The Brussels Post, 1900-8-30, Page 4THEY $RU S.1 0 30, 1900 9 tr µ�r iy o rr�i • P AAL �.m' 4i:1 + guarded than under the Red, Waite and I31ne bather, bAt flay wait find cub palet WEST fI URON L tgERALS, in owe Werepart ddwe It upon, and the Grant ane i a th t 1 ad aoPrued war age moved with hie father's family to the BRea lips, Goderlok township, wltera he MONEY Sr� �t e�C� ec i,o1es Og31~RT NO/.MeS THt NC7M/NI C, plstnly shown. Iu °opclnsmoA, be said that he knew Of ne reason wh Wait Y . Baron should not continue in iha Liberal resided until his marrlago to Mlas Fran• Tucker - nee. NOW; of the Louden road, Tucker• , milli, in 1862, Soon atter bio morriobo TO ! O e N 1 1✓ LOAN .....A �._..__..._.- _. TIZURm D4Y, AVG. 4Q, 1900, servo of their dt th dainto enote of treaobory will get them into many a tangle union they quit their mea0Oeae, Tho We.t Huron Retool* Aaeoglati0u met at Dungannon; Friday of last week, to nami»U. 0 a uandldata for Ude Hort I)a, mfufau eleotian. latera wee a large representation from every polling sub! division, and the greatoet unanimity pre. Yarlaa, Preettbent J roudboob °°nil baa. tbo °pair and' William Coats, Gbe Heppe• r esreted 1 ' oruaaizin t e mos E . to y, a n o e e t ng Atter the report oE the oradeabial 0"cam maples had been received the Precedent °ailed for the nomination of oaodidates and the 'following Hamas were sub milted 3 -Robb, Holmes, 111. 1'., M. G. Cameron, D. MoGillioaddy, W. Proud' foot Robt.Ourrio Alex. tnnrb J• 0, Martin, W, Coate; Alex. Saaodore and Alex. Yono A Reoolution. Committee, opium, He had •personally endeavored to work 1n the beet ieterosta of the non; etdtnaiioy, and she Govarnmsnt hoot made a record of which every L1bora1 sbonI1 be rauif "IE You, h Heal anmd alraiehtforw vc1 Fvnrl ,rlrobvima again, as I ti. ally liBlinva 1u:i 0 (1, f pledgor myself to de mY beet to Drees a faithful enppetieref that eminent abates• man and grand Liberal leader, Si' Wit- frid Laurier, were the speaker's last words, amid long and continued applause. ;dr Gamow spoke briefly in favor of organizabton, and pard a lofty tribute to the greet Lbs Rud aGatea at tof the Ottawa, He oLiberal leader action also advised united Rotten and unaware'. ing fidelity to the Liberal abandard- whoatoll° as the ugie Mr, Meson put'ohased lot 25, con. 9, Wallen where he and Mra, Mason resia- ad for 2.3 yoara. 12 years nga he acid pie farm and removed to Blyth, where he, pnrohaaoif the Central lutea, and whi0h oh; an00000fuli ovnd°°boli n .to the time of ii,o lllaesa yuud death p During pia ,residence is (fallen doneaesd was a_OT prominent and pubho spy tled. eittren, For, Several years he mounted a seat at the =mil board and for three years was Reeve of the township. Fie wae also road °ommiasioner for several years, To Mr, and Mrs. Mason Were born 7 child- den, b oP whom are still being, ono . daughter shaving bdiad When Bbe wean gears old. The remaining child. rsu are :-Benj., of Rothsay ; Wm.,, of oleo'h' f a'oand At Per Ct nt, 4� tri/ ' Cot of Loan B VeryReasonable. Liberal Terms of _ Repayment, . . G. F. BLAI Rr BOL1o1TOlt, So: t e Over St.andarclBank Offl ' 13russe1s, ' ' •, :, ' - ALL =NM - Fitted to Correct all Failures of Eyesight, and your Eyes tested FRI7I1 by laEoat Optical methods at Division Court Office, BRUSSELS, . AA elinnse of POlitleal meetings ie au• . a b li i Chas. a, Tu ar Hap: n0 no d R wl 02114. l a Tupper, Ooo, E. Tooter and Hon, I3agh' John mouonald wall he the gbief speakers, It is eery probable that a trio of Liberate will also address •atherin a at central 6 g points. Tun Laareir' Government has leen. B Canada a greatly enlarged market with a noteworthy and highly .commended pref• arenas to the Mother Lend that has done muob to the 'national ties. This has been and is still the Glume of many a Spillet the loading prase Wua,IAar SattTit; who on oath admitted b a a also Ecu boodler in. South that e was an t Ontario and received a good calling down by the Judge at the election trial, has been °lumen as the Conservative condi• Bete for the riding. We don't see a great many of the OppoeItion papers kicking slime it though. statesman and of that band has spoken many commando• for words aonnarnen