The Brussels Post, 1900-8-30, Page 530, 1800
omit. P, a, SCOTT, 131u3gole,
II. MoOiW)IC+N-,
• Issuer .of hfali'lage Lieennea, 01.
fleeat Grocery, Turnborry street, Br'ussela,
Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door
•, , North of the Standard Rank, 'melee' and
Obildron'e haft (meting a epcelaltr•
tan c h 0o ra o Vanesfo
nal NAP a0 er e, edw r
(talo and to root, easy corms1, in TOwum 0013
of Morrie and Groy, If S. SCOW Brucsele.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
-TS/40HBR OF -
L. O. M.,
Academia graduate' of Loudon Conserve
tory of ;,Risks, also Member of the Aseooiated
2200103000 of Ontario, is p?'epaxed to 1000100
a limited numbor of pupils for instruction
oil the plauo, Qualified to prepare pupil a for
the Prinolpal's Form iu the Conservatory of
Muaio. Brussels, Ontario,
Clerk of the Fourth, Diviolon Court,
Go. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Publw,
Land, Loan 'Maid Insurance Agent ; Anotion-
eor. Feuds Invented and to"loan. Oolleo-
tions made. (Mae in Grabam'01Biook,Brae-
1' • Unit, wilt sail for better prices, to
better mon, in less time and lees chargee
than any other Auctioneer in Rant BUMS 01.
be won't charge anything. Dates and ardent
can always bo arranged at this race or by
personal appltoation.
Graduate of R. Gil D S., Toronto ; Post Orad -
nate course at Raakel's School, Mileage, to
crown andbridge work. 152-Prioes same as
in surrounding towns, 31 -
Office over A.It, Smith's atom, D reseals.
t i • Honor Graduate of. the Ontario Vet-
erinaryColloge,: isponpared to treat all dle-
easee of doneeeticated animals (in a oompet-
rotmanner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dontletr Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, Turnboay et., Brunson'.
Y • Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &Oaee-Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.l
Solicitor tot the Standard B auk.
Solicitor, &o.. Mimi over Stand -
aril Rank. Solioltor for Village of llrueeola,
Mousy to Loan at lowed ratee.
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solioltor, Goderioh
Ont. Oaoe-RannIton street, opposite Col.
borne Hotel.
714, U., C. M.,1
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Eingeton ; Member of the Col-
lege of Pbysielane and Surgeons of Ontario.
Biomes of Woman and Children a special-
ty,. Nine years' exporienee, °Moo andsee-
idenoo, opposite Pinglieli,obnroh, Brussels,
M. 11,, C. 14.,
Trini:tyjUuivoreityy, Follow Trinity Medical
Collogo,Mombor College of Phyeioiane.and
Surgeons, Ont. Lioentiato of the Royal Col-
lage of Physicians Dud Licentiate of Mld-
anfary,Edinburgb. ISTelepboue 110.14,
Residence -22111 street, Brussels.
MtrIn0IAN, Bonaire/4 AND AC00U0n1UR,
(SucCcesOr i0 Dr. W. 11,1Gt1b1lolsch)
TL D, Mellows Hospital Mad, 001,, New
York ; M -D 0 aI Victoria'Iuiv0reity, Toron-
to ; Drencher of the College of'Pbyelelens and
- Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention paid
to diseases of women, eye, ear, nose and
throat, IPtf
M. D. 0. M.,
Graduate of Mog111 College, Montreal,
&o, A11-speoiaity work satisfactorily treat-
ed. 0111u0 upstairs in the Stratton Brook,
011100 Bourg, 0 to 12 a, m., and 7 to 10 p, M.
spoolallet wont, KWh as for eye, mar throat,
&0,,. in the oaoa at his reeideu00, 30liaabetb
be dtopeneed toLi
byltho Dr, of under
nig dircot eupor'Viaion,
p'a11 Form Opens Sept, 4th 1
,i trat'fori. QJ t.
No loss than eight largo business colleges
have applied 10 1.10 101111.111 the last Six weeks
for our graduates to take pooition0 as teneh-
ore in their schools, A0 many as Ave best -
41080 arms have applied to ue In one day for
none help. Thiele. Surely the boob aohoel
1031 you, Catalogue. free,
381' ,1, BI,l,llOT'T, I',Inolpul,
. Business
A thorough, complete one praotioal train-
ing in all branches of Commercial work,
at conaidorably lees than regular retort,
For full information apply
Booms of College ever Gnat Oaten.
