The Brussels Post, 1900-9-20, Page 1Al 25 Ora,
Gets The Post .
To den. OM
Vol, 29, No, 11
W. H. KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements,
Far sale—Wm, Buoy,
Tardineree—Jae. Fox.
Olething—D. 0, Rosa.
Oow for sale—B. }Togged.
Haan for sale—Wm, Rands.
$10 to Manitoba—T,, Farrow,
Impounded—Thos. MOEwan,
Wall Paper—G. A. Deadman.
Empress Sboe—Downing Jane,
Clearing sale -W, Beatty de Co.
Vetere' Liet Oonrt—r. B. Scott..
Your interest—McKinnon & Oo.
Tenders for woodshed—Wm Strath,
Local Improvement Comb of Revision.
Mxsir et
Mies Lillie Rogers has gone to St.
Mre. Welter Rutherford ie laid up with
a sore leg.
Edward Caul tee, of Ripley,, spent Sun,
day at home.
Miee Aggie Herbert le sick with the
whooping cough..
John efaIntosh, of Molesworth, spent
Suuday at Thomas Coultas'.
Miss Eliza Messer ie vieitingher els ter,
Mre. Ira Barkley, in Ypsilanti, Miob.
Mies Mary Thornton, of Wingham, is
vieiting her grandfather in the village,
Geo. Hannah and Herb. Wigbtman
spent Sunday et Arohibald Patterson's.
A Word About
If your eyes need medical treatment
we won't sell you epeotaplee simply to
make a Bale—and let your headache con-
tinue until you find the true cause from
someone else.
Our Glasses are becoming became they
fit properly. Our Double Vieion Glaeoee'
are a great convenience—they are perfect
for far and perfect for near vision.
Eyestrain ganeee Headeohes. By
removing the cause with properly fitted
Glasses yon make a permanent cure. Our
Frameless Glaeeee please the particular.
Eyee oarefally examined free. Glenn
recommended only when absolutely bane -
Having added another new inetrh.
ment to our optical department we have
all that ie neaeseary in an up-to-date
Optical Parlor. Call in and see us.
No expense has been spared in this
department to give the public eatiefao.
Also Graduate of Retinoscopy,
Min Mary Malik baa returned from a
trip to the old land,
Mise Straohan, of Bruesele, le vieiting
Mre. Geo. MoDonald,
Mies Maggie Burgess, of Brussels, is
visiting in the village.
Walter and Mre, Patterson vieitod . ea
Molesworth on Sunday.
8, H, Townsend, of the Wroxeter Star,
was in Bluevale laet Monday.
Mies Tena Sinclair, of Bruesele, ie
vieiting at George MoDonald's,
Wm: Sanderson went to•Toronto Met
Friday where he hae eeoured a situation,
Albert Denman returned on Monday
morning to Chatham Business College.
Mies Minnie Abraham, of East Wawa.
nosh, is visiting her cousin, Mise Maggie
Mae. Rutherford spent Sunday with
her daughter, Mre. Geo. P0000k, East
Joeepb and Mae. Miller, of Morrie,
spent Sunday with Mre. Miller's deter,.
Mrs. Ohara Garniee.
Mre. Wesley Thornton and daughter,
Myrtle, returned to their home to De-
troit on Thureday last.,
14.B. Duff went to Stratford on Satur-
day where he hae eeoured a Mention on
the Stratford Beacon. We win him
There ie'nt a honee to rent in Ethel at
25 cents gets Tae PowT for the balance
of 1900,
Mre. (Rev.) Wilson, of Roeemont, is
here vieiting her mother, Mre. Spence, er.
Some of our Ethelitee may take a foot
in the "Comfort Soap rape" at Brunets
Fall Fair on Oct. 5th.
Ethel cheese faotory hae Bold their
August oheeee to the Imperial Cheese Co.,
at 11} agate. It will be shipped this
Owing to the Bale o! the Laird farm
Thoe. T. Laird expecte to go to Detroit.
It ie said Mr. and Mre. Laird, er., will
locate in Brussels.
Wm. Slemmon hae parohased the 100
more farm of the late Tboe. Slemmon, hie
brother, it is said. It Is a fine farm and
Mr. Slemmon is a good farmer.
