The Brussels Post, 1900-9-27, Page 4Elyt 'til to 'got
THURSDAY, SIP, 57, 1000.
any QQ111344.1 1SIeetiaVi
The Munioipal Ooaap11 of the Town.
chip of Grey, stet et the Tpwpehip hall,
September 7th, 1900, pnreoent 'tri ed,
jotlrnment. Membere were all present,
lieeVe in the ()hair. Mlnutee or lest
Mr, Biair's Great 8uooess. meeting were reed and passed, adeved
The briilrant eeooeee that, has crowned
Don. A. G. illair's management of the
Interoolonial Railway, as we reoently
Wilted out, le the moving oauae for the
d upon
a ks made m p
m Isvoienn or the o
him by the more degraded portion of the
Tory prose, The independentpeels, and
even some journals of Tory Maumee and
proclivities have folly aoknowledged the
superb business ability, the wide and en.
lightened polioy, and the Iirm and steady
grasp with wbioh Mr. Blair has taken
the Interoolonial in hand and lifted it
out of an unhealthy political atmpepbere
wbere it was need as a corrupting influ-
ence, run ata flnanoial lose, apd feebly
serving its purpose as a oemmeroial
artery, into tbe plane of a great highway
of commerce between the Upper and
Lower Provinces, and a revenue producer
to the general treasury instead of a
deficit eyeeore to the body politic. This
aaoountafor the persistency with wbioh,
in spite of Mr. Blair's entailing proofs to
the oontrary, the reptile press keeps on
yelping about an alleged corrupt and
losing bargain with the Galena 011 Co.
for the supply of labrioating oils. The
by Robert Tlivingetonp, esoonded b
Isaao Lake, that George Oliver be paid
the gum of $409.00 on Contract of Croy.
dement Drain No, 2 and outlet, as per
17ngineer'e certificate.— Carried. The
Englneer'e report on the drain to be
known as the Hall dram reei e
wag o v d,
and it was moved by Adam Turnbull,
0000nded by Isaac Lake, that the Clerk
notify all parties aeseesed for said drain,
of the amount of thein assessment apd
that the Engineer's report will be read
and considered on the 15th day of Odra
her next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.—
Oarried. Peter Sioolair complained that
Samuel Donu's fence on the side road at
lot 15, eon. 13, was out on the road al•
lowanoe and notified. the Oounoil to take
Steps bo have said fenoe removed. Moved
Jared MoDonald,aeoondad b
Livingstone, that the Reeve and Adam
Turnbull go and examine said fence and
report at next meeting,—Carried. Mob,.
ed by Robert Livingstone, seconded by
Jae. McDonald, that No, 153,
known as the Peet Drain be read
it third time and finally passed,—Carried.
Moved by Matto Lake, seoonded by Adam
Turnbull, that both colleobors be re ap•
pointed for the current year at the name
essence of the reply to these allegations salary as last year provided that they
is that the Galena Oil Oa, bound them• each furnish security to the amount of
310,000 eatiefaotory to the 0.8100.—
Carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull,
seconded by Jas. McDonald, that the
Clerk be authorized to notify the owner
of lots 99 and 30, eon. 16, to remove all
fallen timber and other obstructions oat
of the Fraser drain on their respective
lots.—Oarried. Bylaw No. 169, to
amend By-law No. 139, was read over
three times and lioally passed. Moved
by Robert Livingstone, seoonded by
Adam Turnbull, that the following ao
counts be paid :—Geo. Oliver, part pay-
ment on contract Government Drain,
No. 2, and outlet, $460.00 ; John Robert -
eon, gravelling at lobe 80 and 31, con. 12,
$49 58 ; George McKay, repairing onlvert
at lot 30, con. 16, 50o.; D. Ewan, rag
bolts for oulverte, $2.90 ; Donald Lamont,
onlvert at lot 8, con. 8, $4.00; Wm.
