The Brussels Post, 1900-9-27, Page 5SR USS] POST THE MYSTERIOUS CRIME E ' IIii1 ON 'THE S,S. NE 0114.FTFft 1X. Bu nnetsse ;being eoncluded, ae a ran - t1,18.81 WOO; plaasnne followed, and 610,Ong hati. iwnelteon with Foster at "Tho Excelsior," at club nancb fre- quented by rifting young men, Ron• aid took leave of the barrister, and went oft to tris hotel, there to atek tuna himself for an afternaan call/ It milg]tt have been the fusilier' a s to beuom,a ilaeS tibrt Poet for l veno , � , Jingly negligent in their df pass tbeer tines in wrifin. alias to Ohloe and Lyth `�DCHLIN to name to objet& OF—' Hones, but nowaday cd. Shreply04 D ORGAN, 9NT• (wit, wears • *• a N RT CU NINGHAM^ 1NeaseNaE, FIRE AND MARINE, ' GUELPH. MISS SARAN LOUISE MOORS, I-. '0. M.. Academic graduate'oi London Conserva- tory of Muete, also Member of the Aseoeisted Musiolane of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction ou the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of Musca. - Brussels,. Ontario, A LEX. HUNTER— li Olerlr of the Fourth Divielon Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loam rand Insurance Agent ; Auction. Ger. Funds inveeted and to"loan, Oolleo- tions made. OMioe in Graham'elBI0ck, Brea - sale.. AUCTIONEERS. 1S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• . unit, will sell for bettor prices,to better men in lees time and lees (Merges than any other Auctioneer hi East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and. orders can always be arranged at tole o01oe or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (EODEIyn0Y OS snarfOreval DENTIST. Graduate of R. 0,D 6., Toronto ; Post Grad. nate course at Basket's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. teirPrioes same as in surrounding towns. 21 - Moo over A. B. Smi th'e. store, B ruesels, VETERINARY. T D. 'WARWICK— tJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is preparedt0 treat all Ms - eases of domesticated animals ;in a coronet.. oat manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Oal a promptly at. tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. •VVM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, +Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Of6ce—S tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel.• Solicitor for the Standard Bank. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Roth/nor, &o. Office over Stand- ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels, Money to Loan at lowest rates. MG. CAMERON— . (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh Ont. Ot11ce—Hamilton street, opposite cal. borne Hotel, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, TLyYD., C. 01.,TTrinity 0 lllogo,MembertOo 1 Fellow of mPhysicians and Snrgeone, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col - loge of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh, ta"Telephoee No.14, Eeeb enoe—M11 street, Brueeele. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, 1'1tYSI01AN, 01310000N AND d000noNEDi, (Successor to Dr. F.le, Nalblelech) M. D. Bellevue Hospital Mod. Col., New York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron- to ; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of women, eye, ear,nose and throat. 19-tf D. F. SMITH, M; D. O. M.. Graduate o1 afcaill College, Montreal, &., &o. All specialty work eatiefaotorily treat. ed. Odice upetairs in the Stratton Block. Oflloe hours, 0 to 12 a, nr., and 7 to 10 p. m, Specialist work, such as for eye, oar, throat, &o.. in the aloe at bis reeidenoe, Elizabeth street, from 2 to.0 p m. All modrotnes will bedispensed personally by the De. or under his direct supervision. Patents Glnaranteed. Our fee returned if we fail. Auy one send- ing 'Metall and deeoription of any invention Will on. earning romptpatentabl our f same. Erle o btubl,the est" sent upy on ere u,'glow t. o ante g a putout" cont uadn rtised f Pal• at our expad through esnt oaken ufor sale at out lvo 0000 i*nton 0 taken out through lie rrin PA ince In 000228, without charge w Trot PATm7T jour0 an illustrated and li. widely circulatedrdlav store., consulted