The Brussels Post, 1900-8-16, Page 8A Quest■ op.fp V S ex Po )'our ayes the easily? ll $0, Yea need ('lasses. Do your eyes burn? ll so, You need Ulasses, Does the type become blurred in reading? If so, Yon need Glasses. po you stiffer from frontal headache? Il so, Olasses will Help You. Do you know if you have perfect eyesight? H not, we can Inform You, �f WILL, COT YOU NOTHIf4O. A. adman M)ruggistand Graduate Optician, Brussels, Ont. ...Good for.... EADMA w r .9 BAKING POWDER , I Our Government is about mak. ing a collection of the Baking Powdere on the market with a view of preventing the sate of all each containing alum and to inetitete prooeedinge against all Vendors of ouch powders, This will be e good thing for Deadmen'e Baking Powder es we have been laboring under the die. advantage of baying to compete with those cheap dud Injurious Powdere con. Mining alum. We guarantee Deadmaa'e Baking Powder to be pure and healthful, and claim there in none better. We will oontinue to sell at the old price, 250, per Ib, Manufaotared and for agile by G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. STRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 1 9OIIT0EItN ExIMN%ION W. 0. & II. '.a'Trains leave Brussels Station, North tend 'Soatb,asfollowe: Gormo Sousa. GOING Nouns, Express 7:18 a.m, I Mail 0:10 p.m tem 46 a.m, i Express 8:17 p.m gnat e s items, A chiefs-amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent f t. New wheat. SPLENDID rain. Dors rapidly shortening, Canon, meeting next Monday. MANITOBA excursion on Saturday of this week. ��-' anoseere Base Ball team plays in Wingham on Thursday of this week. Biwaeois Bowlers beat Kincardine by 21 shots at the lake town on Thursday of last week. A entre of foot ball by electric light is ou deck at Wingham on Tuesday evening next between Brussels and Wingham. Pan home of Mre. E. 0. Lowry is placarded with a diphtheria card this week. We hope she will have a speedy reuovery. ANuMMBER of Brueeelites attended the Listowel berme races on Tbnreday and Friday of last week. W. F. Scott was one of the judges. R, K. Bose is giving his flour mill a regular overhanging end sent part of the machinery to Galt. Mill will be running in a few days again better than ever. D. A. Lowax and staff are at work on tbenew Methodist personage and have the first story of the building about cog. pleted as far as the brink work is con- cerned. Scoot. BOARD met last Friday evening bat there was no bueineee. The removal of W.F. Vanetone from town will neoee. sitate the election of a new member on this Board. CARD os THANES. -The undersigned wishes to return her thanks for the prompt payment of the $2,000 benefloiary held by her late husband in the H. 0. T. 11., Brnseele, aleo to the I. 0, 0. F. for the siok and funeral benefits. Mae. Giro. BARKER, Braesele. Eno TDB Toaoaro WORLD. -The Tor- onto World'a daily financial articles and natio and live etook reporte are aocmrate' and full, and are looked for by everyone interested in them. The World ie pab- liebed every day in the year and devotee int energy to getting out a fleet -oleos morning paper. FODESTIIRe Hien Comm. -The High Court of the Independent Order of Foresters, having juriediobion over West- ern Ontario, will meet in Goderieh on Tuesday and Wednesday the 28th and 2911e of August. It is expected that about 250 representatives will be io attendance. The High standing committee will con- vene on August 27th. EAST Heron Fall Feir in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, 001. 41h and 5th. Oa the evening of the second day a grand Concert will be given in the Town Hall at which H. R, MoDonend, the well known baritone soloist, of London, and J. H. Cameron, the clever vocalist and elooationist, of Toronto, will take pert ...tweieted by the beet local talent. Innis SmBwALR8, --The new cement walks a�K., ninisbed err` William, Market, Thomas, John, Tarnberry, part of Queen, Prima, Elizabeth, Frederick and Hawk streets and good progreee ie being made on Flora street. The etakes are set for the Sontb aide of King street and Albert street will also come in for attention on both sides. Mr. Lloyd is doing an 810061. lent job and perfume contemplating new walks should have their wants supplied this season ae the future oontraote will be small and consequently likely high priced. Blunt= 11tzerv.-The Listowel Ban. ner speaks of bhe recent foot ball match bare; as folioWe"Tdav DID IT.