The Rupp farm will be Bold and an
auction 'sale of the farm stook, imple.
menta, &0., will be held on Tuesday,
Oot. 9th. August Rupp, wbo worked the
farm laot year, will take a situation
Leat Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. Carry
preaohed a epeoial sermon to the mem-
bers of Oourt•Ethel, No. 261, 0: O. F.
There were about 50 of the brethren
present. The sermon wee an appropriate
one and wee based on 'Brotherly Love."
Last Sunday evening ae Mre. Jae.
Lairdwas milking, the pow kioked at a
oat that was olose by, knocking Mre.
Laird over under another pow. This
animal tramped on her chest inflicting a
anion bruise that is very sore. It ie
fortunate the injury was no waree. We
hope she will Boon be better.
Will Take
You to
- Manitoba
On the Farm Laborers'
Good to go until Sept. 30th.
For particulars apply to
Clearing Sale!
Great Clearing Sale of
For the Next 30 Days we offer our entire
Stock at Big Reductions in Prices.
Call and Bee the Bargains we are offering in
Overcoats and Men's Long Boots and Shoes.
Beatty Co
A Mr, Macon, of Howloii townebip, hae
pnrohaeed the William Milne 200 aero
farm, East of Ethel, paying $6,800 for ib.
He ie doing Fall work on the pleas, We
weloome him to this community and hope
he will do well.
Among visitors to Ethel daring the
past week we noticed David Dobson, of
Iilanoas, He lea brother of Lew, Polo.
eon and formerly resided in Grey. He
has done well in the West and wears hie
age remarltablyy.
James Laird, who -recently sold his
100 acre farm to Mr. Bremner, has an -
wormed an auction Bale of his farm
Wick, implemonte, &o. The date is
Thureday, Oat. llth, and the auctioneer
will he F. 8. Soobt, of Brussels,
Fool Onor.—J, M. Knight, of lot 21,
con. 12, seeded 6 sores of glover last
Spring, without a grain orop, putting 16
pounds of seed to the acre. Last week
he finished harvesting it and eeoured
fully 18 tone to the 5 aoree, a great prop,
This style of hay growing is en nnaeaal
experiment in these parte bot if all the
results are ae eaooeesful as Mr. Knight'e
eatiefaotion will reign oumpreme.
A number of our young people had a
pleasant outing last Saturday afternoon
in Davidson's grove. About two hours
were devoted to a free•and-easy time
after whioh the young ladies prepared a
luncheon whioh the hungry young
men had no hesitation in pronouncing
decidedly satisfying as well as most de
lioione. A few popular.pio-nip gamin oo•
oupied the twilight and, judging by the
jubilant sounds proceeding from the
stone' of eotion, the peapersbyconcluded
that the thee watt being merrily spent
whoih opinion was heartily agreed with
by:the young people themselves ae, short.
ly afterwards, they separated for their
Miee Lizzie Wright, of Jamestown, is
in the village dressmaking.
John Barnard took a business trip to
Mitchell and London last week,
John Ritchie and bit sister need on
Mre. T. Brebhaaer last Thursday.
John Lofton was in London, last week
with hie daughter, Mrs. Wm. McBride.
Mre, Thos. Filmore returned from 'a
visit with friends to Thamesford last
Mae. Shorate, sister of Mre. Lake, is on
the eiok list bet ie improving we are
pleased to state.
Mr. Reinwald and family, of Newton,
were the guests of Mr. Rase, North of
Main street, and left for home on Tues-
Mies 'Maggie Robertson, daughter of
John Robertson, arrived safely at the
hospital in York State where she has se-
cured a situation as nurse. So far she
liken the plane and is rooming with a
lady from Montreal.
Count Boyizian, who gave a lecture in
the Methodist church on "Armenian
Life," is well worth bearing, although
the crowd was not as large as it might
have been. One of them bad to stay in
Oheeley the night before to report what
tbey did to a $35 hone.
Stephen Playford, of Dauphin, Man.,
died on the 10th of Sept. Mr. Playford
was formerly a resident o! Wroxeter and
Bailiff of the 9th Division Court here.
It appears atter he had pitched his tent
in Manitoba he took ill and finally went
to the hospital where he was about one
month, He got no better and left the
hospital, palling on two doctors but they
could not help him. They decided to
perform an operation whioh they did on
the 8th of September and found that be
was ailing from a number of cancers in
stomach of whioh he died as stated
above. He leaves a wife and •grown op
family. Hie,law, James Staf-
ford, ocoopiee the dwelling he at one
time owned on Main street here.