by Mum copyum and d reset VI, Send for sample copy mum, Address VICTOR J. EVAN S. &. Co„ (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, Washington, D, O. ENT l2Rl. flLL c 1,,,!Ir 1 ( , •II Gatfcpi) �, OYril�l� Send for one of one Catalogues and be convinced that we are .doing the best work in bu0inees edueetion in Canada to. day. Enter now if possible. IV. X. ELLIOTT, Principal, mess oUegle, t0,1Lo 04 vo:oco,rmpANY IN ONTARIO, Mutt the F o ushee endmmeraal train• ranohae of Commproial work, wore, l u„sO hbber y lea, than regular eaten a I, 'fnformatipn ApplythaVitto ntle or College over 1set Onion f" L, HARTT. ,�LISTOwEI,,, P1tIN0IPAL, x • 4 F3L.t t1►, Blyth fair will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oet, 0th and 1001. Dr. J. N, Perdue will oondnot a sale stable inoonnootion with hieIieery, 114oliinnon & Co. are having the ex- terior of their state repainted. Tile present store front will be, taken out and replaced bya late lees one. p P g Itev, Wm. J. Stone, misOlonary et Ringlet, B, 0., will preaoh in the ,Blyth Methodist obaroh on Sunday, Both inet, Goae i•i(ele. James Hoggarth had his hand badly injured in a taw et the harbor saw mill, Mies Ella Pieher has gone to Saginaw, Mich., where she will make an extended' visit. A. J. Dickson 'tee left to resume hie medioul etudiee at MoGIII University, Montreal. . Hamlink'e evaporator baa commenced work and a large stuff of Banda ie em ployed. Sanford evaporator also is at work, Will. Dietrioh has gone to Graven - burst, where be has a position in the office of Miokle, Dyment & Son, lumber dealers. The paeeengere for Goderioh on the Mr. Pitteburg'e lest trip are Indignant at being carried past t0 Kincardine, where they were detained over two days. TO OPBRATO Tura BIO MILL,—A special meeting of the connoil was held to re - calve a proposition from Alex. Megaw, who is forming a company to porohaee and operate the Ogilvie mill. All the members were present. Mr. Megaw ad- dressed the council and ,explained what be proposed to do and what improve. meats he intended to make to the mill, including its refitting throughont with; np•to-date machinery. He asked for exemption from taxers and free water. The council paeeed a resolution favoring the submitting of a by-law granting the the proposed company exemption from taxes for ten years, the company to guarantee tbe.ontput of the mill to be not less than 200;000 barrels per annum. It was also resolved that the company ebould be furnished with water on the eame terms ars other manufaotnriee, namely, at the aotual Dost of pumping. The law now requires that a by-law, granting exemption from taxation, eball reactive the assent of two•thirde of the voters on the list. To save expense, and also to b,ing out a large number of voters, the voting on the bylaw will probably be delayed until the manioipal elections at New Year's. In the mean• time, it is understood, Mr. Megaw will go ahead and prosecute his plane, which will restore what was on0e one of Gode. riob'e most prominent indaot, iee. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers—Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and clay, oaring indigestion, bit. hominess, constipation, siok headache and all etomaob, liver and bowel troubles. Only 25o at G. A. Deadman'e drug store. Liitetow el. B. F. Brook ie taking a holiday trip in New York State. Dr, Peroy Wilson, of this town, has settled in Houghton, Michigan, where he is opening an offiee for praotioe. Merentou AL.