- The Marlboro' Football olab went to i Brussels on Monday evening and played a game of football with the team of that town, which wag a.botly contested one, bat the g Maritioroe being a more superior r team than their opponents easily defeat- ed them, by a wore of two goals to one. The score would have been a mnoh larger one hed it not been far excellent work done by the defence line. They did it, yes they did it And they didn't think it wrong. They did it, yes they did it And it didn't take them long. There'e no nee of ne deoeiving you For upon our word we couldn't Brueeele tried to defeat the Listowel boys But to their earpriee they couldn't." A LEraEn has been received from Lorue Hunter from Devil Fish Bay. Woax will be oommenced at the en. largement of the Graham block next week. F. S. SCOTT'S new briok stable has bean completed. He hae put Dement Boors in the ensile. JAox PEPPER helped Seaforth win a football victory at Berlin last Monday. He played in hie old position as back. TEE road grading machine was utilized on Thursday in eoraping the mud off Main street preparatory to gravelling. J. T, Ross ie patting additional ehely. ing in his store to afford a000mmodation for a stook of °rookery he is adding to his business. Anna. MaNau and belpere are briok- venerring the residence of T. Nichola, Jobn street. 11 will be a comfortable residence when oompleted. ROBERT 61oOuronnoo informe TRE POST that hie "dangbter" reported in last week's issue is a son. We humbly apolo. glee to the young gentleman for the mien take. NOT OoRDEOT.-It was rumored that Joseph Clegg, the well known drover, was out of bueineee bat he says that state. meat is not correct as he is still in it bat will not be pushed so hard einoe hie eon ie dividing the labor with him, A COMPETITION for a pair of bowls is being arranged by persons who are not regular players in the Bowling team. There will be at least 15 eompetitore and everybody will play with everybody and the winner of most points secures the bowie. Ton Goderiob paper 'says :-On Tues- day two rinks of bowlers from Brussels played two rinke of the Goderiob olob and the vieitore were the victors by 8 ebote. The playing was exceedingly erratic, aa a Brussels rink won at one rink by 22 and lost at the other by 14. I. 0. 0. F. -Thursday evening of next week every member of Western Star Odd Fellows' Lodge is asked to be prevent. There will be two initiations and also two presentations of Veterans' Jewels to Bros.l.eatherdale and Spence, who have been members for the pest 25 years. Wingham Degree Team bas been invited for that evening. Tag Kincardine Review says :-An investigation ie being held into certain chargee preferred against Petrick Heifer - man, provinoial constable, by Dr. Holmes, of Brnesais. He is charged with having used his office as prosecutor under the Scott Aot for the pnrpoee of wringing hush money out of hotel -keep - ere ; with inciting haraeeing litigation from motives of personal pique ; with being offensively violent to his prisoners. The evidence so far taken by the In- apeotor of Legal Offroee for the Ontario Government shows that there is some. thing in the aherges. Further evidenoe will be taken on September 18, ANOTEEa DEPEAT,-Here is the dis- couraging comment the Kincardine Re. view gives of the Broseele,Kinoardine bowling aonteet in the letter town on Thursday of last week Kiooardine bowlers are not accustomed to victory. winning and they become eo aaooetomed to defeats that they take them as a matter of course. Two rinks from Brus- sels came up on Thursday evening and gave the Kincardine bowiere a defeat to think of. The story ie told in the fol- lowing table :- BRUSSELS KINCARDINE BINE N0. 1. R. Leatherdale Dr. Mo0rimmon A. Cowley R. Rose 3. H. Cameron J. Moffat D, 0. Rose, ek..28 W. Bishop, sk..10 RINE N0. 2. G. F. Blair A. Mitchell James Irwin W. Harvie Dr. MoNanghton W. Hay J. N, Gordon, ek..19 W. Murray, ek..16 Totals 47 26 Brnseele winning by 21 shote. What bluff 1 0 1 yea the Marlboros "easily" defeated our team, just a walk over for those valiant klckere from the Eaet but the Banner wisely omitted to publish the names of their players for every reader :would then easily dieoern that about half the nambsr wore out - eiders. Listowel paid Bruosele the best possible compliment when they sent to Berlin for the crack Rangers to show what a "superior"'team those Marlboros tire. T 1RoseitLe Fall Pair Oot. 4 and 0, Rug eidewauf gang is at work on the South side of Xing street, I formerly Will, J, Stewart, of Bradford, f rmar y of Bruseels, loot 60m0 01 his good clothes whiio camping at Jaokeon Point, by fire from an acetylene gas stove, ',rig conneeting link of grnnolitbia sidewalk boo been put down in front of 5, 71, Jackson's shop by the Oonery Oo, Tbey left town on Wednesday. Tara particle guilty of vandalism at the old Revere House in the deetruotion of the fence On Wednesday night may yet wish they had not been quite eo flueh. HARVeeT apples