13.4,'l, U8ici Ittb3s,.
0'a00li4e tempo have been planed in
3, A. Wimple butcher shop.
Dr, Wm, Elliott, of Aeeiniboia, former-
ly of Atwood, is visiting in this looality.
He has a large practise and ban a lot of
driving to do ; he owne a pair of brooches
and says he hoe driven them as many as
8,000 miles in three menthe.
T. G. and Mrs. Ballantyne returned
home Tuesday eve of last week, from
their visit to the Old Country. They
had an enjoyable trip home 3m the Allan
liner, Parisian. Mr. and Mrs. Bellew.
tyne did not visit the Paris Exposition,
dividing top tlleirvieit instead in England
and Scotland,
The an0 vererry services in connection
with the Baptist ohuroh, Atwood, will be
held on Sunday, Sept, 2. Sermons will
be preached at 8 p. m. and 7 80 p. m. by
Rev. W. E. Cline, B. A., of Paris, form,
er pastor of the ohurch here. On the
following Monday evening the regular
foreign missionary rneetiog will be held,
oommenoing at 8 o'olook, when addressee
will be given by the resident minieeere
end. Rev. Mr. Cline.
W inghaan.
W. H. Green is adding another water
wheel to hie eleanie light plant.
The Union factory shipped a oar of
furniture to Port Huron last week.
Wm. Diamond has pprohaeed the
butcher Martineau he recently sold to G.
W. Ooultee.
Two granolithio walks are being laid
at the sohool grounds from the street to
the sohool gates.
Carpenters, masons and paiolers are
busy making extensive alte,etione iu
Rev.. air. Burwash's block.
Thb members of the Wingbam fire
brigade are practicing for the hose reel
ranee in Stratford on Labor day.
James Elliott, of Wingham, has ship,
ped the briok making lnaohine he in•
vented to the Toronto Exhibition, and
will exhibit it there.
Judge Masson will hold a court of
Revision in Wingbam ort Wedneeday,
September 5th. There are 118 appeals
to have RameS added or removed from
the voters' lista.
Wm. Nicholson, of town, met with an
aooident while working on the new
sohool boucle at Laogeide, for which be
has the contract. The scaffold on whish
be was working fell and Mr. Niohoisoo
was serieuely hurt.
Alex. Orr sowed six mites of Fall wheat
on Tuesday afternoon of last weep.
A number from the village attended
the funeral of Ira Hazlewood, of Clifford..
Samuel Johnston, of Redgrave, lost a
vainable horse by having its leg brokers.
The Royal Templare have appointed a
Committee to arrange for a oonoert to be
held in the near future.
W. R. Mahood, of town, and W. H.
Spence, of Newbridge, have both been
auoaoeafnl in passing the recent matricu-
lant examinations at Harrieton High
Sabbot and Stratford Collegiate Institute
While John Andereoo was hauling
away chairs, benches, eta., after having
been need at the lawn eoaial of Mrs.
Wynese' the previous evening, hie borne
became frightened and'givieg a sudden
jump Blued the wagon in eueh a manner
as to cause it to upset, burrying Mr.
Anderson, who was on top of the load,
beneath it. John H. Johnston SIRS also
on the load and was thrown some die.
sauna. Both gentleman were considerab-
ly braised and scratched hat no bones
were broken, and we hope to soon see
them both fully restored. The horse wag
thrown off its feet by the upsetting of
the wagon and grabbed by some bystand-
ers before it mould get away, or more
serious injury might have been the onb.
Sentenced lo Death.
"Yon are in the last etagee of ooutnmp.,
tion and cannot live more than a month!"
were the words of doom heard by Mrs.
Rota Richmond, of Laurel Spring8, N. C.,
from her dootore, "but she began to nee
Dr. Ring's New Discovery," writes 1i,. L.
Daughton, "and was wholly cured by it.
It's the supreme cure for diming
of throat and lungs. Infallible in ooagbe,
oolds, bronchitic, asthma, croup, whoop-
ing cough. Trial bottles free at G, A.
Deadman'e drug store.
Main street, East, is being covered by
enable of gravel, or dirt, it not being
easy to deoide whioh.
H. Goddard was palled to London last
week to attend the funeral of hie mother,
who was over 00 years of age,
Wm, Bright, 'of this town, has been
appointed Division Conrt Olerk for No.
