The Brussels Post, 1900-8-16, Page 5A 4) r1 J 're. s ti ,A,Zei. 1(, 1904 RUMNESS CARDS, M91'rONEY TO LOAN AT 58 1';AR 31402 -i37 ]! ,R. RUOTT, Iiroseell, II, MCORACKEN- r leeuor of'ilfarriege Lioaueos. 01. fico atGQr000ty,'Eurnborry street, B1•utoolt, 1-4 N. BARRETT- • Tgnem'ial Artist. 811041 -Next door North of too Standard Bank, Ladies' and 01111dron's hair cutting a epeuialty, T.iIARMS FOR SALL-THE UJN- .+, pl,nsrorno 1100 several good Forme for sate and to rent, easy 10rnee, in Townships of Eforrio and Grey, 17 S. S0U1"T,Broeaels M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCIILIN,. -2146.01I1811 OF- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, >3S-Z'r9'1101 11, O1STT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM! INB00AN00, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L, C. M., Academic graduate 'of Loudon Conserve- toryof 1'10010, else Member of the Aeeooiatod Musician of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number at pupils for instruction on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Principal's Form iu the Conservatory of Mario, Brn00ole, Ontario. A BUN TER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; ConveyancerNotary Publics,Laud, Loan Land lneuranee Agent ; Auction- eer: Fantle invested and to:loan, Collec- tions made. Office in Graham'siBlook, Bruo- role. AUCTIONEERS. Pi B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• 1 • EER, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lees time and less chargee than any other Auotioueor in East Boron or lie won't charge s and orers earl always be arranged atis °Mee or by personal apnlioation. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (FOR3tffitLT OF eIAPoni'u) DENTIST, Graduate of R. C. D B., Toronto ; Post Grad- uate course at Haskol's School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work, 1.w-Prioes same aa in surrounding towns. 21• 0Moo over A,11, Smith's store, Brdevile. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK_ J• Honer Graduate of the Ontario Vet- orinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals lin a compet- ent mauler, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. OBloo and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Turuberry st., Brueeele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. NAT• bi. SINULAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, lOonveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Ogle e -S tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel.! Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &c, Oftico over Stand - a1 d.}ltnk. Solicitor for Village of Brussels. Money to Loan at lowest rates. Air G. CAMERON- • (Formerly of OnmarOn, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor. Goderioh Ont. 01110e-Elamllten street, opposite Col- borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS, E. T. SNIDER, c, JI.1 Licentiate of Royal College of Phyeiciane and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. 1)1000000 Of Women and Children a ep00ial- .ty. Nine years' experience. Online and ree- d once, opposite ISngllah,church,Brnesele. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, et. 3)., C. 101., TrinityiUniversity, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member Collage of Physicians and Surgeon a, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wlfory,Edinburgh. ta-Telephone No.14, Residence -61111 street, Brussels. DR. WM, L. HOLMES, PB 0101011, 0111101001 AND A000DOOI03, (S1'0(1ce8er i0 Lr. 0. 11Malblleiech) M. D. Bellevue Hospital Mod. Col., New York ; 01030 M Victoria University, Toron- to ; llfombor of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Spool,) attention paid to dieoanea of women, eye, ear, nose and throat. 