are a drug on the market and Geo. Edwards' cider mill is' being palled into regniefbion already in jelly, apple sena and cider manufactory, Tan -Autumn sittings of the High Court of Justice for the County of Huron will be held e,e follows ;-Jury 81111050, before Justios .Mergueon, Tuesday, Sep. tember llth ; on jury sittings, before Jnatioe Faloonbridge, Monday, Novem• her 121h, Vnenne Le CBoxoerroee, -Lent week there was handed to '.CEE POST quite a auriooity in the shape of a potato, whioh upon being at open exposed to view two email potatoes that bad grown on the interior, a email stem feeding them throngb a Beam in the large potato, -In the garden of David Renate le another. peculiar vegetable growth after the similitude of a pumpkin. It was not planted by than but like Topsy, of 'talent lore, just "growed," The stalk is over 15 feet long and le flat and several inches wide, with braoohee of leaves at regular intervals. Ite growth le moat rapid. There are 8 small pumpkins, or whatever they would be called, on the vine. The only name it has so far is "What-is.it."-J. G. Skene has a sample of tomato -Henderson's Pondorose-that would be difficult to out -do. On one stalk we counted 32 tomatoes ranging in weight from n a pound to ld. If this is anything like an average yield this variety ehould speedily find favor but we fancy everybody's garden is ,not in the shape Mr. Skene's ie. BASE BALL. - Brussels and Gorrie crossed bats for the4tb time this season in Gorrie last Saturday. Brussels went to bet fleet and soored two rocs and tben Gorrie in their half soared one run. Bain then fell heavily, but in a few minutes it ceased eo the game proceeded. At the end of the fourth, filth and sixth innings the snore was a tie. Braesele failed to eoore in their half of the 71b innings, but Gorrie, amid a downpour of rain, got a man across the plate and the game was called ae the rain fell heavily for some time eo that the grounds were unfit to connote the play. The spsota- tore received the worth of their money but their notions and then of the Gorrie team wbeu Brnseele wee ahead were such that has spoiled base ball in many towns. Sleeman and Thomson did the twirling for Brussels and were well sup- ported by Hamilton behind the bat, The nom was as follows :- GOBBIE, R 0 BBIIesELs R 0 McLaughlin, lb 9 2 Sleeman, 213 2 8 G Ardell, p 1 3 Soott, 1D 8 1 T Ardell, rf 2 1 Hamilton, 0 0 0 Mase, 21) 1 4 Rem of 0 2 Sharpie, of 1 8 Thomson, p ...,., 0 2 McLaughlin, 9b 1 1 W Rookie, rf 0 4 Wright a 1 2 Gilpin, gib 1 8 .. W Ardeif 69.... 0 0 Griffith, 1f 2 2 Gamine, 11 2 2 8' Roche, se 3 1 12 21 11 21 Gorrie 1 1 8 1 8 0 1-12 Brussels' , 2 3 3 0 8 0 0-11 Geo. Mo0lellan, of the Standard Bank, Braesele, umpired the game. ENTEEED INTO REST. -About 6,30 Tries - day evening the spirit of Mrs. W. D. Brothers took its flight. She was a daughter of Mrs. James Wilson, Eliza. beth street, et whose residence she has been sins Jaly 1899. On August 27th, 1889, deoeased was united in marriage to W. D. Brothers, of Milton, and owing to her husband's poor health they removed to California where he died at Berkeley in April 1899. Mrs, Brothers' health was somewhat impaired during the ill- ness of her husband and despite the beet medical treatment ehe gradually deolined until she passed triumphantly to her eternal home. She is survived by 2 sone and a daughter, Herbert, Muriel and Sydney, the eldest being 9 years of age, who will reside with their grandmother. The future had no shadows for the eob- jeot of this notice bat with Christian fortitude she arranged her business af- fairs, spoke of necessary arrangements in reference to ber burial and bade her love ones Good-bye in anticipation of & happy mullion in her Father's honee. The funeral took plane on Thursday afternoon, Rev. G. 3. &bey, of St. John's church, and Mr. McKay, who is supplying for Rev. J. Rose, of Melville cbaroh, tak- ing the service. All the members of the family were home excepting Mrs. Falconer, of Chicago, who was unable to get owing to illnese. The relatives are deeply sympathised with in their be- reavement by a large circle of friends by whom the deceased was greatly beloved tuber many good gnalibiee of both head and heart. Interment was made in the family plot in Brussels oemetery, The pall bearers were Jae. Fox, G. 7', Blair, A. Strachan, G. A. Deadman, D. 0. Rose and A. M. McKay. MATRIMONIAL, - The following item, clipped from the Lake of the Woods Daily of the 8th inst., refere toe. daugh- ter of our townsman, Jae. Kelly, Mill street : "Leet evening at the residence of James and Mrs. Kelly, Fitbh street, Bat Portage, Miss Frank S. Kelly, a sister of Mr. Kelly, was united in the holy boucle of matrimony