Lucas, ditch at lobe 33 and 34, con. 3,
$16.80 ; Copeland Stoake, gravel, $2.80 ;
Wm. McKelvey, gravel, $5.04 ; John
White, repairing White's bridge, 600. ;
John Highbine, repairing onlvert on aide
road 8, con. 1, $3.00 ; Duff & Stewart,
flooring for new iron bridge et lot 11,
oon. 16, 331,50 ; Wm. Pollard, gravel,
$12 40 ; Nelsen Askin, reparing culvert,
lot 10, oon. 14, $4.00 ; James Houston,
repairing abutment to bridge at lot 11,
oon. 16, $8.00; Wm. Spence, Clerk's fees
on Peet Drain Bylaw, $10,00 ; Frannie
Miller, gravel, $6 16 1 Henry Kaye, wire
for fence on side road 3, lot 16, con, 8,
$10.25 ; G. W. Pollard, repairing road
soraper, 50o.—Carried. Council then
adjourned to meet again at the Township
Hall, on Monday the 15th day of October
next, War. Samoa, Clerk.
selves by a guarantee that they would
supply the satisfactory oiling of I. C. R.
rolling, stook at tenper cent. less than
the previous ooet. Thie they did when
they first entered into the contract, and
et a later stage Mr. Blair succeeded in
binding them down to 15 per cent. less.
The result was that in the last year the
saving amounted to over $10,000. The
company bag identioal oonbraots with
the 0, P. R. and G. T. It., and with 90
per oent. of the American railways.
There is no gainsaying these foots, nor
have we seen any attempt to do so. A
pride list of oil is trottei out for compar-
ison, which may be true or may be false,
for it has nothing to de with the 000traot.
The thing wag to do the work as well as
do it cheaper, both or which oonditions
are vouobed for. There is no room for
ar,ament about this. But pursuing the
polioy of calumny and falsehood which
they have marked oat for themselves,
the abandoned portion of the Tory press
try to obscure the real issue and about
"corruption," "divvy," "rake-off," oto„
w.thout rhyme or reason. The real
matter tbat galls them is the splendid
summing up of results of his manage -
maul which Mr. Blair made in oonoles-
i .n of his magnificent argument to the
Tions() of Commons on Jnly 27tb, wbioh
circled his bearers by storm, and which
e 'cited praise from some portions of the
enemy's camp itself :—
The figures which I have given to this
House have been compiled by the officers
of the Interoolonial servioe,the same
man who did the work for my prodeaes-
sor, upon exactly the same basis, and in
preoisely the same woy. I therefore,
wish to emphasize these figures. The
earnings in the last four years have been
as follows :
1896 7 2,866,028
1897 8 8,117,660
1898 9 3,738,331
1890.1900 4,683,000
A steady, oonbinuoue and marked
trowth—a growth, the possibilities of
which were entirely repudiated and
denied by hon. gentlemen opposite in
criticism upon the abatements whioh
were made. Now, Sir, there is no par-
e. lel in the Interoolonial daring the
preceding years, It baa taken a freeh
.tars ; it has received a stimulus. I do
not oars where he gets the stimulus
from, the fact remains, and they may be
taken ea some evidence that the policy
and administration of this Government
have not been erroneous or mistaken.
Now, I ask you to compare the four years
I have given yon with the four years just
preceding, some of wbioh were as pros-
perous years es we ordinarily have in
the Maritime Province ; pat the figures
for the two periods along side of each
other, and you will be able to draw your
own oonolusions. The earnings of those
four years were as follows :
1892.3 83,065,499
1868 4 2,937,510
1894.6 2,940,717
1895.6 2,957,640
to the stake of 'L 00 000 ,
Tied almost 8
they could not get away from it. There
was no life in the road. But whatever
may be the dame of it—and I attribute
it largely to the polioy of giving the road
a live terminal in the city of Montreal—
we have shown a reoord of great and
continuous progress wbioh if achieved
under the administration of my hon.