—The marriage of Joseph W. S. Meyers, goo of J. S. Meyers, of Lis• towel, to Mies Loniee, daughter of the late John Livingston, and niece of Jamee Livingeton, M. P„ laden, took place at noon, Wednesday, Sept. 19th, at tbe reel. deooe of the bride's mother, Listowel, Rev. S. S. Hardie, of the Presbyterian church, seeieted by Rev. H. Irvine of. &dating. The reeidenoe was decorated with palms, ferns, pink end white asters and smilax. Tbe bride wore a handsome gown of cream dnoheoee satin, the bodice being trimmed with French folds and the yoke of silk applique and shirred moaoeeline de Bole, finished with a berthe of exquisite duolreese point lane, caught up on the left side with orange blossoms and lily of the valley, and a shirred boa of mousseline de Bole finiebed with a fluffy pleating, The skirt had a long, French train, with fano of aoaordeon pleated mousseline at intervals, altogoth• er having a very graceful and charming effect. The bridal veil was of Frenob tulle, naught up on the face with the regulation orange bloeeome and lily of the valley. The bride was given away by her brother, Peter Livingston. Miee B. Livingston, sister of the bride, and Mies Pearl McGill, of Simooe, aoted ae brideemaide, while the groom wan sup. ported by hie brother, Homer Meyers. FALL Fan.—Listowel was favored with a good day, Wedneeday, Sept. 19, on which to hold its annual fair, whioh was well attended by the people from the surrounding dietrict8. While the show. ing of heavy draught bones wee not equal to the exhibits to be seen at some of the faire held recently in the central part of the oounty, yet those on exhibition were of a good stamp, and homers of the oarrigge claw were well represented. Harry Zinn, a largo prize winner at the Toronto exhibition, bad some good specimens in the oarriage ola80. Wm. Murdook, of Palmerston, had two flue roadetere on exhibition, The exhibit of eheep was rather small. Oxfords, Lrioeetere and Shropshire's represented. J. were the breedsp W. Smith oarried off most of the prizes in While nates Trim and 1'. e fore w aJ Nw Ux d, 4 biggiog were the principal oompetitore in the Shropshire olaee. The showing of bogs was also email, but there was a good exhibition of poultry. The display inside the building wag handsome and well arranged. 0. A. Lee, of Listowel, bad a good exhibition of cabinet and lifesize photographs. The Morrie piano manufaalory, of Listowel, had a few beautiful instruments on exhibition and the Hell Piano and Organ Co Of Goal also mada w ooi Wowing with acs 6 of their pboioe produotiene, The Tndbopo Carriage Oct. of ()tibia, hada fele Hued exhibit of iiret.olaee elnter0 and buggip5, Amonget the ar.tioleo exhibited wale e oombinetion 00gen and 0ei0, Ib wag so 0509trnuted tbet by the aid of n prank the wheel, could be raised trent the ground and the vehipie waiild then rest on ite runners. It would be serviceable in the Spring of the Year when the roads are bare in pieoes and oavored deep with snow in others, The 'owner of snob a vehicle woeld be at all times prepared to roads of all kinds, It be msnutaotur• ed in Preston, Ont, On the grounds there was no eearoity of fakirs and wheel. of -fortune men, but their field wee not is very wide one, the publics being tired of this hind of diversion.. MaTEillop, A 0oart of Revieion wee held in Jones' Hail on Sept. 14, His Honor Judge Meeeon on the appeal of John McMillan, M, P., to have names added to yotero' List added 10 names. Towesna Oomemr.—Council met iu. Jonee' Hall, Leadbury, on Monday, Sept. 1711,, Members all present. A letter wee read from Time, D, Hays requeating Council to pay $150,00 now dna 'Puaker- 'mith Agricultural Society as voted by the ratepayers. The Clerk wee author ized to draft a By-law for next meeting of Oounoil authorizing she peeve and Treaeurer to pay $15000 ae a grant to the Tuokeremitb tgrioniturel Sooiety. The Clerk was authorized to accept the collectors bonds with the same moiety ae previous years, and .also to notify W. Smith, Walton, to remove rubbish be deposited op boundary of Grey and Mo Killop roadway ae it causes horsee to shy and may amuse damage. Accounts were paeeed and paid amounting to 0675.- 78. 0( this $188 00 was for gravel and $85.00 for repaire to Roxboro' bridge. Counoil adjourned to meet in Jones' Hall, Leadbury, on Monday, Sept. 15, at 1 o'olook, p. m. JNO. Monism, Clerk, 110 The Jaws o1•a Lion. The gallant Major Swaine tells of be. ing knooked Oenseless by a lion that lacerated hie arm. His thrilling escape from the jaw's of death is only equalled •by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption, whish has saved thousands from desperate throat and lung troubles. "All doctors said my wife would anon die of Consumption," writes L. 0. Over. Street, of Elgin, Tenn., "but your wonder. fel medicine completely cured her, and saved her life," Satisfaction is guaran• teed by G. A. Deadman, who gives trial bottles free. Large bottles 50o and $1.00. 