to Robert Owen, of cypress River, Manitoba. The cere- mony wag performed by Rev. J. W. B. Page. The bride was attired in white organdie with silk and pearl trimmin s and carried it shower baguet of red and wbite roses, Mise Emma MoNaugbton, of this town, sod Miss Mamie Kelly and Lulu McLeod, neioee of the bride, were maids of honor. Miss MaNaugbton was dressed In a pretty pale green organdie, and wore a begat of carnations. The other two young ladies were strand in white lawn and each held a pretty baguet. Geo. Kelly, a brother of the bride, aesisted the groom through the oeremony, after whioh the company sat down to a eampbuous wedding supper. The happy couple left by the Imperial Limited this morning for a short honey moon trip to Lake Winnipeg, after Which they will settle down at Cypress River, where the groom le a proeperoue farmer and grain buyer. The bride was the recipient of many valuable and useful presents, and their namer0us friende here and in the Weet unite in wishing tben a happy and prosperous journey over the ea of life." The many friende ofthe bride in Brunetti and locality wil be unanimous in their good wisbee, H0170116 AT THE PLUM Exa09ITIex.-The Ingersoll Chronicle of Ang. 10th says :- We are pleased indeed to be able to state that the Noxon Oo., Limited, have been awarded upon their exhibit at the world's greet fair in Paris, France, the grand prix (highest award obtainable) and gold medal. We have 1;re rea at eon to feel proud of our town to think that it pos. seams an industry capable of turning out a line of goods worthy of such an honor as the one just conferred upon this oom- pany'e exhibit, A few menthe ago we predioted for this firm under its new management a very brilliant future, bob little thougbt that in se short a time its output would be raised to snob a high point of exoellonae that in oompetition with the world's greatest manufactures of agrianitoral implemente the Noxon Co'e. exhibit should have gained each marked dietinotion, it being the only Canadian firm exhibiting to whiab this prize wen given for the Ara time. The company has just reoeived a letter from the Canadian Oommiesioner General in Paris, oongratulating them upon the 5200eee achieved and thanking them for contributing so largely towards bringing Canada and her industries so prominent- ly before the world. We might say that the Noxon Co's. exhibit there comprises representative maohinee from their full line of cultivating, eeeding, haymaking and harvesting implemente. u x! Business Locals, 0A00 for batter and eggs, A. Oousley. flpaioonTApori house to rent, with stable and good garden, on Alexander street. Poueeeeion sum be given early in Santora. her, For farther particulars apply to Ti Voile, Warren, eggs, lSo„ batter, 180, Tie sale still goes 04 for three weeks with the abeepR 1Z, rates: A k those who have been here how they liked their parcels, G. A, Pane, Winghatu. Consomme boric with lot, pump, am, well located, for sale or to rent, on Turn. berry street, Braesele. Farther inlor• motion and the key may be had by oali. Mg at Tan Poor, Poseeesion may be bad at onoe. 1LRS0\AI. PARAGRAPHS. Wendell Holmes le on the elok list this week. Mee Mary Oantelon is book from ber holidays. Miss Jennie Bloomfield is visiting in Toronto, Edgar Wake, of Owen Sound, is visit. Ing in town. Mrs. Hyslop, of Windsor, is vieiting litre. Jno. D. Ronald. Duna, Stewart ie home from Wing - ham for big holidays. Miss Edith Inman ie home from Guelph for her holidays. Mies Ballantyne, of Stratford, is vieit- ing 111100 Hazel Johnston. James Beattie, of Derham was in town during the past week. Fred, McCracken and wife are vielting et Paisley and Owen Sound. Mee Skeae, of Dornooh, wag the guest of Mre. J. G. Skene lug week. Joey Good is helping G. A. Deadman to take are of bio bees and honey. Mies Sarah Bowes, of Elora, is vieiting her cousin, Miss Lizzie Leatberdaie, Miee Isabel Irwin spent a few days last week visiting friende in MoKiliop. Mrs. McGregor, of Seaforth, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Martin, Flora street. Mise Gertie Zillion iehome from a visit of several weeks with relatives at Bel- more. Misses Allis Ferguson and Ada Main. prize spent Sunday with friende near Blyth, Mies Amanda Button, of Detroit, was visiting at her unole's, Alex, Forsyth, last week. Wesley Beattie and family, of Sea - forth, were at Alex. Forsyths, King st,, on Sunday, Mrs. N. H. Young and Mrs. and Mies Moser, of Blyth, were visitors in Bro. eels on Thursday. Rev. A. McKibben, B. A., of Strath- roy, was bolidayiag fn town with his mother and sisters, Miss Teenie Sinclair, Prinoees street, is visiting friende in Listowel, Moles. worth and Fordwioh, Mrs, MoLeanen