the Liberal' GM, y g ertlment ot this Dominion, Our Premier stands !ora united people and in his pub lie utteranoss as well tie private converse, bions there is a breathing opt of patriot.. ism well worthy of emulation, Both at home sod abroad he stands on the same to comprising of thati felt i° his booe that James Scott, Alex. Saunders and Jas, semen would orown their efforts, but Young, wee appointed, strong work and united work wae smut. Alex. Young, lbs first of ilio nominees ed, to address the convention, wee perfectly (Load applause). satisfied with the manner in wbioh Mr. My M -leo, of Ottawa, ale° °P°1" °P. Holmes had represented. his 000etituenoy °n tbeg°set i ne of the day • and thought that he should besre-eleoted• plane foully :g reeolutigna were Oarrled unanimously :- Alex. Saunders bad no desire to be a Moved by M. G. Cameron, sem0nded candidate, Good service had been given by D. F. MoPhereon-That in view of by the Bitting member. Be concluded by the work of the Dominion Government dealing with the splendid work of the during the past four years, under the Government aims 1898, and gave it a able leadership of Sic Wilfrid Lander, groat deal 04 credit in connection will we, the delegates representing the Liber. the "growing time.' ale of Wet Huron, in convention as. 'ntative Misr BWoor, om. Oa ea and Emma at home. The Blyth,anerrl took plantar' Friday afternoon to the Union °uopioe y and was oondnoted Hader the stuelees of the Oanadira foresters and Orangemen• The funeral °cartage wae . dards one The srwvi headed thbye the Blyth baud. Services at the house and grave were oondnoted by Rev. T. E. HIg- ley and Rev. George MoQaillip. Many old friends from all the count were .resent at the funeral to pay the last reepeote to a kind and hospitable friend and neighbor, . %�' terra 'axr, London, September 6th to 16th, 1900. IRntirtBe Mee September lith• The most oomplabe exhibits from Farm, Forest and Faobory. New and startling special features. Chariot' races by imported Grey Hounds, Balloon As°enoione, Double Parea ute Drop by man and lady, celebrated Clpmnaets, Aerial ArtletI] and Acrobats, fireworks each evening. "The armoured train's attack on the Boer strongholds," and many beautiful set devisee. Special trains over all lines each evening after the fireworks, Been political partise are getting on their war paint for the approaching Dominion election. The contest will be ehorb, sharp and we hope decisive in Premier Laurierie favor. With elections in England, United States and Canada this year Hera should be no aompiainb of want excitement. platform ie marked oontradietiu°teon some of his predeasesors who faced tie many waye as party exigenoies required or demanded. Not onlyso but the ear- foga departments of Government service have been oapablyand carefully manage d and are devoid of scandals that were once an every day theme. Another noticeable feature Of the Laurier administration is W Coats, J. 0. Martin, Alex. Stuart sampled, desire to express Onr 0 mitinned and Robt. Currie retired in favor of Mr,oonfde°oe in the Govsrumast and its Hahn". oadfooh was not in a coition t0 poleey. The rapid expansion wbioh our o into olitice• Befelt that with eon. country las made under the Reform g p Wa wir to Atoms, The old edea that the body needs a powerful, deraetio, purgative pill has been exploded ; for DC. King's New Life Send for Prize Lists and Programmes, LT,•UOL. WM. M. GARTSHORem J. A. BELLES.oo PnrsicsNT• AISORRTAIIY• ' Tenni appears to be great unanimity of opinion among the manyvisitors to p g town and it centralizes round the ex- precision "Brussels is the neatest and Ping best built np place of its size in Ontario." What we want is the livening 09 of some of our industries so that onespopU- lation will grow and business extend. We aro surrounded by an excellent country, peopled by Weeklong, intent. gent people and we believe we are dentin- ed to grow. their marked abtliby in securing imml• grants to people Manitoba and the great Northwest, Dr, Macdonald, the well known M. P. for Last Huron. in dismiss• this matter i° the House and speaking particularly on a table setting out the Homestead Entries says :- That Labbe