Wal ton.
The two Drs. were entertaining visitors
last week.
Mre. John Berry is on the eiok list
this week.
25 cents gets Tun Pos' to the end of
1900. Try it.
Will. Murray entertained Mr. Robin.
eon, a college friend.
Eli MaLaoghlin, our burly blaekemith,
has eeoured a new apprentioe.
Mies Lottie Campbell hae returned
from a visit to friends in Seaforth.
John MaOuaig left on Thursday of last
week, for Montana, U. S., on a bneineee
Mr. Smith and Min Wallace, of Olin.
ton, spent a few Jaye at Geo. Obrieto-
Mre. A. Smith and family, of Seafortb,
who have been visiting in Walton, ban
returned home.
Miss Maggie Casey, who hae ban visit.
ing at L. McDonald's for some time, left
for Stratford on Tuesday.
Waltonians are keeping Bruesele Fall
Fair in view and we will be there in all
our adornment on Oot, 5th.
Some of our residents intend bearing
the great guns of the Ooneervative party
when they oome within reach.
Mre, and Mies Lawrence, of Toronto,
who have been vieiting relatives in Wal-
ton and vioinity, left for borne on Mon.
Mre. D. Moauaig and Mae. D. Forge.
hereon arrived home safely from an eta
joyable visit with relatives and Mende in
A Memorial Service was held in the
Methodist cherish last Sabbath on the
deoea0e of Time. Dennison who bad long
been a member of that congregation.
Liaenee Inspector Miller was out here
on a voyage of dieoovery one day last
week but be was not as suooeaoful as
Columbus. He says he may aall again.
Rev. O. M. Filer bee returned from en
extended visit to the region of hie home
iu the U, B. The reverend gentleman
Tooke well and hearty, and enjoyed hie
trip very ntnah.
We note wibh letereatand approval the
progress of the new been a little to the
North of Walton. We expect 'one of
tboee interesting events that always nun
a flutter of exoitoment,"
Rev. Mr, Matheson, of Oaledon Tiaet,
will take ehsrge of the oervioe5 in Duff's
obnroh, Walton, next _Sabbath. Mr,
Oraneten, wbo has been bene elan leat
April, has oompleted hie term and will
attend College thie Fell again. IIs mode
many friends bore: and attended to hie
duties faithfully and capably. His many
friends in this locality wish bim abun•
dant suttees wherever 1110 lot may be
B. A. Cranston, who bee supplied the
pulpit of Duffle ohuroh for the Summar,
left on Tuesday for his home, Mr. Oran•
ston'e departure Is mug% regretted 0e
bis ability go a preacher and hie many
attraotive qualities ae a man have en-
deared him not only to hie own oongre-
gation but also to all who have made
bis aoquainlonoe as well, We wish him
the euaeeee that hie talents and gentle
manliness deserve,
25 aeote gets TRE POST to Jan. 1, 1901.
KW Maggie Boni! hi home from Tor-
Sam. Campbell took in the London
Fair last week,
Miss Cilia Powell, of Tnrnberry, is
visiting at R. Peareon'e.
blies Dunnage, of Rothsay, is visiting
her sister, Mre. R►. W .Harris.
Mise Mary Mitchell is home from
Detroit on a visit to her old home.
Auction sales are earning to Gee front
once more, largely due to the changing of
owners of farms.
The threshing machine baa been malt-
ing lively work this Fall and will anon
complete the job.
Among those who attended the London
Fair were Jno. Davidson, Mies Ellen
Hislop and Arch. Livingston.
Thoe. Smith and wife, of Galt, were
visiting relatives and friends in this
locality during the past week.
We regret to hear that Duncan Mo-
Lauahlin is dangerously ill. He has
been in failing health for some time.
Bruseele Fall Fair ie the talk of the
people. There will be a big crowd from
Grey on Oat. 5th if weather ie favorable.
James Mayers, of Bethune, Muskoka
District, was a visitor at Geo. Morton.
aid's. He is the father of Mrs. MODon•
John, eon of Malcolm Fraser, 2nd eon.,
Grey Tp., fell off a fence and fractured
both bouea of hie left forearm. He is
doing as well as could be expected.