10 -ti D. F. SMITH, M, D. 0. M., Graduate of McGill College, Montreal, &„ &o, All specialty work satisfactorily treat- ed. 011100 upataire in the Stratton Binh. O111co hours, 0 to 12 a. n1., and 7 to 10 p. m, Spocinllst work, such an for eyo, ens, throat, &o,. in the officio at his residence, Elisabeth street, from 2 to 0 p m. All medicines will bo dispersed pereenally by the Dr, or under hie direct supervision, Tall Term Opens Sept, 4th CENTRAL JU. iMIJrai UI6 rd,,,Ont No loss than Dight largo bueiuo00 colleges have apps eN to nn within the Ineb six weelia for our graduates to take positions as teach- ers in their sohoobo. -As many as five bus i - Dna firm0 have applied to ns its one day for aloe holp. This is surely the boat eohool for you. 011010gite free. :R', ,1. ELl,10'l'T, Trt telonl, The B. Business Ontario Listowel College. gOUA4 TO ANY iN oNTARho. A thorough, complete end preotioel train• the in all braoohee of (ommereial wont, at considerably lase than replan rates. For hull information apply Some or Collogo over Poet 013109. L. HARTT, LISTOWEL,. PRINCIPAL, z tx1 ct :5Cet st Lon,dbtary. „ MO]SILr.gr 001.1110114-0ounoil mot in J000s Hall, Leadbury, on Monday, 0th inst. Members of Counoil all meant. Minutes of former meeting read and adopted, Amounts were paoeed and paid amounting to 01,063.80, this includes the two new steel bridges on North road whish goat $1;432 for everything corn. plated. A By law was passed for levy. ing County, Township, Drainage and Sohoollratee, One school section did not apply for any school funds. Path. mestere will please return lists so gravel can be paid for at next meeting. The County, Township expenditure and Townebip Soboolratee amount too 65/100 mills on the dollar, Sohool section rates raugee from one half to two mills to be added to thfe. Counoil adjourned to meet in Jones' Hall on Monday, 17th Sept., at 1 o'cloolt, JNo. C. MORRISON, Clerk.. E3 elgrave. Goon RoAne.-One of the pleasing signs of the time is an increasing desire for good roads. The Councils of Morrie and East Wawanosh have been improving the gravel road between said townships and the money hag been well expended. Jacob Millar, of Luoknow, with his goad machine, woe employed three days in grading or rounding np the road between Blyth and Belgrave. He also graded the road from Belgrave to the railway station, all of which work be did in the moat satisfactory manner, making a vast im provement on the roads. It is a pity that these road machines are not more need ae the roads are generally too flat and in wet weather the water lies upon them causing deep and unpleasant ruts to be formed. One of the first things to do in good road making ie to have dry roads. Grading will do this and when once done properly will be effective for a very long time. Then again, how much longer will gravel last on a good dry road then on a wet one ? Taking all things into consideration I think there is no money laid oat on roads to better advantage than for grading. Cuteness Md elemes sn. Belgrave, July Slat, 1900. Gorrice. Mrs. Thos. Pieroe and Roy Mose left for Woodbridge where they will visit friends. The stonework for the new school has beerraompleted and the carpenters have oommenoed on their work. The threshing season hag commenced and so far Fall wheat is turning out well. P. P. Aylesworth of the 6th con., thresh- ed 35 bushels per acre the other day. Geo. Cook, who has been in the em. ploy of Found Bros, for the past four months left for Niagara Falls where he bas secured a situation. The following from the Winnipeg Free Press of the 28111 ult., will be read with interest by many of our readers :-At Holy Trinity church, Friday afternoon at 5 o'olook, by Rev. Mr. McKim, Dr. F. E. Morrison, of Nelson, B. C., was mar- ried to Miss Carrie James, of Gorrie, Ont, The bridesmaid was Mies John- ston, of Winnipeg, and the groomsman was Dr. P. 0. Mathison, Winnipeg. The bride was given away by T. J. Smith, of this city. Dr. and Mrs. Morrison leave for their future home in Nelson, B. 0., this morning. Among the many presents received by the bride was the groom's present of a baodeome piano. Seventeen ]ears or Torture, "1 had a bad cough for seventeen years," writes Mrs. Bam'I Hamilton, of Lawnville, Tenn. "No doctor or medi- cine could ogre it until one year ago I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did me more good than any other medicine I ever need. It is truly a grand ore for