O Division, Perth, viae H. W. Hay, re.
N,'llhe St, Mary's Sewer Pipe Co, have a
gang of men at work manufacturing
cement Sewer pipe on the lot Wed Of the
Mre, Stewart, 'wife of J. J. Stewart,
barber, and eon Norman, have gone on
ttip to Plum Conlin, Manitoba. It is
Norman's intention to remain with hie
naoie in the West.
Henry Zin
ofwho met
with mob among Wallane eg lest year, bag dooided
to anter his erring of standard -bred stook
at Toronto again thi8 year. Be is
ohippi0g 12 borne aid oolto in all. It is
his intention to show them at London
The hotel at the etalion ie about to
change hands, Mr, McDonald having
d'epeoed of his busineeo to Pare. Mannell,
of Toronto, the owner of the property.
Mrs. Mennen, we understand bas put.
chased the business for her son•in.late,
Mr, Abraham, who will tape possession
about Sept, 20, Mr. McDonald has not
Yet deeidod where he will locate,
13411.8.$ 3111.5 POST
Mtge Clara ;dilliax has gene to Elmira
on au 01tended visit.
The offering 1m the Maynard relief
fund wag taken le the Methodist uhnrolt
last 83bbath morningand netted $87,10.
0100 will be raised by title ',thumb, and
at least 01,500 by the whole Conference,
of whioh Bum 8850 has already been paid
CA 01'1,14
The )(Matte celebrated Be 15tH birth.
day Wet week.
Arrangements are being made for big
oelsbrotion here on Labor Day,
Jae, Leech hoe gone to Manitoba on a
bareness and plea80re trip oombloed,
Miss Spottnn, 0f Torpolo, is visiting
her eieter, Pare, Abe, Strong, of the 8th
Will Tbompeon,.who bee been working
with Philip Harding at Cotswold, was in
town. He left for Bruseele where be will
work in a barrel factory.
Among the suooaosful candidates in the
resent High 8011001 exams., we notice the
following mimeo from Gerrie;-Mabel
Campbell, J. M. Hattie, J. Bennett
and Lambert Stinson,
Calls tots..
S. H. Smith has chipped 900 head of
cattle from Rnron 0ounty a0 tar this
month of Augnet,
Jae, Lair has won tbesilvertrophy put
up by J. P. Tiede!! for competition
among the veterane of the Bowling Olab,
Fair Bros, report a satisfactory sale of
Karma Winter wheat, though there has
been no individual este of more thou 10
The Clarendon assumes anew manage•
ment, J. 0. Miller slaving gold out to
Jae. McGuire, formerly of the Albion
hotel, Belleville.
George Sage began to work for the
Honduras at the opening of their Balt
block at Stapleton, over 30 yearn ago
and, with the exception of 5 years, has
been in their employ ever since.
The oolleotlon of photographs .sent to
the Paris Exposition by Frank' Jaokeon,
of Barrie, has been awarded a bronze
medal. Photographer Jaokeon is an old
Clinton boy, a eon of John Jaokeon,
J. Tedford, of town, and Henry Snider,
of Colborne, left last week for the North-
west. They intone to go to Moosejaw,
where Mr. Tedford'sson ie loomed. We
understand, should he like the place, he
may decide to move North,
Lieut. W. H. Gundry reoeived his field
officer's oertifioate from the military
sohool at London lest week. The per.
(tentage be took was 70 75,. the highest
given at the school. He has also reoeiv-
ed hie equitation oertifioate.
0. Howson was home from Roeslaod,
B. C., for several' days last week, the first
time for seven years. He was on his
way over to South Attica, where he has
gone with than maohinery, and will re-
main there at least six mootha.
GOLDEN WEDDING. -The Clinton New
Era say :-E, and Mrs. Holmes, of St.'
Catharines, formerly of Clinton, bad the
rather unusual experience of celebrating
their golden wedding, on Monday of last
week. They were married on a Monday
in the year 1850, so that the celebration
on a Monday 50 years after is oat of the
ordinary. From 4 to 10 p. m. that day
they were at home to their friends, n
large number of whom palled to pay their
respect and show in a tangible way their
good will and esteem. Their old friends
iu this neighborhood will be glad to know
that both ars in the enjoyment of good
health. It has often been Jaid that
neither of them have aged in appearance
during the tacit ten yoare ; 'tensility Mr.