00111 ton. James Ford and Peter McNeil have bought the business oarried on in Clinton by Mr. Cage, Installer, of Seaforth. John MoCool, engineer at the foundry, met with a painful accident. He was cleaning a grove for a pattern when it fell off tbe trusses and on to his foot, and es it weighed sevenbyfive ponndeit ceas- ed considerable pain. The annual Collegiate Institute sports will be held in the Park on Friday, Sept. 28th, at 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. Besides the annual sports, a football match will be played between Goderioh and Clinton Collegiate Institute teams for silver medals. John Henry, who went to Rosedale, Man„ a short time ago and secured land there, has been very unfortunate indeed. He bad a fairly good Drop and the out. look was bright, but a hail storm destroy. ed the entire orop, leaving him absolutely nothing. The adjourned meeting of the Com mittee appointed by the Council and that of the Publio Library met and arrived at a decision regarding the improvements in front of the Memorial Hall. The plan submitted by Conn. aerobe was agreed to —part of the grounds to be sodded, with granolithio walks, and the remainder filled in with fine gravel. E.Oantelon is oonsidered a very good shot and oan stand up against the fastest oompany of araokemen with the riga. He attended a shoot at the Rueoh house grounds, Detroit, and Dame away with a good many prizes, Out of 13 events be was suooeeeful iu nine. .The prizes were eomewbat small owing to the great nom• ber of experts in attends/nee. Ed. moue. ed over $80 and a vase 00 a trophy. - Intimation was unexpeotedly received by relatives here that Douglas Alexander, eldest son of the late Rev. Dr. A. D. Mo. Donald, (formerly of Clinton and Sea. forth) had died in Winnipeg hospital on Sept„ 15. There has been no news re- ceived whatever ae to the particulars re. grading his death. He wits city traveller for a large wholesale house there, and was very popalar. He was known ae a clever laoroeee player, being is member of the noted Winnipeg team which has an enviable name everywhere. This death makes the fifth in the family—two sons and a daughter some years ago, the father in Detroit on May 12th, and now the eldest of the seven eons, The remains were interred in Winnipeg Cemetery. The six remaining membero of this eeti. mawho ' ble family, w o are well known w to this locality, are Jamee, in the Northwest ; Robert, in Windeor ; David and William, in Detroit ; Mre. Rev. Dickie, of Orange- ville, and their mother, Mrs. McDonald, Mao of Orangeville. 14eaiowth. H. Clarkson hoe been appointed assist. ant teaoher In the John Street night sobool in Toronto. Sam. Dickson left for Toronto on Wednesday of last week, where he will reaume bia studies at Oegoodo Hall. Tbe annual Fall exhibition ander the auepioes of the Tuokeremith Branch Agrionitnral Soofety will be held here on Thursday and Friday of this week. HSuoNBAn. — The merriage of Mise Nettie, youngest daughter of D. D. Wil• eon, to Arthur Bogner Sampson, of the Dominion Bank, Montreal, and formerly of the Seaforth brenob, took place at "Ingleside,„ the reeidenoe of the bride's father, in Seaforth, on Wednesdayof last week. The oeremony was perfrm. ed at 1 o'olook by Rev. Colin Fletoher, of the Thames Road, assisted by Rev. F. H. Larkin, in the presence of a targe number of gueete, inoludiog Irian& from Toronto, London, Mount Forest, Walker. ton and Brunie. The brideemaide were Mies Margaret Wilson and Mies Bertha Sampson, of Toronto, anti the groomsman, Edgar Sampson, of Toronto, while Miss Nettie Wileon, niece of the bride, was the pretty little maid. The bride was given away by ber father, and Mies Helen Witton played the wed, ding morph, After w tempting wedding luncheon, Mist( BOO, of Moab4 yawl, p , delighted the gueete with two excellent vol eolos, Mr. and Mrs, Sampson left on the 8 o'elook