A orab apple tree in the orchard of W.
M. Hntohineon, 5th line, has en adorn•.
meet of new blossoms following a good
return of fruit. This is rather au nn•
urinal freak of Nature.
Alex. Roe left for Sault Ste. Marie on
Tuesday of thio week. He will be away,
probably, for a month or so. We wieb
him a pleasant time but have not heard
definitely whether he'll come baok single
or double.
Last Spring James Parish, of the let
Don., pnrobaaed a farm near Kinburn,
Hallett township, from Mre. Sohoalee,
and moved to it last week. Mr. Pariah's
eon will work the farm in Grey and will
h ave to snare a housekeeper.
The estimated poet of the Hall drain
is fixed by the Engineer at $4,615,20.
It will empty into the Maitland near
Jamestown. Court of Revision will be
held on Monday, Oat. 15, at Ethel.
There are four or five drainage schemes
on hand in the township at present.
Few lien have improved in buildings
like the let. We notice newborns on the
farms of Jae. Cott, Jno. Outt and George
doombee. Edward Bryan, of the same
Don. has a line 2 story brink pottage built
on hie farm wbioh will add to the nom.
fort and convenience of the family ae well
as the appearance of the farm.
Andrew Hooper, let Don., hae parches.
ed a farm ie Tnrnberry from Thos.
Evans, of Detroit. He paid $5,600 for
it, There is 100 aoree. He will get pos-
session next March. Mr. Hooper has
been a tenant of George MaDonald'e
farm, He is a pueber and will do well
no doubt. His old friends wish bim and
his gnome.
Oil Spring Obroniole : Before break-
fast was on at "baohelore hall" Wednes-
day morning, Sept. 12, Rev. W. A. Smith
(formerly of Grey township) was sum.
monad to perform about the most pine -
ant task that falls to the lot of ministers
—that of wedding two hearts together.
The contracting parties were Andrew
Smale, of Essex Center, formerly of
Dawn, and Alberta, oldest daughter of
William and Mre. Eniffen, of Dawn.
Mies May Kniffen, sister of the bride,
acted ae bridesmaid, and Hilton Smale,
brother of the groom, was best man.
After the ceremony the whole party pro•
seeded to tbe M. 0. R. station and took
the train for London, to spend a few days
at the Western Fair. On their return
Mr. and Mrs. Smale will take up their
residence at Essex Center.
DaowotoD.—A. letter from Henry Scott,
of Glelohen, N. W. T,, grandson to Robt.
Scott and nephew to Mre. A. McInnes,
14th oon., speaks as follows of the death
of his partner, Alex. Turnbull, who wee
engaged with Mr. Scott in ranohing ;—
"When the aooident moaned I was going
to MoLeod with 80 head of horses and he
name to the river to help me to oroee
them. As the river was very high we
oonoloded to hire some Indians to ewim
them aver and I oreseed on the ferry
with the leader of the bunch to call them
over and when the Indiana put the
horeee in they broke book and he went to
help them. When I last saw him the
water was jaet tonohing his etirrapo end
then I started to oome moose again and
when I looked up he was gone. The In -
diens eeid as soon as his bores got into
swimming water it Dame over baokwardo
and be lost hie hold and only swam for
about 10 feet. We have nearly given up
hopes of finding the body ao the river
was running about 7 miles an hour and
ebout 20 wbite men and 200 Indians were
searching for him. I offered a reward of
$50 for the body and the Indiana are
watching yet but the old timere bore say
it will never rise at his clothes would till
with eand. Hie relatives have appointed
me to settle his affairs and I am gelling
his share now. I will still Stay bore as
everybody has been as kind as it was
poseibie to be,"
Mao. Srolteer, a000mpanied by her
daughter, ltlre, Jao, Savage, retained to
her borne in Luokbgw labs week,
Mr, and Mrs. Minae, 2nd eon , were
vieiting blonde !n London and takiug in
the eights at the Fair last week,
Mre. Joseph Armstrong was oalled
away ooddenly last Thursday to attend
the funeral of her oistordn-law, Mae.
Steele, a£ Maltpn, who died of heart
fail are,
Tendore are asked for the building of a
woodshed at the school house in S. S.