Holmes does not look like a man who
has passed hie 77th birthday, for he man
still do a good day's work, either as a
farmer or a type setter, while he has the
active use of all hie intelleotaal foroee, as
anyone who tries to do him up in ann.
ment will gaiokly find out ; he never
weighed 125 lbs in hie life, and the fact
that he has not need tobacoo at all, and
stimulants only for mediae! purpoeee,
may have 000tribnted to his general
good health. MCa. HOlmee is not 80081.
tive about het age, bat no matter what it
is she does not look it. During their 50
years of married blies a natural death
hoe not wormed in their family, their
eldest daughter, Mre. Zealand, however,
having lamb her death in St. Thomas
several years ago as the result of a 1011•
road accident. The home of Mr. sed
Mre. Matinee is now located in Grantham
Sp., LInooin Co., and a coincidence is the
taut that Mr. Holmes resided in Grant.
ham, Linaolnehire,Eng., at the time of
his marriage. All the members of the
family were home for the event except
two, Peroy, who is in South Atrioa, and
Mrs. R. G. Emmerson, of Lei Bivirie,
Man., who was detained home by a two
weeks old baby boy. The other mem•
bars of the family not residing in St.
Catharines are R. Holmes and Mrs.
Ohant, Clinton ; Ed. T. Holmes, Indian-
apolis ; Pare. C. J. Farr, Brantford."
Fall show in Goderioh, Sept. 18 and 10.
The Goderioh Organ Co. made a large
shipment of organo to England.
Goderioh has one rink at the Walker -
Ville bowling tournament this week,
Work was oommenoed last week on the
foundation for the new moulding shop at
tbe Goderioh Engine and Bioyola factory.
H. W. Shannon, cashier in the offioe of
The Evening Times, Rochester, N. Y.,
was visiting his parents, Jno, and, Moe.
Shannon, Cambria road,
The two men who were in the County
jail for three weeks an a oaptae, were re•
leased having made some kind of a settle.
ment with their 010802or0.
A constable appointed to patter in the
(owe end horses says that on Tuesday
morning, between 5 and 0, he mounted 31
mows and several horses running ab
Lynn Gordon, of Britleb Columbia, a
former Goderioh boy, is in town visiting
relating. Lynn, who epeake in high
terms of the Paaifio Province, loop° a8
though the country spited him.
While Fount Naylor, a young man em•
ployed at the organ factory, was work-
ing the rip•eaw a s lint
er etruok and
penetrated hie aye. It i0 feared that the
result will be the lose of eight in that eye,
The Finanoe Committee of the town
Oounoil after going over the ntimateO
for the year decided to recommend that
the rate of taxation this year be 25 mills
on the dollar. This is the rate that has
been iu effect for several year0,
McLean Bros.' clothing ;tore Vat en.
tared through a window at the rear, ft.
pane being broken so that the hook
whioh fastened the window mould be
reoahod, Some clappers were taken from
the atll and other tiling wine left of the
A genvention of tate Liberal. Conserve, In t1,' parer an' unoh yet lunch ay'
Live Aseo0iation of the Weet Riding of Ilam geogwAdge an' hard trots' ossa an'
Unroll will be bold at 31'31 Bill, on uatberpidare 1 (th 1 yes, pm' 313311 y8 osn
Iridgy, Aug, 8iet, oommenmltig et 2
O'clock, to nominate a eandieabe to lepra•
,„pent the Biding for the forthoonaing
'Dominlpp eleetiene,
D, and Mre, liloGllliouddy were away
with the Painneecta pr888 Px0ureion
through Ontario and Quebec', The plan
of ex0nr01on was thr0ngh Meolt01ta Lakee,
down the River St. Lawrence to Mon•
trawl, thence to Qualm, arid return via
ldontreal; Ottawa and Toronto.
Another of Gederioh's ootogenariane
has been exiled away in the person of
Donald McDonald, Wilder, otreetl whose
death occurred on Saturday 18th inst., at
the age of eighty six year's, ,Mr. MoDon-
old heti been a 300ideet of ,hie town for
five year's, having lived formerly at RIP.
ley, He was a native of 800130nd, and
atter earning to tills aounbry wa0 for a
time in the aervioe of the Hudson Bay
Co. in Manitoba end the Northwest
The people of Goderioh have put np for
a long time with the disagreeable habits
of numbers of young men who plant
themeelvee at street eornere, in front of
hotels and in other public places, arid
who strew the sidewalk with toba000
jaioe end otherwise make themselves a
nuisance. Mayor Wilson is making an
effort to put a stop to this condition of
things, whioh has been borne so long that
iteople hardly expeoted that anything
would ever be done to remedy it.