friend, would have evoked adjectives
more extreme than any we have ever
heard from my honorable friend in his
dennnaiatione of the gross misoonduot
of this administration. Let me empha•
size at the same time that this result has
not been won by any depreciation fn our
expenditure. In 1896 7, 1897.8 and
1898 9 there was an excess of $244,926
expended by this government in keeping
up the gaality of the road over which
was expended in the same direction in
the preceding three or four years. I do
not say we spent all that the railway
would have stood ; it would bave stood
more. We have not spent all that I
would have liked to spend, or that I
could have spent with good results to the
country. Bat the fact remake that in
tbose three years we spent $80,000 per
year in excess of what one predecessors
spent in throw classes of expenditure
which we recognized en proper for the
meintenanoe of the railway. In addition
to that, we have paid the rentals of the
Drummond County and the Grand Trunk
lines; we have inoreased the wages of
our men all along abs line to the extent
or '$175,000 a year ; we have paid oar
mileage, in sae year alone, enough to pay
the interest ou 32,000,000 ; and we have
given you, without aiing to the
burdens of the people, it class of service
and an improved railway of whicb the
people of the eoantry have no reason to
be ashamed.
Mai 'Wonderful Nerve
Alone }metalled Editor P. M. Higgins,
01 Soneoa, Ill., when all dootore and
medicines failed to relieve his pain from
piles. Then iluekieo's Arnica Salve
Q. Wee this mono the WAVY of all
lirltialt goods into Canada free ?
A. Yea.
Q. Bow wottld Qanadian nsanufaetnr-
ere regard that ?
A. They would probably ooabenll, with
every ePpeeranee of oorreetaoee, that
auoh a move would drive them out of
Q. Do the battle or Oanadian Indus.
trial eetebllshmonte desire free trade
Within the empire, 1911 le to have thio re•
salt ?
A,, 14alter0,l1y they do not,
Q- Then ir Charles luFPens polloy
on preferential trade must work out
badly for Canadians, whether Great
Britain le' willing or gnwillixig to grant
the preference ?
A. Yes.
Q. What is the strength of the Liberal
attitude, as compared with that of their.
A. It lies in the foot that the present
tariff is the beet practical arrangeinsut
for Canada, and that its utilitydoes not
depend neoeasarily upon the action by
Great Britain,
Q. Thep, what is the weakness of the
Tupper platform?
A.That there is no likelihood of
Britain granting, a preferenoe of her own
aeoord, ao that would be an invasion of
the polioy she deliberately adopted and
found advantageous for half a century ;
and seoondly, that If it were granted ou
the terms proposed by Mr. Chamberlain,
it would mean, in all probability, a great
injury to existing Canadian fudustriee.
The Royal oity of Gaelpb will extend
open banded hospitality to Ontario's
Endeavorere, Oot, 2, 8 and 4th, and the
young people of all denominations ars
looking forward with pleasure to the
great feast,
The President and Secretary sound
"Discipleship" as a dominant note,
practical methods in soul winning. The
junior Superintendent wants to anewer
the prayer "Long Live Christian En-
deavor," by giving the junior work an
impetus that will enable into corner the
boy market for Ohriet.
Rev. Chas, M. Sheldon, of Topeka,
Kansas, author of "In His Steps," will
be there and deliver addresses on the
subject, "The Open Door," He will also
'peek to the juniors and onndnot an open
William Shaw, of Boston, Treasurer
of the United Society of Christian En-
deavor, will be on hand for the opening
session, Tuesday afternoon and evening,
also on Wednesday.
Ontario will pour oat her beet talent,
Go to the Norfolk st. Methodist church
and you will hear the leading Baptist
and Presbyterian church divines. In
Chalmers Presbyterian ohuroh eloquent
Methodist and Congregational speakers
will delight you. General Secretary
Crewe of the Epworth League of Chris.
Lien Endeavor wilt have obarge of a
practical conference.
Dr. McKay, foreign missionary Seo.
retary of the Presbyterian thumb, will
prove a great uplift to the young people.
President Harris, of the Toronto Bible
training school will touch vital gceeeions.
Rev. W. F. Wilson, the Methodist orator,
will reply to Guelph's welcome, and give
another address besides.
Rev. A, L. Gaggle, of Parkdale Pres-
byterian ohnrob, late of the Maritime
provinces, will be a splendid eogaisition.
Rev. J. L. Gilmour, of the Baptist
church, Hamilton, and other leading
workers, have a place on the program.
Purchase single tickets from your rail-
road agent, being euro to auk for a oeeti•
Beate, a0a you will get home for one
third or free if three hundred attend.
Any person can attend the Convention
and secure the reduced fares, ask for a
certificate. (Not a receipt.)