No. 8, 15th con. Wm. Strath ie the
secretary and will give the neaoeea'y
We are sorry to hear that it was o,n
eidered neoeseary to take Heater 6i• Kay,
8rd eon., to the asylum. We hope the
treatment will 8000 result in his
Quite a number of Greyitee spent Tues.
day night fighting fires, Not muob
serious damage was done, except tbe
burning of fences and Wm. Bremner had
about 25 porde of wood burned.
Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D., of Oil
Springs, is borne on a brief holiday ab
his father's, Truman Smith's. The rev.
gentleman will take another lesson next
week on the way nuptial knots are tied
and his own turn will oome later.
The new residence of Thee. Jaoklin,
Boundary, is up with the exception of
the brink veneering whioh will be done
next Spring. It is being lathed now and
will be ready for 000upation about Nov.
lat. Thoe. Bennett, of the same line,
has the cellar built for bio new house and
expeote to haul the briok next week. He
is busy now getting logs to the mill' for
lumber required. His will be a 2 story
pottage with all the modern improve -
meets, Ireland Bros. have the brick and
stone work. Robe, Farrell, of Wroxeter,
has the carpenter work of Mr. Jaoklin'e,
He's a hustler.
ilioro-o e.
TIE Pm for owe.
Allan Ramsay bee gone to Tara.
E. Pease bad a logging bee on Friday
Land is going up and a lot of changes
are taking place.
25 dente pays for Tin Poor for the
balance of the year. •
Mies Lizzie Maunders has returned to
her Millinery situation at Zurich.
J. D. Miller and wife were away for a
week vieiting friends at Dungannon and
St. Helens.
Mies Martha Roe spent a few days last
week with her sister, Mre. Jae. Jackson,
et Teeewater.
A. T. Cole has rented the 50 more farm
belonging to John Young, 7th line, for a
term of yeare.
A little stranger has oome to brighten
the home of Obae. Turvey, 1st con. Oon•
gratnlatione are extended.
Thoe. Russell, 7th line, hurt himself
last Friday by falling on the gravel in
getting off a moving train.
The storm on Tuesday off, last week
did a lot of damage to feoaee and trees
as well ae tumbling down apples.
Lewis Jewitt has been nursing a sprain.
ed ankle for the past weak but ie getting
around quite nicely with an oaaaeiooal
he. Sharp has returned to his situs•
tion in 8t. Thomas after kaeisting in
getting in the harvest on hie father's
Miss Marion McKenzie has returned to
Hamilton Collegiate and turned her face
toward a let alase teaohere' certificate.
We wish her spouse,
Those who attended London Show say
it was a fine exhibition. With good
weather Brussels will come next to Lon.
don and it is getting there,
Our Oonooil will soon have to see
about potting the ones road in good
shape as the fire has damaged it and in a
few days the road will be too narrow for
teams to pass.
So dense and dark was the smoke on
the 6th line on Tneaday morning of this
week, that Mr. Kelly, who draws milk to
Belgrave, had his wagon upset and lost
nearly all the milk.
Robert Niobol, 6th line, was a Judge
on sheep and hogs at Lietowel Fall Show
on Wednesday. He goes to Atwood au
Friday on tbe same business. He's a
good hand at the business,
Threshing grain ie a dirty job judging
by the looke of those attending them,
E. Penn is on the 6th line and is doing
good work. He won't take a book seat
notwithstanding the wildcat scheme that
his maohine will soon be run off the
The new silo erected by Robert Scott,
6th line, was blown over by the high
wind of Tuesday night of last week.
Only a few of the boards were swathed
although the whole silo had to be re.
built. It was on the principal of an im'
ranee tab or tank.
Last Sabbath afternoon Wesley John.
eton, of Fordwiah, preaohed a very inter.
eating sermon in Browntown ohnrob.
The people of Browntown will be pleased
to hear Mr. Johneton at some fntare
time. He bide fair to become an excel.
lent preacher.