At midnight on Wedneeday, 15013 inet,,
Jno. and Mre, Oleuer, who live on the
corner of South and Britannia streets,
heard a kneelsat the aide door, which
Mr. Olener opened, when he sound a large
clothes beaker on the step and took it in.
side. It was apparently half filled with
clothes, but rte moving a woolen shawl,
that was on top, a little chubby face was
seen, and Mre, 010001 deftly moving the
coverings found a baby boy three days
old. The Sndere of the legaoy were sur•
prised, but the issue was goiokly decided,
and the boy, who will likely hereafter be
knowu as Olson John ()loner.
Troubles of A' 11lrlisler.
To benefit others Rev, J. T. W. Ver-
non, of Hartwell, Ga., writes : "For a
long time I had a running sore on my
leg. I tried many remedies without
benefit, aotil I used a bottle of Electric
Bitters and a box of Bnoklen'e Aroioa
Salve, whish oured me sound and well,"
Sores, eruptions, boils, eczema, tatter,
salt rheum show impure blood. Thema
ands have found in Electric, Bitters a
grand blood purifier that absolutely mares
these troubles. Large bottles only 500,
at G. A. Deadmao'e drug store.
Lorne Danford, of Broesele, was in
town last week.
Harry MOCeae kept hie cousin, Fred
Bur esti of Clinton, a
as n tm
ap Y o Sunday,
Harry Edge is rushing the improve•
menta along on his residence on Market
We are pleased to report that Mies
Maggie Morton, who has been eeriouely
ill, is improving.
James Weir has disposed of the Royal
hotel, in this town, to James Dick, for
the sum of $11,000 oaeh.
Ted Case, who was suffering from a
lame knee, the reeuit of a kick from a
borer, is recovering nicely.
Lorne MoLenoao had the misfortune
to have two of his fingers badly out in
the jointer at Clark's saw mill.
The road grader was at work on Main
go over .to til' hydrant an' gib 00011 a noise
d1lrink et war•rm lake washer --free.
There's teen ting ye eau say about
Gatheridge-av t1,' water isn't firet-stage.
til' grub's all roight, They kape gild
pooko, an' ye don't Bit down to a table
loaded down with a 0aehtly sail of Oliver.
ware an it and abont tin (tints worth of
Nab Til' Bidford Hotel is a foine
large beildin' with a Oboiueee pagoda on
the top of it an' the doors made god an'
woide to allow the laudlord to pass
trough. Av' Janathan baked god' care EV
himself he'll be a stout man'yit.
llcr freed a Aright,
"Large sores' covered the head and
fame of our child," writes O. D. Iebill, of
Morganton, Tenn,, "that no treatment
helped until we need Buoklen'o Arnioe,
Salve, whish absolutely aired her."
Infallible In eruptions, bruises, aooideate.
and piles Only 250 at G. A. Deadmao'e
drug store.
There le' prospect of a stripe of b81,cr8
in Hamilton.
Hon. Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia,
is expected to visit England shortly.
Rioh anal and petroleum fields are
said to have been discovered in Oregon.
Montreal will give a big civil and
military reoeptlon to the returning
The Manitoba Board of Underwriters
has offered $500 reward for the appre•
heoeion of any incendiary in that oily.
Their Exoellenoiee won the hearts of
the people of Dawson during their re.
aeot visit, and Lady Minto was present-
ed with a gold box filled with chokes
nuggets by the millers.
Sir Charles and Lady Tupper arrived
at Halifax on Saturday evening. air
Charles is still suffering from the es•
oident at Amherst, and is oblidged to use
a crutch. He aensult08 phyeiaiane on
his arrival.
Patents Guaranteed.
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one send-
ingoketoh and description of any invention
will promptly receive our opinion free con-
cerning the patentability of same. How to
obtain a patent" sent upon request. Pat-
ents 000ured through no advertised for sale
at our expense. Patents taken out through
as receive 8PEOLtL NOTICE, without charge,
1n THE PATENT Rno0nn, an illustrated and
widely circulated journal, consulted by Man-
ufaoturera and Investors, Semi for sample
copy Peon, Addre,e VICTOR 3, EVAN8 &
Go., Patent Attorneys,) Evans 13nildlug,
Washington, 1), 0.
