that
a1899,t the
seed here le a shrinkage Of 800 uehele
thio year compared with last. Seed out-
put for 1899, 8,700 bus, ; quantity of
flax handled this year i0 47 tone in ex.
eeee of the 1899 orop, but the. fibre ie not
quite as good. Total number of tone
handled in 1899, 600. Mr. Forrest has
already diopoeod of his ilex mod to the
ems American firm who bonght bie'
1890 seed,
Filen 1 improvement
Court of I16visio 1
PUBLIC NOTICE to hereby given of the
eliding of the Court of Revision at the '1'0100
Ball, 13ruoeela, on SIonIny, Qct.2111,, 1000.
r the hour of z n forhe h • n,
at u 8 1 t Pali 01
appAale Pursuant to the Statute In that be.
half reams, Beg the proposed oemeut sada.
walks ort the West elle of John street bP•
tweed Neythe Souta Oe El] an and 1'htr et
eft• Es • i he South e P Fiera !root
PP 0 1 0 t ala 0 o d a
orae Turnberrylh0 5 street 110 and of amid Flora
005000 ; on Ehe South sada of J.'homa0 street
between Turuberi•v and' .James stroete ; on
the South side of icing etrse(botwoen Turn,
berry and Jameestreets ; 0u the North aide
of Queen street between Princess and Albert
streets ; on the Northside of Hawke street
between 7'urnberry and Elizabeth streets.;
on the Nast aide of John street between
Thomas and end of street ; on the Raab eide
oP. Janne street between' Market and South
side lot 173; on the North aide of Market
sit set between Turnborry and Jam ea etre eta ;
on the Smut i of Ellen r
South side Ito street and the
the lands an immediaseessmenttely
of the e0b thereof meant
theaepimmo the bonedeord, pursuant
to the reports above of the tionedor, dated for
1he 011, 10 , 0000fie in
se Scut.
8th, 1000, now on file in Oho 0lerla's rHco.
The estimated post of said improvemes Cil 14
as follows :—.West 'wide et John rt rest,
8183 00 ; South Bide of Flora 0breet, 0470,00 ;
South ode of Thomasstr•oet, 0200;00; South'
Dade of. King side. 3802,!0' Nos tb tido 01
Queen street, $200.03 ;North side of Hawke
street, '0140.05 ; East aids of John street.
018200; East side of James street, 595,00;
North side of Market street, 520400 ; South
Bide of Ellen street, 580.00; payable in fif-
teen equal annual instalments of principal
and 101010et combined, ioteres0 being ab 4
p er cent, per annum and the lauds proposed
to be specially assessed therefore eousiet of
as set out in e0 beanies hereto attached,
Brueeole, Bent. 18th, 1000,
F. 8. SCOTT, Clerk.
Assessment Schedule.
West Sitio of John Street,
Lot or part
of Lot
OWNER part of
Total Ase't
04 i 100 MoNaugb ton, Lizzie 102/1008
S i 183 Blakeman, E 108/1808
184 Hay croft, Jane 804/1008
105 Meadowo,E 334/1008
186 Dennis, H 334/1668
Municipal Oorporatlou of Brussels 3861668
South Slde et Flora Street.
010 Wilson R G 264/9273
005 Ballantyne, John 194/4273
Pugh, John .104/4278
BUY Downing, 00 240/4278
3110 Martin, Wm 598/4273
307 Mo0raoken, W J 524/4273
.980 Long. John 270/4278
88 Wynn John 005/4273
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 1872/4273
South Side 0f Thomas Street.
905 Good, Mary E 528/2092
450 Cardiff, Geo 682/0393
E pt 415 Howard, Mary 268/2802
229 W 4 418—Danford, E 0 000/2892
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 604/2393
South Side of Ring Street.
102 Graham, Wm 236/3747
W pt121 Patterson, J L 125/0747
0 pt 131 Gerry, Ben 158/3747
E pt 121 Currie, Andrew 88/2747
109 Turnbull,Jae 278/2797
W 4 156 Gerry, N F 200/2747
E t 156 Livingstone, Jae 682747
Municipal Oorporation of braasele 1204/2747
North Side of Queen Street.
254 Currie Thos 274/1890
.2.02 058 Watson, Peter 528/1800
250 251 Rotel Estate 580/1890
Muniolpal Corporation of Brussels 550/1890
North Side of IGtwke Street,
404 Wynn, John 803/1574
409 Rosa, 11 J 630/1274
Municipal Corp oration of Brussels .42/1274
East Side of John Street.
400 4117 Cardiff, Geo 420/1096
458 469 Maxwell, Thee 600/1096
460 Nichola, Thos 800/1690
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 296/1690
East Stile of James Street.
172 173 Vanetone W F 060/808
Muniolpal Corporation of Brussels 208/808
North Side of Market Street.
105 W pt 124.,Frey, Fred 467/2077
E nt 124 Moore, M H 240/2677
140 Baeker Estate 412/2077
169 Stewart, W F 408/2877
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 1100/2977
South Side of Ellen Street.
101 Beaker, Rebeooa 2286
Municipal Corporation of Brussels 190/728
' more farm for sale, forty-seven acres
cleared, the balance hardwood bush. Good
orchard and a mover failing well. Buildings
good, atone foundation 1pnderbarn, atone
cellar under house. Farm is well feooed,
nearly all atraigbt rail. Possession could be
apply to uWW, time. oALLIBTDR, Westl 4 Lot
10, Oon.17, Grey, or Walton P. 0. 5.8
—South Half Lot 27, Oon. 5, Morrie
Township, within 1 mile of brussels. Dwell-
ing house , buildings and fences in good con-
dition. The lot has a spring creek on the
front and river Maitland emeses the rear.