The fine 150 aore farm of Alex. and
Time, Walker, 6th line, has been sold to
Wm. Thuell, of this township, for the
RUM of $7,000, poeaeseion to be given at
once for Fall work. The MteeeS Walker
will retain the use of Due of the dwellings
on the farm for a time. Mr, Thuell sold
his farm a few weeks ago. We have not
learned, definitely, whet Walker Bros.
will devote their time to bat suppose Thoe.
will retnrn to hie trade as tinsmith. Tait
Pose hopes they will not remove from this
Hvmw,xox, —tlnpid eoored another via.
tory on the 101b of September when
Frank A, Wood, teacher in one of the
Colleges in Winnipeg, formerly a well
known pedagogue in Morris, and Mies
Mira, youngest daughter of Allan Ram.
say, let Don., were united in tbe holy
estate of matrimony. Mies Ramsay was
met at Rat Portage by the groom where
the matrimonial bow was tied, after
wbioh they proceeded to their home on
nei a
Pacific 4venne, Wi p g, after a short
trip. The bride writ very becomingly
attired in a fawn oloth ooetnme for the
wadding. That their future may bo
tilled with bappine0e and nooses le the
wieb of many old friends,
Il 7ATRraxONoAn.-0n Taeeday, Sept. 4%,
the home of Mae. Colwell, near Paielo ,
Prevented an animated Doane as the 120
guests aeeembled to wibneee the tying of
the matrimonial bow between her eetim-
able daughter, Min Martha, and David
Rameay, a well-to-do young farmer of
the let line, Morrie. The oeremony was
performed at 6 30 p. m„ by Rev. Mr.
Fitzpatriak, of Underwood, Min Janie
Colwell assisted her meter ae bridesmaid
and Allan Ramsay stood by hie brother
while the myetio words were epoken.
The bride and bridesmaid wore very be.
ooming costumes of oream aaehmere,
trimmed with silk all over lane, with
orange bl0000ma, dm. Wedding presents,
numerous, mobil and beautiful, bespoke
the popularity of the contracting parties.
An elegant aopper was served to wbioh
ample viatica was done after which the
evening was spent in music, eooiel ohat
and danoing. Guests were present from
Paisley, Port Elgin, Brussels, Blnevale,
Wiegbam and Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs.
Ramsay took a wedding trip to Niagsre
Falls, Toronto and other points before
returning to their home in this township
where they settle down to married life
with the beet wiebee of a large circle of
relatives and friends. THE POST throws
an editorial slipper after the happy
Ira Gerry is on the sick list.
Robe. Watt was in town this week.
Sam. Burke took In the London Fair.
Ed. Mole is book to town from Auburn.
Clarence Orme, of Luean, le vieiting at
Jae. Irwin's.
Mise Janet Scott was vieiting in Lon-
don last week.
Mre. Jas. Kelly was visiting In Mo•
Killop last week.
P. Ament and wife were vieiting at
London last week.
Ronald MoNaughton has been on the
Molt list but is better again.
Barrister Sinclair was at Walkerton
this week on legal bneineee.
W. Parrott, dentist, of Detroit, spent
a few days at R. Msinprize'e this week.
Chas. Kerr expeute to take a situation
in the Simpson store, Toronto, next
Mre. W. Browett and eon, Norman, 09
Woodetook, are vieiting at G. A. Dead -
David Jamieson has been on the eiok
list this week bat we hope he will Boon
be o. k.
Fred. Hayoroft is bank from Calumet,
Mich., where be baa been employed for
several months..
Alex. D. Grant, wife and eon, of
Egmondville, were visiting here during
the past week.
Mies Smith and Mies Menzies, of Mo.
Killop, were vieiting Mies Maggie Soott
daring the past week.
Kiss Blythe Wilson, of Gerrie, was the
g0eet of Mies Teenie Sinolair, Princess
street. during the paet weak.
I. 0. Richards was over to see his
mother at Bayfield. The old lady is over
80 years of age and is not very well.
Mise Nora, daughter of Dr. Holmes,
has gone to Toronto where she will ma
tend St. Margaret's Ladies' College for a
Jno. Carter and wife are bank to town
after an absence of several months and
will oontinae to make their home on
Mill street.
W. F. Vanetone and family intend re•
moving to Wingham next week. We are
sorry to see them leave town, bat our
lose will be Wingham's gain.
5. Pease and eon, of Michigan, are
visiting relatives and friends in this
locality. He is a brother to Mre. Waiter
Wilbee, Brussels.
We are pleated to see John Wright able
to get about a little. It is over 4 weeks
sine he fell and the injured knee is still
weak bet improving.