and Mise Lizzie, of Seafortb, were renewing old friendebips in Brussels last Sunday. J. N. Gordon, of the Standard Bank, Brnseele, is away for a few weeks holi- days in Northern Ontario. Mre, (Dr,) Snider and Eva and Mrs. (Dr,) Holmes are away at Port Elgin en. joying Lake Huron breezes. Robb, Inman, of Stratford, is in town. He Dame to attend the funeral of his wain, the late Mrs. Brothere. Wm. Edwards, his daughter, Mary Jane, and son, James, of Bellmore, were visitors at George Edwards this week. Wilber Baker was away at Exeter on Wednesday attending the funeral of bie aunt who departed this life on Monday. Mre, Gallangber and Mise Wooke, of Belmore, and Mrs, W. Bright, of Toron- to, were visiting Mre. Zilliax during the past week. Mies Braden, a former tender in our Public eobool, is here from St. Thomas, visiting Mies Minnie Moore and other old friende, Mrs. (Dr.) Knechtel, of Winnipeg, is bare on a visit with relatives and friends. She is a daughter of D. B. and Mre. Moore, Turnberry street. Miss Mina Norton, of Listowel, was in town renewing old friendships, She is one of the Publio sobool teaching staff in Listowel and is a good teacher. Mise Dora Smith leaves next week for Toronto where ehe will attend the Nor- mal eobool to secure her professional 2nd. Plias Smith is a euoaeoefal teaoher. R. W. Jewitt and wife, who are visit- ing here, rebury to Cromarty on Satur- day so that Mr. Jewitt will be ready for the opening of his school next Monday, Miss Mary Rose, William street, is may on a holiday outing to Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Guelph. She is a000mpanied by Mies Jessie Rose, of the Royal oily. Mine Maud Kelly has gone to Paris, Ont., where she will take a position. Brussels young ladies appear to be favor- ites in Poria ea there are 10 or a dozen 111 ere now. Lorne Pringle expecte to take a poen tion as stenographer in the office of Mr. McNair in the Board of Trade building, Toronto. He will go to the Queen City In a week or s0, W. H. Willie, the beetling boot and oboe man of Seafortb, was in town on Sunday and Monday. It was a case of "Where the treasure ie, &o.," Mrs. W. and sone are visiting hare. Geo., Mre. Powell and Mine May, of Toronto, are holidaying at J. G. Skene's. Mr, Powell is the Principal of John street school in the Queen city and he is also the author of a new school atlas. Mies Jennie Howe will leave in a few weeks for Clinton where she will attend the Co, Model school. Sbe secured her certificate 6 years ago and intends ends te aob- 'ng when her Model term is concluded. Mies Howe should makes capital teacher. Mre. S. Pearson, who has been a well- known and reepsoted resident of Brnseele, for the past 40 years, lett on Tuesday for Port Huron, Miob., wbere she purposes residing with her daughters, Mre. Hol- land and Mre, Pelton. The former ao. sompanied her on the journey. `T.4.711D4R,D 8,4.7ffC QJ? C4X7V14D4, =gmaixa-afoaaa7 HEAD Ol»FIOE, - TORONTO OAPI`.f'Ai'a PAID TTP (One Million Dellars) 91,000,000 RPlS7t • 5700,000 Agencies in ell principal po€rats in Ontario, Quebec,Manitoba, United Statoo Onolafsl, irT i?PssfG°.brs fd R.$.l i''T1. A General Banking. Bueinees Transaoted, Vermont' Notee Discounted. Drafts Isom d and Collections made on all pointe, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and apwarde and oompounded h elf yearly. 8asarAn AewenefoN cone TO Win 001,1;E0TI0N or FAReigns' San NoTEs, Avery facility afforded Ouetomere living at dietanos. payable ab any bank Weed Homey Orders ise at the following rates Under 510 ,.. 80, 520 to $80,...120 510 to 620.,..100, 30 to 49,.,,i4o J, N. GORDON, A8ENT. J. N. Kendall and family, who have been residents of Brussels fora number of years, left for Vancouver, B. 0„ on Thursday forenoon of last week, The only representative of the family left in town is Danby who has a position in R. Lsatberdale's furniture and undertaking establishment, Mr. Kendall intends go. ing extensively into poultry and the rear- ing of Belgian bares in the West which is said to be a profitable business. Tan Poor wishes the family every success and will be glad to hear of their prosperity. Morris Council Meeting. Council met according to adjournment, in the Ooanoil Room, August 6th. Members all present ; Reeve in the chair I minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Cardiff, emended by Mr. Shaw, that Jno. Bell be paid 510 for putting in culvert at lot 2, con. 5. Moved in amendment by Mr. Oode, seconded by Mr. Jaokeon, that Mr. Bell be paid $9 for putting in said col- vert. -Amendment oarried. An account of arbitrators' ante for the forming of 8, S. No. 12, Morrie and Hallett, amounting to 538,50 was presented. Moved by Code, seconded by Jaokeon, that the clerk be instruoted to write Mr. Robb for a de. tailed statement of said oats as we eon - Bider the bill exaeesive.