Hotels and private housea have made a
rate of one dollar a day.
There is no reason that this should not
be the beet Convention Ontario bas ever
had, and every reason for its being auoh.
Farther information oan be had from
the Secretary, A, T. Cooper, Clinton, or
Rev. R. J. M. Glaeeford, Guelph.
Q. What is the effect of the prefer.
antral tariff ?
A. It gives bo Canadian consumers a
reduction in the rate of duties paid on
British goods, and leaves Canadian man.
utaoturers a fair proteotion.
Q. Are the duties on English goods
lower than they were in 1895 ?
A. Yee, they are considerably lower,
anvwbere from one•fourth to oue third.
Q. How do they compare with the
duties before 1878 ?
A. They are sligbbly higber as a role,
but in some oases even lower. This is
true, for example, in the Daae of certain
lines of aottone used in large quantities
in Canada.
Q. Are the manufacturers satisfied
with the present tariff ?
A. Yee, they are satisfied as the tariff
is now, as is shown by the continued
activity in their indnetriee, but they
would probably obj=ot to a further re.
Q, Is there any likelihood of any snob
reduotion ?
A. No, for Mr. Fielding has formally
pledged the government to the view that
the tariff may well remain much as it is
for a considerable tiros,
Q, As the tariff stands, therefore, is it
eatiefaotory and advantageous to
Canadians ?
A. Yea, both to makers and buyers ;
and beoause they are devoted to Great
Britain, Canadians are pleased that there
is also an advantage to Great Britain.
Q. Why dose Sir Charles Topper ob•
jest to this ?
A. Because he says we are giving
Great Britain something of value to her
without getting something in return.
Q. Does he not also say that thea
preference is of no value to Britain ?
A. Yes, he sometimes makes the two
statements in one sentence.
Q. Is Great Britain likely to grant a
preference for Oanadian goods in the
Britisb market ?
A. No, there is no reason to believe an •,
and all her prominent etabesmen have at
one time or another opposed the idea,
Q. Who have spoken in this tone ?
A. Lord Roeebery, Lord Balisbury,
most of the Liberal leaders, and Mr.
Ritohie, president of the Board of Trade
in the present cabinet, who said quite
reoently that a 5 per cent ",preference is
the last thing he would be prepared to
Q. Would their views be ohanged if
Sir Charles Topper were to dome into
power in Canada ?
A. No, there ie no likelihood of it.
Q. What, then, would be the ofioob up.
on the British preference of electing Sir
Charles Tapper
A. Es would logiaaliy be bound to re-
peal it, until Great Britain was prepared
to return preference for prefereooe.
Q. Would title mean an unread in the
rate of taxation
A. Yes, necessarily,
Q, By which the people would lose ?
A. Yes.
Q, And by which the Canadian mann•
faaturers might get an extra protection,
which their present prosperity shows
they do not need ?
A, Yee.
Q. Suppose the preferenoe were to be
granted by Great Britain, on what berme
would it be given ?
A. Mr. Chamberlain, who bag gone
wholly cured him. Infallibleforinjuriee,, further in Ibis regard than anyone else
pains or bodily eruptions. Cure guar- ) inGreat Britain, bas said that fres trade
anteed. .Only 25o at G. A. Uoadman's within the empire is the hest tbat would
drug attire, ' 1 be acceptable t0 Great Britain,
(!utile 10 low per, hllalter•'e R8elrnelra 30119.
H0' I'aaterS—Ogres are made or ilea
that they are newt .advertised For,
A, mass of strange symptom are often
reported tie relieved by 11,', Pitrhar'e
Baolsaulte laidaey 1'tUbinie, a wptoue
that are generally common to other
diddles than Ibose of the kidney and
This, owever, is nob at all surprising
wben"we 000sider the foot that the kid•
nem the urinary tract, and the bowels
are the great waste pipes of the system,
and the parted working of these organs
meane the elimination of all 'lode of
Material that retained and reabeorhed
Would cause trouble in a'1 direotiong, It
is due then to this riddance of the system
by the kidneya and bowels of waste and
dangerous substances, liquid and solid,
that relief, is obtained in 00 many in.
stances from symptoms they are not ad•
vertieed to ante,
William- 0. Newsome, Queen B„
Braesels, says,—"During an attaok of
Baakaohe and Kidney trouble some time
ago,whicb was quite aevere I procured a'
bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Baokeohe Kidney
Toblete at James Fox's drug store and
conscientiously say they anted nicely,
stopping the trouble easily and gently.