brin s cub ver man flame, g y Y and 1 shall analyse it and show the pap tinular results wbioh this table proven. The Dost o4 immigration fox tae 12 years from 1886 t0 1896, under the Conserve• rives, was 22,839,232, giving a yearly average of 4219,770 ; the total bomeetead entries for the 12 years was 86,269, the Government during their regime has carted action any candidate Of the con. been unprecedented ; bitter al.imositiee vention would be elected. He gave have been allayed, trade extended, the figures in connection with previous elaa- bonds Of the empire more firmly cement. tions Eo Blow2:1t o o 000oation and work ed and our country plumed at the top were the essentials to eua°esa. Liberal• amongthe ooionies of the empire ; we ism was not dead is Huron. h pledge our continued support; when they pine, which are perfectly harmless, entl stimulate liver and bowel° to ex pal polsonaue matter, olesnee the system and absolutely aure0onstipation and Sick Headache. Only 255 at G. A. Deadman'e gsEore. drag ___. ..! _._ -_ .. --_' • ®fes D. MoGilli°nddy was not prepared to ask tae country for their approval of accept a nomination, but be was prepay their past acts. ad to give an uugaalifled and vigorous Moved by Robert Currie, by BARGAINS IN 1 emended support to the nominee of Shia oonveu• Alex. Stuart -That the Liberals of West ti°°• Huron desire to congratulate the Ontario M• G. Oamaron believed in unanimity ; , Government on their motive and 01000006 union of seotime°t at a convention policy under the able leadership of Hon. ANBOfAIV �' / a`..' 1 FI: Ye 0 U E We commend the good judgment ,of the West Huron the goo in the ant of mating of Robert Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, as their standard bearer. In the short time he has been in the House lie has demonstrated the possession of nelifiostions very essential to an M. p, and we believe that he will be returned fun another term. Neat Tuesday South IIuron Liberals will meet at Brumfield to select a candidate for that riding. The present candidate is John Mo- of Hallett, who is Widal known, Y cancellations numbered 12,558, or one cancelled for every three entries mads, That proves that during thattime a large number of people who went into that oountry with the object of becoming per- maneob settlers were compelled by the land regulatiOne to leave the Northwest and to seek a living in another oonatry. On no othergrounds can you explain such a large number of cancellations daring time Conservative Government. We are told by gentlemen opposite that the Liberate are not nearly so eoonomioal in this, as well as in other matters, as were the Conservatives As I have said, the total expanditare on immigration daring the Conservative regime was $8,599 ?42, and the nethomeetead entries meant a victory to the party. Diannion Geo. W. Ross, in the development of the often meant a loss. I° the last election mineral, timber and other sources of be bad worked for IbIr. Holmes earnestly wealth of the Province, and we desire to T3arvest and with all the power be poaseesed, end express our renewedconfidencein their would willing'y do e.o again. (Applause,) able administration. The meeting He would be a poor Liberal who would closed with cheers for the Queen, Sir 'm� •t�� �.t �1 C Wis1oiis Nein o t E 1 S . . . not strike a hard blow for the press Wilfrid Laurier, R. Holmen, ,v1. P. and Government. The Government bol Aon, J. T. Garrote.Aug. 28, Returning Until Oct. 27, and 1r Nov," Nov, 10, 1900 dealt with goestions of vast moment, of Imperial significance. Tbey secured the Leadbeer•y. denuooiation of"tbe treaties with Bet- Hz's Ann Rxowe. - The Hoogbbon gium and Germany, the existeucs of County Progreso, published in the town which prevented the granting by us of s of Hancock, Miobfgan, pnbleshes Dor• preference 3n our markets to the products treats and biographioal sketohee of the of the mother land. The Tories tried for Sept. 11, °oto Winnipeg Antis ins Estevan Dinecarbh hfoosomtn o. xen to mFa Begins 1 !j 0 yo ktonw t Y QQ Priooe Albert U Calgai7 • }$ 0 ATaoleod }$ To Clear Out Stook. several gentlemen who are booked as years to procure the abrogation of these txeatiee, but they