stub. born Coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles." Positively nares coneuroptioo, pneumonia, grip, bronchitis, asthma, hay fever and oroup. Trial bottles free at G. A. Doadman'e drug store. Goderiele. Rev. Jae. A. Anderson and family are spending a month's venation at the old home near Tiverton. Never in the history of the Goderioh station has the passenger traffio been eo good as at the present time.] Large ehipmenbe are being made these days from the Goderioh knitting faotory, and the appearances are that it will be the busiest month in it0 history. Robt. Maroon shipped 80 bead of fat cattle for London, England, via Montreal. They were a fine lot averaging about 1400 lbs., and no good quality as ever left this county, The Town Counoil refugee the applioa• tion of the looal Court of Foreetere for a grant of $50 towards the expanse of en• tertaining the High Court when it moats bete on Aug. 28th and 29th. Dr. J. L. Turnbull, owing to hie large and rapidly inoreaeing praetioe, 11110 taken into partcerehip his brother, Dr. Frank D. Turnbull, late house 0008000 ,tt Toronto general hospital and the Burn. aide lyiog•in hospital, Toronto. The negotiations between Alex. Mo. Iver and Cowan, the Rothsay road rider, have assumed definite shape, and there will be a aerials of bioyole races between the two. The first will take place at Harrioton on August lath, and will be a 20 mile road race with start and flnieh on track. The scooted race will be run in Goderioh about a week later. It may be necessary to have a third race, but the time and date for this have not been fix• ed. Tho Publio sobool trustee board ap- pointed Robb. Stewart, of Bluevalo, prin• otpal of the Model eohool, From the 43 applications 6 namee were ohogen to bo voted upon, and about 80 votes were taken before the choice was made. Mr, Stewart 10 a fourth year ander•gredaate THE BBUSSJLS PAST in arta, with a lirot elaea prefeeeional oerti(loato and line had 12 yoara' eager. tepee in leaching, 7 in Public e01ool work and 6 in High schools, Irately he lute been attending oollago, Hie aatary will be 700 per annum.ncm. Mist Mary lRusk was appinted ae510tant principa for the Modal eohool term,' with the mina l salary, Lewin Park 19 now an excellent renting place, as there ie plenty of ohods, and it ie never troubled with smoke from water works or &orators, hielopn street, be- tween North and Waterloo Arcata, woe boulevarded last weep. til stir. Mies Goodwin has oMMoed her mimic Olaee here for it month, Wm. Weer, of Mitoboll, is holidaying with his pareate here. David Chamberlain has secured a eitua. tion in a woolen mill at Builook'a Cor. 0000, Mrs. Bradwin and children are spend- ing a oouple of weeks with County town friends, Mrs, Sherlock and eon, of Winnipeg, are visiting at the home of Charles Floody, A. M, Babb and Gus. Housenflue, of Teesevater, were Blyth vieitore for a couple of, days last week. Mies llabkirk and her friend Mists Mo. Lauoblin, of Brussels, have gone to epend a few weeks at Bayfield. Thebrioil work on the Pretoria block is completed end the carpenters are now doing their work. The roof he also being put on. Alex. Macdonald, o0r local bsrrieter hes returned after a three weeks' outing on the ehoree of Lake Huron and Gem, glen Bay. A. S. Dickson arrived from Natchez, Mississippi, on Monday of lest week, and will spend a couple of weeks with Huron County friends. Null work at Night, Countless thoueande have found a bleseiog to the body in Dr. Ring's New Pills, which absolutely care constipation, sick headaohe, dizzioese, jaundice, ma. laria fever and ague and all liver and stomach troubles. Purely vegetable ; never gripe or weaken. Only 25o at G. A. Deodmao'e drug store. Clinton. Mies Maggie Taylor, Toronto, is vieit- ing her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Labor Day, Monday, September 3rd, will be celebrated in Clinton, bicycle renes of all descriptions for handsome prizes will form the atbraotion, Thursday, Aug. 9111, wee civic holiday in Clinton and Goderioh. The Epworth League and Christian Endeavor societies of both towns ran an