train, amid a e110w00 of rine and $ewers, The many friende of these pannier young people will extend their very bast wishes for the future happineee of Mr, and Mrs. Sampson, They will reside in Montreal. An .will event was teneered B. Sampeon, Montreal, ttt the Grip Gouge, Tneeday evening, the 18th, on the eve of ble marriage to Mise Nettie, the youngeet daughter of D, D. Wilson, of Seafortb. Mr. Sampvan name ter Sea. forth some 7 years ago upon the 090101119 of the Dominion batik in this town, and resided here for a period of some 5 Tears leaving here for the Beet,' A very plena. uta 0000ing was spent by those present who all vied with one another 10 express ing their beet wishes for all happiness to the guest and his future wife. The banquet broke up at an early hour by singing "God save the Queen.” S�iptrttnart. Mrs. W. H. Green ie ill with typhoid fever. Peter. Flatter, jr„ left for Denver,, Oo for ado, Wingham's Fall Fair on Thursday and Friday of thio week. Mrs. Beemer was in Exeter visiting her mother who is not in ilia beet of health• Mics Delia Sperling, A, T. 0. M., left far New York, to take a Teacher's coarse at the Metropolitan School. of Music in that afty. Harold H., one of Joe. Swart' noted pacere, was a winner on Tuesday of last week at Columbus, Ohio, taking straight heats, time, 2 min. 11j: seconds. J. H. Beerner and daughter, Olive, at. tended the funeral of Mrs. T. W.'Thomp• eon, of Term, on Monday of last week. The deceased lady was highly esteemed, she was an aunt of Mr. Beemer'e. Rev. J. H. Hector, familiarly known as the "Blank Knight," will preach in the Methodist ohuroh, morning and evening, on Sunday, Sept.BOtb, and will lecture on tbe following Monday and Tuesday evenings, J. H.Young bee disposed of hisflour and feed businese to A. H. Carr, former. ly of Wingham Grist Mille. John Young will go into the hardware business with Ms father, onthe dissolution of the firm of Young & Paulin. One of the King Bros., who have bean hers with borne from Kaneae, bad the misfortune to have one of hie shoulders dieloeated. He was trying to. Satoh a horse and MB thrown en some way with the above result. He left for his home in Kansas. The Times eaye :—This is the year for electing the County Oounoillore, and no doubt riloniaipai matters will be more interesting than nsual. We bave not beard any names mentioned in comma. tion with this district. Mame, Stuart and Patterson have been the represents. tiveo from the Wingham district!) in the County Council for the past four years. M. H, Molndoo has recovered upwards of $100 worth ot the goods that were stolen from his at0re some months ago• Their recovery happened in this way, A mac was stopping at one of the hotels in Brnaefietd and was selling goode, similar to Mr. MoIndoo'e, in email Iota to variooe parties about the hotel. Deputy Sheriff Gundry, of Goderioh, heard of this and paid a visit to Bruce. field, bat the man had left for parte un• known and lett the goods behind him. The artiolee were returned to Wingham and Mr. Molndoo identified them as hie property. Atwood. Rev. J. 0. Farthing, of Woodstock, was in town Not week on bneineee 00n- neoted with the rearrangement ot the Atwood Anglican parish. The prizes in oheeee at the Central Fair, Ottawa, were as follows, and Perth makers will be pleased to sae the district represented among the prize winners : Cheese, white—let. Miee Mary Morrieon, Newry, Ont. ; 2nd, R. Elliott, Dunrobin, Ont. ; 3rd, T. B. Seller, Laurel, Ont. ; 4tb, W. A. Muir, 8t. Rose de Lima, P. Q. Cheese, oolored- let, F. J. Irvine, Antrim, Ont. ; 2nd, T. B. Seller, Laur- el, Ont. ; 8rd, J. H Conn, Almo0te, Ont. ; 4th, R. Elliott, Dourobfn, Ont. Gold medal, epeoial prize applied to obeeee made in Oarleton county only—F. J. Irvine, Antrim, Ont, Cheese Truckle— Miss Mary Morrison, Newry, Ont. ; 2nd Robb. W. Thompson, Springbrook, Ont. Cheese, Stilton—let, D. G. Boyd, Kars, Ont. ; 2nd, Minoan Cumming, Russell, Ont. A. L', MooLaren, M. P., of Strat- ford, was bhe eifioient judge of the cheese 'at this exhibition. STBwAIIT—PELTON.