failed, and iC wae left oendidat°e for county offices before iha forthcoming Republiosn convention, to oar lenders by a single flow of sour- Among the many we notice an exOeilOnt ageons sbateemaasbip to a000mplieb an portrait of our old friend, J. T. Mo- object which the Tories desired to attain, Namara, a native of this county, and but were unable to achieve, and with this who removed with his father and other result, thatpolicy of preferential treat• members of the family, from Leadbnry, Hamiote, Swan River From all points ate. Maxie, Unt., For iarthmr est Canadian Aee't Bea Deor } $ 4Q l dm°ntou in Coterie, Onaptng, Sault Windsor and IIaet. parttaulare a mal to die near- PamLaa Agent, or to A. 11. NOTMAN, General Passenger agent, POST BOOKSTORE, BRUSSELS • I Gonsaron takes periodical spells of haemin Heir town as a Sommer resort g while under the spell purpose having a big hotel, an elevator ab the park, a steamboat for excursions, an electric road from the depot to the harbor, &o„ &a„ but like the morning aloud or the early dew the golden expeotabious Boon pass away. There are few planes so highly favored by nature as the old Couoly town and it could be transformed into a SAmmerreeort will lees expense 0 amount of this than many of its nom• petitors baa talk alone will never do it. If a town Council were eleoted with some of the above mentioned improvements as a plank in their platform the ratepayers would reap a corresponding benefit. were 28 706, giving tits avers a coat to tae g Government of thio country of $110 for every net homestead entry made daring every the 12 years of the Conservative Govern- meat. Look at the other eide of the shield and see the rosette of the immi- gration policy of the Liberal Government. The coat for the three years was 2844,500, ora yearly average of 2214,830, or some 25,000 Jess than the yearly average dur. ing the Conservative regime. The total homestead entries made during these three ears of Liberal rule, 1897.8 9 rof wore 13,921, and the total cancellations dorm the lapse years levee or one tend g ynot °enation to every eleven homestead entries, se compared with one eaneella. tion to every three entries during the Conservative regime. The net home• stead entries under the Liberal Govern. menti numbered 12,628, and the cost for each net homestead entry wae only $52, tie compared with the coat of 2110 for each homestead entry under the Oonsex- .a meat of Britain wae enacted wbioh has McKillop, and became a resident of been received with intense enthusiasm in Houghton county, soma ten years ago 1 King 8t. Haat, Toronto. Amman= the old laud, and in Canada as well ; a ,.Big Job°," as be ie Galled, tae been policy that has brought in its train not deputyeberiff of Houghton for the peat °er1l6 immediate, largely-inereesad pros- eight years, serving under two successive 1000 LIVE p y, but snob a feeling of common in• the positionY serest that flowing from it there will ofehsri Ha now aspires r b sheriff, and itwillbe the wish of lie sagaciously advantage. They also most of a certainty spring permanent and im- manyoldfriends inHurou that he willlie only capture the convention, but11J1J sagaciously managed a question whirl that he will head the pall by a large in less ekiltul bands •might have caused �1 P IC U �E■.. FALL DRESScoopsmodern `i`j S/ msjorety when the popular vote takes °lash and serious trouble, because it was Ince, and that he mn pave the he of an entirely new and unexpected Dna, and wearing the "cocked hat and sword" for one reopeoting which there might be, and .the next four years. The Progress has doubtless ware, many honest misgivings Wanted at Once. Have just arrived and we will be pleased to have our lady friends call and see the latest and most this to say about him : "Mr. McNam. and muob diversity of opinion tie to tae arse annual record has been one of wbioh Draper course to pursue. They rose to any man might justly point to with the importance of the ucoaeeon, however, pride. He is a natural born detective, and it was a lofty one, when they sent and possesses in a marked degree the across the sea the flower ot Canadian aseential sses inmarked Por the youth and olivairy to light the