exoorsion to Brant. ford. The West Huron Farmers' Institute cleared a good surplus from thier exam, Bion to Guelph Model Farm. It le expected that they will have $200 net after paying expenses. Ed. Oantelon, who is an expert rifle. man, goes to St. Thomas shortly to take part in a tournament there. It is expeo• ted that E. H. Hovey, another creek shot, will accompany him. When last heard from W. Jaokson, (son of Isaac Jackson) who is in Booth Africa, was enjoying the beet of health and never had a day's illness since his arrival in that country. It is not often that farmers get through their harvesting as early as they are doing this year, and it has been a long time indeed since they have finished cut- ting all their grain by the 4th of August. Percy and Clifton Gifford, the bright and clever sone of Rev. Dr. Gifford, of town, have taken positions in a couple of dry goods stores. The former will be behind tbe'eouoter at R. Coate and Son's, and the latter is now at Newoombe's dry goods store, Clinton. Atwood. Both the candidates in the coming Dominion eleotion contest were calling on people in this locality during the past week. We are sorry to report that Fred. Danbrook is laid up with a sore foot. They were moving a separator out of the barn. Fred. tried to get his coat off the top of the machine when in motion. He slipped down and the wheel ran over his toes, oruohing the bones. Ed. A. Hemsworth, formerly teacher in B. S. No. 4, oon. 8, Weet, bas emceed - ed in obtaining a first class non•pro• fusional oertificate at the Winnipeg Collegiate Institute. He has been ap. pointed principal of the Pipeetone Publics school. Mr. Hemsworth deserves great praise as he took his first in six months. Char. MoMane grew eleven tone of flax from 31 bushels of seed. This ie a big return. He also has a patch of White Flint corn measuring 10 feet, 6 inches high. It is the beet we have any record of this year. Charlie also goes in for raising good horses. His six year old team tipped the scales at 3,255 lbs. last week. AB the Newry and 14th con. olube were about to commence a game of foot. ball, Herbert McCabe, of Newry, who le employed in Tennant's etore, fell pros. trate on the ground, and it was Boma mingtes before he could be revived to consciousness. The two Atwood doctors were summoned, and in doe time the the yoaug man was brought around. He had been driving the delivery wagon all day and probably bad been overoome by the heat. The match was declared off as a result of the mishap. Mr. McCabe has since quite recovered. "Wbagleetm. The Timee is holidaying. James Plenty attended the old boyo' re union demonstration at Walkerton. John D. Campbell, son of Peter Camp- bell, of town, has been appointed Prin- cipal of the Highgate Publio school. Geo. Shaw left here on Monday morn• ing of last week for Dauphin, Man. He took with him several flratalase horses. Mrs. T. Hall is visiting with her eldest eon in De Pere, Wisconsin. She was accompanied by her sone, Walter and Earle. T. Hall, of the advance, bee pnrohaeed J. B. Ferguson's property on Shelter street.. He will take possession in about a month, R. S'anstono has purohased Mrs. Ritohie's brick house on John street, The house is at present 000upied by Mr. Vanstone's mother. The West Hurob License Commie• sionere have traneforred the license of the Brunswick house from J. H. Dul- mage to John Carr. Mr. Oarr took pos. eegeion last week, Thos. Irwin, who has Wen thoQfat0fen t caretaker of the Winghnm oemotery for ' a number of years, Imo resigned and ie succeeded by Wm: Guest. J, A. Morton wee repreoanthtg Malt• land Lodge adJohuA,Mo at vette tb a delegate from Minerva Ilaoampment to the grand I, 0. 