-carried. On motion of Shaw and Oode, John Mooney was appointed collector for the current year at a salary of 586. On motion of Jackson and Shaw, Treasurer's half. yearly etatement as read was accepted as eatiefaobory. On motion of (lode and Jaokeon, the Reeve and Councillor Sbaw were appointed iuspeotore re Garnees drain. On motion of Oode and Shaw abs Reeve was instructed to pay the con. tractor 560 for work performed on Garness drain. By-laws No. 6 and 7 were duly read and passed, Oo motion of Shaw and Jackson the Reeve and Treaenrsr were instruoted to borrow $1,000 to meet oarrant expenses. AA - coots were ordered to be paid as follows Wm. Maunders, gravelling on E. Boun• dary, 518.75 ; D. Farqubareon, gravel and work, 522.98 ; P. Kelly, gravel and tile drain, $26.25 ; J. Thaell, gravel and work, 528.81; Geo. Henderson, use of eoraper, 60o ; McLean & Son do, 50o ; T. Raeeep,l culvert and gravel,' 514.50 ; J. McCaughey, underbruehing and re. pairing culvert, 58.60; A. MoOall, under. brushing, $3,62 ; H. Fear, culvert and grading, 53.00 ; Wm. Taylor, gravelling, 515.40; Wm. Jaokeon, building fence, 54.50 ; Jno. Bell, culvert, 59.00 ; Jno. McKinnon, gravelling on W. Boandsry, 558.00 ; 0. Barber, grading on W. Boun- dary, $4.00 ; R. Warwiok, inspeoting W. Boundary, $4,50 ; B. Bosman, gravel and inspecting work, 57.15 ; Jno. Mo. Bannon, gravelling on Bide line, 521.53 ; Duff &Stewart, repairing bridge, 520.15; Jas. Irwin, printing, 5201 Jno. McKin- non, job on 4th line, 522.40 ; O, MoCrae, inepeobiogand spreading gravel, 57.25; 0. MoClelland, lumber and spikes, $2.20; J. Walsh, gravel on W. Boundary, 55,66; 0. Pollard, gravelling on E. Boundary, 556.54; Jas. Bolger, inspecting on E. Boundary, 518.25 ; A. Oakley, gravelling, 925.32 ; Geo. Powell, spreading gravel, 51,87 ; R. Johnston, repairing culvert, 50o ; Jno. Potter, drain, 560 ; J. Golley, gravel on W. Boundary, 511,97 1 for gravel, Il. Laundy $15.06, F, Keys 52.56, 3. Mooney 55.96, J. Roe 54 80, F. Healy 70o, J. Breokenridgs 53.10, Wm. Skel- ton $3.45, G. Kirkby $3.66, W. Sboldioe $4.00, A. Batton 53.60, 13. Bosman 53.50, M. Watson, $7.15, T. Wright 56,50, A. Jaokeon 51.67, W. MoCrae $9,00, 0, Pollard $10, T. Maunders 52.45, 0. Mo. Clelland 52,45, E. Irwin 52.15, 0. Camp. bell $2,59, W. Little $6.00, R. Nicholson 660, R. MoMarray 52.05, W. Fraser 52 22, A, Jackson 54. 78, W. Tnrvey $5,94, B. Boeman 58.45, A. Cloakey 913.18, Geo. Peacock $5.00, D. Walker 57.70. The Oonoil then adjourned to meet again on September 17th next. W. CLAIM, Clerk. Wednesday of this week Mies Carrie Hingeton 1011 for Paris where ehe takes a situation, Mies Hingetou will be mimed as ebe wag an offioer in the Epworth League, a teacher in the Methodist Sab- bath sobooi and a member of the ehurab choir, all of whioh she attended to faith. fully, Mre, S. T. Plum was visiting in Sea - forth on Wednesday, She called on Me. Plnm'S grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Laird, who will be 104 years of age on Oot, 81. She io ane of the most remarkable old ladies in the Dominion. Mre; Will. Ainley, Mrg. Patland of town, and Mre. , Rotel', of Grey, are also grand.ohildron of Hale worthy oenetarian, Canadian INTe'vv et. sQRaN . ARaioraoiso, In Grey, on Aug. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong, a son. Doaoo5s.-In Wroxeter, on Aug. 6th, 60 Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, a -son. HuNTnn,.-In Elms, on the 8th inst., to M. sod Mrs, Wm. Hunter, a eon. Soauooll,-In Grey, on Jelly 26th, to Mr. and Dire, Otto Schnook, a sou, ],QAO.ZRxa9, ILLsO - neexsoTo - Lug.t M N W N, Oo 8th, a the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wellington, Lakeside Farm, Oamlaobie, Pimp - ton Township, Lambton Go„ by the Rev. J. Livingston, Windsor, assist• ed by the Rev. T. W. (Doane, of Lambeth, and Rev. W. H. Graham, of Sparta, the Rev. W. E. Milison, of Geato, Colchester North, formerly of Londesboro', to Mies Julia Well. ington. Owntr-Kzrov.-In Rat Portage, on Aug. 7th, at the residenoe of the bride's brother, by Rev,. J. W. B. Page, Mr. Robert Owen, of cypress River, Man„ to Miss Frank S., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kelly, of Brussels. stxaa- ARafeTRONO.-IO Listowel, on August 8th, Earnest Armstrong, aged 16. years, 9 months and 12 days. BROTHgne.-At Brnseele, on Aug. 14th, 1900, Minnie Inman Brothere, be. loved wife of the late Wm. D. Brothers, Phm. B., of Berkeley. California. 