I did not use but one-half the bottle. I
think early bard work is havttte its el -
foot at my age, sevenbyfouryeIre,”
If you have the alighted es utaplom of
Kidney and Bladder trouble jou can teeb
this great medicine free. Arra gemenbs
have been made whereby readers of thin
paper oan obtain a trial paolcage of Dr.
Pitcher's Baokeohe Kidney Tablets ebao.
lately free by enclosing two Dent stamp
for postage to The Pitober Tablet Co„
Toronto, Ont. When giving address
mention this paper.
• A Wise Lady.
May 23rd, 1900.
J. M. McLeod, McLeod Laboratory,
Goderioh, Ontario.
Doan Srn,—Your liquid medioine,
and Swab has oared me
Bok Y
upper ja
of bbs sorsl had on my n pp 7 ,v. The
doctors told me that it wag a Dancer and
that the bone would have to be out out
and the affected parts removed by the
knife. It was this that frightened me
and made me get the "Soak and Swab."
I used only three pint bottles. I am well
ever sines, and it is three years sines I
used it. laving great oonfldenoe in your
medicinel will recommend it to those in
need, I am, eta.,
Mns. J. HAntieN.
The following was reoeived from the
same lady ten years ago :
I anffered for nearly tour years from
fits, and almost at the same hour daily,
out of which no one could waken me, nn•
til I awoke of myself, weak and wearied
after the lapse of from ten to twelve
hours' time during wbioh time I was
wholly uneoneoious. I was attended to
and consulted no fewer than sixteen
doctors without any benefit and no re.
lief. I got to be absentminded, often 00-
ooneoions of my eurroundiags, took no
notice of anything, until, in the good
providence of God, a friend insisted on
bringing J. M. McLeod to oar hone,
He took me out of the fit in half a min-
ute's time. I began to gain rapidly after
this in health and soundness of mind,
and to this day I have not had any more
fits. Yours, etc.,
JosErnlNE E. Mhwrne.
Kingsbridge, Ont.
Sold by James Fax, druggist, Brussels.
!arrive Mon Pati
Victims to. demob, liver and kidney
troubles and feel the resalte in loss of
appetite, backache, nervonsnees, head-
ache and tired, run-down feeling, but
"Electric Bitters are just the thing for a
man," writes 3, W. Gardner, of Idaville,
Ind„ "when he in all run-down, and don't
oars whether be Had or dies. It did
more to give. me new strength and good
appetite than anything I could take. I
can now eat anything and bave a new
lease on life." Only 50a. Every bottle
guaranteed by G. A, Deadman,, druggiet,
The dissolution of the British Perlia•
ment took place on the 20113 inst.
and the elections two Weeke later,
If you are opnviitoed Pjtohor'e Tablets
are what you want, you fan purpbaee
Millar size for 60 ciente per bottle, if
not obtainable at druggist's mailed free
of postage on receipt of price,
The list of dead at,galveabon, Tone,
pow exceeds 4,900.
Three I''ronohmen reogutly arrested et
Meta ander au0pioion of espionage, have
011100 been foiled pbgbographing i1 fort
ander construction.
Gilbert darker, the Canadian novelieb,
vote chosen by the Conservattvee of
fotve and Ragland, est
h ir oa d'
r he Qommon,
In a opllision on the E. and N. Ball•
way in Britieh Oolumbia, Engineer
Samuel Walton, formerly of Toronto ;
Robert Either, manager of the Alexand•
rla minae, and two other men were
New Plant Throug'hout.
This esaeon a new plant has been
pot in Brunie Cider Mill and does
better work than ever, doubling the cap.
aoity. It is now in fall swing.
In addition to manufaoturing Older
a specialty is made of Apple Butter and
Work done while you wait.