Mies Minnie MaNanghton arrived
home from a prolonged visit to the West
on Friday evening of last week. It
agreed well with her.
Jno, Pugh' and wife, of Flora street,
were away at Paisley attending the wed•
ding of David Ramsay, Mae. Pagh's
brother, to Mies Martha Colwell.
Mise rlara MoOraoken and Mies Mag.
gig McMillan are home from Paris, Ont.,
on a visit, They say the Penman faotory
did not suffer by the recent oondagra-
DeWitt Holmes ie able to get about
a little after hie illness but looks pale
yet. Mise Luella i0 not quite eo fortu•
nate as she had a relapse, the fever re-
Will. Sample, who has been employed
in London for the past year or more with
R. G. Wilson, oontreotor, formerly of
Brussels, is in town and talks of going to
Sault Ste. Marie for e. while.
Walter Smith, wbo was visiting in
Brussels for some weeks, will return to
Newark. His rbeamatism is some-
what improved but still bothering him.
We hope he will Boon be better.
Samuel Soott,*of Zanesville, Ohio, is
vieiting in Bruesele. He is a amain to
F. S., Peter and Walter Soott. Mr.
Soott'e health hae not been very good of
late but we hope hie stay here may prove
Mae. Rogers and daughter, Gertrude,
of Vanoonver, were calling on old friends
in town last week. Mrs. Rogere was
formerly Mies Emma Oalbiok and reeid.
ed in Brueeelo 10 years ago. She waa a
weloome visitor.
Fred. Gilpin will leave in the course of
a week or so for Cbioago where he will
attend the Deetal College. He has spent
it term in the Ontario College and in.
tends trying the Windy oity for the
next term. We wish him emcees.
Owing to a return of rheumatism John
Putland is compelled to resign his poet'
tion at the American Hotel, for the pres-
ent at least. Mrs. Putland ie still oh the
Molt list but we hope elle will soon be
restored 10 her anatomary good health.
W. T. Fairbrother and bride, nee Mies
Nellie Ward, of St, Thomas, were the
paste of Jno. Hill and wife, Queen at.,
this week, while spending part of a bridal
tour, THE POST and other old friends
wish thew many happy,.prooperone yeart,
Dr, Snider, wife and daaghler, remov'
ed from Brunets to Port Dover Ghia
I where Glia Dr. has pnrohaead a
week 1.
largepraotioe, Tnd Peer Wishes them
G nooees in their new home, T
Brea a L e ; We regret
Port Dover Mu Maple Leaf nee
h ill heeltle Dr, Ilam.
to Huta that tUroug_
Mend it advisable to sell the
peon bas loon
whiohdid Sc th
property ho be for
e 000.
gregwtioa of Bt.. Paul's eburoh a'
parsonage. He has also disposed of Iiia
r I to Dr, Snider, of Brussels, w110
oome oe troll-
li reoommended. Dr. H m
comes we
was undoubted and lee
ton a main'worked
stipl siderable
had worked up a very Dont
praotioe for himself during tea few pine
Be and Mrs, Han?ilton W14of his stay, n
e much mined in the gonial circle in
whioh they moved here, and regret 10 ex.
pressed at the pause of their departure.
"Targe in your field" will be the topic
at Melville Sladeavon next Sabbath ova".
Friday, Oct. 12, 10 the date of the
Wingham District Epworth League Con-
vention. It will be held at Gerrie.
Brussels Methodiet (March Harvest
Home eervioee on Sabbath, Oat. 14. An.
niversary Fowl Supper on Monday even-
ing following.
Communion in Melville church next
Sabbath, when the pastor, will aondo
the servioes, Rev, W. J. West, M. A., of
Bluevale, will preach on Saturday at 2.30
o'olook. Rev. W. T. Hall, of Belgrave,
will oaonpy the pulpit on Monday •at
10 30 a. m.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Roes,
B. A., took Paul's sermon on Mar's Hill,
Acte 17, 22:84, ae his topic, dealing with
it under the following headings •— (1)
The eonl'a deprivation of God ; (2) The
coal's desire fur God ; (3) The soul's deal.
ingo with God. "Exoaeee for not com-
ing into membership with the ohuroh"
were dealt with at the evening eervioe.