1'^,ASZ2. F.6R.9ag. Induetriel, Toronto, Aug. 27 to Sept. 8, Western, London, Sept. 0-16. Walkerton, Sept. 17-18. Exeber, Sept. 17-18 Listowel, Sept. 18-15. Goderiob, Sept. 18-19. Stratford, Sept. 25-26. Milverton, Sept. 27-28. Wingham, Sept. 27-28. St. Marys, Oot. 2-3. Kirkton, Oot. 4-6. Brnseels, Oot, 4-6. Fordwiob, cot. 6. 81i TTSSOu2.,S D6,ES=BETS, Fall Wheat .... 62 63 Barley .,,.,. 82 38 Peas 62 53 Oats 24 28 Butter, tithe and rolls 16 16 'Elgge per dozen .. 10 11 Flonr per barrel4 00 4 50 Potatoee (per bash.) 50 50 Apples (per bag) 1 00 1 00 Sheep akine,each 80 1 00 Lamb skins each 25 25 Salt i sr 1,1,1., rt.tail 100 70 Hay per ton .... 6 00 7 00 Hides trimmed ........ 6 613 Hides rough 6 6 Hogs, Live 5 76 5 76 Wool 15 15d Charlotte Seaton, a pabient in the Viotoria Hospital at London, committed suicide by hanging herself. One hundred Canadian soldiers in. valided in England sailed for home by the Lake Ontario from Liverpool on Tuesday. James Bradshaw, lot 2, oon. 9, Downie, brought a load of new oats to Stratford on Monday, delivering them to the Classic City Milling Co. It ie said tbat a workman who has toed in fitting up the old been em 3 employed g p pottery premises, Hamilton, bas toned nearly $200 in the building. About I,000 Icelandic, immigrants have arrived in Manitoba einoe June 16. More will follow this month. They are at wont on the farms with their country. mon. The London Old Boys' Re -union of 1900 has come and gone, and the oitizens of London have soared the greatest stun 0e8 yet in oonneotion with thin festive event. The visitors were right royally entertained, and have nothing but words of praise for their native town and its oitizene. A destructive fire broke out in W. C. Davie' general store, Heiman, on Satur- day, at 2.80 a. m„ destroying the build. inge occupied by MaArtbur & Go., bank. ere ; publio library ; J. C. Stoneman, jeweller ; V7, 0. Davis, general atom ; C. V. Smith, milliner, and A. MOPhereon, gentleman's furniehinl e. The Oddlel• lows' block and G. MSEwen'e blook were deranged to the extent of 51,000 ; covered by insurable. 'Total loos about $10,000. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. AN apprentice wanted, about 16 years of age, to learn the trade at RONALD .SIRE ENGINE WOREB. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T.pOR SALE, - A BEAUTIFUL A. home on Queen street, furnished or without, at a bargain. Ap1 to M188 01, 0AMPI?BEy0L, Broesels, Gt RAIN SEPERA'TOR IN GOOD working order and ennditlon for sale. Will be sold at abargain. ELI SMITE, Lot 4, Con. 7 Grey, or Brussels b, 0. Horses Stolen --Reward. On Wednesday, July 118th, one aged horn, dark bay, Iv bite bind foot, weigbe about 1,800 ; one bay, short hair, weighs' about 1,800, boa h eaves, Suitable reward for any information that will lead to their runway. WM, ERAIITER. STRAYED ON OR ABOUT July 12t1i, 1 aged ewe, with 1 lamb a ebearlingewe, and awbite lamb, Any in- formation leading to their recovery will be thankfully received, A.E. 10A80M, Lot 7, Oon. 6, Morris, 8-tf Sunabine P, 0, STRAYED ON THE PREM. rens of the undersigned, lot 80, eon,11, Grey, on or about July 15, 4 .head of cattle, 8 of them being 2 years old and the 4th a Spring calf, Tile owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. RROBERT MUTTS, Gd Oraubrook P, O. REAL ESTATE. LARGE FARM FOR SALE. - 840 aoroa, complete notion, near Soatltweet boundary of Manitoba, Over 100 acres under eoltivatlon. Fine two.etoreyy honee coating over 81000, 8 miles from rail- way ; ail -way; river Souris passes through farm 1 near cheap coal supply, Price 04008. Apply to 7NO. D. RONALD. Aim, 16, 1900 FLY TIME A0AI N But don't Let that worry you, We have the remedy right here and you can have g any one of them— DAVIS' FLY PADS, SIT00 FLY, WILSON'S FLY PADS, TANGLEFOOT, AND INSECT POWDER That kills every time A T Fox's Drug Store. `f1ARM FOR SALE. -FIFTY LL' more farm for sale, forty-seven acres wean d, the balance hardwood bush, Good Orchard and a never failing well. Buildings good, stone foundation lender barn, stone cellar under house. Farm is well fenced, nearly all straight rail. Possession could be given at any time: For further particulars apply to W.7, MOALLISTElt, West 1 Lot 10, 0522.17, Grey, or. Walton P, 0, Al 150 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, Being Lot 17 and 8.7 Lot 30, 00n. I5, Grey. On the premises is a oomfor table house. bank barn, orchard, &o. Liberal terms will be given to ptrohaeets. Farm could be divided,making the.t00 and the 60 separate, For further particulars as to prise, terms, &o., apply on the premises or if by letter to Oranbrook P.O. 46-tf JAMBE 017i'13II,L. M FOR SALE -100 ACRES Ij ARSouth Half Lot 27 OmMorrie Township, within 1 mile of Brussels. Dwell- ing house , butldtnge and fences 00 good eon- dition.. The lob has -a spring creek on the front and river Maitland crosses the roar. About 00 acres timber and a young bearing orchard, Apply to G. A.DE4DMAN, 40. -Su Druggist, Brussels, FOR SALE IN ETHEL VIL– LAGn.