0. F, at Hamilton, 1The Union furniture fa t ry wdn clon- ed t n•ed down last week and moot of the men enjoyed a holiday, Vie machinery was thoroughly overhauled and repaired, F, Gutllridge, of Seatorth, and hie gang of men have Osiehed the concrete abut. menta for the new iron bridge, which fe being erected on the gravel road South of Winghom, Lases 0woe. Reoos,-The opening day of the Lista- tee' Turf Aseooiatloo meeting was a Imo. oess in point of good racing, though the attendance was not as good an could be desired, owing, no doubt, to the extreme heat, whioh also told severely e t, w v y on some of the horses. The 2.50 minae wee won by Bessie B„ a mare owned by John Belly, of this town, this being her eeooed start. The 2.28 and 2.24 mixed race wag won In straight heats by Birdie K. without much effort. The feature of the day was the 2.20 mixed class, Wiry Jim, the Bralnp. ton horse, woe the favorite at almost pro. hibibive prices, and won the first heat, Cap Brine being the contending bores. The heat was feet, and the two were lap. ped at the wire. Cap Brino then stepped out for the eeoond beat and beat the favorite, who was in difficulty, and came bank for the third beat a very sick horse, being overoome by the heat and a bad attack of the "thumps." It looked like as if the race was all over, there be. ing nothing bat Oap Brino in it, but the little light.waieted mare, Annie Gould had plenty left, and won the third beat in a drive, Theorowd bad nearly gone, but those who stayed to ee0 it out were eorprieed at the way she came on the next two heats, which she won. The running roe of half mile beats was won by Braes. Lew Oulloy, a bay gelding, broke the bones in hie fetlook, mashing it to a jelly, and bad to be shot. A. B. Smith, of Bt. Thomas, was starter, and gave good eatifaotion. Summaries :-- 2.20 trot and pace ; puree 5200-. Beagle K., ch.m.,by Wilder Lee; J. A. Kelly, Liecowel 8 1 1 1 Charley P., b. g., by Grandeur; F. Peters, Aylmer Rintoul, Win hum Lionel, b. g., by Diplomat ; Currie do 21 32 32 de2 Tommy Mao, b. g, by Oliver Wilkes ; J, McGinnis, Lietowelde Time -2 30, 2 90, 2.291, 2.291. 2.28 pace and 2.24 trot ; puree 5250 Birdie 3., br, m„ by Little Hamilton ; H. Hulse, Bradford 1 1. 1 Chimes, b. g., J. D. Elliott, Bramptona 2 9 Harry Wilkes, b. g.,by Guelph Bop; G. Thomae, Belleille 3 9 3 Barney, oh, g., by Octoroon ; F. Wood, St. Catharinee 4 4 4 Banner Boy, b. g., by Jennie 0 5 6 dr Time -2.254, 2.25¢, 2,20, 2.20 pane and 2.16 trot ; purse 5250 - Annie Gould, b. m., by Red Bird . W. Barnes, Toronto.4 2 2 1 1 1 Cap Brino, bl. e„ by Wild BHno ; R. Harrieton, Wal- kerton Fred Wilkes, b, g., by Fred2 1 1 2 2 0 WilkesW. Bishop, New Hamburg3 4 3 3 3 dr Wiry Jim , b. •., by Young Jim • Robson &Lowe, Bramp tool 3 dr Wilkie Collins, b. g., by Oliver Wilkes ; Grose h Brae., M11- verton 5 5 dr Time -2,191, 2 20, 2201, 2202, 2.244, 2 24. Half -mile run; heats; pulse 0150. Braes, Jas. Lee, Guelph o 1 1 Boundary Maid, J. Johnston, Guelph.1 8 2 Mamie Callan, F. Sage, London 2 Time -.61, .501, .51. Chipper, Law Cullet', Kittle Mac. lid. Dan- dridge, Wilfred Laurier also ran. Rider of Boundary Mald was ruled ,,off for insulting language to judges, The second day's summary was as fol. lows 5.20 trot ; Rom oli 1 1 1 Barney 2 2 2 GrG 0 9 3 MG. ryie G 4 dr Time -2.29, 2.90, 2 914. 2.24 pane and 2,18 trot ; DarkBlackey Boy '1 1 1 1 Mao John R. (Gentry 4 2 2 21 4 4 3 Chicago Bill 0 3 3 4 Time -2 231, 2.261, 21251, 2.27. 2:15 trot and pace ; Two Strike 3 2 3 Mies D elmarch 1 1 1 Black Joe 2 9 2 Time -21174, 2:201. 2:10, Track record for Mies Delmarob in drat. Two Strike fouled Mies Delmar=13 in first heat, and Mies Delmaroh was awarded first. 6 furlong run ; Mamie Oa Ilan 1 1 La Gabriel 4 3 Wilfrid Laurier 3 2 Bragg went lame in Ant beat and was drawn. Time -1.00,1:061, SAD Dnowenee.-On Tuesday night of last week, shortly after 8 c'olook, the town was startled with the report that young Earnest Armstrong had been seized with a cramp while in :bathing in Smith's pond and that hie body was still in the water. A crowd of citizens at once drove or wheeled out to the scene of the aooident and shortly afterwerde the body wan recovered from a bole about 8 feet deep, in the centre of the pond, life being quite extinct. This in the first drowning accident from bathing that has ooanrred in town and on amount on the eaddennese of the affair and of the reaped in which the young man and his family were hold in the community, the unfortunate accident canoed quite a gloom throughout