— A quiet wedding was celebrated at Christ's oharoh, Lis. towel, at high noon, on Wednesday, Sept. 19th, when Mies Laura, only daughter of John and Mre. Stewart, of Listowel, was united in marriage to John Pelton, of Atwood. The wedding was private, only the immediate friends of the young couple being present. The pretty bride 0005 attired in an elegant misname of silver grey, with an elegant picture hat. After the ceremony the wedding party repair. ed to the bride's borne where a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Pelton immediately after took train for the Eaet on their honeymoon trip. The bride was the recipient of some beautiful presents, inoluding a piano from her father. The young couple will hold a reopetion on their return. Their home is being enlarged and nicely fitted up dur• log their abeenae. We extend the 000• gretulations of their Wanda and wish them bon voyage through life. The Bee says :—Aa an instance of the value of the fax mill and the saw and planing mills, which Mr. Forrest also controls, there was paid out in wages during the posh month—August—the gum of $1,218.85. During the year 1899 W. F. Forrest paid to bio workmen $8,000 in wages, most of which was ex. pended right here in Atwood. There were 76 employees on hie pay roll during An net. 8 011 he a sheet 7 men worethe all last Winter, when times areeusually the dullest for the working man. An average of 68 men are on Mr. Forreet'e pay roll the year round. The flax crop thisyear t that 8 in its no up to ha of 1 99, the teed there is a shrinkage of 800 bushels this year compared with last. Seed out. put for 1899, 8,760 bus.; quantity of fax handled thfe year is 47 tone in ex. case of the 1890 crop, bat the fibre is not quite as good. 'Total number of tons handled in 1899, 000. 1131. Forrest bag already disposed of his flax seed to the same American firm who bought hie 1809 geed, Local Improvement Cou,Tt of Revasno I PUBLIC NOTIOE` ie hereby given of We statism of the Court of Revision at the Teem Hall, ieresesle, on Mendes', Oet 1610,1900.' at the hour 018 p• nl, for the hearing 00 appeals pursuant to the Statute In thee be. hail rupee ting the proposed oelnout• side. wulke On the Wosb aide of John elreet be - tweets Nooth sides of Ellen and 71,00180 Strange ; on the South elite of Dlora street horn Tur•nborry 06reet to end of -said Flora street ; On the South pipe of Thomas stree6 between Tun/berry and James fitment ; on the South side of King areal; between Turn - berry and. Jamee etre04e nn the North side of Queen street between llrinoeee and Albert streets ; on the North side of Hawke street between Turnberryand 81112taboih streets l an the Emit side of John streetbetweeu. ''ebonies and end of atreet ; on the Haat aide of James street between Market a0d South• side lob 178; 00 the North aide of Market 8t1eeb between Turnberry and James etreet s ; on the South elite of Ellen atreet and the • spovial aeeosement of the coat thereof upon the lands immediately benefitted, pnreuant to the reports of the 'Engineer, dated for the lint one above mentioned streets Seek. 8th, 1900, vow on file in the . Olerit'e ril.ce, The oelimated'oosb 01 Bald lmproveme:,t. 1* ae. follows 1 -,West side of John street, 8189.00 ; Smith aide of Flora Street, $47000 ; South side of Thomas street, 020300 ; rloutb Side of Hing' side, 980210 ; No,th tide of Queen street 5208.00 ; Norh side of Hawke street, 0140,00; East side of John street. 919500 ; East side of James street, 895.00 ; North ide of Market street, 5204 00 ; Seutli side of Ellen street, 080.00; payable to el - teen equal annual instalments of principal and interest combined, interest being at 4 p er cent. per annum and the laude proposed to be specially assessed therefore consist of es set out in sohedulee hereto attached, Brueeele, Seyt,18th, 1900. F. S. SOOTT, Clerk. Assessment Schedule. 'West Side ee Jahn Street. Lot oo part. OWNER of Lot Fractional. part of Total Ase't 14 41311 MaNaugh ton, Lizzie 309/1009 R 193 Blakeman, l] 108/1008 194 939/1008 B'.aparuft, June 186 100 Meadows,E Deonia,834/1108 H 814/10;8 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 100/1068 South Side Of FIOra Street. Oro Wileou, R G 204/9273 096 Ballentyne,Jobu 194/4373 004 Pugb, Jelin 104/9278 609 Downing, E 296/4273 906 Martin. Wm 608/4273/4273 389 887 onraoken, W 2 Long,624John 276/4278 39 14ynn John 006/4273 Municipal corporation of Brussels 197.