-Tho property of the late John Elliott, consisting of a. solid brick house, with frame kitohen and woodshed, gond stable and 1 acre of land al! in brat-elancondition. If not sold will bo rented. Pos- session at any time. For particulars apply to War. SYENan, Ethel; A201x.PATTEneovr Galt ; or DB, MC1ELvn8, aft. Forest- 2011 FIRST - CLASS FARM FOR SALE, -Lot 17, con, 0, Township of Grey. 100 000ee more or less. Situate 46 miles from:Btuseele and 2 tnileefrom village of Ethel, All cleared exoortiag 0 sores of hardwood bush. Buildings and fences in .clcod repair. Good wells, All ball. plowing one. Price and terms of payment on ap- plication to W.M. SINCLAI0 29-t1 Barrister, ,90„ Brussels. FARM FOR SALE. -150 ACRES Consistingof the South 1 -and South 1 of the North 1 of Lot 80, Con .2, East Wawa - nosh. This lean oxoallent stook farm,beh,g. well supplied with good spring water. It is situated about 8lutles from the thriving vii. lags of Blyth. A large 'port of it is uudor grass. Buildings and tenon are in &fair state o1 repair. Easy targe of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf G. F. 8LAIR. Barrister, Brussels. FINE FARM FOR SALE.- 200 notes in the Township of Grey, County of Huron, being lots 10 and 17, con, 11; 1 m110 from school, ohureli, poet officio, atom and blacksmith shop ; 2 miles from Ethel station ; 4 man front village of Bra. hole; 1 mile from aeon factory. Tbie term ie well fended, well underdrained and well watered ' river Maitland rune through Boutbeas b corner. 4 acres of good bearing 510110rd ; tags bank horn with straw sired ; a driving oh ed, etono house and kitohon and woodshed, 00 acme IS 100000 ; 24 acres bard - Wood bush ; 20 aro in rough end good od- er ; balanoo titular good oultivation, nor lurtbor particulars apply to WM, P1801I1110, proprietor, Oranbrook.I' 0, 0.11 T.f 'ARM FOR SALE. - FOR 1 sale Lot 21, Oonaeeeion 10, McKillop, containing 100 acres, 80 acres cleared uud randy for crop being well underdraio ed and well fenced with cedar and blaok ash. The balance is timber and pasture. There is a smell orchard and throe good wells. There is a good frame house etd woad alma, 0. barn and stables SIVE foot, also sheep bows., pig 1 m:, inn 1, went house and ell other nee •s•arl- ou t t.a ildtnge. Itis 11 miles Lust or the Nert11 !navel road and 1e con- venient bu schools, al,utehes, post aloe, ate. Is 71 reties from Ileal. rth and 10 miles from Brueso,e. 1t is one et US, Last farms is the township and will be sold on easy terms ea the proprietor wishes to retire. Apply on the promises or address Winthrop P. 0. WM. Mo1614100x. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the matter of tba estate of George Baker, late of the village of Brueeels, in the county of Huron, grain merobant, deceased. Notice is hereby given pureuant to Chap. 120, Sec. 88, Of the Revised Statutes of On- tario ,1897, that all oreditors and others havin g claims against the arm of Baellor & V uittono, or against the estate of George Booker, late of the village of Brnesole, grain -merchant, aeon sod, who died on or about the seventeenth day of July A. D., 1000, at the village of Brun ale, in the County of Huron, are ro,rf1uosted to send by post, Prepaid, or to deliver to Alfred Beeker or J. T, Gilpin, of Brussels, the executors of the Said estate, on or before the seventeenth day of August, A. D„ 1900, their tall name% addresses and diecriptiono and the full particulars of their claim and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that after rho said int mentioned date the said exeontors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled there- to, baying regard only to the Mahn of which notice shall have been given as above required and said executor's will not bo responsible for the assets or any part there- of ao diatributed to any person of whose claim notioe shall not have been received. at the time of ouch distribution. G, F, FLAIR, Braesele, Ont., Soliottor for Executors, Dated at B russets, August 28, 1900. A QVESTIOH of Spectacles. Do your eyes tire easily ? If so, you need Glasses, Do your eyes burn ? If eo, yon need Glasses. Does the type become blurred In reading ? If sot you need Glasses. Do you enffer from frontal headache ? If 00, Glasses will help yon, Doyou know if yea have perfect eyesight ? If not, we oan inform you. 0t will Cost Yon Nollilna, Having the lalesb and moat up•bo• date method :of testing your eyes wo guarantee eatiefactiou, MRS.T.FLETCHER! ETCHER, GRADUATE OPT101AN,. 4110 gradtlald of netinosoopy,