Satisfaction assured and charges
Geo. Edwards,
Splendid stock of Fall IVlillinety will be opened for
the inspection of the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity,
The Newest, Latest and Prettiest in the market
will be collected in most attractive form. A cordial
invitation is extended, and inspection invited.
Throw Away
Those Doubts
You Can't Doubt
When you see oar Magnificent .Line of New Fall and Winter Goode. You are bound
to find REASONS why you should buy of us by simply looking at either the Quality
or the Price.
Every Quality and Grade is a Warrant of Excellence.
Every Price is an Object Lesson in the Economy of Buying,
Such Completeness
In every department, of the BEST and NEWEST GOODS, it timely and tempt•
ing proof that we are prepared to give perteot satisfaction to the most critical and
experienoed buyers.
And the Fair Price Banner Waves Over AII.
With Pride and Confidence In the Variety, Riohneee, Completeness
and Cheapness of our Beautiful Stook, we invite you to
come and see our seasonable line of
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
The Certainty of the values we are showing, the unquestioned
Superiority and Newness of the Styles, and the Variety
and Range for selection, all Guarantee
Remember, we offer valves that merit approval on aaoount of QUALITY
and that are without equals for CHEAPNESS.
Our Prices Make Every Dollar do Double Duty.
You can save a sight of money by trading at our store.
Will you ?
Come Once and You'll Come Back --
They All Do.
e r Rossg
Champion Clothier,
M t Sarno kava Bliosgs and I�A. Camino heeds..(,OMaeri. 4,004,111t'rSly' lemt 11ptt. �Iltrlde—,t Annitr':i`hal tau 4fnhr,
tree," of finnan flo- ]drm'naa, ' Dritf9eo and ostrio8ls8 I!tavo
,. , 1It'
Obis, and. the Sou. he b rgeot eyes of all terrestrial ant.
1 it ';soffar;' or orale, but among mamine unimale there
`l • sistling sound . aro cephalopods or ink fiats, which
the spsoifio have eyes as large ee a plate, A
also 0/1801:- blgea' wlt7i a glass eye is something
given 11 of n clua'Doeity; there is ono at the
lnfeet. Stuttgart menagerie, and Lt's glass nye
its looks as fierce as lin .real one,
no.eo Tt.
hTatU hIr
DMAiYlli a' o
e ins:mound; d; fo
r witsht csizeis—aR sbumoudt tohnatD ooR
aA b00feat Cyiaeo among beasts is
C t -1t 3. .05 the. Iiagoat no48 of
wn antoal. Its is pprainia
11 all the Newest atl�" hrttls laws tike an alligabar'e,
When will be show �. a i s fo
Leading Styles for th e coming Season, '414 aia
: sunlit -Tel �Idoe , 'Ihl�a
d on the or
an' o or ire on
d u wdi e o
Has been engaged for the Fall Season and N single'spof-
coufiddot thatevery ladyplacIng her orders with ns Iimnal at-
ei a entire satisfaction both as regards Style and Workman-
ship. Thanking Ladies for their past patronage I solicitbne
a continuance of their favors.
. .f;ti'F_BJ3rs
BRUSSELS, Sept. 25th, 1900.
M A Shoe Both Dainty
and Durable
This Modern Shoe for
Women is•a high grade shoe,
made to fit the feet with ease.
It is made from especially
selected stpck, which, with
unusual attention given by
expert designers to lines and
shapes, has produced
fel and combines what is rarely
found, Style with Comfort,
made in all sizes and widths,
Lace and Button.
Prices Stamped on Sole of Shoe—$2.00 ; $2,50 ; $3.00 ; $S.50.
Patent Leather, very stylish, at $3.50.
A Special line for Fall and Winter wear, with Rubber Heel, $3.50
TRY THE EsrrREss Sun DRESSING for keeping a Stylish Shoe
in perfect condition. Every bottle warranted first-class.
Downing Bros. Dealers,
Collstallhly Getllll Soo our Stylish
111 New Goods °°;DS
Ever➢hiug au[P1bcpllt
No Fancy Prices tie Fall Traile.
A. Strachan.2_
Wilton & Turnbull
Headquarters for
a nd •.rte .
of All Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field Fence,
Best Fence on the market.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils.
S. W, P., the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.
Brusse14. W JL TON & T URNB ULL