•/4273 South Side of Thomas Street. 400 Good, Mary 12 529/0393 468 Cardif, Geo 632/•2993 FI pt 413 Howard, Mory ?68/2302 226 N ,,11 4t3Dnnford, E O 000/3893 Diuniafpat 000)0ratonof Bre seals 604/2392 South 832c 00 long Strait. 102 Graham, Wm 398/2797 W pt121 Patterson, J L 126/2747 C pt Ll Gerry Ben 188(3747 E p0221 Currie, Andrew 008/274? ]39 Turnbull. Jae 76/2747 W 166 Gerry, N F 260/2747 E 760 Livingetone, Jaz 5812747 Municipal corporation of Brussels 1244/2747 North Side of Queen Street, 264 Currie Thos 274/1800 202 258 Watson, Peter 628/1690 250 361 Rose Estate 590/1890 Municipal Corporation of Brueeele 102/1806 North 6110 of Hawke Street. 404Wynn,John 902/1274 906Boee, hi J 690/137.1 Municipal Corp oration of Brussels 442/1274 hast Side or JOU/ Street. 400 977 ...... ,OardlB, Geo 420/1696 908 469 Maxwell, Tboe 320/1696 400 Niahcie, Thoe 5001000 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 296/1096 East Side of James Street. 172 173 Vanstone lv F 660/908 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 208/808 North Side of Market Street. 106 W pt 104Frey, Fred 457/2677 E142 01 l.4 M, M H 24012677 BaekarooreEstate 4212/-677 169 Stewart, W F 408/2677 Municipal Corporation of Bruesale 1160/2677 Sonih Side of Ellen Street, 151 Booker, Rebecca 150/728 Municipal Corporation of Brussels 192/748 REAL ESTATE. I1 ARM FOR SALE.—FIFTY Gore farm for sole, forty -•oven acres cleared, the balance hardwood birth. Good orchard and a never failing well. Buildings good, atone foundation lander barn, atone oellar under house. Farm i9 well fenced, nearly all straight rail. Possession could be given at coy time. For further' particulars apply to W. 2. MOALLISTEB, West 8 Lot 10, Con.17, Grey, or Walton P. 0. 6•e -RAM FOR SALE -100 AORES A. —South Half Lot 27, Con. 5, Morris Township, within 1 mile of Brussels. Dwell- ing house, buildings and teams in good eon• Mien. The lot has a goring creek on the front and river Maitland Drosses the roar. About 60 acres timber and a young bearing orchard. Apply to G. A. DEAMIAN, 40-01 Druggist, Brussels, RIRST • OLASS FARM FOR SAr,s. Lot 17, con. 9, Township of Grey, 100 acres more or lees. Situate 44 miles lrom;Btuesals and 2 miles from village of Ethel. Alt clearest excepting 6 sores of hardwood bush. Bulidinga and fences in good repair. Good wells. All Fall plowing done. Price and terms of payment on ap- plioation to W. 81. SINCLAIB 29.11 Barrister, &o., Brussels. I1ARM FOR SALE. -100 AORES Ooneiatiug of the South t and South t of the North 1 of Lot 30, 000.2, East Wawa - nosh, This is an exoellent stook farm,befng well supplied with good spring water. Itis situated about 8 miles from the thriving vil- lage of Blyth. A large pant of it is under grease. Buildings and fences are in a fair state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11 -Jif G. F, BLAIR, Barrister, Brunnef&. RINE FARM FOR SALE. - 200 acres in the Township of Grey, of Huron bele, lots 10 end e,10 ; 1 mile from school,church, post1a atom and blacksmith shop ; 2 miles from Ethel station ; 4 miles from village of Brue. this ; 1 mile from cheese factory. This farm ie wall fancied, well uudordrained and wall watered • river Maitland rune through Southeast corner, 4 acres of good hearing orchard ; large bank barn with straw shod ; a driving shed atone house and kitchen and woodshed. 