battles of office to which he aspires. He es emir. the empire in an alien land, and they re• getia, competent and faithful and no Highest Market Price per pound paid in cash. Must weigh not less than 3,• lbs. per air. p p �I }' (a 600 Lin Rots Wadi Also. up•to•date goods for _ a j e,, /■1 Pall Skirts Dz a es St Costumes Y� 0S September Patterns and Fashion mtibr•ets to hand. vativeo. There yon have double the work Lvaasnons should get something ready done for less than half the price. The to exhibit at East Halton Fall Fair, average yearly net entries ander Ootseen which will be held in Brussels on Thnrs- vative rale were 1,975, and under Liberal day and Friday, Oob. 4 and 5. The Baa. rale 4,050. The average yearly cancel- lesions under Liberal rule were 480, and Ores of these annual exhibitions depends ander Conservative rule- 1,047. The very largely on the interest taken by the total average homestead entries yearly community. Prize winning is under Conservative rule were 3,022, and not always the most important part of under Liberal rule 4,480." calved, as they deserved, the thanks and business entrusted to him ever fails to congratulations of the Sovereign, the Im- rompt ttention. tHe ie what penal authorities and of all others whoseb opinions were of value upon their loyal antxemeive pdagof?c al whonevenrbesibatesil etethe notion. discharge of any duty and his keen de- Robert Holmes was received with tip- tsotive ability, combined with great please whets be appeared on the plat- courage and cool headneseee, lice been form. He he to For further particulars as to alricp and dates of delivery apply to W. H. KERR, Awl _ Streschari III the Fair, although no doubt many think • so, but the comparison of exhibits, the LETTER FROM PTE. L. F.the p advertising they receive and the careful JACKSON. examination or enquiry of wee, said,glad see so means of bringing many a orlminal atx the c ie eelinOn•gs •N jlessoe •during the prat cNo years. good a could not fittingly He aonld not fittingly express hie feelings No lase man be said of Mc. McNamara as THE POST, Brussels. Hall of gratitude to Mr. Cameron and the citizen than as an officer. He is a man other gentlemen who had retired in his of good morel habits, of atrial •ategrfty, favor. He had no objemtion to Mr, of •a •genial •disposition and makes friends Cameron aspiring to the position, and he with all withwhom he comae in contact. thanked that gentleman for his meg- The election of Mr. McNamara to the nanimity in stepping down and out on office of sheriff would be no experiment. this occasion. He also paid a tribute to Ire has been weighed in the balance and Mr. Cameron for the valuable services he never found wanting." had rendered at the previous election, i S It C�� ®� yj' ii , System. �e�ao�a dor d -AND mon-- uric ' c 0n Fri day and Saturday We put on sale the balance of our Shirt Waists at exactly Half price. Only a few left and they must be cleared out in order to make room for Fall goods. prospective Arahaeere las brought man a man p g y DEAR BORT,-I received your kind and hitherto comparatively nnknown'fhto welcome letter about a week since, bot prominence. Seoare and carefully ex. was in the hospital at the time and could amine the long and varied opportunities not answer. Had a plight touch of the fever prevalent Tera but aenght it in for entries in the prize list and make an time and I believe am completely rid of effort in the coming month to bake an it now, I am bothered very tomb with active interest in East Huron Fall Fair lumbago lately and the M. D. has put me off duty inoonsequen°efor afew daye. on Ont. 4 and 5. However, there ie talk of another "sorap" the town tomorrow and if I Notwithstanding what the Tories said, r• he felt assured that he bad received an 33'•'t)t' honest vote, and he believed that an Improvements are being made at the ' equally large majority would be given Grand Trunk yard here. TESTED REMEDIES Don't Forget Friday Morning.