Important to Breeders and Horsemen.
Eureka Caustic Balsam.
A reliable
and epoedy
,5 10100,10 for
illii _ Spavins,
etsaw., eenyn,
a ^'"+,•„c „,4:; ine Cattle,
TRADE MARE 'See pamph-
letwhicha000mpaniee every bottle, giving
scientific treatment in the various diseases.'
It can be used in every case of veterinary
practice where stimulating applications and
blisters aro prescribed, It has no SUPERIOR.
livery bottle sold ie guaranteed to give setae -
/action. Price 730 per bottle. Sold by all
druggists and country otorekeeeere. Pre.
pared by P1m EUl1E1CA VETE10INABY
ML'DICI:l1 COMPANY, Lbndon, Out.
street North last week and made quite an
improvement in the Queen's highway. ALLAN L I� N
Mies Sadie Ryan, daughter of Thos. / j`�
Ryan, a former merchant of Seafortb,
was drowned at Whitmore Lake, on
Tuesday of last week.
Misses Wright, Tessa Latimer sod
Aggie Brownell have been oaooessful in
enuring Firet•olaes oertidcate0. We
congratulate the young ladies.
The "Hurons" now claims the obam•
pionehip of Canada as a foot ball team.
They defeated the Berlin Rangers by a
snore of 2 to 1 on Civic Holiday.
The Glen Sisters held forth in
Cardno'e Hall on Tuesday evening of
last week, and furnished a good program.
A large crowd was in attendance.
Quite a number of our townspeople
have been patronizing Bayfield for the
past few weeks. They seem to think it
a better policy to swim in the lake than
on the street. Rain has been plentiful
Par. O'Keefe, of this plane, has been
dongerouely 111 for some time but we are
pleased to state that he is improving,
Bright's disease is said to be the cause of
Leo. F. Killoran, who hes been teach-
ing at Cornwall, wrote on the junior ma•
trioulation examination for Toronto
University and was one of the enooeesful
Mrs. F. G. Neelin and Mies Edith have
returned from an extended visit with
friends and relatives in New York and
other please. Mr. Neelin is now taking
hie holidays.
Moo. Robb. Mooney and daughter,
Ethel, of Adrian, Mich., who were spend-
ing a few weeks with the former's Meter,
Mrs. T. MoOrae, have gone to Bruseele
to visit relatives there.
Lloyd C. Hodglne, eldest son of Rev,
floral Dean Hodgins, of this piaoe, wrote
on the Matriculation examination in
July, and Wednesday the reports showed
that he not only won honore but has
been awarded tbe Burnside scholarship
in Englieh and History of Trinity Uni.
Ma. '10110002" VISITE Go niaoen•--
Nearly iveybody goes somewhere in
11,' Summer. Some go to Bayfield, some
go to Magkoky, some go to Beechwood
and some to Gatheridge. I wins to
Gatheridge. Gatheridge is situated as for
Wiet from Hayford as Lake Huron will
permit. It le laidout likea goigantto
cobweb, wid t1,' eborthou80 in t1,' eintre
30 riprielnt t1,' ahpoider. I aappon t1,'
Sumtno1 vieitore tipeisint t1,'. Soles,
'Tie an aiey matther to lose your
whereabouts in Gatheridge, but its jnet
as stay to (mind what ye are. Kape an
thrampio and ye'll land either at th' jail
or t1,' 000rbboues. 1'12' quickest way to
fcind th' jail le to smash o windy.
Gatheridge brie a population of about
four toesand, meetly lawyers. Th' moat
of shim do thir bnei0ese at t1,' hotels,
Well, I euppo80 it !e quite roight an'
proper that they should praotioe thin
profiesion at the Har, Gatheridge is a
great plaoe' for amnions. Tie a
great boon fur t1,' inhabitants, RV'
the little inland towns, where wathet
10 envie, to soma to a plana loik0
Gatheridge, whore Mather is plentyful'
an' have their poor tired feet properly
0hampoo011, Au' itt,Oo noise to sit Out
RoyalMail Steamships
For Liverpool, Calling at alloville.