00 aorea in gra0e • 24 acres hard- wood bush ; 25 aorea in rough aid good ocul- ar' balance under good onitvation. For Author parttoulare apply to WM. FIS01HER, proprietor, Oranbrook 1 O. 8.4f ARD! R T t FOR Lot 91, Concession8000 10, McKillop, and readyt for 100, mama, o surds cleared and ready fo w being well dud/mined ash, and weholoselfenced with radar and bleire. astir The s holmium is timber and a good There is e small orchard and throe good wools, There is a good fraise hones sand wood abed, , v. a• barn and stables O1x80 feet, oleo sheep 'moue, pig pen, implement house and all other neoeesary out buildings. It fa 14 miles tenet of the North itravelmad and is .con- venient to wheels, oburches, poet oflloe ole. Is 74 milers irOm Seaforth and 10 miles from Brussels. It is ono of the best farina 1u the township and will be gold oneasy tering lie the proprietor wioboe to retire. Apply on the neendi 00 or address Winthrop P. 0, WM, 81 014111 8 0 54, Security in, Buying ! atom I Al It 1 There ie a gratifying sense of security and oatisfantion in buying. in this atore, It 10 ;mown goode are just as represented to be and all goads are re•iable. This store is adding to its ouetomers daily, attracted by the abtraotive. nese of the store, its epiendid appointments and its very oomplete stooks, The high artistic uharaoter of the goode, and lite exolueivencee fn many 1icee, melte 1t a store that becomes increasingly the favorite place for Flue Dress Needs, Nnntle3, 0IlllilrOry and the Chooboo9t 0''ur Geode. Our Dress Goode Department bristleswithall thenewest clothe in all the wanted colors. We ono please the mostfaetidioas. —New Pleide, for alrirte and oostumee, in camel's hair effects, very stylish, at 60o, 75o and $1. —New Plaids, in emooth finish, for oklrt0, 75o and $1, —New Plain Cheviot Suitinge, 42 inobee wide, in grey, brown, heather mixed and bleak, special 600, N- ew navy and blank Coating Serge, all wool, heavy weight, 42 inches wide, a ens t P a 40a. e brown n and --New Homes one 52 i Lohse wide,in Oxford r ow 1, Pgrey, heather mixed, for skirts and ostumes, et 75a. —Heavy all wool Homospans, 66 fnohes wide, in a variety of colors, at$ 1.00. — New Poplins, in bleok and navy, at 500 and '750. MoKINNON & Co., BLYTH rr `1I ��GREA 7 ---°"°- Clearing Sale Great Clearing Sale of BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, GENERAL DRY GOODS WALL PAPERS. . . . For the Next 30 Days we offer our entire Stock at Big Reductions in Prices. Call and see the Bargains we are offering in Overcoats and Men's Long Boots and Shoes. W. Beatty & Co., P—Li'rI'HT4tL_ Spectacles Important to Breeders and Horsemen, V Eurekaterinary Caustic Balsam. e A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splints, Spavins, Sweeney, etc., eto., in Horses and Lamp Ja --jw, in Cattle. TRADE Dalin 'See pamph- let whioha000mpaniee every bottle, giving scientific treatment in the various diseases." It oan be used in every ease of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are preeoribed. It hoe no 507ERIOR. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to tree eerie faction, Price 750 per bottle. Sold by all druggists and country storekeepers. Pre- pared by b Tan HOREB& VETERINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, London. Out, —OF ALL HINDS— Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Byes tested FREE by latest Optioal methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS. 17cLEOD'S System Renovator —AND 07008— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoveriehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleeenese, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Near- nigie, Loeg of Memory, Bronohitia, Con. enmption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold. by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND,— North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT malt Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns cm band or made to order at Short Notioe, Estimates Furnished for all kinds bt Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMVIENT, MONEY TO LOAN At 41,4 Per Cent. Costs of Loan Very Reasonable. Liberal Terms of Re -payment. G. F. BLAIR, SOLICITOR, So. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. COUSEY'S BICYCLE EMPORIUM IS THE TALK OF THE COUNTRYSIDE. If you Waist a new Wheel, orul e n w•o d prefer a Second p . Hander or require repairs of any kind he can supply you and at prices that will please you. Agent for the Canadian Express Co. by which line you should do your bud. nese. A specialty made of money order business, A. COUSLEY, L1IQAllit )3L0oii.