-4�f outside so Wu learn man things by comparison will be there lumbago or no lumbago. I have never missed a fight or a march and think this is a fair wayto dismiss yet and intend to keep good the record to political aeons. Sir Charles Tapper is the very utmost of my power. Yon say asking the electors of this broad Domin• you would like a coin with old Oom ion to depose Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Paul's pbiz on it 7 Well 1 1'11 promise the Liberal party and allow him and his bo see to it and have one for yon. I have pelta a souvenir in iha shape of a dirty, coadjutors to take the nine of govern- old purse I took ant of a dead Boer's meat. Before doing BO every man pocket at Doom Iiop. I went np punning the franchise should study the amongst the rooks after the battle bo see of I could find any trace of a Boer who P°11°3' of each party and compare the had been sniping at me will an elepbaut effeobs of them on the country generally, gun all afternoon, I found this Boer Sir Charles' party had a long reign and about where he wee, his bead blown in. to an awful shape by a bursting obeli, ander most favorable oiroumetanoee, but it °bead in 1898 with a record somethingJUat imagine a mase of black flesh, open bones, hair and gore and you have Ebe like thin:-Hnormous debt ; in0reaaing picture. Of mines 1 searched him for a deficits ; burdensome texas ; unwise and souvenir and found the parse with 6 els. j g and a kruger penny. Looking at it from nts net le ielateon ' race and religious a business point of view this was little war; internal party equabblos . disown• remunatetion for being a target for him went by many of their own friend s. all afternoon. When in the beat of battle become filled with a mad war again when eleotion day oame around. The verandah in front of MoKinnon & SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE He bodof giveilpa vote in Parliament Coy. shore has began torn down to make that anyelector resent world not have wa far tae new ranolibbio sidewalk• given if that elector had been in his plane. Wm. King, who has been spending his The speaker here paid a glowing tribute holidays at the home of his parents, left to Sir Wilfrid Leerier, than whom a last week for Detroit where be has senor- more bonorable and able man and gifted ed a situation in the office of the New leader lad not appeared in Canada, The Stats Telephone Go. next contest all over the Dominion would A severe thunder storm passed over be the hottest that ever was waged. Blyth on Sunday night, 12th.At 11.13 The last melon was one of the vilest, so there was a violent clap and The Stan• far as the Tories could melte it, and gave deed office is minus one chimney as a the keynote for the doming oampargn. result. The eleotrio light wires in the Every effort had been made by the Op• office were also rendered melees. position speakers to blacken the repute, James Holmes, who has been a reel. Haus of their opponents, add they cared dent of Blyth and vicinity for the past not what statemept they made eo that 30 years, died at tae tome o£ Wm, Brown, they Every 12, Huliebt, Monday For Impure, Weak and Impoverished p ' Blood, Dyspepsia, •Slesplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nenr- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. samption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney anet":rinary Diseases, Sb, Vitae' Dance, Fe Irregnlaxitiee and General De• bility, LABORATORYDODERICN ONT 3 t ' J. M. MoLEOD, Pro and Mannfaatnrer. p' sold by Jas, Fox. Druggist, Brnesele The ■■ff■■ ii VV Great • • Tuesday Wednesday, Northro�eter�hi 1 b t'1,o� WILL BE HELD IN -ON- & yi SEPTEMBER 1 19 gained publiofby. effort was lot 17, °on, on morn made to show that there was discord on ing of last week, The funeral took plane the Government aide, and this was done Tuesday afternoon to the 'Union (mainstay. to drawlattention from the look of liar. The Standard says of the Livingston mon on the Other side of the Hocee. feetor fire :--Tho mill •wae built Fonr Take the oase of Clarke Wallace and ago and wae 100 feet long by 40 fill BB 80171y Prize List Aggregates $2 000, Two ]� y r Days, $f l�'flt They ViWili 13'oth U© Iiiimyners. years Montague, who did not speak as they feet wide, with a wing 60x40, and briok1 passed by, and that of Haggarb and Fos. engine house and dynamo rooms beetle. ter, who were at daggers drawn. They The mill was equipped