Information bee been received that
Wallen Presbyterian Church, now under
ereotion at Vankleek Hill, a town on the
0. P. R. between Ottawa and Montreal,
fell Wednesday, killing Rev. John Mc-
Leod, Preabyterian minister, and Angus
Delormes. Henry Goulden and a man . .
named Home were badly injured. Memos.
Doig, Payment and Orcin were also in.
jnred. Vankleek is about 50 miles from
Rev. F. J. Maxwell, of Port Credit,
Ont., has accepted the call extended to
him to Knox church, Ripley, and Kilos
church, Bervie• The Presbytery of
Maitland will meet in Hnox ohnrob, Rip-
ley, on Tuesday, Oot. 16tb, at 10 a. m. to
(tondeot ordination triale and at 1 p. m•
pnblio Divine service will begin. The
Moderator, Rev. W. J. West, M. A., wilt'
preside ; Rev. G. M. Dunn will preach ;
Rev. A. Mlller will address the minister ;
and Rev. A. McKay will address the
Coormtrarrort. — Last Friday Bishop
MaEvay, of London, aondaoted a con-
firmation envies in the R. 0. ohuroh,
Brussels. There was a large and atten-
tive congregation. The Bishop's address
was pointed and praotiaal and should do
good if followed. Nine candidates were
oonfrmed. The Bishop was assisted by
Rev. Fr. McKeown, of London ; Rev. Fr.
Mo0abe, of Seaforth ; and Rev, Fr.
Fogarty, of Irishtown. The ohuroh was.
tastefully decorated with flowers and
plants. Mies Ryan presided at the
The 13th annual Oonvention of Ontario
Christian Endeavor Union will be held
in Guelph on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, Oat, 2, 3 and 4. A fine pro.
gram has been arranged. The delegates
will pay tbeir own way this year aE
billets are not provided. Single fare on
tbe railways if 300 attend. W. H. Kerr,
of TIE Poor, takes charge of the Metho-
dist Rally on Wednesday afternoon and
presides at the evening meeting in Nora
folk street ohoroh. Rev. Chas. Sheldon,
of Topeka, Kansas, will be one of the
chief speakers at the Convention.
II Myron. 14.11, "Aea's Prayer" was
Rev. Mr. Holmes' text last Sabbath
morning in the Methodist church. In
the evening "Bueinees dangers and sale.
guards" was the theme. The "Riot Fool"
was the person referred to and it was
shown tbat he (1) Ignored his responai
' 1 in hie Possessions ; 2
til ty to God p( )
Ignored the claim of others 1 (8) e
imagined material prosperity en its
'0000000 necessary for the soul ; (4) Ignor.
ed the truth that material prosperity
cannot lest forever. Some of the safe-
guards pointed out were (1) Taking stook
and balancing up 1 (2) Parent of litera-
ture ; (3) Aaeooiation and cannot with
other than simply business ; (4) Cultivate
the moral sense ; (5) Get a right view of
life at the start. Next Sabbath morning
the discourse will be largely directed to
the youthful members of the congrega-
tion and in the evening "The relation of
the working people to Christianity."
Brussels Scboot Board.
The regular meeting of the Brunie
Sabool Board was held in the Board room
on Friday evening. Members present, J.
G. Skene, Jae. Turnball and D. 0. Roes.
An a000nat of Geo. Birt for cleaning
well, $2.60, wee read and it was moved by
W. Blaehill, seconded by Jas. Tnrnbnll,
that it be paid.—Oarried.
Moved by D. 0. Roes, seconded by Jas.
Turnbull, that Board borrow the sane of
$850 from the Standard Bank for three
months, to pay present note and ealariee
for the quarter,—parried.
Moved by Jae. Turnbull, seconded by
D, 0. Rose, thee the Board request the
Mnnioipal Counoil of the village of Brus-
sels to levy and coiled the sum of 01,.
550 to pay the ourrent expenses of the
school for the year 1900.—Carried.
W. F. Vanatone'e resignation wag read
and it was moved by Jae. Turbine,
seconded by D. 0. Rose, that it be flied.
Moved by W. Blaehill, eeoonded by
Jae. Turnbull, that printed notices be
sent to parents or gaardiano of non.resi:
dent pupils when snob pupils commence
Doming to the eabool, showing the author-
ity Of the Board for charging fees,—
Board ellen adjounted,