About 60 acres timber and a you, bearing
orchard. Apply to G. A. DEADMAt1
40.11 Druggist, Brussels,.
SAra.—Lot 17, eon. 9, Township of
Grey. 100 Bores more or less. Situate 44
miles from;Biussels and 2 miles from village
of Ethel, A11 cleared exoopting 5 aoree of
hardwood bush. Buildings mud fenoee in
good repair. Good walla. All hall plowing
done. Pew and terms of .payment on ap-
plication to W. M. SINCLAIR,
29-tf Barrister, &o„ Brussels,
Consisting of the South 1 and South b.
of the North i of Lot 80, Oon .3, East Wawa -
nosh. This is an excellent stook farm,being
well supplied with good 0priug water. It is
situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of lb is under
grass. Buildings and fences are In a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given, .For all information apply to
11-tf G. F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
200 mime in the Townellip. of Grey,
Count of Unroll, being lots 10 and b
10 ; 1 mile from school, ohnenh, poet tiilloe,
store and blacksmith shop ; 2miles from
Ethel station ou • 4 milae
from m
village of
Bele •1 mile from Omega faaEory,Thisfore wellfenced, a tand well
wafered • river Maitland rune
Southeast ;Owner. 4 barge 1 good bonging
orchard driving
;largo bank otono house
with Bitch shed 1
a oodshe shoo, atone liouao and kitchen and
woodshed. e5 omiresa in grass ; 24 lacres red-
wood blah ; 26 acres in rouuh and good ced-
ar; ber anon aiaro good. cultivation. 3iou. Fox
further particulars apply to WM. FISOHER,
proprietor, Oranbrook P.O. 5-11
sale Lot 21, Cloneeseiou 10, McEill051
containing 100 acres, 80 mina cleared and
ready for Mop, boles' Well ttndordralued and
well -fanned with cedar and black ash. The
balance Is timber and pasture. There is a
small orchard and three good wells. There
is a good frame house cud wood shed, a
barn and stables 61x80 foot, also ebeop
home, pig poo, implement house and all
other ue000eary Out bendinge. Itis 14 miles
East of the North gravel road and is eon-
veniont to eobools, ohuroheo, poet oMee,..ete,
Is 74 Miles from Soalorth and 10 Miles from
Brueool8 It Is one of the beet forme in
the tewhshi 1, and will bo Sold on crony terms
as the proprietor Wiebee to retire. Apply
on the premises or adareoe wiuthrop P, 0.
Security � �i'I
There be a gratifying sense of security and satisfaction in buying
in this store. It le !Mown good, are .just as represented to be and all
goods are reliable,
Thie etore le adding to its ouetomers daily, attraoted by the 0tlra0tive'
netts of the store, !to eplendld appointments and its very eomplebe etoolte.
The high artlsta° ohmmeter of the goods, and the eXelug.ivetlees in many
Tines, make it a store that becomes inoroasiogl9 the favorite p1500 for Fine
Dress Roods, Mantles, iblillinery and the Choicest For bloods. Our:
Dress Goode Department bristles with all the newest clothe in all the
wanted oolora. We Dao please the most fastidious.
DIY —New Plaids, for skirts and ooatum es in o iel'e hair °ffeete very
etylirb,. at 50o, 750 Sod 01. an a
—N.,w Plaids, in emootb fioieh, for skirts, 75o and $1,
d —New Plain Cheviot Buitinge, 42 inobee wide, in grey, brown, belittler
I i01)— New navy and bank Coating Se
rge, all wool, heavy weight,
42mixed and blank, special 50o.
inobee wide, a snap at 40o,
—New Homespuoe, 52 inobee wide, in Oxford grey, brown' and
heather mixed, for ekirte and oostumee, at 750.
—Heavy all wool Hotnespune, 50 !tabes wide, in a variety of cohere,
at $L.00.
—New Poplins, in blank and navy, at 50o and 76o.
�""GREA T �
Clearing Sale
Great Clearing Sale of
For the Next 30 Days we offer our entire
Stock at Big Reductions in Prices.
Call and see the Bargains we are offering in
Overcoats and Men's Long Boots and Shoes.
'ice--FrZ'H E' L.
Important to Breeders and Horsemen.
Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and speedy
remedy for
oto., eta., in
•4, Horses and
Lump Jaw,
,'>-- in Cattle.
aon "See
whioh oomplee every bote,vi"
scientific treatment in the various diseases.
It can be used inevery ease of veterinary
practice where etimulatin applications and
blisters are presoribed. It has no 00Pgnlon.
Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satis-
faction. Price 750 per bottle. sold by all
druggists and o0untry storekeepers, Pre-
MEDIOINE 00MPANY, London, Ont,
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tasted FREE by
latest Optioal methods at
Division Court Office,
System ito ovatoi'
—4200 028812—
For Impure, Weak and Impoveriebed
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon.
Gumption, Gall Stones, Jaondioe, Kidney
sod Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manntaoturer.
Sold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, 900'ne e's
British Columbia
Ped Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels e
� s P1an:ng Mills
Alio Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on band or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Fneniehed for all
kinds bf Buildings• Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
At A. Per Cent.
Costs of Loan
Very Reasonable.
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
3021010010, dc,
Office over Standard Bank,
If you want a new Wheel,
Wo 1drefer a Second
p .
Hander or require repairs of
any kind he can supply you
and at pricesthat will please.
Agent for the Canadian Express bo, by
which line yon should do your bugi-
nose. A specialty made. of
moneyy order business.