throughout with realize that if the Liberals are retttrned modern machinery and the manufacture the conditions will be so °hanged by the of lumber, boons, heading and handles. righting of the gerrymander wrong, and The mill £or seve eral months past ta the mending ot ending of the Senate, been a busy apt, giving employment to that in tae wiidsril have to ae°s far mrranyinue to years to comer fire started Ise Mali f not knownen and . When ow bps i1p t0 the present time the Toffee have electrician shut down at 12 o'clook every- 001 been able to put their finger an one thing was all right. Mr. Livingston wrongful dollar spent, and the contrast places his loss at 218,000, with inaaranoo between the existing era of economy and at 210,500. the previous reign of waste bas made De Olt Jorn Mtea .-By the death them furious in the exbram e. When of John biasoo, wbioh sad event took Kon, Mr. Mntools took hold of the Post• 1ilace on Wednesday night, 1600 inst., offloe Department there was an annual Huron county lost a prominent, muob re• deficit of 8800,000. Now thtnga had been epeoted and Well-known °fbienn. Tor fie carefully and wisely adjusted that not • some months peat he had not been enjoy withstanding the reduction of the postal ing the best of health but had only been rats there was every reason to believe confined to his bed 10 days when death that the reeeipbs would presently balanus overtook ha. Brain trouble was the the Mtaistineexpenditure. ess iu°atObin uatone e Mr, bstween hOseadavaand the wasclause b oftownnshi , Y1,lta,1 Fltaka,,rt»l the, ean»rt .7ni i,, .e.ae Pnotnn»»tv In Y°Amn1ni mho-. 10 von -n�l British Columbia r r lied Cedar Shingles Slue- North Shore Pine and Cedar I'OB SALE 6T THE s[ti l t ills Brussels 1 IL U W Planin Alen Doors and Bash of all Pat terns on hand Or made to order at Short NotiOe. Botitnates Tarnished for sal kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMIDN'P NO WASTE EUG'7" yt12LI2�tT T3edzlzs cot You are Invited The Leading County Fair of Ontario, hold in the Healthiest Healthiest and Prettiest Town in Canada. jt has the Finest T'i1'uit TN/ la in Ontario, p No ot et County Fair has so good a Track, or such well i w 1 arranged and Commodious Grounds and Buildings. Music • a nen nay by the famous Goderioh Marine Banda Entries (except for speeding) ohne Sept, 16, TIME. 0�2e o olb ore Tzcesciccl , 9 to Come and see The 13est Speeding Programme offered in the County, TnueDAs- The Great Farmers' Trot or Page, Prizes 280, t 26, $15 and $l0, WeeNesnAY- 2' 20 Paoe and 2:16' That, Prime 8176.00. 2180 Pam and 2:16 Trot, Prises 2150 00 2;46 Pace rod 2:42 Trot Prizes 2100 Oil Drop a Bard for a Prize tag. yon Poems are well tired of the South frenzy as it were and in phis condition man look upon sights wbioh at other Afreoan Campaign and are hoping for its times would turn the strongest beart. I speedy termination. The Boars are at have learned many good lessons is this it loss apparently to know what to do as campaign besides storing np knowledge Dna of flair leaders says "Give np" while f0from ebookstr9How never well towae oearnea ghh to Others urge them to "right it out." Mr. appreoii bs God's blaesinge bestowed on De Wet is playing hide -and -peek with ue all ah home,and bow little we do 1 In the British among the hills but will be what a email, slight way we show our gratitude to Him for them. God has nabbed one of these days and may have guided me safely through many dangers 10 Summar at St. Helena. It is said an and preserved me with tree Fathet's eq'orb ie being made to induce the Boers care through bursting shell and hail of to become roeidenbs of a motion of Mon. flying ball. I telt you, Bert„ when you lana, U. S:, but as to wletlor dere is put these things in the balance, and look halt over year poet life to ascertain how anything in the report remains to be deserving you were o4 the Dara, you real• seen. If they were initialled Hader ice what a prodigal yon hove been. Be• garde to all ing0iring friende, where they amid seoare larger privileges Your loving brother, Drdtilmatie sh 1thoiie irBrrinhboe is OmbMw nce paf Ilea gnrin,o. Tranpaa 1. Atilt 14 1000. ', , 1,' JAMES jt!tITOIIELL, Secretary.