the town. The pond is situated on Henry Smith's farm of the 2nd Concession of Wallace about a mile distant from the centre of the town. There not being any suitable swimming plaoa on the river available for young lads, they have got in the habit of going out here and utilizing these ponds from whioh large quantities of briok has been removed. The water is clear and cool and the ponds have been a favorite swimming resort of the young lade of the town. There were about half a dozen boys present, George Hay, Lolyd Thompson, Arthur Meyer', Ray Bent. ford and some others were his one. panthers on this occasion. Armetroog could swim fairly well and while the other boys were playing around to log raft which had been built in one corner, he struck out to swim across. The water in the centre is about 8 feet deep and maintains its depth tbrodghout the Sum - mem, being fed by epringe from the bet. tom. Where the water is shallower the water he not cold but where the spring water oomoe up the temperature is mach lower and it is supposed 'bat in swim- ming through the colder water he was seized with a cramp. His companion' did not hear him dell oat and did not notice him oinking and did not know that he tete in trouble until he bad ap. parently risen for the Inst time when they heard him make a groaning Bound and saw his hands above water en he woe sinking for the last time, They got the out d t a e bodyut raft o end ' d trte o get the a of the deep water but they Gould .pot And it, They hurriedly Bet out 10 raise an storm, ooml la , n to town and ebprtl a h , crowd went out and 'made preparations so drag the pond for the body. John Allan, of town, suooeeded in grasping the body with a long grappling pole and brought it to the endue, The body had been in the water probably for an boar and a half and the phyeioiane who ex. attained it pronounced any chance of re. enoitetiou quite hopeless, The remains were taken to FIermieton's undertaking eetabliehment and prepared for burial. Earnest was the younger of two sone of Mr, and Mee. Armstrong and was 10 years of ago. He bed been employed for the past y,ar at the Grand Trunk depot here, learning the operating and was a capable and iodustrioue hand, well thought of in the oflloe and making good preen -se. tats terrible sudden death wee, as May be imagined, a terrible shock 10 his family, his mother bas been stingily proetrstsd with grief at her bereav,•mwut, The funeral tank plena on Friday after• noon to Fairview Cemetery. Deceased was a brother to Mine Mabel Armstrong, milliner, formerly of Brussels, IIo Fooled The Surgeons. All the doatore told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 months from Reotal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was per- formed ; but he oared himself with Baoklea'e Arnica Salve, the beet in the world. Surest pile care on earth. 25o a box at G. A. Deadman's drug store. Patents Guaranteed. Our tee returned it we fail. Any one send- ing sketch and deeoripblon of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free con- cerning the patentability of same. How to obtain a patent" sent upon request, Pat- ents secured through vs advertised for sale atour expense. Patenbe taken out through es receive BP0OIAL No0000, without charge, in Trrn PATENT 10100000, en illuatratod and widely circulated journal, consulted by Elan. ufaoturers and Investors. Send for sample copy resin. Address VICTOR J. EVANS di Co., (Patent Attorneys) Evans Building, Washington, D. 0, e Blacts�ith wssti The undersigned begs leave to intim• ate to the people of Brussals and locality that he has leased the Blacksmith Shop in oonneotioo with Jno. Wynn's Carriage Works, Brussels, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of the public. A general Blacksmith business will be done and horse -shoeing carefully attended to. Prices Reasonable and Sabiefaotion Guaranteed. WM. PHILLIPS. Important to Breeders Bad Horsemen. Eureka rinary Caustic Balsam. A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, 6 lints, I� o �pnvhne, 6weeney, ® } Horses and y - . Lump Jaw in Cattle. TRADE MARE "Noe pamph- let which aocompanieo every bottle, givin scientific treatment in the varicue diseases." It can be mod in every case of veterinary practice where stimulating applications and blisters are prescribed. It has no 80110110010, Ever bottle sold is guaranteed to gm Batle- y g g male- faction. Prion 750 per bootee. Bold by all count storekeepers. Pre- pared re• MEDICINE COM ANY, Lono,Ont.VETERINARY Pump Works ! Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse clippers, Sois• sore, bread knives and other edged tools in up-to•date style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Satis. Notion assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. COUSLEY'S BICYCLE EMPORIUM IS THE TALK OF THE COUNTRYSIDE, If you want a new Wheel, or would prefer a Second Hander or require repairs of any kind he can supply you and at prices that will please you. Agent for the Canadian Express Co. by which line yon should do your betei- neer. A speoialty made of money order bueiness. A. ,COUSLEY, LEOPi110 Bb oQ1b, ^ Cir t k4.-50.St *Sr i..5f 3 55 MoKINNC Trio Busy Cash Store ! J Midounlmor finds tie doing a very eatiefaotory trade every bushteee clay in the week. Juib'why people visit this store in such crowds may parole our competitors, but our auotomera know they 00410 Isere be - 01I1100 they oto get more and bettor goods for their money than they can elsewhere. Buying and eelling for oasll makes the difference. We are selling many lines of goods at deep out prices, and offering Summar Specialties in all linea at exceedingly clove Aguree. You ono easily 000 the WAIN quoted below are really exceptional Lace Curtains, 2 f yds. long, worth 25o for I8o ; Loa Curtains, 3 yards long, 54 in, wide, worth 01,25 for 081 ; Ladies' fast blank bone, worth 8o for 5o ; Ladies' fine black oaehmare hose, worth 250 for ]So; L ediee' Summer Corsets, worth 50o for 850 ; Ladies' Gloves, assorted oolors, worth 200 for loo ; Sootab Ginghame, new patterns, worth 140 for 811 ; Canadian Giughamo,'bright colors, worth 8o for 5o ; 4 epode black and drab linen thread for l0o ; Sewing Needles, assorted sizes, regular price 5o for 2o ; good Pine, full count, per sheet 10 ; good Valencia Raisins, 8 Ibe for 25o ; Blue Ribbon Tea at 250, 40o and 50o ; Corn Starob per package, 5o. We etrnok a great snap last week in lino White and Colored Piques and we are now selling fine English Piques in wide and narrow oorde worth 25o for 12;4o, and White and Colored Piques in spots and floral designs worth 12c for 82. M'KINNON CO., E3LYTH. Wilton & Turnbull Headquarters for GENERAL HARDWARE and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of All Kinds. Farmers should see our American Field Fence, Best Pence on the market. Barb and Plain Wire, All kinds harvest Tools. Binder Twine. Paints and Oils. S. W. P., the best Deady Mixed Paints made, always in stock. TRY US. WILTON &TURNBULL Season EWAN &INNES The well known firm of Opened CARRIAGE MAKERS, are to the front witli a Nam-- Large, Well Select- ed and Well Finished STOCK OF Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc., that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself. Special attention given to Repairs, Re -painting, Trimming, 6-O., Ewan & Innes, - Brussels. More Room Having made a largo addition to my Blacksmith Shop I atm in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers. woo= won= All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices the lowest. General Bla c sith1ng Nldaolctino eas s wuislluable pomspattjyaf. act- t10u guaranteed. :[iorse ®ell I have made a specialty of .a..`. g• this line for ,years, and if you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or cure them in less than three months or will make no charge. Wagons & Buggies. I am prepared to supply the above at the very lowest prices, and best quality, either of my own make or from the largest Factories in the Dominion. Thanking my numerous customers for their very liberal support in the pant, and hoping by strict attention to business and satisfactory priors, to se00re a continuance of the same. S. T. PLUM, BRUSSELS.