11fomTn'EAL QUEnEa
Parisian Rat. 25 Aug. S a m 1 p m
Tunisian (now) Friday 7 Sep S a m 8 Sep
Numidlan Sat 15 " 0 a m ti p in
Corinthian (new)31 " 0 a m O p u,
Parisian '‘20 " y a m 4 p m
Tunisian (new) Fri 13 Cate a m 18 Oct
Numidion Sot 20 Dam 4p en
Corinthian (new) .„37 " 0 e m 4 p m
Pariafan " s Noy O a m 4 p m
Tunieian (new) Fri 10 ' 0 am 17 Nov
From New York to Glasgow -State of Neb-
raska, sept 8 ; Californian, %Sept I5,
First cabin, 800 and upwards. Second
New York to andupwards,cabin, 546 land
Upwards. Second , cabin, 980. Steerage,
$2&50, Redaotion0 on drat and 8eoond cabin
return tioltete,
Paseengore may go via Montreal and re-
turn by New York. For other information,
tickets, &o., apply to
��.";Si2��23Lc'.�^is"t•'C�' rSl°:�'&'.�'S^ ����S��S
Truth Thu t rt
T1,8,0 is an Old saying, "Fou can't believe all you )]ear, and only
half what we see." This bite inodorn advertising pretty hard, Mapy
advertisements are either wilfully or ignorantly deceptive, " and most bar.
gain0 aro 001 what they 08003. The gu00808 of this store hat been won in
a great memos by advertising our 'geode exaotiy as they are, and never
offeringanything any Ming for ante that could pot be booked up by the reputation of
this firm. Below we quote a few prices whish ehonld - be interesting to
oloee oaeh buyers.
Men's Forney striped Iaundried shine worth $1 00, for 4813,
Men's White onlattndried.thirts, worth 45a, for 30o.
Men's Panay SMfrto regular price 75o, for 50o.
Ladies' Fine Cashmere Rose, worth 26o, for 15o.
Men's Heavy Wool'Sooke, a great snap, 2 pair for 25o,
Fine Scotoll Gipghanas, worth 12-o, for So.
Ladies' Corsets, firm Sateen eteel'tilled, worth 750 for 500,
Union Carpets, yard wide, worth 35o, for 25e.
Heavy Linoleum, good patterns, worth 750, for 500
Shirt. Waists, fancy stripes and awoke, worth 75o, for 500.
Shirt Waists, alt eons and sizes, worth 50a, 60o and 76o, for 25e.
Pound Prints, (0 yds. to the pound,) at 20a per lb.
Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 5o, for Bio.
Beet Standard Shirting, Indigo Blue, worth 150, for 12i-1.
Oottonade8 in ehripes and duoks, worth 16o for 12*o.
Heavy Cottonadee, the best made, worth 30e, for 250.
Bleaabed Cotton, yard wide, worth Se, for 5o.
Headquarters for
of AH Kinds.
Farmers should see our
Field Fence,
Best Fence on the marllet.
Barb and Plain Wire,
All kinds Harvest Tools.
Binder Twine.
Paints and Oils,
S. W. P., the best Ready
Mixed Paints made,
always in stock.
The well known firm of
The well firm of
Opened are to the front with a
Large, Well Select-
ed and Well Finished
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts Etor
that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at ourho
S w Rooms and see for yourself,
Special attention jiver?, to Repairs,
Re -painting, Trirmin4,
Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.
We u. K7G7CLR,
4,081331, BRU05ELs, . ....._ - ,....., „:-.
Also Agent for the White Star Lino,
New fork.
If you want a new Wheel,
w0 drefer a Second
Hander or require repairs of
any kind he can supply you
and at prices that will please
Agent for the Canadian Express Co, by
whiob line you should do your buai-
noes. A epeoialty made of
money order bnsineso.
1/1101/13 BL001I,
More Room
Having made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am
in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers.
All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices
the lowest.
General Blacksm thirst, Iineb
�usual �nslatiefac•
tion guaranteed.
Horse ►Shoein I have made a specialty of
5• this line for years, and jf
you have any horses that interfere, overreach or troubled with
bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or euro them m less
than three months or will make no charge,
WagonsI am prepared to supply the
g above at the very lowest
prices, and best quality, either of my own .make or from the
largest Factories in the Dominion.
Thanking my nnlneron0 oustomere for their v01y liberal support in the
past, and hoping by strict attention to bueinese and ootiotaotory privet,
to eaten a oontinaan0e of the same.